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Summer Training

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
June 2008
Training Report
Bahniman Rynjah
NIT Allahaba
!age " 0
An acknowledgement
I #oul li$e to e%pre&& my gratitue to the Chie' !roje(t Manager )*a&t+ o' DMRC, the
engineer& an &ite &uper-i&or&, #ho #ere re&pon&ible 'or ' me #ith the -ariou&
(on&tru(tion a(ti-itie&, the &ta'' o' DMRC, #ho en&ure that the perio o' training #a& inee a
memorable one an 'inally my (olleague& in the training, 'or their &upport, &ugge&tion& an
!age " 0
Title Page number
Te&ting 1aboratory 2
Station Builing 3
Tra($ 4
Compa(tion o' &oil 02
!iling 05
Spe(ial Span 04
Ca&ting 6ar 08
!age " 2
My training uner DMRC #a& 'or a perio o' 'our #ee$&, &tarting 'rom 05/07/2008 to
28/07/2008/ During the (our&e o' the training, I #a& &ubje(te to a 'ir&t han e%perien(e o' the
-ariou& pro(e&&e& an &$ill& in-ol-e in the reali.ation o' a metro line in *a&t Delhi an Noia
an (ame in (onta(t #ith a number o' &ite &uper-i&or& an engineer& 'rom DMRC, 8ammon,
Na-ayuga, A'(on& an Sam Inia/ Right 'rom the laboratory te&ting o' the &ample &pe(imen& to
the (a&ting o' the -ia9u(t&, the (on&tru(tion o' the &tation builing&, the laying o' the tra($& an
the u&e o' the Brige Builer:e-ery po&&ible etail in-ol-e in the (on&tru(tion a(ti-itie& #ere
mae $no#n to me/ In thi& report, I pre&ent a 'e# o' the ba&i( (on(ept& that I ha-e a(;uire an
uner&too uring the training perio/
!age " 5
Testing Laboratory
The 'ollo#ing te&t& are per'orme on<
8ra-ity Te&t
Cru&hing =alue Te&t
Impa(t =alue Te&t
Spe(i'i( 8ra-ity Te&t
>inene&& Moulu& Te&t
Spe(i'i( 8ra-ity Te&t
Bul$ing o' San
)5+Con(rete (ube<
Compre&&i-e Strength Te&t
Spe(i'i( 8ra-ity Te&t
>inene&& Moulu& Te&t
Initial an >inal Setting Time
Normal Con&i&ten(y Te&t
Spe(i'i( 8ra-ity Te&t
Specific Gravity Test on admixture< The ami%ture i& 'ille into a (ylinri(al tube/ A'ter thi&, a
grauate &pe(i'i( gra-ity meter i& ippe into the ami%ture in the tube an i& allo#e to 'loat/
The le-el o' ami%ture i& rea ire(tly on the &pe(i'i( gra-ity meter/ Thi& reaing i& the &pe(i'i(
gra-ity o' the ami%ture/ ?e per'orm thi& te&t on chembond admixture )a((elerator+, #ho&e
&pe(i'i( gra-ity i& 'oun to be 0/2/
Specific Gravity Test for cement using Le Chatelier Flask: The 'la&$ i& 'ille #ith $ero&ene or
naphtha up to a mar$e le-el/ Then, 72 g (ement i& poure o-er it into the 'la&$/ The 'la&$ i&
grauate to rea the -olume/ The -olume o' the (ement i& note/ Thi& #eight an -olume o'
(ement i& u&e to (al(ulate the &pe(i'i( gra-ity/
Specific Gravity Test for sand using pycnometer: !y(nometer i& a &imple jar #ith a li o-er it
an a hole in it/ >or &pe(i'i( gra-ity te&t, #e ta$e the empty #eight o' jar/ A'ter that, the jar i&
'ully 'ille #ith #ater an #eighe/ Then it i& partly emptie an 0/3 $g &an i& 'ille an the
jar i& #eighe again/ The &an i& then ta$en out, o-en rie an #eighe/
!age " 2
?eight o' SSD &ample )a'ter 22 hr& in #ater+ @ A
?eight o' -e&&el A&ampleA #ater @ B
?eight o' -e&&el A #ater @ C
?eight o' o-en rie )22 hr&+ &ample@ D
Spe(i'i( 8ra-ity )o-en rie ba&i&+ @ DB )A9)B9C++
