AB Simpson Larger Christian Life

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Albert Benjamin Simpson

1 The Possibilities of Faith
2 The Joy of the Lord
3 Filled with the Spirit
4 The Larger Life
5 The Death of Self
6 More tha !o"#erors
$ %ra&e 'bo#dig
( Fro) Stregth to Stregth
* %od+s Meas#reless Meas#res
1, Spirit#al %rowth
11 -larged .or/
01f tho# &ast belie2e3 all thigs are possible to hi) that belie2eth4 05Mar/
i67 234
These are bold ad st#pedo#s words4 They ope the treas#re ho#se of the
-teral 8ig to sif#l wor)s3 ad offer to the &hildre of &lay the pri2ilege
of %od+s ow o)ipote&e ad all the possibilities of 9is ifiite reso#r&es4
Side by side these two asto#dig de&laratios stad3 "All things are
possible with God;" "All things are possible to him that believeth."
14 Let #s &osider the possibilities of faith755
14 Sal2atio is possible to hi) that belie2eth4 :o )atter how 2ile the si3
how )ay or how great the sis3 how aggra2ated the g#ilt3 how deep the
&orr#ptio3 how log the &areer of i)peite&e ad &ri)e3 it is e2erywhere
ad fore2er tr#e3 09e that belie2eth o the So hath e2erlastig life30
0;elie2e o the Lord Jes#s ad tho# shalt be sa2ed40 'd th#s aloe &a
ay so#l be sa2ed3 for it is <#st as tr#e fore2er3 o )atter what "#alifi&atios
the so#l )ay possess3 whether the highest )orality or the deepest depra2ity3
09e that belie2eth ot shall be da)ed40 This blessed te6t opes the gates
of Paradise ad all the possibilities of gra&e to ay ad e2ery sier3 ad
0whosoe2er will3 )ay &o)e3 ad ta/e the .ater of Life freely40
24 Sa&tifi&atio is possible to hi) that belie2eth4 01herita&e a)og the)
that are sa&tified by faith that is i )e30 is still the is&riptio o2er the
gates of o#r f#ll iherita&e4 0P#rifyig o#r hearts by faith 0is still the
Di2ie pro&ess of f#ll sal2atio4 Th#s aloe &a the so#l be sa&tified4 1t is
ot a wor/3 b#t a gift of gra&e3 ad all gra&e )#st be by faith4 1t is ot
possible by paif#l str#gglig= it is ot possible by pea&e ad self5
tort#re= it is ot possible by si&/ess3 s#fferig or self5&r#&ifi6io= it is ot
possible by )oral s#asio3 &aref#l traiig3 &orre&t tea&hig ad perfe&t
e6a)ple= it is ot possible e2e by the dar/3 &old waters of death itself4 The
so#l that dies #sa&tified shall be #sa&tified fore2er4 09e that is holy3 let
hi) be holy still7 he that is filthy3 let hi) be filthy still40 ;#t it is possible to
hi) that belie2eth4 1t is the gift of Jes#s !hrist= it is the i&o)ig ad
idwellig of Jes#s !hrist= it is the iterior life ad di2ie i)partig of the
9oly %host3 ad it )#st be by faith aloe4 'd it is possible to ay so#l that
will belie2e3 o )atter how #holy it has bee3 o )atter how per2erse it
is= as )ea perhaps ad &roo/ed as Ja&ob3 as gross as Da2id i his dar/est
si3 as self5&ofidet as Si)o Peter3 as willf#l ad self5righteo#s as Pa#l5it
)ay be ad shall be )ade as spotless as the So of %od3 as holy as the
holiess of Jes#s 9i)self3 who &o)es to dwell withi3 if we will oly
belie2e ad re&ei2e4
34 Di2ie 9ealig is possible to hi) that belie2eth4 0The prayer of faith
shall sa2e the si&/30 is still the Master+s #altered word for 9is s#fferig
&h#r&h4 'd this faith )#st be the faith of the re&ei2er3 for i the epistle it is
said3 0Let ot hi) that wa2ereth thi/ that he shall re&ei2e aythig of the
Lord40 Still it is as tr#e as whe the Master to#&hed the eyes of the blid
)e to who) 9e said it3 0'&&ordig to yo#r faith be it #to yo#40 1t )atters
ot how serio#s the disease3 it )ay be as helpless as the &ripple+s who &o#ld
ot i ay wise lift herself #p= as &hroi& as the i)potet )a who lay for
thirty ad eight years helpless at the pool= as obs&#re ad as despised a &ase
as the poor blid )e who begged by the wayside ad who) the )#ltit#de
tho#ght #worthy of !hrist+s attetio3 or as the sif#l wo)a of Syro5
Phoei&ia3 who) e2e the Sa2io#r &alled a dog3 ad yet to her3 as to others3
the healig &a)e whe 9e &o#ld say3 0%reat is thy faith= be it #to thee
e2e as tho# wilt40 1t is ot the faith whi&h heals3 it is the %od that the faith
to#&hes= b#t there is o other way of to#&hig %od e6&ept by faith3 ad3
therefore3 if we wo#ld re&ei2e 9is 'l)ighty to#&h3 we )#st belie2e4
44 'll power for ser2i&e is possible to hi) that belie2eth4 The gift of the
9oly %host is re&ei2ed by faith4 The power of the apostles was i
proportio to their faith4 Stephe ++f#ll of faith ad power+ &o#ld )eet all the
wisdo) of Sa#l of Tars#s ad the syagog#e of the !ili&ias4 The si)ple
story of ;arabas is that 0he was a good )a4 ad f#ll of faith ad the 9oly
%host3 ad )#&h people were added #to the Lord40 The se&ret of effe&ti2e
prea&hig is ot logi&3 or rhetori&3 or elo&#tio3 b#t to be able to say3 01
belie2ed ad therefore ha2e 1 spo/e40 The s#&&ess of so)e e2agelists ad
!hristia wor/ers is o#t of all proportio to their talet or &apa&ity i ay
dire&tio3 b#t they ha2e oe gift whi&h they faithf#lly e6er&ise3 ad that is
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
e6pe&tig %od to gi2e the) so#ls= ad3 therefore3 they are e2er
disappoited4 The &h#r&h has yet to see i the preset geeratio the f#ll
possibilities of faith i the wor/ of the Lord4 The e6a)ples of a Moody ad
a 9arriso are b#t types of what is possible for the h#)blest wor/er who3
with a sigle eye to the glory of %od ad si)ple fidelity to the gospel of
!hrist3 will dare to e6pe&t the )ightiest res#lts4 ;oth these e6a)ples3
perhaps the )ost )ar/ed ista&es of wide fr#itf#less i the preset
geeratio3 are persos witho#t great at#ral gifts or ed#&atioal
ad2atages3 ad3 therefore3 the )ore e&o#ragig as i&eti2es to the wor/
of faith4 9#)ble toiler i the 2ieyard of the Lord3 will yo# go forth to all
the possibilities of faith i yo#r wor/ for 9i) as yo# reali>e the stregth of
yo#r wea/ess ad the )ight of yo#r %od? for it is 0ot by )ight or by
power b#t by )y Spirit3 saith the Lord of 9osts40 The day has &o)e for
%od to re2eal 9i)self thro#gh the 2ery wea/ess of 9is istr#)ets3 ad
to pro2e o&e )ore that 9e has &hose the foolish thigs of the world to
&ofo#d the wise3 ad the wea/ thigs to &ofo#d the thigs that are
54 'll diffi&#lties ad dagers )#st gi2e way before the o)ipote&e of
faith4 ;y faith the walls of Jeri&ho fell dow after they had bee &o)passed
se2e days3 ad still the )ightiest &itadels of the ad2ersary )#st gi2e way
before the steadfast ad 2i&torio#s )ar&h of faith4 ;y faith Daiel stopped
the )o#ths of lios3 ad was deli2ered3 we are e6pressly told3 be&a#se he
belie2ed i his %od4 1t was ot his #prightess of life3 or &o#rageo#s
fidelity that sa2ed hi)3 b#t his &ofide&e i Jeho2ah4 S#&h faith has
&arried the itrepid 'rot thro#gh the <#gles of 'fri&a3 ad deli2ered the
heroi& Pato fro) the )#rdero#s f#ry of the sa2ages of Taa3 ad held
ba&/ the stro/e of death ad the threateed disaster fro) )ay of #s i the
h#)bler e6perie&es of o#r pro2idetial li2es4 Still the %od of faith is as
ear3 as )ighty ad as tr#e as whe 9e wal/ed with the 9ebrew &hildre
thro#gh the fire3 ad g#arded the heroi& Pa#l thro#gh all the perils of his
&hagef#l life4 There is o diffi&#lty too s)all for its e6er&ise3 ad there is
o &risis too terrible for its tri#)ph4 Shall we go forth with this shield ad
b#&/ler3 ad pro2e all the possibilities of faith? The3 ideed3 shall we &arry
a &har)ed life e2e thro#gh the 2ery hosts of hell3 ad /ow that we are
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
i))ortal till o#r wor/ is doe4
64 'll the 2i&tories of prayer are possible to hi) that belie2eth4
0.hatsoe2er ye shall as/ i prayer3 belie2ig3 shall ye re&ei2e40 0.he ye
pray3 belie2e that ye re&ei2e the thigs that ye as/3 ad ye shall ha2e the)40
1t is ot the stregth or the legth of the prayer that pre2ails3 b#t the
si)pli&ity of its &ofide&e4 1t is the prayer of faith that &lai)s the healig
power of the #&hagig Sa2io#r4 1t is the prayer of faith that rea&hes the
so#l that o h#)a had3 perhaps3 &a approa&h3 ad so)eti)es brigs
fro) 9ea2e the aswer before the e&ho of the petitio has died away4
@oder i the &ity of !le2elad a bro/ehearted wife is prayig with a
e2agelist for her h#sbad+s so#l4 't that 2ery ho#r a ifl#e&e all
#/ow to hi)self is leadig hi) ito a prayer5)eetig i !hi&ago at
oo3 ad before that prayer is eded the &hoirs of 9ea2e are sigig o2er
a repetat so#l3 ad the 9oly %host is whisperig to her heart that the
wor/ is a&&o)plished3 ot less s#rely tha whe o the )orrow the swift
)ail brigs the glad tidigs fro) his ow had4 The prayer of faith has
reared those ed#rig )o#)ets o 'shley Dow3 where two tho#sad
orpha &hildre are fed e2ery day by the had of %od aloe3 i aswer to
the h#)ble3 belie2ig &ry of a faithf#l )iister4 These are b#t patters of
what %od has always bee ready to do ad hidered oly by 9is people+s
#belief4 ;elo2ed3 these possibilities are ope to ea&h of #s4 .e )ay ot be
&alled to p#bli& ser2i&e3 or "#alified for istr#&ti2e spee&h3 or edowed
with wealth ad ifl#e&e3 b#t to ea&h of #s is gi2e the power to to#&h the
had of o)ipote&e ad )iister at the golde altar of pre2ailig prayer4
Ae &eser oly we )#st brig5the golde bowl of faith3 ad as we fill it
with the b#rig &oals of the 9oly Spirit+s fire3 ad the i&ese of the great
9igh Priest3 loB there will be sile&e o&e agai i 9ea2e3 as %od h#shes
the #i2erse to liste3 ad the the li2ig fire will be po#red o#t #po the
earth i the )ighty for&es of pro2ide&e ad gra&e by whi&h the /igdo)
of o#r Lord is to be #shered i4
$4 'll pea&e ad <oy are possible to hi) that belie2eth4 The apostle+s prayer
for the Co)as is that the %od of hope shall fill the) with all <oy ad pea&e
i belie2ig4 1t is %od+s will ad p#rpose that the #belie2ig so#l shall be
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
a #happy so#l3 ad that he shall be /ept i perfe&t pea&e whose )id is
stayed o %od ad tr#stig i 9i)4 .o#ld yo# the /ow the pea&e that
passeth all #derstadig? ;e &aref#l for othig3 ad steadfastly belie2e
that the Lord is at had3 s#pre)e abo2e e2ery &ir&#)sta&e3 ad &a#sig all
thigs to wor/ together for good to the) that lo2e 9i)4 .o#ld yo# be
happy i the dar/est ho#r? The tr#st i the Lord ad stay yo#rself #po
yo#r %od4 .o#ld yo# ha2e the pereial o2erflowigs of <oy? The lear to
say3 0Tho#gh ow we see 9i) ot3 yet belie2ig we re<oi&e with <oy
#spea/able ad f#ll of glory40 The <oy of )ere paro6ys)al e)otio is li/e
the &#t flower of a brief witer+s day3 separated fro) the root ad witherig
before aother s# goes dow4 The <oy of faith is the fr#it ad perpet#al
bloo) that &o2ers the li2ig tree3 or sprigs fro) the rooted plat i the
watered garde4
0The )e of faith ha2e fo#d
%lory begi below5
!elestial fr#it o hostile gro#d
Fro) faith ad hope )ay grow40
(4 The e2ageli>atio of the world is to be gi2e to faith4 The )ost
s#&&essf#l )issioary operatios of to5day are s#staied wholly thro#gh
faith i %od ad the power of prayer4 1f !hia is to be e2ageli>ed i the
preset &et#ry it will be d#e to the faith of oe h#)ble )issioary who
has dared to atte)pt great thigs for %od ad to e6pe&t great thigs fro)
9i)4 There is o field for faith so 2ast ad so s#bli)e as the )issio field
to5day3 ad there is o li)it to the possibilities whi&h faith )ay &lai)4 Ah3
that so)e of #s )ay rise to the )agit#de of this great opport#ity ad
be&o)e wor/ers together with %od for the greatest a&hie2e)et of all the
!hristia &et#ries4
*4 The Lord+s &o)ig will3 do#btless3 be gi2e at last to faith4 There will be
a geeratio who shall say3 0LoB this is o#r %od3 we ha2e waited for 9i)40
's yet it is o#r blessed hope3 b#t it will so)e day be&o)e )ore4 'd
readig both #po earth ad s/y the to/es of 9is &o)ig3 9is waitig
bride shall hear the glad &ry3 0The )arriage of the La)b is &o)e40 To
Si)eo of old it was )ade /ow that he sho#ld see the Lord+s !hrist3 ad
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
to so)e shall be gi2e i the last ti)es the Morig Star that shall pre&ede
the Milleial daw4 The Lord help #s so to #derstad o#r ti)es ad the
wor/ the Master e6pe&ts of #s to prepare 9is &o)ig3 that we shall be
per)itted to share its glorio#s re&o)pese of faith ad e2e haste that
<oyf#l day4
1,4 ;#t beyod all that has bee said this pro)ise )eas that all thigs are
possible to hi) that belie2eth4 1t is possible to ha2e ay or e2e )ay of
the a&hie2e)ets spe&ified ad yet )iss the all thigs of %od+s highest will4
The )eaig of this pro)ise i its f#lless is that faith )ay &lai) a
&o)plete life3 a blessig fro) whi&h othig shall be la&/ig3 a fiished
ser2i&e3 ad a &row fro) whi&h o <ewel of re&o)pese shall be fo#d
watig4 There are li2es whi&h are ot wholly lost ad yet are ot sa2ed to
the #tter)ost4 There are raibows whose ar&h is bro/e3 b#t there is a
raibow ro#d abo#t the throe whose perfe&t &ir&le is the type of a
&o)pleted re&ord ad a ifiite reward4 May of #s are &o)ig short of all
that %od has had i 9is highest tho#ght for #s4 .he the /ig of 1srael
stood by the bedside of the dyig prophet of the Lord3 -lisha p#t his had
#po the hads of Joash ad helped hi) shoot the arrows whi&h were
sy)boli& of faith ad 2i&tory= b#t the the prophet re"#ired that the /ig
sho#ld follow #p this a&t of )#t#al faith by a )ore idi2id#al e6pressio of
the )eas#re of his ow e6pe&tatio4 'las3 li/e )ost of #s3 his faith
e2aporated log before its eeded wor/ was doe4 9e s)ote thri&e #po the
gro#d ad the he stayed4 Too late for hi) to re&o2er his lost blessig3 the
grie2ed ad agry prophet #pbraided hi) for his eglige&e ad
arrowess of heart3 ad told hi) sorrowf#lly that his blessig sho#ld be
li)ited a&&ordig to the )eas#re of his ow little faith4 :e2er shall 1 forget
the sole)ity with whi&h %od bro#ght this passage to )y so#l i a &risis of
)y life3 ad as/ed how )#&h 1 wo#ld ta/e fro) 9i) ad how little wo#ld
satisfy )y faith4 Tha/ %od 9e eabled )e to say with a b#rstig heart3
0:othig less tha all Thy highest tho#ght ad will3 e2e the all thigs of
faith+s greatest possibilities40 The Lord help #s to loo/ forward e2er to the
ti)e whe all these opport#ities shall be passig fro) o#r grasp3 ad to
li2e ea&h day #der the power of those holy aspiratios whose tr#e 2al#e
we shall the be able to #derstad3 ad e2er)ore to say with 9i) who
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
&herished the sa)e lofty a)bitio3 01 &o#t ot )y life dear #to )yself
that 1 )ay fiish )y &o#rse with <oy40 ;elo2ed3 are yo# )issig aythig
o#t of yo#r life3 yo#r oe pre&io#s3 arrow spa of earthly opport#ity3 the
pi2ot o whi&h eterity re2ol2es3 the oe eteral possibility that e2er will
ret#r agai? %od is waitig to gi2e yo# all3 ad all thigs are possible to
hi) that belie2eth4
114 The reasoableess of faith4 .hy sho#ld %od )a/e all thigs depedet
#po o#r faith?
