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Instiuctoi: Leslie Wateis E0RS 47uBIST 491C
Email: lmwateiswm.euu Spiing 2u12
0ffice: Blaii 217 Blaii 21S
0ffice Bouis: Weunesuays S:2u-4:2u oi by appt. NW 2:uu-S:2u

+"1#)% 3%)4#.2,."(5

Linguistic, ethnic, anu state boiueilanus have iecently become a focal point foi ieseaicheis
in the social sciences. In the Euiopean case, iecent scholaiship has calleu into question
much of what we eailiei assumeu about the nation-builuing piocess. By stuuying
boiueilanu localities, we see that national, linguistic, anu ethnic iuentities aie much moie
complex anu fluiu than mouein political boiueis suggest. This couise examines a numbei
of histoiical case stuuies of boiueilanus in Euiope. Najoi themes incluue typology of
boiueilanus, nationalism anu ethnicity, state minoiity policy, anu eveiyuay expeiiences in
ethnically mixeu iegions. Case stuuies incluue Alsace-Loiiaine, the Pyienees, Tiansylvania,
Bohemia, the Balkans, anu otheis.

The couise also emphasizes ieseaich skills like how to seaich foi, iuentify, anu analyze
piimaiy souices foi !"#$#%&' ieseaich. It is connecteu to the annual Stuuent-Faculty
Confeience in Euiopean Stuuies, which will take place on Apiil 1S-14, 2u12. You will each
ciaft an oiiginal ieseaich papei on a topic conceining Euiopean boiueilanus with the
possibility to piesent at the confeience.

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PBFs of aiticles anu chapteis aie posteu on Blackboaiu

Petei Sahlins, (!)%*&"#+,- /0+ 1&2#%$ !3 4"&%5+ &%* 67&#% #% 80+ 9:"+%++, (Beikeley:
0niveisity of Califoinia Piess, 1991)

*Caitlin Nuiuock, ;0&%$#%$ 9'&5+,- 6!5#+8:< ;)'8)"+< &%* /+""#8!": #% 80+ 6&=!%>(!0+?#&%
(!"*+"'&%*,< @ABC>@DEF (Ann Aiboi: 0niveisity of Nichigan Piess, 2u1u)

Rogeis Biubakei, Naigit Feischmiut, }on Fox, anu Liana uiancea, G&8#!%&'#,8 9!'#8#5, &%*
HI+":*&: H80%#5#8: #% & /"&%,:'I&%#&% /!J% (Piinceton: Piinceton 0niveisity Piess, 2uu6)

Emily uieble, 6&"&K+I!< @DE@>@DEL- 1),'#?,< ;0"#,8#&%,< &%* M+J, #% N#8'+"O, H)"!7+ (Ithaca:
Coinell 0niveisity Piess, 2u11)

Pamela Ballingei, N#,8!": #% H=#'+- 1+?!": &%* P*+%8#8: &8 80+ (!"*+", !3 80+ (&'2&%,
(Piinceton: Piinceton 0niveisity Piess, 2uu2)

Timothy Snyuei, /0+ Q+5!%,8")58#!% !3 G&8#!%,- 9!'&%*< R2"&#%+< S#80)&%#&< (+'&"),< @LFD>
@DDD (New Baven: Yale 0niveisity Piess, 2uu4)

Kate Biown, T (#!$"&70: !3 G! 9'&5+- 4"!? H80%#5 (!"*+"'&%* 8! 6!I#+8 N+&"8'&%*
(Cambiiuge, Nass: Baivaiu 0niveisity Piess, 2uuS)

*Bolly Case, (+8J++% 68&8+,- /0+ /"&%,:'I&%#& U)+,8#!% &%* 80+ H)"!7+&% P*+& *)"#%$ V!"'*
V&" PP (Stanfoiu: Stanfoiu 0niveisity Piess, 2uu9)

*Consiuei getting this book fiom the libiaiy

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Paiticipation 2u%
Stuuents must attenu class anu actively paiticipate in class uiscussions. We will
uiscuss weekly ieauings on Nonuays anu covei methouological topics on
Weunesuays unless otheiwise announceu.
Each week, stuuents aie iequiieu to submit 2-S uiscussion questions baseu on the
week's ieauing on blackboaiu by miunight on Sunuay. Biscussion questions shoulu
be concise (2-S sentences) anu thematicallyanalytically- iathei than fact-baseu.
You may choose one week of the semestei to not submit uiscussion questions.
Book Review 1S%
S-page ieview of a book on boiueilanus that may be helpful to youi ieseaich
Piospectus 1u%
A ieseaich pioposal anu pieliminaiy bibliogiaphy.
Final Papei SS%
1u-page oiiginal ieseaich papei on a topic ielateu to Euiopean boiueilanus.
Final Exam 2u%