Spe(i'i( 8ra-ity )SSD ba&i&+ @ AB )A9)B9C++
?ater ab&orption per(entage @ )A9DBD+ C000
Station Building
Columns: >or (on&tru(ting (olumn&, 'ir&tly, piling i& one/ !iling i& the pro(e&& o' 'illing
(on(rete in the rein'or(ement #eb/ !iling i& u&ually 23 to 50 m eep a'ter #hi(h, 0 m (hipping
'rom the top i& one an a pile (ap o' 0700 mm C 0700mm i& (on&tru(te aroun it/ Initially the
(olumn& are (on&tru(te o-er thi& pile (ap/ The (olumn loa i& tran&'erre to the pile (ap/

Station builing &ho#ing (olumn& an beam&
Beams: Beam& are pro-ie to (arry roo' loa&/ They ha-e a #ith o' 200 mm an a epth o'
D00 mm/
Cantilever Slab: The ne(e&&ary (onition 'or &u(h &lab& i& that only E o' the total loa o' the
&lab i& hangingF other#i&e the (antile-er &lab #ill not be &a'e an &table/
nder !ater Tank: It i& (on&tru(te 'or &upply o' #ater to the &tation/ It& imen&ion& are 03m
C 02 m C 3m/ It i& i-ie into 5 (hamber&/ To (on&tru(t the #ater tan$, 'ir&t the &oil i& ug out
an the area le-ele/ A'ter that, 43 mm thi($ !CC i& lai o-er it an then ra't )o' RCC+ i&
!age " 3
(on&tru(te o-er it up to a epth o' 500 mm/ The epth o' ra't epen& on the loa it (arrie&/
The rein'or(ement 'or #all& i& ere(te in ra't/
Boundary !all: It i& (on&tru(te by e%9&itu (a&ting o' blo($& o' M 53 (on(rete/ >ir&t, 'orm#or$
i& tie #ith nut& an bolt& an rein'or(ement i& lai into it/ A'ter that, 're&hly prepare (on(rete
i& poure into the 'orm#or$ an i& (ompa(te #ith neele -ibrator/ A'ter 3 hour&, the 'orm#or$
i& remo-e an (uring i& one (ontinuou&ly 'or 03 ay&/
Building Foundation: It i& (on&tru(te by 'ir&t piling, then plain (on(reting an then, the ra't i&
Sub"ay: A &ub#ay i& (on&tru(te 'or (ommuni(ating bet#een &tation builing an the area on
the other &ie o' the plat'orm&/ Ra't epth 'or &ub#ay i& 823mm/
#rains: Drain& are pro-ie in &ub#ay 'or i&(harge o' #a&te #ater/ The&e rain& open into a
&ump/ A motor i& 'itte in the &ump to thro# #ater up 'rom &ump/
Fire $oints< They are pro-ie in &ub#ay in orer to 'ight any 'ire a((ient/ All the&e point&
ha-e a (ommon inlet point 'rom #here #ater (an be &upplie to -ariou& part& o' &ub#ay/
#etails of station building %&kshardham Station': The plan 'or the A$&harham Metro Station
are &ho#n in the 'ollo#ing 'igure/ The e&ign o' the number o' 'loor& at thi& &tation ha& al&o
been in'luen(e by the Common#ealth 8ame& )2000+/
The (olumn plan that ha& been 'ollo#e i& &ho#n a& uner/ The plan ini(ate& the number, &i.e an the relati-e
lo(ation& o' the -ariou& (olumn& in the &tation/
!age " 7
The main (omponent& o' the tra($& u&e in DMRC are<
Ballast )u&e only in a -ery &mall portion o' the total tra($ length, an e&pe(ially in DMRC
yar&/ Gther#i&e, mo&t o' the ele-ate an the entire unergroun tra($& are balla&t9le&&+
!ro-ie &tability in longituinal H lateral ire(tion
Tran&'er -ibration&
Carry loa&
Grooved (ubber $ad %G($', #hi(h i& an orinary rubber pa #ith one o' it& &ie& ha-ing a
number o' groo-e&, &o that the -olumetri( e%pan&ion& o((ur #ithin the groo-e&, an the rubber
pa a& a #hole oe& not unergo any &u(h e%pan&ion/
(ails< Steel Authority o' Inia 1imite )SAI1+ pro-ie& rail& to DMRC #ith length