14 ;e&a#se the r#i of the ra&e bega with the loss of faith3 ad its re&o2ery
)#st &o)e thro#gh the e6er&ise of faith4 The poiso Sata i<e&ted ito the
blood of -2e was a "#estio of %od+s faithf#less3 ad the oe pres&riptio
that the %ospel gi2es to #sa2ed siers is3 0;elie2e o the Lord Jes#s
!hrist ad tho# shalt be sa2ed40
24 Faith is the law of !hristiaity3 the 2ital pri&iple of the %ospel
dispesatio4 The law of faith the apostle &alls it i disti&tio fro) the law
of wor/s4 The Lord Jes#s e6pressed it i the si)ple for)#la whi&h has
be&o)e the stadard of aswered prayers ad e2ery blessig that we
re&ei2e thro#gh the a)e of Jes#s4 %od is3 therefore3 bo#d to a&t
a&&ordig to o#r faith ad also a&&ordig to o#r #belief4
34 Faith is the oly way /ow to #s by whi&h we &a a&&ept a gift fro)
%od3 ad ias)#&h as all the blessigs of the %ospel are the gifts of gra&e3
they )#st &o)e to #s thro#gh faith ad i the )eas#re of o#r faith3 if they
&o)e at all4
44 Faith is e&essary as a s#b<e&ti2e ifl#e&e to prepare o#r ow hearts for
the re&eptio of %od ad 9is gra&e4 9ow &a the Father &o))#i&ate 9is
lo2e to a ti)id3 tre)blig heart? 9ow &a %od &o)e ear to a frighteed
&hild? 1 ha2e see a little bird die of terror i )y had3 whe 1 iteded it
o har) b#t tried i 2ai to &aress it ad wi its lo2e4 'd so the idi2id#al
heart witho#t faith wo#ld die i the prese&e of %od i absol#te terror3 ad
be #able to re&ei2e the o2erflowig lo2e of the Father whi&h it &o#ld ot
54 Faith is a a&t#al3 spirit#al for&e4 1t is3 o do#bt3 oe of the attrib#tes of
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
%od 9i)self4 .e fid it e6e)plified i Jes#s i all 9is )ira&les4 9e
e6plais to 9is dis&iples that it was the 2ery power by whi&h 9e withered
the fig tree3 ad the power by whi&h they &o#ld o2er&o)e ad dissol2e the
)ightiest obsta&les i their way4 There is o do#bt that while the so#l is
e6er&isig thro#gh the power of %od the faith that &o))ads what %od
&o))ads3 that a )ighty for&e is operatig at that 2ery )o)et #po the
obsta&le3 a for&e as real as the &#rrets of ele&tri&ity or the power of
dya)ite4 %od has really p#t ito o#r hads oe of 9is ow i)ple)ets of
o)ipote&e ad per)itted #s to #se it i the a)e of Jes#s a&&ordig to
9is will ad for the establish)et of 9is 8igdo)4
64 The pre5e)iet reaso why %od re"#ires faith3 is be&a#se faith is the
oly way thro#gh whi&h %od 9i)self &a ha2e absol#te roo) to wor/3 for
faith is <#st that &olorless ad si)ple attit#de by whi&h )a &eases fro) his
ow wor/s ad eters ito the wor/ of %od4 1t is the differe&e betwee the
h#)a ad the di2ie3 the at#ral ad the s#perat#ral4 The reaso
therefore why faith is so )ighty ad ideed o)ipotet is that it <#st )a/es
way for the o)ipote&e of %od4 Therefore the two sete&es are stragely
ad e6a&tly parallel4 0'll thigs are possible with %od40 0'll thigs are
possible to hi) that belie2eth40 The 2ery sa)e power is possessed by %od
ad hi) that belie2eth3 ad the reaso is that the latter is lost i3 ad wholly
idetified with3 the for)er4 9ow shall we ill#strate the )ighty dista&e
betwee the earthly ad the hea2ely3 the h#)a ad the di2ie3 the fiite
ad the ifiite? So)e oe has said3 ta/e the strogest pie&e of artillery3
load it to the )#>>le with powder or dya)ite3 p#t i it the )ost perfe&t
steel ball3 be s#re yo# ha2e all the latest i)pro2e)ets i ad2a&e3 the fire
it3 ad yo#r b#llet will sweep thro#gh spa&e at the rate of si6 h#dred feet
i a se&od4 ;#t i that se&od let %od3 with a sigle flash of light ad
witho#t a effort or a so#d3 propel a ray fro) yoder s# or star or
)idight la)p3 ad it will fly si6 h#dred tho#sad )iles4 Si6 h#dred feet3
si6 h#dred tho#sad )ilesB This is a feeble fig#re of the differe&e
betwee the h#)a ad the di2ie4 That podero#s g# with its slow b#t
destr#&ti2e power is a type of )a+s wor/s4 That getle s#bea) ad
lightbea) with its silet3 swift3 beefi&et )iis5try is a type of %od+s
ifiite reso#r&es4 This is the world ito whi&h faith itrod#&es #s4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
S#rrederig its ow is#ffi&ie&y3 it li/s itself with the all5s#ffi&ie&y of
%od3 ad goes forth tri#)phatly e6&lai)ig3 01 &a do all thigs thro#gh
!hrist who stregtheeth )e30 while appro2ig 9ea2e e&hoes ba&/3 0'll
thigs are possible to hi) that belie2eth40
1114 The possibility of faith4 01f tho# &ast3 belie2e40
14 Af &o#rse we eed s&ar&ely say that faith is depedet #po obedie&e
ad rightess of heart ad life4 .e &aot tr#st %od i the fa&e of willf#l
si3 ad e2e a #sa&tified state is fatal to ay high degree of faith3 for
the &aral heart is ot the soil i whi&h it &a grow3 b#t it is the fr#it of the
Spirit3 ad is hidered by the weeds of si ad willf#l id#lge&e4 The
reaso that a great )ay !hristias ha2e so little faith is be&a#se they are
li2ig i the world ad i the)sel2es3 ad separated i so large a part of
their life fro) %od ad holiess4 .he the Li&/ Abser2atory was b#ilt o
the Pa&ifi& &oast3 it was e&essary to go abo2e the 2alleys ad lowlads of
the &oast3 where the fogs ad )ists h#g hea2ily o2er the lad3 ad sele&t a
site o the top of Mo#t 9a)ilto3 abo2e the fogs ad 2apors of the
gro#d3 ad i &lear3 #obstr#&ted 2iew of the hea2es4 So faith re"#ires for
its hea2ely 2isio3 the highlads of holiess ad separatio3 ad the &lear3
p#re s/y of a &ose&rated life4
;elo2ed3 )ay yo# fid i this the e6plaatio of )ay of yo#r do#bts ad
fears3 that yo#r plae is too low3 yo#r heart is too )i6ed3 ad yo#r life is too
ear this 0preset e2il world40
24 Faith is hidered by the wea/ ad #s&ript#ral way i whi&h so )ay
e6&#se their #belief ad lightly thi/ ad spea/ of the si of do#btig
%od4 1f we wo#ld ha2e strog faith we )#st re&ogi>e it as a i)perati2e
ad sa&red obligatio3 ad steadfastly ad fir)ly belie2e %od3 ad ref#se
e2er to do#bt 9i)4 Let #s ot say we &aot belie2e4 1t is tr#e3 we &aot of
o#rsel2es3 b#t all that %od also pro2ides3 ad 9e has pro2ided for #s the
power to belie2e if we will &hoose to do so4 Let #s the o )ore &odoe
ad palliate o#r do#bts as har)less ifir)ities ad sad )isfort#es3 b#t
0ta/e heed lest there be i ay of #s a e2il heart of #belief i departig
fro) the li2ig %od40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
34 Faith is hidered by relia&e #po h#)a wisdo)3 whether o#r ow or
the wisdo) of others4 The de2il+s first bait to -2e was a offer of wisdo)3
ad for this she sold her faith4 0@e shall be as gods30 he said3 0/owig
good ad e2il30 ad fro) the ho#r she bega to /ow she &eased to tr#st4 1t
was the spies that lost the lad of pro)ise to 1srael of old4 1t was their
foolish propositio to sear&h o#t the lad3 ad fid o#t by i2estigatio
whether %od had told the tr#th or ot3 that led to the awf#l o#tbrea/ of
#belief that sh#t the doors of !aaa to a whole geeratio4 1t is 2ery
sigifi&at that the a)es of these spies are early all s#ggesti2e of h#)a
wisdo)3 greatess ad fa)e4 'd so i the days of !hrist3 it was the
bodage of the Jews to the traditios of the fathers ad the opiios of )e3
that /ept the) ba&/ fro) re&ei2ig 9i)4 09ow &a ye belie2e30 9e as/ed3
0whi&h re&ei2e hoor fro) )e3 ad see/ ot that whi&h &o)eth fro) %od
oly?0 This3 to5day3 has )#&h to do with the li)itatio of the &h#r&h+s faith4
The ;ible is )eas#red by h#)a &riti&is)3 ad the pro)ises of %od are
weighed i the bala&e of at#ral probability ad h#)a reaso4 A#r ow
wisdo) is <#st as dagero#s if it ta/e the pla&e of %od+s si)ple word3 ad
therefore3 if we wo#ld 0tr#st the Lord with all o#r heart30 we )#st 0lea ot
to o#r ow #derstadig40
44 Self5s#ffi&ie&y ad depede&e o o#r stregth is also a hidra&e to
o#r faith4
%od3 therefore3 has to red#&e #s to helplessess before we &a ha2e )#&h
tr#st i 9i)4 The ho#r of 9is )ightiest iterpositio is #s#ally the ti)e of
o#r greatest e6tre)ity4
' se&#lar wee/ly tells the story of a little fellow whose e6perie&e
represets a good )ay older people4 9e had rea&hed that epo&h i a boy+s
life whe he gets his first pats3 ad the #plift #settled his spirit#al
e"#ilibri#)4 9itherto he had bee a de2o#t little !hristia ad #s#ally
<oied his little sister e2ery )orig i as/ig the Lord+s help ad blessig
for the day3 b#t this )orig3 whe he loo/ed at his ew pats3 ad felt
hi)self a )a3 he stopped his little sister as she bega to pray for hi) as
#s#al3 0Lord Jes#s3 ta/e &are of Freddie to5day3 ad /eep hi) fro) har)30
ad li/e poor Si)o Peter3 i his ow self5s#ffi&ie&y3 he &ried o#t3 0:o3
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
Jeie3 do+t say that= Freddie &a ta/e &are of hi)self ow40 The little sait
was sho&/ed ad frighteed3 b#t /ew ot what to do4 'd so the day
bega3 b#t before oo they both &li)bed #p ito a &herry5tree3 ad while
rea&hig o#t for the te)ptig fr#it3 Freddie wet head fore)ost dow ito
a agle betwee the tree ad the fe&e3 ad with all his desperate str#ggles
ad his frighteed sister+s3 he was #tterly #able to e6tri&ate hi)self3 ad at
last he loo/ed #p to Jeie with a loo/ of )igled sha)e ad itellige&e
ad said3 0Jeie3 pray= Freddie &a+t ta/e &are of hi)self after all40 J#st
the a strog )a was &o)ig alog the road3 ad the aswer to their
prayer "#i&/ly &a)e as the st#rdy ar)s i a few )i#tes had ta/e dow
the fe&e ad Freddie was free3 ad wet forth a lesso for life3 to wal/ li/e
Si)o Peter3 with dowward head ad h#)ble tr#st i a stregth ad &are
)ore )ighty tha his ow4
Tr#ly this is the soil of faithB .isely said 9aba//#/3 &et#ries ago3 as he
&otrasted pride ad &ofide&e3 09is so#l whi&h is lifted #p is ot #pright
i hi)= b#t the <#st shall li2e by faith40
;elo2ed3 has %od bro#ght yo# to the ed of yo#r stregth? Ce<oi&e ad be
e6&eedig glad3 for it is the begiig of 9is A)ipote&e3 if faith will b#t
fall ito 9is )ighty ar)s ad &ry li/e those of old3 0Lord3 it is othig with
Thee to help by )ay or with those who ha2e o power4 9elp #s3 Lord3 for
i Thy :a)e we go agaist this great )#ltit#de40
54 Faith is hidered by sight ad sese3 ad o#r foolish depede&e #po
e6teral e2ide&es4
The 2ery e2ide&e i whi&h we )#st li2e ad grow is the #see3 ad
therefore all o#tward thigs )#st be withdraw before we &a tr#ly belie2e=
ad as we loo/ ot at the thigs whi&h are see b#t o the thigs whi&h are
ot see3 they grow real3 )ore real tha the thigs of sese3 ad the %od
)a/es the) real i a&t#al a&&o)plish)et4 ;#t faith )#st first step o#t ito
the great #/ow3 ad wal/ #po the water to go to Jes#s3 ay3 wal/ #po
the air= b#t where was so)ethig oly 2oid it will fid the ro&/ beeath3
li/e the tra2eler i the 'lps who had rea&hed the ed of the )o#tai path
as it s#ddely disappeared beeath a great )ass of i&e ad sow ad
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
be&a)e a s#bterraea torret3 while the )o#tai rose sterly i frot ad
the )iles of desolatio whi&h he had tra2eled lay behid4 .hat sho#ld he
do? S#ddely his g#ide e6&lai)ed3 0Follow )eB0 ad pl#ged ito the
des&edig torret ad the disappeared fro) his 2iew #der the great
)o#tai whi&h it t#elled4 1t was a awf#l 2et#re3 b#t he )#st either
follow or die3 ad pl#gig i3 there was a s#dde sho&/3 ad the whirl of
waters ad bla&/ess of dar/ess3 ad the a b#rst of light3 ad he was
lyig o the ba/s of a "#iet strea) o the other side of the )o#tai3 i
the sweet 2alley below4 The #see way had led to life ad light4
So faith still wal/s i paths of )ystery oft5ti)es3 b#t %od will always )a/e
it plai4 1s ot this the hidra&e to yo#r faith3 that yo# hesitate to belie2e
before yo# 2et#re #po the a/ed word of pro)ise? @o#r faith aloe is the
s#bsta&e of thigs hoped for3 the e2ide&e of thigs ot see4 %od help #s
to wal/ by faith ad ot by sightB
Therefore %od has to trai #s i the way of faith by diffi&#lties3 trials3 ad
see)ig ref#sals3 #til li/e the Syro5Phoei&ia wo)a3 we si)ply tr#st o
ad ref#se to be ref#sed4 9e is always waitig to re&o)pese o#r tr#st by
the glad words3 0%reat is thy faithB ;e it #to thee e2e as tho# wilt40
64 Fially3 this faith is hidered )ost of all by what we &all 0o#r faith30 ad
o#r fr#itless str#ggles to wor/ o#t a faith whi&h after all is b#t a )a/e5
belie2e ad a desperate tryig to tr#st %od3 whi&h )#st e2er &o)e short of
9is 2ast ad glorio#s pro)ises4 The tr#th is that the oly faith that is e"#al
to the st#pedo#s pro)ises of %od ad the )eas#reless eeds of o#r life3 is
0the faith of %od0 9i)self3 the 2ery tr#st whi&h 9e will breathe ito the
heart whi&h itelligetly e6pe&ts 9i) as its power to belie2e3 as well as its
power to lo2e3 obey3 or perfor) ay other e6er&ise of the ew life4
;lessed be 9is a)eB 9e has ot gi2e #s a &hai whi&h rea&hes withi a
sigle li/ of o#r poor helpless heart3 b#t that oe last li/ is fatal to all the
&hai4 :ay3 the last li/3 the oe that fastes o the h#)a side3 is as di2ie
as the li/ that bids the &hai of pro)ise to 9is Throe of pro)ise i the
hea2es4 09a2e the faith of %od30 is 9is great &o))ad4 01 li2e by the faith
of the So of %od30 is the 2i&torio#s testi)oy of oe who had pro2ed it
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
;elo2ed3 i the light of this great pro2isio3 liste to the )ighty pro)ise
ow3 ad i 9is faith rise to &lai)3 01f tho# &ast3 belie2e4 'll thigs are
possible to hi) that belie2eth30 ad &ry3 0Lord3 1 belie2e3 ay3 ot 13 b#t
Tho#B 9elp Tho# )y #belief40
'd ow3 belo2ed3 this )ighty egie of spirit#al power is pla&ed i o#r
hads by A)ipotet lo2e4 Shall we &lai)3 ad by the help of %od3 rise to
its #t)ost possibilities3 ad shall we fro) this ho#r t#r it3 li/e a hea2ely
weapo3 #po the field of !hristia life ad &ofli&t3 ad #se it for all to
whi&h %od has &alled #s i the great &ofli&ts of the age ad for the
8igdo) of o#r Lord ad Sa2io#r Jes#s !hrist? A#r lot has falle #po
)o)eto#s ti)es= the last de&ade of this st#pedo#s &et#ry has <#st
beg#3 ad it fids the !h#r&h of %od awa/ig to the greatest &a)paig of
the !hristia &et#ries3 the e2ageli>atio of the world3 with a 2iew to the
preparatio for o#r Lord+s i))ediate &o)ig4 .hat a glorio#s possibilityB
1t is oe of the possibilities of faith4
Last ight as 1 sat at )y ope widow3 far ito the ight wat&hes3 fro) oe
of the &ottages yoder3 1 heard the 2oi&e of prayer go forth all ight log4 1t
was a &easeless ad )ighty &ry that the )ighty %od wo#ld wor/ with all
9is power ad glory3 ad tho#gh the sa)e words were oft repeated by the
sa)e 2oi&e3 it e2er see)ed to grow )ootoo#s3 for there was so )#&h
that lag#age &o#ld ot e6press i that prayer that it to#&hed )y heart with
tederess ad sole)ity3 ad see)ed li/e a prophe&y of that whi&h 1 tr#st
is to go forth fro) this )ighty &o2o&atio ad be &a#ght #p by all the
world #til it shall be aswered by the 2oi&es of hea2e abo2e3
pro&lai)ig3 0The /igdo)s of this world ha2e be&o)e the /igdo) of o#r
Lord ad of 9is !hrist4 'lleliaB The Lord %od A)ipotet reigeth40 Ah3
shall we ta/e this egie of o)ipote&e3 the prayer of faith3 ad t#r it
toward the hea2es3 ad t#r it #po the earth3 ad t#r it agaist e2ery foe3
#til we shall fid it wholly tr#e3 0'll thigs are possible to hi) that
1t has bee proposed that we sho#ld for)3 this day3 a Prayer 'llia&e3 for
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
the e2ageli>atio of the world d#rig this preset &et#ry3 ad the speedy
&o)ig of o#r Lord Jes#s4 ;elo2ed3 &a there be a grader opport#ity for
the pra&ti&al appli&atio of this great the)e3 ad shall we ot with oe
heart3 <oi hads i belie2ig prayer3 aro#d the world3 #til the happy day
whe we shall <oi hads o&e )ore aro#d the Milleial Throe ad
praise 9i) for the glorio#s f#lfill)et?
