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CEMAS collaborated

with Marc Grif ths,

founder of Stiwdiobox,
who specialise
in broadcasting and
interactive media
production to create
the CymruFM App.
Based in South West Wales and founded by experienced
broadcaster Marc Grif ths, the CymruFM App ofers
a range of bilingual services aimed at engaging,
motivating and entertaining audiences through the
use of latest media technologies. From school radio
workshops to radio station installations, podcasting to
youth engagement programmes, the possibilities
are endless.
I was delighted to work with CEMAS in developing
2 new apps for CymruFM. CymruFM is an exciting
brand new 24/7 online radio platform which allows
users to contribute and broadcast their very own
radio shows. Its mainly aimed at Welsh speakers,
Welsh learners and those with a keen interest in
anything Welsh. Its open to anyone whos up for
the challenge.
The staf at CEMAS assigned to the project were
particularly skilled in meeting the needs of my
business at a crucial time in its development.
The nished products were completed within
a tight timescale and exceeded all expectations.
The apps have allowed me to ofer a unique service
to new audiences and Im really excited about
the future prospects. During the rst week,
the CymruFM App reached 200 downloads and
has received overwhelming feedback a credit
to the team at CEMAS.
Marc Grif ths, Director of Stiwdiobox
telephone. 01443 654265 email.
twitter. @CEMAS_USW website.

fn. 01443 654265 e-bost.
twitter. @CEMAS_USW gwefan.
Mae CEMAS wedi
cydweithio Marc
Grif ths, sylfaenydd
Stiwdiobox syn arbenigo
mewn darlledu a
chynhyrchu ym maes
y cyfryngau rhyngweithiol,
i greu App CymruFM.
Wedii leoli yn y de-orllewin ac wedii sefydlu
gan y darlledwr proadol, Marc Grif ths, mae App
CymruFM yn cynnig ystod o wasanaethau dwyieithog
gydar nod o ymgysylltu chynulleidfaoedd, au hysgogi
au difyrru drwy ddefnyddior cyfryngau technolegol
diweddaraf. Gallech ddefnyddior mewn gweithdai
radio ysgolion neu mewn gorsaf radio, wrth wneud
podcast neu ar gyfer rhaglenni ymgysylltu r ifanc,
maer posibiliadaun ddiddiwedd.
Yr oeddwn yn falch iawn i weithio gyda CEMAS
i ddatblygu 2 app newydd ar gyfer CymruFM.
Gorsaf radio newydd sbon yw CymruFM. Maen rhoi
llwyfan a llais i unrhyw un sydd diddordeb ym
myd radio, cerddoriaeth a phopeth Cymreig i greu
a chywyno rhaglenni.
Roedd y staf yn CEMAS yn arbennig o fedrus ac
wedi mynd ati i gwrdd ag anghenion fy musnes
ar adeg dyngedfennol yn ei ddatblygiad. Cafodd y
cynnyrch gorfenedig eu cwblhau o fewn amserlen
dynn ac wedi rhagori ar yr holl ddisgwyliadau.
Maer apps wedi caniatu i mi gynnig gwasanaeth
unigryw i gynulleidfaoedd newydd ac rwyn edrych
ymlaen yn fawr at y cyfnod nesaf i CymruFM.
Yn ystod yr wythnos gyntaf, mi wnaeth App
CymruFM gael ei lawrlwytho dros 200 o weithiau
ac maer adborth wedi bod yn bositif iawn hyd
yma sydd eto yn destament ir tm yn CEMAS.
Marc Grif ths, Cyfarwyddwr of Stiwdiobox

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