&pe(i'i(ation& Dm, 00m, 02m an 05m #hile IIC &pe(i'ie importe rail& ha-e length o' 08m
an are hea harene/ All the&e rail& ha-e a loa bearing (apa(ity o' 70 $gBm o' rail length/
)lastic (ail Creep %)(C' i& u&e to hol the rail& in po&ition an to ab&orb the -ibration&
prou(e by mo-ing train/
*la&ti( Rail Creep
!age " 4
Liner i& pro-ie on top o' the rail&/
Steel Liner, #hi(h i& u&e #hen there i& no re;uirement o' tra($ (ir(uiting/
Glass Field Nylon Liner (GFNL), #hi(h i& u&e 'or tra($ (ir(uiting/
$re Stressed Concrete %$SC':
A high ten&ion &traine (able, (alle tenon, i& rein'or(e in (on(rete &o that the (on(rete (ome&
uner (ompre&&i-e loa/ Thi& i& re-stressing/ I' tenon i& pro-ie in the (entre, the #hole beam
i& uner uni'orm (ompre&&ion/ No#, i' rein'or(ement i& pro-ie in !SC, the ten&ile loa i&
borne partially by !SC an partially by rein'or(ement/
!re9&tre&&e (able&

Laying of rails
Rail& are lai by #eling 5 rail& H then pro-iing 7 mm gap, joine either by 'i&h plate& or by
#eling, #ith a 70973 mm (entre to (entre &pa(ing o' &leeper&/ Jo#e-er, i' thi& pro(e&& i&
aopte, then the problem& o' repla(ement an longituinal ire(tion (reep may ari&e/
To o-er(ome the problem o' (reep, rail& are atta(he to a &trip #ith bolt&/ Stre&&e& e-elope
ue to (reep are borne by K1L length o' &trip, #hi(h i& (alle breathing length/ It i& 72m 'or
balla&t9le&& an 82m 'or balla&te tra($/ 1aying o' rail& &houl be one at a temperature -ery
near to mean temperature, $no#n a& de-stressing temperature (Td)
!age " 8

Rail temperature i& al#ay& higher than ambient temperature/ It -arie& 'rom 0940 egree Cel&iu&
in Delhi/ Mean temperature i& ta$en 53 egree& Cel&iu& )Tm+/
A& per Inian Rail#ay&, !Td"Tm #$% egree& Cel&iu&
In DMRC, !Td"Tm to (Tm#$)% egree& Cel&iu&
A higher range o' T i& ta$en to pro-ie higher range 'or (ompen&ation ue to &hrin$age in (ol
#eather &o that ten&ile &tre&&e& are e-elope in &teel a& it i& &trong in ten&ion (omparati-ely/

S)*& )&#it(h e%pan&ion joint+ are pro-ie be'ore &tation& to a-oi (reep ue to brea$ing an
a((eleration/ The&e are al&o pro-ie in balan(e (antile-er brige&/ The&e (ome 'or D0mm,
020mm, 080mm an 500mm gaping/
!elding of rails: Rail& in DMRC are #ele in9&itu, to a-oi the labour in-ol-e in
tran&porting long #ele rail& 'rom the #or$&hop to the &ite/ ?eling i& (arrie out by either o'
the t#o pro(e&&e&<
Alumino Thermi( )AT+ #eling, #hi(h i& u&e 'or &mall &(ale #or$&, an i& (o&t an labour
>la&h Butt ?eling, #hi(h i& u&e 'or large &(ale #or$&/
Long !elded (ails %L!(' are u&e in the (a&e o' #eling o' rail& greater than 000m long an
ha-e i&olation& at yar&, &tation&, point& an (ro&&ing& an brige&, #herea& in the (a&e o'
(ontinuou&ly #ele rail&, there are no i&olation&/ Short !elded (ails %S!(', on the other
han, are u&e 'or #eling o' rail& o' length le&& than 000m/
Alumino Thermi( ?eling

!age " D
$oints and crossings: It i& an a&&embly #hi(h, upon operation, (hange& the ire(tion o' the
approa(hing rolling &to($/
?ing rail Double (ro&&9o-er or S(i&&or
Che($ rail& are pro-ie to a-oi t#o route erailment&/ There i& no &uper ele-ation at
point an (ro&&ing/