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Possibilities O! Fait
0The <oy of the Lord is yo#r stregth40 :eh4 2iii71,4
There is o )ore poited differe&e betwee !hristiaity ad all other
religios tha the ele)et of <oyf#less4
The at#ral &o#tea&e of heatheis) is gloo)y3 ad ofte profo#dly
sad4 The tr#e e6pressio of a &ose&rated fa&e is radia&e ad gladess4
Tr#e3 this is ot always reali>ed as it o#ght to be3 b#t whe the 9oly Spirit
shies i the &ose&rated heart3 the fa&e will refle&t its glory3 ad3 li/e
Stephe+s3 be ofte li/e the fa&e of a agel4 The reporter of a wee/ly paper
o&e re)ar/ed as he des&ribed the ser2i&es of oe of o#r happy
&o2etios3 0oe thig that &hara&teri>ed all the fa&es was their wodro#s
<oyo#sess40 S#rely this o#ght to be e2er tr#eB Loo/ at those two sisters3
bor of oe )other3 ro&/ed i oe &radle3 ed#&ated i oe s&hool3 yet parted
ow by a dista&e far greater tha leag#es &a )eas#re4 The yo#ger sister
is ri&h3 prospero#s3 ad)ired by a wide &ir&le of frieds3 lo2ed by e2ery
)e)ber of her fa)ily3 ad id#lged i e2ery gratifi&atio that so&ial
positio or a)ple wealth &a pro&#re4 The other is poor= her life is a
str#ggle with &ir&#)sta&es3 her ti)e is &rowded with toil ad &are= her
dearest frieds ofte )is#derstad her religio#s attit#de3 ad r#dely bla)e
her for the 2ery thigs whi&h are the highest ser2i&es ad sa&rifi&es of her
lo2e4 'd yet her fa&e shies with a deep3 trasparet <oy3 &o)pared with
whi&h the other is d#ll ad ta)e4 The da#ghter of wealth ad prosperity has
got so #sed to her s#rro#digs that they are o )ore to her tha the
h#)ble &ir&#)sta&es of the other are to her4 -6teral l#6#ries ha2e palled
her appetite log ago3 ad o deeper sprigs ha2e opeed i her e)pty
heart4 Loo/ at her whe &ir&#)sta&es &hageB She has o other reso#r&es4
;erea2e)et ad death fid her witho#t &osolatio3 ad whe she loses
earth she loses all she had3 ad the partig is the )ore terrible i proportio
to the pleas#re of the possessio4 ;#t the other has a ier so#r&e of pea&e
ad happiess that e6teral 2i&issit#des &aot affe&t4 9er trials throw her
)ore wholly #po that hidde so#r&e of <oy3 ad whe all else is
o2ershadowed with dar/ess3 yo# )ay ofte see her fa&e3 as it were the
fa&e of a agel3 ad whe sobs ad tears are heard o e2ery side3 aro#d
her dyig &o#&h3 her 2oi&e is )elodio#s with praise ad her fa&e is shiig
with the refle&ted glory of the e2erlastig day4
.hy sho#ld it ot be so? 0%od is Light ad i 9i) is o dar/ess at all40
The blessed %od )#st be the so#r&e of blessedess4 9is ;elo2ed So3 o#r
Patter ad o#r Sa2io#r3 is the Pri&e of Pea&e3 ad the Coyal ;ridegroo)3
who) %od 0hath aoited with the oil of gladess abo2e 9is fellows30 ad
s#rely 9is sal2atio sho#ld be a glad sal2atio= 9is to#&h sho#ld brig <oy
ad s#shie3 ad they who follow 9i) sho#ld be tr#e to 9is ow ideal of
that happy &o)pay who 0shall &o)e to Dio with sogs ad e2erlastig
<oy= they shall obtai <oy ad gladess3 ad sorrow ad sighig shall flee
away40 's we loo/ o2er the earth we fid that %od has p#t bea#ty ad
gladess where2er 9e &a4 9e has )ade #s to be happy3 ad 9e has set
rede)ptio to restore ad &os#))ate o#r <oy3 ad so 9is great sal2atio is
iseparably li/ed with a re<oi&ig spirit4 Tr#e3 it &a stoop to sorrow= it
will eter the saddest ho)e ad the dar/est )idight3 b#t it &aot dwell
with gloo)4 1t )#st baish sorrow as well as si3 ad li2e i the light of <oy4
'd so we )#st gi2e #p tryig to &o)bie religio ad )ela&holy3 for
!hrist will ha2e oe b#t a happy people4 -2e old J#dais) robed itself i
bridal gar)ets whee2er it &o#ld ad wet forth with sogs of re<oi&ig4
Eder the Mosai& law there was a &ostat s#&&essio of feasts3 ad the
whole atio was re"#ired e2ery little while to go o a great religio#s
pi&i& to /eep the) fro) settlig dow ito selfishess ad )ela&holy4
'd i the &losig festi2al of the sa&red year they were re"#ired to sped
a etire wee/ i the )ost ro)ati& ad pi&t#res"#e religio#s re<oi&igs3
dwellig i r#sti& booths ad #itig i festal ser2i&es ad sa&red sogs ad
&ere)oies3 whi&h )#st ha2e for)ed a grad ad i)pressi2e spe&ta&le of
atioal re<oi&ig4
1t was this Feast of Tabera&les that :ehe)iah ad the people were ow
obser2ig3 yet3 li/e so)e of #s3 they had &o)e with log fa&es3 ad tho#ght
it be&o)ig to &elebrate the o&&asio by a few appropriate tears3 as they
tho#ght of the desolatios of Dio whi&h had <#st bee re)o2ed ad
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
restored4 ;#t :ehe)iah told the) that it was o ti)e for )o#rig3 si)ply
be&a#se it was a holy day3 ad holiess ad tears did ot go well together=
that the sorrows were past3 ad therefore there was o &a#se for )o#rig
ay loger3 b#t this was a day for gladess ad praise3 ad the spirit of
praise was e&essary i order e2e to their ow preparatio ad stregth for
the tas/s i whi&h they were egaged= 0for the <oy of the Lord30 he
de&lares3 0is yo#r stregth40
14 This is tr#e of #s also3 e2e i &oe&tio with the ordiary d#ties of
daily life4 9ow )#&h oe &a do whe the heart is light ad free3 ad how
log ad hea2y the easiest tas/ whe it is ir/so)eB That )other &a toil
half the ight3 that father &a sweat all the day3 for the <oy of /owig that
it is for the &hild of his lo2e4 Liste to the words of the sailors as they hea2e
their hea2y loads ito the hold of yoder 2essel with their rigig &hor#s
so)eti)es of two syllables= b#t if it is oly 9o59ay3 they sig it ad they
sig it i #iso3 ad the great pa&/ages see) li/e feathers i their hads4
Loo/ at the soldiers as they )ar&h o2er the log tra)p of )ay )ilesB ;#t
the beat of the dr#) or the &hor#s of their battle sogs lighte #p all the toil
of the way4
F#ait old Joh ;#ya p#ts it happily whe he tells #s how he wrote the
Pilgri)+s Progress i his old ;edford d#geo4 0So 1 was had ho)e to
priso30 he goes o to say3 0ad 1 sat )e dow ad wrote ad wrote3
be&a#se <oy did )a/e )e write40 The old d#geo with its stited rays of
light3 its &l#)sy table3 its woode stool3 its pallet of straw3 was hea2e to
hi) be&a#se the <oy of the pilgri) ad the pilgri)+s ho)e ad the pilgri)+s
story were b#rstig i his happy heart4 Ah3 how we eed this <oy a)id the
plod ad the dr#dgery of the oe h#dred ad forty5fo#r ho#rs of e2ery
wee/3 i the fa&tory3 i the shop3 o2er the &o#ter3 i the /it&he3 at the
des/3 o the street3 o the far)3 ad we )ay add3 i what are ofte the
harder pla&es of p#bli& life3 ad the weary )ootoy of p#bli&ity3 ad the
great heartless oisy worldB ;#t3 tha/ %odB &ir&#)sta&es will )a/e little
differe&e where the e2erlastig sprigs are b#rstig fro) the deep well of
9is <oy i the heart4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
The <oy of the Lord is o#r stregth for life+s b#rdes3
'd gi2es to ea&h d#ty a hea2ely >est=
1t will set to sweet )#si& the tas/ of the toiler=
'd softe the &o#&h of the laborer+s rest4
Da2id has bea#tif#lly e6pressed this bledig of &o))o life with
hea2ely gladess i oe of the Psal)s3 where he says3 0Thy stat#tes ha2e
bee )y sogs i the ho#se of )y pilgri)age40 Stat#tes are <#st pre&epts of
daily d#ty3 ad Da2id e<oyed the) by settig the) to )#si& ad
traslatig the) to &easeless praise4 This3 i a word3 is the )eaig of the
oe h#dred ad ieteeth Psal)4 1t is all abo#t d#ty3 ad yet it is the )ost
e6"#isitely &ostr#&ted i the 9ebrew Psalter4 's it has bee well said3 it is
d#ty set to )#si&4
This is the way to )a/e d#ty easy ad a&&eptable to %od4 1 ha2e /ow a
ser2at girl whose life was itolerable3 ad whose )istress was regarded as
a petty tyrat3 be&o)e so happy i the sa)e ho)e ad with the sa)e
wo)a after she re&ei2ed the baptis) of the 9oly Spirit that she wo#ld ot
ha2e e6&haged her pla&e for ay other3 ad her )istress a&t#ally &a)e to
her to as/ what had happeed3 ad be&a)e a earest i"#irer thro#gh her
bea#tif#l trasfor)atio4
;elo2ed3 let #s ta/e the <oy of the Lord ito the dar/ pla&es ad the hard
pla&es ad the low pla&es3 ad the d#sty3 gri)y streets ad laes of lifeB Let
#s plat the flowers aro#d the little &ottage as well as the great )asioB
Let #s ha2e the sog of the birds alog the wayside3 ad e2e i the ight3
as well as i the gilded &age of the drawig5roo) ad i the broad s#shie
of the dayB Let #s re<oi&e i the light e2er)ore ad go thro#gh the
pathways of &o))o life so filled with the Spirit that li/e )e ito6i&ated
with the wie of hea2e3 we shall be heard 0spea/ig to o#rsel2es i psal)s
ad hy)s ad spirit#al sogs3 sigig with gra&e i o#r hearts to the
Lord30 ad the it shall be tr#e3 0.hatsoe2er we do i word or deed30 we
shall 0do all i the a)e of the Lord Jes#s gi2ig tha/s #to %od by
24 The <oy of the Lord is o#r stregth for the trials of life4 There are two
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
ways of bearig a trial= the oe is the spirit of stoi&al ed#ra&e3 ad the
other thro#gh the &o#tera&tig for&es of a holy ad 2i&torio#s <oy4 1t was
th#s that !hrist ed#red the &ross for the <oy that was set before 9i)3 ad
the 9e &o#ld despise the sha)e ad ot e2e allow the s)ell of fire to
re)ai #po 9is gar)ets4 .e read i the first &hapter of !olossias the
prayer of the apostle for a &o)pay of saits who had already rea&hed s#&h
a )eas#re of holiess that they were )ade parta/ers of the iherita&e of
the saits i light= b#t there was so)ethig higher ad better for the)3
a)ely3 that they sho#ld be 0stregtheed a&&ordig to 9is glorio#s power
#to all patie&e ad logs#fferig with <oyf#less40 0Patie&e0 to ed#re
the trials that &o)e fro) the had of %od3 ad 0logs#fferig0 to ed#re
those whi&h &o)e fro) )e3 ad both to be ed#red with real <oyf#less4
1 fa&t3 there is othig to ed#re whe the heart is f#ll of <oy4 1t lifts #s
wholly abo2e the trial3 ad we do ot reali>e that we are beig affli&ted or
wroged4 The blessedess of tr#e self5sa&rifi&e is i beig so filled with
%od that we will ot ha2e ay sa&rifi&e4 .hat l#6#ry of gra&e it is th#s to
be lifted abo2e all that &o#ld e2e try the heartB The ro&/s are ot ta/e
fro) the botto) of the strea)3 b#t the blessed tides rise so high that the
ships sail far abo2e the) i the &#rret of %od+s great <oy4 'd so the
apostle e6plais his self5sa&rifi&es for the Philippias3 0Tho#gh 1 be offered
o the sa&rifi&e ad ser2i&e of yo#r faith3 1 <oy ad re<oi&e with yo# all40
The 9ebrew !hristias were &ograt#lated that they had bee eabled to
ta/e 0<oyf#lly the spoilig of their goods40 This is ot a 2ery &o))o
e6perie&e4 So)e good wo)e lose their sa&tifi&atio o2er a set of
s)ashed dishes by a &areless ser2at3 or the spillig of &offee o2er the ew
table&loth or dress3 or the spots o the little dresses of heedless &hildre=
ad so)e )e get 2ery agry o2er the )ista/es or fail#res of e)ployees or
ser2ats that i<#re their b#siess or lose large s#)s of )oey4
Sir 1saa& :ewto o&e lost all the &al&#latios of twety5fi2e years by the
b#rig of a lot of papers thro#gh the &arelessess of a little dog3 ad the
world re)e)bers hi) with )ore ad)iratio tha for all his dis&o2eries
be&a#se he si)ply aswered3 0Poor thigB @o# little /ow the )is&hief yo#
ha2e doe40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
The <oy of the Lord always &o#ts o so)ethig better tha we lose3 ad
re)e)bers that there is oe abo2e who is the great Ce&o)peser ad
Cestorer3 ad will gi2e a tho#sad ti)es )ore by5ad5by for oe 2i&tory of
patie&e ad lo2e tha all the world is worth to5day4
@es3 the <oy of the Lord is o#r stregth for life+s trials3
'd lifts the &r#shed heart abo2e sorrow ad &are3
Li/e the ightigale+s sog3 it &a sig i the dar/ess3
'd re<oi&e whe the fig tree is withered ad bare4
34 The <oy of the Lord is o#r stregth for te)ptatio4 0!o#t it all <oy30
Ja)es says3 0whe ye fall ito di2ers te)ptatios40 Ae reaso for this is
be&a#se it is the best way to )eet the)4 The de2il always gets the best of a
)ela&holy so#l4 Despode&y will always brig s#rreder4 Sata is so
little #sed to <oy i his ow ho)e that a happy fa&e always s&ares hi)
away4 ')ale/ got hold of the hid)ost of 1srael+s &a)p3 the dis&o#raged
oes who were draggig behid ad frettig abo#t the hot weather ad the
hard road they had to tra2el4 S#&h people always fid the way harder before
they get thro#gh4 The fiery serpets3 whi&h were the de2il+s s&o#ts3 st#g
the )#r)#rig )#ltit#des3 ad it was a #pward loo/ to the bra>e serpet
that healed the)4 Jehoshaphat+s ar)ies )ar&hed to battle ad 2i&tory with
sho#ts of faith ad sogs of praise3 ad so still the <oy of the Lord is the
best e"#ip)et for the great &ofli&t4 ;#t the apostle also )eas3 o do#bt3
that te)ptatio is o &a#se for despode&y3 b#t rather a great opport#ity
of spirit#al progress4 1t is the pro2ig of o#r ar)or ad a e2idet to/e
that the de2il sees so)ethig i #s worth tryig to steal3 ad we )ay be
