Economists at Large (2014) A Benefit-Cost Analysis of WSPAs 2012 Intervention in The Dhemaji District of Assam, India

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LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)

8eneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

keport prepared by:
LconomlsLs aL Large Ly LLd
Melbourne, AusLralla
hone: +61 3 9003 0134

LconomlsLs aL Large, 2014, A 8eoeflt-cost ooolysls of w5lAs 2012 lotetveotloo lo tbe ubemojl Jlsttlct
of Assom, loJlo. A reporL for 1he World SocleLy for Lhe roLecLlon of Anlmals, prepared by
LconomlsLs aL Large, Melbourne, AusLralla.

keport author]s:
1rlsLan knowles
8oderlck Campbell

1he vlews expressed ln Lhls reporL are Lhose of Lhe auLhors and may noL ln any clrcumsLances be
regarded as sLaLlng an offlclal poslLlon of Lhe organlsaLlons lnvolved.

1hls reporL ls dlsLrlbuLed wlLh Lhe undersLandlng LhaL Lhe auLhors are noL responslble for Lhe resulLs
of any acLlons underLaken on Lhe basls of Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL ls conLalned wlLhln, nor for any
omlsslon from, or error ln, Lhls publlcaLlon.

We would llke Lo Lhank everybody who made Lhe fleldwork requlred for Lhls Lrlp so producLlve and
en[oyable. 1he enLlre Leam aL WSA lndla, ur. ulLul 8arman and ur kandarpa 8oruah from Lhe College
of veLerlnary Sclence ln CuwahaLl, ur. Sashanka uuLLa from !usL 8e lrlendly, ur. Changmal and Lhe
Leam aL Lhe ueparLmenL of Anlmal Pusbandry ln uhema[l, Mr. ulllp 8aruah for hls amazlng work as a
LranslaLor and flxer durlng our Llme ln uhema[l and lasLly, Lhe people of Seu[l aLhar. WlLhouL Lhe
professlonallsm and hosplLallLy of everybody lnvolved Lhe fleldwork would noL have been as
successful nor en[oyable.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
8eneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

SnCk1-1LkM kLSCNSL 9
kLSUL1S 17
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
8eneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

1ables and flgures
llCu8L 1: LCCA1lCn Cl uPLMA!l ln ASSAM, lnulA (8Lu MA8kL8 ln MA 8LLCW) 9
llCu8L 2: nuM8L8 Cl AnlMALS 18LA1Lu A1 1LMC8A8? PLAL1P CAMS - 8? vlLLACL Anu AnlMAL 10
llCu8L 3: A8CxlMA1L LCCA1lCn Cl llLLuWC8k ln uPLMA!l 12
llCu8L 4: A PC1C Cl CnL Cl 1PL LCnC-1L8M 8LSCnSL 8ulLulnCS, 1AkLn Al1L8 An ln1L8vlLW 13
llCu8L 3: An AnlMAL SPLL1L8 CuM lLLu 8Ank ln SLu!l A1PA8, 1AkLn Al1L8 An ln1L8vlLW 13

1A8LL 1: CCS1S Cl S18 AS 8LC81Lu ln WSA'S CS1-ln1L8vLn1lCn 8LC81 13
1A8LL 2: SuMMA8? Cl nL1 8LSLn1 vALuLS LS1lMA1Lu lC8 LlvLS1CCk ln uPLMA!l (ln8) 20
1A8LL 3: LS1lMA1Lu 8LnLll1S Cl ASSAM S18 21
1A8LL 4: 8LnLll1-CCS1 AnAL?SlS Cl ASSAM S18 21
1A8LL 3: CCMA8lnC 8LSuL1S Cl 8LnLll1-CCS1 AnAL?SlS Cl uPLMA!l Anu MWlnCl ln1L8vLn1lCnS 24
1A8LL 6: ulSCCun1 CASP lLCW vALuA1lCn Cl LCCAL CPlCkLn 8LA8Lu lC8 MLA1 (ln8) 27
1A8LL 7: ulSCCun1 CASP lLCW vALuA1lCn Cl A LCCAL CPlCkLn kL1 lC8 LCCS (ln8) 28
1A8LL 8: ulSCCun1 CASP lLCW vALuA1lCn Cl A C8CSS-88LLu (C8ClLL8) 8LA8Lu lC8 MLA1 (ln8) 29
1A8LL 9: ulSCCun1 CASP lLCW vALuA1lCn Cl A C8CSS-88LLu CPlCkLn kL1 lC8 LCCS (ln8) 30
1A8LL 10: ulSCCun1 CASP lLCW vALuA1lCn Cl A lC 8LA8Lu lC8 MLA1 (ln8) 31

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
8eneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
kL? Cln1S

WSA's shorL-Lerm response (S18) Lo Lhe 2012 Assam floods proLecLed llvesLock producLlon
worLh uSu$4.7 mllllon.

CosLlng only uSu$49,000, Lhe S18 provlded very hlgh reLurns aL low cosL.

neL beneflL and beneflL cosL raLlo calculaLlons depend on Lhe percenLage of llvesLock value
acLually aLLrlbuLable Lo Lhe response, whlch ls uncerLaln.

o AL a raLe of 100:
! neL beneflLs of uSu$4,690,986
! 8eneflL-cosL raLlo of 96

o AL a raLe of 30, hlghly llkely based on lnLervlews wlLh beneflclarles:
! neL beneflLs of uSu$2,320,831
! 8eneflL-cosL raLlo of 48

o 1o break even ln economlc Lerms, Lhe response only needed Lo asslsL 1 of
llvesLock producLlon. 8ased on lnLervlew responses Lhls was easlly exceeded.

roLecLlng llvesLock ln Lhe lmmedlaLe afLermaLh of a naLural dlsasLer provldes such hlgh
economlc reLurns as lL dlrecLly asslsLs Lhe llvellhoods and exlsLlng producLlve asseLs of local


ln !une 2012, heavy ralnfall ln Lhe norLheasLern lndlan sLaLes of Arunachal radesh and Assam led Lo
floodlng across norLhern areas of Assam. Across Lhe seven mosL severely affecLed dlsLrlcLs
, 1.7
mllllon large anlmals and 378 Lhousand small anlmals were affecLed. Cver one Lhousand anlmals are
esLlmaLed Lo have drowned or been washed away ln Lhe floods and Lhelr lmmedlaLe afLermaLh (nema

ln !uly 2012, a Leam from WSA wenL Lo Assam Lo provlde posL-dlsasLer asslsLance Lo llvesLock and
llvesLock owners. Worklng wlLh reglonal and dlsLrlcL governmenL deparLmenLs and oLher parLners,
WSA began shorL-Lerm and long-Lerm responses Lo Lhe lmpacLs of Lhe dlsasLer. WSA's
lnLervenLlons focus on Lhe dlsLrlcL of uhema[l, one of Lhe dlsLrlcLs mosL severely affecLed by Lhe
floodlng. WSA's shorL-Lerm response (S18) ls Lhe focus of Lhls reporL.

WSA's S18 was deslgned Lo asslsL wlLh Lhe lmpacLs ln Lhe lmmedlaLe afLermaLh of Lhe floodlng. 1hls
lnvolved dlsLrlbuLlon of feed and medlclne as well as provldlng LreaLmenLs Lo ln[ured and slck anlmals.
An esLlmaLed 36,206 anlmals and 4,263 households ln uhema[l ulsLrlcL beneflLed from Lhe S18.

ln november and uecember 2013, LconomlsLs aL Large underLook fleldwork assesslng Lhe economlc
beneflLs of WSA's 2012 lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla.

1he mosL severely affecLed dlsLrlcLs were uhema[l, 8arpeLa, SonlLpur, Lakkhlmpur, 1lnsukhla, !orhaL and ulbrugarh.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
8eneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
MeeLlngs were held wlLh WSA lndla's Leam based ln uelhl. lnLervlews were Lhen underLaken wlLh
parLner organlsaLlons ln Lhe sLaLe caplLal of Assam, CuwahaLl and ln uhema[l ulsLrlcL.

1he purpose of Lhe fleldwork was Lo obLaln quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve daLa on Lhe economlc value
of llvesLock Lo Lhe local economy. 1hls daLa was used Lo consLrucL a beneflL-cosL model Lo esLlmaLe
Lhe economlc lmporLance of Lhe lnLervenLlon.

CosLs lncluded ln Lhe analysls are Lhose flnanclal cosLs whlch were lncurred by WSA ln underLaklng
Lhe S18. 1he LoLal cosL of Lhe S18 was uSu 49,324. 1he dlsLrlbuLlon of rlce bran and veLerlnary
medlclnes accounL for 78 of Lhls cosL. SLaff relaLed cosLs (lncludlng Lravel) accounL for a furLher 17.

1he beneflLs of Lhe lnLervenLlon conslsL of Lhe value of anlmals asslsLed by WSA. More speclflcally,
Lhe neL presenL value (nv) of Lhe llvesLock producLlon whlch beneflLLed from WSA's lnLervenLlon.
1he LoLal number of anlmals whlch beneflLLed from boLh of Lhese lnlLlaLlves ls esLlmaLed by WSA aL
36,206 anlmals. As markeL prlces for llvesLock are volaLlle and unrellable ln Lhe afLermaLh of a
dlsasLer, our approach Lo valulng Lhe lnLrlnslc value of llvesLock based on Lhe fuLure beneflLs Lhey're
llkely Lo provlde Lo Lhelr owners.

