NDT Inpection Manuel

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Project No: Prepared: D.

Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
NDT Inspection Manual
Copy No.
Distributed to: W.P. No. q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc
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"#oba# C#ient
A $ssue %or &se '()0*)+* N)A
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 1 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Rev Pages Details Revised Che! Date
A A## $ssued %or use '()0*)+*
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: ' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
1"1 P*rpose ' Sope
1.1.1 Description
1.1.2 Purpose
1.1.3 Scope
1"+ I,spetio, Ativities
1.2.1 Anomaly Actions
1.2.2 Remedial Actions
1.2.3 Data Recording & Reporting
1"- Perso,,el
1.3.1 ompany Aut!orised Representati"e
1.3.2 #nspection ontroller
1.3.3 #nspection Di"er
1.3.$ Personnel %uali&ications
1". Teh,i/*es0 E/*ip1e,t ' Proed*res
1.$.1 Documentation
1.$.2 'ec!nical Responsi(ility & )ines o& ommunication
1"2 &or! Sopes ' Tas! Spei3iatio,s
1.*.1 'as+ odes
1.*.2 Speci&ication S!eet ,ormat
1.*.3 Application o& Speci&ication S!eets
1"4 O33shore Str*t*ral I,spetio,
1.-.1 .a/or Plat&orm #nspection
1.-.2 Post #nstallation #nspection
1.-.3 0&&s!ore Pipeline #nspection
1.-.$ 12port ,acilities #nspection
1.-.* Special Sur"ey
'.1 Component Cec! -$./0
'.' 1upport Cec! -$.1&P
'.2 Anode Wasta,e Cec! -$.AN/
'.3 1cour Cec! -$.1CR
'.( /bstruction Cec! -$./41
'.5 6arine "ro7t Cec! -$.6"$
'.8 Coatin,s Cec! -$.C9"
'.* :unction Cec! /P.C;0
'.+ 6isc. /perations <o,,in, /P.</"
'.10 Debris Cec! -$./0
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 2 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Attac!ments : 34# 'as+ Data S!eets
2.1 C#ose -isua# $nspection =C-$> C&.C-$
2.' 1upport Detai#ed $nspection C&.1&P
2.2 Anode Wasta,e 6easurement 6?.AN/
2.3 1cour 6easurement 6?.1CR
2.( 6arine "ro7t 6easurement 6?.6"$
2.5 Coatin,s $nspection C&.C9"
2.8 Corrosion $nspection C&.C/R
2.* Catodic Potentia# 6easurement CP.C/N
2.+ &#trasonic Wa## 9ic!ness 6easurement W9.D$"
2.10 Dimensiona# @ A#i,nment 1urvey 6?.$96
2.11 1pan 6easurement 6?.1PN
Attac!ments : .easurement & 4# Data S!eets
3.1 Crac! Detection @ Reduction C&.CDR
3.' :#ooded 6ember Detection :6.D?9
Attac!ments : Specialist #nter"ention 'as+ Data S!eets
(.1 C#eanin, :or $nspection C<.$N1
(.' 4u#! 6arine "ro7t Remova# C<.6"R
(.2 CP Probe Ca#ibration CP.CA<
(.3 W9 6eter Ca#ibration W9.CA<
Attac!ments : leaning5 Preparatory & ali(ration Data S!eets
5.1 -ideo Recordin, -D.R?C
5.' 1ti## @ Di,ita# Poto,rapy P;./9/
5.2 Dra7in, @ 1!etcin, -$.DR"
Attac!ments : #mage apture Data S!eets
8.1 Anoma#y Codes
8.' Anoma#y De%initions @ Actions 1eets
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 3 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
8.2 Remedia# Activities
Attac!ments : Anomaly & Remedial Actions Data S!eets
*.1 /vervie7
*.' Nomenc#ature 1ystems
*.2 Routine Data.recordin,
*.3 Anoma#y Reportin,
*.( 6edia Numberin, @ <abe##in,
*.5 6edia Cata#o,uin, @ 9ransmitta#
*.8 :ina# Reportin,
Attac!ments : .edia atalogue Data S!eets
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: ( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
1"1 Desriptio,
9is document presents te minimum standards and procedures %or te per%ormance and
documentation o% under7ater maintenance 7or! on "#oba# $ndustries A)P Pte <td ND9 ProAectsB
7eter by diver or by remote#y operated veic#e =R/-> intervention.
9e document a#so sets out te obAectives o% te 7or!B te contro#s 7ic "#oba# 7is to eCercise
over te 7or!B and te %ormat %or recordin, and presentation o% te data 7ic resu#ts %rom
per%ormin, te 7or!. Any procedures or reportin, systems 7i## be in accordance 7it tis
1"1"+ P*rpose
9e purpose o% tis document is to set out te standards and procedures by 7ic te company
7i## per%orm under7ater inspection to best meet te criteria set by te maAority o% C#ients %or te
pysica# inspection o% o%%sore assets and te proper co##ation o% re#evant data 7ereby te C#ient
can be assured o% te inte,rity or oter7ise o% suc assets.
1"1"- Sope
9e scope o% tis document covers a## standard ND9 activities and additiona# activities 7ic
may be required to repair de%ects 7ic a%%ect te inte,rity o% te 41P asset.
9e ;1? and divin, procedura# standards app#icab#e to tese activities are covered 7itin te
re#evant "#oba# $ndustries A)P manua# set and are not considered 7itin te scope o% tis
document. "#oba# documents to be re%erred to are as %o##o7s :.
1$.1.6A.001 R/- /perationa# Procedures 6anua#
1$.1.6A.00' Air Divin, 1a%ety 6anua#
1$.1.6A.002 "enera# 1a%ety 6anua#
1$.1.6A.003 1a%ety 6ana,ement 1ystems 6anua#
1$.1.6A.00+ 1aturation Divin, 1a%ety 6anua#
9is standard covers te activities #isted on te %o##o7in, pa,es. $nspection activities are
presented %irstB as common#yB inspection 7or! 7i## precede oter 7or! in order o% eCecution.
Note tat te standard re#ates on#y to te tecnica# per%ormance @ documentation o% te 7or!.
9e scedu#in,B sa%ety and mana,ement o% te 7or!B and te ana#ysis @ communication o% %ina#
resu#ts are outside o% te scope o% tis document.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 5 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
1"+ I,spetio, Ativities
9e maAority o% routine &nder7ater $nspection and 6aintenance activities on structuresB pipe#ines
and eCport %aci#ities are carried out under one o% te %o##o7in, standard 1copes o% Wor! or as
identi%ied under te individua# tas! seets contained in 1ection 97o o% tis manua#.
?ac inspection activity comprises a number o% basic tas!s. 9ese are more %u##y speci%ied in
subsequent sectionsB but are summarised as %o##o7s:
a: 5e,eral %is*al I,spetio, - 9as!s 7ic do not require prior
remova# o% marine %ou#in,B and can be
per%ormed adequate#y by diver or
observation.c#ass R/-D
;: Meas*re1e,t ' Close I,spetio, - 9as!s 7ic require a de,ree o%
deCterity and)or c#ose.up observationB
and 7ic require diver or R/-
manipu#ative capabi#ityD
: Speialist I,terve,tio, - 9as!s 7ic may require dedicated
too#in, or s!i##sB and are suited better to
specia#ist diver or custom.too#edB 7or!.
c#ass R/- interventionD
d: Clea,i,g0 Preparatory ' Cali;ratio, Tas!s - 9as!s required in preparation %or certain
inspection activitiesD
e: I1age Capt*re Tas!s . /ptiona# support tas!s 7ic may
better i##ustrate routine or anoma#ous
1.2.1 Anomaly Actions
1ou#d inspection 7or! revea# anoma#iesB suc as structura# dama,e or unacceptab#e data va#uesB
ten possib#e courses o% action are recommended. Dependent on te type o% anoma#y and te
resources avai#ab#eB tese actions may comprise more detai#ed inspection reportin,B immediate
remedia# 7or!B or %u##er ana#ysis o% te anoma#y by te C#ient prior to %urter 7or!. Anoma#y
types are c#assi%ied @ coded to assist in identi%ication and ana#ysis.
1.2.2 Remedial Acti"ities
A number o% activities are de%ined 7ic may be per%ormed 7itout incident.speci%ic procedure
or specia#ist proAect mana,ementB provided tat te requirements o% tis standard are adered to.
1.2.3 Data6Recording & Reporting
9e minimum requirements %or capturin, and presentin, te resu#ts o% maintenance 7or! are
,iven 7it eac procedure seet=s>. A distinction is made bet7een anoma#ous data 7ic
requires more immediate reportin,B and routine dataB 7ic is presented 7itin a %ina# report
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 8 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
1"- Perso,,el
1.3.1 ompany Aut!orised Representati"e
:or most under7ater maintenance operations per%ormed %or a C#ientB a Company 1ite
Representative =C1R> 7i## be present at te 7or! site. 9e C1R sou#d be "$APEs primary 7or!
site contact in a## matters re#atin, to te per%ormance o% te 7or! scope. 9e C1R sou#d be
responsib#e %or ensurin, tat a## 7or! is per%ormed in accordance 7it tis standard and in
accordance 7it te approved procedures.
1.3.2 #nspection ontroller
:or under7ater maintenance pro,rams 7ere si,ni%icant inspection data is to be co##ectedB an
&nder7ater $nspection Contro##er sa## be present at te 7or! site. 9e $nspection Contro##er
may be provided by "$AP or by a tird party.
1.3.3 #nspection Di"er
:or under7ater maintenance proAects incorporatin, divin, activitiesB adequate inspection divers
7it an approved qua#i%icationB per 1.2.3 be#o7 7i## be required to per%orm te inspection
components o% te 7or! scope in accordance 7it tis standard and te approved procedures.
1.3.$ Personnel %uali&ications
A## personne# per%ormin, ND9 $nspection 7or! must be qua#i%ied %or tat 7or!. 9e minimum
qua#i%ications are norma##y speci%ied in te contract document.
$n summaryB te minimum #eve# o% qua#i%ication required %or an $nspection Contro##er or Data
Recorder sou#d be C1W$P 2.3&B and %or an inspection diverB C1W$P 2.1&B or equiva#ent
qua#i%ications @ eCpertise acceptab#e to te C#ient. 1peci%ic data recordin, tas!s may be
de#e,ated to inspection diversB as detai#ed in te re#evant sections o% tis standard.
$n te event tat specia#ist 7or! is required 7itin a 7or! scopeB ten personne# per%ormin, tis
7or! may be required to pass qua#i%ication tests prior to teir acceptance.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: * o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
1". Teh,i/*es0 E/*ip1e,t ' Proed*res
9e minimum equipment requirements are norma##y speci%ied in te contract documentB o7everB
%or inspection activitiesB "$AP may propose any tecnique or procedure to satis%y te inspection
tas! obAectives and measurement accuracy as presented in tis document. 9is 7i## require
approva# by te C#ient prior to commencement o% te 7or!.
$n te event tat unconventiona# 7or! metods @ tecniques are proposedB e.,. measurement by
#aser ran,in,B ten a qua#i%ication test o% te tecnique and te required equipment may be
required prior to commencement.
1.$.1 Documentation
C#ient ,enerated 7or! scopes sou#d contain dra7in,s and tecnica# data su%%icient to de%ine te
7or! areas and parametersB o7everB te actua# reportin, documentationB or systemB 7ic a##o7s
te resu#ts o% te 7or! to be #o,,ed and data to be capturedB are provided by "$AP as provided
%or in tis document. 9e reportin, system sou#d be in accordance 7it te procedure and #ay
out approved by te C#ient prior to imp#ementation at te 7or! site.
9e minimum requirements %orB and a#so ,uidance on te preparation o% a reportin, systemB are
,iven in 1ection ?i,t. 9e basic ) standard temp#ates required %or data acquisition are inc#uded
7it eac procedure incorporated into 1ection 97o.
$t sa## be noted tat %or inspection 7or!B tere are t7o cate,ories o% resu#ts eCpectedB i.e. routine
data and anoma#ous data. 9e identi%ication and reportin, o% anoma#ous data sa## ta!e priority
over routine reportin,. A,ain detai#s are ,iven in 1ection ?i,t.
1.$.2 'ec!nical Responsi(ilities & )ines o& ommunication
9e tecnica# responsibi#ities @ #ines o% communication 7ere si,ni%icant inspection data is to be
co##ected are as %o##o7s :.
a: 9e $nspection Diver =or R/- pi#ot> sa## be brie%ed by and report to te $nspection
;: 9e $nspection Contro##er sa## direct @ data.#o, a## inspection activities in accordance 7it
tese procedures.
: 9e $nspection Contro##er sou#d present routine data to te C1R on a re,u#ar basis %or te
C1REs appraisa# o% qua#ity and content.
d: 9e $nspection Contro##er sa## report anoma#ous or potentia##y anoma#ous %indin,s to te
C1R immediate#y tey are %ound.
e: 9e C1R sa## assess te anoma#ous %indin,s and report tem to te onsore C#ient
$nspection):aci#ities ;o#der Department at te ear#iest opportunity =@ 7itin '3 ours>B %or
%urter distribution toB and ana#ysis by te appropriate C#ient Departments. 9e C1R may
request tat remedia# 7or!s be per%ormed immediate#yB provided tat C#ient contro#sB
approva#s @ avai#ab#e resources permit.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: + o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
3: Additiona# 7or!B possib#y as a resu#t o% anoma#iesB sa## on#y be per%ormed on autority o%
te C1R in 7ritin,B and sa## be reported upon by te $nspection Contro##er in te same
%ormat as te initia# 7or!s cope data.
g: 9e $nspection Contro##er sa## prepare a %ina# report as soon as possib#e a%ter comp#etion o% a
p#at%ormEs 7or! scopeB in accordance 7it 1ection ?i,t o% tis standard.
9e operationa# responsibi#ities 7i## norma##y be more %u##y detai#ed in bot te contract
document and 7itin "#oba# documentation. 9ese are out 7it te scope o% tis manua#.
1"2 &or! Sopes ' Tas! Spei3iatio,s
9e maintenance activities #i!e#y to be requested by C#ients ave been bro!en do7n into basicB
repeatab#e tas!s. 6ost 7or! scopesB in teir basic %ormB comprise o% a #istin, o% tese standard
tas!s a,ainst te various structures @ structura# components on 7ic te tas!s are to be
:or eac suc tas!B tis standard presents a sin,#e F9as! 1peci%ication 1eetFB 7ic states te
obAectives o% te tas!B and speci%ies te data to be recorded as te tas! is per%ormed. 9ese E1pec.
1eetsE are individua##y numbered and coded and are appended to eac procedure e#d 7itin tis
9e 1pec. 1eets cover a ran,e o% tas!s. /n#y a %e7 may app#y to any particu#ar 7or! scope.
6ore 1pec. 1eets may be added %rom time to time to cover specia#ist 7or!. 1ou#d ne7 7or!
be inc#uded inB or ad oc 7or! be added to a 7or! scope by te C#ient %or 7ic no tas!.speci%ic
1pec. 1eet is current#y avai#ab#eB ten ,enera# contro#s @ data.recordin, requirements are
covered by 1pec. 1eet F6isc. /perations <o,,in,F.
1.*.1 'as+ odes
9e codes used to identi%y tas!s and teir respective 1pec. 1eets ta!e te %orm F6?.1CREB
7ere te %irst t7o caracters identi%y te ,eneric maintenance typeB and te #atter caracters
identi%y te speci%ic tas!.
?Camp#es o% te codes in use are:
Mai,te,a,e Type Typial Code Tas! Desriptio,
"enera# -isua# $nspection -$.1CR 1cour Cec!
C#ose &p $nspection C&.CDR Crac! Detection @ Reduction
Catodic Potentia# 6easurement CP.C/N Contact CP 6easurement
6easurement =misc.> 6?.1CR 1cour 6easurement
Remedia# Wor! RW.</" <o, Remedia# Wor! 1teps @
:unctiona# /perations Cec! CP.C;0 9est or 6onitor a :unction or
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 10 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Note tat tere are de,rees o% inspection reco,nised 7itin te 1pec. 1eetsB e.,. -$.1CR requires
visua# estimation o% scour 7ereas 6?.1CR requires dedicated measurement.
1.*.2 Speci&ication S!eet ,ormat
9e 9as! 1peci%ication 1eets inc#uded in 1ection 97o are based on te requirements and
standards set by "#oba# $ndustries A)P Pte <td. Wen p#annin, and eCecutin, an inspection
pro,rammeB te re#evant speci%ication tas! seet sou#d be consu#ted in order to bot meet te
required standards and to provide a standard %ormat @ appearance. 9e speci%ications dictate te
qua#ity and presentation o% te %o##o7in, in%ormation:
a: Tas! Title0 Code ' Spei3iatio, Sheet No"
;: Tas! O;<etives . eCp#ains 7at te maintenance tas! is intended to detectB
identi%y or quanti%y.
: Appliatio, ' Co,trols - states te conditions @ qua#ity contro#s %or te tas!B e.,.
minimum personne# qua#i%ications @ any preparatory or
ca#ibration contro#s.
d: Data Re/*ire1e,ts . speci%ies precise#y 7at data is to be recordedB te
%ormat %or te dataB e.,. Ea#panumericE or Einte,erEB te
eCpected accuracy o% measurementB and te acceptab#e
resu#t ran,e.
e: A,o1aly Atio,s . states te minimum actions to be ta!en in te event o%
detectin, an anoma#y. An anoma#y inc#udes any data
va#ue outside o% te acceptab#e resu#t ran,eB as above.
Any oter actions require autorisation by te on.site
3: 5*ida,e$Notes - ,ives advice onB or eCamp#es o%B typica# inspection
%indin,sB and eCp#anations o% any specia# termino#o,y to
be used. "$AP may o%%er %urter ENotesE %or
consideration in revision o% any 1pec. 1eetsB by 7ay o%
a :ina# Report subsection. "uidance is ,iven in 1ection
Note tat a#tou, te Data Re/*ire1e,ts section is in te %orm o% a tab#eB It Is ,ot I,te,ded to
Ill*strate the layo*t 3or a data-reordi,g 3or1. "$AP ave produced data recordin, %orms as
%ound appended to eac procedure e#d 7itin tis manua#
1.*.3 Application o& Speci&ication S!eets
A#tou, te 9as! 1eets re#ate primari#y to te under7ater maintenance o% :iCed /%%sore
P#at%ormsB tey can be app#ied to any under7ater maintenance 7or!. :or pipeli,e 7or!
speci%ica##yB te %o##o7in, ,uidance notes are additiona# to tose ,iven on te 1peci%ication
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 11 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
a: =(oatio, $ site= data %or any tas! sa## be ta!en to inc#ude 0i#ometre Post =0P>B <at.)<on,.
Co.ordinates> or Ran,e)4earin, data. 9e data sa## be accurate to at #east G).(mB abso#ute.
9e datum or re%erence system must be ,iven.
;: A =S*;str*t*re ID= may a#so be a pipe#ine identi%ication number >=PID=:" A sin,#e P$D
is a##ocated to a pipe#ine and its risers and sa## be used in a## re#evant reportin,
: Were de%ects are reportedB te orientation o% eac de%ect sa## be ,ivenB 7it re%erence to
te pipe#ine aCis. 9e compass orientation o% te pipe#ine sa## a#so be ,iven.
d: Were pipe#ine 7or! is per%ormed remote %romB or independent#y o% a p#at%orm 7or! scopeB
ten any non.re#evant =Plat3or1 ID= data may be omitted %rom reportin, documentation.
1"4 O33shore Str*t*ral I,spetio,
1.-.1 .a/or Plat&orm #nspection
9e 6aAor P#at%orm inspection is te primary metod o% determinin, te condition and de,ree o%
deterioration o% o%%sore structures.
9e standard scope o% 7or! 7i## norma##y inc#ude te %o##o7in, :
a7 A(o"e68ater 9ac+et on&iguration P!otograp!s and 'opside ondition
9a!e above.7ater con%i,uration poto,raps o% a## Aac!et %aces and record te date and
time o% eac poto,rap.
$% access permitsB visua##y inspect te condition o% te above 7ater structura# members at
te sp#as Hone area. 9a!e poto,raps to i##ustrate any de%ects %ound.
(7 Splas! :one orrosion
i> Carry out a detai#ed sp#as Hone coatin, inspection on a## sur%ace.brea!in,
structura# members =#e,s and -ertica# Dia,ona# member =-D6s> as c#ose to
61< as sea conditions permit.
ii> 9a!e at #east one =1> 7a## tic!ness measurement and one =1> CP measurement
on eac sp#as Hone piercin, member.
iii> Re%er to 8.1.1 = viii > %or inspection requirements %or risers.
c7 .arine 3ro8t! #nspection
i> 6easurements are norma##y to be ta!en at speci%ied 6arine "ro7t 1urvey
Positions on any t7o se#ected #e,s on se#ected structures on#y.
ii> 9ree =2> circum%erentia# measurements are norma##y to be ta!en at (m dept
increments do7n te #e, %rom 61< to =.> 20m and at 10m increments terea%ter.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 1' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
d7 .arine 3ro8t! P!otograp!y
i> Norma##y to be ta!en on te se#ected #e,s on#y.
ii> Norma##y to be ta!en at eac dept increment do7n te #e, %rom 61<.
e7 De(ris Remo"al
A debris remova# pro,ram may be carried out on te structure and surroundin, seabedB up
to 1*m out %rom te mud brace members. 9e requirement %or debris remova# is norma##y
an on site con%irmation by te C1R .
&7 ;ase )e"el Sur"ey
i7 Scour
6easure te distance %rom te underside o% te mud braces to te seabed at a## pi#es and
at te center point on a## primary oriHonta# perimeter members. 6easure te dept o%
buria# %rom te seabed to te top o% te members i% te member is buried. $% te member
is partia##y buriedB report te percenta,e buria#.
ii7 12posed Piles
Were pi#es are eCposedB additiona# inspection inc#udin, C.P. measurementsB u#trasonic
7a## tic!ness measurements and stand.o%% poto,rapy sou#d be carried out. 1eabed
stabi#isation may be required on pi#es eCposed by I1.0m. 9e requirement %or
stabi#isation is norma##y con%irmed by te C1R un#ess part o% te ori,ina# 7or! scope.
g7 Attac!ments
i7 ;oat ,enders
$nspect te condition o% a## boat %ender bracesB #addersB c#amps and bo#ts. 9a!e su%%icient
topside poto,raps to so7 te ,enera# condition o% te boat #andin, and attacments.
$nstructions may be ,iven by te C1R to 7ater b#ast c#ean a## attacments to Aac!et #e,s
and structura# braces su%%icient#y to veri%y te security o% c#ampsB bo#ts and 7e#ds . $%
te boat %ender is connected direct#y to te Aac!et #e,=s> 7it 7e#ded stubsB cec! %or
any si,ns o% de%ormation o% te Aac!et #e,s. $% any evidence o% de%ormation is present
,rit.b#ast c#ean te attacment 7e#d and carry out c#ose visua# inspection as 7e## as
6a,netic Partic#e $nspection o% te 7e#d=s>.
ii7 Sump Pipe and aissons
a> -eri%y te #ocation and diameter.
b> Record te dept o% termination .
c> 9a!e stand.o%% poto,raps o% te termination.
d> C#ean and)or and inspect a## sump )caisson connections to te Aac!et.
Note : Activities =a> and =b> are norma##y to be carried on ne7 structures or
insta##ations on#y.
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Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 12 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
iii7 onductor Sur"ey
a> 9a!e one =1> 7a## tic!ness and one =1> CP measurement on eac conductor
Aust above te nominated Aac!et #eve#.
b> Carry out a ,enera# visua# inspection o% te conductor and conductor ,uide
%rame assemb#ies at eac Aac!et #eve#B notin, areas o% dama,e or movement.
i"7 ,lood 4al"es
-eri%y %rom previous insta##ation acceptance ) inspection reports te status o% %#ood
va#ve c#osure. $% te %#ood va#ves ave not been c#osed)sea#ed on previous inspectionB
c#ose te va#ves. $% te va#ve cannot be operated it sou#d be p#u,,ed 7it Fsp#astronF
compound =or equiva#ent> or some %orm o% bun, c#osure device %itted
!7 ontact at!odic Potential .easuring
ii> Contact C.P. measurements are norma##y required at speci%ied Catodic Potentia#
1urvey Positions . $t is un#i!e#y tat Remote CP measurements 7i## be acceptab#e.
ii> $n cases o% anoma#ies =measurements more positive tan .*00m- or more ne,ative
tan .1'00m-> %urter contact C.P. measurements are required =pre%erab#y usin, a
diver and.e#d batycorrometer> at additiona# #ocations to determine te eCtent o%
te C.P. anoma#y and te optima# maintenance so#ution.
i7 #nspection o& Risers and Pipelines
i> $% c#eanin, is required as part o% te 7or! scopeB 7ater b#ast to remove marine
,ro7t 4&9 N/9 C/A9$N" %rom a strip 8( mm in 7idt %rom 61< do7n to =.>
1(m and record te condition o% te riser. Record te dept o% termination and te
condition o% typica# riser coatin,s i.e. sp#astronB neopreneB epoCyB bitumen or
concrete .
ii> Water b#ast te c#amps and cec! te condition o% bo#tsB nuts and #iners. 9a!e
poto,raps o% te c#amps .
iii> 9a!e C.P. measurements on te riserB riser c#amp and Aac!et member at eac Aac!et
#eve# usin, a and e#d batycorrometer. CP 6easurements on pipe#ines sou#d be
ta!en at te riser e#bo7B at %ie#d Aoints and a## oter areas o% eCposed bare meta#.
iv> A%ter ensurin, tat te riserEs impressed current system =i% present> is s7itced
F/NFB ta!e 17ain Ammeter =or equiva#ent> current %#o7 measurements =3 C
Fnorma#FB 3 C FreversedF> on eac riser at t7o #ocationsB Report te current %#o7
=and direction> in Amps.
a> above p#an #eve# $$.
b> on te riser e#bo7 ) pipe#ine departure %rom te Aac!et.
v> 9a!e e#evation and pro%i#e measurements to de%ine te riser orientation re#ative to
te c#osest structura# member and Aac!et #e,.
vi> 9a!e riser e#bo7 7a## tic!ness measurements 1(0mm apart at te %our cardina#
c#oc! positions. 9e number o% measurements ta!en depends on te siHe o% te
riser e#bo7. ?Ccavation and)or remova# o% riser e#bo7 supports may be required to
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 13 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
obtain a comp#ete set o% measurementsB especia##y on te outside o% te riser bend
=5 oEc#oc! position>.
vii> 9a!e measurements %rom te #e,s to bot ends o% te riser beam =i% any> at eac
Aac!et p#an #eve#.
viii> $nspect a## pipe#ines 7itin (0 meters o% te %ootprint area o% te p#at%orm =or to
suc #esser distance 7ere te pipe#ine becomes comp#ete#y buried>.