2ery s#re where the ar)y of the ee)y is e&a)ped there the ar)y of the
Lord is also ear4 0The tryig of o#r faith wor/eth patie&e3 ad let patie&e
ha2e her perfe&t wor/40 Let #s go thro#gh all the dis&iplie ad lear all
that it has to tea&h #s3 ad 0whe we are tried we shall re&ei2e the &row of
life whi&h the Lord has pro)ised to the) that lo2e 9i)40
Let #s the go forth ito the &ofli&ts whi&h await #s witho#t a fear or
&lo#d3 ad whe we &aot feel the <oy3 b#t 0are i hea2iess thro#gh
)aifold te)ptatios30 let #s 0&o#t it all <oy30 ad say3 01 will re<oi&e i the
Lord3 ad 1 will be <oyf#l i )y %od40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
The <oy of the Lord is o#r stregth for te)ptatio3
'd &o#ts it the testig of patie&e ad gra&e=
1t )ar&hes to battle with sho#ts of sal2atio3
'd rides o+er its foes i the &hariots of praise4
44 The <oy of the Lord is o#r stregth for the body4 0' )erry heart doeth
good li/e a )edi&ie40 This is the di2ie pres&riptio for a wea/ body4 'd
so o the other had3 despode&y ad depressio of spirits are the &a#se of
er2o#sess3 head5a&he3 heart5brea/3 ad low physi&al 2itality4 ' word of
&heer ad a i)p#lse of hope ad gladess will ofte brea/ the power of
1 re)e)ber a dyig )a who) 1 2isited i the earliest years of )y
)iistry3 who was gi2e #p by his physi&ias ad proo#&ed i a dyig
&oditio3 so that they ga2e #p the &ase ad e6pe&ted his death d#rig the
ight4 ;#t as 1 2isited hi)3 as 1 s#pposed3 for the last ti)e3 ad tederly led
hi) to the Sa2io#r3 ad as he a&&epted the gospel ad be&a)e filled with
the pea&e of %od ad the <oy of sal2atio3 there &a)e #po hi) s#&h a
baptis) of glory ad s#&h a ispiratio of the 2ery rapt#re of hea2e3 that
he /ept #s for ho#rs beside his bed as he sho#ted ad s#g3 what we all
belie2ed to be the begiig of the sogs of hea2e3 ad we bade hi)
farewell log after )idight3 f#lly e6pe&tig that o#r e6t )eetig wo#ld
be abo2e4 ;#t so )ighty was the #plift i that so#l that his body3
#&os&io#sly to hi)self3 threw off the power of disease3 ad the e6t
)orig he was &o2ales&et3 to the a)a>e)et of his physi&ias3 ad i a
few days etirely well4 1 /ew othig3 at that ti)e3 of Di2ie 9ealig3 b#t
si)ply witessed with astoish)et ad delight3 the Di2ie <oy to heal
disease4 May a ti)e si&e ha2e 1 see the healig ad the gladess of
Jes#s &o)e together to the so#l ad body3 ad the ight of weepig t#red
ito a )orig of <oy4 May a ti)e ha2e 1 see the dar/ly5&lo#ded ad
diseased brai lighted #p with the <oy of the Lord3 ad sa2ed fro) isaity
by a baptis) of holy gladess4
1t is tr#e there is a deeper &a#se ad a di2ier power tha the )ere at#ral
ifl#e&e of <oy4 1&#rable disease &a oly yield to the a&t#al to#&h of
Di2ie o)ipote&e3 b#t <oy is the &hael thro#gh whi&h the healig
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
waters flow3 ad the o2erflow of the life of !hrist i both so#l ad body4 1f
yo# wo#ld li2e abo2e yo#r physi&al &oditios3 if yo# wo#ld reew yo#r
stregth &oti#ally ad 0)o#t #p o wigs as eagles3 ad r# ad ot be
weary3 ad wal/ ad ot fait30 if yo# wo#ld &arry i yo#r 2eis the
e6hilaratio ad >est of #wearied yo#th ad freshess3 if yo# wo#ld /ow3
e2e here3 i all its f#lless3 the foretaste of the res#rre&tio life i yo#r
body3 if yo# wo#ld be ar)ed agaist the de2il+s shafts of ifir)ity ad pai3
ad throw off his arrows #po yo#r body as the heated iro repels the water
whi&h will ot lie #po it3 the3 belo2ed3 0Ce<oi&e i the Lord always3 ad
agai 1 say3 Ce<oi&e40
To ret#r to o#r fig#re5the h#)blest ho#sewife /ows that water &aot
rest #po a red5hot sto2e5&o2er3 b#t leaps ad da&es o2er it i
&osteratio3 ad flies off i e6plosios of helpless effer2es&e&e4 So the
de2il will try i 2ai to po#r &old water #po yo#r life ad wor/3 ad e2e
yo#r fra)e3 if yo# /eep e2er i the white heat of hea2ely <oy4
54 The <oy of the Lord is o#r stregth for ser2i&e ad testi)oy4 1t )a/es all
o#r wor/ easy ad delightf#l4 1t gi2es a perpet#al sprig i the hardest
fields of !hristia ser2i&e4 1t goes with the &ity )issioary ad the all5ight
wor/er i the di2es ad sl#)s3 ad ta/es away the at#ral shri/ig fro)
the degraded ad #&lea3 the horror of filth ad 2er)i3 the fear of 2iolet
ad wi&/ed )e ad all the rep#lsi2eess ad hideo#sess of the
s#rro#dig s&ees= ad it )a/es the wor/3 that at#rally wo#ld be
re2oltig3 a perfe&t fas&iatio3 ad eables the &ose&rated heart to say3
0:oe of these thigs )o2e )e3 either &o#t 1 )y life dear #to )e that 1
)ay fiish )y &o#rse with <oy3 ad the )iistry whi&h 1 ha2e re&ei2ed of
the Lord Jes#s to testify of the gospel of the gra&e of %od40
:ot oly does it gi2e a &ostraiig )oti2e to o#r ser2i&e3 b#t it also gi2es
it a di2ie effe&ti2eess ad power4 1t ill#)iates the fa&e with the light of
hea2e3 ad )elts the heart with a&&ets of tederess ad lo2e4 1t gi2es o#r
words a weight ad wiig power whi&h )e &aot gaisay4 They /ow
that we possess a se&ret to whi&h they are stragers3 ad o#r gladess
awa/es their logig to share o#r <oy4 ' shiig fa&e ad radiat spirit are
worth a to of logi&3 rhetori& ad elo&#tio4 ' poor3 &rippled sait3 stadig
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
#p i a )eetig ad tellig what %od hath doe for her so#l3 with a fa&e
di2iely bea#tif#l i all its ho)eliess3 will brig )ore so#ls to !hrist tha
the elo"#e&e of a do>e &ollege grad#ates witho#t the <oy of the Lord4
' s&holarly )iister o&e ga2e a &o#rse of le&t#res o the 0-2ide&es of
!hristiaity30 for the spe&ial p#rpose of &o2i&ig ad &o2ertig a
wealthy ad ifl#etial s&epti& i his &ogregatio4 The getle)a atteded
his le&t#res ad was &o2erted3 ad a few days after the )iister 2et#red
to as/ hi) whi&h of the le&t#res it was that i)pressed hi) de&isi2ely4 0The
le&t#resB0 aswered the getle)a3 0)y dear sir3 1 do+t e2e re)e)ber the
s#b<e&ts of yo#r le&t#res3 ad 1 &aot say that they had ay de&isi2e
ifl#e&e #po )y )id4 1 was &o2erted by the testi)oy of a dear old
&olored wo)a who atteded those ser2i&es3 ad who3 as she hobbled #p
the steps &lose to )e3 with her glad fa&e3 as bright4 as hea2e3 #sed to say3
+My blessed Jes#sB )y blessed Jes#sB+ ad t#rig to )e wo#ld as/3 +Do yo#
lo2e )y blessed Jes#s?+ ad that3 sir3 was )y e2ide&e of !hristiaity40
;less the LordB we &a all shie li/e that3 0b#rig30 as well as 0shiig0
lights3 ad settig hearts aglow with the &otagio of o#r <oy4 The world is
loo/ig for happiess3 ad if it fid the se&ret i a ge#ie for)3 will try to
get it4 !harles Fiey tells #s how the good dea&os #sed to as/ hi) i
prayer5)eetig3 whe he atteded it i his #godly days3 if he did ot wat
the) to pray for hi)4 0:o30 he said3 01 sho#ld be 2ery sorry to ha2e yo#
pray for )e4 For3 i the first pla&e3 if 1 were &o2erted thro#gh yo#r prayers
1 sho#ld be as )iserable as yo# are= ad i the e6t pla&e3 1 do ot belie2e
that yo#r prayers wo#ld ha2e ay power to brig abo#t )y &o2ersio3 ad
1 s#spe&t that yo# yo#rsel2es wo#ld be a good deal s#rprised if they had3
for yo# ha2e bee prayig i the sa)e )ela&holy way e2er si&e 1 &a)e to
this tow3 for a re2i2al3 ad 1 &a see by yo#r toes ad yo#r fa&es that yo#
ha2e o idea that it is e2er &o)ig4 .he 1 a) &o2erted 1 wat a religio
that will )a/e )e happy3 ad a %od who will do what 1 as/ 9i)40
;elo2ed3 the Lord sa2e #s fro) religio#s )ela&holia3 ad sed #s o#t to
wor/ for 9i) with shiig fa&es3 2i&torio#s a&&ets ad hearts o2erflowig
with &otagio#s <oy4 The3 li/e Stephe3 we will be able to loo/ ito the
fa&es of o#r ee)ies ad &ofo#d the) by o#r 2ery &o#tea&es3 ad
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
for&e the world to 0ta/e /owledge of #s that we ha2e bee with Jes#s40
0Let the <oy of the Lord be the stregth of o#r ser2i&e3
's it spea/s i o#r fa&es ad a&&ets of lo2e3
's it wis the sad world to the f#lless of Jes#s3
'd draws h#gry hearts 9is sal2atio to pro2e40
114 The se&ret of this <oy4
14 1t sprigs fro) the ass#ra&e of sal2atio4 1t is the <oy of sal2atio4 1ts
happy sog is3
0;lessed ass#ra&e3 Jes#s is )ie3
Ah3 what a rapt#re of glory Di2ieB
9eir of sal2atio3 p#r&hased of %od3
;or of 9is Spirit3 washed i 9is blood4
This is )y story3 this is )y sog3
Praisig )y Sa2io#r all the day log40
1f yo# wo#ld /ow it yo# )#st a&&ept 9is pro)ise with f#ll ass#ra&e of
faith3 ad rest #po 9is word witho#t a wa2erig or a do#bt4
24 1t is the <oy of the 9oly %host4 0The fr#it of the Spirit is lo2e3 <oy40 1t is
ot idigeo#s to earthly soil= it is a plat of hea2ely birth4 1t belogs to
the /igdo) of %od3 whi&h is 0righteo#sess3 ad pea&e ad <oy i the
9oly %host40 To /ow it we )#st re&ei2e the baptis) of the Pete&ostal
Spirit i f#ll s#rreder ad si)ple faith4 1t is the &hara&teristi& of all who
re&ei2e this baptis) that they /ow the <oy of the Lord3 ad #til we do
re&ei2e this eteral fo#tai i o#r heart3 all o#r atte)pts at <oy are b#t
s#rfa&e wells = they are waters ofte defiled ad their botto) ofte dry4 This
is the great 'rtesia strea)3 the 0well of water0 Jes#s gi2es 0sprigig #p
#to e2erlastig life40
34 1t is the <oy of faith4 0:ow the %od of hope fill yo# with all <oy ad
pea&e i belie2ig40 There is ideed a deep delight whe %od has aswered
prayer3 ad the <oy of f#lfill)et ad possessio o2erflows with
tha/f#less3 b#t there is a )ore thrillig <oy whe the heart first &o))its
itself to 9is a/ed pro)ise3 ad stadig o 9is si)ple word i the fa&e of
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
at#ral i)probability3 or e2e see)ig i)possibility3 de&lares3 0tho#gh the
fig5tree shall ot blosso) or fr#it be i the 2ies3 yet will 1 re<oi&e i the
Lord ad <oy i the %od of )y sal2atio40 1f yo# are do#btig %od yo#
eed ot woder that yo#r <oy is iter)ittet4 The witess of the Spirit
always follows the a&t of tr#st4 0Tho# wilt /eep hi) i perfe&t pea&e whose
)id is stayed o Thee3 be&a#se he tr#steth i Thee30 b#t it is <#st as tr#e3
0S#rely3 if ye will ot belie2e3 ye shall ot be established40
44 The <oy of the Lord is s#staied by 9is word ad o#rished by 9is
0e6&eedig great ad pre&io#s pro)ises40 01 re<oi&e i Thy .ord30 e6&lai)s
the Psal)ist3 0as oe that fideth great spoil40 Ah3 the ri&h delight of
beholdig i the light of the 9oly Spirit3 the hea2ely lads&ape of tr#th
ope before the spirit#al 2isio3 li/e so)e lad of pro)ise shiig i the
glory of the s#light3 the whole ;ible see)ig li/e the 2isio Moses saw
fro) Pisgah+s topB .e ha2e fo#d great spoil3 ad it is all o#r ow4 0.e
ha2e re&ei2ed the Spirit that we )ay /ow the thigs that are freely gi2e
#s of %od30 ad we &a tr#ly say li/e the sa)e Psal)ist agai3 0Thy
testi)oies are the <oy ad re<oi&ig of )y heart40 9ow sweet the 2oi&e i
whi&h the Spirit spea/s the pro)ises to the sorrowig heart ad )a/es this
pre&io#s word a li2ig 2oi&e fro) o#r ;elo2edB
Dear frieds3 do yo# /ow the <oy that lies hidde i these egle&ted pages3
the hoey that yo# )ight dri/ fro) this garde of the Lord3 these
blosso)s of tr#th ad pro)ise? Ah3 ta/e yo#r ;ibles as the li2ig lo2e5
letters of 9is heart to yo#3 ad as/ 9i) to spea/ it to yo# i <oy ad faith
ad spirit#al ill#)iatio3 as the sweet )aa of yo#r spirit+s life ad the
hoey o#t of the Co&/ of 'gesB
54 1t is the <oy of prayer4 1ts ele)et is the &loset3 ad its so#r&e the Mer&y5
seat4 :o prayerless life &a be a happy oe4 0They that wait #po the Lord
shall )o#t #p o wigs as eagles40 0's/ ad ye shall re&ei2e3 that yo#r <oy
)ay be f#ll40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
0This is the pla&e where Jes#s sheds
The oil of gladess o o#r heads=
The pla&e tha all besides )ore sweet3
1t is the blood5bo#ght Mer&y5seat40
64 1t is the <oy of )ee/ess ad lo2e4 0For the )ee/ shall i&rease their <oy
i the Lord30 ad the lo2ig spirit e2er fids that 0it is )ore blessed to gi2e
tha to re&ei2e40 Selfishess is )isery3 lo2e is life ad <oy4 The getle3
lowly3 &hasteed spirit shall fid all the flowers i bloo) ad the waters
flowig i the 2alleys of h#)ility4 The #selfish heart shall e2er fail to
pro2e the pro)ise tr#e3 01f tho# draw o#t thy so#l to the h#gry3 ad satisfy
the affli&ted so#l3 the Lord shall satisfy thy so#l i dro#ght3 ad tho# shalt
be li/e a watered garde ad a sprig of water whose waters fail ot40
;elo2ed3 do yo# /ow the gladess whi&h &o)es fro) yieldig to the will
of %od3 or bearig patietly the wrog3 fro) beig silet #der the word of
reproa&h3 fro) ret#rig good for e2il3 fro) the word that &o)forts the
sorrowig heart3 fro) the &#p of &old water to aother gi2e3 fro) the
sa&rifi&e of yo#r ow id#lge&e that the sa2ig )ay be gi2e to 9i)? Ah3
the it is that all the bells of <oy are heard softly rigig3 ad the Master
whispers to the hearts that tre)ble with its gladess3 0ye did it #to )e40
$4 1t is the <oy of ser2i&e ad espe&ially of wiig so#ls4 'll tr#e wor/ is a
at#ral delight3 b#t wor/ for %od i the tr#e spirit ad i the power of the