23,600 3313 13892 9381 3788 32 36,206
neL presenL
value per
anlmal (ln8)
8867 1300 4177 232 200 nA nA
Lconomlc value
of anlmals
asslsLed (uSu)
226,989,630 3,269,300 38,022,664 2,361,933 737,600 nA nA
Lconomlc value
of anlmals
asslsLed (uSu)
3,667,336 83,136 937,437 38,160 12,240 nA nA
economlc value
of anlmals
asslsLed (uSu)

LsLabllshlng whlch anlmals survlved as a resulL of Lhe S18 ls problemaLlc as lL ls hard Lo draw a causal
llnk beLween Lhe S18's LreaLmenL of an lndlvldual anlmal and Lhe reduced chance of morLallLy or
reduced producLlvlLy for LhaL anlmal. Cur approach ls Lo conslder Lhe value of llvesLock producLlon aL
dlfferenL raLes aLLrlbuLable Lo Lhe response and Lo conslder whaL raLe of lmpacL Lhe response needed
Lo have Lo break even - Lo brlng beneflLs equal Lo lLs cosLs. 1hese resulLs are presenLed ln Lhe Lable

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
8eneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

1oLal beneflLs - value of
llvesLock asslsLed (uSu)
1oLal cosLs (uSu) 49,324
neL beneflLs aL 100 (uSu) 4,690,986
8eneflL-cosL raLlo aL 100
neL beneflLs aL 30 2,320,831
8eneflL-cosL raLlo aL 30
8reak-even raLe of asslsLance 1

8ased on our analysls, WSA's Assam S18 asslsLed $96 of llvesLock producLlon for every $1 spenL. lL
would break even economlcally even lf lL led Lo Lhe survlval or full producLlvlLy of [usL 1 of llvesLock
LreaLed by WSA afLer Lhe 2012 floods.

1he resulLs for Lhe Assam S18 show LhaL Lhe S18 supporLed Lhe healLh and welfare of anlmals worLh
approxlmaLely uSu $4.7 mllllon Lo Lhe local economy. 8y asslsLlng llvesLock and Lhelr owners, WSA's
S18 help Lo speed up Lhe economlc recovery of Lhe reglon Lo a sLaLe of normalcy. 1he lnLervenLlon
helps Lo reduce morLallLy and morbldlLy among llvesLock, reduce unwanLed sales of llvesLock due Lo
lack of feed or poor healLh and ln Lhe long-run, allows for llvesLock owners Lo conLlnue farmlng ln Lhe
way Lhey're accusLomed. 1hls lllusLraLes Lhe lmporLance of supporLlng llvesLock ln posL-dlsasLer
response efforLs. 1hls ls noL news for owners of llvesLock who undersLand fully Lhe dlrecL and lndlrecL
lmpacLs of loslng llvesLock on Lhelr llvellhoods.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1he World SocleLy for Lhe roLecLlon of Anlmals (WSA) ulsasLer ManagemenL program has been
respondlng Lo Lhe needs of anlmals ln dlsasLers slnce 1964. Slnce 2000 WSA has conducLed 141
dlsasLer responses ln 43 counLrles. Whlle Lhese responses are lmporLanL for Lhe economlc welfare of
local people, Lhere has been llLLle research LhaL aLLempLs Lo quanLlfy Lhese economlc beneflLs.

ln 2011, WSA and LconomlsLs aL Large began Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe economlcs of loslng llvesLock ln
naLural dlsasLers (Campbell & knowles, 2011). arLlcularly ln low-lncome counLrles, where llvesLock
play a complex role ln people's economlc welfare, loslng llvesLock ln a dlsasLer has serlous economlc
consequences. LlvesLock play lmporLanL roles noL [usL ln provldlng food and drafL power, buL as a
source of lncome, provlde key lnpuLs for agrlculLure and serve as a means of savlng and lnsurance.

ln 2011, WSA began an operaLlon ln Lhe Mwlngl dlsLrlcL ln kenya, ln response Lo long-runnlng
droughL condlLlons. ln 2013, LconomlsLs aL Large underLook a beneflL-cosL analysls of Lhls
lnLervenLlon, (LconomlsL aL Large, 2013)
. 8ased on our analysls, WSA's Mwlngl lnLervenLlon
generaLed beLween $2.74 Lo $9.21 of beneflLs ln Lhe form of avolded losses for every $1 spenL,
dependlng on Lhe Llme frame used. 1he lower value ls esLlmaLed based on 1 year whlle Lhe hlgher
value aLLrlbuLes 3 years of lncome Lo Lhe WSA's lnLervenLlon.

lollowlng sLrong lnLeresL ln Lhese resulLs from sLakeholders, WSA and LconomlsLs aL Large declded
Lo conducL furLher work on quanLlfylng Lhe economlc beneflLs of WSA's lnLervenLlons.

2012 lLCCuS ln ASSAM
norLheasL lndla ls home Lo Lhe 8rahmapuLra 8lver and much of lLs mounLalnous caLchmenL area.
lloods have been a parL of llfe ln whaL ls now norLh-easL lndla for mlllennla.

ln !une 2012, heavy ralnfall ln Lhe norLheasLern lndlan sLaLes of Arunachal radesh and Assam led Lo
floodlng across norLhern areas of Assam. Across Lhe seven mosL severely affecLed dlsLrlcLs
, an
esLlmaLed 1.7 mllllon large anlmals and 378 Lhousand small anlmals were affecLed and over one
Lhousand anlmals are esLlmaLed Lo have drowned or been washed away ln Lhe floods and Lhelr
lmmedlaLe afLermaLh (nema 2012). lollowlng Lhe floods much grazlng land was submerged, reduclng
Lhe area avallable for anlmals Lo graze. ln addlLlon, fodder sLorage faclllLles were lnadequaLe and
many had also been flooded or washed away, leadlng Lo feed shorLages and poor anlmal healLh.

ln !uly 2012, a Leam from WSA lndla wenL Lo Assam Lo provlde posL-dlsasLer asslsLance Lo llvesLock
and llvesLock owners. Worklng wlLh reglonal and local parLners, WSA began shorL-Lerm (S18) and
long-Lerm responses (L18) Lo Lhe lmpacLs of Lhe dlsasLer. WSA's responses focus on Lhe dlsLrlcL of
uhema[l, one of Lhe dlsLrlcLs mosL severely affecLed by Lhe floodlng. uhema[l ls no sLranger Lo
floodlng, lndeed, Lhe name uhema[l means playground of Lhe floods".

LconomlsLs aL Large, 2013, 8eoeflt-cost ooolysls of w5lAs Mwloql lotetveotloo lo keoyo. A reporL for 1he World SocleLy for
Lhe roLecLlon of Anlmals, prepared by LconomlsLs aL Large, Melbourne, AusLralla. unpubllshed, for lnLernal WSA use.
Avallable upon requesL.
1he mosL severely affecLed dlsLrlcLs were uhema[l, 8arpeLa, SonlLpur, Lakkhlmpur, 1lnsukhla, !orhaL and ulbrugarh.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
I|gure 1: Locat|on of Dhema[| |n Assam, Ind|a (red marker |n map be|ow)

Map Source: Coogle Maps

WSA's shorL-Lerm response (S18) was deslgned Lo asslsL wlLh Lhe lmpacLs ln Lhe lmmedlaLe
afLermaLh of Lhe floodlng. 1hls lnvolved dlsLrlbuLlon of feed and medlclne as well as provldlng
LreaLmenLs Lo ln[ured and slck anlmals.

1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe S18 were Lo:

Save Lhe flood-affecLed anlmals and proLecL Lhe llvellhood of Lhe people dependanL on
8ulld Lhe capaclLy of Lhe veLerlnary deparLmenL ln LreaLlng Lhe slck and ln[ured anlmals.
ldenLlfy Lhe long Lerm needs of anlmals ln Lhe flood affecLed ulsLrlcL and Lhe SLaLe.
Source: (1hambl rem & SuLar, 2012)

An esLlmaLed 36,206 anlmals and 4,263 households ln uhema[l ulsLrlcL beneflLed from Lhe S18. 1he
acLual cosL of Lhe S18 was ln8 2,211,179 (uS $49,324). AcLlvlLles comprlslng Lhe S18 lncluded:

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
D|str|but|on of r|ce bran to p|gs and catt|e: 8eneflLLlng a LoLal of 9,320 plgs and 18,316 caLLle
owned by 3,113 households.
Conduct of temporary veter|nary hea|th camps: 8eneflLLlng 28,370 anlmals owned by 1,132
D|str|but|on of veter|nary surg|ca| k|ts: lndlrecLly beneflLLlng 191,661 anlmals (92,322 large
anlmals, 36,438 small anlmals, and 42,701 poulLry blrds) ln uhema[l ulsLrlcL.
Conduct of an |n-depth assessment: 1o esLabllsh longer-Lerm needs for mlLlgaLlon of Lhe
lmpacL of floods ln Lhe fuLure.

ulS18l8u1lCn Cl 8lCL 88An 1C lCS Anu CA11LL

Across uhema[l dlsLrlcL, a LoLal of 9 dlsLrlbuLlon programs were organlzed Lo dlsLrlbuLe approxlmaLely
119 Lonnes of rlce bran. leed was dlsLrlbuLed Lo a LoLal of 9,320 plgs and 18,316 caLLle owned by
3,113 households beLween Lhe 24Lh !uly and 18Lh AugusL 2012.