The &pa(ing bet#een stoc& rail an chec& rail in (a&e o' IRS i& ta$en in the range 229
28mm #hile in DMRC it i& ta$en in the range 20923mm/
'ail face to rail face i&tan(e i& (alle trac& gauge an i& 0745mm in Inian Rail#ay&
#herea& the i&tan(e bet#een the inner 'lange& o' #heel i& (alle (heel gauge/ ?heel
gauge in Inian Rail#ay& i& ta$en to be 0700mm/
Track circuit: In tra($ (ir(uiting, the t#o rail& are (onne(te to t#o i''erent terminal& o'
ele(tri( po#er/ Thu&, one rail a(t& a& an anoe #hile the other one a(t& a& a (athoe/ ?hen the
train pa&&e& through any &e(tion o' the rail, it& #heel& (onne(t the t#o terminal& thu&
(ompleting the (ir(uit/ A& the (ir(uit get& (omplete, a &ignal i& generate in the (ontrol &tation/
Thu& the po&ition o' the train i& $no#n, #hi(h help& in ea&y an &a'er (ontrol o' mo-ement o'
!age " 00
$artially interlocked point:
In a partially interlo($e point, i' the tongue rail &hi't& in a ire(tion on one rail, the tongue rail
on the other rail &hi't& automati(ally/
Di''erent &e(tion& o' tra($ (ir(uit are in&ulate through Glued )nsulated *oints/
Bu''er &top& are pro-ie to &top the train&/ In DMRC, 'ri(tion type bu''er &top& are
I' a train i& ahea o' Fouling +ar&, it may get hit by another train/ Thu& a train mu&t
al#ay& be behin the 'ouling mar$/
Tran&ition (ur-e& ha-e to be pro-ie in hori.ontal (ur-e&, but they are not pro-ie in -erti(al
(ur-e&/ I' the raiu& o' (ur-ature i& greater than 3000m, then the&e (an be a-oie/ Jo#e-er, in
rail#ay&, (ir(ular (ur-e& are mo&tly pro-ie/ ,ant Gain 'ate aopte in IRS i& 33mmB&e( 'or
high &pee train&/ In DMRC, gain rate o' 53mmB&e( i& ta$en/
Al#ay&, e'i(ient (ur-e& are e&igne &o that #e (an $no# the po&ition o' the rail hit
by #heel& an thu& maintenan(e be(ome& ea&y/ Cant e'i(ien(y pro-ie i& 439000mm/ I'
raiu& o' (ur-ature i& &harper than 300m, an e%tra #iening o' 3mm i& pro-ie at (ur-e& 'or
&mooth tran&ition o' bogie&/ =erti(al (ur-e& &harper than 2300m are not pro-ie/
!age " 00
Compaction of Soil
The t#o mo&t important propertie& o' &oil are it& loa bearing (apa(ity an it& &hear &trength/
Eartwork in-ol-e& t#o ba&i( operation&:(ompa(tion an (on&oliation/ Gptimum moi&ture
(ontent a''e(t& (ompa(tion/
There are t#o te&t& 'or 'ining out #ater (ontent in &oil <9
a+ Rapi moi&ture meter
b+ G-en rying metho
The 'ollo#ing type& o' (ompa(ter& are u&e 'or proper (ompa(ting o' &oil<9
&mooth (ompa(ter )loamy &oil+
&heep 'oot (ompa(ter )(lay type &oil+
-ibrating (ompa(ter )&any &oil+

Laboratory tests for compaction level:
+odified proctor test:
>ir&tly, po&&ible ma%imum en&ity o' &oil i& 'oun/ Then (ore (utter te&t i& one to te&t en&ity
o' (ompa(te &oil an i& (ompare to the laboratory &pe(i'ie en&ity/ It &houl be bet#een D39
000M o' the &pe(i'ie en&ity, but in DMRC, it i& ta$en to be D8M/
(etaining earth "all:
Gne metho i& to (on&tru(t a ra't 'ir&t an then (on&tru(t a #all on it/ The &e(on metho i& to
rai&e panel& #ith 4900m &trip&, #hi(h are then pla(e one o-er the other an &oil i& 'ille o-er
the &trip& 'or gripping the panel& an inhibiting their i&pla(ement/

!age " 02
Retaining earth #all