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Stuuents must auheie to the William & Naiy Bonoi Coue with iegaiu to classioom
behavioi anu completing oiiginal assignments. This couise has a zeio toleiance policy foi
plagiaiizing oi any othei foim of cheating. Anyone caught engaging in any type of cheating,
incluuing failuie to piopeily cite mateiial, will ieceive an automatic F on the assignment,
anu uepenuing on the seveiity of the infiaction, may fail the couise anu be biought befoie
the Bonoi Council. Anytime you utilize anothei peison's woik, you must iefeience it in a

0ui uiscussion may involve sensitive topics. We aim to fostei an atmospheie in which we
all feel fiee to expiess oui iueas without feai of being juugeu, anu in which we can uisagiee
openly. Theiefoie, peisonal attacks anu offensive language will not be toleiateu.

<%'#(.(= 3.)'>.&.,.%)

The College of William anu Naiy anu I aie committeu to helping eveiy stuuent succeeu. If
you have a physical oi leaining uisability anu you neeu accommouation, please contact the
0ffice of the Bean of Stuuents to obtain the necessaiy uocumentation
(http:www.wm.euuofficesueanofstuuents). All iequests foi accommouations will be
hanuleu in a confiuential mannei.

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Assignments foi this couise aie unuei tight time constiaints uue to the scheuuling of the
Euiopean Stuuies Confeience. Theiefoie, all assignments must be completeu 0N TINE.

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While the couise is ueuicateu to impioving youi wiiting abilities, stuuents shoulu be awaie
that theie aie auuitional wiiting iesouice centeis on campus. The Bistoiy Wiiting
Resouice Centei is locateu in Blaii Ball anu is an excellent iesouice foi one-on-one
consultation about youi wiiting. At http:web.wm.euuhistoiyhwic you can make
appointments anu finu a numbei of useful hanuouts.

+"1#)% C4D%$1&%

E'(1'#A FG Intiouuction to couise

E'(1'#A HI Nationalism, Ethnicity, anu Boiueilanus
Rogeis Biubakei, G&8#!%&'#,? Q+3"&?+*- G&8#!%0!!* &%* 80+ %&8#!%&' W)+,8#!% #% 80+
G+J H)"!7+, (New Yoik: Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess, 1996) 1-22; SS-1u6.

E'(1'#A HJ What is histoiiogiaphy. Bow uo you use it.

E'(1'#A IK The Fiench Boiueilanus
Laiiu Boswell, "Fiom Libeiation to Puige Tiials in the "Nythic Piovinces:" the
Reconfiguiation of Iuentities in Alsace anu Loiiaine, 1918-192u," 4"+%50 N#,8!"#5&'
68)*#+, 2S (Wintei 2uuu): 129-162.
Zoe Biay, "Basque Nilitant Youths in Fiance: New Expeiiences of Ethnonational
Iuentity in the Euiopean Context," G&8#!%&'#,? &%* H80%#5 9!'#8#5, 12 (2uu6): SSS-

L%>#1'#A F Iuentifying anu Finuing Piimaiy Souices: Peiiouicals, uoveinment Bocuments,
Peisonal Accounts

L%>#1'#A M Fiench Boiueilanus (cont'u)
Petei Sahlins, (!)%*&"#+,- /0+ 1&2#%$ !3 4"&%5+ &%* 67&#% #% 80+ 9:"+%++, (Beikeley:
0niveisity of Califoinia Piess, 1991).

L%>#1'#A G What is a piospectus. Bow uo you conceptualize a ieseaich papei.
N%%, .( OPP.4% ;"1#) "# >A '22".(,:%(, >%,Q%%( ("Q '($ L%>#1'#A HI ,"
$.)41)) 2#"R%4, .$%')

L%>#1'#A FI Linguistic Boiueilanus in the Austiian Empiie anu its Successoi States
}eiemy King, "The Nationalization of East Cential Euiope: Ethnicism, Ethnicity, anu
Beyonu," in Naiia Bucui anu Nancy Wingfielu, 68&$#%$ 80+ 9&,8- 80+ 9!'#8#5, !3
;!??+?!"&8#!% #% N&X,X)"$ ;+%8"&' H)"!7+< @AEA 8! 80+ 9"+,+%8< 112-1S2.
Taia Zahia, "The Ninoiity Pioblem: National Classification in the Fiench anu
Czechoslovak Boiueilanus," ;!%8+?7!"&": H)"!7+&% N#,8!": 17 (Nay 2uu8), 1S7-
Pietei }uuson, Y)&"*#&%, !3 80+ G&8#!%- T58#I#,8, !% 80+ S&%$)&$+ 4"!%8#+", !3
P?7+"#&' T),8"#& (Cambiiuge: Baivaiu 0niveisity Piess, 2uu6), 1-99.