CCnuuC1 Cl 1LMC8A8? vL1L8lnA8? PLAL1P CAMS

1he Lable below provldes deLalls of Lhe anlmals LreaLed by WSA aL Lemporary veLerlnary healLh
camps durlng Lhe Assam S18.

I|gure 2: Number of an|ma|s treated at temporary hea|th camps - by v|||age and an|ma|
!orkaLa kaLhgaon 128 9 430
234 228 119 78 1
uurpadl 129 24 609
341 321 1341 313 0
amuah 191 29 1378
391 986 1681 732 29
LoLachur 1ald 184 34 1214
392 1013 2383 1026 0
!orkaLa 8engall 236 23 1223
832 774 1871 637 0
Seu[l aLhar 90 27 492
329 209 1162 248 0
8orpak 1lnlall 119 23 838
386 303 410 361 0
8orpak 1lnlall 73 24 680
188 336 412 173 2
1C1AL 11S2 2S 7084 3S13 4S72 9381 3788 32 28370
Source: (World SocleLy for roLecLlon of Anlmals, 2012). CLher" caLegory lncludes caLs, plgeons, buffalo and horses. CoaLs"
also lncludes 19 sheep, 10 of whlch were ln amuah.

1o mlLlgaLe Lhe lmpacLs of fuLure severe floodlng ln Lhe reglon, 13 households ln Seu[l aLhar vlllage,
uhema[l, were chosen Lo parLlclpaLe ln a long-Lerm response efforL. All of Lhe parLlclpanLs ln Lhe L18
also recelved asslsLance as parL of Lhe S18.

1he L18 ls focused on consLrucLlon of ralsed feed sLorage shelLers. 1hese shelLers allow households Lo
beLLer cope wlLh reduced fodder followlng floodlng by keeplng feed dry and avallable once pasLures
are flooded. 1he L18 ls co-funded by WSA and parLlclpaLlng households.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

1he ob[ecLlve of Lhls analysls ls Lo help WSA undersLand Lhe economlc lmpacL of lLs shorL-Lerm
response (S18) on local and reglonal economles ln uhema[l dlsLrlcL, Assam, lndla.

A secondary research ob[ecLlve ls Lo LesL Lhe usefulness of beneflL-cosL analysls as a framework for
assesslng Lhe reLurn on lnvesLmenL from dlsasLer response efforLs.

1hls analysls focuses on Lhe dlrecL lmpacLs of WSA's S18, speclflcally, Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of feed and
provlslon of veLerlnary healLh servlces ln Lhe afLermaLh of Lhe 2012 floodlng. 1hls analysls focuses on
Lhe household lncome lmpacLs Lo owners of llvesLock who broughL Lhelr anlmals Lo WSA's
lnLervenLlon locaLlons for LreaLmenL as parL of Lhe S18. lL does noL conslder lndlrecL cosLs and
beneflLs of Lhe lnLervenLlon relaLlng Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of veLerlnary klLs, nor does lL dlscuss Lhe
beneflLs of Lhe Long 1erm 8esponse" (L18), as lL ls Loo early Lo assess Lhe effecLlveness of Lhls
program and ouLslde Lhe scope of Lhls analysls.

1hls analysls ls based on daLa collecLed by WSA durlng and followlng Lhelr lnLervenLlon ln uhema[l
and provlded Lo LconomlsLs aL Large. 1hese documenLs were used Lo assess Lhe number of anlmals
reached and Lhe LoLal cosL of WSA's lnLervenLlon and lncluded:

ulsasLer AssessmenL and needs Analysls (Abrldged 8eporL)
ulsasLer AssessmenL and needs Analysls (lull 8eporL)
osL lnLervenLlon 8eporL, Assam lloods - ShorL 1erm 8esponse (S18)
ln-uepLh AssessmenL 8eporL

ln addlLlon Lo revlewlng deskLop-based maLerlal, fleldwork was conducLed for Lhls research.
ln november and uecember 2013, LconomlsLs aL Large underLook fleldwork assesslng Lhe economlc
beneflLs of WSA's 2012 lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla.

MeeLlngs were held wlLh WSA lndla's Leam based ln uelhl. lnLervlews were Lhen underLaken wlLh
parLner organlsaLlons ln Lhe sLaLe caplLal of Assam, CuwahaLl and ln uhema[l ulsLrlcL. SLakeholders
lnLervlewed lncluded:

1he provlnclal ueparLmenL of Anlmal Pusbandry [CuwahaLl]
Assam veLerlnary College [CuwahaLl]
!usL 8e lrlendly (a local nCC) [CuwahaLl]
1he ulsLrlcL veLerlnary ueparLmenL [uhema[l]
Pouseholds ln Seu[l aLhar vlllage who parLlclpaLed ln Lhe long-Lerm lnLervenLlon pro[ecL
[close Lo uhema[l)

1he purpose of Lhe fleldwork was Lo obLaln quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve daLa on Lhe economlc value
of llvesLock Lo Lhe local economy. 8esearchers also meL wlLh and lnLervlewed parLlclpanLs ln Lhe long-
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
Lerm response efforL. 1hese people were selecLed for lnLervlews because Lhey had a close lnLeracLlon
wlLh WSA's lnLervenLlons ln uhema[l and Lhelr addresses were known.

I|gure 3: Approx|mate |ocat|on of f|e|dwork |n Dhema[|

Map Source: Coogle Maps
noLe: lnLervlews were also conducLed wlLh sLakeholders ln uhema[l, CuwahaLl and uelhl.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
I|gure 4: A photo of one of the |ong-term response bu||d|ngs, taken after an |nterv|ew

I|gure S: An an|ma| she|ter cum feed bank |n Seu[| athar, taken after an |nterv|ew

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
uslng surveys, we gaLhered lnformaLlon on Lhe lmpacLs of Lhe 2012 on selecLed households
parLlclpaLlng ln WSA's L18.

1he floods affecLed llvesLock and llvellhoods of households surveyed slgnlflcanLly. Pouseholds
surveyed reporLed very low or no rlce producLlon, loss or ln[ury and slckness of anlmals and a chronlc
lack of feed.

lloods affecLed Lhe households lnLervlewed ln Lhe followlng way:

MosL or all of Lhelr weL season crop (rlce) ls desLroyed
AcuLe deaLh or ln[ury Lo llvesLock.
Lack of feed for anlmals whlch survlve floods - anlmals are ofLen
weakened due Lo sLress and posslble ln[ury.
Anlmals may eaL unsafe feed such as polsonous weeds, roLLen planLs
Lack of proper feed leads Lo malnuLrlLlon and prolonged slckness and
weakness among survlvlng anlmals.
llelds remaln flooded and unsulLable for ploughlng and planLlng crops.
Pouseholds may sell of llvesLock due Lo flnanclal dlsLress and lack of
CreaLer rellance on dry season cash crops Lo compensaLe for severely
reduced rlce producLlon.

Some household speclflc examples of lmpacLs lnclude:
Cne household losL 3 goaLs and 10-12 chlckens. WorLh an esLlmaLed ln8 8000 (uSu 130).
Cne household LhaL prevlously bred plgs had Lo sell Lhe Lwo sows for approxlmaLely ln8
13,300 buL ln dolng so, reduclng annual cash lncome by an esLlmaLed ln8 20,000. 1he same
household also losL Lhree goaLs valued aL 7,300.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1hls reporL ls a beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's 2012 lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla. As Lhe name
suggesLs, beneflL-cosL analysls alms Lo compare Lhe cosLs of underLaklng Lhe lnLervenLlon wlLh Lhe
beneflLs derlved from lL.

uecldlng Lhe scope of assessmenL - who's cosLs and beneflLs should be lncluded - ls one of Lhe mosL
lmporLanL sLeps ln a C8A. 1he scope of Lhls assessmenL ls uhema[l dlsLrlcL. CosLs and beneflLs LhaL
may have resulLed from Lhe lnLervenLlon ouLslde Lhe dlsLrlcL are noL lncluded, for example poLenLlal
prlce lmpacLs ln nelghborlng dlsLrlcLs. An excepLlon Lo Lhls ls cosLs LhaL were lncurred by WSA
ouLslde of uhema[l dlsLrlcL, buL relaLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe lnLervenLlon, such as Lravel for sLaff from uelhl
and oLher communlcaLlons requlremenLs wlLh sLakeholders ouLslde Lhe dlsLrlcL.