Note: Activities =i> and =vii> are norma##y to be carried out on ne7 structuresB ne7
insta##ations or 7en dama,e is suspected.
/7 Structural Damage
1ti##s Poto,raps o% a## discovered dama,e are required. 9a!e su%%icient measurements
to determine accurate dimensions o%B and to precise#y #ocate te de%ect. Carry out taut.
7ire out.o%.strai,tness measurements =in t7o p#anes at +0 de,rees> on a## si,ni%icant#y
dama,ed structura# membersB risers and pipe#ines. 6easure te dept and orientation o%
a## dents or oter structura# de%ects. &se a strai,t.ed,e to determine te dept o%
#oca#ised de%ects.
+7 Speci&ied <elds ,or Detailed #nspection
Detai#ed 7e#d inspection inc#udes 7ater.Aet c#eanin,B "rit b#ast c#eanin,B 1tand.o%%
Poto,rapyB C#ose.up Poto,rapyB C#ose -isua# $nspectionB A#ternatin, Current :ie#d
6easurement =AC:6> 6a,netic Partic#e $nspectionB &#trasonic Wa##.tic!ness
measurement and Catodic Potentia# measurement .
An ?ddy Current :#a7 Detection or A#ternatin, Current :ie#d 6easurement =AC:6> or
equiva#ent system 7i## norma##y be required 7enever visua# crac!s or indications are
present. 9e system is used to determine te de%ect dept prior to remedia# ,rindin,.
Catodic potentia# measurement and &#trasonic 7a##.tic!ness measurements sou#d
norma##y be ta!en at 1'B 02B 0* and 0+ oEc#oc! positions on maAor and minor members.
1tand.o%% poto,raps are norma##y required at eac o% te above cardina# c#oc!
Note : 1e#ection o% 7e#ds %or detai#ed inspection 7i## norma##y be speci%ied by te
C#ient in te scope o% 7or! .
l7 ,looded .em(er Detection
:#ooded member detection may be required on se#ected braces =usua##y vertica#
dia,ona# membersB oriHonta# perimeter members and primary oriHonta# dia,ona#
members>. $% members are %#oodedB an additiona# ,enera# visua# inspection is required to
determine te cause o% %#oodin,. $% trou,.tic!ness crac!in, o% te noda# 7e#ds at te
ends o% te %#ooded member is suspected to be te cause o% te %#oodin,B ten detai#ed
inspection o% tese noda# 7e#ds is required.
m7 .aintenance 'as+s =#& part o& t!e Scope o& <or+7
i> Remove and recover a## si,ni%icant debris B 7itin te capabi#ities o% te spreadB
%rom te structure and up to at #east 1* m a7ay %rom structura# members and
pipe#ines and report any dama,e caused by debris as 7e## as a## debris tat %or
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 1( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
any reason cannot be recovered to te sur%ace or removed. Remove or cut a##
7ire ropes crossin, te pipe#ine.
ii> 9e C#ient may require remova# o% any riser e#bo7 supports tat prevent access
%or riser e#bo7 7a## tic!ness measurements. Wen rep#acin, te supports
removedB do so to te pre%erred distance o% tree =2> meters a#on, te pipe#ine
%rom te #o7er riser e#bo7 butt.7e#d.
iii> 1upport a## %ree spans tat eCceed te a##o7ab#e #en,t. Re%er to te supp#ied
C#ient pipe#ine data %or detai#s o% a##o7ab#e %ree spans PR$/R to te inspection.
iv> 1ecure a## #oose attacments on te boat #andin, i% any.
v> $nsert missin, neoprene #iners in te riser c#amps un#ess te risers are desi,ned
to be in e#ectrica# continuity 7it te p#at%orm. Remove any neoprene #iners
%rom riser c#amps 7ere te riser is desi,ned to be in e#ectrica# contact 7it te
Con%irm te pipe#ines catodic protection status %rom te C#ient pipe#ine data PR$/R to
te inspection and recti%ication .
vi> 9i,ten a## #oose riser c#amp bo#ts .
vii> Remove redundant riser c#amps and rep#ace dama,ed c#amps.
viii> 1ecure a## #oose anode mountin,s.
iC> Rep#ace missin, anodes.
C> Rep#ace a## dep#eted =I+0J dep#eted> anodes.
Ci> Remove a## riser !nee braces.
Cii> C#ean and remove obstructions %rom te sump and caisson inta!es.
Ciii> A## open %#ood va#ves sou#d be c#osed or oter7ise sea#ed. $% te va#ves are
Aammed open some %orm o% bun, c#osure sou#d be insertedB /R te va#ve
sea#ed usin, Fsp#astronF compound =or equiva#ent>.
Note: A## 6aintenance tas!s are to be carried out /N<K a%ter speci%ic 7ritten
instructions by te C1R.
R04 Plat&orm #nspection
9e resu#ts o% te R/- visua# inspection are norma##y te basis %or p#annin, diver remedia#
7or!s durin, te subsequent 6aAor P#at%orm $nspection. 9e standard scope o% 7or! inc#udes te
%o##o7in,s :
a7 Structure
i> Carry out a ,enera# visua# inspection o% te structure and attacments. Report
a## areas o% dama,eB corrosion or debris items present on te structure.
1ti##s Poto,raps o% a## areas o% dama,e or si,ni%icant de%ects are norma##y
required. 9a!e su%%icient poto,raps to assess te siHe o%B and to accurate#y
#ocateB te de%ect.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 15 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
ii> 9a!e contact or proCimity C.P. measurements at te speci%ied Catodic
Potentia# 1urvey PositionsB dependant on te approved metod o% suc
measurement .
iii> -eri%y te presenceB condition and security o% attacment o% a## anodes.
?stimate te percenta,e dep#etion o% eac anode as accurate#y as te eCtent o%
marine ,ro7t present permits.
iv> Carry out a ,enera# visua# inspection o% te conductor)conductor ,uide %rame
assemb#ies at eac Aac!et #eve# notin, areas o% dama,e or si,ns o% movement.
v> Carry out a %u## base #eve# survey inc#udin, measurements o% scorin, at te
speci%ied #ocations =underside o% perimeter mud braces at mid.point and a##
pi#es>. Were pi#es are eCposedB ta!e CP measurements and stand.o%%
vi> Were it is cost e%%ective and)or part o% te R/- 1cope o% Wor!B carry.out 7e#d
$nspection inc#udin, 7ater.Aet c#eanin,B ,rit b#ast c#eanin,B stand.o%%
poto,rapyB c#ose.up poto,rapy and A#ternatin, Current :ie#d 6easurement
(7 De(ris Sur"ey
Carry out a debris survey on te structure and surroundin, seabed to a distance o% 1*
meters out %rom te perimeter mud brace members and report:.
i> Any dama,e caused by debris.
ii> 9e typeB siHe and #ocation o% ai# si,ni%icant debris items present.
iii> Poto,raps sou#d be ta!en o% a## suc #ar,e debris items 7ic may require
specia# provision o% cuttin, or #i%tin, equipment %or sa%e debris remova#.
iv> A sca#e dia,ram sou#d be produced to identi%y and #ocate a## si,ni%icant debris
c7 Risers and Pipelines
Risers and Pipe#ines 7i## norma##y be inspected %rom 61< out to a distance o% (0
metres %rom te riser e#bo7. Reportin, sou#d consist o% :.
i> Dama,e to risers or pipe#ines or coatin,s.
ii> DentedB bentB !in!ed or buc!#ed pipe.
iii> Corroded or #ea!in, pipe.
iv> &nsupported spans>.
v> Pipe#ine crossin,=s> .
vi> Pipe support device=s>.
vii> 6aAor debris on or near te pipe#ine.
vii> -a#ves. tie.ins and protection ca,es.
iC> ?Cpansion Aoints.
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Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 18 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
C> 4uc!#e arrestors.
Ci> 9emporary or permanent repair c#amps.
Cii> Riser and c#amp de%ects.
Ciii> Pad.eyes and oter %aci#ities.
1.-.2 Post6#nstallation #nspection
A post insta##ation survey is basica##y a comp#ete ,enera# visua# inspection o% te entire structureB
but may contain additiona# tas!s in order to a##o7 te C#ient to con%irm p#at%orm inte,rity prior to
%ina# acceptance %rom te Contractor .
9e standard scope o% 7or! norma##y inc#udes a## or most o% te %o##o7in, e#ements :.
9opside Lac!et Con%i,uration Poto,raps
a> 9a!e above 7ater con%i,uration poto,raps o% a## Aac!et %aces and record te date and
time o% eac poto,rap.
(7 R04 3eneral 4isual #nspection o& 9ac+et Structure
i> Carry out an R/- ,enera# visua# inspection o% te structure and attacments.
Con%irm te as.insta##ed Aac!et structura# con%i,uration. Report a## areas o%
dama,eB 7ire.scars or debris items present on te structure.
1ti##s Poto,raps are required o% a## areas o% dama,e or si,ni%icant de%ects.
9a!e su%%icient poto,raps to assess te siHe o%B and to accurate#y #ocate a##
ii> 9a!e C.P. measurements at te speci%ied Catodic Potentia# 1urvey Positions in
order to determine te catodic protection status o% te ne7 structure. CP
measurements sou#d a#7ays be ta!en on comp#etion o% 7e#din,.out o% pi#es.
iii> -eri%y te presenceB condition and security o% attacment o% a## anodes.
iv> Carry out a ,enera# visua# inspection o% te conductor)conductor ,uide %rame
assemb#ies at eac Aac!et #eve# notin, areas o% dama,e or si,ns o% movement.
v> Carry out a %u## base.#eve# survey inc#udin, measurements o% scourin, at te
speci%ied #ocations =underside o% perimeter mud braces at mid.point and a##
pi#es>. Were pi#es are eCposedB ta!e CP measurements and stand.o%%
Note: $t is o% vita# importance tat te entire R/- inspection be recorded and te
video tapes anded over to te C#ient %or acceptance o% te insta##ation.
c7 Risers and Pipelines
1urvey a## insta##ed Risers and Pipe#ines and report :.
i> Dama,e to risers or pipe#ines or coatin,s.
ii> DentedB bentB !in!ed or buc!#ed pipe.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 1* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
iii> Corroded or #ea!in, pipe.
iv> &nsupported span=s>.
v> Pipe#ine crossin,=s>
vi> Pipe support device=s>.
vii> Describe debris %ound.
viii> -a#vesB tie.ins and protection ca,es.
iC> ?Cpansion Aoints.
C> 4uc!#e arrestors.
Ci> 9emporary or permanent repair c#amps.
Cii> Riser and damp de%ects.
Ciii> Pad.eyesB Riser 0neebraces and a## oter attacments.
d7 ;oat ,enders
$nspect te condition o% a## boat %ender bracesB #addersB c#amps and bo#ts. 9a!e su%%icient
topside poto,raps to so7 te ,enera# condition o% te boat #andin, and attacments.
-eri%y te inte,rity o% a## c#ampsB bo#ts and 7e#ds.
e7 Sump Pipe and aisson
i> -eri%y te #ocation and diameter.
ii> Record te dept o% termination .
iii> Con%irm tat te termination is unobstructed by interna# debris.
iv> Con%irm te inte,rity o% a## sump)caisson connections to te Aac!et.
&7 R04 De(ris Sur"ey
Carry out a debris survey on te structure and surroundin, seabed to a distance o% 1*
meters outboard o% te combined p#at%orm and bar,e %ootprints and report:.
i> Any dama,e caused by debris.
ii> 9e typeB siHe and #ocation o% a## si,ni%icant debris items present.
iii> Poto,raps sou#d be ta!en o% a## suc #ar,e debris items 7ic may require
specia# provision o% cuttin, or #i%tin, equipment %or sa%e debris remova#.
iv> Produce a sca#e dia,ram to #ocate a## si,ni%icant debris items %or remova#.
1.-.3 0&&s!ore Pipeline #nspection
1.-.3.1 R04 Pipeline #nspection
R/- Pipe#ine $nspection is carried out in order to determine te condition o% te
pipe#ine and obtain F%iCF #ocations o% a## areas o% interest.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 1+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9e standard scope o% 7or! 7i## norma##y inc#ude te %o##o7in, :
a7 A(o"e <ater #nspection
$% -esse# access permits describe te presence and condition o% any iso#ation
%#an,e =i% %itted>.
(7 Riser Splas!>one oating
Comment on te ,enera# condition and poto,rap de%ects or areas o%
corrosion. 9e eCact #ocationB siHe =bot #on,itudina##y and transverse#y> and
dept o% de%ects must be recorded.
c7 Riser ondition
Describe te ,enera# condition o% te riser and coatin, =i% coated>. Poto,rap
a## areas o% dama,e or corrosion. Record te eCact #ocations and dept o% a##
suc areas.
d7 Riser lamps
Describe te condition o% te c#amps. $% marine ,ro7t permitsB #ist a## c#amp
de%ects suc as #oose)missin, bo#tsB misa#i,nment or si,ns o% riser movement.
Poto,rap eac riser c#amp.
e7 Riser 1l(o8
Record te 0P o% eac riser e#bo7 and describe te eCtent o% buria#)suspension
o% te riser e#bo7 and 7eter a !nee brace is present.
&7 P!ysical Damage
Record te #ocation =0P> and describe te dimensions o% te de%ect .
g7 ,ree spans
Record te #ocation =start and stop 0P> and describe #en,tB maCimum ei,t
and pro%i#e o% te %ree span.
!7 ;ends
/btain a %iC =0P> at eac #ocation 7ere te pipe#ine orientation can,es.
i7 orrosion
Record te 0P and ta!e a contact CP measurement at a## areas o% pipe#ine
/7 Pipeline rossings
Record te 0P and identi%y 7ic pipe#ines are invo#ved.
+7 Pipeline Supports
Describe te #ocation =0P>B dimensions and type o% supports present.
l7 ,ield 9oints
Note te presence o% any Aoints. $% %ie#d Aoint de%ects are present B record te 0P
and describe te de%ects.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '0 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
m7 Pipeline Anodes
Note anode presence and #ocation =0P> and 7ere possib#e describe teir
condition. 6onitor anode activity usin, a C.P. pro%i#er. At se#ected anodesB
attempt to estimate te dimensions o% te anode .
n7 Sta(ilisation .ats?<eig!ts
Record te #ocation =0P>B dimensionsB condition and metod o% attacment to
te pipe#ine o% a## suc items. Assess 7eter te mat)7ei,t contributes
to7ards pipe#ine stabi#ity.
o7 'ie6in
Record te #ocation =0P> and condition o% te tie.in and protective equipment.
Poto,rap a## tie.in components.
p7 Repair lamps
Record te #ocation =0P> and c#amp condition and ta!e poto,raps as required.
q7 Padeyes ? )i&ting Da"it lamps
Record te #ocation =0P> and typeB dimensions and condition o% te
padeye)#i%tin,.c#amp .
r7 ;are .etal 12posure
Record te 0P and describe te dimensionsB orientation and 0P o% te area o%
bare meta# eCposure. 9a!e contact CP measurements.
s7 Signs o& Pipeline .o"ement
$nspect %or possib#e causes o% movementB ancor dra,,in, etc .
t7 .a/or Sea(ed ,eatures
Record te 0PB dimensionsB orientations and type o% %eatures present.
u7 .a/or de(ris #tems
Record te 0PB dimensionsB orientation and type o% debris item.
1.-.3.2 Side6scan Sonar Sur"ey
1ide.scan 1onar 1urvey is carried out in order to #ocate maAor de%ects =bendsB ancor
dama,eB pipe#ine movements and maAor %ree spans> 7ic may ave occurred.
9e standard scope o% 7or! 7i## norma##y inc#ude te %o##o7in, :.
a> A comp#ete side.scan sonar survey o% te entire #ine.
b> P#ot te pipe#ine position and compare 7it previous survey p#ots to determine
7eter any pipe#ine movement as occurred.
c> $denti%y te start and stop positions and ei,t o% a## %ree spans.
d> <ocate a## point and #ine tar,ets indicatin, seabed %eatures suc as ..
i> ancor.dra, scars
ii> b#o7.out craters
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '1 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
iii> cora# outcrops
iv> seabed ,as #ea!s
v> scourin, near te pipe#ine
vi> sip7rec!s
vii> maAor debris items
viii> any oter %eatures 7ic cou#d a%%ect te inte,rity o% te pipe#ine
e> <ocate ai# pipe#ine crossin,s and identi%y te oter pipe#ines invo#ved.
%> $denti%y a## can,es in pipe#ine directionB 7eter ,radua# bendsB !in!sB buc!#es
or intentiona# %eatures suc as eCpansion #oops.
,> Provide in%ormation on pipe#ine buria# and trencin, 7ere app#icab#e.
1.-.$ 12port ,acilities #nspection
1.-.$.1 Single ;uoy .ooring =S.;..7 Routine #nspection
9e routine under7ater inspection is carried out to determine te conditionB inte,rity
and de,ree o% deterioration o% te 146 and its associated components e.,. buoyB osesB
pipe#ine end mani%o#d =P<?6> etc.
9e standard scope o% 7or! 7i## norma##y inc#ude te %o##o7in, :.
a7 ,loating @ose ondition and on&iguration
i> 9a!e poto,raps to so7 te con%i,uration o% te oses.
ii> Cec! te condition o% te oses and te ti,tness o% te bo#ted
connections. Any dama,e identi%ied 7i## norma##y be subAect to a
detai#ed inspection and poto,rapy.
(7 Su(6Sea @ose #nspection
i> Cec! te condition o% te oses and te ti,tness o% te bo#ted
ii> Cec! te condition o% te ose connections to te P<?6 .
iii> Produce isometric vie7s to so7 te con%i,uration o% sub sea oses.
c7 ;uoy Assem(ly #nspection
i> Carry out a visua# inspection o% te buoy %or dama,eB dentsB o#es etc.
poto,rapsB dra7in,s and dent measurements are required i% dama,e
is present.
ii> 9a!e 7a## tic!ness measurement at te same #ocations c#eaned %or CP
measurements .
d7 Anc!or !ain #nspection and .easurement
i> 6easure and record te cain an,#es and adAust to 7itin approved
to#erances by tensionin, or re#easin, te cain .
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
ii> -isua##y inspect a## ancor cains at te stoppers.
iii> <in! 7ear measurement =a## cains>. 6easure %our successive
accessib#e #in!sB immediate#y be#o7 te cain stopperB across te
combined #in! troats at te contact point .
e7 at!odic Protection #nspection and .aintenance
i> Count te number and record te #ocations o% te anodes on te buoy .
ii> 9a!e one CP measurement at %our #ocations =NortB 1outB ?astB West>
around te buoy perimeter. =9o be ta!en be%ore and a%ter anode
iii> Cec! a## te mountin,s o% te anodes .
iv> Rep#ace a## comp#ete#y dep#eted anodes .
v> 1ecure a## #oose anodes.
vi> 9a!e post anode.rep#acement CP measurement on a## cains at tree
#ocations :
a> Cainstopper
b> 6id.7ater
ci> 1eabed
vii> 9a!e post anode.rep#acement CP measurements on te pipe#ine endsB
spoo# piecesB pipe#ine ancor c#amps and te pi#es.
&7 Pipeline 1nd6.ani&old =P)1.7 #nspection
i> Cec! te condition o% te P<?6.
ii> 9a!e CP measurements on te P<?6=s> and on eac P<?6 pi#e.
g7 R04 3eneral 4isual Sur"ey
i> Carry out an R/- survey on te sub.sea oses and P<?6=s>.
ii> 1urvey te ancor cains =i% te visibi#ity permits>.
g7 Serial Aum(er identi&ication
$denti%y and record te seria# numbers o% a## te %#oatin, and sub sea oses. Do
not c#ean and inspect %or determination o% seria# numbers i% no oses ave been
can,ed out since te #ast inspection.
1.-.$.2 ,loating Production Storage 0&&loading =,PS07 ,acility #nspection
:P1/ inspection inc#udes te under7ater part o% te u##B coatin,sB sea.cests and
$nspection sou#d inc#udeB but not be #imited to te %o##o7in, activities :.
a> $nspect te u## protective coatin, to determine dama,e toB or deterioration o%
te protection.
b> $nspect sea7ater in#ets and out#ets %or si,ns o% b#oc!a,e by marine ,ro7t or
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '2 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
deterioration due to erosion.
?Ccessive marine ,ro7t around sea 7ater in#ets to be removed by 7ater.
b#astin, and)or manua# 7ire brus.
c> inspect te u## structure and record a## evidence o% dama,e caused by doc!in,
o% sutt#e tan!ers or tu, boats.
d> Determine te eCtent and type o% marine ,ro7t present on te structure.
Remove marine ,ro7t in speci%ic areas as required %or inspection purposes.
e> $nspect anodesB con%irm te inte,rity o% mountin,s and determine dep#etion
1.-.* Special Sur"ey
1.-.*.1 Plat&orm ? ,acility Damage #nspection
P#at%orm):aci#ity Dama,e inspection is carried out 7en dama,e is suspected. 9e
%o##o7in, provides a base scope o% 7or! %or p#at%orm dama,e assessment. As te
inspection pro,resses it is eCpected tat te scope 7i## be au,mented ) superseded by
te C#ient 7it more detai#ed requirements once te eCtent o% dama,e is determined.
1.-.*.1.1 9ac+et Structure
Carry out a ,enera# visua# inspection on a## areas o% te structures and tose attacments
tat may ave been dama,ed. Report a## areas o% dama,eB corrosion or debris items
present on te structure. -eri%y te presenceB condition and security o% attacment o%
1ti##s Poto,raps are required o% a## areas o% dama,e or si,ni%icant de%ects. 9a!e
su%%icient poto,raps to assess te siHe o% and to accurate#y #ocate eac de%ect.
1.-.*.1.2 De(ris Sur"ey
Carry out a debris survey o% te structureD and surroundin, seabed to a distance o% 1*
meters out %rom te perimeter mud brace members and report:.
a> Any dama,e caused by debris.
b> 9e typeB siHe and #ocation o% a## si,ni%icant debris items present.
c> Poto,raps sou#d be ta!en o% a## suc #ar,e debris items 7ic may require
specia# provision o% cuttin, or #i%tin, equipment %or its sa%e remova# %rom te
d> A sca#e dia,ram sou#d be produced to identi%y and #ocate a## si,ni%icant debris .
1.-.*.1.3 Risers and Pipelines
1urvey portions o% te Risers and Pipe#ines 7ic may ave been dama,ed and report:.
a> Dama,e to risers or pipe#ines or coatin,s.
b> DentedB bentB !in!ed or buc!#ed pipe.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '3 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
c> Corroded or #ea!in, pipe.
d> &nsupported span=s>.
e> Pipe#ine crossin,=s>.
%> Pipe support device=s>.
,> 6aAor debris on or near te pipe#ine.
> -a#vesB tie.ins and protection ca,es.
i> ?Cpansion Aoints.
A> 4uc!#e arrestors.
!> 9emporary or permanent repair damps.
$> Riser and c#amp de%ects.
1.-.*.1.$ ,looded .em(er Detection
:#ooded member detection =:6D> may be speci%ied %or structura# members tat are
suspected o% avin, sustained dama,e.
1.-.*.1.* Selected <eld #nspection
We#ds may be se#ected %or detai#ed inspection i% pre#iminary inspection data indicates
te possibi#ity o% 7e#d dama,e.
1.-.*.1.- Dimensional 4eri&ication
Carry out taut.7ire out.o%.strai,tness measurements =in t7o p#anes M +0 de,> on a##
si,ni%icant#y dama,ed structura# members. 6easure te dept and orientation o% a##
dents or oter de%ects. &se a strai,t.ed,e to determine te dept o% #oca#iHed de%ects.
1.-.*.2 Pipelines & Riser Damage Sur"ey
9e %o##o7in, provides a base scope o% 7or! %or pipe#ine dama,e assessment. As te
inspection pro,resses it is eCpected tat te scope 7i## be au,mented)superseded by te
C#ient 7it more detai#ed requirements once te eCtent o% dama,e is determined. $t is
intended tat te maAority o% te base 7or! scope be per%ormed usin, te R/-.
;o7everB sou#d si,ni%icant dama,e eCist ten diver intervention 7i## be required.
1.-.*.2.1 Risers and Pipelines
1urvey portions o% te Risers and Pipe#ines 7ic may ave been dama,ed and report:.
a> Dama,e to risers or pipe#ines or coatin,s.
b> DentedB bentB !in!ed or buc!#ed pipe.
c> Corroded or #ea!in, pipe.
d> &nsupported span=s>.
e> Pipe#ine crossin,=s>.
%> Pipe support device=s>.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
,> 6aAor debris on or near te pipe#ine.
> -a#vesB tie.ins and protection ca,es.
i> ?Cpansion Aoints.
A> 4uc!#e arrestors.
!> 9emporary or permanent repair c#amps.
$> Riser and c#amp de%ects.
1.-.*.3 ;arge ? Rig .o"e Sea(ed De(ris Sur"ey
1eabed Debris 1urvey may be required be%ore a bar,e)ri, ta!es up #ocation or on
comp#etion o% its 7or!s at tat #ocation. 1uc inspections are used to quanti%y te
amount o% debris deposited on te seabed by te bar,e)ri,.
9e standard scope o% 7or! 7i## norma##y inc#ude te %o##o7in, :.
a7 De(ris?Damage 'o '!e Structure and Pipelines
-isua##y inspect te structure and pipe#ines to determine te presence o% any debris or
dama,e caused by debrisB te bar,eB or moorin, #ines. Record te eCact #ocation o% eac
item o% debris or area o% dama,e and ta!e sti##s poto,raps to so7 te eCtent o% te
(7 Sea(ed De(ris
-isua##y inspect a rectan,u#ar area coverin, te combined seabed %ootprints o% te
ri,)bar,e and o%%sore structure)7e##eadB but eCtendin, a minimum o% (0 meters
outboard %rom te bar,e %ootprint.
Report a## si,ni%icant debris items present. Produce a sca#e dia,ram to #ocate and
identi%y a## si,ni%icant debris items %ound.
c7 Sea(ed ondition Sur"ey
9e ,rid o% inspection FpassesF usin, te R/- =or a#ternative survey tecniques i%
carried out by divers> sa## be based on te prevai#in, conditions at te time o%
inspection. 1eabed FpassesF sou#d be at a maCimum o% 2 meters separation =7ere
visibi#ity and sonar accuracy permits>.