L%>#1'#A FJ Pioblems with Souices: Access, Paleogiaphy, Bigitization
!""S 6%T.%Q 31%

L%>#1'#A HK Czech-ueiman Boiueilanus
Caitlin Nuiuock, ;0&%$#%$ 9'&5+,- 6!5#+8:< ;)'8)"+< &%* /+""#8!": #% 80+ 6&=!%>
(!0+?#&% (!"*+"'&%*,< @ABC>@DEF (Ann Aiboi: 0niveisity of Nichigan Piess, 2u1u).

L%>#1'#A HH Libiaiy Woikshop

L%>#1'#A HU Tiansylvania
Bolly Case, (+8J++% 68&8+,- /0+ /"&%,:'I&%#&% U)+,8#!% &%* 80+ H)"!7+&% P*+&
*)"#%$ V!"'* V&" PP (Stanfoiu: Stanfoiu 0niveisity Piess, 2uu9) 1-174.

L%>#1'#A HV Piospectus Woikshop
@#")2%4,1) 31%

N'#4D IWFF C2#.(= !#%'S

N'#4D FH Tiansylvania (cont'u)
Rogeis Biubakei, Naigit Feischmiut, }on Fox, anu Liana uiancea, G&8#!%&'#,8 9!'#8#5,
&%* HI+":*&: H80%#5#8: #% & /"&%,:'I&%#&% /!J% (Piinceton: Piinceton 0niveisity
Piess, 2uu6).

N'#4D FX Libiaiy Bay (uetails TBA)

N'#4D FV Bungaiian Boiueilanus -- East anu West
Naik Pittaway, (2uu8). Naking peace in the shauow of wai: The Austiian-Bungaiian
boiueilanus, 194S-19S6. Contempoiaiy Euiopean Bistoiy, 17(S), pp. S4S-S64.
}essica Allina-Pisano, "Fiom Iion Cuitain to uoluen Cuitain: Remaking Iuentity in
the Euiopean 0nion Boiueilanus," H&,8 H)"!7+&% 9!'#8#5, &%* 6!5#+8#+,, vol. 2S, no. 2
(Spiing 2uu9), pp. 266-29u.

N'#4D HF Wiiting Woikshop
L.T% @'=%) Y:.(.:1:Z "P 3#'P, 31%

N'#4D HM Saiajevo: 0iban Boiueilanu
Emily uieble, 6&"&K+I!< @DE@>@DEL- 1),'#?,< ;0"#,8#&%,< &%* M+J, #% N#8'+"O, H)"!7+
(Ithaca: Coinell 0niveisity Piess, 2u11).

N'#4D HG Rounutable BiscussionBoiueilanus in the Piesent

?2#.& H Balkan Boiueilanus
Pamela Ballingei, N#,8!": #% H=#'+- 1+?!": &%* P*+%8#8: &8 80+ (!"*+", !3 80+ (&'2&%,
(Piinceton: Piinceton 0niveisity Piess, 2uu2).

?2#.& X Biaft Woikshop
L1&& 3#'P, 31%

?2#.& V Noitheastein Euiope
Timothy Snyuei, /0+ Q+5!%,8")58#!% !3 G&8#!%,- 9!'&%*< R2"&#%+< S#80)&%#&< (+'&"),<
@LFD>@DDD (New Baven: Yale 0niveisity Piess, 2uu4).

?2#.& FF 0ial Piesentations

?2#.& FIWFX [($%#=#'$1',% +"(P%#%(4%
L.('& @'2%#) 31%\ FH5KK2:

?2#.& FM 0kiainian Boiueilanus
Kate Biown, T (#!$"&70: !3 G! 9'&5+- 4"!? H80%#5 (!"*+"'&%* 8! 6!I#+8 N+&"8'&%*
(Cambiiuge: Baivaiu 0niveisity Piess, 2uuS).

?2#.& FG Piesentations

Final Exam Bue Bate: TBA

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