9oly %host3 is the 2ery partership of 9is <oy3 whose )eat ad dri/ it was
to do the will of 9i) that set 9i) ad to fiish 9is wor/4 1f yo# wo#ld
ha2e a life lifted abo2e a tho#sad te)ptatios ad petty &ares be b#sy for
yo#r Master3 ad let ea&h )o)et see
0So)e wor/ of lo2e beg#3
So)e deed of /idess doe3
So)e waderer so#ght ad wo3
So)ethig for thee40
.e &aot &o2ey the Li2ig .ater to aother heart witho#t beig watered
o#rsel2es o the way4 There is o <oy )ore e6"#isite tha the <oy of leadig
a so#l to !hrist4 1t is li/e the )other+s strage3 isti&ti2e rapt#re o2er her
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
ewbor babe4 The other day a pre&io#s fried passed thro#gh the gates a
few )o)ets after her babe was bor3 b#t i the ho#r of her agoy her 2ery
first word was3 09ow is )y babe?0 1t was the first thrill of that strage
delight whi&h is the 2ery to#&h of the lo2e whi&h the 9oly %host will gi2e
#s for the so#ls 9e per)its #s to wi for !hrist4 1t is3 ideed3 a spirit#al3
)otherhood3 ad it has all the <oy ad all the pai of a )other+s lo2e4
;elo2ed3 do yo# /ow the e&stasy of feelig the ew life of a i))ortal
spirit sweepig thro#gh yo#r 2ery 2eis3 as3 /eelig by the side of oe <#st
bor to die o )ore3 yo# pla&e it3 as a ewbor babe i the boso) of yo#r
Sa2io#r? @o# )ay /ow this <oy3 ad e2ery !hristia o#ght to /ow it a
h#dred5fold4 1t is the <oy of agels3 settig all the harps of hea2e rigig3
ad s#rely it were strage if it were ot the higher <oy of raso)ed saits4
(4 1t is the <oy of the faithf#l ser2at4 There is a sese e2e here3 i whi&h
as ofte as we are tr#e to %od ad faithf#l to the &all of d#ty ad
opport#ity3 9is Spirit gi2es #s a preset reward ad a baptis) of <oy3 ad
whispers to the faithf#l heart3 0.ell doe3 good ad faithf#l ser2atB -ter
tho# ito the <oy of thy Lord40
*4 1t is the <oy of hope4 0.e re<oi&e i hope of the glory of %od40 1t is the
refle&ted light of the &o)ig S#rise ad the Milleial Day4 -6&ept the
death ad res#rre&tio of Jes#s ad the baptis) of the 9oly %host3 there is
othig that sheds withi the heart a di2ier gladess3 ad o the brow a
holier light3 tha the blessed hope of the Lord+s !o)ig4 1t is3 ideed3 0a
light i the dar/ pla&e30 the 2ery Morig Star that presages the Cisig S#4
The let #s i this blessed hope 0lift #p o#r heads3 for o#r rede)ptio
draweth igh40
1,4 'd fially3 it is the <oy of !hrist 9i)self withi #s4 0These thigs ha2e
1 spo/e #to yo#3 that )y <oy )ight re)ai i yo# ad that yo#r <oy )ight
be f#ll40 This is the deepest se&ret of spirit#al <oy= it is the idwellig !hrist
9i)self re<oi&ig i the heart as 9e re<oi&ed o earth e2e i the dar/est
ho#r of 9is life3 ad as ow3 i hea2e3 9e reali>es the f#lfill)et of 9is
ow Messiai& words i the si6teeth psal)7 0Therefore )y heart is glad
ad )y glory re<oi&eth= )y flesh also shall rest i hope4 For Tho# wilt ot
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
lea2e )y so#l a)og the dead3 or s#ffer Thy 9oly Ae to see &orr#ptio4
Tho# wilt show )e the path of life= i Thy prese&e there is f#lless of <oy3
ad at Thy right had are pleas#res for e2er)ore40 1 the f#lless of <oy 9e
is reigig ow3 ad its tides are swellig ad risig to the sa)e le2el i
e2ery heart i whi&h 9e dwells4
.al/ig alog the o&ea bea&h h#dreds of feet fro) the shore yo# )ay
dig a little hole i the dry sad3 ad it will fill with water4 Edereath the
sad the waters flow ad fill the pool to the le2el of their so#r&e4 'd so the
life that is hid with !hrist i %od is i &ostat &ota&t with the fo#tai of
life3 ad tho#gh the world )ay ot always see the o2erflow3 yet the heart+s
depths are e2er fillig3 ad we oly eed to )a/e roo)3 ad loB the e)pty
2oid3 whether great or s)all3 is f#ll to the )eas#re of the f#lless of %od4
This3 belo2ed3 is why we besee&h yo# to re&ei2e the idwellig !hrist4 9e
is the so#r&e of the Ci2er of the .ater of Life that flows fro) the Throe of
%od ad the La)b3 ad those whose hearts are 9is te)ple &a sig3 o
)atter how the te)pests rage ad the fig5tree withers3
0%od is the Treas#re of )y so#l3
The so#r&e of lastig <oy=
' <oy whi&h ti)e &aot i)pair3
:or death itself destroy40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te #o& O! Te Lor'
0;e filled with the Spirit40 -ph4 27 1(4 0@e are &o)plete GfilledH i 9i)40
!ol4 ii7 1,4
The e)phati& word i both these 2erses 0filled40 1t is the %ree/ plaroo
whi&h )eas to fill f#ll3 so f#ll that there will be o roo) left e)pty4 This
is the tho#ght whi&h3 with the assista&e of the 9oly Spirit3 we desire to
i)press i this )essage4 1t does ot )ea to ha2e a )eas#re of the 9oly
Spirit3 ad to /ow a good deal of !hrist3 b#t to be wholly filled with3 ad
possessed by3 the 9oly %host3 ad #tterly lost i the life ad f#lless of
Jes#s4 1t is the &o)pleteess of the fillig whi&h &ostit#tes the 2ery
esse&e of the perfe&t blessig4 ' fo#tai half f#ll will e2er be&o)e a
sprig4 ' ri2er half f#ll will e2er be&o)e a water power4 ' heart half filled
will e2er /ow 0the pea&e whi&h passeth all #derstadig0 ad the power
whi&h flows fro) the i)ost beig3 as 0ri2ers of li2ig water40
14 T9- :'TEC- AF T91S F1LL1:%4
14 1t is all &oe&ted with a li2ig Perso4 .e are ot filled with a
ifl#e&e= we are ot filled with a sesatio= we are ot filled with a set of
ideas ad tr#ths = we are ot filled with a blessig3 b#t we are filled with a
Perso4 This is 2ery strage ad stri/ig4 1t is wholly differet fro) all
other tea&hig4 9#)a syste)s of philosophy ad religio all deal )aily
with itelle&t#al tr#ths3 )oral &oditios or e6teral a&ts4 %ree/ philosophy
was a syste) of ideas= !of#&iais) is a syste) of )orals= J#dais) is a
syste) of laws ad &ere)oies= !hristiaity all &etres i a li2ig Perso3
ad its 2ery esse&e is the idwellig life of !hrist 9i)self4 9e was ot
oly its 9ead ad Fo#der3 b#t 9e is fore2er its li2ig 9eart ad S#bsta&e3
ad the 9oly Spirit is si)ply the aget ad &hael thro#gh who) 9e
eters3 possesses ad operates i the &ose&rated heart4 This red#&es
!hristia life to great si)pli&ity4 .e do ot re"#ire to get filled i a great
)ay &o)part)ets3 ad with a great )ay differet e6perie&es3 ideas3 or
ifl#e&es3 b#t3 i the &etre of o#r beig to re&ei2e 9i) i 9is persoal
life ad f#lless3 ad the 9e flows ito e2ery part ad li2es o#t 9is ow
life i all the di2ersified e6perie&es ad a&ti2ities of o#r )aifold life4
1 the oe garde we plat the li2ig seed3 ad water it fro) the sa)e great
fo#tai3 ad loB it sprigs #p spotaeo#sly with all the 2aried bea#ty ad
fr#itf#less of the lily ad the rose3 the foliage plat ad the fr#it tree3 the
&ligig <essa)ie ad the spreadig 2ie4 .e ha2e si)ply to t#r o the
fertili>ig sprig ad at#re+s spotaeo#s life b#rsts forth i all its
bea#tif#l 2ariety4
This3 by a si)ple fig#re3 is !hrist+s theory of a deeper life4 A#r beig is the
soil3 9e is the seed3 9is 9oly Spirit is the Fo#tai of li2ig .aters3 ad
0the fr#it of the Spirit is lo2e3 <oy3 pea&e3 log5s#fferig3 getleess3
goodess3 faith3 )ee/ess3 te)pera&e40
A#t i the great .est lie )illios of a&res of barre lad4 They are a great
possibility3 b#t pra&ti&ally fr#itless ad waste4 ;eeath the soil of these
Saharas lie #de2eloped ri&hes3 all that is eeded beig oe sigle ele)et
that wo#ld de2elop the) ito fr#itf#less4 That ele)et is water4 Let the
)o#tai strea) be t#red ito yoder 2alley3 let the irrigatig &haels
spread their etwor/ o2er all their 2ast fields3 ad loB yo# behold a
paradise3 as lo2ely as the streets of Salt La/e !ity or so)e of the sweet
2illages ad tows of !aliforia3 with a l#6#ria&e of bea#ty s#&h as oe
of o#r easter lads &a show4 The soil was e)pty ad barre #til it
be&a)e filled with the seed ad the sprigs3 ad the the trasfor)atio
sprag #p with spotaeo#s l#6#ria&e4 So the h#)a heart is ot self5
&ostit#ted or self5s#ffi&iet= it is a bare ad barre possibility4 1t )ay
str#ggle its best to de2elop itself3 b#t it will oly de2elop3 as those .ester
deserts the sage br#sh ad st#ted pal) whi&h &o2er the) to5day4 ;#t gi2e
it two thigs4 Drop ito that soil the li2ig !hrist3 ad flood it with the
water of the Spirit+s f#lless3 ad loB it rea&hes the reali>atio of its tr#e
idea3 ad the pro)ise of 9is ow si)ple parable is perfe&tly f#lfilled309e
that abideth i )e ad 1 i hi)3 the sa)e brigeth forth )#&h fr#it= for
apart fro) )e ye &a do othig40
Shall we the reali>e3 belo2ed3 that %od has )ade ea&h of #s3 ot a self5
&otaied world of power ad perfe&tio3 b#t si)ply a &apa&ity to re&ei2e
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
9i)3 a shell to hold 9is f#lless3 a soil to re&ei2e 9is Li2ig Seed ad
fertili>ig strea)s3 ad to prod#&e3 i #io with 9i)3 the fr#its of gra&e?
'd shall we reali>e3 o the other had3 that %od has so &ostit#ted !hrist
ad the 9oly Spirit3 who is <#st the Spirit of !hrist3 as perfe&tly to )eet ad
satisfy the &apa&ities ad possibilities of o#r beig= so that3 while we are
othig witho#t 9i)3 9is life ad gra&e e"#ally re"#ire #s for their f#ll
de2elop)et? 1to 9is li2ig So %od has po#red all 9is f#lless3 so that
0i 9i) dwelleth all the f#lless of the %odhead bodily40 The 9oly Spirit
has ow be&o)e the great Ceser2oir ad syste) of distrib#tig pipes ad
&haels thro#gh whi&h 9is f#lless flows ito #s3 ad there is othig
whi&h %od re"#ires of a )a3 or whi&h )a &a e2er eed i the 2aried
e6ige&ies of life b#t !hrist possesses for #s3 ad we )ay ha2e a e6a&t
ad<#st)et to o#r e2ery eed3 by si)ply re&ei2ig 9i)4 This is the
)eaig of that bea#tif#l e6pressio3 0Af 9is f#lless ha2e all we re&ei2ed3
e2e gra&e for gra&e4 For the law was gi2e by Moses3 b#t gra&e ad reality
&a)e by Jes#s !hrist40 'll other syste)s ga2e #s )erely the ideas of thigs
or the &o))ad)ets or laws whi&h re"#ire the) of #s4 ;#t !hrist brigs
the power to reali>e the) ad is 9i)self the reality ad s#bsta&e i o#r
hearts ad li2es4 9e is the %reat Typi&al Ma4 ;#t 9e is )ore tha a patter
or a type3 e6hibitig what we o#ght to be3 ad de)adig o#r i)itatio4 9e
is also the Li2ig 9ead ad Progeitor of the 2ery life whi&h 9e 9i)self
e6hibits3 begettig it i ea&h of #s by a li2ig i)partatio of 9is 2ery beig3
ad reprod#&ig 9i)self i #s by the 2ery power of 9is ow life3 ad the
feedig ad o#rishig this life by the 9oly Spirit o#t of 9is ow beig4
!hrist+s Perso3 therefore3 is far )ore tha a patter4 1t is a power3 a seed3 a
sprig of Li2ig .ater3 ay3 the 2ery s#bsta&e ad s#pport of the life 9e
re"#ires of #s4
24 This Perso is the tr#e f#lless of e2ery part of o#r life4 The idea of
fillig i)plies #i2ersality ad &o)pleteess i the rage withi whi&h 9e
fills #s4 .e are ot filled #less we are filled i e2ery part4 This is <#st what
!hrist proposes to do i o#r f#ll sal2atio4
9e fills all the re"#ire)ets of o#r sal2atio3 all the &oditios i2ol2ed i
&oe&tio with o#r rede)ptio3 re&o&iliatio3 <#stifi&atio4 9e <#st ta/es
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
the idi&t)et agaist #s ad fills it i with 9is ow pre&io#s atoe)et3
ad i 9is ow blood writes3 0Settled fore2er40 9e ta/es the bro/e law ad
the sad ad h#)iliatig re&ord of o#r fail#res3 o)issios ad
trasgressios3 ad fills it #p with its ow perfe&t righteo#sess ad writes
o2er all o#r re&ord3 0!hrist is the ed of the law for righteo#sess to e2ery
oe that belie2eth30 0'&&epted i the ;elo2ed=0 09e was )ade si for #s
who /ew o si that we )ight be )ade the righteo#sess of %od i 9i)40
'd so 0we are &o)plete i 9i)40 0;y oe offerig 9e hath perfe&ted
fore2er the) that are sa&tified30 ad we are as f#lly sa2ed as if we had
e2er sied4
:ow3 belo2ed3 the great thig is to reali>e right here that this is &o)plete3
ad3 at the 2ery threshold3 to begi to eter ito the f#lless of !hrist by
re&ogi>ig o#rsel2es as f#lly <#stified ad fore2er sa2ed fro) all past si
ad trasgressio thro#gh the &o)plete rede)ptio of Jes#s !hrist4 The
la&/ of f#lless i o#r s#bse"#et e6perie&e is largely d#e to do#bts ad
li)itatios whi&h we allow to eter here4 !hrist+s wor/ for o#r rede)ptio
was fiished3 ad whe we a&&ept it3 it is a &o)plete ad eteral sal2atio4
'gai3 !hrist fills the deeper eed of sa&tifi&atio4 9e has pro2ided for
this i 9is atoe)et ad i the reso#r&es of 9is gra&e4 1t is all wrapped #p
i 9i)3 ad )#st be re&ei2ed as a free ad perfe&t gift thro#gh 9i) aloe4
0For of 9i) are ye i !hrist Jes#s who of %od is )ade #to #s
sa&tifi&atio40 1s sa&tifi&atio the death of the sif#l self? .ell3 this has
bee &r#&ified with 9i) already #po the !ross3 ad we ha2e b#t to had it
o2er to 9i) i #reser2ed &o))ittal3 ad 9e will slay it ad b#ry it fore2er
i 9is gra2e4 1s sa&tifi&atio a ew life of p#rity3 righteo#sess3 pea&e ad
<oy i the 9oly %host? Still )ore e)phati&ally is it tr#e that !hrist 9i)self
)#st be o#r life3 o#r pea&e3 o#r p#rity3 ad o#r f#ll ad o2erflowig <oy?