CosLs lncluded ln Lhe analysls are Lhose flnanclal cosLs LhaL were lncurred by WSA ln underLaklng Lhe
S18. Speclflcally, we are concerned wlLh Lhe cosL of dlsLrlbuLlng rlce bran and conducLlng Lemporary
veLerlnary cllnlcs. 1hls daLa was obLalned from reporLs ouLllned ln Lhe uaLa Sources secLlon above.
CosLs assoclaLed wlLh parLlclpaLlon such as Llme reclplenLs spenL Lravelllng Lo S18 locaLlons are noL
lncluded due Lo Lhe llkely low opporLunlLy cosL of parLlclpaLlon and Lhe dlfflculLy ln measurlng such

1he LoLal cosL of Lhe S18 was uSu 49,324. 1he dlsLrlbuLlon of rlce bran and veLerlnary medlclnes
accounL for 78 of Lhls cosL. SLaff relaLed cosLs (lncludlng Lravel) accounL for a furLher 17. All cosLs
of Lhe S18 are lncluded ln Lhls analysls, noL [usL Lhe cosLs relaLlng dlrecLly Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of rlce
bran and conducLlng veLerlnary cllnlcs.

1ab|e 1: Costs of S1k as reported |n WSA's ost-Intervent|on keport

S1k cost 2,211,179 49,324
!"#$% '( )* +,-#".#,-+), /)0-
8lce bran for caLLle and plgs 1,331,329 34,603
veLerlnary medlclnes 176,962 3,947
veLerlnary surglcal klLs 24,311 347
ln-depLh assessmenL 73,433 1,639
1ransporLaLlon cum dlsLrlbuLlon of ald lncluded ln procuremenL cosL
uA81 local Lravel lncludlng alrfare 32,800 732
AccommodaLlon, food, sLafflng, eLc. 332,122 7,833

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1he beneflLs of Lhe lnLervenLlon derlve from Lhe value of anlmals asslsLed by WSA. 1he LoLal number
of anlmals LhaL beneflLLed from boLh of Lhese lnlLlaLlves ls esLlmaLed by WSA aL 36,206 anlmals.

ln measurlng beneflLs of Lhe S18, one dlfflculLy ls how Lo value an anlmal. ln economlc Lheory Lhe
markeL prlce of an asseL should reflecL Lhe presenL value of Lhe sLream of beneflLs lL brlngs and some
scarclLy value. Powever Lhls LheoreLlcal approach ofLen does noL hold ln rural areas of low-lncome
counLrles due Lo Lhe complex roles LhaL anlmals play ln local economles (Campbell & knowles, 2011).
lurLhermore, ln Lhe afLermaLh of a dlsasLer markeLs are ofLen dlsLorLed as buyers and sellers face
uncerLaln condlLlons. rlces could be very hlgh as people seek Lo resLock, or consume anlmals for
food, or Lhey could be low due Lo pressures such as lack of feed or reduced condlLlon of anlmals.

uslng Lhe markeL prlce Lo value anlmals Lherefore begs Lhe quesLlon of whlch markeL prlce Lo use?
1he prlce durlng Lhe response perlod may be dlsLorLed, buL Lhe long-Lerm prlce may fall Lo capLure
Lhe value provlded aL a Llme of peak need, exacLly when Lhe S18 occurred.

lnsLead of uslng markeL prlce, our approach ls Lo esLlmaLe Lhe value of goods and servlces provlded by
Lhe anlmals LhaL beneflLLed from WSA's lnLervenLlon. 1he real values of goods and servlces such as
meaL, mllk, eggs and draughL power are unllkely Lo be as volaLlle as llvesLock prlces as Lhey are for
lmmedlaLe consumpLlon or use and could Lo some exLenL be broughL ln from less affecLed areas. 1he
value of Lhese goods ls unllkely Lo have Lhe uncerLalnLy of a longer Lerm asseL llke an anlmal whlch
may be dlfflculL Lo feed, or suddenly exLremely scarce.

We esLlmaLe Lhe neL presenL value (nv) of Lhe goods and servlces llvesLock over Lhe duraLlon of
ownershlp, based on longer Lerm markeL prlces. ulscounLed cash flow calculaLlons are used Lo
esLlmaLe nv and lnvolve summlng Lhe dlscounLed fuLure value of Lhe cosLs and lncome derlved from
an anlmal Lo a slngle presenL value.

AnoLher dlfflculLy ls esLabllshlng whaL producLlon ls due Lo Lhe S18 and whaL mlghL have occurred
oLherwlse - how many anlmals dld WSA save, or how much was Lhelr condlLlon lmproved, compared
Lo whaL would have happened ln Lhe absence of Lhe S18. Pow much dlfference dld WSA's S18

knowlng Lhls wlLh any cerLalnLy ls lmposslble. lL ls hard Lo draw a causal llnk beLween Lhe S18's
LreaLmenL of an lndlvldual anlmal and Lhe reduced chance of morLallLy or sLaLe of producLlvlLy for LhaL
anlmal. uurlng an lnLervenLlon, Lhe emphasls ls on feedlng and LreaLlng as many anlmals as posslble,
as qulckly as posslble. lL ls unreallsLlc for WSA's ulsasLer AssessmenL and 8esponse 1eam (uA81) Lo
accuraLely assess quanLlLaLlvely, Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe lnLervenLlon dlrecLly led Lo reduced

ln Lhe case of veLerlnary care, lL ls more llkely LhaL Lhere may be a greaLer causal llnk beLween Lhe
lnLervenLlon and avolded morLallLy. lor provlslon of feed, Lhe ouLcome ls less clear. ln Lhe absence of
sufflclenL feed, llvesLock owners may be forced Lo sell Lhelr llvesLock ln a subopLlmal sLaLe, assumlng
Lhey are even able Lo flnd a buyer. lf Lhey are able Lo flnd a buyer, Lhe 'beneflL' of Lhe lnLervenLlon
would be Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe nv of Lhe anlmal aL Lhe Llme lL ls sold (assumlng lL survlves)
and Lhe depressed markeL prlce recelved by Lhe owner. lor example, lf Lhe nv of an anlmal ls ln8
6000 buL Lhe subopLlmal condlLlon posL-dlsasLer resulLs ln Lhe owner selllng Lhe anlmal for ln8 4000,
Lhe beneflL of Lhe provlslon of feed whlch would avold Lhe need for Lhls sale could be sald Lo be ln8

8ecause of Lhls uncerLalnLy we apply a hlgh dlscounL raLe Lo all calculaLlons. 1he hlgh dlscounL raLe
means LhaL mosL of Lhese early beneflLs are lncluded ln Lhelr enLlreLy. ln perlods afLer Lhe S18 more
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
uncerLalnLy enLers around Lhe beneflLs acLually caused by Lhe S18 and whaL lmprovemenL ln
producLlvlLy would have oLherwlse occurred. 8y uslng a hlgh dlscounL raLe Lhe more uncerLaln
beneflLs are largely excluded, alLhough some resldual value of Lhe S18 remalns. 1he dlscounL raLe
used ls 23 per annum. 1hls ls a much hlgher dlscounL raLe Lhan Lhose applled Lo pro[ecLs wlLh soclal
goals, whlch are Lyplcally seL beLween 4 and 10 by naLlonal governmenLs and mulLllaLeral agencles
(Luropean Commlsslon, 2002). 1he same dlscounL raLe was used ln our assessmenL of WSA's
lnLervenLlon ln Mwlngl, kenya.

8aLher Lhan esLlmaLlng a neL beneflL by subLracLlng LoLal cosLs from LoLal beneflLs, our approach ls
flrsL Lo calculaLe Lhe LoLal producLlve value of Lhe LreaLed anlmals Lo esLlmaLe Lhe value of asseLs
proLecLed or asslsLed by Lhe S18. lf Lhe S18 was responslble for savlng 100 of Lhls producLlon value,
Lhe neL beneflL of Lhe lnLervenLlon would be Lhls value less lLs cosLs. 1hls ls a posslble ouLcome - lf
Lhe lnLervenLlon had prevenLed an epldemlc of zoonoLlc dlseases from occurrlng, Lhls would be Lhe
approprlaLe neL beneflL of Lhe lnLervenLlon as mosL anlmals would have dled or been unproducLlve
for an exLended perlod.

We also conslder Lhe neL beneflLs aL a raLe of 30 of llvesLock value aLLrlbuLable Lo Lhe S18. 1hls may
be a posslble esLlmaLe as all lnLervlewees reporLed LhaL wlLhouL Lhe lnLervenLlon Lhey would have losL
more anlmals.

llnally, we calculaLe Lhe break-even raLe aL whlch Lhe lnLervenLlon ls economlcally worLhwhlle. lf Lhe
producLlon enabled by Lhe lnLervenLlon ls hlgher Lhan Lhls raLe Lhen lL has produced beneflLs greaLer
Lhan lLs cosLs and ls consldered a worLhwhlle pro[ecL.
Loca| catt|e are prlmarlly kepL Lo plough flelds. Pouseholds wlll also consume or sell mllk when cows
are calvlng, Lhough Lhls ls secondary Lo ploughlng. Males are generally used for ploughlng. Cur
analysls assumes a cow ls purchased aL 2 years old aL a cosL of 7000rp and does noL consume feed
purchased exLernally, relylng on cuL grass and crop resldues - as reporLed by lnLervlewees.

loughlng ls valued uslng an avolded cosL approach, based on Lhe cosL for Lhe nexL besL alLernaLlve, a
LracLor, of 1700rp for Lhe same area. lnLervlewees generally responded LhaL no rlce producLlon ls
posslble wlLhouL Lhe cows Lo plough Lhe flelds. So raLher Lhan look aL marglnal lncreases ln
producLlvlLy from ploughlng, we have used an avolded cosL meLhod. 1hls ls because Lhe marglnal
producLlvlLy of ploughlng ls Lhe enLlre rlce crop, accordlng Lo lnLervlews.