!iling i& the pro(e&& o' ri-ing a (olumn o' #oo, &teel or (on(rete into the groun to pro-ie
&upport 'or a &tru(ture/
,ecessity of pile foundations- !ile 'ounation& are u&e in the 'ollo#ing (onition&<
?hen the &trata at or ju&t belo# the groun &ur'a(e i& highly (ompre&&ible an -ery #ea$
to &upport the loa tran&mitte by the &tru(ture/
?hen the plan o' the &tru(ture i& irregular relati-e to it& outline an loa i&tribution/ It
#oul (au&e non9uni'orm &ettlement i' a &hallo# 'ounation i& (on&tru(te/ A pile
'ounation i& re;uire to reu(e i''erential &ettlement/
!ile 'ounation& are re;uire 'or the tran&mi&&ion o' &tru(tural loa& through eep #ater
to a 'irm &tratum/
!ile 'ounation& are u&e to re&i&t hori.ontal 'or(e& in aition to &upport the -erti(al
loa& in earth9retaining &tru(ture& an tall &tru(ture& that are &ubje(te to hori.ontal
'or(e& ue to #in an earth;ua$e/
!ile& are re;uire #hen the &oil (onition& are &u(h that a #a&h out, ero&ion or &(our o'
&oil may o((ur 'rom unerneath a &hallo# 'ounation/
!ile& are u&e 'or the 'ounation& o' &ome &tru(ture&, &u(h a& tran&mi&&ion to#er&, o''9
&hore plat'orm&, #hi(h are &ubje(te to upli't/
Collap&ible &oil&, &u(h a& loe&&, ha-e a brea$o#n o' &tru(ture a((ompanie by a &uen
e(rea&e in -oi ratio #hen there i& an in(rea&e in #ater (ontent/ !ile& are u&e to tran&'er
the loa beyon the .one o' po&&ible moi&ture (hange& in &u(h &oil&/
Classification of piles:
!age " 05
%&' Classification according to material used: There are 'our type& o' pile& a((oring to
material u&e/
Steel $iles- Steel pile& are generally either in the 'orm o' thi($ pipe& or rolle &teel J9&e(tion&/
!ipe &teel pile& are ri-en into the groun #ith en& open or (lo&e/ !ile& are pro-ie #ith
ri-ing point or &hoe at the lo#er en/ *po%y (oating& are applie in the 'a(tory uring
manu'a(ture o' pipe& to reu(e (orro&ion o' the &teel pipe&/ Sometime&, (on(rete en(a&ement at
&ite i& one a& a prote(tion again&t (orro&ion/ To ta$e into a((ount the (orro&ion, an aitional
thi($ne&& o' the &teel &e(tion i& u&ually re(ommene/

Concrete $iles (used in .ia-ducts of /+',)- Cement (on(rete i& u&e in the (on&tru(tion o'
(on(rete pile&/ Con(rete pile& are either pre(a&t or (a&t in9&itu/ The rein'or(ement i& pro-ie to
re&i&t hanling an ri-ing &tre&&e&/ !re(a&t pile& (an al&o be pre9&tre&&e u&ing high &trength
&teel pre9ten&ione (able&/ A (a&t9in &itu pile i& (on&tru(te by ma$ing a hole in the groun an
then 'illing it #ith (on(rete/ A (a&t9in &itu pile may be (a&e or un(a&e/ A (a&e pile i&
(on&tru(te by ri-ing a &teel (a&ing into the groun an 'illing it #ith (on(rete/ An un(a&e
pile i& (on&tru(te by ri-ing the (a&ing to the e&ire epth an graually #ithra#ing (a&ing
#hen 're&h (on(rete i& 'ille/ An un(a&e pile may ha-e a pee&tal/
Timber $iles- Timber pile& are mae 'rom tree trun$& a'ter proper trimming/ The timber u&e
&houl be &traight, &oun an 'ree 'rom e'e(t&/ Steel &hoe& are pro-ie to pre-ent amage
uring ri-ing/ To a-oi amage to the top o' the pile, a metal ban or a (ap i& pro-ie/
Spli(ing o' timber pile& i& one u&ing a pipe &lee-e or metal &trap& an bolt&/
Chipping one on (on(rete pile (ap& in Ne# A&ho$ Nagar &ite
!age " 02