Produce dra7in, detai#in, te R/- sta,es =inc#udin, seabed passes> used and mar! te
#ocations o% a## items o% interest reported.
1.-.*.$. Sea(ed Sur"ey =#ncluding Sea(ed 3as Seepage Sur"ey7
1eabed survey may be required %or many di%%erent reasons. 9e standard scope o% 7or!
7i## norma##y be as %o##o7s :
a> -isua##y inspect te area required usin, a ,rid searc pattern o% FpassesF at a
maCimum separation o% 2 meters =7ere visibi#ity and sonar accuracy permits>.
Report a## unusua# seabed %eatures or oter items o% interest. 1ti##s poto,raps
and a concise summariHed video record o% a## items o% interest are norma##y
Produce a sca#e dia,ram to #ocate and identi%y a## items o% interest present
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '5 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
7itin te survey area. $% te survey #ocation is remote %rom structures and
pipe#ines use "P1 or company.supp#ied navi,ation pac!a,e to determine te
coordinates o% te survey area and any items o% interest reported.
b> $% te survey #ocation is adAacent to a structure ten re#ate te #ocations o% a##
items o% interest to te p#at%orm center co.ordinates and ) or speci%ied Aac!et
#e,s at seabed #eve#.
c> $% te survey #ocation is remote %rom o%%sore structuresB but adAacent =7itin
(0m> to a pipe#ineB record te 0P o% te c#osest point o% te pipe#ine as 7e## as
te "P1 coordinates.
1.-.*.* Sea(ed 3as )ea+ .onitoring
Dependin, on te #ocation and on a number o% sa%ety considerations it is probab#e tat
te pre%erred resource %or ,as #ea! samp#in, 7i## be te R/-B a#tou, diver
intervention may be required under certain circumstances.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '8 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: '+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
The tasks grouped within this section are those that normally can be performed without
special tools or Intervention, i.e. 'observation & detection' tasks. The tasks may be
performed by RO Inspection !ontroller or by diver, and a number of the tasks can be
performed concurrently, or at least within the same dive.
The tasks generally relate to 'global' inspection, i.e. covering many parts of, or all of a
structure and commonly re"uire layout drawings of the structure to be available both for
reference and for first#hand mark#up of any findings.
The tasks included are$
Spec. Sheet No. Task Tite
Task Co!e
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 20 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 21 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
2." Co/po0e0t Check VI%OK
/bAectives 1.0 9o detect te %o##o7in, 7itout prior c#eanin, :.
a> "ross dama,e toB de%ect inB or de%ormation o% a component or sub
componentB inc#udin, #ea!s @ obvious corrosion
b> 1i,ns o% unintentiona# movement inc#udin, subsistenceB and si,ns o%
restriction to intended movement
c> /bvious variations %rom ,iven in%ormation @ dra7in,sB inc#udin,
unidenti%ied @ missin, attacments and supports
d> /ter obviousB potentia# ris!s to structura# @ pressure inte,rity.
'.0 a> 9o routine#y #o, obvious debrisB and te presence o% any o% te above
b> 9o %urter describe and code any o% te above anoma#ies
2.0 9o identi%y and #o, any debris items in c#ose proCimity =N (0m> to te p#at%orm
structure bot interna##y and eCterna##y.
3.0 9o identi%y and #o, any debris items and)or scour in te pat o% a FAac!.upF ri, spud
can position.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.1.1
Data Capture -$./0
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required None =No C#eanin, Required>
?quipment Required 1ubsea -ideo ?quipment
1ti##s Camera
1tand /%% @ C#ose &p <enses
$dent. 4oard @ Accessories
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standard
9as! Procedure Consu#t dra7in,s o% structure durin, inspection
Combine 7ere possib#eB oter visua# 7or! scope tas!s %or concurrent operation.
Annotate dra7in, 7it eac anoma#y #ocation and)or debris item
6inimum $nspection Covera,e is as %o##o7s :.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 2' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure a: AoriBo,tals ' %ertial Diago,als C &pper 20J o% circ. =%u##>
Report on conditionB marine ,ro7tB anoma#ies inc#udin, missin, coatin,B dentsB
dama,eB missin, bracin,sB etc
;: (egs C /uter 8(J o% circ. =%u##>
Report on conditionB marine ,ro7tB anoma#ies inc#udin, missin, coatin,B dentsB
dama,eB etc.
: %ertials0 Caisso,s0 Co,d*tors : (0J o% circ. =%u##>
Report on conditionB marine ,ro7tB anoma#ies inc#udin, #oose or dama,ed
supportsB #oose c#ampsB dentsB dama,eB be## mout debrisB etc.
d: Nodes0 S*pports0 Critial Areas : 8(J o% sur%ace area
Report on conditionB marine ,ro7tB anoma#ies inc#udin,B dama,e..
e: 5*ide Fra1es : 8(J o% upper sur%ace
Report on conditionB marine ,ro7tB anoma#ies inc#udin, missin, coatin,B dentsB
dama,eB missin, bracin,sB etc.
3: Risers : 8(J o% circ. =%u##>
Report on conditionB marine ,ro7tB anoma#ies inc#udin, missin, coatin,B dentsB
dama,eB #oose or dama,ed c#ampsB etc.
g: Pipeli,es : &pper 50J o% circ.
: G 'm eiter side
Report on conditionB anode conditionB anoma#ies inc#udin, missin, coatin,B dentsB
dama,eB etc.
@a!et I,ter,al Sea;ed De;ris S*rvey"
Assess te eCtent o% any meta##ic debris in contact 7it te structure. A diver -isua#
inspection and catodic potentia# measurements may be required 7ere suc
contact eCists and te debris is deemed by te C#ient 1ite RepresentatAve to be
eCcessive or #i!e#y to pose prob#ems %or te structureEs catodic protection system.
Poto,raps sou#d be ta!en o% a## si,ni%icant debris items in contact 7it te
structure. $nspect te point o% contact %or dama,e or corrosion.
1eabed survey can be carried out eiter by divers or by te R/-. $% carried out
usin, an R/-B a## inspection is to be recorded on video 7ereas 7it diversB video
recordin, is required on#y i% anoma#ies are #ocated.
$% meta##ic debris is #ocated inside te Aac!et or in contact 7it te structure or
pipe#ines it sou#d be recovered to te sur%ace. $% te debris cannot be recovered to
sur%ace it sou#d be moved to a speci%ied #ocation outside te structure =and at #east
1 m %rom structura# members and pipe#ines>. $% te debris cannot be moved due to
non.avai#abi#ity o% diversB ten te #ocation and dimensions o% eac item sa## be
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 22 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure @a!et EDter,al Sea;ed De;ris S*rvey
Assess te eCtent o% any meta##ic debris in contact 7it te structure or pipe#ines
and on te surroundin, seabed. Carry out a c#ose -isua# inspection 7ere suc
contact eCists. 9e seabed sou#d be surveyed =a#on, eac 2 m. interva# > to a
distance o% 1* m out %rom te eCterna# Aac!et members and poto,raps ta!en o%
si,ni%icant debris items present.
9e survey can be carried out by any resourceB A$RB 1A9 or R/-. Wit R/-
surveysB a## inspections sa## be recorded on video. Diver survey norma##y on#y
requires video recordin, 7en anoma#ies are #ocated .
Sea1e! Co0!itio0 S234e5
Report the exact location of the area surveyed. Describe all seabed
features, debris items or other items of interest found.
'e13is Co!i06
- (blank) No obvious debris 6 as bottle!pressure vessel
" #inor, non metallic debris $ %ishin& net!line
' #inor (ire!hose!rope )'m * +rea debris (brief
, #inor metal!scaffold!pipe )'m - .ar&e metallic item (e.&.
/ 0ire!hose!rope 1'm "2 3ther si&nificant debris
4 #etal!scaffold!pipe 1'm
A0o/a5 Fo20!
5rovide a brief description and position of each anomlay or item of
debris observed.
6omplete a detailed anomaly report.
7f no debris or anomaly is observed, no data is re8uired for this
1a%ety Considerations No specia# requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 23 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
2.2 S2ppo3t Check VI%SUP
/bAectives 1.0 :or any supportB suc as a c#ampB ,uide or %abricated supportB to attempt to detect
te %o##o7in, 7itout prior c#eanin, :.
a> /bvious %ai#ure o% te support device
b> 6issin, bo#tsB studs or nuts
c> 6issin, or eCistin, #inerB 7ic is at variance 7it te spec.
d> /bvious si,ns o% re#ative movement o% te support or supported item.
e> /bvious si,ns o% misa#i,nmentB inc#udin, unintended or non uni%orm ,aps
bet7een component parts o% te support.
'.0 9o determine tat a## intended supports as per te speci%ication or dra7in, are
actua##y in p#ace.
2.0 a> 9o routine#y as %ound #o, bo#tB #iner @ a#i,nment statusB any remedia# 7or!
and te presence o% any anoma#ies.
b> 9o %urter describe and code any o% te above anoma#ies
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.'.1
Data Capture -$.1&P
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required Con%irm te Catodic Protection 1peci%icationB =Ae. 7eter te support is desi,ned to
be in e#ectrica# contact 7it te structure)riser)attacment>
?quipment Required 1ubsea -ideo ?quipment
1ti##s Camera
1tand /%% @ C#ose &p <enses
$dent. 4oard @ Accessories
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure
1. Consu#t te dra7in,s o% te structure durin, inspection.
'. Annotate te dra7in, 7it eac anoma#y #ocation.
2. Con%irm te catodic protection speci%ication in advance o% te inspection to
determine 7eter insu#atin, #iners are required or 7eter an impressed current
system is present =risers>. $denti%y te c#amp type.
3. $nspect and report bo#t condtion and tensionB c#amp typeB te presence and
condition o% te neoprene insu#ation #iner =i% %itted>B a## c#amps inc#udin, riser.
c#amps B adAustab#e arms sou#d be c#eaned and inspected.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 2( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure
Report a## areas o% dama,eB paint condition i% te c#amp is coated.
4o#t status sou#d be reported as %o##o7s :.
NN$.$NN ' nutsB ten c#amp %#an,esB ten ' nuts
4$.$NN bo#t eadB ten c#amp %#an,esB ten ' nuts
4W$.$WN bo#t eadB 7aserB %#an,esB 7aserB ten sin,#e nut
(. 4ad#y corroded)dama,ed or missin, c#amps sou#d be reported to te C1R so
tat rep#acement can be autorised 7i#e te vesse# is sti## on #ocation.
Riser c#amps sou#d be identi%ied 7ere possib#e usin, standard Riser C#amp
termino#o,y %or F1upport 9ypeF 1 to 8.
1a%ety Considerations No specia# requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 25 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
2.& A0o!e (asta6e Check VI%ANO
1.0 9o estimate @ record te 7asta,e o% an anode 7itout dedicated c#eanin,.
'.0 9o record any variance bet7een as.%ound @ as.speci%ied anode positions =i% not
identi%ied durin, oter inspection tas!s>.
1upportin, Procedures 1$.D.PR.00001 Anode $nspection Procedures
1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.2.1
Data Capture -$.AN/
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required None un#ess speci%ied by C#ient. 6inima# marine ,ro7t may be removed to a##o7 an
estimate o% 7asta,e.
?quipment Required -ideo
1ti##s Camera
1tand /%% @ C#ose &p <enses
$dent 4oard @ Accessories
Wire 4rusB ;and 1craper
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure
1. Con%irm te presence and security o% eac anode on te structure.
'. Re%erence eac anode to te as.bui#t dra7in,. Anode unique identi%iers are to be
used to comp#ete te Data Capture seets
'. ?stimate its percenta,e dep#etion as accurate#y as marine ,ro7t cover permits.
=1ee Data 1eet No. '.2.1>
2. $% anode is tota##y obscured by marine ,ro7tB #ist 7asta,e as F0F and comp#ete
an anoma#y report coded 6" O 6arine "ro7t Anoma#y.
3. $% an anoma#y is detectedB noti%y te C1R immediate#y so tat e can speci%y
%urter action i% required 7i#e te team is on #ocation. Raise and comp#ete an
anoma#y report %or every anoma#y reported.
1a%ety Considerations No specia# requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 28 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+"-"1 A,ode I,tegrity Che! %I-ANO
/bAectives 1.0 9o record any variance bet7een as.%ound @ as.speci%ied anode positions =i% not
identi%ied durin, oter inspection tas!s>.
'.0 9o identi%y te condition o% eac anode and its supportin, brac!ets
1upportin, Procedures 1$.D.PR.00001 Anode $nspection Procedures
1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.3.1
Data Capture -$.AN$
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required ?nsure tat te trans%ormer ) recti%ierEs po7er supp#y is s7itced /::. No c#eanin,
sou#d be required %or a 7or!in, impressed current anode. C#eanin, te anode may
dama,e te P#atinum or Niobium #ayer.
?quipment Required Ni#
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
C#ient dependant
9as! Procedure Con%irm te structura# inte,rity o% te anode and its support brac!et. Report on te
condition o% te anode materia# =usua##y P#atinum or Niobium>. 1ou#d anoma#ies be
%ound additiona# tas!s may be required.
1a%ety Considerations ?nsure tat te impressed current po7er supp#y is s7itced o%% and iso#ated prior to
diver inspection o% te impressed current anode.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 2* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+". So*r Che! %I-SCR
/bAectives 1.0 9o detect evidence o% erosion o% te sea %#oor %rom around near.sea bed or sea bed
penetratin, components eCc#udin, pipe#ines.
'.0 9o estimate te distance bet7een a %iCed and obvious structura# datum and te sea
2.0 9o record su%%icient in%ormation to a##o7 basic p#ottin, o% scour pro%i#e a#on,
perimeter membersB or around #e,s)pi#es.
1upportin, Procedures 1$.D.PR.0000' 1cour 1urvey Procedures
1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.3.1
Data Capture -$.1CR
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required None
?quipment Required 6easurin, stic! ) tape.measure ) R/-.
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 6easure te distance bet7een te component =eiter te underside o% te mud mat
or underside o% bottom e#evation oriHonta#> and te seabed at te #ocations
speci%ied in te 7or! scope. Were te component is a oriHonta#B record te
compass direction o% te centre #ine.
Were te component is buried record te dept o% buria#.
Report a## pi#es eCposed by I1.0 m and areas o% #oca#ised scourin,.
Re%er to previous reports to determine 7eter tere is a si,ni%icant can,e to te
seabed pro%i#e. $% scour is determinedB even i% not appreciab#eB create a dra7in,
usin, anoma#y report code F-1F . -ariation to 1peci%ication.
$% bui#d up is noted to be ,reater tan 1m above #ast reported seabed #eve#B report
and code as F4&F . 4uria#)Partia# 4uria# Anoma#y.
9a!e one =1> CP measurement and t7o ='> 7a## tic!ness measurements on eac
eCposed pi#e. Poto,rap te eCposed pi#es i% visibi#ity permits.
/n instruction %rom te C#ientB protect pi#es eCposed by I1.0 metres %rom %urter
scourin, eiter usin, sand.ba,sB cement.ba,s or ,rout.ba,s or ,rave#.dumps.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 2+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
2.* O1st32ctio0 Check
/bAectives 1.0 9o detect any obvious obstruction to in#ets or out#etsB suc as pump or sump
caisson ends.
'.0 9o detect obvious obstac#es to intended movement =e.,.> debris 7ed,ed 7itin
2.0 9o detect potentia# obstac#es to dep#oyment or insta##ation o% sub sea p#ant or
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.(.1
Data Capture -$./41
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required Ni#
?quipment Required -ideo
1ti##s Camera c)7 1tand /%% <ens
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
41P dependant
9as! Procedure $denti%y and #o, any obstac#e tat may be outside te criteria o% te obAectives
6easure te dept o% eac sump)caisson mout inspected
9a!e measurements o% any obstruction tou,t to be in te 7ay o% dep#oyment or
insta##ation o% p#anned attacments.
Comp#ete an anoma#y %orm %or eac obstruction identi%ied
1ou#d anoma#ies be %ound additiona# tas!s may be required on te autorisation o%
41P to remove te obstac#es.
1a%ety Considerations ?nsure tat a## sumps and caissons in te area are c#osed do7nB inc#udin, %ire pump
Divers to con%irm no discar,e %rom sumps prior to approacin,.
:ire pump risers to be inspected in a predetermined sequence suc tat tey can be
F#oc!ed outF in turn prior to te diver or R/- inspectin,.
Divers and)or R/- to ensure a c#ear route o% e,ress %rom te p#at%orm.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 30 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+"4 Mari,e 5roEth Che! %I-M5I
/bAectives 1.0 9o estimate te covera,e and tic!ness o% marine ,ro7t on a componentB 7itout
te need to measure or poto,rap te ,ro7t
'.0 9o detect obvious ,ro7t pattern anoma#ies =e.,.> ,ro7t %ar in eCcess o% normB
or a tota# absence o% ,ro7t 7ere it is eCpected.
2.0 9o record su%%icient in%ormation %or a structureB suc tat a basic p#ot o% ,ro7t
cover @ tic!ness a,ainst dept can be ,enerated.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.5.1
Data Capture -$.6"$
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required None
?quipment Required (0 mm 7ide tape.measure or ca#ibrated bandB 6arine ,ro7t poto,rapic identB
1tand.o%% camera.
Re#evant 1tandards Divers sou#d be ab#e to discriminate bet7een so%t and ard ,roups o% marine
%ou#in, or,anisms and provide an estimate o% percenta,e cover %or eac ,roup.
9as! Procedure 9e tas! sou#d norma##y be per%ormed concurrent#y 7it te Component 1tatus
A## cec!s are to be conducted on te main oriHonta# %ace members and #e, sections
as speci%ied by te C#ient.
Report te %o##o7in, :. 1o%t "ro7t Ja,e Cover
1o%t "ro7t Avera,e 9ic!ness
1o%t "ro7t 9ype
;ard "ro7t Ja,e Cover
;ard "ro7t Avera,e 9ic!ness
;ard "ro7t 9ype
Were so%t ,ro7t inders te abi#ity to visua##y estimate te under#yin, ard ,ro7tB
use any nearby area 7ere so%t ,ro7t as been abraded or c#eared to provide te
At speci%ied interva#s =W/R>B cec! te accuracy o% visua# estimation by usin, a
,raduated probe adAacent to te ed,e o% te ,ro7t.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 31 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+"8 Coati,gs Che! %I-CT5
/bAectives 1.0 9o identi%y te presence or absence o% a coatin,B and 7ere possib#eB te condition
o% te coatin,B but 7itout prior remova# o% marine ,ro7t.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.8.1
Data Capture -$.C9"
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required None
?quipment Required -ideo
1tand.o%% camera.
$dent. 4oard
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure At #ocations speci%ied by te C#ientB report on te condition o% te coatin,=s>. Do not
remove or dama,e coatin, un#ess instructed by te C1R.
Report te presence o% b#isters and)or te nature o% oter visib#e deterioration.
ApproCimate te FArea Cec!ed =m
>F and report. 9e minimum area considered
acceptab#e %or an accurate assessment is 100mm C 100mm =0.01 m
$n any survey area 7ere dama,e or absence o% coatin, is reportedB comp#ete an
anoma#y report.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 3' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+"9 F*,tio, Che! OP-CA)
/bAectives 1.0 9o con%irm or quanti%y te resu#ts o% an operation =e.,.> te stro!in, o% a sub sea
va#veB or te settin, o% an ancorB and 7ere necessaryB to monitor or periodica##y
cec! te status or resu#t o% an operation =e.,.> te serviceabi#ity o% operatin,
equipment or te ,radua# pressurisation o% a ose.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.*.1
Data Capture -$.C;0
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications Activity : C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Data #o,,in, : F$nspection Contro##erF 7it a minimum o% a C1W$P 2.1& un#ess
dispensation or oter approva#s are accepted by 41P.
Preparation Required None
?quipment Required -ideo
1tand.o%% camera.
$dent. 4oard
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure At #ocations speci%ied by te C#ientB conduct te tas! accordin, to te 7or! scope.
$denti%y eac Fcec!F or F%unctionF per%ormed 7it a unique identi%ier.
<o, eac step o% a %unction cec! 7it accurate time measurement =e.,.> F-a#ve
be,ins openin,F to te nearest second.
$n any survey area 7ere dama,e or anoma#y is reportedB comp#ete an anoma#y
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 32 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+"F Mis" Operatio,s (oggi,g OP-(O5
/bAectives 1.0 9o #o, any inspection tas!s or operations %or 7ic no more speci%ic data
requirements ave yet been deve#oped in a %ormat consistent 7it oter inspection
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.+.1
Data Capture /P.</"
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications Activity : C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Data #o,,in, : F$nspection Contro##erF 7it a minimum o% a C1W$P 2.1& un#ess
dispensation or oter approva#s are accepted by te C#ient.
Preparation Required None
?quipment Required 9as! speci%ic
Re#evant 1tandards C#ient dependent standard
9as! Procedure 9as! speci%ic
Raise and comp#ete an anoma#y report %or a## identi%ied anoma#ies.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 33 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+"10 De;ris Che! %I-O)
/bAectives 1.0 9o identi%y and #o, any debris items in c#ose proCimity =N (0m> to te p#at%orm
structure bot interna##y and eCterna##y.
'.0 9o identi%y and #o, any debris items and)or scour in te pat o% a FAac!.upF ri,
spud can position.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1$.D.PR.0000' Debris 1urvey Procedures
1$.D.PR.00002 1cour 1urvey Procedures
1upportin, Documents 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
Data Capture -$./0
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on speci%ication and)or eCperience.
Preparation Required None.
?quipment Required R/- or Diver ;at 6ounted $nspection -ideo Camera.
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 9ac+et #nternal Sea(ed De(ris Sur"ey.
Assess te eCtent o% any meta##ic debris in contact 7it te structure. A diver visua#
inspection and catodic potentia# measurements may be required 7ere suc
contact eCists and te debris is deemed by te C1R to be eCcessive or #i!e#y to pose
prob#ems %or te structureEs catodic protection system. Poto,raps sou#d be
ta!en o% a## si,ni%icant debris items in contact 7it te structure. $nspect te point
o% contact %or dama,e or corrosion.
1eabed survey can be carried out eiter by divers or by te R/-. $% carried out
usin, an R/-B a## inspection is to be recorded on video 7ereas 7it diversB video
recordin, is required on#y i% anoma#ies are #ocated.
$% meta##ic debris is #ocated inside te Aac!et or in contact 7it te structure or
pipe#ines it sou#d be recovered to te sur%ace. $% te debris cannot be recovered to
sur%ace it sou#d be moved to a speci%ied #ocation outside te structure =and at #east
1 m %rom structura# members and pipe#ines>. $% te debris cannot be moved due to
non.avai#abi#ity o% diversB ten te #ocation and dimensions o% eac item sa## be
9ac+et 12ternal Sea(ed De(ris Sur"ey
Assess te eCtent o% any meta##ic debris in contact 7it te structure or pipe#ines
and on te surroundin, seabed. Carry out a dose -isua# inspection 7ere suc
contact eCists.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 3( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure 9e seabed sou#d be surveyed =a#on, eac 2 m. interva# > to a distance o% 1* m out
%rom te eCterna# Aac!et members and poto,raps ta!en o% si,ni%icant debris items
9e survey can be carried out by any resourceB A$RB 1A9 or R/-. Wit R/-
surveysB a## inspections sa## be recorded on video. Diver survey norma##y on#y
requires video recordin, 7en anoma#ies are #ocated.
9e survey may be carried out by te R/- on an area o% seabed coverin, te
combined seabed %oot prints o% te ri,)bar,e and o%%sore structure ) 7e##eadB but
eCtendin, a minimum o% (0 metres outboard %rom te bar,e ) ri, %ootprint.
Report a## si,ni%icant debris items present. Produce a sca#e dia,ram to #ocate and
identi%y a## si,ni%icant debris or oter items o% interest. A pre.ri,.move survey
sou#d be recorded an video and sou#d report any maAor meta##ic debrisB cora#
eadsB bou#dersB seabed depressions or oter items 7ic mi,t obstruct spud can
penetration. 2.meter inspection passes is te minimum requirement.
1andba,,in, around te spud can may be required in te event o% insu%%icient
penetration o% te spud can into te seabed. 9is is carried out to prevent scourin,
around te spud can. Debris remova# by te diver may a#so be required =especia##y
in te area o% spud can penetration> be%ore te ri, moves into #ocation.
1eabed Condition 1urvey
Report te eCact #ocation o% te area surveyed. Describe a## seabed %eaturesB debris
items or oter items o% interest %ound.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 35 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9e tas!s ,rouped 7itin tis section are tose tat norma##y can be per%ormed 7it te
aid o% simp#e measurement too#s suc as tapesB pit ,au,es @ sca#esB a#tou, more
sopisticated too#s can be used. 9ese tas!s a#so require various de,rees o% c#eanin,B
%rom bu#! ,ro7t remova#B to ,rit b#astin, standard. 9e tas!s 7i## most readi#y be
per%ormed by diverB o7everB some may be per%ormed by R/- 7it a manipu#ator and
specia#ist too#in,. 9e coice o% interventionB diver or R/-B 7i## norma##y be #e%t to
"$AP a%ter consu#tin, 7it te C#ientB provided tat te obAectives and data recordin,
accuracy o% te individua# 1pec. 1eets can be comp#ied 7it.
9e tas!s ,enera##y re#ate to intervention at speci%ied sites on a structureB and common#y
require #oca#ised detai# dra7in,s o% te structure to be avai#ab#e bot %or re%erence and %or
%irstand mar!.up o% any %indin,s. "enera# #ayout dra7in,s may a#so be required %or
dive route p#annin,.
9e tas!s inc#uded are:
Spec. Sheet No. Task Tite Task
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 38 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&." Cose Vis2a I0spectio0 7CVI8 CU%CVI
/bAectives 1.0 A%ter necessary c#eanin, and 7it c#ose attention to detai# :.
a> 9o %u##y describe te area or item bein, inspectedB 7it dimensions @ any oter
appropriate re%erence systems.
b> 9o detect and quanti%y dama,e @ de%ectsB inc#udin, crac!s @ corrosionB 7it
sma##est dimension I '.2mm.
c> 9o identi%y any restrictions to te speci%ic inspectionB suc as obscurin,
d> 9o identi%y si,ns o% previous inspection or remedia# 7or!B inc#usive o% datum
mar!sB ,rindin, areas and de%ect end points.
'.0 9o report te inspection %indin,s in unambi,uous and unc#uttered %ormatB adoptin,
standard termino#o,y @ usin, tab#es @ appropriate sca#ed dra7in,s.