'gai3 9e is the f#lless of o#r heart life4 There is o pla&e so sa&red to #s
as o#r affe&tios3 o pla&e so &lai)ed by the great ad2ersary of o#r so#ls3
ad so i)possible to reg#late by o#r ow power ad will4 ;#t !hrist will
gi2e #s 9is heart as well as 9is Spirit3 ad will lo2e i #s with the lo2e
whi&h lo2es 0the Lord o#r %od with all o#r heart ad so#l ad stregth ad
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
)id30 ad whi&h lo2es 0oe aother e2e as 9e has lo2ed #s40 Ah3 how
blessed that we ha2e Ae who will really fill all the deli&ate ad ifiitely
diffi&#lt ad 2aried re"#ire)ets of these sesibilities ad affe&tios3 whi&h
&arry with the) s#&h a world of possibility for o#r ow or others+ weal or
'gai3 !hrist will fill all the eeds of o#r itelle&t#al life4 A#r )etal
&apa&ities will e2er /ow their f#ll wealth of power ad spirit#al
effe&ti2eess #til they be&o)e si)ply the 2essels of 9is "#i&/eig life3
ad these brais of o#rs are laid at 9is feet si)ply as the &esers whi&h are
to hold 9is holy fire4 9e will thi/ i #s3 re)e)ber i #s3 <#dge i #s3
i)part defiiteess ad &learess to o#r &o&eptios of tr#th3 gi2e #s the
tog#e of fire3 the ill#stratio that both ill#)iates ad )elts3 the a&&et
ad toe of pers#asi2eess ad sy)pathy3 the power of "#i&/ e6pressio
ad #ttera&e3 ad all the e"#ip)et e&essary to )a/e #s wor/)e 0that
eed ot to be asha)ed3 rightly di2idig the word of tr#th40 :ot of &o#rse
witho#t diliget ad faithf#l attetio to 9is wise ad holy tea&hig3 as 9e
leads #s i 9is wor/ to see at o&e o#r ow short&o)igs ad 9is f#ll
p#rpose for #s4 .e )#st be ta#ght of %od3 ad tea&hig is so)eti)es 2ery
grad#al3 ad e2e slow= b#t 09e will g#ide #s ito all tr#th30 ad 0perfe&t
that whi&h &o&ereth0 o#r ed#&atio ad preparatio for 9is wor/ ad
will= ad the )id that the 9oly Spirit "#i&/es ad #ses shall a&&o)plish
res#lts for %od whi&h all the brillia&y of h#)a gei#s ad the s&holarship
of h#)a learig &a e2er approa&h4
'gai3 9e will fill the eeds of o#r body3 for 9is body has bee &ostit#ted3
by the res#rre&tio fro) the dead3 a perpet#al so#r&e of physi&al eergy3
s#ffi&iet for e2ery )e)ber of 9is body the &h#r&h3 ad adapted to e2ery
physi&al f#&tio ad e2ery test that &o)es i the press#re of h#)a life3
ad the e6perie&e of a world where e2ery step is beset with the ele)ets
of disease3 s#fferig ad physi&al dager4 !hrist is the tr#e life of a
redee)ed body3 ad 9is 9oly Spirit is able so to "#i&/e these )ortal
bodies3 as 9e dwells withi #s3 that they shall re&ei2e a s#perat#ral 2igor
dire&tly deri2ed fro) o#r e6alted 9ead4
'gai3 !hrist will fill all the sit#atios of pro2ide&e ad all the eeds that
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
arise i o#r se&#lar &alligs ad the &ir&#)sta&es of o#r daily life4 There is
ot oe of the) that )ay ot be re&ogi>ed as &o)ig fro) 9i)3 ad
)eat to pro2e 9is all5s#ffi&ie&y i so)e ew dire&tio4 Ah3 had we the
faith to see %od i e2erythig as it )eets #s day by day3 e2ery &hapter of
life+s history wo#ld be a ew story of the ro)a&e of hea2ely lo2e i its
)agi&al power to trasfor) dar/ess ito light3 diffi&#lty ito tri#)ph3
sorrow ito <oy3 ad the earthly ito the hea2ely= ad !hrist wo#ld be
eabled to )aifest 9i)self i 9is gra&e ad power to i#)erable
witesses3 who e2er hear of 9i) fro) a p#lpit3 or read the story of 9is
gra&e i aythig else b#t h#)a li2es3 i who) they &o#ld th#s behold
'gai3 !hrist will fill o#r &apa&ities for happiess4 9e is the f#lless of o#r
pea&e ad <oy4 9e is the tr#e portio of the so#ls that 9e has )ade= ad3
wholly filled with 9i)3 there is o roo) for either &are or fear4
Fially3 !hrist will fill that f#da)etal eed o whi&h e2ery other
e6perie&e of 9is f#lless depeds3 a)ely3 the faith that re&ei2es 9i)4
This too3 is b#t the life of !hrist withi #s3 ad o#r highest part i the life
of faith is to so abado e2e o#r highest ad hardest efforts to tr#st %od3
ad so boldly 2et#re that we &a re&ei2e the 2ery faith of %od ad &lai)
the 0all thigs that are possible to hi) that belie2eth40
34 To be filled with !hrist is ot oly to be filled with the Di2ie life i
e2ery part3 b#t it is to be filled e2ery )o)et4 1t is to ta/e 9i) ito the
s#&&essi2e istats of o#r &os&io#s e6iste&e ad to abide i 9is f#lless4
For this is ot a reser2oir b#t a sprig4 1t is a life whi&h is &oti#al3 a&ti2e
ad e2er passig o with a o#tflow as e&essary as its iflow3 ad if we do
ot perpet#ally draw the fresh s#pply fro) the li2ig fo#tai3 we shall
either grow stagat or e)pty4 1t is3 therefore3 ot so )#&h a perpet#al
f#lless as a perpet#al fillig4
1t is tr#e there are periodi&al e6perie&es of spirit#al ele2atio whi&h are
part of %od+s pla for o#r life i !hrist3 ad are desiged o do#bt to lift #s
to a higher plae of abidig #io with 9i)4 There are the Pete&osts ad
se&od Pete&osts3 the great freshets ad flood5tides3 all of whi&h ha2e their
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
e&essary pla&e i the spirit#al e&oo)y4 ;#t there is the &oti#al
re&ei2ig3 breath by breath ad )o)et by )o)et3 betwee these log
iter2als ad )ore )ar/ed e6perie&es3 whi&h is e2e )ore eedf#l to
spirit#al steadfastess ad healthf#less4 %od wo#ld ha2e #s ali2e to all 9is
approa&hes3 ad ope to all the 0pre&io#s thigs of hea2e3 the dew3 ad the
deep that &o#&heth beeath3 the pre&io#s fr#its bro#ght forth by the s#3 the
pre&io#s thigs p#t forth by the )oo3 the pre&io#s thigs of the earth ad
the f#lless thereof40 S#&h li2es will fid that there is o )o)et of
e6iste&e3 ad o part of o#r beig whi&h )ay ot be so)e )iister of %od
ad draw so)e blessig fro) 9i)4
114 T9- -FF-!TS AF T9- D1I1:- F1LL1:%4
14 1t is the se&ret of holiess4 There is a )eas#re of the 9oly Spirit+s life i
e2ery regeerate so#l3 b#t it is whe e2ery part of o#r beig is filled with
9is lo2e ad possessed for 9is glory that we are wholly sa&tified3 ad it is
this di2ie f#lless whi&h e6&l#des ad /eeps o#t the power of si ad self3
e2e as it was the des&edig &lo#d #po the tabera&le whi&h left o roo)
for Moses withi4
.o#ld yo# ha2e &oti#al p#rity of heart ad tho#ght ad feelig3 ad
etire &ofor)ity to the will of %od? 0;e filled with the Spirit=0 0Af his
f#lless ha2e we re&ei2ed3 e2e gra&e for gra&e40 Let the hea2ely water
flow ito e2ery &hael of irrigatio ad by e2ery garde bed ad plat3
#til all the gra&es of o#r !hristia life shall be repleished by 9is gra&e3
ad bloo) li/e the garde of the Lord4 Aly abide i 9i) ad ha2e 9is
abidig3 ad yo# shall brig forth all the fr#it of the Spirit4
24 1t is the se&ret of happiess4 ' heart half f#ll is oly f#ll eo#gh to )a/e
it &os&io#s of its la&/4 1t is whe the &attle are filled that they lie dow i
the gree past#res4 0These thigs ha2e 1 spo/e #to yo# that )y <oy )ight
re)ai i yo# ad that yo#r <oy )ight be f#ll40
34 1t is the se&ret of power4 The ele&tri& &#rret &a so fill a little wire that it
will be&o)e a for&e to t#r the great wheels of the fa&tory3 ad the
o2erflowig sl#i&e of the 2illage strea) has power eo#gh to r# a s&ore of
fa&tories all alog the ri2er ba/s3 b#t it is si)ply be&a#se it is o2erflowig4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
Aly f#ll hearts a&&o)plish effe&t#al wor/ for %od4 Aly the o2erflow of
o#r blessig blesses others4
1114 T9- !A:D1T1A:S AF ;-1:% F1LL-D4
14 9e has pro)ised to fill the h#gry4 0;lessed are they whi&h do h#ger
ad thirst after righteo#sess3 for they shall be filled40 May who read these
lies are o do#bt logig for this e6perie&e ad thi/ig with
dis&o#rage)et of how far short they &o)e4 Dear fried3 this deep desire is
the 2ery begiig of the blessig yo# see/3 ad already the 9oly Spirit is
at wor/ preparig yo#r heart for the aswer to yo#r &ry4 :o so#l fids the
f#lless of Jes#s so speedily as the oe that is )ost deeply &os&io#s of its
fail#re ad its eeds4 Tha/ %od for that itese desire that will ot let yo#
rest short of 9is blessig4
' easter &ara2a was o2erta/e o&e i the desert with the fail#re of the
s#pply of water4 The a&&#sto)ed fo#tais were all dried3 the oasis was a
desert3 ad they halted a ho#r before s#set to fid3 after a day of
s&or&hig heat3 that they were perishig for wat of water4 Iaily they
e6plored the #s#al wells3 for they were all dry4 Dis)ay was #po all fa&es
ad despair i all hearts3 whe oe of the a&iet )e approa&hed the shei/
ad &o#selled hi) to #loose two bea#tif#l harts that he was &o2eyig
ho)e as a preset to his bride3 ad let the) s&o#r the desert i sear&h of
water4 Their tog#es were protr#dig with thirst3 ad their boso)s hea2ig
with distress4 ;#t as they were led o#t to the borders of the &a)p ad the
set free o the bo#dless plai3 they lifted #p their heads o high3 ad
siffed the air with disteded ostrils3 ad the3 with #errig isti&t3 with
&o#rse as straight as a arrow3 ad speed as swift as the wid3 they darted
off a&ross the desert4 Swift horse)e followed &lose behid3 ad a ho#r or
two later hasteed ba&/ with the glad tidigs that water had bee fo#d3
ad the &a)p )o2ed with sho#ts of re<oi&ig to the happily dis&o2ered
So still there is a hart that &a e2er fid the sprigs of li2ig water4 1t is the
heart that h#gers ad thirsts for %od4 Tha/ %od3 belo2ed3 if yo# ha2e this
deep spirit#al isti&t i yo#r so#lB Follow it as it leads yo# to the Throe
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
of gra&e3 to wait3 ad &ry3 ad re&ei2e3 #til yo# &a say3 0Satisfied with
fa2or ad f#ll with the blessig of the Lord40
24 The e)pty are always filled4 09e hath filled the h#gry with good thigs3
b#t the ri&h 9e hath set e)pty away40 0;lessed are the poor i spirit3 for
theirs is the /igdo) of hea2e40 09a2ig othig ad yet possessig all
thigs40 This is the parado6 of gra&e4 .e e2er &a be filled #til we ha2e
roo) for %od4 -2ery great blessig begis with a great sa&rifi&e3 a great
se2era&e3 a great dispossessig4 09e bro#ght the) o#t that 9e )ight brig
the) i40 'braha) )#st let Lot ha2e his &hoi&e before he &a ha2e his f#ll
iherita&e4 1saa& )#st be offered o Mo#t Moriah before %od &a )a/e
it the seat of 9is f#t#re te)ple4 Moses )#st let go the hoors ad prospe&ts
of his -gyptia pri&edo) before he &a re&ei2e his great &o))issio3 the
lastig hoor of his life wor/4 The heart )#st be e)ptied of self ad the
world before it &a be filled with Jes#s ad the 9oly %host4 Probably ea&h
of #s is as f#ll as we &a hold3 be&a#se the pla&es %od does ot fill are
&ra))ed with so)ethig else ad %od fids o roo)4 're we willig to be
e)ptied? 0Ma/e the 2alley f#ll of dit&hes30 is still the prophet+s &o))ad3
0ad the 2alley shall be filled with water40 're we i the 2alley of
h#)iliatio3 ad ha2e we opeed i the 2alley the still deeper dit&hes of
eed ad &os&io#s is#ffi&ie&y? 1 proportio as we &a say3 01 a) ot
s#ffi&iet30 we shall be able to add3 0My s#ffi&ie&y is of %od40 9a2e we
ot oly e)ptied o#t the old pirate self5will ad his &rew of worldliess ad
si3 b#t also all the &argo of o#r ow stregth3 faith ad religio#s
e6perie&e3 ad )ade roo) for !hrist to be o#r 'll ad i all always? Do
we habit#ally &ease fro) o#rsel2es i e2erythig ad th#s )a/e it
e&essary for %od to ass#)e the resposibility ad s#pply the profi&ie&y3
ad i this spirit of self5re#&iatio ad absol#te depede&e are we
growig poorer ad ri&her e2ery day?
34 The ope heart shall be filled4 0Ape thy )o#th wide ad 1 will fill it40
.e /ow what it is for the flower5&#p to &lose its petals ad also to ope to
the s#light3 the dew ad the refreshig shower4 The heart has its
s#s&eptibilities ad re&epti2e sesibilities3 b#t ofte it is so tighteed #p
with #belief3 do#bt3 fear3 ad self5&os&io#sess that it &aot ta/e i the
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
lo2e whi&h %od is waitig to po#r o#t4 Do we ot /ow what it is to )eet
people3 with a heart f#ll of lo2e3 ad fid the) all tighteed #p ad heart5
bo#d? .e be&o)e &os&io#s at o&e of the rep#lsio ad feel all the
fo#tais of o#r lo2e obstr#&ted ad rolled ba&/ agai #po o#r ow a&hig
hearts4 They &aot re&ei2e #s4 1t is li/e the )other who fo#d her log5lost
&hild after years of separatio3 b#t the &hild &o#ld ot re&ogi>e the )other3
ad as she tried to awa/e its respose ad to po#r o#t the f#ll tides of her
b#rstig heart ad fo#d o re&ogitio3 b#t oly the d#ll stare of
strageess ad s#spi&io3 ad all her &aresses ad teder o2erflowigs of
affe&tio re<e&ted ad )et with &old idiffere&e ad e2e re&oil3 her heart
bro/e i grief ad disappoit)et3 ad she wept ad sobbed i agoy4
The heart of %od is po#rig o#t 9is lo2e to )ay a so#l who &aot3 will
ot3 ta/e it i4 1t does ot /ow its Father4 9is fa&e is strage4 There see)s
o a2e#e to the d#ll earthly heart3 ad e2e the lo2e of %od has &a#se to
e6&lai)3 09ow ofte wo#ld 1 ha2e gathered yo# as a he gathereth her
brood #der her wigs3 ad ye wo#ld otB0 1 ha2e see a )a dyig for
)oths si)ply be&a#se he &o#ld ot swallow )ore tha a sigle grai of
food or spray of )oist#re4 May a !hristia+s spirit#al lary6 is <#st as
shr#/e3 ad )illios are star2ig to death i the )idst of plety3 be&a#se
their hearts are ot ope to re&ei2e %od4 There )#st be &ofide&e3 tr#st3
the lo2e that draws ear ad ta/es the faith that a&&epts ad re&ei2es3 ad
the "#ietess of spirit that stays log eo#gh ope to be wholly filled4
44 'gai3 we are filled by waitig #po the Lord i prayer3 ad espe&ially i
&oti#ed ad perse2erig prayer4 1t was after they had waited #po the
Lord that they were all filled with the 9oly %host4 Prayer is ot oly a
as/ig b#t also a re&ei2ig4 May of #s do ot wait log eo#gh before the
Lord to get filled4 @o# &a ta/e yo#r brea/fast i half a ho#r3 b#t yo#
&aot be filled with the 9oly Spirit as "#i&/ly4 There sho#ld be seasos of
spe&ial waitig #po the Lord for this 2ery p#rpose3 ad the there sho#ld
be a &easeless abidig i the Lord for the "#iet repleishig3 )o)et by
)o)et4 The oe )ay be &o)pared to the great rai stor)s that flood the
ri2er3 ad the other to the &easeless )oist#re of the air ad the )orig ad
e2eig dews4 :o &hild of %od who3 i a proper spirit3 ad with a etire
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
self5s#rreder ad tr#st3 waits #po %od for the f#ll baptis) of 9is 9oly
%host3 will e2er be disappoited3 b#t we shall s#rely go forth fro) s#&h
seasos refreshed ad o2erflowig with the lo2e ad life of %od3 ad will
fid that spe&ial ifl#e&es of power ad blessig will follow s#&h seasos3
both i o#r ow li2es ad the li2es of others4
54 Ser2i&e for %od ad for others is perhaps the )ost effe&t#al &oditio of
re&ei2ig &oti#ally the f#lless of the Spirit4 's we po#r o#t the blessig
%od will po#r it i4 .e ha2e a p#)p i oe of o#r istit#tios whi&h is
wor/ed by stea)4 .e ha2e a way of always /owig whe the reser2oir o
the roof is f#ll4 There is a little tell5tale dowstairs whi&h begis to r# ad
a little bell to rig4 The we /ow that the o2erflow has beg#3 ad the
sigal has so#ded4 's log as the p#)p is silet we /ow that it is ot f#ll3