8espondenLs emphaslzed Lhe lmporLance of caLLle Lo rlce producLlon ln Lhe reglon. Many farmers
cannoL afford Lo hlre LracLors and some also commenLed LhaL caLLle are beLLer for cerLaln sLages of
ploughlng, parLlcularly Lhe flrsL plough when sLubble from prevlous crops ls sLlll hlgh. CaLLle are
generally also more effecLlve when flelds are very muddy. 1he relaLlonshlp beLween llvesLock and
lndlrecL values such as crop producLlon ls dlfflculL Lo evaluaLe and Lhls value ls llkely Lo be an

8espondenLs suggesLed LhaL afLer abouL 12-13 years cows can no longer be used for ploughlng, so we
have adopLed a llfespan of 14 years and run a uCl over 12 years, assumlng Lhe cows are obLalned aL 2
years old and sold afLer 12 years of ownershlp. AL Lhe end of Lhelr worklng llfe caLLle are sold Lo
members of Lhe Musllm communlLy who slaughLer Lhe cows for beef.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

Cross-breed catt|e (Lyplcally local bred wlLh [ersey) are owned by some households and used for mllk
producLlon. CovernmenL agencles generally provlded x-breed dalry cows as parL of lnlLlaLlves Lo
lncrease rural lncomes. ln some cases owners of Lhe x-breeds plan Lo conLlnue breedlng and growlng
Lhelr herd. Cwnershlp of cross-breed caLLle was sLlll noL hlgh. Cf Lhe households parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe
L18, Lwo owned cross-breed caLLle. Cne household owned a slngle cow and anoLher owned Lwo cows.

Ch|ckens are generally kepL for eggs and for breedlng Lhough Lhe laLLer ls very lnformal and any chlcks
are sold locally. lemale chlckens are usually kepL for eggs or sold for meaL whlle males would Lyplcally
be sold for meaL aL around 4 monLhs old.

8reedlng of chlckens ls generally noL conLrolled for a number of reasons:
Anlmals are generally kepL ln a 'free range' or seml-free range condlLlon, resulLlng ln
unconLrolled breedlng.
Pouseholds lack Lhe experLlse and access Lo geneLlcally opLlmum llvesLock for breedlng.
Pouseholds we lnLervlewed mosLly lacked Lhe land and caplLal Lo lnvesL ln more serlous
chlcken rearlng equlpmenL.

MosL households owned 100 local breed chlckens Lhough some were Lrylng crollers (local breed
cross-bred wlLh broller hens).

|gs are reared Lo sell for meaL aL beLween 9 and 18 monLhs old.

lnLervlewees reporLed LhaL plgs cosL beLween ln8 900-1300 Lo purchase, aged beLween 1.3 and 3

lgs are Lyplcally sold aL 12 monLhs old for around ln8 8,000-10,000 or aL 18 monLhs old for around
ln8 10,000-12,000. 1he llve-welghL prlce for plgs was reporLed as ln8 120 per kg and Lhe deadwelghL
prlce ln8 130 per kg. Some households reporLed feedlng Lhelr plgs supplemenLal feed. 1hese
households generally reporLed selllng Lhelr plgs wlLhln one year, suggesLlng Lhey puL on welghL fasLer
and reduced Lhelr Llme Lo sale. 8y conLrasL, households LhaL dld noL feed Lhelr plgs supplemenLal feed
reporLed a longer Llme Lo sale of around 18 monLhs.

lg feed (rlce meal) was reporLed Lo cosL 3rp per kg wlLh a slngle plg consumlng 21kg per week,
resulLlng ln an esLlmaLed cosL of ln8 420 per monLh.

Goats are reared for Lo sell for meaL aL 12 Lo 24 monLhs old. Many llvesLock owners reporLed LhaL
Lhey prevlously owned hlgher numbers of goaLs buL Lhey were suscepLlble Lo lllness. Many sLaLed LhaL
Lhey wouldn'L focus as much on goaLs anymore.

CoaLs are generally kepL ln a free-range manner, allowed Lo graze for food ln Lhe vlllage. 1hls can lead
Lo problems as one household reporLed loslng goaLs due Lo pesLlclde polsonlng from a nearby Lea
planLaLlon. AnoLher household reporLed a deslre Lo reduce Lhe number of goaLs owned as Lhey were
Loo suscepLlble Lo deaLh and dlsease durlng floods.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

CoaLs sell for beLween ln8 1000 and 2000 dependlng on Lhe age and gender, wlLh males feLchlng a
hlgher prlce.

lnLeresLlngly, households would rarely slaughLer and eaL Lhelr own plgs and goaLs, preferrlng Lo sell
Lhe anlmals and buy meaL from Lhe markeL. 1hey dld Lhls because Lhey sald Lhey goL Loo aLLached Lo
Lhe anlmals Lo slaughLer Lhem Lhemselves. As mosL Assamese are Plndu, Lhey do noL eaL beef.

Some households owned ducks sold aL beLween 6 and 12 monLhs old and one household owned
p|geons, whlch were elLher sold or consumed by Lhe household. We have noL lncluded Lhe value of
Lhese anlmals ln any analysls due Lo low levels of ownershlp.

nL1 8LSLn1 vALuL LS1lMA1LS lC8 LlvLS1CCk 8CuuC1lCn
1he Lables below provlde lllusLraLlve examples of a dlscounLed cash flow valuaLlon for llvesLock
owned ln uhema[l. 1he analysls ls based on our fleldwork ln Lhe reglon. All esLlmaLes excepL caLLle
lnclude Lhe sunk cosL of acqulrlng (or Lhe opporLunlLy cosL of noL selllng) of an anlmal aL a young age.
CalculaLlng nv ls posslble aL any sLage of ownershlp, however.

lor caLLle, we have used Lhe average nv over each posslble year for boLh male and female caLLle. ln
oLher words, we assume an 'average' caLLle value. 1hls was done because Lhe nv of a male caLLle lf
calculaLed from year 0 ls ln8 -407. 1hls ls due Lo Lhe hlgh opporLunlLy cosL of beLween ln8 7000-8000.
1hus, lf we used Lhe year 0 average (male and female) for caLLle we would end up wlLh an nv of [usL
ln8 1333. We belleve Lhls ls unreallsLlcally low. uslng Lhe average nv value resulLs ln an average
(male and female) nv of ln8 8867. 1hls ls sllghLly above Lhe reporLed prlce pald for males aL 2 years,
7000-8000. We belleve Lhls ls a reasonable esLlmaLe.

1he Lypes of llvesLock ownershlp we creaLed nv esLlmaLes for lnclude:

Local caLLle (male) used for ploughlng,
Local caLLle (female) used for breedlng/mllk,
Local chlcken reared for meaL,
Local chlcken kepL for eggs,
Cross-breed chlcken reared for meaL,
Cross-breed chlcken kepL for eggs,
lgs reared for meaL and sold aL elLher 12 monLhs or 21 monLhs old (9 or 18 monLhs afLer
uue Lo a lack of daLa, we have used slmple markeL prlces Lo value goaLs. Many households
also reporLed LhaL Lhey planned Lo reduce Lhe number of goaLs Lhey owned because Lhey
were Loo prone Lo slckness durlng floods.
We have noL looked aL cross-breed cows used for mllklng because Lhese were sLlll relaLlvely
uncommon ln Lhe area and ln many cases anlmals had been glven Lo households as parL of
governmenL programs. Cne small-scale commerclal dalry farm operaLes near uhema[l Lown.

lor some anlmals we have used a poLenLlal range of cosLs and beneflLs, based on sLakeholder
lnLervlews. Powever for eggs we [usL used a slmple average of low and hlgh flgures reporLed for boLh
number of eggs lald per year and prlce per egg.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1he Lable below below summarlses Lhe neL presenL value of producLlon aLLrlbuLable Lo llvesLock ln

1ab|e 2: Summary of net present va|ues est|mated for ||vestock |n Dhema[| (INk)

low MlJ nlqb Avetoqe Avetoqe
Un|t ln8 ln8 ln8 ln8 uSu
Loca| ch|cken reared
to se|| for meat
86 132 178 132 2
Loca| ch|cken kept for
371 371 6
k-breed (cro||er)
reared for meat
93 208 346 216 3
k-breed ch|cken kept
for eggs
189 189 3
|g reared to se|| for
meat (9 months)
1249 nA 2079 1664 27
|g reared to se|| for
meat (18 months)
3999 nA 7379 6689 108
Loca| catt|e 6740 nA 10993 8867 143

8y applylng Lhese esLlmaLes Lo Lhe numbers of anlmals asslsLed, as recorded ln WSA's
documenLaLlon of Lhe S18, esLlmaLes of Lhe beneflLs of Lhe S18 can be derlved.