2.0 4y comparison 7it any avai#ab#eB previous inspection reportsB to identi%y any
can,es in te condition o% te inspected itemB and in particu#ar to identi%y any
eCtension o% crac! #i!e de%ects.
1upportin, Procedures
1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2.1.1
Data Capture C&.C-$
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& minimum and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required "rit.c#eanin,B possib#y preceded by 7ater Aet c#eanin,.
?quipment Required 9ape.measureB pit.,au,eB centre.punc @ ammerB paint.stic!.
1ti##s Camera 7it 1tand /%% @ C#ose &p #enses
$dent. 4oard
Re#evant 1tandards ?stab#is datum and mar! 7it tree punc.mar!s at 1' /Ec#oc! top dead centre
9as! Procedure C#ose -isua# $nspection is carried out on se#ected 7e#ds or on areas o% dama,e or in.
service de%ects
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 3* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure
1. ?nsure preparatory c#eanin, is su%%icient to identi%y a## de%ects on te componentD
inc#udin, te 7e#d or eat a%%ected Hone =;APs>. $% necessaryB carry out %urter
c#eanin,. RememberB te inspection 7i## norma##y be deemed unacceptab#e i% traces
o% marine ,ro7t or coatin,s are visib#e on te poto,raps.
'. ?stab#is Hero datum and record its position. $% app#icab#eB mar! te datum point
7it tree punc mar!s above te N/D? side toe at te ed,e o% te ;AP.
2 ?stab#is a mi##imeter ,raduated tape measure around te 7e#d =on te 6?64?R
side> so as not to obscure te 7e#dB te eat a%%ected Hones or to prevent te
identi%ication o% any possib#e de%ects
3 Report te #en,t to 2 oEc#oc!B to oEc#oc! + oEc#oc! and tota# 7e#d #en,t in mm.
(. 4e,in te $nspection %rom datum 7or!in, eiter c#oc!7ise #e%t to ri,t or top to
bottom dependant on te 7e#d con%i,uration. 9e area to be $nspected inc#udes bot
eat a%%ected HonesB te 7e#d toes and 7e#d cap.
5. :or 7e#d C-$ c#ear#y identi%y te CordB Cord 9oeB We#d CapB 4race 9oe @ 4race
areas on te dra7in, produced and use tese as identi%yin, %eatures in te Data
Capture %orm.
8. 6ar! any areas o% interest o% de%ects c#ear#y 7it paint stic!
*. $% any corrosion pittin, is observedB CP measurement sa## be per%ormed in
accordance 7it 9as! CP.C/N
+. 9e %o##o7in, de%ects sou#d be reported :.
a. Areas o% previous 6P$ ,rindin,
b. Presence o% 7e#d stubs or do,s =%rom %abrication>
c. Presence o% a## additiona# 7e#ds =e.,.> seam 7e#ds
d. &ndercut ,reater tan or equa# to ' mm dept
e. 6issin, 7e#dment or #ac! o% rein%orcement ,reater tan or equa# to ' mm dept
%. Corrosion pittin, ,reater tan or equa# to ' mm in dept Record te #on,itudina#
and transverse dimensions o% te pits as 7e## as dept o% pittin,
,. A## crac!s or crac!.#i!e indications
. A## dentin, or oter mecanica# dama,e
i. PorosityB b#o7.o#esB s#a, inc#usionsB ,ou,es or oter %abrication de%ects
,reater tan ' mm in dept.
Record te start and stop positions o% eac %eature in mi##imeters %rom datumB its
position re#ative to te 7e#d under inspectionB its 7idtB breadt and ei,t i%
app#icab#eB p#us any oter in%ormation 7ic may be use%u#
10. 6a!e additiona# s!etces 7ere necessary
11. 9e %o##o7in, are to be reported as anoma#ies:.
a. Crac! #i!e indications . :eature Code C<$
b. Pysica# Dama,e . :eature Code PD
c. Pittin, ,reater tan '(J o% inspected =C)P or C)P I '(J>
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 3+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
d. $ncrease in siHe or covera,e o% previous#y reported de%ect . F?CtensionF O
No specific re8uirements
&.2 S2ppo3t 'etaie! I0spectio0 CU%SUP
/bAectives 1.0 :or any support deviceB suc as a c#ampB ,uide or %abricated span supportB and
a%ter necessary c#eanin, :.
a> 9o cec! te ,enera# inte,rity o% te support component partsB inc#udin, its
attacment to te structure.
b> 9o cec! te presence @ ti,tness o% eac stud or bo#t @ its nutsB individua##y.
c> 9o determine 7ic parts o% te support ave #iners %ittedB i% any.
d> 9o cec! %or @ measure any evidence o% support misa#i,nmentB suc as
irre,u#ar ,aps bet7een c#amp %#an,es.
e> 9o cec! %or @ measure si,ns o% re#ative movement bet7een support parts
and)or supported items.
'.0 9o report te inspection %indin,s and to #o, any remedia# 7or! in an unambi,uous
and unc#uttered %ormatB usin, tab#esB and i% necessaryB dra7in,s.
1upportin, Procedures 9ection $ +nomaly 6odes : +ctions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2..'.1
Data Capture C&.1&P
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required Water.Aet c#eanin, 7ere necessary.
?quipment Required 10B000 psi 7ater.b#aster.
9ape measure
1ti##s Camera c)7 1tand /%% <ens
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standard
9as! Procedure 9e inspection re#ates to any support deviceB inc#udin, span recti%ication supports.
?nsure as.bui#t dra7in,s are studied prior to commencement and durin, te
eCecution o% te inspection to determine con%ormance.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (0 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
C#ean te device to be inspected on#y to te de,ree necessary to adequate#y carry
out te inspection.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (1 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure Cec! te %o##o7in, =i% present> :. : C#amp 9ype
: C#amp A#i,nment
: 4o#t Presence
: 4o#t 9i,tness
: <inin, =i% so7n on as bui#t>
: C#amp 6ovement
: $rre,u#ar C#amp "aps
: 1ecurity o% component e#d
in or on support.
Any variationB inc#udin, suc data as c#amp typeB to te as.bui#t dra7in, requires
te comp#etion o% an anoma#y report under code F-1F -ariation to 1peci%ication.
Any anoma#y report in tis cate,ory 7i## require a dimensioned s!etc.
Notes : Any bo#t ead under %#us 7it nut constitutes an anoma#y
$denti%y riser c#amps accordin, to 1tandard %ormat =1 Q 8>
4o#t 1tatus Reportin, :. F.R.R.S %ormat
e.,. NN$.$NN O ' nutsB ten c#amp %#an,eB ten ' nuts
4$.$NN O bo#t eadB ten c#amp %#an,esB ten ' nuts
4W$.$WN O bo#t eadB 7aserB %#an,esB 7aserB ten sin,#e nut
1a%ety Considerations Divers sou#d ensure tat te 7ater b#aster is sa%e#y ri,,ed since c#eanin, supports
may invo#ve considerab#e movement. Water.b#asters are potentia##y #eta#.
N?-?R 9$?./:: 9;? 9R$""?R.
$mpressed Current Catodic protection vo#ta,es and ampera,es on supports are
norma##y too #o7 to pose a sa%ety ris! to divers.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&.& A0o!e (asta6e #eas23e/e0t #E%ANO
/bAectives 1.0 /n a se#ected anode and 7it prior c#eanin, :.
a> 9o record te anodeEs avera,e dimensions %or ca#cu#ation o% te anode 7asta,e.
b> 9o record te nature and pattern o% te anodeEs sacri%icia# corrosion.
'.0 9o compare te anodeEs 7asta,e and condition be%ore and a%ter c#eanin,B suc tat
its status can be used to ca#ibrate oter #ess intensive anode assessments =i.e.> -$.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1$.D.PR.00001 Anode $nspection Procedures
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2..2.1
Detai# 1eet No. 2.2.' . C#eanin, %or $nspection =C<.$N1>
Data Capture 6?.AN/
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required Remova# o% marine ,ro7t %rom te anodeB immediate supports @ non sacri%icia# core
by 7ater b#asterB ydrau#ic brus or and scraper) brus.
Remova# o% so%t corrosion products %rom te anode as above.
?quipment Required
1tand.o%% camera
Ru#er) tape.measure.
Re#evant 1tandards Ni#
9as! Procedure ?nsure te as.bui#t dra7in, is re%erred to. annotate te dra7in, to con%irm te
#ocation o% te se#ected anode.
?stimate 7asta,e @ ta!e a stand.o%% poto,rap o% te anode prior to any anode
c#eanin,. Assess te 7asta,e accordin, to te procedure -$.AN/.
Remove marine ,ro7t as detai#ed above
9a!e measurements o% te anode #en,t and circum%erence)side and record.
Ca#cu#ate 7asta,e Ja,e as %o##o7s :.
O =1 . =Ca#c. vo#ume ) /ri,. vo#ume>> C 100
O =1 . =side' C #en,t)Tori,. <en,t C 4readt C WidtU>> C 100
FsideF O Circum%)3>
$% an anoma#y is reportedB comp#ete an Anoma#y Report and in%orm te CAR.
1a%ety Considerations 1a%ety considerations durin, i,.pressure 7ater.Aet c#eanin, operations.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (2 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&.) Sco23 #eas23e/e0t #E%SCR
/bAectives 1.0 9o detect evidence o% and quanti%y erosion o% te sea %#oor %rom around near.sea
bed or sea bed penetratin, components eCc#udin, pipe#ines.
'.0 9o estimate te distance bet7een a %iCed and obvious structura# datum and te sea
2.0 9o describe te composition o% te sea %#oor at te scour measurement site.
2.0 9o record su%%icient scour measurements to a##o7 p#ottin, o% te scour pro%i#e
a#on, perimeter membersB or around te #e,s)pi#es o% a structure.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1$.D.PR.00002 1cour 1urvey Procedures
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. '.3.1
Data Capture 6?.1CR
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required None
?quipment Required D$-?R : 6easurin, stic! ) tape.measure
R/- : Acoustic ran,in, device
Pro%i#in, sonar device
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 6easure te distance bet7een te component =eiter te underside o% te mud mat or
underside o% bottom e#evation oriHonta#> and te seabed at te #ocations speci%ied in
te 7or! scope in su%%icient detai# to map abrupt can,es a#on, or around a
component. Were te component is a oriHonta#B record te compass direction o%
te centre #ine.
?ac site requires te capture o% te seabed pro%i#e over a 5m V.section at +0
to te
site)member to indicate contour.
Report te seabed composition =e.,.> Fso%t sand)si#t . easi#y stirred upF
Were te component is buried record te dept o% buria#.
Report a## pi#es eCposed by I1.0 m and areas o% #oca#ised scourin,.
Re%er to previous reports to determine 7eter tere is a si,ni%icant can,e to te
seabed pro%i#e. $% scour is determinedB even i% not appreciab#eB create a dra7in, usin,
anoma#y report code F-1F . -ariation to 1peci%ication.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (3 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure $% bui#d up is noted to be ,reater tan 1m above #ast reported seabed #eve#B report
and code as F4&F . 4uria#)Partia# 4uria# Anoma#y.
:or reports requirin, more tan one record on a sin,#e componentB ensure eac is
identi%ied unique#y by re%erence to a %iCed oriHonta# re%erence point =e.,.> node
/n instruction %rom te C#ientB protect pi#es eCposed by I1.0 metres %rom %urter
scourin, eiter usin, sand.ba,sB cement.ba,s or ,rout.ba,s or ,rave#.dumps .
No specific re8uirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&.* #a3i0e G3o;th #eas23e/e0t #E%#GI
/bAectives 1.0 $n ,enera# terms :.
a> 9o co##ect more accurate data 7it 7ic to ca#ibrate te ,enera# 6arine
"ro7t Cec!s =-$.6"$>
b> $n conAunction 7it tose cec!sB to a##o7 a representative pro%i#e o% ,ro7t
tic!ness a,ainst dept to be ,enerated %or a structure =%or retrospective
en,ineerin, ana#ysis o% static and dynamic #oadin,s>.
c> 9o identi%y potentia# trends in ,ro7t distribution and ,ro7t rate.
'.0 6ore speci%ica##yB on a se#ected component basisB and at speci%ied dept
increments :.
a> 9o measure te e%%ective ,ro7t tic!ness
b> 9o determine predominant types o% ,ro7tB bot ard and so%tB and teir
c> 9o determine 7eter te orientation o% a sur%ace as in%#uence on te
,ro7t rate and pattern.
d> 9o detect #oca#ised ,ro7t pattern anoma#ies =e.,.> absence o% ,ro7t or
,ro7t obvious#y in eCcess o% te norm.
1upportin, Procedures
1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 3.'.(
Data Capture 6?.6"$
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required Remova# o% ,ro7t =typica##y 1(0mm sq.> %rom eac site to determine accurate
tic!ness measurements %or under#yin, ,ro7t.
?quipment Required D$-?R : ;and scraper ) 7ire brus
(0 mm 7ide tape.measure or ca#ibrated band
6arine ,ro7t poto,rapic ident
1tand.o%% camera.
R/- : Acoustic)#aser)stereo devices
Water b#aster
Re#evant 1tandards Divers sou#d be ab#e to discriminate bet7een ard and so%t ,ro7t marine %ou#in,
or,anisms and provide an estimate o% percenta,e cover %or eac ,roup.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (5 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure A## cec!s are typica##y conducted on a se#ected #e, at (m interva#s bet7een 0m and
(0m. or as speci%ied by te C#ient.
At eac speci%ied #ocation ta!e =2> circum%erentia# measurements around te Aac!et
#e, =or oter speci%ied component> inc#udin, te marine ,ro7t. 9e tree =2>
measurements sou#d be ta!en at 0.( m dept separations usin, te (0 mm 7ide
?%%ective 9ic!ness sou#d be ca#cu#ated %or eac dept increment as %o##o7s.
?::?C9$-? 9;$C0N?11 =?.9> O W=P . /. D.>
Were P O te mean circum%erence measurement =mm>
and /.D. O te nomina# pipe outside diameter =mm>
6easurement o% marine ,ro7t dept)density are ta!en at te %our cardina# points
=i.e.> Lac!et NB 1B ?B W usin, a ,raduated probe)ru#er.
1tand.o%% and pro%i#e poto,rapy and video recordin, is required at eac dept
increment and eac measurement point.
Report te %o##o7in, : Dept)Position)/rientation
: 1o%t "ro7t Ja,e Cover
: 1o%t "ro7t 9ic!ness =ave>
: ;ard "ro7t Ja,e Cover
: ;ard "ro7t 9ic!ness =ave>
1a%ety Considerations /n certain p#at%orms tere may be marine ,ro7t tat produces severe dermatoid
reaction. 1uc reactions ave been !no7n to cause s!in burns tat require
?nsure tat ,#oves are 7orn at a## timesB 7it barrier creams around te 7rists and
Were suc ,ro7t is suspectedB 7ear %u## dry suit protection and use barrier cream
to ensure sa%ety.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (8 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&.+ Coati06s I0spectio0 CU%CTG
/bAectives 1.0 Were marine %ou#in, as %irst been removed :.
a> 9o identi%y te presence or absence o% a coatin,B and 7ere possib#eB te
,eneric type =e,> bitumastic 7rap.
b> 9o describe te condition o% te coatin, and to quanti%y te deterioration =e.,.>
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2.5.1
Data Capture C&.C9"
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required
C#eanin, 7it 7ire brus or #o7 pressure 7ater Aettin,.
Area to be c#eaned at eac identi%ied #ocation : 200mm sq.
Note : $% area cannot be c#eaned 7itout dama,in, coatin,B comp#ete an anoma#y
report under code FCDF Coatin, Dama,e
?quipment Required
;ydrau#ic ) ;andrau#ic Wire 4rus =or <P Water 4#aster>
1tand.o%% camera.
$dent. 4oard
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standard
9as! Procedure
At #ocations speci%ied by 41PB report on te condition o% te coatin,=s>. Report te
presence o% b#isters and)or te nature o% oter visib#e deterioration. 4#isterin, sou#d
be reported 7it 4#ister J and 4#ister 4urst J.over te inspection area.
ApproCimate te FC#eaned Area =mm'>F and report. 9e minimum area considered
acceptab#e %or an accurate assessment is 200mm C 200mm
9a!e 1tand /%% Poto,rpas o% te area c#eaned prior to any remedia# 7or! or %urter
Do not remove or dama,e coatin, un#ess instructed by 41P CAR. $% so instructedB
remove dama,ed areas o% coatin, and report on te presence o% under#yin,
deterioration and)or pittin,.
$% corrosion pittin, is presentB %urter c#eanin, 7i## be required in accordance 7it
C&.C/R and CP Readin,s ta!en in accordance 7it C&.C/N. Poto,raps 7i## be
required o% suc anoma#ies.
$n any survey area 7ere dama,eB eCtensive pittin, or absence o% coatin, is reportedB
comp#ete an anoma#y report.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&., Co33osio0 I0spectio0 CU%COR
/bAectives 1.0 A%ter remova# o% marine %ou#in,B sur%ace deposits and a## coatin,s to bri,t or 7ite
meta#B to c#ose#y eCamine te meta# sur%ace and to quanti%y pittin, or oter
corrosion re#ated de%ects.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2.8.1
Data Capture C&.C/R
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required C#eanin, by i, pressure 7ater b#aster 7it ,rit entrainment
Area to be c#eanedB un#ess oter7ise speci%ied to be 200mm sq.
?quipment Required ;P Water 4#aster
Pit "au,e
1tand.o%% Camera.
$dent. 4oard
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standard
9as! Procedure At #ocations speci%ied by 41PB c#ean te obAect to bri,t or 7ite meta# usin, a i,
pressure 7ater Aet 7it ,rit entrainment and in accordance 7it 3.3.1 . C#eanin, %or
$nspection =C<.$N1>
ApproCimate te FC#eaned Area =mm'>F and report. 9e minimum area considered
acceptab#e %or an accurate assessment is 200mm C 200mm
9a!e 1tand /%% Poto,raps o% te area c#eaned prior to any remedia# 7or! or %urter
$% corrosion pittin, is presentB CP Readin,s are to be ta!en and accurate Fpit ,au,eF
measurements obtained. 41P may require a mou#d castin, to be ta!en. Re%er to te
appropriate procedure.
$n any survey area 7ere dama,eB eCtensive pittin, is reportedB comp#ete an anoma#y
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: (+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&.- Catho!ic Pote0tia #eas23e/e0t CP%CON
/bAectives 1.0 9o veri%y te correct operation @ %u## covera,e o% a structureEs catodic protection
'.0 9o measure te catodic protection potentia# =CP> at speci%ied #ocations on a
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1$.D.PR.00003 Catodic Protection @ Ca#ibration Procedures
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. .2.*.1
Data Capture CP.C/N
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/- %itted 7it Contact Probe
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2. 1&
Preparation Required 1pot c#eanin, to bare meta#.
?quipment Required ;and.scraperB RoCby 4atycorrometer =Diver 6etod>
9opside Disp#ay
Ca#ome# Re%erence ?#ectrodes
Pinc Ca#ibration 4#oc!
6anipu#ator . mounted contact C.P. probe =R/- 6etod>
Re#evant 1tandards Pre. and Post.Ca#ibration o% meters must be 7itin te ran,e .10'( m- to . 10(0
m- on pure Hinc.
Report a## measurements #ess ne,ative tan .*'( m-. A## C.P. measurements more
ne,ative tan .1'00 m- sou#d be reported because over protection can cause
ydro,en embritt#ement.
9as! Procedure Carry out pre. and post.ca#ibrations. ?nsure tat te meter or a#%.ce## as been
soa!ed in c#ean sea7ater %or at #east 50 minutes prior to use =or 5 ours i% not used
7itin te precedin, 10 days>. Ca#ibration measurements sou#d be 7itin te ran,e
.10'( m- to .10(0 m- on pure Hinc.
:or contact C.P. measurements c#ean te sur%ace to be inspected su%%icient#y to
a##o7 te probe.tip to contact bare meta#. ?nsure tat te meter as stabi#ised prior
to reportin, te C.P. measurement.
:or any readin, outside te acceptab#e ran,eB t7o %urter readin,s 7i## be recorded
in tat #ocation. 1ou#d te readin, continue to be outside #imitsB readin,s are to be
ta!en %rom points immediate#y adAacent to te areaB 7or!in, out7ard unti#
acceptab#e readin,s are obtained.
1a%ety Considerations Divers sou#d be a7are o% te #ocations o% impressed current anodes or oter areas o%
i, impressed currents and sou#d avoid contact 7it tem.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 50 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&.. Ut3aso0ic (a Thick0ess #eas23e/e0t (T%'IG
/bAectives 1.0 9o determine te 7a## tic!ness o% pipe or p#ate by di,ita# readout u#trasonic
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2.+.1
Data Capture CP.C/N
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/- %itted 7it &9 meter
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required 1pot ;and.c#eanin, .
?quipment Required ;nad Wire 4rus
Cy,nus &9 6eter
Ca#ibration 4#oc!
Re#evant 1tandards 1ection No. 3.3.3 W9 Probe Ca#ibration =W9.CA<>
1ection No. 3.3.1 C#eanin, %or $nspection =C<.$N1>
9as! Procedure 9a!e pre.and post.ca#ibration measurements on te step.b#oc!. Ca#ibration
measurements sou#d be 7itin G). 0.' mm %or eac ca#ibration ran,e =(.0mmB
10.0mmB '0.0mmB 20.0mm and (0.0mm>.
A%ter and.c#eanin, to remove a## coatin, %rom te area to be measuredB p#ace te
7a## tic!ness meterEs probe %#at a,ainst te member. 9e readin, must be steady
and sou#d be compared 7it te nomina# 7a## tic!ness. 97o individua# readin,s
are to be ta!en at eac #ocation. $% te second readin, varies by more tan 1mmB
repeat and record te #o7est o% te tree readin,s.
&se te ca#ibration curve to obtain te corrected minimum tic!ness.
$% te measurement obtained is #ess tan 80J or ,reater tan 10(J o% te nomina#
7a## tic!ness speci%ication it sou#d be repeated. $% te repeated readin, is sti## #ess
tan 80J it sou#d be recorded as an AN/6A<K . :or eCcessive#y tic! pipe a
%i,ure o% 10(J o% te speci%ied is a#so re,arded as an anoma#y.
Any suc anoma#ous readin,s sou#d be subAect to an eCtensive ,rid survey based
on (0mm increments. A## suc readin,s sou#d be mar!ed up on a ,rid re%erence
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 51 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&."0 'i/e0sio0a 9 Ai60/e0t S234e5 #E%IT#
/bAectives 1.0 9o determine te positionB dimensionsB orientation and)or strai,tness o% an item
or sur%ace.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2.10.1
Data Capture 6?.$96
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C1W$P 2.1& 6inimum and 41P approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required C#eanin, by ;andB WaterAet or "rit.b#astin, dependant on 7or! scope and item bein,
?quipment Required 200 mm and 1.0 metre stee# ru#ersB 20 m tape.measures
9orpe or We#din, institute approved pit ,au,es
Centre.puncB ammer
9aut.7ire 10 . 20 m 7it c#amps and stands
1trai,t.ed,eB ca#ipersB pro%i#e ,au,eB paint.stic!
Cain an,#e measurin, devices =%or 146>.
Re#evant 1tandards A## inspection measurements sou#d be in F1ystem $nternationa#eF =1$.> &nits.
9e on#y norma# eCception to tis 6?9R$C./N<K ru#e is te c#assi%ication o%
certain standard pipe.diameters in inces =e.,. 5FB *FB 10FB 1'F etc.> ;o7everB a##
6?A1&R?6?N91 o% pipe diameter or circum%erence sou#d be in metric P#ease
note tat a ,iven pipe can be c#assi%ied as =say> 13F but is measured metres and
6easurement tas!s inc#ude dama,e surveysB dimensiona# veri%ication %or
construction purposes and quanti%ication o% items o% interest.
9as! Procedure A## positiona# measurements are to be re%erenced to a datum point 7ic must be an
obvious and permanent structura# %eature. 9e datum must be suitab#e %or re.use
durin, %uture inspections. A## measurements must be in metres and mi##imetres. A
tab#e o% speci%ied or eCpected measurements sou#d be prepared in advance so tat
discrepancies are detected immediate#y and %urter con%irmatory measurements
ta!en i% required. 9e Diver sou#d report any %actors 7ic mi,t adverse#y a%%ect
te accuracy o% te survey.
)inear .easurements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 5' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
:ibre.,#ass type ree# tape.measures are to be used %or te maAority o% dimensiona#
veri%ication tas!s. 9e tapes sou#d be Heroed at te datum position. :or ,enera#
dimensiona# veri%ication tas!s suc as measurement o% anode or riser.c#amp
position on#y minima# and.c#eanin, 7i## be required un#ess marine ,ro7t
obstructs te tape.measure 6easurements sou#d be as accurate as possib#e and
divers sou#d report any %actors 7ic mi,t adverse#y a%%ect te accuracy o% te
Detai#ed 1urvey
:or detai#ed measurements te area 7i## require prior c#eanin, eiter by ;P 7ater.
Aet or by ,rit.b#astin,. Detai#ed measurements are norma##y on#y required on 7e#dsB
areas o% dama,e ) corrosion or oter anoma#ies. Wen required te datum point
sou#d be permanent#y mar!ed usin, a centre.punc.
9aut 7ire measurements are ,enera##y required on areas o% dama,e to structura#
members and are usua##y speci%ica##y requested by site instruction. 9e taut.7ire
sou#d be set up a#on, te member 7it te 7ire ends set as c#ose as possib#e to te
end nodes. 9e taut 7ire sou#d be insta##ed a#on, an area c#ear o% obstructions and
in a position suc tat te 7ire is not in contact 7it any attacments.
Wenever possib#eB te 1':00B 02:00B 05:00 or 0+:00 positions sou#d be used.
?nsure tat bot ends o% te 7ire ave eCact#y te same orientation. 9e eCact
#ocation o% te 7ire datum positions =7ere te 7ire #eaves te stand.o%% %rame>
sou#d be measured and recorded prior to te inspection. 1tand o%% measurements
a#on, structura# members sou#d be ta!en every 0.( m 7it additiona#
measurements in areas o% de%ormation =or oter specia# interest> as required.