b#t that little sigal ad the a&&o)payig strea) r#ig fro) the ope
tap are as good as a telegra) fro) the distat roof4 So we &a always tell i
the !h#r&h of %od whe it is ot f#ll4 There are so)e !hristias whose bell
oly rigs o&e i a 2ery log ti)e ad whose o2erflow is so feeble ad
ifre"#et that it wo#ld s&ar&ely f#rish oe good dri/ to a poor thirsty
;elo2ed3 let #s /eep po#rig o#t )ore of %od+s blessig ad see if 9e will
ot )ore ab#datly po#r i the floods of 9is gra&e4 Let #s be 2ery
pra&ti&al abo#t this4 -2ery blessig that we ha2e re&ei2ed fro) %od is a
sa&red tr#st3 ad it will be &oti#ed oly as we #se it for 9i)4 A#r
sal2atio is ot o#r ow= it belogs to e2ery perishig so#l o the fa&e of
the globe who has ot yet had the opport#ity of a&&eptig Jes#s4 A#r
sa&tifi&atio ad o#r great se&ret of the f#lless of Jes#s is a sa&red tr#st
for e2ery !hristia who has ot yet re&ei2ed the f#lless of %od3 ad if we
do ot let this light shie3 it will s#rely be&o)e obs&#re ad we will ot be
able to tell o#t the story of o#r blessig4 A#r healig belogs to so)e
s#fferer4 A#r e2ery e6perie&e is ad<#sted to so)e heart3 ad will eable #s
to )eet so)e brother+s eed if we are b#t faithf#l to the opport#ities of
%od+s pro2ide&e4 Ah3 how &lear a tr#th be&o)es to #s whe we are tryig
to tell it to othersB Ah3 how real the baptis) of the 9oly %host whe we are
/eelig by aother+s side to &lai) it for the)B Ah3 how the strea)s of
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
!hrist+s healig flow thro#gh o#r 2ery flesh as we are leadig so)e poor
s#fferer ito the tr#thB Ah3 how the <oy of o#r sal2atio swells as we see it
sprig i the heart that we ha2e <#st led to the fo#taiB Ah3 the f#lless
that %od is logig to share with e2ery 2essel that has roo) to re&ei2e it
ad readiess to gi2eB 's we ha2e therefore re&ei2ed 9is f#lless let #s
pass it o3 dri/ig as the li2ig waters flow thro#gh o#r hads3 #til we
shall reali>e i so)e )eas#re3 the largeess ad blessedess of the great
pro)ise of the Lord3 01f ay )a thirst3 let hi) &o)e #to Me ad dri/4
9e that belie2eth o Me Gas the S&ript#re saithH3 o#t of his i)ost beig
shall flow ri2ers of li2ig water40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Fille' )it Te Spirit
0;e ye also elarged40 2 !or4 2i7 114
The law of growth is a f#da)etal pri&iple of all at#re ad rede)ptio4
.hate2er &eases to grow begis to die= staga&y brigs &orr#ptio= the
&orpse belogs to the wor)= a self5&otaied pool be&o)es a )alario#s
swa)p4 Iegetatio sprigs fro) a seed3 the seed grows ito a tree3 ad the
tree ito a forest4 9#)a life &o))e&es i ifa&y ad de2elops to
)at#rity4 The word of %od has all #folded fro) a sigle pro)ise4 The
great pla of rede)ptio has bee a &easeless progressio3 ad will be
thro#gh the ages #po ages that are yet to &o)e4
The e6perie&e of the so#l is a growth4 Tr#e3 it )#st ha2e a startig poit4
.e &aot grow ito !hristiaity we )#st be bor fro) abo2e ad the
grow4 'd so sa&tifi&atio is progressi2e3 ad yet it has a defiite
begiig4 !hrist is &o)pletely for)ed withi #s3 b#t 9e is the ifat
!hrist3 ad grows #p to the )at#rity of the perfe&t )a i #s <#st as 9e did
i 9is earthly life4
1t is here that the elarge)et of o#r te6t )eets #s4 1t is oly the tr#ly
&ose&rated !hristia that grows4 The other treads the &easeless &ir&le of
the wilderess4 ;#t he has &rossed the Jorda ad beg# the &o"#est of the
lad ad the progressi2e e6perie&e of whi&h it was the bea#tif#l patter
ad sy)bol4 :o boo/ i the ;ible has )ore progress i it tha the boo/ of
Josh#a3 ad yet fro) the 2ery begiig it is the life of oe who has wholly
died to self ad si ad has ta/e !hrist for f#ll sal2atio ad is wal/ig i
the hea2ely pla&es i 9i)4
'd e2e the boo/ of Josh#a oly begis its highest ad2a&e whe it is
al)ost eded4 1t is after the whole lad is s#bd#ed3 that the &all &o)es3
09ow log are ye sla&/ to go #p ad possess all the lad? There re)aieth
yet 2ery )#&h lad to be possessed40 'd the it is that old !aleb3 who has
the weight of eighty5fo#r years o his hoored head3 steps forth ad &lai)s
the pri2ilege of eterig #po the boldest ad hardest &a)paig of his life3
the &o"#est of 9ebro ad the 'a/i)4 1t is to #s the3 who /ow the
Lord Jes#s i 9is f#lless3 that 9e is sayig3 0;e ye also elarged40
14 .9'T 1T M-':S TA ;- -:L'C%-D4
14 .e eed a larger 2isio4 'll great )o2e)ets begi i great ideas4 There
is o progress witho#t a ew tho#ght as its e)bryo4 !hia has re)aied the
sa)e for three tho#sad years be&a#se !hia has ot a&&epted a ew idea4
9er tea&her is a )a who li2ed log before !hrist3 ad for early thirty
&et#ries she has followed the ideas of !of#&i#s ad is <#st the sa)e to5
day as she was thirty &et#ries ago4 Let !hia re&ei2e the ')eri&a idea or
the !hristia idea3 ad she will be re2ol#tioi>ed at o&e4
So the first step i o#r ad2a&e )#st be a ew &o&eptio of the tr#th as it
is i Jes#s ad a larger 2iew of 9is word ad will for #s4 .e do ot eed a
ew ;ible3 b#t we eed ew eyes to read o#r ;ible ad brighter light to
shie #po its deep ad pregat pages4 .e eed to see3 ot si)ply a
syste) of e6egesis or a syste) of ;ibli&al e6positio ad &riti&is)= a
thoro#gh /owledge of the letter ad its wodro#s fra)ewor/ of history=
geography3 ati"#ities ad a&iet lag#ages= b#t a 2i2id3 large ad
spirit#al &o&eptio of what it )eas for #s ad what %od+s tho#ght i it for
ea&h of #s is4 .e wat to ta/e it as the )essage of hea2e to the ieteeth
&et#ry ad the last de&ade3 ay3 the li2ig 2oi&e of the So of %od to #s
this 2ery ho#r3 ad to see i it the 2ery idea whi&h 9e 9i)self has for o#r
life ad wor/= to ta/e i the pro)ises as 9e #derstads the)3 the
&o))ad)ets as 9e iteds the) to be obeyed3 ad the hopes of the
f#t#re as 9e #folds the) #po the earer hori>o of their approa&hig
f#lfill)et4 9ow little ha2e we grasped the legth ad breadth ad depth
ad height of this hea2ely )essageB 9ow little ha2e we reali>ed its
a#thority ad its persoal dire&tess to #sB 0Ape tho# )y eyes3 , Lord3
that 1 )ay behold wodro#s thigs o#t of thy lawB0 01 will r# i the way of
thy &o))ad)ets whe tho# shalt elarge )y heart40 That ye )ay be
filled with 0the spirit of wisdo) ad re2elatio i the /owledge of 9i)=
the eyes of yo#r heart beig elighteed= that ye )ay /ow what is the
hope of 9is &allig3 ad what the ri&hes of the glory of 9is iherita&e i
the saits40 May the Lord grat it to ea&h of #s i the largest possible
)eas#re i a&&orda&e with 9is willB
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
24 .e eed a larger faith4 .hat is the #se of light if we do ot #se it? .e
eed a faith that will persoally appropriate all that we #derstad3 ad a
faith so large that it will rea&h the f#lless of %od+s great pro)ises= so large
that it will rise to the le2el of ea&h e)erge&y as it &o)es ito o#r life4 Do
we ot ofte feel that a pro)ise has bee bro#ght to #s with a light ad
power that we ha2e bee #able to &lai) ad a eed has arise that we are
pers#aded %od is able to )eet b#t for whi&h we are &os&io#s o#r faith is
ot graspig the 2i&tory3 at least a&&ordig to the f#ll )eas#re of the
e6ige&y? This o#ght ot so to be4 1f all thigs are possible to hi) that
belie2eth we o#ght to ha2e all thigs i 9is will for e2ery )o)et of life+s
eed4 The Di2ie patter of faith is the faith of %od4 Ah3 let #s be elarged
to this high )eas#reB
34 .e eed a larger lo2e4 .e eed a lo2e that will )eet %od+s &lai) of
perfe&t lo2e3 that we shall 0lo2e the Lord o#r %od with all o#r so#l ad with
all o#r )id ad with all o#r stregth40 .e eed a lo2e that will lo2e oe
aother 0 e2e as 9e has lo2ed #s40 .e eed a lo2e that will 0lo2e o#r
ee)ies ad pray for the) that despitef#lly #se #s ad perse&#te #s40 .e
eed a lo2e that will lo2e the lost as 9e lo2es the)3 o2er&o)ig o#r
rep#ga&e to e2ery persoal &oditio3 ad delightig to s#ffer or sa&rifi&e
for their sal2atio with the <oy that &o#ts it o sa&rifi&e4 .e eed a lo2e
that will ta/e o#r brother+s eed ad pai as if it were o#r ow3 ad
0re)e)ber those i bods as bo#d with the)3 ad the) that s#ffer
ad2ersity as beig also i the body40 .e eed a lo2e that 0s#ffers log ad
is /id= that e2ieth ot7 that 2a#teth ot itself3 is ot p#ffed #p3 see/eth
ot her ow3 is ot pro2o/ed3 thi/eth o e2il3 re<oi&eth ot i ii"#ity b#t
re<oi&eth i the tr#th= beareth all thigs3 belie2eth all thigs3 hopeth all
thigs3 ed#reth all thigs= that e2er faileth40
44 .e eed a larger <oy4 .e eed a <oy that will ot oly re<oi&e i the gifts
of %od3 b#t will re<oi&e i %od 9i)self ad fid i 9i) o#r portio ad
o#r bo#dless ad e2erlastig delight4 .e eed a <oy that will ot oly
re<oi&e i the s#shie b#t i the ho#r of dar/ess ad apparet desertio3
whe )e )is#derstad #s3 whe &ir&#)sta&es are agaist #s ad whe
e2e %od see)s to ha2e forgotte #s4 .e eed a <oy that will ot oly
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
re<oi&e i all thigs3 b#t re<oi&e e2er)ore4 .e eed a <oy that e2e whe we
do ot feel the <oy3 will 0&o#t it all <oy30 ad re<oi&e by faith4 .e eed a
<oy so large3 so deep3 so di2ie that it will ot feel its sa&rifi&es3 will ot
tal/ abo#t its trials3 b#t will 0ed#re the &ross3 despisig the sha)e30 0for
the <oy set before #s40
54 .e eed a larger e6perie&e4 .e do ot )ea by this ay )ere state of
e)otioal feelig3 b#t a larger rage of !hristia li2ig3 a brigig of
!hrist )ore ito e2erythig= a e6perie&e that will pro2e 9i) i all
sit#atios3 a)id se&#lar b#siess3 e6asperatig &ir&#)sta&es3 bafflig
perple6ities3 e6tre)e 2i&issit#des= ad3 goig all ro#d the &ir&le of h#)a
life3 will be able to say3 01 ha2e leared the se&ret3 i e2ery state i whi&h 1
a) therewith to be &otet4 1 /ow how to be abased ad how to abo#d= 1
/ow how to be f#ll ad to be h#gry3 to abo#d ad to s#ffer eed4 1 &a
do all thigs thro#gh !hrist who stregtheeth )e40 That is a large
e6perie&e4 That is a degree i the s&hool of !hrist that will o#tweigh all
the D4D4+s of all the &olleges4
64 .e eed a larger wor/4 .e do ot )ea by this that we eed a larger
sphere4 That )ay ot be4 That &ertaily is ot the &ase if we are ot fillig
o#r preset= b#t we eed a better "#ality of wor/4 .e eed to fiish o#r
#fiished wor/4 .e eed to do the thigs that we ha2e tho#ght of doig3
iteded to do3 tal/ed abo#t doig3 ad are ab#datly able to do4 .e eed
to do the wor/ that &a be doe i the iter2als ad itersti&es of life3 the
wor/ that &a be doe o the way ad o the wig3 between ti)es as well
as in ti)es of spe&ial ser2i&e ad appoit)et= the word that &a be spo/e
as we &as#ally )eet people= the wor/ that &a be doe by the wayside ad
o the &rossroads of life3 where so#ls )eet that e2er )eet agai4
So)eti)es the )iistry that &a be perfor)ed at s#&h a )o)et be&o)es
the pi2ot for h#dreds of so#ls ad eteral ages to t#r #po4 .e eed a
wor/ that is larger i its upward dire&tio3 )ore wholly for %od3 )ore
sigly de2oted to 9is glory3 ad )ore satisfied with 9is appro2al whether
)e are pleased or ot4 'd we eed a larger &o&eptio ad reali>atio of
the wor/ that 9e e6pe&ts of #s i the spe&ial lie i whi&h 9e has bee
de2elopig o#r !hristia life4 Most of those who read these lies or hear
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
these words ha2e bee &alled to /ow !hrist i a )eas#re #/ow to the
great )ass of the people of %od3 ad we ha2e ot yet reali>ed what %od
e6pe&ts of #s i spreadig these spe&ial tr#ths ad e6tedig this blessed
)o2e)et3 of whi&h !hrist is the &etre ad s#bsta&e3 o2er all the lad
ad o2er all the world4 %od is &allig #s at this ti)e to a larger faith for this
spe&ial wor/5the testi)oy of Jes#s i all 9is f#lless to all the world4
$4 .e eed a larger hope4 .e eed to reali>e )ore 2i2idly3 )ore persoally3
)ore defiitely3 what the &o)ig of the Lord )eas3 ad )eas to #s3 #til
the f#t#re shall be&o)e ali2e with the a&t#al e6pe&tatio ad e2er
i))aet prospe&t of 9is 8igdo) ad 9is reward4 Ah3 how little this
great hope has bee to the hearts ad li2es of )ost of #s #til withi a few
yearsB 9ow #tterly blid the )a<ority of !hristias are to it as a a&t#al
e6perie&eB 9ow )#&h ispiratio is it fitted to afford to the heart that tr#ly
reali>es itB May the Lord elarge o#r hopes ad itesify the) #til this
be&o)es3 e6t to the lo2e of Jes#s3 the )ost ispirig3 sti)#latig3
"#i&/eig )oti2e of o#r !hristia life ad wor/B
(4 .e eed a larger baptis) of the 9oly Spirit3 for this is the tr#e s#))ig
#p of all that we ha2e said4 1t is oe thig3 ot )ay thigs3 that we eed=
ad3 filled with the Spirit i still larger )eas#re3 the fr#it of the Spirit shall
e6pad ad i&rease i proportio4 .e eed )ore roo) for 9is idwellig3
)ore s&ope for 9is e6padig3 )ore &haels for 9is o#tflow4 .e are ot
straiteed i 9i)3 we are straiteed i o#rsel2es4 09e gi2eth ot the Spirit
by )eas#re30 b#t we re&ei2e 9i) i 2ery &ofied ad s)all &apa&ities4 9e
wats )ore roo)= 9e wats o#r etire beig3 ad 9e wats so to fill it that
we shall be e6paded ito larger possibilities for 9is iwor/ig ad 9is
;elo2ed3 0be ye elarged40 'd ot oly i all these seses ad dire&tios3
whi&h o do#bt ha2e sear&hed #s ad )ade #s reali>e the li)itatios of o#r
preset li2es3 b#t we wat to be elarged i the "#ality of o#r life= we wat
ot oly )ore breadth ad legth3 b#t we wat depth ad height3 a )ore
spirit#al3 a )ore )ellow3 a )ore )at#re fr#itio3 ad a )ore established3
settled ad i))o2able stadig i ad for 9i)4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
114 !A:S1D-C'T1A:S ':D D1C-!T1A:S .1T9 ' I1-. TA AEC
14 1 order to o#r beig elarged we )#st be deli2ered fro) ad lifted
abo2e o#r old &o&eptios3 ideas ad e6perie&es4 1 a word3 we )#st be
deli2ered fro) o#r past4 Ald thigs )#st pass away before all thigs &a be
)ade ew4 .e )#st die to o#r religio#s self as well as to o#r sif#l self4 1t
was whe he was far o i the spirit#al life that Pa#l #ttered the s#bli)e
aspiratio3 0Forgettig those thigs that are behid3 ad rea&hig forth #to
those thigs whi&h are before3 1 press towards the )ar/ for the pri>e of the
high &allig of %od i !hrist Jes#s40 1 the strata of o#r globe we fid
tra&es of the wre&/ of for)er &oditios of orgai& life4 There was a
&reatio ad the there was a disitegratio3 ad o its r#is a ew ad
higher de2elop)et4 So i the spirit#al world3 we &o)e to the pla&e where
we are &os&io#s that the old e6perie&e fails to satisfy4 The old
0Cephidi)s0 are dry3 ad we )#st ope so)e ew ro&/ of 9oreb ad
re&ei2e s#pplies fro) a higher so#r&e tha before4 .he yo# fid yo#r old
est &easig to rest yo#3 be willig to lea2e it3 ad li/e the eaglets3 be
h#rled ito spa&e3 that yo# )ay be ta#ght to fly4 Let the old thigs pass
away4 They are b#t the basis of so)ethig better4 Let the old t#rpi/e be
bro/e #p4 The 8ig+s 9ighway is to be b#ilt abo2e it3 ad %od+s great
ele2ated railway &arry #s where for)erly we trod with weary feet4
There is othig that /eeps #s fro) ad2a&e)et )ore tha r#ts ad drifts3