8ecause we do noL know Lhe percenLage of female and male anlmals LreaLed, we average values for
all anlmals.

lor caLLle, Lhls ls Lhe average nv value over Lhe llfe of an anlmal. ln oLher words, we calculaLe an
nv aL each year (age) for male and female caLLle and Lhen we Lhen use Lhe average of Lhose values
as our polnL esLlmaLe.

lor goaLs, we assume Lhe average markeL prlce for all ages and sexes.

lor plgs, we assume Lhe average nv based on rearlng Lo sell wlLhln 9 and 18 monLhs.

lor chlckens, we assume Lhe average nv for local chlckens only, based on rearlng Lo sell for meaL
and for egg producLlon.

lor ducks, we use Lhe markeL prlce reporLed by an lnLervlewee LhaL owned ducks.

CLher anlmals are noL valued ln Lhls esLlmaLe.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

1ab|e 3: Lst|mated benef|ts of Assam S1k

23,600 3313 13892 9381 3788 32 36,206
neL presenL
value per
anlmal (ln8)
8867 1300 4177 232 200 nA nA
Lconomlc value
of anlmals
asslsLed (uSu)
226,989,630 3,269,300 38,022,664 2,361,933 737,600 nA nA
Lconomlc value
of anlmals
asslsLed (uSu)
3,667,336 83,136 937,437 38,160 12,240 nA nA
economlc value
of anlmals
asslsLed (uSu)
noLe: CLhers" caLegory lncludes caLs, plgeons, buffalo and horses. CoaLs" also lncludes 19 sheep, 10 of whlch were ln

1he Lable above provldes an esLlmaLe of Lhe beneflLs of Lhe Assam S18. '8eneflLs' represenL Lhe value
of anlmals whlch Lhe S18 asslsLed Lhrough dlsLrlbuLlon of feed and Lemporary veLerlnary cllnlcs aL
dlfferenL raLes of lmpacL.

1ab|e 4: 8enef|t-cost ana|ys|s of Assam S1k
1oLal beneflLs - value of
llvesLock asslsLed (uSu)
1oLal cosLs (uSu) 49,324
neL beneflLs aL 100 (uSu) 4,690,986
8eneflL-cosL raLlo aL 100
neL beneflLs aL 30 2,320,831
8eneflL-cosL raLlo aL 30
8reak-even raLe of asslsLance 1

1he Lable above presenLs Lhe resulLs of our beneflL-cosL analysls underLaken on Lhe Assam S18. 1he
Assam S18 ls esLlmaLed Lo have supporLed llvesLock worLh an esLlmaLed uS $4,740,310. 1he S18 cosL
uSu 49,324 and so has an beneflL-cosL raLlo of 96 lf lL proLecLed 100 of producLlon and 48 lf lL
proLecLed 30 of llvesLock producLlon. lor Lhe S18 Lo have broken even ln economlc Lerms lL needed
Lo be responslble for only 1 dlfference ln Lhe llvesLock producLlon of Lhe area, whlch based on
lnLervlew responses was easlly achleved.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
We are aware of Lhe followlng llmlLaLlons of Lhls sLudy:

uncerLalnLy abouL Lhe number of male and female caLLle ln Lhe reglon and how many calves
a cow ls llkely Lo blrLh on average over a llfeLlme.
MarkeL prlces raLher Lhan nv esLlmaLes were used for goaLs and ducks.
Lack of access Lo more people who beneflLLed from Lhe shorL-Lerm response, many of whom
arrlved aL LreaLmenL locaLlons by boaL. We relled on lnLervlews wlLh organlzaLlonal
sLakeholders and parLlclpanLs ln Lhe L18 who also recelved beneflLs from Lhe S18.

WSA's response Lo Lhe 2012 Assam floods has clearly dellvered greaL beneflLs Lo Lhe people and
anlmals of uhema[l dlsLrlcL. 1hls much ls evldenL from Lhe enLhuslasm and appreclaLlon shown by
reclplenLs and parLners when lnLervlewed abouL Lhe response. lurLhermore, Lhls ls emphaslzed by
evaluaLlon Lhrough cosL beneflL analysls.

8y comparlng Lhe value of producLlon llkely Lo have been enabled by WSA's response wlLh Lhe cosLs
Lo WSA of conducLlng Lhe S18, we esLlmaLe $96 dollars of llvesLock producLlon was dlrecLly
proLecLed for every $1 spenL ln uhema[l. A LoLal of approxlmaLely $4.7 mllllon worLh of economlc
value was supporLed from [usL $30,000 WSA spenL on Lhe lnLervenLlon.

lf Lhe S18 was responslble for a 30 lmprovemenL relaLlve Lo no lnLervenLlon, lL had a neL beneflL of
uSu$2.3 mllllon. lor Lhe S18 Lo have been worLhwhlle, lL needed Lo make [usL a 1 dlfference ln
llvesLock producLlon followlng Lhe floodlng, whlch seems Lo have been easlly achleved.

arL of Lhe reason Lhese beneflLs are so greaL ls LhaL Lhe response ls almed dlrecLly aL local people's
mosL producLlve asseLs, whlch form Lhe basls of Lhelr llvellhoods - Lhelr llvesLock. 8y ensurlng Lhe
communlLy's asseL base ls noL eroded Lhey can qulckly reLurn Lo producLlve acLlvlLy followlng Lhe
dlsasLer. 8y asslsLlng exlsLlng llvesLock, anlmals and breeds LhaL local people are comforLable wlLh
and are adapLed Lo local condlLlons beLLer resulLs are llkely Lo have been achleved Lhan by laLer
efforLs aL replacemenL, or asslsLance by oLher means.

Whlle Lhere ls uncerLalnLy aLLached Lo Lhls cenLral resulL, senslLlvlLy LesLlng shows LhaL even lf only 3
of anlmals LreaLed avolded morLallLy as a resulL, Lhe lnLervenLlon would have sLlll generaLed $3 of
beneflLs for every $1 spenL. 1hls demonsLraLes LhaL Lhese resulLs are robusL Lo changes ln
assumpLlons and key daLa lnpuLs.

Whlle an anlmal asslsLance raLlo of 96 ls hlgh, lL ls noL dlsproporLlonaLe Lo LhaL achleved ln oLher
dlsasLer responses by WSA. Whlle aLLempLs Lo evaluaLe Lhe economlcs of dlsasLer response are sLlll
evolvlng, lL ls useful Lo compare Lhese Lwo responses.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
CCMA8lnC 8LSuL1S ln uPLMA!l 1C 8LSuL1S ln MWlnCl
Whlle Lhe cenLral esLlmaLe of Lhe uhema[l S18 of $96 of value for every $1 spenL ls hlgher Lhan Lhe
range of from 2.7 Lo 9.2 ln Mwlngl, Lhls does noL suggesL LhaL one was more successful Lhan Lhe
oLher. lL ls Loo early ln Lhls llne of analysls Lo draw sub[ecLlve comparlsons. uesplLe Lhls, lL ls worLh
comparlng why Lhe resulLs dlffer.

1he lnLervenLlon ln Mwlngl ulsLrlcL, kenya was ln response Lo a droughL, a slow-onseL dlsasLer,
whereas floodlng ln uhema[l ulsLrlcL, lndla was a rapld-onseL dlsasLer. 8uL mosL lmporLanLly, Lhe
meLhodologles used Lo conducL an economlc evaluaLlon of each lnLervenLlon dlffer.

lor example, ln Mwlngl, we used a 'herd' model LhaL almed Lo model Lhe overall slze of Lhe herd ln
Lhe reglon and aLLempL Lo value Lhe recovery of Lhe herd slze Lo Lhe 'sLaLus quo' slze. 8eneflLs were
esLlmaLed based on Lhe annual lncome or whaL we called 1oLal CperaLlng 8eneflLs" of dlfferenL

8y conLrasL, ln uhema[l, we opLed for a per-anlmal nv approach. We belleve Lhe laLLer approach ls
preferable because lL requlres fewer assumpLlons, parLlcularly abouL reproducLlon raLes and Lhe
basellne herd slze. 1he lndlvldual anlmal lnLrlnslc value nv approach ls also favourable because lL
removes Lhe need Lo plck an arblLrary number of years ln Lhe fuLure over whlch Lo counL Lhe
'beneflLs' of Lhe lnLervenLlon. ln oLher words, lf an anlmal ls saved, over whaL perlod of Llme do you
aLLrlbuLe Lhe fuLure lncome derlved from Lhe anlmal Lo Lhe lnLervenLlon? ln Lhe case of Mwlngl, we
esLlmaLed Lhree separaLe values, 1 year, 3 years and 3 years. uslng lndlvldual anlmal nvs avolds Lhe
need Lo do Lhls.

AnoLher reason Lhls approach ls preferable ls because for non-lncome generaLlng llvesLock, or anlmals
LhaL generaLe sporadlc lncome, calculaLlng a slngle year lncome value ls dlfflculL. lL was posslble ln
Mwlngl because of Lhe greaLer lmporLance of mllk producLlon. Powever ln uhema[l, male caLLle were
used for ploughlng and females for breedlng and some mllk, maklng lL hard Lo calculaLe a flaL yearly
lncome per anlmal.