Composite $iles- A (ompo&ite pile i& mae o' t#o material&/ A (ompo&ite pile may (on&i&t o'
the lo#er portion o' &teel an upper portion o' the (a&t9in &itu (on(rete/ A (ompo&ite pile may
al&o ha-e a lo#er portion o' timber belo# the permanent #ater table an an upper portion o'
(on(rete/ A& it i& i''i(ult to pro-ie a proper joint bet#een t#o i&&imilar material&, (ompo&ite
part& are rarely u&e in pra(ti(e/
%B' Classification based on mode of transfer of loads:
)nd bearing piles: *n bearing pile& tran&mit the loa& through their bottom tip&/ Su(h pile& a(t
a& (olumn& an tran&mit the loa through a #ea$ material to a 'irm &tratum belo#/ I' be ro($ i&
lo(ate #ithin a rea&onable epth, pile& (an be e%tene to the be/ The ultimate (apa(ity o' the
pile epen& upon the bearing (apa(ity o' the ro($/ I' in&tea o' be ro($, a 'airly (ompa(t an
har &tratum o' &oil e%i&t& at a rea&onable epth, pile& (an be e%tene a 'e# metre& into the
har &tratum/ *n9bearing pile& are al&o $no#n a& point9bearing pile&/ The ultimate loa (arrie
by the pile i& e;ual to the loa (arrie by the point or bottom en/
Friction piles: >ri(tion pile& o not rea(h the har &tratum/ The&e pile& tran&'er the loa through
&$in 'ri(tion bet#een the embee &ur'a(e o' the pile an the &urrouning &oil/ >ri(tion pile&
are u&e #hen a har &tratum oe& not e%i&t at a rea&onable epth/ The 'ri(tion pile& are al&o
$no#n a& 'loating pile& a& the&e o not rea(h the har &tratum/
Combined and friction piles: The&e pile& tran&'er loa& by a (ombination o' en bearing at the
bottom o' the pile an 'ri(tion along the &ur'a(e o' the pile &ha't/ The ultimate loa (arrie by
the pile i& e;ual to the &um o' the loa (arrie by the pile point an the loa (arrie by the &$in
%C'Classification based on method of installation:
#riven piles: The&e pile& are ri-en into the &oil by applying blo#& o' a hea-y hammer on their
#riven and cast in-situ piles< The&e pile& are 'orme by ri-ing a (a&ing into a (lo&e bottom
en into the &oil/ The (a&ing i& later 'ille #ith (on(rete/ The (a&ing may or may not be
Bored and cast-in-situ piles: The&e pile& are 'orme by e%(a-ating a hole into the groun an
then 'illing it #ith (on(rete/
Scre" piles: The&e pile& are &(re#e into the &oil/
*acked piles< The&e pile& are ja($e into the &oil by applying a o#n#ar 'or(e #ith the help o'
a hyrauli( ja($/
!age " 03
Construction of bored piles using (+C machine:
A RMC ma(hine i& u&e to bore hole& o' epth 00m appro%/ Thi& ma(hine ha& to be ere(te at
pla(e& #here &ophi&ti(ate boring ma(hine& (annot be ere(te ue to limitation& o' o-erhea
&pa(e/ Thi& i& one o' the ole&t metho& o' boring an i& (omparati-ely &lo# in rilling/ In thi&
ma(hine, a tripo an a #in(h arrangement i& u&e an at the bottom o' the tripo a rilling ro
i& 'i%e along #ith a (utter at it& bottom tip/ The po#er o' the motor i& to be &ele(te a& per the
rilling epth re;uire/ The rilling ro i& (onne(te #ith a pump a&&embly ere(te at &ome
i&tan(e 'rom the #in(h9motor arrangement 'rom #hi(h #ater i& &upplie at pre&&ure to (lean
up the bore hole/ Some bentonite &lurry i& to be mi%e in the #ater to pre-ent ero&ion o' &oil
#ithin the borehole/