9aut 7ire measurements sou#d be carried out in t7o p#anes at +0 de,rees to eac
Dent 6easurements
A strai,t ed,e sou#d be used a#on, te #on,itudina# aCis o% te dama,ed
component to determine te dept o% dama,e. A ,rid sou#d be dra7n ove te
dama,ed area to assist te diver in #ocatin, te measurement points as accurate#y as
possib#e. 9e strai,t ed,e sou#d be su%%icient#y #on, to cover te entire area o%
de%ormation. 9e spacin, o% measurements sou#d be determined once te eCtent
o% dama,e is !no7n and sou#d be re#ated to te possib#e structura# importance o%
te de%ect.
Wa## 9ic!ness 6easurements
Re%er to te re#evant tas! procedure %or detai#s o% u#trasonic tic!ness
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 52 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&."" Pipei0e T3ia062atio0 #E%SPN
/bAectives 1.0 9o determine te positionB dimensionsB orientation and)or strai,tness o% a pipe#ine
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 2.11.1
Data Capture 6?.$96
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required &n#ess pipe#ine movement is suspectedB repeated pipe#ine trian,u#ation is not
?quipment Required ?quipment Required :
1> R/- or diver.e#d sonar transponders and position %iCin, equipment.
'> ' C (0m tape.measures =Diver on#y>
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 1> R/- ) Diver p#ot te pipe#ine position usin, D"P1 or equiva#ent and sonar at
te interva#s speci%ied in te 7or! scope. Produce a sca#ed pipe#ine dra7in,
%rom te %iCes tus obtained.
'> $% no position.%iCin, equipment is avai#ab#eB te diver sou#d measure out 2.
meter increments a#on, te pipe#ine and mar! tese 7it paint.stic! or simi#ar.
A%%iC t7o ='> (0m tape.measures to datum points at bot sides o% te pipe#ine
=usua# datum points are te comer Aac!et #e,s>. Record te tape.measurements
at eac 2 metre position on te pipe#ine startin, at te #o7er =pipe#ine> riser
e#bo7 butt.7e#d.
Prepare a dra%t pipe#ine trian,u#ation dra7in, usin, ,rap.paper and compasses as
eac measurement is recorded.
:or bot R/- and Diver pipe#ine trian,u#ationB record detai#s o% pipe#ine buria# )
eCposure as te pipe#ine is surveyed.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 53 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&."2 Spa0 #eas23e/e0t #E%SPN
/bAectives 1.0 9o provide su%%icient in%ormation on te nature o% te spanB suc tat a
retrospective en,ineerin, assessment o% its cause and critica#ity can be made
'.0 6ore speci%ica##y :.
a> 9o measure te distance bet7een touc do7n points on a %ree spannin, section
o% pipe#ine.
b> 9o record te abso#ute position o% te span 7it re%erence to some permanent
pipe#ine or seabed %eatureB or position re%erence system.
c> 9o estimate te avera,e @ maCimum span ei,ts =i.e. #ine bottom to seabed
direct#y underneat>
d> 9o determine te typica# cross sectiona# pro%i#e %or te span =e.,.> 7itin
trenc)depression or on #eve# seabed.
e> 9o describe te nature o% te touc do7n points support =e.,.> so%t sandB ard
roc!B sand ba,,ed support or #ine cross over.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1$.D.PR.00005 :ree 1pan Correction Procedures
1$.D.PR.00008 Pipe#ine 1upport $nsta##ation R/- Procedures
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. .'.1'.1
Data Capture 6?.1PN
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required Ni#
?quipment Required ?quipment Required :
1> R/- or diver.e#d pro%i#in, sonar devices and position %iCin, equipment. =D"P1
or 1ort 4ase <ine Nav 1ystems> and)or acoustic ran,in, devices or a
combination o% tese.
'> ' C (0m tape.measures =Diver on#y>
%& 'neumofathometer
Re#evant 1tandards 1upport may be required due to %ree spans eCceedin, te sa%e unsupported #en,t o%
pipe#ine or to provide %urter support sou#d en,ineerin, ca#cu#ations so7 te bend
radii to be eCceeded 7it a sin,#e mid point support.
9ypica# %ree span maCimum unsupported #en,ts are 20 C te #ine nomina# diameter.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 5( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure /n identi%ication o% a %ree span #ocation and prior to commencement o% %ree span
correction operationsB a %u## R/- or diver survey sou#d be underta!en as %o##o7s :.
1. 9e R/- or diver sa## carry out an inspection o% te pipe #ine to provide data on
#en,t o% spanB ei,t a#on, te route o% te %ree spanB seabed condition and
midpoint position o% te %ree span
'. 9e %ree span inspection is to be carried out by a combination o% visua# =i.e.> camera )
video 7ic 7i## be tapedB and sonar re%erences. ;ei,t above seabedB ta!en at 1
metre interva#s is ta!en by re%erence to an obAect o% !no7n ei,tB or i% pre%erredB by
,raduated measurin, device e#d in te manipu#ator Aa7 or by diver e#d measurin,
2. $t is norma# tat a## measurements be re%erenced to %ie#d Aoint numbers. =i.e.> distance
%rom touc do7nB distance o% %ree spanB etc. are a## 7ritten as distances %rom speci%ic
%ie#d Aoint=s>.
3. 9e R/- or diver 7i## commence %rom a touc do7n point i% possib#e.
6easurements o% %ree spans are norma##y ta!en at 1 meter interva#s. 9e
/bserver)Data Recorder 7i## note a## data on te inspection report %orm ;e 7i##
report te distance %rom te underside o% te pipe#ine to te seabed and report on te
bottom conditions =i.e.> %irm or so%t. $% a particu#ar#y so%t or uneven bottom pro%i#e is
%oundB it may be necessary to create a partia# base o% cement ba,s or simi#ar
(. 1eabed so%tness sa## be determined 7itin rou, estimate by means o% a co#our
coded probe %astened to te R/- and by subsequent observation by te
pi#ot)tecnician. Actua# conditions sa## be con%irmed by te diver 7en on bottom.
5. Dependant on te metod o% R/- dep#oyment and te type o% vesse# emp#oyedB te
survey may continue over severa# %ie#d Aoints or be done in sta,es. Considerations
%or te type o% survey carried out must be made based on te re#evant sections o% te
6anua#s re,ardin, R/- operations %rom D.P. -esse#s or ancored vesse#s.
8. Cross Pro%i#e is reported as %o##o7s :
1 O <eve# seabed be#o7 pipe
' O 1ymmetrica# scourB trenc or depression be#o7)around pipe
2 O Asymetric seabed pro%i#e =e,> scour one sideB #eve# oter
=Note : tis %indin, requires an anoma#y report>
3 O /ter irre,u#arB unusua# or potentia##y unstab#e pro%i#e
=Note : tis %indin, requires an anoma#y report>
*. $% an eCistin, support is %oundB report as %ound condition.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 55 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&."& S(AIN #ete3 Ope3atio0s #E%CF#
/bAectives 1.0 9o measure te stren,t o% catodic potentia# current %#o7 trou, an anode stubB
pipe#ine or oter structura# item.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
F17ainF 6eter Ca#ibration Procedures
F17ainF 6eter /peratorEs ;and 4oo!
1upportin, Documents Ni#
Data Capture 6?.C:6
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications 1WA$N 6eter /perator Course Certi%icate
C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required ;and.c#eanin, o% te anode barB stubsB pipe#ineB or oter component su%%icient to %it
te 17ain Ammeter 1ea C#ip.
Note : Anode materia# =PnB A#B etc> sou#d not be c#eaned prior to carryin, out
1WA$N measurements as tis increases anode activity.
?quipment Required W.;. 17ain Ammeter =D.C. A6P C#ip>.
Re#evant 1tandards Re%er to F/P?RA9$N" $N19R&C9#/N1 :/R DC A6P C<$PF.
9as! Procedure /peratin, Procedure %or 17ain 6eter Current %#o7 measurements.
a> Connect up te umbi#ica#B meter and appropriate Fsea.c#ipF.
b> Cec! te meter is initia##y set to Hero.
c> Run te Fc#ipF to te 7or! site.
d> Diver o#ds te c#ip stationary about '.2 meters a7ay %rom any anodes or
e> 17itc on te meter and use te ri,t and Hero !nob to Hero it.
%> C#ean te anode barB stubB riserB pipe#ine or oter speci%ied component
su%%icient#y to %it te c#amp =7ic is de#icate and never to be used %or scrapin,
marine ,ro7t>.
,> P#ace te Fsea.c#ipF around te anode barB riserB pipe#ine or oter speci%ied
componentB and o#d it stationary.
> 1tartin, on te maCimum ran,e =100A> 7or! do7n trou, te meter ran,es
unti# a readin, is obtained an te meter.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 58 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure 9a!e measurements as %o##o7s :.
1> 9a!e measurements at %our =3> c#oc! positions even#y spaced around te
'> Reverse te c#ip and ta!e measurements at a %urter %our =3> c#oc! positions
=use te reverse po#arity s7itc on te topside meter to obtain readin,s>.
2> :or anode current output measurements repeat bot sets o% measurements on
te oter anode stub. Report te tota# anode current output =bot stubs>.
3> :or riser ) pipe#ine 1WA$N measurements report te direction o% current %#o7
=i.e. po#arity> as per FPre#iminary /peratin, $nstructions %or DC A6P C<$PF.
Note : A steady readin, must be obtained at eac position. 6ean current output
measurements are ca#cu#ated %or eac anode stub. 9e output o% an anode is
te sum o% te current output %rom a## te anode stubs.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 5* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
&.") #o2! Casti06 #E%#LC
/bAectives 1.0 9o ta!e a mou#d o% a dama,ed areaB suc as structura# memberB boat #andin,.
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Ni#
Data Capture C&.6<C
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required C#eanin, by ;P 7ater.Aet and ,rit.b#astin,
?quipment Required 6ou#d.castin, materia#sB suc as inAected pee#ab#e si#icon compoundsB p#asticineB
F1p#asHoneF or oter approved materia#.
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure P#ace te mou#din, materia# on te area to be cast. ?nsure tat a datum point e,.
punc.mar!s or 7e#d distance idents are present in te area to be cast. /nce te
mou#d as curedB care%u##y remove it and p#ace it in a suitab#e protective container
%or recovery to sur%ace /n dec!B a P#aster o% Paris cast o% te mou#d may be
$% #ar,e casts are required =e.,. o% #on, #en,ts o% 7e#d>B te castin, sou#d be
carried out in a number o% sma##er sections. $% mu#tip#e casts are requiredB ensure
tat su%%icient over#ap is present to enab#e detai#ed study o% every part o% te
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 5+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9e tas!s ,rouped 7itin tis section are tose 7ic norma##y require specia#ist too#s
and operator)inspector s!i##s. 9e tas!s 7i## most readi#y be per%ormed by diverB
o7everB some may be per%ormed by 7or!in,.c#ass R/- and specia#ist too#in,. 9e
coice o% interventionB diver or customised R/-B may be #e%t to "$AP a%ter consu#tation
7it te C#ientB provided te obAectives and data recordin, accuracy o% te individua#
1pec. 1eets can be comp#ied 7it.
9e tas!s ,enera##y re#ate to intervention at speci%ied sites on a structureB and common#y
require #oca#ised detai# dra7in,s o% te structure to be avai#ab#e bot %or re%erence and %or
%irstand mar!.up o% any %indin,s.
9e tas!s inc#uded are:
Spe" Sheet No" Tas! Title Tas! Code
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 80 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
)." C3ack 'etectio0 9 Re!2ctio0 CU%C'R
/bAectives O%ERA(( O7@ECTI%E
1.0 A%ter necessary c#eanin, and 7it te aid o% ND9 :.
a> 9o detect and quanti%y sur%ace brea!in, or near sur%aceB crac! #i!e %eaturesB
7it #en,ts ,reater tan 10mm.
b> 9o compare te positions and dimensions o% suc de%ects 7it !no7n de%ectsB
and in particu#ar to note any eCtensions.
'.0 9o report te inspection %indin,s in an unambi,uous @ unc#uttered %ormatB
adoptin, standard termino#o,yB and usin, tab#es @ appropriate#y sca#ed dra7in,s.
2.0 &n#ess instructed oter7iseB to attempt to remove suc crac! #i!e %eatures by
contro##ed @ #imited sur%ace ,rindin,.
3.0 9o unambi,uous#yB obvious#y and permanent#y identi%y te current Fas #e%tF end
points o% any de%ect.
1.0 9o veri%y te inte,rity o% a 7e#d or node by c#ose visua# inspection usin, 6P$
'.0 6ore speci%ica##y to :.
a> 9o veri%y te presence or absence o% crac!s in a 7e#d
b> 9o veri%y te presence or absence o% crac!s in any member
c> 9o veri%y te inte,rity o% te 7e#d
1.0 9o determine by eddy current 7ave ,eneration te presence or absence o% %#a7s in
any stee# obAect.
'.0 9o determine te presence or absence o% #amination in any stee# obAect
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 3.1.1
Data Capture C&.CDR
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications 5ENERA($C%I$MPI
C1W$P 2.'& minimum
9opside /perator C.1.W.$.P. ?ddy Current /perator
1ub sea /perator C.1.W.$.P. ?ddy Current /perator or C.1.W.$.P 2.'& 7it adequate
instruction by te topside operator.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 81 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Personne# Qua#i%ications ACFM
9opside /perator C.1.W.$.P. AC:6 Current /perator
1ub sea /perator C.1.W.$.P. AC:6 /perator or C.1.W.$.P 2.'& 7it adequate
instruction by te topside operator.
R?6?D$A< "R$ND$N"
C1W$P 2.'& minimum and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Note tat any diver carryin, out remedia# ,rindin, may be required to comp#ete a
prequa#i%ication tria# prior to commencin, te remedia# 7or!.
Preparation Required 5ENERA($MPI
;P Water.Aet and)or ,rit b#ast c#eanin, to remove a## coatin,s bac! to bri,t meta#.
Water.Aet c#eanin, B "rit.b#ast c#eanin, B "enera# -isua# $nspection B C#ose -isua#
$nspection and =possib#y> 6a,netic Partic#e $nspection
Water.Aet and ,rit.b#ast c#eanin,
6a,netic Partic#e $nspection =6P$>
?ddy Current)AC:6 :#a7 Detection
C#ose.up mosaic poto,rapy.
Determine %rom past inspection records 7eter te 7e#d as been ,round previous#y.
?quipment Required 5ENERA(
;P Water Let 7it "rit ?ntrainment
1tand /%% Camera
$dent 4oard
;ydrau#ic po7er.pac!B umbi#ica# and ydrau#ic penci# ,rinder
/1?< or /.$.1 6P$.&nit c)7 = $n! PumpB &#tra.vio#et <i,tB 1uter#and :#as! and
<uC 6eterB Coi#sB yo!e assemb#y and ' C '0 !, pu## permanent ma,nets.
6a,na,#o 13A $n! =nocturna# 6P$> Day,#o in! =day #i,t 6P$>.
?ddy Current Probes
?ddy Current Detection and $nterpretation ?quipment =1ur%ace 6onitorin,> Cab#e and
re#ay system
Ca#ibration b#oc!s
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 8' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
?quipment Required ACFM
AC:6 Probes
AC:6 Detection and $nterpretation ?quipment =1ur%ace 6onitorin,> Cab#e and re#ay
Peanut ,rinder 7it tun,sten carbide sperica# and FC.mas treeF burrs o% te
appropriate dimensions %or te indicationB node orientation and %ina# pro%i#eE required.
9orpe or We#din, $nstitute.approved pit.,au,e ) 7e#d ,au,e.
Re#evant 1tandards MPI
,le2i(le a(le 'ec!nique Bsing oils.
:#eCib#e coi#s up to * m #on, sou#d be used 9e coi#s are to be 7rapped around te
member c#ose to te 7e#d A ma,netisin, %orce o% 20 /ersteds is required. 9e
current output must be variab#e in order to produce te optimum ma,netic %#uC
N/9? : Re%er to 41 508' par. 10 @ 18 %or %urter detai#s o% current %#o7
Permanent .agnets
6a,nets sou#d on#y be used 7ere coi#s cannot be used. 9e area o% ma,netic
po#arisation by permanent ma,nets is considered to be on#y tat bet7een te po#es.
A## permanent ma,nets used must o% more tan '0 !, pu##. A## ma,nets must be
tested prior to inspecton to ensure tat tey eCert te required pu##.
6a,na,#o 13A in! under &- #i,t is to be used 7enever possib#e. Day#i,t in!s
=suc as FDay,#oF> are to be used on#y %or 6P$ poto,rapy or i% day#i,t 6P$ is
required %or operationa# reasons.
A## in!s sou#d be %res#y miCed immediate#y prior to use because stora,e o% miCed
in! resu#ts in separation o% te %#ourescent in! %orm te ma,netic partic#es. 9e in!
sou#d be miCed to te manu%acturerEs speci%ied concentration %or te tas! and
metod o% app#ication. Wettin, a,ents are permissib#e.
:ie#d stren,tB in! sensitivity and i##umination sa## be cec!ed Fon siteF by te use
o% a type 1 4urma Castro# test strip or a#ternative %#uC measurin, device. Cec!s
sou#d be made be%oreB durin, and a%ter te inspectionB at te 3 maAor cardina#
c#oc! positions. 9e type 1 strip requires a %ie#d stren,t o% '* /ersteds to disp#ay
F2 #inesF. 9is is considered te minimum acceptab#e %#uC stren,t. 9e intensity o%
te &.-. #i,t sou#d be con%irmed usin, a ca#ibrated b#ac! #i,t meter p#aced at te
inspection sur%ace. &.-. intensity sou#d be ,reater tan (( #uC.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 82 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Re#evant 1tandards Reportin,
A## indications sou#d be reported to te C#ient. ?DDK Current :#a7 Detection
sou#d be used to con%irm te indication and provide an indication o% de%ect dept
%or a## $ndications in order to determine 7eter te de%ect can be removed by
remedia# ,rindin, to *(J =remainin,> e%%ective 7a## tic!ness.
Remedia# "rindin,
Re%er to remedia# ,rindin, tas! procedures. A## indications are to be assessed in
terms o% remainin, e%%ective 7a##.tic!ness as described in procedure ,rindin,
carried out on te speci%ic instruction o% te C#ient.
6P$ Poto,rapy
Re%er to 6P$ procedure %or detai#s o% 6P$ poto,rapic tecniques.
9e instrument sou#d be set up so tat te de%ect indicator responds to any de%ect
equiva#ent to or ,reater tan te 0.( mm ca#ibration s#ot.
Re%er to te procedure =Remedia# "rindin,>
9as! Procedure MPI
Re%er to past inspections 7it specia# re%erence to previous indications and areas o%
prior remedia# ,rindin,.
1. ?nsure tat preparatory c#eanin, is su%%icient to $denti%y any de%ects in te 7e#d
or eiter o% te eat a%%ected Hones. $% necessary carry out %urter c#eanin,.
'. ?stab#is Hero datum and record its position. $% app#icab#eB mar! te datum
point 7it tree punc mar!s above te N/D? side toe on te parent meta#
outside te eat a%%ected Hone
2. ?stab#is a mi##imeter ,raduated tape measure around te 7e#d =on te
6?64?R side> so as not to obscure te 7e#d detai#s or prevent te identi%ication
o% de%ects
3. Report te tota# 7e#d #en,t in mi##imeters
(. Commence te inspection at datum and 7or! eiter c#oc!7iseB #e%t to ri,t or top
to bottomB dependin, on te 7e#d con%i,uration. 9e area to be inspected
inc#udes bot eat a%%ected HonesB te 7e#d toes and 7e#d cap
5. 6ar! any de%ects or areas o% interest c#ear#y usin, a paint stic! so tat tey 7i##
be easi#y identi%ied
Permanent ma,nets sou#d be used on#y 7en coi#s are impractica# =e.,. on anode
stubs and ,usset p#atesB seam 7e#dsB 7ere access is di%%icu#t or on seam 7e#ds
7ere coi# restraint is a prob#em>. ?#ectroma,netic yo!es are pre%erab#e to
permanent ma,netsB o7ever FprodsF are not norma##y approved as tey cause
dama,e to te structure. Coi#s sou#d be set.up to ,ive a minimum ma,netisin,
%orce o% 20 /ersteds.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 83 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure Permanent ma,nets sou#d be used on#y 7en coi#s are impractica# =e.,. on anode
stubs and ,usset p#atesB seam 7e#dsB 7ere access is di%%icu#t or on seam 7e#ds
7ere coi# restraint is a prob#em>. ?#ectroma,netic yo!es are pre%erab#e to
permanent ma,netsB o7ever FprodsF are not norma##y approved as tey cause
dama,e to te structure. Coi#s sou#d be set.up to ,ive a minimum ma,netisin,
%orce o% 20 /ersteds.
1et up te coi#s c#ose to te 7e#d. &se te =pre.ca#cu#ated> required number o% coi#
turns and adAust te current to ,ive a minimum %#uC density o% 20 /ersted =O 2
indications on type 1 4urma Castro# 1trip
Carry out 6P$ at ni,t under &.- #i,t usin, 6a,na,#o 13A $n! 7enever
possib#e. 6P$ may be carried out durin, day#i,t on#y i% poor visibi#ity and dept
provide su%%icient dar!ness.
Day#i,t 6P$ requires Day,#o in! as per 6P$ poto,rapy. Day#i,t in! is not
near#y as sensitive as 6a,na,#o 13A and Day#i,t 6P$ sou#d on#y be carried out
%or te purposes o% 6P$ poto,rapy or under C#ient 1ite $nstruction %or operationa#
1et up te equipment %or te coatin, tic!ness present and scan te sur%ace to be
inspected usin, te manu%acturers recommended tecnique and coice o% probes.
9e component is to be scanned in #en,ts not eCceedin, 200 mm $% de%ects are
recorded ten #ocationB orientationB #en,t and dept are to be recorded. 9e
scannin, o% te 7or! area is to be monitored usin, a -ideo camera
A## de%ects %ound usin, te inspection tecniques may be compared a,ainst te
resu#ts obtained usin, te oter tecnique. ?ddy current)AC:6 may be speci%ied as
a %irst.pass 7e#d.screenin, tecnique =7it #ess ri,orous c#eanin, requirements tan
%or 6P$>. A#ternative#yB eddy current is used to obtain an indication o% de%ect dept
prior to 6P$ ,rindin,.
9is procedure is intended to provide unambi,uous instructions %or remedia#
,rindin, in order to permit remova# o% certain de%ects. 9e approac i.e. ca#cu#ation
o% ?%%ective Wa## 9ic!ness 7i## be provide a reproduceab#e means o% assessin,
7eter any ,iven 7e#d sou#d ave remedia# ,rindin, carried out.
$t is essentia# to ensure tat eCcessive ,rindin, does not occur. 9e Fbottom.#ineF o%
te procedure is tat a minimum o% *(J o% e%%ective 7a## tic!ness must remain
a%ter ,rindin,B oter7ise te de%ect must be re%erred %or an en,ineerin, assessment.
No ,rindin, is norma##y permitted deeper tan 3.0mm ='.0mm o% de%ect G '.0mm
o% undercutB previous ,rindin, or oter de%ect suc as <ac! o% We#dment>. 9e use
o% ?ddy Current :#a7 detection to determine te dept o% te de%ect prior to =and at
interva#s durin,> ,rindin, is an inte,ra# part o% te procedure.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 8( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure 1/6? PRAC9$CA< C/N1$D?RA9$/N1
a> 6P$" W$9; &ND?RC&9 PR?1?N9
Revie7 o% most crac! de%ects c#ear#y so7s tat most de%ects ave initiated in
eCistin, undercut =typica##y 1.0 to '.0mm deep> in te 7e#d toes. $n order to
reac te start o% te de%ect to carry out remedia# ,rindin, it is tere%ore
necessary %irst to pro%i#e.,rind te undercut.
9e eCistin, undercut is a stress.raisin, de%ect 7ic as a#ready e%%ective#y
reduced te ember 7a## tic!ness and contributed to7ards initiation o% te
b> D?9?R6$NA9$/N /: ?::?C9$-? WA<< 9;$C0N?11
"iven tat de%ects are present to,eter 7it undercutB it %o##o7s tat te
?%%ective Wa## 9ic!ness remainin, a%ter pro%i#e ,rindin, o% undercut sou#d be
c#ear#y estab#ised be%ore proceedin, 7it remedia# ,rindin,. /n#y in tis 7ay
can te overa## percenta,e o% 7a## tic!ness reduction be ca#cu#ated.
A minimum o% 1' pairs o% 7a## tic!ness measurements and 7e#d.,au,e
&ndercut dept measurement is required at eac Fc#oc! positionF around te
7e#d. Additiona# pairs o% measurements are required i%B as in te eCamp#es
so7nB te de%ect is #ocated bet7een c#oc! positions.
c> PR/:$<? "R$ND$N" /: &ND?RC&9 PR$/R 9/ CR0 D?:?C9
$t is important to ,rind te areas o% undercut containin, de%ects to a smoot
pro%i#e. We#d pro%i#es and access constraints ma!e it di%%icu#t to produce
de%initive pro%i#in, procedures tat are app#icab#e to a## noda# 7e#ds. ;o7everB
te diver sou#d :.
6inimise member 7a## penetration.
&se te appropriate ,rindin, burr.
Dress te ed,es o% te ,round area to provide a smoot transition to te adAacent
un,round member)#e, and 7e#dment sur%aces.
1. 9is procedure app#ies on#y to noda# 7e#dsB %i##et 7e#ds are eCc#uded.
'. 9is procedure app#ies on#y to member 7a## tic!ness ,reater tan or equa# to
0.2''F =*.'mm.>.
R?6?D$A< "R$ND$N" PR/C?D&R? . W;?N 9/ "R$ND
/n %indin, a crac! de%ect :.
CA1? 1. $% te de%ect is a visua# crac! =7idt IO 1.0mm> or a toe 7e#d :.
Carry out ?DDK C&RR?N9 %#a7 detection to estab#is te dept o% te de%ect.
Carry out 6P$ to estab#is te #en,t o% te de%ect.
At eac o% te 1' c#oc! positions around te 7e#d use a 7e#d ,au,e p#aced a#on,
te #on,itudina# aCis o% te member)#e, to measure te dept o% any eCistin,
undercut =or previous ,rindin,>.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 85 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure 9a!e 7a## tic!ness measurements at te same 1' c#oc! positions on te
member)#e, parent meta# as c#ose to te 7e#d toe containin, te de%ect as access
permits. 1ubtract te above 7e#d ,au,e measurement %rom te 7a## tic!ness
readin, to obtain a set o% F?%%ective Wa## 9ic!nessesF %or comparison 7it
speci%ied 7a## tic!ness durin, subsequent crac! propa,ation ana#ysis.
$ssue an Anoma#y Report and DO NOT carry out remedia# ,rindin, un#ess 7it te
speci%ic instruction o% te C#ient .
