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6th International Scientic Con!erence
"Econo#ic $olic% an& EU Inte'ration(
)* + ), )012
D3rr45/ Al.ania
Call for Papers
The Faculty of Business of Aleksandr Moisiu University of Durrs,
organizes the
!nternational "cienti#c $onference %cono&ic 'olicy
and %U !ntegration(
The $onference )ill *e held on )* + ), )012 at the Faculty
of Business in the city of Durrs(
The $onference intends to encourage research in the #eld of econo&ics,
+olitical and social sciences and to contri*ute in the develo+&ent
and integration of Al*ania in %uro+ean Union( ,e encourage 'hD
"tudents to *e +art of this conference, *ecause the kno)ledge sharing is
a +rocess that )ill hel+ the& in concluding their studies(
The $onference includes to+ics of a great i&+ortance for Al*ania and the
other countries(
$-.F%/%.$% T-'!$"
Al.ania 6 Challen'e5 o! Re'ional an& E3ro7ean Inte'ration
E+econo#%/ E+.35ine55/ E+co##erce/ E+'o-ern#ent
8lo.ali9ation an& Challen'e5 o! Co#7anie5: Strate'ic
8lo.ali9ation an& Challen'e5 in Mar;etin' Mana'e#ent
The En-iron#ental $oll3tion an& the <ar#th= The
Achie-in' o! the
$re&ene& Ai#5 in the Meetin' o! Co7enha'en
The Ne> Technolo'% an& their Role in the $rotection o! the
The A'ro+B35ine55? Role in the Econo#ic De-elo7#ent o!
The S35taina.le To3ri5# De-elo7#ent in Al.ania
The Alternati-e Rene>a.le Ener'% an& their De-elo7in'
$er57ecti-e5 in
The Role o! the 8o-ern#ent o! EU Acce55ion Co3ntrie5 in the
$olic% Ma;in'
The I#7lication o! Financial Cri5e5 in the Econo#ic $olic%
o! EU Co3ntrie5 an& <e5tern Bal;an5
The Role o! the 8o-ern#ent to the Acceleration o! the EU
The Financial an& Ban;in' Sector Re'3lation Re!or#=
Challen'e5 on the
In53rance Sector
The Role o! the $ri-ate Sector in the De-elo7#ent o! the
co3ntr% an& the
$3.lic+$ri-ate $artner5hi7=
The Role o! SME in the Econo#ic De-elo7#ent o! Al.ania=
The F3lll#ent o! the E3ro7ean Stan&ar&5@ Acco3ntin' an&
A3&itin'A FinancialA Ban;in'A Cor7orate 8o-ernanceA etc=
!&+ortant Dates
0 "e+te&*er 1, 2314
Deadline for abstract submission
0 "e+te&*er 13, 2314
Notifcation of abstract acceptance
0 -cto*er 1 , 2314
Deadline for paper submission
0 -cto*er 13, 2314
Notifcation of paper acceptance
$onference Fee
The +artici+ation fee is B0 EURO, to *e +aid *y each author(
The +artici+ation fee covers the +u*lications of $onference 'roceedings,
a cere&onial dinner, *reak refresh&ents, cocktails and other events(
At least one author of the acce+ted +a+er has to +artici+ate on the
$onference in order to +u*lish the +a+er(
-nly selected +a+ers )ill *e +u*lished in the conference 5ournal(
$-.TA$T !.F-/MAT!-.6
Aleksandr Moisiu University, Durrs
Faculty of Business
A&&re55A Aleksandr Moisiu, University ca&+us
FaC@ Tel D FaC@ 33788 82 7917 : 2
<e.; )))(ua&d(edu(al
EE#ailA f*<durres<conf=yahoo(co&
A*stracts and +a+ers )ill *e selected through a dou*le>*lind revie)
+rocess( Acce+t +a+ers )ill *e +u*lished in the $onference 'roceedings(
A.5tract 83i&eline5 !or A3thor5
"u*&itted a*stracts have to *e )ritten according to the follo)ing
The o?cial languages of the $onference are %nglish, French, and !talian(
A*stracts should therefore *e )ritten in %nglish(
An a*stract should include6
the title of the )ork; @Ti&es .e) /o&an, Bold, 14A
the full na&e and the address @including e>&ailA of the author;
@Ti&es .e) /o&an, 12A
the a?liation(
A*stracts should *e ty+ed in a Microsoft ,ord for ,indo)s for&at, in
letter Buality ty+e Ti&es .e) /o&an, font size 12, regular style, and
single s+aced, align&ent 5usti#ed, &argins all 2(8 c&(
A*stract should contain a++roCi&ately 733>433 )ords(
A*stract should contain a clear indication of the +ur+ose of the research
and ho) it is related to the $onference to+ic, the a++roach used, the
&a5or results, and the i&+lications(
A*stract should *e su*&itted *y e>&ail to
In5tr3ction5 !or $a7er5
"u*&issions of #nal +a+ers have to *e )ritten according to the follo)ing
The su*&issions should include the full>teCt +a+er, and the eCtended
Both the +a+er and the eCtended a*stract have to include the follo)ing
ele&ents +a+er, na&e@sA and other reBuired infor&ation of the author@sA,
key )ords @u+ to #veA(
The +a+er should *e )ritten in %nglish( The author is res+onsi*le for the
language editing(
The su*&itted +a+er )ith all su++le&ents cannot eCceed 13 +ages(
The +a+er should *e ty+ed in Microsoft ,ord for ,indo)s 2337 or 233D6
A4 for&at @29(DC21(3 c&; E F C 11A;
Margins all 2(8 c& @1A;
Getter>Buality ty+e Ti&es .e) /o&an, font size 12+t, regular style,
align&ent 5usti#ed, single s+aced, )ith one>line s+ace *et)een
+aragra+hs, eCce+t for the +a+er title 14 +t; and ta*les, #gures and
footnotes, all 13+t(
%ndnotes should *e Buoted )ith continuous nu&*ering at the *otto& of
the +age as they a++ear in the teCt(
The *i*liogra+hy should *e )ritten in al+ha*etic order, font size 13 +t,
and regular style, 5usti#ed, single s+aced, )ith one>line s+ace *et)een
The #nal +a+er should not *e longer than 8(333 )ords or 13 +ages in
total and should follo) the instructions for authors(
1(Fatehi, H( @199A( !nternational Manage&ent, .e) Iersey6 'rentice Jall
2(Kaur et al(, @233A( !nstitutions, "ta?ng "trategies and "u*sidiary
+erKaur:F!G%: Kaur<"ession1394(+df
7( !MF, Al*ania6 selected issues and statistical a++endiC( $ountry /e+ort
.o(38:93, 2338(
4( Tho&son, H L Heating, M(, @2334A( An e&+irical study of eCecutive
nationality sta?ng +ractices in foreign>o)ned M.$ su*sidiaries in
!reland( Thunder*ird !nternational Business /evie)( vol( 4, no(, DD1>
8( TariBue, !(, "chuler, /( L Kong, M(, @233A( A &odel of &ultinational
enter+rise su*sidiary sta?ng co&+osition( !nternational
Iournal of Ju&an /esource Manage&ent( Nol(1D( no( 2,
Fe*ruary, 23D>2

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