CLher facLors LhaL resulL ln a much hlgher anlmal asslsLance raLlo (noLe LhaL ln Lhe Mwlngl reporL we
sLlll called Lhls a beneflL-cosL raLlo) lnclude:

ln Mwlngl we assumed a 30 survlval raLe of LreaLed anlmals. 1hus, only approxlmaLely
10,000 anlmals were consldered ln calculaLlng Lhe 'beneflLs'. 1hls ls compared Lo Lhe 36,000
anlmals consldered ln uhema[l.
1he cosL per anlmal asslsLed ln Mwlngl ($1.93) was over Lwlce Lhe cosL ln uhema[l ($0.88).
uslng lnLrlnslc nv values for llvesLock ln uhema[l resulLs ln hlgher per anlmal values Lhan we
used for Mwlngl. lor example, caLLle ln uhema[l were glven a mean value of $143 (nv)
compared Lo [usL $36 (annual lncome value) ln Mwlngl.
ln uhema[l an esLlmaLed 23,600 caLLle were asslsLed, compared Lo 4,838 ln Mwlngl, of whlch
we only counLed Lhe 'value' of 30, or 2,429. 1hls means ln uhema[l over Len Llmes as many
caLLle, Lhe hlghesL value llvesLock were counLed Lowards Lhe anlmal-asslsLance raLlo.

Cnce Lhese facLors are Laken lnLo conslderaLlon, Lhe vasLly hlgher anlmal-asslsLance raLlo ln uhema[l
ls noL surprlslng. 1he comparlson above ls drawn noL Lo compare Lhe Lwo lnLervenLlons, buL Lo beLLer
undersLand Lhe approprlaLeness of Lhe meLhodology used.

1he dlscounL raLe used for boLh sLudles was 23 and based on Lhe cosL of borrowlng Lhrough
lnformal means ln Lhe reglon for Mwlngl. We kepL Lhls dlscounL raLe for uhema[l for reasons ouLllned
above relaLlng Lo dlscounLlng fuLure beneflLs Lhough we dld noL verlfy borrowlng cosLs Lo households
ln uhema[l.
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla

1ab|e S: Compar|ng kesu|ts of benef|t-cost ana|ys|s of Dhema[| and Mw|ng| |ntervent|ons
Intervent|on deta||s Un|t Dhema[| Mw|ng|
Anlmals LreaLed / asslsLed Anlmals 36,206 20,707
number of anlmals whose value ls
consldered Lo be a 'beneflL' of Lhe
Anlmals 36,206 10,334
CosL of lnLervenLlon uSu 49,324 39,968
CosL per anlmal uSu 0.88 1.93
ulscounL 8aLe 23 23

ALLrlbuLed survlval raLe 100 30
Va|ue of 'benef|ts' USD 4,740,310 368,230
Average beneflL per anlmal LreaLed uSu 84 18
An|ma|-ass|stance rat|o USD 96 9.21
Source: LconomlsLs aL Large (2013). used 3-year nv for Mwlngl.
noLe: 1he dlfferenL aLLrlbuLed survlval raLes are noL based on acLual daLa buL reflecL meLhodologlcal dlfferences beLween Lhe
Lwo approaches. All fuLure evaluaLlons wlll mosL llkely use 100 survlval raLe as Lhe sLandard beneflL calculaLlon.

A 'MCuLL' lC8 ASSLSSlnC ln1L8vLn1lCnS
A secondary research ob[ecLlve for Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo LesL Lhe usefulness of beneflL-cosL analysls as a
framework for assesslng Lhe reLurn on lnvesLmenL from dlsasLer response efforLs.

We dld noL use Lhe same excel model for analysls of Lhe Assam S18 as we used for analysls of Lhe
Mwlngl lnLervenLlon.

Cur experlence so far from analysls of Lwo lnLervenLlons (Mwlngl and uhema[l) suggesLs LhaL beneflL-
cosL analysls ls an approprlaLe framework for analysls of Lhe economlc beneflLs resulLlng from dlsasLer
response efforLs. 1he only llmlLaLlon ls ln lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe Lerm, 'beneflLs'. uncerLalnLy
concernlng Lhe percenLage of anlmals LhaL would have dled ln Lhe absence of Lhe lnLervenLlon (Lhe
'counLer facLual' scenarlo) makes lL dlfflculL Lo assess causallLy. uL slmply, lL's hard Lo say lf an anlmal
would have survlved even wlLhouL Lhe lnLervenLlon. SLakeholders resoundlngly reporLed LhaL Lhey
would have losL more anlmals were lL noL for Lhe lnLervenLlon, Lhough our sample of beneflclarles
was small. 8ecause of Lhe naLure of Lhe lnLervenLlon and Lhe populaLlon denslLy ln Lhe reglon lL would
have Laken more resources Lhan we had avallable Lo conducL a larger survey of beneflclarles of Lhe
S18. uue Lo Lhls uncerLalnLy, we use Lhe Lerm 'beneflLs' Lo refer Lo Lhe value of Lhe llvesLock LhaL Lhe
lnLervenLlon reached. Cnce more lnLervenLlons are analyzed, meLa-analysls may allow for more
meanlngful comparlsons beLween lnLervenLlons.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
8ased on our analysls, WSA's Assam S18 asslsLed $96 of llvesLock producLlon for every $1 spenL. lL
would break even economlcally even lf lL led Lo Lhe survlval or full producLlvlLy of [usL 1 of llvesLock
LreaLed by WSA afLer Lhe 2012 floods.

1he resulLs for Lhe Assam S18 show LhaL Lhe S18 supporLed Lhe healLh and welfare of anlmals worLh
approxlmaLely uSu $4.7 mllllon Lo Lhe local economy. 8y asslsLlng llvesLock and Lhelr owners, WSA's
S18 help Lo speed up Lhe economlc recovery of Lhe reglon Lo a sLaLe of normalcy. 1he lnLervenLlon
helps Lo reduce morLallLy and morbldlLy among llvesLock, reduce unwanLed sales of llvesLock due Lo
lack of feed or poor healLh and ln Lhe long-run, allows for llvesLock owners Lo conLlnue farmlng ln Lhe
way Lhey're accusLomed. 1hls lllusLraLes Lhe lmporLance of supporLlng llvesLock ln posL-dlsasLer
response efforLs. 1hls ls noL news for owners of llvesLock who undersLand fully Lhe dlrecL and lndlrecL
lmpacLs of loslng llvesLock on Lhelr llvellhoods.

lurLher, Lhe resulLs demonsLraLe LhaL slmply replaclng anlmals ls a less efflclenL opLlon for Lwo

l. MarkeL values are ofLen less Lhan neL presenL value, because subslsLence llvesLock owners ln
Lhe reglon buy (or are glven) llvesLock aL a young age. ln oLher words, Lhey rely on Llme Lo
generaLe a reLurn and ofLen have mlnlmum sLarLup and ongolng cosLs, especlally for local
ll. Anlmals broughL lnLo a dlsasLer-affecLed reglon from oLher reglons are ofLen maladapLed Lo
local condlLlons and can dle or prove unproducLlve.

llnally, Lhe meLhodology employed for Lhls sLudy appears Lo be preferable Lo LhaL used Lo assess
WSA's Mwlngl lnLervenLlon for Lhe followlng reasons:

Cwners of llvesLock are more llkely Lo know Lhe economlc llfecycle of llvesLock Lhan Lhey are
Lo know Lhe herd slze and reproducLlon raLes.
1he model used ls more slmple and LransparenL.
1he model beLLer allows for llvesLock LhaL don'L provlde conslsLenL annual beneflLs.

lL would be ldeal lf uA81 members were ln some way able record an lndlcaLlon of healLh and
llkellhood of survlval had LreaLmenL noL been provlded. We reallse, however LhaL ln Lhe
afLermaLh of a dlsasLer Lhls klnd of appralsal and record keeplng mlghL be dlfflculL.
8ased on Lhls fleldwork and Lhe resulLs of Lwo sLudles (Assam and uhema[l), we feel LhaL Lhe use
of lnLrlnslc value measuremenLs uslng anlmal-speclflc nv esLlmaLes ls Lhe besL way Lo approach
valuaLlon for pracLlcal and LheoreLlcal reasons.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
Campbell, 8., & knowles, 1. (2011). 1be ecooomlc lmpocts of losloq llvestock lo o Jlsostet. A reporL for
Lhe World SocleLy for Lhe roLecLlon of Anlmals (WSA), prepared by LconomlsLs aL Large,
Melbourne, AusLralla.
LconomlsL aL Large. (2013). cost-beoeflt ooolysls of w5lAs Mwloql lotetveotloo lo keoyo (pp. 1-7). A
reporL for 1he World SocleLy for Lhe roLecLlon of Anlmals, prepared by LconomlsLs aL Large,
Melbourne, AusLralla.
Luropean Commlsslon. (2002). ColJe to cost-beoeflt ooolysls of lovestmeot ptojects. repared for
LvaluaLlon unlL, uC 8eglonal ollcy, Luropean Commlsslon.
nema, u. v. (2012). w5lA ulsostet Assessmeot ooJ NeeJs Aoolysls. Assom llooJ. World SocleLy for
Lhe roLecLlon of Anlmals (WSA), uelhl, lndla.
1hambl rem, P., & SuLar, A. (2012). w5lA lost lotetveotloo kepott (llk). Assom llooJs - 5bott 1etm
kespoose (51k). World SocleLy for Lhe roLecLlon of Anlmals (WSA), uelhl, lndla.
World SocleLy for roLecLlon of Anlmals. (2012). 51k2 cooJoct of vetetlooty neoltb comps, 5totos of
vetetlooty beoltb comps Aooex 52 14.