Be'ore (on(rete i& pla(e, the bore hole i& baile ry o' #ater/ Any loo&e or &o'tene &oil i&
(leane out an the bottom o' the hole i& ramme/ A layer o' ry (on(rete i& pla(e an ramme
i' the bottom o' the hole i& #et/ Then the (on(rete, #ith a reaily #or$able mi% )4/3 to 00 (m
&lump+, not leaner than 500$g (ementB(ubi( meter, i& poure into a hopper pla(e at the mouth
o' the hole/ A ma&& o' (on(rete i& then epo&ite at the ba&e o' the hole by a tremie pipe/ A&
&oon a& the (on(rete i& harene an a plug i& 'orme, the hole i& pumpe ry/ The remainer o'
the (on(reting i& one by pla(ing it ry up to the groun &ur'a(e/ The (a&ing i& then li'te
entirely 'rom the borehole/ I' the groun #ater i& uner a high pre&&ure, there #ill be in'lo# o'
#ater bet#een the (on(rete plug an the in&ie o' the (a&ing/ The (a&ing i& (ut by o%y9a(etylene
ju&t abo-e the plug/ The &ha't i& then (on(rete an the (a&ing rai&e/ The (ut portion o' the
(a&ing aroun the plug i& le't permanently in pla(e/ A retarer i& ae to the (on(rete i' there i&
a ri&$ o' the (on(rete o' the (on(rete &etting be'ore the (a&ing i& li'te out/

!age " 07
RMC ma(hine u&e 'or piling o' &tation &tair(a&e )piling@00m+
Special Span

A Spe(ial Span i& a 'orm o' (on&tru(tion #here the &pan length bet#een t#o pier& i& (a&t in9&itu
by an e;uipment $no#n a& a Brige Builer/ Spe(ial Span& are u&e in pla(e& #here
(on&tru(tion i& to be one #ithout i&turbing the tra''i( unerneath )eg/ in Nar$ari More+/
The Spe(ial Span u&e in Nar$ari More ha& a total length o' 220 m, i-ie into 40m, 20m,
20m an 40 m an i& &ituate at a height o' 22m 'rom groun le-el/ T#o Brige Builer& are
atta(he to the t#o en& o' the pier (ap, an ea(h Brige Builer i& &upporte #ith a Ma(aulay
Bar, #hi(h a(t& a& a balan(ing #eight/ The Brige Builer& are mae to tra-el on rail&, an ea(h
Brige Builer i& u&e a& a &upport 'or the 'orm#or$/ Con(reting i& &tarte 'rom the pier (ap&
an (arrie on progre&&i-ely out#ar&/ A& the 'ir&t portion i& (omplete, the Brige builer i&
&hi'te to#ar& the ne#ly (on&tru(te part, an (on(reting i& then (arrie on in the 'ollo#ing
portion, #ith the Brige Builer being &upporte on the ne# part/ T#o &u((e&&i-e portion& are
!age " 04
(onne(te #ith the help o' o-erlapping o' the rein'or(ement&/ Chipping on the oler part i& al&o
one in orer to pro-ie a better bon bet#een 're&h an ol (on(rete/ Jo#e-er, t#o
&u((e&&i-ely (on&tru(te portion& are neither &ubje(te to gluing nor any pre&&ure i& applie on
them, but the &pan bet#een t#o pier& i& mae monolithi( #ith the help o' pre9&tre&&ing, one
ini-iually )#ith the help o' Jigh Ten&ile Strength De'orme #ire&+ #ith the (ompletion o'
ea(h ne# portion/
Spe(ial Span oe& not u&e &egment& or I9girer& 'or briging the gap bet#een t#o pier&/ The
pro(e&& i& thu& time (on&uming an i& not 'a-ourable until an unle&& the &ituation eman& &o/
Brige Builer
Casting !ard
*%9&itu (a&ting o' pier&, parapet&, I9girer& an &egment& are (arrie out in the (a&ting yar/ I9
girer& ha-e been u&e in the -iau(t& in the Ne# A&ho$ Nagar Metro 1ine, #hile &egment&
ha-e been u&e in the Noia Metro 1ine/
Casting of segments: Segment& are hollo#, bo% li$e &tru(ture& #hi(h (ontain a number o'