CA1? ' $% te de%ect is an 6P$ indicationB a air#ine crac! =7idt NO 1.0mm> or a
%eatered %ati,ue crac! :.
At eac o% te 1' c#oc! positions around te 7e#d use a 7e#d ,au,e p#aced a#on, te
#on,itudina# aCis o% te member)#e, and record te dept o% any eCistin, undercut =or
previous ,rindin,>.
9a!e 7a## tic!ness measurements at te same 1' doc! positions on te member)#e,
parent meta# as c#ose to te 7e#d toe containin, te de%ect as access permits. 1ubtract
te above 7e#d ,au,e measurement %rom te 7a## tic!ness readin, to obtain a set o%
F?%%ective Wa## 9ic!nessesF %or comparison 7it speci%ied 7a## tic!ness durin,
remedia# ,rindin,.
$% any o% te de%ects present are #ocated bet7een te above 1' c#oc! position
measurements ta!e an additiona# pair o% 7ai# tic!ness and 7e#d ,au,e
measurements at te mid.point o% te de%ect.
Pro%i#e ,rind te undercut to te above measured dept tie. to te start o% te
Carry out ?DDK C&RR?N9 %#a7 detection =a%ter pro%i#e ,rindin, o% te undercut to
ensure tat ?DDK C&RR?N9 measures on#y te de%ect and not te undercut> and
determine te dept o% te de%ect.
Carry out 6a,netic Partic#e inspection to determine te #en,t o% te de%ect.
?%%ective 7a## tic!ness remainin, sou#d be ca#cu#ated as te F6ean o% measured
7a## tic!ness minus measured undercut deptB divided by te speci%ied 7a##
tic!nessF prior to commencement o% 6P$" remedia# ,rindin,.
$% te de%ect dept is con%irmed by ?DDK C&RR?N9 to be not ,reater tan
'.0mmB AND i% te ?%%ective Wa## 9ic!ness remainin, prior to commencement o%
remedia# ,rindin, is ,reater tan*1JB proceed 7it remedia# ,rindin, in 0.(mm
steps to a maCimum o% '.0mm =eCc#udin, te previous#y.,round undercut>.
Reca#cu#ate ?%%ective Wa## 9ic!ness as remedia# ,rindin, pro,resses and ensure
tat te tota# e%%ective 7a## tic!ness remainin, =a%ter bot undercut pro%i#e
,rindin, and remedia# ,rindin,> eCceeds *(J o% te speci%ied nomina# 7a##
$n a## cases te combined dept o% undercut.pro%i#in, and remedia# ,rindin, must
not eCceed 3.0mm =measured by 7e#d ,au,e a#on, te #on,itudina# aCis o% te
member or #e, adAacent to te 7e#d toe containin, te de%ect> 7itout re%erra# %or
%urter ,rindin,.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 88 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure CA1? 2 $% te de%ect is not removed by remedia# ,rindin, as per CA1? '. above :
Document te remainin, 6P$ indication on reacin, *(J e%%ective 7a## tic!ness.
$ssue an Anoma#y Report tat %u##y describes te eCtentB #ocation and dept o%
,rindin, carried out and re%er te de%ect %or crac! propa,ation ana#ysis and %urter
CA1? 3 $% autorisation is ,iven to ,rind to more tan *(J e%%ective 7a##
A## ,rindin, deeper tan te *(J restriction sou#d be te subAect o% a 7ritten
instruction based on structura# en,ineerin, input and sou#d be preceded and
succeeded by pro%i#e.,au,e measurement and poto,rapy.
1a%ety Considerations Re%er to "R$ND$N" procedure %or detai#s o% sa%ety considerations associated 7it
te use o% sub sea ydrau#ic ,rinders
;nsure the &rinder is fitted (ith a proper &uard and that no loose
(ebbin& or ri&&in& is (ithin reach of the &rinder
<ND;R N3 6<R6<#9=+N6;9 9>3<.D =>; =R7;R ?; =7;D-3%%
D<R7N R7ND7N 35;R+=l3N9. 5+9= 7N67D;N=9 D;#3N9=R+=;
=>+= =>79 +6= 6+N >+@; %+=+. 63N9;A<;N6;9
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 8* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
).2 Foo!e! #e/1e3 'etectio0 F#%'ET
/bAectives 1.0 9o determine 7eter a c#osed tubu#ar or component is %#ooded and to 7at eCtent.
1upportin, Procedures
1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 3.'.1
Data Capture :6.D?9
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required ;and.c#eanin, or 7ater.Aet c#eanin,. Con%irm member diameter.
?quipment Required "ascosonic :#ooded 6ember Detector or simi#ar %or diver operations.
R/- probe :#ooded member Detector %or R/- operations.
Re#evant 1tandards Ni#
9as! Procedure A%ter 7ater.Aet c#eanin, to remove ard and so%t marine ,ro7t %rom a 0.( m C 0.( m
area. a#i,n te u#trasonic probe 7it te member to be inspected. 9e diver sou#d
attac te ma,netised u#trasonic probe assemb#y to te member and adAust te
a#i,nment under instructions %rom te topside operator. Wen satis%actory a#i,nment
as been acievedB te topside operator sou#d initiate te u#trasonic test o% te
member and report 7eter it is dry or %#ooded.
$% %#oodedB %urter visua# inspection is to be carried out to determine te cause o%
%#oodin,. Additiona# c#eanin, and detai#ed ND9 inspection to determine te cause
o% %#oodin, may be required i% "-$ proves unab#e to determine te cause o%
Re%er to te manu%acturerXs operator manua# %or detai#s o% :#ooded 6ember
DetectorEs screen disp#ays %or typica# %#ooded and dry members.
1a%ety Considerations No specia# requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 8+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
).& Bot Te0sio0i06
/bAectives 1.0 9o provide ,uidance %or te use o% bo#t tensioners
1upportin, Procedures 6anu%acturerEs ;and 4oo!
6anu%acturerEs Procedures ;and 4oo!
1upportin, Documents Ni#
Data Capture Ni#
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required 9as! dependant.
C#ean te %#an,e %aces to remove marine ,ro7tB rustB coatin,s etc. 7ic cou#d
inter%ere 7it nut ) %#an,e seatin,
?quipment Required Appropriate siHes o% ;ydrati,t 1ea 1erpent =or equiva#ent> Aac!sB p#us auCi#iary
7ipsB do7n #ineB ydrau#ic pump etc.
Re#evant 1tandards ProAect Dependant
9as! Procedure $nsta## te bo#t.tensionin, Aac! over eac bo#t to be tensioned and retain usin, a
reaction nut. connect to,eter a## te Aac!s into an ydrau#ic mani%o#d. <in! te
mani%o#d to te ydrau#ic pump usin, te ydrau#ic do7n #ine.
&se te air.driven pump to pressurise te ydrau#ic system to te required Aac!
pressure. 9is simu#taneous#y tensions a## o% te bo#ts in a sin,#e smoot operation.
Retain te bo#t eCtension by ti,tenin, do7n te =s#ac!> nuts usin, a tommy.bar
Repeat te tensionin, operation =tota# o% 2 cyc#es> to overcome any #osses due to
embedmentB imper%ectionsB ,rit on component %acesB etc.
Re%er to te detai#ed 7or! scope %or detai#s o% ydrau#ic pressure tensionin,
sequence and bo#t tensions. Re%er to te manu%acturerEs operator manua# %or detai#s
o% bac! pressure areas etc used to determine te required ydrau#ic pressure
/n comp#etion o% tensionin, recover te too#s and mani%o#d =or %or (0J tensionin,
sequence trans%er tem to te adAacent bo#ts>.
1a%ety Considerations ;ydrau#ic bo#t tensioners operate at eCtreme#y i, pressures and app#y %#oan,e
c#osin, %orces 7ic can cause sudden %ai#ure o% de%ective components. /perators
sou#d eCercise caution and ta!e a## possib#e precautions a,ainst burstin, ydrau#ics
and sudden %#an,e %ai#ures.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *0 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
).) Rise3 I0spectio0s RI%INS
/bAectives 1.0 9o conduct an inspection o% a riser to determine :.
a> Dama,e
b> Catodic protection
c> C#amp condition and security
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Ni#
Data Capture R$.$N1
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required Water.Aet c#eanin,
?quipment Required 'B000 psi to 10B000 psi 7ater.b#aster.
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 'opside Riser #nspection =.S) to le"el #7
A#tou, 9opside =<eve#> riser c#amp inspection is not part o% te under7ater
inspection scope o% 7or!B inspect and report on te condition o% te riser bet7een
#eve# 1 and 61< in as muc detai# as resources and sea conditions permit.
Su(sea Riser #nspection =.S) to 61*m7
;and.c#ean or 7ater.Aet c#ean =to remove marine ,ro7t but N/9 coatin,s> a strip
o% riser 8(mm 7ide %rom 61< to .1(m =te riser sou#d a#so be c#eaned at eac
c#amp>. $% pittin, is presentB %urter c#eanin, B inspectionB measurement o% dept o%
pittin, and poto,rapy 7i## be required. Report a## pittin, deeper tan 'mm as an
Record te dept o% termination o% a## coatin,s. Report a## areas o% de%ective
coatin,B corrosion or dama,e
1a%ety Considerations Divers sou#d ensure tat te 7ater.b#aster is sa%e#y ri,,ed since c#eanin, a vertica#
strip do7n a riser invo#ves considerab#e movement. Water.b#asters are potentia##y
N?-?R 9$?./:: 9;? 9R$""?R.
$mpressed Current Catodic protection vo#ta,es and ampera,es on are norma##y too
#o7 to pose a sa%ety ris! to divers.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *1 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9e tas!s ,rouped 7itin tis section are not inspection tas!sB but tas!s required in
support o% inspection 7or!. 1ome tas!sB suc as c#eanin, 7or!B are required to prepare a
Aob site %or inspectionB 7ereas otersB suc as CP probe ca#ibrationB may be per%ormed
on sur%ace be%ore or a%ter a dive.
9ese tas!s 7i## most readi#y be per%ormed by diverB or $nspection Contro##er i% topsideB
o7everB some may be per%ormed by customised or 7or! c#ass R/- 7it specia#ist
too#in,. 9e coice o% interventionB diver or customised R/-B may be #e%t to "$AP a%ter
consu#tation 7it te C#ientB provided te obAectives and data recordin, accuracy o% te
individual (pec. (heets can be complied with.
9e tas!s inc#uded are:
Spec. Sheet No.Task Tite Task
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
*." Cea0i06 Fo3 I0spectio0 CL%INS
/bAectives 1.0 9o remove marine ,ro7tB corrosion productsB de%ective coatin,s and any oter
coverin,s %rom a sur%aceB suc tat inspection or ND9 can be per%ormed
1upportin, Procedures 1ection 8 Anoma#y Codes @ Actions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. (.1.1
Data Capture C<.$N1
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required Possib#y prior Water.Aet c#eanin, or and.c#eanin, to remove tic! marine ,ro7t.
?quipment Required a. Air.entrained ,rit supp#y o% adequate pressure and vo#ume %or te 7or!in, dept
b. '0B000 psi ;. P. 7ater.Aet 7it s#urry entrainment.
Re#evant 1tandards Selected 8elds :
Remove a## marine ,ro7t and coatin,s to a minimum o% 8( mm out %rom eac
7e#d toe
Bltrasonic ,la8 Detection
Remove a## coatin, and marine ,ro7t to a minimum o% 1(0 mm out %rom te area
to be inspected.
9e on#y acceptab#e ,rit types to be used are si#ica sandB ,arnetB ceramic or p#astic
,rit. 6eta##ic ,rit sa## not be used.
$% 7ater b#astin, is used to c#ear tic! ,ro7tB te noHH#e tip sa## be suc tat te
meta# cannot be dama,ed under norma# conditions.
9as! Procedure Remove a## traces o% marine ,ro7t and coatin, %rom te area to be inspected. We#d
inspections are norma##y be deemed inva#id i% marine ,ro7t is apparent in
poto,raps .
1a%ety Considerations 1. "rit 4#aster
'. Water 4#aster
Re%er to ;1? 6anua# %or 1a%ety Precautions
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *2 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
*.& CP P3o1e Cai13atio0 CP%CAL
/bAectives 1.0 9o ensure tat any catodic potentia# =CP> measurement probe or system is
%unctiona# @ accurate trou,out its period o% use %or 41P.
1upportin, Procedures
Catodic Protection @ Ca#ibration Procedures
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. (.2.1
Data Capture CP.CA<
Per%ormed 4y Diver or R/-
Personne# Qua#i%ications C1W$P 2.1&
Preparation Required Ni#
?quipment Required Cy,nus CP 6eter
Ca#ome# ?#ectrodes %or Probe Ca#ibration
=R/- 1tab ) ProCimity ;a#% Ce##>
Re#evant 1tandards Ni#
9as! Procedure 1ee F1upportin, ProceduresF =above> %or re%erence to detai#ed procedure
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic sa%ety requirements.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *3 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
*.) UT #ete3 Cai13atio0 (T%CAL
/bAectives 1.0 9o ensure tat any di,ita# readoutB u#trasonic 7a## tic!ness =W9> measurement
probe or system is %unctiona# @ accurate trou,out its period o% use %or 41P.
1upportin, Procedures 6anu%acturerEs Ca#ibration Procedures
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet. (.3.1
Data Capture W9.CA<
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C1W$P 2.1&
Preparation Required Ni#
?quipment Required RoCby 4atycorrometer
1tep Wed,e %or Ca#ibration
Re#evant 1tandards Ni#
9as! Procedure
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic sa%ety requirements.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9e tas!s ,rouped in tis section re#ate to te pictoria# i##ustration o% %indin,s %rom oter
inspection tas!s. 9ey sou#d not be considered as inspection tas!s in teir o7n ri,tB
and 7i## not be te primary means o% #o,,in, data. 9e content and qua#ity o% ima,es
must a#7ays be desi,ned to satis%y te obAectives o% an inspection tas!B and not
necessari#y to maCimise reso#ution or co#or %ide#ity.
Common#yB ima,e capture @ video recordin, tas!s are be required to i##ustrate
anoma#ous %mdin,s. -ideo =media> numberin, @ cata#o,uin, requirements are ,iven in
te re#evant 1pec. 1eets.
9e Dra7in, @ 1!etcin, tas! speci%ication app#ies bot to presentation o% inspection
%mdin,s and to prior preparation o% dra7in,s as part o% any reportin, system.
9e tas!s inc#uded are:
Spec. Sheet No. Task Tite
Task Co!e
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *5 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+." Vi!eo Reco3!i06 V'%REC
/bAectives 1.0 9o provide accurateB 7e## de%ined and unambi,uous c#ose up poto,rapy o% any
1upportin, Procedures 6anu%acturerEs set up and operatin, instructions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 5.1.1
Data Capture P;./9/
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required Lob dependant .
?quipment Required 1coones 6D 500 under7ater ousin, 7it c#ose.up probes.
/#ympus /6 1N camera and (0 mm #ens pre.set to 0.3( m.
/#ympus Auto Winder $$.
1ubatec (.100 under7ater %#as.
0odaco#or "o#d 100 A1A %i#m.
N/9? : 9ese poto,rapic procedures are based on te Findustry 1tandardF 1coones
Re#evant 1tandards /n#y poto,raps 7ic are proper#y composedB eCposed and %ocused 7i##
norma##y be acceptab#e. A## poto,raps must ave te correct idents.
9as! Procedure C#ose.up poto,raps are typica##y ta!en o% te %o##o7in, subAects.
a> We#d inspection =%u## mosaics required>
b> Abrasion)7ire scars =partia# mosaics i% #ar,e area>
c> Corrosion =mosaics>
d> Anoma#ies =%u## mosaic dependin, on dama,e>
e> 6P$ indications
C#ose.up poto,raps are ta!en usin, distance probes =prods> to !eep te subAect in
te p#ane o% %ocus. A %#as is required to provide su%%icient #i,t to maCimise dept
o% %ie#d. A re%erence tape or set o% re%erence idents must be inc#uded in every
poto,rapB so7in, its #ocation re#ative to datum. An Fident sotF so7in, a
comp#ete set o% #ocation idents sou#d be ta!en %irst at eac site. 6osaic
poto,raps sou#d over#ap by '(J to (0J to ensure tat no subAect matter is
A<< P;/9/"RAP;1 6&19 ;A-? 9;? C/RR?C9 P;/9/"RAP;$C $D?N91
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *8 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+.2 Sti 9 'i6ita Photo63aph5 P$%OTO
9as! Procedure 1ettin,s :
1> 9e /#ympus camera sou#d be set to 1)50 sec sutter speed %or %#as
'> 9e camera sou#d be set to %15 to produce te maCimum dept o% %ie#d and
te eCposure adAusted by use o% di%%erent %#as po7er settin,s or adAustment o%
%#as to subAect distance.
2> 9e (0 mm #ens sou#d be set to 0.3( m.
3> 1)3 po7er sou#d be used 7it 1ubatec strobes %or subAects o% te same
re%#ectivity as c#eaned 7e#ds. &nc#eaned subAects sou#d be ta!en at 1)'
po7er. :#as to subAect distance is approCimate#y 200 mm.
(> &se an opaque di%%user over te %ront o% te %#as to reduce %#are.
5> 9e /#mpus Auto Winder $$ sou#d be set to sin,#e.%rame on#y.
9ese settin,s are on#y a ,uide %or subAects o% Fc#eaned 7e#d re%#ectivityF. :#as
settin,sB %#as to subAect distance or aperture may ave to be modi%ied %or #ess.
re%#ective subAects. ?Ctreme#y re%#ective subAects sou#d be poto,raped 7it a
po#arisin, %i#ter over te camera #ens. $% a po#arisin, %i#ter is usedB te eCposure
sou#d be corrected by increasin, te %#as po7er 3 C =' %.stops> or by openin,
te aperture accordin,#y.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: ** o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+.2 Sti 9 'i6ita Photo63aph5 P$%OTO
/bAectives 1.0 9o provide accurateB 7e## de%ined and unambi,uous c#ose up poto,rapy o% any
1upportin, Procedures 6anu%acturerEs set up and operatin, instructions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 5.'.1
Data Capture P;./9/
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required 9as! dependant.
?quipment Required 1coones 6D 500 under7ater ousin,B /#ympus /61 camera and '1 mm #ensB
/#ympus Auto Winder $$B 1ubatec under7ater %#as.
N/9? : 9ese poto,rapic procedures are based on te Findustry 1tandardF 1coones
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 1> 9e camera sou#d be set to 1)50 sec sutter.speed %or %#as syncronisation.
'> 9e camera sou#d be set to te minimum possib#e aperture =re%er to =(>
be#o7> to maCimise dept o% %ie#d.
2> 9e camera sou#d be set to te required stand.o%% distance =1 meter is te
most common#y used settin,>.
3> 9e Auto Winder $$ sou#d be set to sin,#e.%rame on#y.
(> ?Cposure is adAusted by can,in, te %#as po7er settin,s. 9e correct
eCposure is ca#cu#ated as %o##o7s:.
%.stop O "uide Number divided by te %#as to subAect distance.
Note: 9e 1ubatec 1100 %#as as a =%u## po7er> ,uide number o% 15 meters %or 100
A1A %i#m. =O 11 meters %or (0 asaB O 2' meters %or 300 asa>
5> &se o% an opaque di%%user over te strobe is required to spread te i##umination
even#y over te %u## picture area o% te '1mm #ens. P#ease note tat accurate
strobe positionin, is te !ey to success%u# under7ater %#as poto,rapy. $% te
strobe position is adAustab#e cec! it be%ore every sot. 9ry to !eep about a 3(F
an,#e bet7een te #ens aCis and te strobe aCis to minimise bac!.scatter.
8> Note tat a## inspection poto,raps must ave te correct ident inc#udin, a
Note : 9e poto,rap sou#d be composed suc tat te component =c#ampB 7e#dB
etc.> is te primary subAectB not te ident board.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: *+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+.2 Sti 9 'i6ita Photo63aph5 P$%OTO
9as! Procedure C7 <eld P!otograp!
We#ds are to be poto,raped at 1'B 02B 05 and 0+ /Ec#oc!. 9e c#ose.up 7e#d
idents sou#d sti## be in p#aced on te 7e#d.
D7 Riser lamps
Poto,rap te riser c#amps %rom te 1'B 02B 0* and 0+ /Ec#oc! positions . ?nsure
%u## covera,e o% te riser c#amp. Poto,raps are a#so required o% te member c#amp
and adAustab#e arm c#amp=s>.
/ne representative poto,rap o% eac riser c#amp sou#d be inc#uded in te report.
107 Anodes
Poto,rap te anode %rom an ob#ique side ) end -ie7 to so7 bot te attacment
stubs and te anode materia#.
117 .arine 3ro8t!
6arine ,ro7t stand.o%% poto,raps sou#d cover te 7o#e Aac!et #e, =or oter
speci%ied component> at te se#ected e#evation. 9e ident board sou#d be para##e# to
te %i#m.p#ane o% te camera and ,raduated to act as a re%erence sca#e %or te marine
,ro7t tic!ness.
127 'opside Stand6o&& P!otograp!y
Durin, routine p#at%orm inspectionB a number o% topside subAects may require stand.
o%% poto,rapy
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +0 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+.2 Sti 9 'i6ita Photo63aph5 P$%OTO
/bAectives 1.0 9o provide accurateB 7e## de%ined and unambi,uous poto,rapy o% 6P$
inspection resu#ts
1upportin, Procedures 6anu%acturerEs set up and operatin, instructions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 5..'.1
Data Capture P;./9/
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P 2.'& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required Water.Aet c#eanin, B "rit.b#ast c#eanin, B C#ose -isua# $nspection B 6a,netic Partic#e
$nspection and possib#y ?ddy Current :#a7 Detection and remedia# ,rindin, .
?quipment Required
1coones 6D *00 ;ousin, c)7 /#ympus /6.1B (0 mm #ens.
1ubatec 1.100 %#as.
300 A1A 0oda!co#or :i#m =metods A and 4> 100 asa =metod C>.
1 C Woods :i#ter) 'C po#orisin, %itters ) camera c#ampin, device.
N/9?: 9ese poto,rapic procedures are based on te Findustry 1tandardF 1coones
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure /n comp#etion o% conventiona# 6P$ and)or remedia# ,rindin, B mar! te eCtent o%
te indication to be poto,raped. 17itc o%% te coi#s and c#ean te indication
usin, a 7ire.brus to remove te 6a,na,#o 13A in!. Re.ma,netise and i% necessary
increase te %#uC density by increasin, te current or by substitution o% a pair o% '0
!, pu## permanent ma,nets instead o% te coi#s.
App#y FDay,#oF in! unti# te indication is c#ear#y visib#e. Wipe o%% any eCcess in!
%rom te surroundin, area. Wen satis%ied tat te indication is i,#y visib#eB carry
out 6P$ poto,rapy usin, one o% te %our metods be#o7.
.et!od A ,luorescent ,las! .P#P
Attac Woods %i#ters secure#y over te %ront o% eac o% t7o 1ubatec 1.100 strobes
%#as suc tat no 7ite #i,t escapes around te ed,es. 6ount te %#ases so tat
tey are pointin, at 3( de,rees to te indication and are '00 mm =*F> %rom te
centre o% te #ine Aoinin, te prod tips. &se 300 A1A %i#mD 1)50 secD %(.5 on %u##
po7er 7it t7o 1&4A9?C (.100 strobes.
/n comp#etion o% conventiona# 6P$ and)or remedia# ,rindin, B mar! te eCtent o%
te indication to be poto,raped. 17itc o%% te coi#s and c#ean te indication
usin, a 7ire.brus to remove te 6a,na,#o 13A in!. Re.ma,netise and i% necessary
increase te %#uC density by increasin, te current or by substitution o% a pair o% '0
!, pu## permanent ma,nets instead o% te coi#s.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +1 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure App#y FDay,#oF in! unti# te indication is c#ear#y visib#e. Wipe o%% any eCcess in!
%rom te surroundin, area. Wen satis%ied tat te indication is i,#y visib#eB carry
out 6P$ poto,rapy usin, one o% te %our metods be#o7.
.et!od ; )ong612posure ,luorescent6.P#P
$% 7e#d orientationB poto,rapic conditions and time permitsB te camera may be
secure#y attaced to te 7e#d usin, some sort o% dampin, deviceB te aperture c#osed
do7n to :15 and a #on, eCposure usua##y around one minute> ta!en. 9a!e additiona#
eCposures o% 20 seconds and ' minutes to brac!et te eCposure. Durin, suc #on,
eCposures te 7e#d sou#d be i##uminated so#e#y by te 6P$ #i,t 7it no strobes
used. 9is procedure is tota##y dependant on secure c#ampin, o% te camera.
.et!od rossed Polarising ,ilters
P#ace one =1> 3+ mm diameter #inear po#arisin, %itter over te camera #ens 7it te
a#i,nment mar! at te top. P#ace a secondB 88 mm diameter po#arisin, %i#ter on te
%#as and secure it in position so tat te a#i,nment mar! is at +0 de,rees to te %i#ter
on te camera #ens. 9ry to a##o7 some adAustment o% orientation %or te diver since
te re#ative orientation as to be p#us or minus about ( de,rees.
&se 300 A1A %i#mD 1500 secD %15 on %u## po7er 7it a 1&4A9?C 1.100 strobe.
.et!od D Aormal lose6Bp P!otograp!y
1et up te camera %or norma# c#ose.up po,rapy and poto,rap te indication
usin, FDay,#oF in!.
&se 100 asa %i#m 1)50 secB %1*B 1)3 po7er 7it 1& 4A9?C 1.100 strobe.
9is metod is quite re#iab#eB but can on#y produce resu#ts %or stron, indAcations it
sou#d be used %irst since c#ose.up cameras sou#d be immediate#y avai#ab#e on site.
6etod A provides ,reatest contrast but is unre#iab#e.
6etod 4 produces eCce##ent resu#ts i% a suitab#e c#ampin, device is avai#ab#eB but is
di%%icu#t to set.up. $% te camera is not %iCed secure#y te resu#ts are ope#ess#y b#urred.
6etod C provides ,ood dept o% %ie#d and c#ear 7e#d detai#s but is notorious#y
6etod D is most re#iab#e but is on#y e%%ective on stron, indications.