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1ab|e 6: D|scount cash f|ow va|uat|on of |oca| ch|cken reared for meat (INk)

Month|y d|scount rate: 0.021


0 6 0 -6 1.000 -6
CosL ln flrsL monLh ls an opporLunlLy
cosL of noL selllng Lhe egg.

1 0 0 0 1.021 0
no ongolng cosLs because local
chlckens forage and don'L requlre
exLra feed, unllke crollers (x-breed
2 0 0 0 1.042 0

3 0 0 0 1.064 0
4 0
100 100 1.086 92 Low: 100rp, Mld: 130rp and Plgh:
200rp per chlcken dependlng on slze.
8eporLedly sell aL around 0.3-1kg for
200rp per kg 1hls model assumes 1kg.
Sold "AfLer 4 monLhs" so placed ln
monLh 4 row because l have a monLh
0 (undlscounLed) row.
Medlum 130 130 1.086 138
Plgh 200 200 1.086 184

Lst|mated NV (INk)
Low 86
Medlum 132
Plgh 178

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1ab|e 7: D|scount cash f|ow va|uat|on of a |oca| ch|cken kept for eggs (INk)
noLe: We only lncluded Lhe value up Lo 2 years of producLlon. Chlckens wlll lay for longer Lhan Lhls
buL we have chosen Lwo years Lo keep esLlmaLes conservaLlve.

Month|y d|scount rate: 0.021
0 6 0 -6 1.000 -6

1 0 0 0 1.021 0
Assume noL laylng unLll 9 monLhs old
2 0 0 0 1.042 0
3 0 0 0 1.064 0
4 0 0 0 1.086 0
3 0 0 0 1.109 0
6 0 0 0 1.132 0
7 0 0 0 1.133 0
8 0 0 0 1.179 0
9 0 33 33 1.204 27
8eneflL ls Lhe opporLunlLy cosL of noL
selllng Lhe eggs lf Lhey're consumed
or recelvlng lncome lf eggs are sold
10 0 33 33 1.229 27
Average 63 eggs per year accordlng Lo
sLakeholder lnLervlews. So approx 3.3
eggs per monLh - Lhough Lhey Lend Lo
only lay for parL of Lhe year. Lggs sell
for approxlmaLely 6rp per egg
11 0 33 33 1.233 26
12 0 33 33 1.281 26
13 0 33 33 1.307 23
14 0 33 33 1.333 23
13 0 33 33 1.362 24
16 0 33 33 1.391 24
17 0 33 33 1.420 23
18 0 33 33 1.449 23
19 0 33 33 1.480 22
20 0 33 33 1.310 22
21 0 33 33 1.342 21
22 0 33 33 1.374 21
23 0 33 33 1.607 21
24 0 33 33 1.640 20

Lst|mated NV (INk)
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1ab|e 8: D|scount cash f|ow va|uat|on of a cross-breed (cro||er) reared for meat (INk)
noLe: 1hese models weren'L used ln Lhe esLlmaLes for Lhe uhema[l S18. We only lncluded averages for
local chlckens. We lnclude Lhese ln Lhe appendlces for Lhe sake of any fuLure research.

Month|y d|scount rate: 0.021

1|me (months) Cost (INk) 8enef|t (INk)
Net 8enef|t
Net 8enef|t

0 33 0 -33 1.000 -33
Plgher cosL Lo acqulre a x-breed chlck.
30-33rp reporLed by ALul 8urogohaln.

1 43 0 -43 1.021 -44
x-breeds requlre supplemenLal feed.
Chlckens generally converL proLeln aL
a raLe of 3:1 so we assume LhaL Lhe
amounL of feed ls roughly Lhree Llmes
Lhe flnal body welghL, dlvlded equally
over Lhe four monLhs. We assume
Lhey geL 20 of Lhelr feed from
foraglng and unprlced sources (rlce
meal). We use a prlce of 30rp per kg,
based on reporLed prlces per 30kg
bag of beLween 1000-2000rp. See

2 43 0 -43 1.042 -43

3 43 0 -43 1.064 -42
4 43
323 280 1.086 238
rlce Low: 130rp, Mld: 180rp and
Plgh: 200rp per chlcken. Low based
on 130rp for a 2.3kg chlcken, Mld on
180 for a 2.3kg chlcken and hlgh
based on 200 for a 3kg chlcken.

Some people reporLed hlgher prlces
for local chlckens. 8eporLedly sell aL
around 2.3-3kg afLeraround 4
Medlum 430 403 1.086 373
Plgh 600 333 1.086 311

rlce of feed (ln8) 30
llnal welghL (kg) 2.3
1oLal CLy of feed (assume 80 from
purchased and 20 from on-slLe foraglng)
CLy of supplemenLary feed per monLh 1.3

Lst|mated NV (INk)
Low 93
Medlum 208
Plgh 346

LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1ab|e 9: D|scount cash f|ow va|uat|on of a cross-breed ch|cken kept for eggs (INk)
Month|y d|scount rate: 0.021

1|me (months) Cost (INk) 8enef|t (INk)
Net 8enef|t
Net 8enef|t
0 33 0 -33 1.000 -33
Plgher cosL Lo acqulre a x-breed
chlck. 30-33rp reporLed by ALul
1 37.3 0 -37.3 1.021 -37
Assume noL laylng unLll 6 monLhs
old. 8uL feedlng wlLh
supplemenLal feed aL raLe of 1kg
per anlmal per monLh (20rp per
kg). 1hls ls a guess as we don'L
know opLlmum or average raLes
of feed.
2 37.3 0 -37.3 1.042 -36
3 37.3 0 -37.3 1.064 -33
4 37.3 0 -37.3 1.086 -33
3 37.3 0 -37.3 1.109 -34
6 37.3 66 28.3 1.132 23
7 37.3 66 28.3 1.133 23
8 37.3 66 28.3 1.179 24
9 37.3 66 28.3 1.204 24
8eneflL ls Lhe opporLunlLy cosL of
noL selllng Lhe eggs lf Lhey're
consumed or recelvlng lncome lf
eggs are sold
10 37.3 66 28.3 1.229 23
Average 133 eggs per year
accordlng Lo sLakeholder
lnLervlews. So approx 11 eggs
per monLh - Lhough Lhey Lend Lo
only lay for parL of Lhe year. Lggs
sell for approxlmaLely 6rp per
egg. Assume Lhree years
11 37.3 66 28.3 1.233 23
12 37.3 66 28.3 1.281 22
13 37.3 66 28.3 1.307 22
14 37.3 66 28.3 1.333 21
13 37.3 66 28.3 1.362 21
16 37.3 66 28.3 1.391 20
17 37.3 66 28.3 1.420 20
18 37.3 66 28.3 1.449 20
19 37.3 66 28.3 1.480 19
20 37.3 66 28.3 1.310 19
21 37.3 66 28.3 1.342 18
22 37.3 66 28.3 1.374 18
23 37.3 66 28.3 1.607 18
24 37.3 66 28.3 1.640 17

Lst|mated NV (INk) Assumpt|ons
rlce of feed per kg 30
llnal welghL 2.3
CLy of feed per monLh (layers) 30
CosL of supplemenLary feed per monLh 37.3
LconomlsLs aL Large (2014)
A beneflL-cosL analysls of WSA's uhema[l lnLervenLlon ln Assam, lndla
1ab|e 10: D|scount cash f|ow va|uat|on of a p|g reared for meat (INk)

Month|y d|scount rate: 0.021


0 900 0 -900 1.000 -900

0 1300 0 -1300 1.000 -1300 CosL of buylng 2 monLh old plgleL

1 420 -420 1.021 -411
lg feed (rlce meal) aL 21kg per week and 3rp
per kg.

2 420 0 -420 1.042 -403 Low: 8000rp, Mld: 10000rp and Plgh:
12000rp per plg dependlng on slze.
8eporLedly sell aL around 80-90kg for 120rp
per kg llvewelghL and 130rp per kg
3 420 0 -420 1.064 -393

4 420 0 -420 1.086 -387

3 420 0 -420 1.109 -379

6 420 0 -420 1.132 -371

7 420 0 -420 1.133 -364

8 420 0 -420 1.179 -336

7000 7000 1.204 3814
Some lnLervlewees reporLed selllng Lhelr plgs
afLer 9 monLhs, some reporLed selllng Lhem
afLer 18 monLhs. Cnes selllng earller fed
exLra feed Lo Lhe plgs, whlch would allow for
fasLer faLLenlng and sale.
Plgh 8000 8000 1.204 6643

10 0 1.229 0

11 0 1.233 0

12 0 1.281 0

13 0 1.307 0

14 0 1.333 0

13 0 1.362 0

16 0 1.391 0

17 0 1.420 0

8000 8000 1.449 3320
noLe: owner who kepL plgs for 18 monLhs
dldn'L reporL buylng Lhem feed, Lhls explalns
Lhe longer Llme Lo galn welghL for sale.
Medlum 10000 10000 1.449 6899
Plgh 12000 12000 1.449 8279

Lst|mated NV (INk)
Low 1249
lf sold afLer 9 monLhs (wlLh feed)
Plgh 2079
Low 3999
lf sold afLer 18 monLhs (no feed)
Plgh 7379

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