&heathing pipe&, through #hi(h pre9&tre&&e #ire& are pa&&e/ The&e &egment& are o' -arying
length&, but their &tanar length i& 5m/ A'ter the &egment& are pla(e in po&ition in the &ite
#ith the help o' a laun(hing girer, ten&ion i& applie to the en& o' the #ire&, in(rea&ing the
&tre&& o' the #ire&/ The en& o' the &heathing pipe& are then (appe, a%ial pre&&ure i& applie on
the &egment&, an t#o &u((e&&i-e &egment& are joine together by gluing )Nitobon !C 20+/
The glue gain& &trength in t#o to three hour&L time an (an &upport &egment& mae o' M23
!age " 08
&trength (ement/ The &egment& ha-e nomen(lature o' S0>, S2>,O, S2R,S0R, #here > ini(ate&
K'rontL an R ini(ate& KrearL/ Some bli&ter& are pro-ie in S2 'or the purpo&e o' re9&tre&&ing, to
be (arrie out t#enty 'i-e year& a'ter the laun(h o' the &egment&/
Segment& (ontaining &heathing pipe& )the (ir(ular hole&+ an groo-e& )#hi(h pro-ie better bon bet#een t#o
&u((e&&i-e &egment&+/ Bli&ter& are u&e 'or 'uture re9&tre&&ing/
The &egment& are (a&t u&ing (ement o' &trength M23, an either grae 35 !!C or G!C are u&e/
Shuttering i& one on the&e &egment& 'or one or t#o ay&, epening on the temperature/ Gn(e
(a&t, proper (uring i& one 'or t#enty one ay&, until the &egment i& reay to be laun(he at the
Casting of .-girders: The &tation &lab& at &ome o' the &tation& are &upporte on a &et o' three I9
8irer&, #hi(h ire(tly re&t on a pair o' (ir(ular pier&/
!age " 0D
The rein'or(ement etail& o' an I9girer are a& &ho#n belo#<
Sheathing pipe& are u&e, through #hi(h pa&&e& the (able& #hi(h are pre9&tre&&e to 'ul'ill the
&trength/ >ir&t o' all, the rein'or(ement i& pro-ie a& per the e&ign an at the en portion& o'
the I9girer, a &et o' &i% type& o' iron ro& o' i''erent iameter& numbering 'rom C09C7 are
u&e to 'ul'ill the &hear &trength re;uirement&/ 8enerally the rein'or(ement o' 00mm iameter i&
$ept at 200mm &pa(ing an 02mm iameter at 070mm &pa(ing/
/ther re0uirements-
Slump o' the (on(rete to be u&e i& generally $ept bet#een 020mm9020mm/
!age " 20
!roper amount )aroun 0/2M+ o' ami%ture i& u&e to enhan(e the #or$ability o'
Curing 'or a perio o' aroun 20 ay& i& one a'ter the remo-al o' &huttering #ithin a
perio o' 22928hour& a'ter (a&ting/
In the (a&e o' &heathing pipe&, (oupler joint i& pro-ie to 'ul'ill the re;uirement o'
In (on(reting, the neele -ibrator& o' -arying iameter )23,20 an 70mm+ are u&e 'or
(ompa(tion o' (on(rete/ The neele -ibrator o' 23mm iameter i& generally u&e at the
me&h/ Shutter -ibrator& are al&o u&e at the &ite #or$/
Cement o' 35 grae an the (on(rete mi% o' M30 are u&e in I9girer& u&ing (ement
(ontent o' aroun 200$gB(ubi( metre o' (on(rete/
Spa(er& an guie (one& are u&e 'or proper ere(tion an &tre&&ing o' the (able& an a'ter
&tre&&ing the &heathing pipe i& 'ille #ith (ement grout #hile en&uring the (omplete air
*arthing plate& an earthing ro& are u&e in the outer girer only an a toleran(e o'
5mm93mm in the pre9&tre&&e (able& ha& to be en&ure/
*a(h I9girer #eigh& 'rom thirty to &i%ty tone&, a& per the &pan re;uirement/
!age " 20
!age " 22

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