Wicever metod is usedB it is essentia# to process te %i#m immediate#y as Fre.
sootsF are %requent#y required
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+.2 Sti 9 'i6ita Photo63aph5 P$%OTO
/bAectives 1.0 9o provide accurateB 7e## de%ined and unambi,uous poto,rapy o% 7e#d ,rindin,
1upportin, Procedures 6anu%acturerEs set up and operatin, instructions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 5.'.1
Data Capture P;./9/
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.$.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required Water.Aet c#eanin, or ,rit b#ast c#eanin, B C#ose -isua# $nspection B 6a,netic Partic#e
inspection and 6P$ ,rindin,.
?quipment Required C#ose.up camera B Pro%i#e ,au,e =need#e.,au,e>B Pro%i#e ,au,e ident c)7 (mm ,rid.
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 9e pro%i#e ,au,e is set up at +0 de,rees to te 7e#d aCis over te area to be ,round
and te pro%i#e need#es depressed to te bottom o% te de%ect. 9e pro%i#e ,au,e
must eCtend at #east '0mm onto te adAacent cord)brace 7a##s in order to de%ine
te 7e#d ,eometry. 9e ,au,e is ten care%u##y p#aced into a pro%i#e %rame and
poto,raped usin, te c#ose.up camera. 9e pro%i#e %rame contains a set o% indents
and a bac!,round sca#e =(mm squares ,rid> to aid in ta!in, measurements %rom te
pro%i#e poto,rap. 9e c#ose.up camera sou#d be #oaded 7it 100 A1A %i#mB set at
c#osest %ocusB %:5 and 1150 sec.
Pro%i#e ,au,e spacin, sou#d be at interva#s o% 1)10 o% te crac! #en,tB =subAect to a
minimum spacin, o% '0mm and a maCimum spacin, o% (0mm>.
9e #ocations o% eac pro%i#e sou#d be mar!ed usin, a centre.punc in case te
pro%i#e needs to be repeated #e,. %or 6P$ "rindin,>. ?nsure te ,au,e is p#aced on
te 7e#d at te correct node)member orientation.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +2 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
+.2 Sti 9 'i6ita Photo63aph5 P$%OTO
/bAectives 1.0 9o provide accurateB 7e## de%ined and unambi,uous stereo poto,rammetry
1upportin, Procedures 6anu%acturerEs set up and operatin, instructions
1upportin, Documents Detai# 1eet No. 3.(.'
Data Capture P;./9/
Per%ormed 4y Diver
Personne# Qua#i%ications C.1.W.1.P. 2.1& and C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required 1ubAect dependant.
.?quipment Required Poto,rammetry is a specia#ist tas! 7ic is on#y uti#ised 7ere detai#ed
measurements are required. 9e pre%erred equipment %or te tas! is tere%ore a t7in.
medium.%ormat camera system suc as &6?< or CA6?< C18080 =or equiva#ent>
camerasB %itted 7it Reseau P#ates etced 7it :iducia# 6ar!s. 9e cameras must be
ca#ibrated be%ore use on an accurate#y.constructed 9est 9ar,et as approved by te
Camera manu%acturer. Poto,rammetric accuracy is improved by te use o%
accurate#y.macined sca#e.bars attaced to te sur%ace o% te subAect.
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure 9e poto,raps required %or 1tereo Poto,rammetry are ta!en as easi#y as norma#
under7ater poto,raps. 9e same ,uide#ines app#y %or determinin, eCposure and
no specia# trainin, is required to operate te cameras. ;o7everB a speci%ic
procedure 7i## be issued %or eac poto,rammetric surveyB in order to de%ine te
eCact poto,rapic requirementsB over#aps and scare.bar positions. 9is procedure
7i## be ,enerated by te poto,rammetric survey company 7ic 7i## carry out te
stereo ana#ysis.
1tereo %ie#ds o% vie7 norma##y ran,e %rom 2(0 C (00mm to 1300 C 1800mm and
accuracy o% measurement ran,e %rom 1:1000 to 1:(000 =dependant on te type o%
subAect and prevai#in, 7ater conditions>.
1tereo Poto,rammetry inc#udes ana#ysis o% te poto,rapic ima,es usin, an
Ana#ytica# 1tereop#otterB Ana#o,ue 1tereop#otter or 1tereocomparator. 6easurement
resu#ts are produced %aster and 7it enanced operator contro# usin, an Ana#ytica#
1tereop#otter. $% requiredB te data %i#e can be utA#ised by an interactive ,rapics
computer and interpo#ated contours and isometrics produced.
1a%ety Considerations No speci%ic requirements
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +3 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
O<5%A3c C2tti06
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required Possib#y Water.Aet c#eanin,B ;and.c#eanin, and 6easurement.
?quipment Required We#din, po7er supp#y and umbi#ica#B
/Cy,en supp#yB
F4R/C/)1?AC&9F cuttin, torc and rods.
Re#evant 1tandards Re%er to te "#oba# "enera# 1a%ety 6anua# detai#s o% oCy.are cuttin, standards and
$% te Aob is more comp#eC tan coppin, o%% dama,ed bo#tsB removin, ribs or
ma!in, debris ready %or recoveryB a 7ritten PR/C?D&R? sou#d be a,reed by te
C#ient be%ore underta!in, te 7or!.
9as! Procedure Cut te stee#7or! to te speci%ications in te 7or! scope &se a burnin,.,uide
7enever possib#e to ensure a neat cut. Re%er to te manu%acturers speci%ications %or
oCy,en pressure and 7e#din, current.
1a%ety Considerations Cut adequate vent.o#es to prevent ,as bui#d.up in voids Cec! correct ,roundin,
o% te 7e#din, ,enerator. Avoid stray arcs %rom poor#y.insu#ated burnin,
umbi#ica#s. ?nsure correct positionin, o% te eart c#amp to avoid te ris! o% te
diver receivin, unacceptab#e current %#o7 by Fsortin,F %rom te ,un =.>ve to eart
=G>ve. ?nsure adequate ri,,in, is dep#oyed to prevent %a##in, stee#7or! on
comp#etion o% te cut
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
'e13is Cea3a0ce
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience.
Preparation Required None
?quipment Required No speci%ic requirements
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure A## si,ni%icant debris sou#d be recovered to te sur%ace 7enever practicab#e.
1o%t non.aHardous debris can be #e%t in p#ace un#ess it poses a aHard A## #ar,e
meta##ic debrisB or oter debris items 7ic cou#d inter%ere 7it sa%e diver or R/-
operationsB sou#d be recovered to te D1- 7ere practicab#e. $% debris recovery
is not practicab#e ten te debris sou#d be removed outside te Aac!et to a
minimum distance o% 1 m %rom members or pipe#ines. ?nsure tat a## ropes
=especia##y 7ire ropes> 7ic cannot be removed %rom pipe#ines are cut so as not
to inter%ere 7it pipe#ine #i%tin,: sou#d te requirement arise
Report a## dama,e caused by debris in contact 7it structures or pipe#ines
1a%ety Considerations Divers sou#d be a7are o% te dan,ers o% recoverin, debris itemsB inc#udin,
%a##in, debris and sna,,in, o% oses durin, crane operations. &se a proper#y
constructed debris bas!et 7erever possib#e to minimise te ris! o% %a##in, debris
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +5 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Gas Leak Sa/pi06
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based on eCperience
Preparation Required Comp#ete#y %i## te samp#in, pressure -esse# 7it %res potab#e 7ater. C#ose te
pressure.vesse#Es 1)3.turn va#ve and %it te upended %unne# to te R/-. /pen te
%unne# vent 1)3.turn =or invert te %unne#> to permit te vo#ume o% te %unne# to be
vented unti# ,as samp#in, commences.
?quipment Required "as samp#in, pressure.vesse# and ,as samp#in, %unne#B $nspection c#ass R/- 7it
manipu#ator arm.
Re#evant 1tandards No speci%ic standards
9as! Procedure Position te R/- c#ose to te source o% #ea!a,e =c#ose te %unne# vent va#ve i%
%itted> open te pressure vesse# 1)3.turn va#ue and %i## te samp#in, bott#e 7it ,as.
Record te start time o% te ,as samp#in, operation. :i##in, timeB vo#ume and dept
sou#d be noted so tat a %#o7 rate can be ca#cu#ated as %o##o7s :.
Ambient Pressure -o#ume o% 1amp#e.4ott#e
Rate o% <ea!a,e O =4ars Abso#ute> C =<itres>
=#itres)6inute> 9ime ta!en to %i## te 1amp#e.4ott#e
1a%ety Considerations 9is inspection is usua##y carried out by R/- as divin, c#ose to a ,as #ea! is
potentia##y aHardous.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +8 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
St2! F3ictio0 (e!i06
Personne# Qua#i%ications C#ient approva# based speci%ication and)or eCperience.
Preparation Required <oca#iHed c#eanin, to remove marine ,ro7t and coatin,s.
?quipment Required Ramstud 11003 19&D :R$C9$/N W?<D?R and auCi##iary equipment.
9e minimum siHe o% air ose is 1F $)D 7it a sa%e 7or!in, pressure o% '00 psi,.
Coup#in,s %itted to tis ose must be %u##.boreB and o% recommended pattern.
Re,u#ators sou#d be a minimum o% 1 1)'F o% approved manu%acture.
Re#evant 1tandards C#ient approved 7e#d procedure qua#i%ication.
Ramstud 11003 /peratin, Procedures 6anua#.
9as! Procedure Air supp#y ) pressure %rom compressorB is re,u#ated to macine pressure and vo#ume
and %ed to te macine trou, te #ubricator. Durin, macine operationsB care must
be ta!en to ensure tat te oi# %o, #ubricator does not run dry.
.otor Ready 'o Start
9e stud 7e#der is connected te compressed air supp#y 7it te main va#ve
operatin, and#e in te F/::F position. Air 7i## not pass to te motor.
As te ( Port s7itc is in te F/::F position air 7i## pass trou, te re,u#ator to
te bac! o% te pistonB maintainin, te piston in te Freverse ramF position.
Air 7i## be vented %rom te oter side o% te piston via te ( Port s7itcB tus
ensurin, tat te system is maintained in equi#ibrium.
Depression o% te main va#ve operatin, and#e to te F/NF positionB a##o7s
compressed air to pass via te cut o%% va#veB to te motor rotorB causin, te motor to
commence runnin, up to speed.
As te ( Port s7itc is sti## in te F/::F positionB te piston 7i## be maintained in
te reverse ram position by %u## ram air pressure.
.otor Running 6 Ram 0perating =<eld P!ase7
Wit te main -a#ve operatin, and#e depressedB motor runnin, at %u## operatin,
speed: te ( Port s7itc is moved to te F/NF position.
$mmediate#y %u## ram air pressure 7i## pass to te top side o% te piston trou, te (
Port s7itcB and air on te reverse side o% te piston vents to atmospere.
9is causes te piston carryin, te cuc! and 7or! piece =stud> to be driven
%or7ards to touc do7n te main 7or! area. :riction eatin, commences.
A%ter a predetermined stud burn.o%%B te air supp#y is cut o%% %rom te motor rotor by
movement o% te piston operatin, te cut o%% va#ve.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: +* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
,.,4 9=<D %R76=73N 0;.D7N 6ontBd
9as! Procedure Ram ,ully ,or8ard5 .otor ut 0&& =<eld ompletion7
Wit te %u## ram air pressure maintainedB speed o% te motor under te %#y7ee#
ener,y and inertia# %arce rapid#y s#o7 to HeroB and te %or,e pase commences.
0perating @andle Release 6 Pressure Still on Ram =,orge P!ase7
9e operatin, and#e is re#easedB removin, air supp#y to te cuto%% -a#ve 7ic
7i## sti## be c#osed because o% te ram position.
:u## ram air pressure is sti## bein, maintained trou, te ( Port s7itc to o#d te
ram and 7or! piece =stud> in te %or7ard position durin, te %or,e pase.
9e %or,e pressure must be maintained %or a minimum o% ( seconds to comp#ete te
7e#din, Y%or,in, process.
Pressure Released5 Ram Retracting =ycle omplete7
6ovement o% te ( Port s7itc %rom te F/NF =operatin,> position bac! to te
F/::F : position 7i## no7 s7itc te ram air pressure to te reverse ram side o% te
pistonB 7itdra7in, te cec! %rom te studB air %rom te %or7ard side o% te piston
bein, vented to atmospere.
At te same timeB movement o% te piston 7i## open te cut o%% va#ve in readiness
%or te neCt motor operation 7en operatin, and#e is pressed.
<eld %uality Sur&ace ,inis!
9e 11003 %riction stud 7e#din, system is very to#erant to rustB paint and
irre,u#arities o% te sur%ace %inis. Care must be ta!enB o7everB to ensure tat te
tic!ness o% te sur%ace contaminants is not suc tat it 7i## increase te stand o%%
o% te macine to suc a point tat te burn.o%% is reduced to a %i,ure be#o7 tat
acceptab#e %or te materia#s in use.
Wen usin, ma,netic c#ampin, metodsB tere is a #imit to te ,ap a##o7ab#e
bet7een te po#es o% te ma,net and te e%%ective sur%ace o% te substrate. Provided
tis is not eCceededB te ma,net 7i## provide su%%icient resistive %orce to produce a
satis%actory 7e#d.
As 7it oter sur%ace contaminantsB te R1003 is to#erant o% oi# or ,rease on te
sur%ace o% te substrate.
SP1#A) A0'1
Wen usin, %errous materia#sB on#y non.%ree.cuttin, stee#s are suitab#e %or %riction
7e#din,B i.e. su#pur content must be be#o7 0.02J.
$% continued prob#ems are eCperienced 7en a## macine ) 7e#d parameters are
correctB a cec! o% su#pur content may be made quite simp#y by means o% te
A samp#e o% te o%%endin, materia# must be po#ised to a %ine %inis usin, 7et and
dry carborundum paper. 9is samp#e is ten dipped in a 10J so#ution o% su#puric
acidB and te po#ised sur%ace p#aced onto a piece o% poto,rapic paper %or one
minute. A bro7n imprint on te paper indicates te reve# o% su#pur in te stee#.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: ++ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9as! Procedure Anytin, more tan a very pa#e imprint is unacceptab#e %ar %riction 7e#din,.
Re,u#ator and <ubricator 1peci%ication
a. Re,u#ator required in 6artonair p)n 41( :.2B 7it 1.1)'F ports.
b. 9ese components 7ere care%u##y se#ected %or te #ac! o% no7 #oss under
operationa# conditions.
a. 9e 11003 macine operates at i, speedB and particu#ar#y 7en used in ars
environmentsB requires a constant %#o7 o% #ubricant trou, te motor and
b. /i#s speci%ied %or use 7it te system are #isted be#o7. 9ese oi#s ave superior
#ubrication and c#eansin, propertiesB avoidin, ,ummy depositsB and are
compatib#e 7it a## materia#s used in te construction o% te R1003.
CA&9$/N . 9ese #ubricants are toCic. Avoid in,estionB ina#ation and pro#on,ed
contact 7it te s!in.
c. 4e%ore and a%ter use te macine must be b#o7n trou, by pourin, oi# direct#y
into te air #ineB ten runnin, te macine. $t is recommended tatB particu#ar#y i%
te macine is bein, used under7aterB it is storedB immersed in #ubricant.
d. 1teps must be ta!en to ensure tat te oi# %o, #ubricator does not run dry durin,
e. $n addition to te aboveB ensure tat te re,u#ator 7ater.trap is drained at re,u#ar
interva#sB or %it te optiona# automatic drain va#ve avai#ab#e trou, 6artonair
1a%ety Considerations 9e #ubricants speci%ied %or use 7it te Ramstud 11003 are toCic. Avoid in,estionB
ina#ation and pro#on,ed contact 7it te s!in.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 100 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
8"1 A,o1aly Codes
9o a##o7 retrospective ana#ysis o% anoma#ous %indin,sB eac anoma#y sa## be a##ocated a t7o caracter
code accordin, to its ,eneric anoma#y type. ?ac Anoma#y Report arisin, %rom an inspection 7or! scope
sa## ave at #east one suc codeB and possib#y severa# i% te initia# anoma#y a#so as apparent causes and
e%%ects. 9e codes are #isted be#o7.
Certain anoma#ies sou#d prompt te inspector to ma!e a more intensive inspectionB e.,. abrasions on a
member may imp#y structura# dama,eB or debris on or about te member. /ter anoma#ous %indin,s may
prompt %or minor remedia# 7or!B e.,. missin, c#amp nuts sou#d be rep#acedB or b#oc!ed in#ets)out#etsB
9e %o##o7in, t7o pa,es o% tis section tabu#ate te anoma#y criteria and possib#e remedia# actions to be
discussed 7it and to be autorised by te C1R. 9e more common remedia# and repair actions are
discussed %urter in 1ection 5.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 101 o% 1'0
AB A!asion" inclu#in$ o%ious !e&o%al o' &a!ine $!o(t)
A* E+cessi%e o! unt,pical ano#e (asta$e
BL Bolt/stu#/nut ano&al,
BO Bloc-a$e o! ost!uction
BU Une+pecte# u!ial o! pa!tial u!ial
CD Coatin$ #a&a$e o! #ete!io!ation
CN Uninten#e# clea!ance o! $ap
CP Lo( o! )i$) cat)o#ic potential !ea#in$
CR Co!!osion pittin$ o! 'la-in$
DB Si$ni'icant #e!is
.S .o sa'et, )a/a!#
L0 Lea-
MG E+cessi%e o! unt,pical &a!ine $!o(t) co%e!a$e
PD P),sical #a&a$e
RM Uninten#e# !elati%e &o%e&ent
RP Repai! pe!'o!&e#
SC Scou!
SP E+cessi%e spannin$
1S 1a!iation to speci'ication 2o! $i%en in'o!&ation3
*D *el# #e'ect
*T Lo( (all t)ic-ness
44 E+t!a in'o!&ation 2not necessa!il, ano&alies3
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Ano&al, Desc!iption Initiatin$
5 C!ite!ia Tas-s
Potential Actions
2!e6ui!e aut)o!isation3
C)ec- also 'o!
g .I#
A!asion 1I7O0
. bare metal visible
. obvious removal of marine growth
,. -imensioned drawing .I#-R/&
0. !lean & !I .!1#I2( & !3#!I&
%. 4easure wall thickness .5T#-I/&
-*, !-
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 10' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Ano&al, Desc!iption Initiatin$
5 C!ite!ia Tas-s
Potential Actions
2!e6ui!e aut)o!isation3
C)ec- also 'o!
)5 Ano#e (asta$e ano&al, 1I7ANO
. 6789 wastage
. untypical wastage for structure
,. !lean & measure .!1#I2( & 4:#)2O&
0. Replace wasted anode .R5#1O/&
*1 Bolt ano&al, 1I7SUP
# damaged or missing bolts;studs;nuts I#O+
,. 4ore detailed support insp. .!3#(3'&
0. Replace bolts;nuts .)2O4 or R5#1O/&
*O Bloc-a$e o! ost!uction 1I7OBS
. Inlet;outlet reduced I si<e by 6079 I#O+
. =ree movement restricted
. =unction impaired
,. !lear obstruction .)2O4 or R5#1O/&
0. !lean off bulk marine fouling .!1#4=R&
*3 Bu!ial o! pa!tial u!ial 1I7SCR ,. 4easure &;or map depths .4:#(!R& SC
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 102 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Ano&al, Desc!iption Initiatin$
5 C!ite!ia Tas-s
Potential Actions
2!e6ui!e aut)o!isation3
C)ec- also 'o!
. untypical seabed contour I#O+
. significant change from given data
. function or purpose of item affected
!- Coatin$ #a&a$e CU7CTG
. bare metal visible I#O+
. obvious deterioration of coating
,. !lean & inspect .!1#I2( & !3#!T/& AB
!2 Clea!ance o! $ap 1I7SUP
. unintended clearance between items I#O+
. non parallel flange gap
. lack of support .eg span support&
,. 4easure accurately .!3#(3'&
0. -imensioned drawing .I#-R/&
%. Remedy .)2O4 or R5#1O/&
!' Lo( o! )i$) cat)o#ic potential !ea#in$ CP7CON
. outside of range >?78m to >,,88m on steel
. 678m difference between @connectedA items
,. !lean site & retry !' .!1#I2( & !'#
0. !' mapping .!'#!O2&
%. !lean & corrosion insp .!1#I2(, !3#
CR" A*" DB
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 103 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Ano&al, Desc!iption Initiatin$
5 C!ite!ia Tas-s
Potential Actions
2!e6ui!e aut)o!isation3
C)ec- also 'o!
!R Co!!osion CU7COR
# any visible pitting or flaking !3#!T/
,. !'#!O2 .re"uired if pitting 6079&
0. :Btend clean & insp .!1#I2( & !3#
%. 4easure wall thickness .5T#-I/&
C. 1ight grinding .)2O4 & 5T#-I/&
7. 4oulding of surface .)2O4 & !3#!OR&
-* Si$ni'icant #e!is 1I7O0
# debris codes 67 .see (pec (heet I#O+&
,. Remove AB" PD" CP
D( .o sa'et, )a/a!# 1I7OBS
. # prevents work scope task eBecution I#O+
. # ha<ard cannot be avoided or made acceptable
. # unforeseen & arises during eBecution of work
,. (top task E
0. Remove;mitigate ha<ard .O'#1O/&
%. Re#schedule work
C. Remove task from scope .!)R to sign&
1S" RM
1+ Lea- 1I7O0
. passage of fluid where not intended
,. =ind source .!1#I2( or O'#1O/&
0. !lean & inspect area .!1#I2( & !3#
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 10( o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Ano&al, Desc!iption Initiatin$
5 C!ite!ia Tas-s
Potential Actions
2!e6ui!e aut)o!isation3
C)ec- also 'o!
. gas bubbles observed !I&
%. Repair .R5#1O/&
4/ Ma!ine $!o(t) ano&al, 1I7O0
. soft cover 6088mm thick over 6079 of surface
. hard cover 678mm thick over 6079 of surface
. hard cover 6,88mm thick anywhere
. untypical marine growth coverage
,. (tepped growth checks .I#4/I&
0. (tepped growth measurements .4:#
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 105 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
Ano&al, Desc!iption Initiatin$
5 C!ite!ia Tas-s
Potential Actions
2!e6ui!e aut)o!isation3
C)ec- also 'o!
g .I#
P),sical #a&a$e 1I7O0
. -amage to structure or attachments I#
. !rack .if not weld, ie. If not a 5-&
,. !lean & !I .!1#I2( & !3#!I&
0. 4easurement;"uantify .4:#IT4&
%. -imensioned drawing .I#-R/&
C. !rack detect .!1#I2( & !3#!-R&
7. Repair .R5#1O/&
)*, 1+, (
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 108 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
R4 Relati%e &o%e&ent 1I7SUP
. (igns of unintended movement between parts
,. !lear marine growth .!1#4/R&
0. 4easure .!3#(3', !3#!I or 4:#IT4&
%. -imensioned drawing .I#-R/&
C. Remedy .R5#1O/&
CN" BL" .S" PD
R' Repai! pe!'o!&e# CU7SUP
. non work scope repair work performed
. uneBpected repair work performed
,. 1og details .R5#1O/&
0. Re#inspect .!3#!I&
(! Scou! 1I7SCR
. 3ntypical scour for particular structure I#
. (cour 6,m .between intended & actual level&
,. (tepped scour checks .I#(!R&
8. Steppe# scou! &easu!es 2ME7SCR3
:. Detaile# #!a(in$ 21I7DRG3
(' E+cessi%e spannin$ ME7SPN
. (pan length greater than specified, or
. (pan length 6%8 B diam .if not specified&
,. Remedy .)2O4 &;or R5#1O/&
( 1a!iation to speci'ication 1I7O0
. Item or configuration not as shown on
. -imension or position not as given I#
. (ubstitute item chosen I#
,. 4easure;survey .!3#!I or 4:#IT4&
0. -imensioned drawing .I#-R/&
%. Remedy .R5#1O/ or !3#(3'&
.eg. Remove clamp liner&
5- *el# #e'ect CU7C1I
. !rack like defect or indication !3#
. 5eld physical damage
. 6079 weld area with corrosion pitting
. other weld defect which has eBtended
,. =urther clean;insp .!1#I2( & !3#!OR
0. =urther crack detect;reduction .!3#
%. 'rofile moulding .!3#!OR or O'#1O/&
C. Other 2-T techni"ue .!3#!-R&
5T *all t)ic-ness !e#uction *T7DIG
. Thickness less than specified !3#
. Thickness outside G89#,879 given thickness
,. 5T 4apping of area .5T#-R/&
0. 1ight grinding .O'#1O/ & 5T#-I/&
%. 4oulding of surface .!3#!OR or O'#
FF E+t!a in'o!&ation 1I7O0
. 5hen task databoB is inade"uate;too small
. 5hen no other )nomaly !ode fits
,. !onsider other tasks .O'#1O/, I#
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 10* o% 1'0
Notes ;
". The !(R shall be informed of all anomalies as & when they are found. ideo coverage 21D7
REC3 and photography or image capture 2P<7OTO3 should be considered as possible
immediate actions. )ll other actions or remedies re"uire authorisation from the !(R.
2. HInitiatin$ Tas-s= are the tasks most likely to be in progress when a particular anomaly is
discovered. If an anomaly is discovered at some other time, e.g. 5hile travelling to or from a
dive site, or during some other inspection, then adding an Hinitiating taskI to the work scope
may be considered, if it will give eBtra information relating to the anomaly or its general
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
E.3.1 ommon Requirements
9e %o##o7in, subsections ,ive ,uidance on typica# remedia# 7or!s tat may be required. 9e
&ND?RWA9?R R?6?D$A< 9A10 1P?C$:$CA9$/N 1;??9 =1pec. 1eet 8.2> attaced to tis
section covers te minimum contro#s @ data.recordin, requirements %or a## suc remedia# 7or!s.
:or si,ni%icant repair operationsB e.,. pipe#ine repairs or member rep#acementB ten prequa#i%ication
tests and Aob speci%ic procedures 7i## norma##y be required. 1uc operations are outside te scope
o% tis document.
E.3.2 Anode Remedial <or+
a: 4ro!en anode.to.brac!et connections and bro!enB #oose or missin, anode cab#es =on mud
#ine sear %rames>B may be repaired by 7et 7e#din, to non.structura#B non.critica# stee#7or!B
provided tat te 7e#din, comp#ies 7it subsection 8.2.*B be#o7.
;: Wasted anodes =eCceedin, C#ient a##o7ances> may a#so be removed by cuttin, te
supportin, core rods at teir brac!et connectionB provided te cuttin, procedure and
equipment ave ad prior approva# %rom te C#ientB and tere is minima# ris! o% dama,e to
structura# components or oter attacments.
E.3.3 lamp Remedial <or+
a: 6issin, bo#tsB studs @ nuts may be rep#aced provided te rep#acements are o% te same
speci%ication as te remainin, %astenin,s. Nuts must be ti,tened by approved too#s and
proceduresB 7ic a##o7 contro# o% torque or bo#t tension.
;: C#amp #iners may be insta##ed 7ere tese are missin,B e.,. bet7een c#amps and risersB
provided tat te comp#iance @ tic!ness o% te ne7 #iner does not prevent a uni%orm
contact bet7een te c#amp se##s and te enc#osed riser or componentB provided tat te #iner
provides tota# e#ectrica# insu#ation bet7een te c#amp and te enc#osed componentB and
provided tat rep#acement studs)bo#ts)nuts are insta##ed per item a> above.
: $nappropriate #inersB e.,. bet7een c#amp parts 7ic sou#d be in te same e#ectrica# pat %or
catodic protectionB can be removedB provided tat te c#amp se##s and enc#osed component
are c#eaned to bare meta#B provided tat te bare c#amp se##s 7i## uni%orm#y support te
enc#osed riser or component 7itout te c#amp %#an,es %irst comin, into contactB and
provided tat rep#acement studs)bo#ts)nuts are insta##ed per item a> above.
d: Were te Ec#ampE is in %act a ,uideB 7it a##o7ance %or some re#ative movementB ten suc
movement a##o7ance or c#earance must be maintained.
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Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 10+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
E.3.$ oating Repairs
Were coatin, dama,eB 7ic revea#s bare meta#B is apparent in te sp#as HoneB and 7ere te
component is not a#7ays submer,edB and tere%ore protected by catodic protection systemsB te
dama,e can be repairedB provided tat te dama,ed area can be tota##y c#eaned to bare meta# and
prevai#in, conditions a##o7 app#ication o% an approved sp#as Hone coatin,. 9e c#eanin, standard
sa## be in accordance 7it te particu#ar coatin,Es app#ication instructions.
Coatin,s 7ic are a#7ays submer,ed do not norma##y require to be repaired.
E.3.* )ea+ Repairs
Were a #ea! is not in production or pressurised pipe 7or!B and 7ere sa%e to do soB ten an
attempt may be made to p#u, or patc te #ea! via mecanica# meansB provided tat te procedure
and materia#s are approved by te C#ient. <ea!s tat may be remedied in tis 7ay are ,enera##y
restricted to sma## @ #oca#ised o#es or punctures in tubu#arsB #e,s sectionsB conductors and uti#ity
caissons 7ere pressure di%%erentia#s are un#i!e#y to eCceed (psi a,ainst te p#u,,in, direction.
Possib#e p#u,,in,)patc tecniques are mecanica##y eCpanded bun,sB ma,netic patcesB Eputty.
#i!eE substances or sadd#e)banda,e devices.
Were te #ea! is in pressurised pipe 7or!B or oter7ise deemed si,ni%icantB ten Aob.speci%ic
proceduresB 7ic are acceptab#e to @ scedu#ed by te C#ient need to be deve#opedB prior to repair
E.3.- Riser Fnee6(race Remo"al
Were riser bottom bend !nee.braces ave been #e%t in p#ace a%ter riser.to.pipe#ine tie.insB tese
may be removed by unbo#tin, te c#amps or by cuttin, te braces c#ear o% 7e#ded c#amps.
a: $n te case o% bo#ted c#ampsB te procedure sou#d be approved by te C#ientB and te removed
components sa## be recovered to sur%ace. Additiona##yB te opportunity sa## be ta!en to
per%orm a coatin, inspectionB per Spe" Sheet C#-CT5 at te site o% bot removed c#amps.
;: $n te case o% 7e#ded attacment o% te braceB te cuttin, procedure and too#s must be
approved by te C#ientB te cuts sa## be at #east (/mm %rom te 7e#ded attacments to riserB
and tere sa## be minima# ris! o% dama,e to te riser. Additiona##yB poto,raps or oter
captured ima,es sa## be obtained to %u##y i##ustrate te siHe and condition o% te cut.o%% stubs
E.3.E Span Recti&ication
Were span #en,ts approac te acceptab#e #imitsB or 7ere te eCistin, span supports are
considered inadequate =unsupported pipe#ine crossin,B transient supportB stress raisin,B etc.>B ten
additiona# pipe#ine supports can be insta##edB provided tat te support mecanism @ insta##ation
procedures ave been approved.
9e #ocation %or a ne7 support must be approved by te C1R and sa## be se#ected to provide best
support %or te #on,est period o% timeB e.,. not necessari#y under a riser bend 7ere structure
subsidence may con%#ict 7it support and 7ere span #en,t increases can be at te opposite end
on#y. $% previous span reports are avai#ab#e %or te intended span recti%ication sitesB ten te
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
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Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
istorica# movement o% te pipe#ine re#ative to #eve# seabed a7ay %rom te #ine sou#d be cec!edB
suc tat #ine se#%.buria# conditions are not ampered by inappropriate support insta##ation.
Consideration sou#d a#so be ,iven to te adequacy o% te supportin, mecanism. 1ma## contact.
sur%ace supports in so%t or transient seabed conditions are not advisab#e. A#soB as one o% te %ai#ure
mecanisms %or unsupported pipe is %ati,ue caused by #ine vibrationB supports sou#d be desi,ned
to partia##y crad#e te #ine to prevent osci##ation $n bot oriHonta# and vertica# p#anes.
9e #ocation o% ne7 supports sa## be recorded unambi,uous#yB but additiona##y sa## inc#ude span
#on,itudina# @ cross pro%i#e s!etces to i##ustrate te support position re#ative to %iCed datumEsB and
to i##ustrate adequacy o% support.
E.3.C <et <elding
&nder norma# circumstancesB 7et 7e#din, 7i## not be per%ormed on any structura# memberB riser or
Wet 7e#din, repairs may be carried outB o7everB on non structura#B non.critica# componentsB suc
as anode attacment brac!etsB eCistin, pad.eyesB and c#amp partsB 7itout speci%ic 7ritten
approva#B but on#y provided tat te 7e#din, procedures ave been approved by te C#ient.
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Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 111 o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9"1 OvervieE
$t is necessary to ,enerate te data.recordin, and reportin, systems %or a## 7or! scopes.
9is section speci%ies te minimum requirements and temp#ates %or tese systems.
?Camp#es o% data recordin, pro%ormae and data content to i##ustrate tis section are inc#uded in te
:or any under7ater maintenance reportin, tere are essentia##y siC areas o% data presentation to
a: Wor! site operationa# reportin,B e.,. dive #o,sB R/- #o,s @ timeseetsD
;: ProAect pro,ress reportin,B i.e. te Edai#y pro,ress reportFD
: Wor! site tecnica# data.recordin,B e.,. data seetsB video #o,s @ anoma#y reportsD
d: 6edia #abe##in, @ cata#o,uin,B e.,. video cassette #abe#s @ 7or! site video tape re,isterD
e3 :ina# proAect reportin, at or a%ter Aob comp#etionB to present te %indin,sD
'3 :eedbac! comments %rom te contractor to promote improved per%ormance.
It is ,eessary that the data-reordi,g a,d reporti,g syste1s address all siD areas"
9e %ormat and content o% te %irst itemB te spread #o,sB are not covered in tis documentB in tat
"#oba# ave estab#ised %ormats %or teseB a## o% 7ic sou#d be acceptab#e to te C#ient. A#soB
te 'nd itemB te Dai#y Pro,ress ReportB is not coveredB in tat its %ormat is speci%ied e#se7ere 9e
remainin, %our items are covered in subsections *.2 to *.8.
1ubsection 8.'B %o##o7in,B introduces some common nomenc#ature systems.
9"+ No1e,lat*re Syste1s
9ere are standard namin, @ numberin, conventions app#icab#e across a## presentation
documentationB as %o##o7s.
C.2.1 ,ield & Plat&orm #denti&ication
9e %u## identi%ication %or a p#at%orm is an a#panumeric code o% up to *ZcaractersB comprisin, a
'.caracter :ie#d identi%ierB a '.caracter p#at%orm %unction identi%ierB and a unique number.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 11' o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
C.2.2 Su(structure & omponent #denti&ication
a7 Su(structures & Su(structure 3roups
9e under7ater sections o% %iCed p#at%ormsB suc as #e,sB %rames. Pipe 7or! systems and oter
Ecommon.%unctionE areasB o%ten require to be cate,orised into =S*;str*t*resG %or convenient
,eneration o% 7or! scopes and %or summary o% inspection resu#ts.
9ose substructures 7ic %orm te basic support %rame7or! are co##ective#y termed te Aac!et
"Primary Structure'. Te substructures 7ic depend on te primary structure %or support
=eCc#udin, risers> are co##ective#y termed te 'Secondary Structure'. &n#ess more speci%ic
termino#o,y is ,iven $n a particu#ar 7or! scopeB ten te %o##o7in, substructure termino#o,y as
been adopted.
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Sust!uctu!e T,pe Desc!iption
P!i&a!, St!uctu!e ;
=rame )ny convenient planar group of tubulars
Row ertical frame numbered ), *, ! etc. but eBcluding main 1egs & 1ine non
supporting legs.
1ine ertical frame numbered ,, 0, %, etc. eBcluding main 1egs but including
non supporting legs.
1eg The Dacket main supporting legs, normally at the corners only.
1evel Jori<ontal frame numbered ,, 0, %, etc. .top down&
4udmat Dacket support on seabed .until piles are installed&.
4(= 4udline shear frame and its Kacket attachment clamps.
'() 'ile (leeve )ssembly at the base of a 1eg for piles clustered around the
leg .but not a minor pile guide&.
'ile )ny pile type .insert cluster or 4(=&
(Jacket The jacket overall can be classed as a substructure if convenient for
work scope & report generation purposes.)
(Node elds !ritical ite"s of co""on t#pe$ such as node welds$ can be grouped
together as a %substructure& if convenient for work scope & report
generation purposes.)
Secon#a!, St!uctu!e ;
!aisson 3tility system pipe work .sumps & pumps& including supports
!onductor 5ell fluids pipe work, including isolated supports;guides
/uide frame 4ultiple#guide framework or lattice for pipe work .normally conductors&.
*oat landing *oat landing and its Kacket attachment clamps.
=ender *oat bumper, riser protection cage, etc.
Miscellaneous Sust!uctu!es ;
(eabed (ea floor within & to ,8m out from any other substructure.
('plash (one 'plash (one co"ponents)areas can be grouped together as a
%substructure& for works copes & report generation purposes.)
Pipeline Sust!uctu!es ;
Riser 'roduction system pipe work including supports, bottom tube turn .L8
bend&, flanges, valves, etc.
'ipeline )pproach 'ipeline from riser tube turn out to 78m, inc. supports, etc.
(*ipeline + pipeline overall can be classed as a %substructure& if convenient for
work scope & report generation purposes.)
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
(7 omponent #denti&ication
1ma##er component parts o% a p#at%orm common#y need to be cate,orised by GCo1po,e,t
TypeG0 %or convenience o% tas! a##ocation @ ana#ysis o% resu#ts.
Common types are as %o##o7s:
Were a unique identi%ication or ta, number is not provided by 41PB ten individua#
components 7i## ave to be identi%iedB 7ere possib#eB by speci%yin, teir Component 9ypeB
as aboveB p#us a unique identity.
9e unique identity sou#d be based on a ,eneric Ro7)<ine)<eve# >=Ro((eG: ,rid
numberin, system %or te p#at%orm.
As an eCamp#eB a ;oriHonta# on Ro7 7 bet7een <ine 1B <eve# +0 and <ine +0 <eve# +0 7ou#d
be desi,nated =A-71(+$7+(+G0 7ereas a -ertica# Dia,ona# bet7een Ro7 AB <ine 'B <eve#
' and Ro7 4B <ine 'B <eve# 2 7ou#d be desi,nated =%D-A+(+$7+(-G" 9is numberin,
system is i##ustrated %urterB be#o7.
Co1po,e,t Ide,ti3iatio, *si,g GRo((eG >RoE$(i,e$(evel: grid syste1C
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4ember )ny structural tubular
J, , J- or - Jori<ontal, vertical, hori<. -iagonal or vert. -iagonal tubular
1eg (ection .1(& 1eg (ection between two structural 1evels
2ode .2& Dunction of two or more tubulars
5eld .2ormally only& node or no<<le weld
!lamp *olted and fully restraining support
/uide (upport allowing some movement, normally
)node )ny cathodic protection system anode
'ipe (ection )ny part of a riser or caisson, & normally between supports,
flanges or valves.
=lange =langed connection, normally including both halves
Jose =leBible connection pipe
(plash Mone @'artA of any substructure which is at 4(1 N;# %m
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
A riser or secondary substructure component can o%ten be identi%ied by its dept or <eve# ran,eB
e.,. Riser [1 bet7een <eve#s ' @ 2 O R1-(+-"
$n addition to identi%yin, a component in tis 7ayB its position sou#d a#7ays be i##ustrated on a
dra7in, accompanyin, te particu#ar 7or! scope or report. :or components or sub.components
7ic cannot be simp#y codedB ten more detai#ed i##ustration is requiredB possib#y 7it
sequentia# numberin,B e.,. %or anodes a#on, a memberB or bo#ts around a %#an,e.
C.2.3 <or+ Pac+5 Report & .edia Aum(ering System
&n#ess instructed oter7iseB %or any reports submittedB te =Report N*1;er= sa## be a
combination o% bot te p#at%orm identity =FP#at%orm $DF> and te 7or! pac! numberB e.,.
?ac report must a#so ave a concise and unambi,uous tit#e. $n te event tat a report re#ates to
7or! a7ay %rom any p#at%ormB and tere%oreB a p#at%orm identity cannot be inc#uded meanin,%u##y
in te Report NumberB ten te tit#e must speci%y te 7or! #ocation c#ear#y.
Any data seetsB #o,sB Anoma#y ReportsB dra7in,sB video tapesB %i#msB or attacments to a Report
must a#so be identi%ied by te Report number G a sequentia# numberB per type o% attachment, for
Datas)eets >AGP7 ? 7 @A9B9? 7 BB9 to BBC"
D!a(in$ >AG P7 ? 7 @A9B9? 7 BB9"
Ano&al, Repo!ts >AG P7 ? 7 @A9B9? 7 BB9 5 BB8"
1i#eo Tapes >AGP7 ? 7 @A9B9? 7 BB9" BB: 5 BBD.
Provided tat te tit#e o% a reportB or te tit#e boC o% an attacmentB a#ready contains te Report No
=P#at%orm G Wor! Pac!>B ten te P#at%orm name @ Wor! Pac! No. need not be repeated 7itin
te #esser subsections)data tab#es o% tat document.
Note tat te attacment type does not require a speci%ic identi%ier suc as E-E %or videoB F:E %or
%i#mB etc.B as te type o% an attacment sou#d norma##y be obvious by its appearance or tit#e boCB
and i% not obviousB ten it must a#7ays be #abe##ed unambi,uous#y.
9is numberin, system is rein%orced in te individua# 1pec. 1eets re#atin, to Dra7in,B Anoma#y
Reportin,B 6edia Numberin,B etc.
C.3 Routine Data6recording
:or every inspection tas! per%ormedB te data to be recorded is ti,t#y speci%ied in te re#evant
tas!Es 1pec. 1eet =Capters 3 @ 5>.
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Repo!t No ; >AGP7? 7 @A/B9?
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9e co##ective term %or a## suc data.capture pro %ormae or screens is GData;oDG" 9ere is some
%#eCibi#ity $n o7 te various tas! databoCes are customised and combined 7it dra7in,s %or
convenient and#in, at te 7or! site. As identi%ied in te 1pec. 1eetsB eac databoC sou#d ave
some GAeaderG in%ormationB 7ic is common across most tas!sB and a =Data Reord= %or
capturin, te tas! speci%ic detai#sB peraps repeated#y.
A simp#e #istin, o% data records do7n a pa,eB 7it a sin,#e common eaderB e.,. %or #istin,
poto,raps in a %i#mB is termed a G(og=" A combination o% tas! databoCes or #o,s on one seet is
termed a =DatasheetG"
9e %o##o7in, are basic ru#es %orB and ,uide#ines onB te #ayout o% #o,sB dataseets @ dra7in,s.
?Camp#es =%or a paper7or! system> are ,iven in Attacment A2.
C.3.1 )ogs
Wen a tas! requires repeated data recordsB but te eader in%ormation remains virtua##y te
sameB ten it is sometimes convenient to use a #o, %ormat to record te data. e.,. %or %i#m @ video
covera,e detai#sB or out.o%.strai,tness measurements a#on, a memberEs #en,t. 9e basic
requirements are :
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 115 o% 1'0
a& The log Jeader must include the following task databoB information $#
'latform identifier .e.g. =)/'#C&
5ork 'ack 2o. .LG;8,C&
Task or 1og Title .e.g. ideo 1og, or 4arine /rowth 1og&
1og sheet number .88,, 880, etc.&
'age number .of n pages
b& )dditionally, if the log is a list of references to video, photographic or other non hard
copy data, then the format or medium of that data must be stated, eg.
=ormat .video O ')1;2T(!, film O neg;slide, image O Pipg, etc.&
c& The -ata Records section of the 1og must have a simple column;row format.
d& )ny .simple& reference drawing should be incorporated into the log sheet in
preference to attachment of a separate drawing page.
e& The log sheet can be viewed or copied in black & white at )C si<e with all data
remaining legible.
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9"-"+ Datasheets
Any number o% tas! databoCes can be combined on a sin,#e dataseetB provided tat te
%o##o7in, ru#es are adered to:
Were databoCes @ dra7in,s can be incorporated on dataseets 7ic comp#y 7it te
cate,ories @ areas o% inspection in a %ina# report =see 8.8 %o##o7in,>B e.,. EDe%ectsB
Dama,eB Corrosion @ Debris Q 4oat #andin,sB or FCorrosion ProtectionFB tis can ma!e te
report presentation more coerent.
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a& The tasks included on any one datasheet are associated either by
inspection type, intervention mode, or area of the structure.
b& Riser & 'ipeline related databoBes are not combined with Dacket related
c& =or simplicity of layout, the data re"uirements common to each databoB
header are eBtracted and entered in a single datasheet header.
!ommonly this will be $
'latform identifier .e.g. =)/'#C&
5orkpack 2o. .e.g. LG;8,C&
(ubstructure Identification .e.g. 1ine C&
-ata Recorder 2ame
d& The datasheetAs header also includes the datasheet specific information
Title boB .e.g. /eneral isual Inspection&
-atasheet 2o .e.g. 88,&
e& The data re"uirements common to each databoB record are not
unnecessarily duplicated, e.g. )nomaly Report 2o & !ode data may be
included once only.
f& 5here tasks are included which could be performed on different dates,
e.g. !3#!I, then !3#!-R, the date of completion is re"uired for each
g& 5here possible, any reference drawing is incorporated into the
datasheet in preference to attachment of a separate page.
h& The datasheet can be viewed or copied in black & white at )C si<e with
all data remaining legible.
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
C.3.3 Dra8ings
Wen a dra7in, is created independent#y o% a DataseetB <o, or Anoma#y ReportB te dra7in,
needs to be %ormatted and ave a tit#e boCB in accordance 7it 1pec. 1eet 3.(.2 . Dra7in, or
1!etcin, =-$.DR">. Wen incorporated 7itin a dataseetB #o,B etc.B ten te primary dra7in,
tit#e boC detai#s are a#ready covered.
A dra7in, may be ,enerated prior to an inspection as part o% a dataseetB ready %or resu#ts to be
mar!ed upB or it may be ,enerated at te 7or! site in response to %indin,s.
9". A,o1aly Reporti,g Re/*ire1e,ts
Wenever an anoma#y or anoma#ous data is encounteredB te detai#s @ circumstances must be
reported separate#yB and in addition toB routine data in te %orm o% an Anoma#y Report. 9e
standard data requirements %or a## Anoma#y Reports are speci%ied on the ANOMA(6
An eCamp#e Anoma#y Report pro%orma is ,iven in Attacment A2. A comp#eted eCamp#e is ,iven
in Attacment A3.
9e detai#s o% te anoma#y or anoma#ous data are norma##y presented as a teCtua# description. but
sou#d inc#ude tab#esB dra7in,sB poto,raps or di,itised ima,esB as required to %u##y i##ustrate te
9"2 Media N*1;eri,g ' (a;elli,g
Common#yB video tapes @ poto,rapic %i#ms 7i## be ,enerated as a resu#t o% an inspection
pro,ramme. /ccasiona##yB oter data or materia#s 7i## a#so be co##ectedB e.,. marine ,ro7t
samp#esB data dis!sB etc. 9e term =1ediaG is ta!en to cover a## suc data or materia# typesB 7ic
cannot be boundB potocopied and %i#ed as part o% a conventiona# ard copy report.
9e term Gla;el= covers any description or identi%ication attaced to or mar!ed on an item o%
mediaB e.,. a 3il1 7a##et cover.seetB video cassette #abe#B or computer dis! #abe#.
9o ensure tat a## media are consistent#y #abe##edB c#ear#y cross.re%erenced to conventiona# dataB and
presented in a %ormat acceptab#e to te C#ientB basic ru#es and ,uide#ines ave been estab#ised.
9ese are presented on te %o##o7in, seet.
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Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 11* o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
9"4 Media Catalog*i,g ' Tra,s1ittal
A media Ecata#o,ueE is a #ist o% media. Note te di%%erence bet7een a media cata#o,ueB suc as a
re,ister o% a## %i#ms ta!enB and a speci%ic mediaB suc as a %i#m #o, =per 1pec. 3.(.'>. $% severa#
media itemsB e.,. video cassettesB are accumu#ated %or a particu#ar contractB ten te re#evant
cata#o,ue section sa## be inc#uded as an attacment to any %ina# reports presented %or tat
9o ensure tat media are consistent#y cata#o,ued and mana,ed in teir transmitta# bet7een 7or!
site and onsoreB basic ru#es and ,uide#ines ave been estab#ised. 9ese are presented on te
%o##o7in, seet.
A media cata#o,ue sa## be maintained %or eac type o% media usedB one %or videocassettesB one
%or 3il10 etc.
9"8 Fi,al Reporti,g
9e aim o% a %ina# report is to present a## te si,ni%icant %indin,s o% a 7or! pro,ramme in a
concise and end.user.%riend#y %ormat. 9e comp#eted data.recordin, pro %ormae used to speci%y
and capture data become o% secondary importanceB %or inc#usion as report appendices.
C.E.1 Report Structure
9o ensure tat te %ina# report aims are met %or te 41P end.userB te %o##o7in, report EContents
<istE sa## be used as a temp#ate. 9e sections not app#icab#e to a particu#ar report sou#d be
omitted. "uide#ines on individua# section contents are ,iven on te %o##o7in, pa,es. 1pecia#B one.
o%% proAect reports may be customised to teir speci%ic subAects.
C.E.2 Report ontent
A7 12cerpt
9is sou#d be a sin,#e A3 pa,e 7ic summarises te reportEs more si,ni%icant in%ormation. 9e
main topics are...
;7 #ntroduction
9e =Sope o3 ReportG sa## be a simp#e re%erence to te ori,ina# 7or! scope document by name
or Wor! Pac! NumberB a summary o% its main componentsB c,. E"enera# -isua# $nspection @ 1cour
1urveyB and detai#s o% any omissions or additions to tat scopeB e.,. reduction in scour
measurementsB added 7e#d inspectionB ne7 tecnique testin,B etc.
9e GOperatio,al S*11aryG sa## state te contractorEs nameB vesse# name. metods o%
interventionB e.,. R/- @ air.ran,e diverB and dates o% 7or!. $t sa## a#so summarise te sequence
o% operationsB inc#udin, si,ni%icant interruptions.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 11+ o% 1'0
Project No: Prepared: D. Brighouse
Approved: C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual
c7 #nspection ,indings
9e conventiona#. inspection %indin,s sa## be cate,orised by type and structura# area into %ive
sections ='.1 to '.(> and dependent subsections. /n occasionsB specia#ist $nspection or survey 7or!
may require additiona# sections ='.5.... >.
:or eac subsection identi%ied in te Contents <ist ='. 1. 1.... '.(.1..>B 7ere %easib#eB data sa## be
eCtracted %rom te ori,ina# data.capture system and presented accordin, to te %o##o7in, pattern. A
sin,#e sentence or para,rap may su%%ice %or eac topic. An i##ustrationB e.,. potoB di,itised ima,e
or s!etcB sou#d be inc#uded direct#y in te teCtB in pre%erence to ma!in, re%erence to appendices.
D7 Remedial & Pre"entati"e .aintenance <or+
A summary o% any si,ni%icant maintenance actions sa## be inc#udedB divided into tree subsections
9e main 7or! steps and te as.#e%t status o% items on 7ic 7or! as been per%ormed sa## be
notedB a#on, 7it te reasons %or any incomp#ete 7or!. 1uc incomp#ete 7or! sa## be c#ear#y
itemised as a #ist o% outstandin, maintenance tas!s.
6inor and routine maintenance 7or!B i.e. remova# o% sma## debrisB bo#t rep#acement @ ti,tenin,
and c#earance o% in#ets)out#etsB sa## ave been summarised brie%#y in te re#evant $nspection
:indin,s subsectionsB and tere%ore sa## not 7arrant mention in tis section.
17 'ec!nique Appraisal
9is section sa## be usedB 7en appropriateB to document any Contractor =or eCecutor> comments
on maintenance @ inspection tecniques or proceduresB inc#udin, data.recordin, metods. $n
particu#arB i% te F"uidance NotesF section o% a tas! 1peci%ication 1eet can be improved or tunedB
or a ne7 1peci%ication 1eet is recommendedB ten comments to tis e%%ect sa## be inc#uded.
,7 Appendices
:ina#ised dra7in,s @ s!etcesB #o,s @ data seetsB and Anoma#y Reports resu#tin, %rom a proAect
sa## be submitted as appendices to te report. 9ey sa## ave been cec!ed %or accuracy @
correct cross.re%erencin,. 9ey sou#d be typed or printed.
$% data are captured via a computerised systemB ten te data sa## be supp#ied to te C#ient on dis!
or oter media. 9e media sa## be proper#y cata#o,ued and #abe##ed in accordance 7it 1pec.
1eets 8.(.1 @ 8.5. 1B and te cata#o,ue sa## be inc#u(ed in AppendiC $-. ;ard copy printout o%
te data sa## a#so be supp#ied per te requirements o% Appendices $ to $##.
9e appendices may be bound separate#yB i% tey are substantia#.
Document No: SI-P-MA-00011 Revision: A
Date: '( Au,ust 1++* q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 1'0 o% 1'0

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