wheel5tra&/s ito whi&h o#r &hariots roll ad the )o2e o i the arrow
lie with #&hagig )ootoy3 &#rrets i life+s strea) o whi&h we are
bore i the old dire&tio #til the law of habit al)ost )a/es ad2a&e
i)possible4 The tr#e re)edy for all this is to &o))e&e ea&h day aew ad
to &o))e&e at othig= ta/ig !hrist afresh to be the 'lpha ad A)ega
for a deeper3 higher3 di2ier e6perie&e3 waitig e2e for 9is !o&eptio of
tho#ght3 desire3 prayer3 ad afraid lest o#r highest tho#ght sho#ld be below
9is great pla of wisdo) ad lo2e4
're there ot so)e of #s3 belo2ed3 who ha2e bee tryig a good while to
get ba&/ a old e6perie&e? 1f we s#&&eeded we sho#ld oly be where we
were3 ad if we are oly goig to get where we were3 we ha2e abadoed
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
the law of progress ad beg# the dowward retrogressio4 %od has
9i)self withered by 9is ow &os#)ig breath the flower ad fragra&e of
yo#r for)er <oys3 that 9e )ay lead yo# ito so)ethig better4 Let yo#r old
e6perie&e go3 ad ta/e the li2ig3 e2erlastig !hrist istead4 ;e willig to
be elarged a&&ordig to 9is tho#ght3 ad e6&eedig ab#datly abo2e all
that yo# ha2e yet bee able to as/ or thi/4
24 1f we wo#ld be elarged a&&ordig to the tho#ght of %od3 we )#st be
deli2ered fro) all h#)a stadards3 opiios ad patters3 ad a&&ept
othig less tha %od+s ow di2ie ideal4 M#ltit#des are /ept fro) spirit#al
progress by &ast5iro syste)s of do&trie whi&h ha2e settled fore2er the
fa&t that holiess is i)possible i the preset life3 ad that 0o )ere )a3
si&e the fall3 is able to /eep the &o))ad)ets of %od3 b#t doth daily
brea/ the) i word3 tho#ght ad deed40 'd the a row of h#)a
&hara&ters is set before #s to pro2e the i)possibility of sa&tifi&atio3 ad
to show the satisfyig ad h#)blig ifl#e&e of h#)a i)perfe&tio4
M#ltit#des ha2e )ade #p their )ids i ad2a&e that they e2er &a ha2e
the f#lless of Jes#s beyod &ertai arrow li)its3 ad3 of &o#rse3 they
&aot ad2a&e beyod their stadards4 :ow we "#ite agree with the
state)et that o )ere )a &a be holy or bla)eless3 b#t the Lord Jes#s is
o )ere )a3 ad whe 9e ows ad /eeps the heart it is a di2ie holiess
ad a di2ie /eepig= ad we do assert that what o )ere )a &a do the
li2ig !hrist &a do ad does do for those who abide i 9i)4 Let #s ta/e
the di2ie )eas#re3 whate2er )a )ay thi/ or say4
May also are e2er loo/ig to so)e h#)a e6a)ple3 ad3 0)eas#rig
the)sel2es by the)sel2es ad &o)parig the)sel2es a)og the)sel2es3
are ot wise40 -ither we shall fid o#rsel2es as good as so)ebody else ad
be &otet3 or we shall be satisfied to be as so)e h#)a ideal3 ad so shall
stop short of the oly perfe&t patter4 .e shall e2er grow #p to the
)eas#re of the Lord #til we ta/e the Lord+s ow word ad &hara&ter as o#r
stadard ad ideal= #til we ta/e o#r stad #po the s#re ad i))#table
gro#d that 9e who &o))ads holiess e6pe&ts #s to be holy3 ad that 9e
who pro)ises 9is ow gra&e ad all5s#ffi&ie&y to eable #s to )eet his
de)ads3 will ot e6&#se #s if we fail4 9e has offered #s 9i)self as the life
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
ad power of o#r obedie&e ad holiess3 ad othig less tha 9is ow
perfe&t e6a)ple sho#ld e2er satisfy o#r holy a)bitio4 Loo/ig #to 9i)
ad pressig e2er &loser to 9is side ad foot5prits3 we shall be
trasfor)ed ito the sa)e i)age3 fro) glory to glory3 ad shall th#s go
fro) stregth to stregth4
34 1f we wo#ld be elarged we )#st a&&ept all that %od seds #s as 9is ow
di2iely appoited )eas of de2elopig ad e6padig o#r spirit#al life4
.e are so &otet to abide o the old plae that %od has ofte to &o)pel #s
to rise to a higher le2el by brigig #s fa&e to fa&e with sit#atios whi&h we
&aot )eet witho#t greatly elarged )eas#res of 9is gra&e4 To #se a
s#ggesti2e fig#re3 9e has to sed the tidal wa2e to flood the lowlads
where we dwell that we )ay be &o)pelled to )o2e to the hills beyod= or3
to ta/e a )ore s&ript#ral ad bea#tif#l fig#re3 li/e the )other bird3 9e has
to brea/ #p o#r dowy est ad to h#rl #s ito e)pty spa&e3 where we )#st
either lear to #se a etirely ew ad higher )ethod of s#pport or si/
ito destr#&tio4 Th#s 9e allowed the &risis of 9is terrible peril to &lose
aro#d Ja&ob o the ight whe he bowed at Peiel i s#ppli&atio3 i order
to brig hi) to the pla&e where he &o#ld ta/e hold of %od as he e2er
wo#ld ha2e doe= ad forth fro) that arrow pass of peril Ja&ob &a)e
elarged i his faith ad /owledge of %od3 ad i the power of a ew ad
2i&torio#s life4 9e had to s#ffer 1srael to be sh#t i at the Ced Sea that they
)ight be &o)pelled to ta/e hold of %od for their s#perat#ral help3 or
perish4 9e had to &o)pel Da2id3 by a log ad paif#l dis&iplie of years3
to lear the al)ighty power ad faithf#less of his %od3 ad to grow #p
ito the established pri&iples of faith ad godliess3 whi&h were
idispesable for his s#bse"#et ad glorio#s &areer as the /ig of 1srael4
:othig b#t the e6tre)ities i whi&h Pa#l was &ostatly pla&ed &o#ld e2er
ha2e ta#ght hi)3 ad ta#ght the &h#r&h thro#gh hi)3 the f#ll )eaig of the
great pro)ise he so leared to &lai)3 0My gra&e is s#ffi&iet for thee40 'd
othig b#t o#r trials ad perils wo#ld e2er ha2e led so)e of #s to /ow
9i) as we do3 to tr#st 9i) as we ha2e3 ad to draw fro) 9i) the )eas#res
of gra&e whi&h o#r 2ery e6tre)ities )ade idispesable4
Afte 9e &alls #s to a wor/ far beyod o#r at#ral stregth or edow)ets3
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
b#t the e)erge&y oly throws #s #po 9i)3 ad we always fid 9i)
e"#al to the eed whi&h 9is wisdo) ad pro2ide&e ha2e bro#ght i o#r
way4 1t is said that good Mrs4 ;ooth3 the great asso&iate leader of the
Sal2atio 'r)y3 ad perhaps the )ost gifted !hristia wo)a i -glad3
was led ito all her p#bli& wor/ by beig &o)pelled #e6pe&tedly to fa&e a
large &ogregatio ad fill a appoit)et of whi&h she had ot drea)ed4
Two &o#rses were ope5oe to shri/ ad e2ade the #e6pe&ted iss#e3 the
other to throw herself #po %od for larger reso#r&es of wisdo)3 #ttera&e
ad power4 She was astoished at the aswer whi&h her Father ga2e as she
wet forward i si)ple &ofide&e3 ad fro) that ho#r she dwelt i the
large pla&e of di2ie s#ffi&ie&y ad worldwide #sef#less3 ito whi&h she
had al)ost bee for&ed4
May of #s &a re)e)ber how i the begiig of o#r !hristia wor/ we
2et#red to a&&ept positios of resposibility for whi&h we felt we were
iade"#ate3 b#t3 as we threw o#rsel2es #po %od ad dared to go forward3
9is gra&e was s#ffi&iet4 .he a yo#g )iister of twety5oe3 ad <#st
lea2ig )y theologi&al se)iary3 1 had the &hoi&e of two fields of labor5oe
a e6tre)ely easy oe3 i a delightf#l tow with a refied3 affe&tioate ad
prospero#s &h#r&h3 <#st large eo#gh to be a ideal field for oe who
wished to sped a few years i "#iet preparatio for f#t#re #sef#less= the
other3 a large3 absorbig &ity &h#r&h3 with )ay h#dred )e)bers3 ad
o2erwhel)ig ad hea2y b#rdes3 whi&h were s#re to de)ad the #t)ost
possible &are3 labor ad resposibility4 'll )y frieds3 tea&hers ad
&o#sellors ad2ised )e to ta/e the easier pla&e4 ;#t a i)p#lse3 whi&h 1
ow belie2e to ha2e bee3 at least idire&tly3 fro) %od3 e2e tho#gh there
)#st ha2e bee so)e h#)a a)bitio i it3 led )e to feel that if 1 too/ the
easier pla&e 1 sho#ld probably rise to )eet it ad o )ore3 ad if 1 too/ the
harder 1 sho#ld ot rest short of all its re"#ire)ets4 1 fo#d it e2e so4 My
early )iistry was de2eloped ad the habit of 2et#rig o diffi&#lt
#derta/igs was largely established3 by the gra&e of %od3 thro#gh the
e&essities of this diffi&#lt positio4
Let #s the3 belo2ed3 be willig to be elarged3 altho#gh it )ay i2ol2e
)ay a sa&rifi&e3 )ay a peril3 )ay a ha>ardo#s #derta/ig4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
44 1f we wo#ld be elarged let #s ta/e the 9oly %host 9i)self to elarge #s
by fillig #s with 9is f#lless4 The highest elarge)et is by the power of
e6pasio4 1t is the i&o)ig wa2e whi&h elarges the little pool as it fills
it3 ad the rolls ba&/ to the sea to ret#r with still larger f#lless ad )a/e
yet a)pler roo)4 :othig so sweeps away the littleess of o#r &o&eptios
of %od3 the pettiess of o#r faith3 the arrowess of o#r lo2e3 the )eaess
of o#r self5&os&io#sess3 the isigifi&a&e of o#r wor/3 as to be filled
with 9is glorio#s prese&e3 to loo/ i 9is fa&e3 to feel the tides of 9is lo2e3
ad to be thrilled with the to#&h of 9is ow heart ad its )ighty tho#ghts
ad p#rposes for #s ad for the world for whi&h 9e died4 .e eed ot say
that the pla&e to re&ei2e 9i) is the )er&y seat4 .aitig before 9i) i
prayer3 re&ei2ig 9i) i &o))#io3 dri/ig deeper ad deeper of 9is
life ad lo2e3 the 2essel is ot oly filled b#t e6paded3 #til we /ow
so)ethig of the prayer of the apostle i the third &hapter of -phesias3
0that ye )ight be stregtheed with )ight by 9is Spirit i the ier )a=
that !hrist )ay dwell i yo#r hearts by faith= that ye3 beig rooted ad
gro#ded i lo2e3 )ay be able to &o)prehed with all saits what is the
legth ad breadth ad depth ad height3 ad to /ow the lo2e of %od
whi&h passeth /owledge3 that ye )ight be filled with all the f#lless of
54 1f we wo#ld be elarged to the f#ll )eas#re of %od+s p#rpose3 let #s
edea2or to reali>e so)ethig of o#r ow &apa&ities for 9is fillig4 .e
little /ow the si>e of the h#)a so#l ad spirit4 :e2er3 #til 9e reews3
&leases ad eters the heart &a we ha2e ay ade"#ate &o&eptio of the
possibilities of the beig who) %od )ade i 9is 2ery i)age3 ad who)
9e ow reews after the patter of the Lord Jes#s 9i)self4 .he we
re)e)ber that %od has )ade the h#)a so#l to be 9is te)ple ad abode3
ad that 9e /ows how to )a/e the ho#se that &a hold 9is ifiite
f#lless3 we )ay be 2ery s#re that there are &apa&ities i the h#)a spirit
whi&h oe of #s ha2e e2er yet beg# to reali>e4 .e /ow so)ethig of
the) as all o#r at#re "#i&/es ito sprig5tide life at the &o)ig of the
9oly Spirit3 ad as fro) ti)e to ti)e ew baptis)s awa/e the dor)at
powers ad s#s&eptibilities that we did ot /ow we possessed4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
;#t all this is b#t the begiig of a ifiite possibility4 Ah3 how 9e has
so)eti)es ta/e a low3 &oarse3 br#tal at#re3 that for 0years has see)ed to
possess o &apa&ity e6&ept for &ri)e ad ses#ality3 ad )ade it ot oly as
p#re b#t as bright as a agel+s )id3 ad bro#ght forth fro) that brai3 that
2oi&e3 that tog#e3 that taste3 that i)agiatio3 whe ill#)iated ad
2i2ified by the 9oly %host3 s#&h glorio#s fr#itios as the life wor/ of a
9arry Moorho#se3 the elo"#e&e of a Ci&hard .ea2er3 the )ar2elo#s
allegory of a Joh ;#ya3 ad the e6"#isite hy)s ad poe)s of a
Ah3 let #s gi2e 9i) the right to )a/e the best of #s3 ad3 with woder
filled3 we shall so)e day behold the glorio#s te)ple whi&h 9e has reared3
ad shall say3 0Lord3 what is )a that tho# hast set thie heart #po 9i)?0
64 1f we wo#ld rise to the f#ll )eas#re of %od+s stadard for #s3 let #s
reali>e the )agit#de of %od as well as of o#r ow beig3 for it is with
othig less tha 9i)self that 9e )eas to fill #s4 Let #s ta/e i the f#ll
di)esios of 9is reso#r&es of gra&e3 their legth3 their breadth3 their
depth3 their height= ad the let #s )eas#re3 if we &a3 the )agit#de of
%od who is the li2ig s#bsta&e ad persoal so#r&e of all this gra&e3 ad
we shall ha2e so)e appro6i)atio at least to what the apostle )eas whe
9e e6&lai)s3 0:ow #to 9i) that is able to do e6&eedig ab#datly abo2e
all that we as/ or thi/3 a&&ordig to the power that wor/eth i #s3 #to
9i) be glory i the &h#r&h by !hrist Jes#s3 thro#gho#t all ages3 world
witho#t ed4 ')e40
$4 'd3 fially3 let #s re)e)ber that we ha2e eteral years i whi&h to
de2elop all this di2ie ideal4 Ah3 &o#ld we see o#rsel2es as we shall so)e
day be3 &o#ld we behold this )orig that glorio#s &reat#re that the
#i2erse shall so)e day &o)e to behold i the i)age of the So of %od3
&o#ld we see o#r fa&es shiig as the s# i the /igdo) of o#r Father3 ad
hear the sogs of rapt#re that will yet b#rst fro) o#r lips i higher otes
tha agels e2er s#g3 we wo#ld woder at the littleess of o#r faith to5day
ad o#r fear to as/ o#r Father for the )erest fra&tio i ad2a&e of o#r
great iherita&e4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
This is o pi&t#re of the i)agiatio4 This is o soarig drea) of hope or
fa&y3 for 9e has told #s that we shall be li/e 9i) whe 9e shall appear4
Ah3 &o#ld we ta/e yo# #p to hea2e this )orig ad let yo# ga>e a sigle
)o)et o the fa&e of Jes#s3 shiig 0as the s# shieth i his stregth=0
&o#ld we &o)prehed the ifiite wisdo) that this 2ery )o)et is ta/ig
i the whole sweep of the #i2erse i the grasp of 9is tho#ght3 listeig to
a tho#sad prayers at o&e3 ad)iisterig the go2er)et of i#)erable
worlds3 ad yet at leis#re to liste to o#r faitest &ry= &o#ld we )eas#re 9is
o)ipote&e as 9e holds i 9is hads the reis of #i2ersal power ad
do)iio= &o#ld we stad the 2isio of 9is bea#ty ad feel the thrill of 9is
lo2e i all its e&stati& power5we wo#ld ha2e so)e &o&eptio of what we
are o#rsel2es yet to be7 for 0we shall /ow e2e as we are /ow=0 we shall
share the wor/ of 9is o)ipote&e= we shall shie i all 9is bea#ty= we
shall refle&t 9is )oral perfe&tios= we shall sit with 9i) #po 9is throe=
we shall be i2ested with 9is tras&edet glory= ad all we re&ei2e of 9i)
to5day is a )ere istal)et i ad2a&e of that whi&h is already o#r ow by
right of iherita&e3 ad whi&h shall be a&t#ally reali>ed as fast as we &a
ta/e it i4 .e ha2e eterity before #s4 ;elo2ed3 let #s rise to the height of
s#&h a prospe&t e2e here= let #s wal/ as those who dwell i hea2ely
pla&es ad share the res#rre&tio ad as&esio life of their lo2ig 9ead4
Cise with thy rise Lord3
's&ed with !hrist abo2e3
'd i the hea2elies wal/ with 9i)
.ho) seeig ot3 yo# lo2e4
Loo/ o yo#r trials here
's 9e beholds the) ow3
Loo/ o this world as it will see)
.he glory &rows yo#r brow4
.al/ as a hea2ely ra&e3
Pri&es of royal blood=
.al/ as the &hildre of the Lord3
The sos ad heirs of %od4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
Fear ot to ta/e yo#r pla&e
.ith Jes#s o the throe3
'd bid the powers of earth ad hell
9is so2ereig s&eptre ow4
@o#r f#ll rede)ptio rights
.ith holy boldess &lai)3
'd to its #t)ost f#lless pro2e
The power of Jes#s+ a)e4
@o#r life is hidde ow3
@o#r glory oe &a see3
;#t whe 9e &o)es 9is bride will shie
'll glorio#s as 9e4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Te Larger Li!e
0:ot 13 b#t !hrist40 %al4 ii7 2,4
The story of 'braha)3 1sh)ael ad 1saa& is a parable3 ill#stratig this te6t4
The &astig o#t of 1sh)ael is )ost &learly de&lared i this 2ery epistle to be
a allegory settig forth the spirit#al e6perie&e of the belie2er whe he
dies to the law ad si thro#gh the &ross of Jes#s !hrist3 ad &o)es ito the
res#rre&tio life of his Cise Lord4 ;#t there is so)ethig )ore tha the
e6perie&e of 1sh)ael ad o#r deli2era&e fro) the power of idwellig
si4 1 the patriar&hal story3 this was followed by the offerig #p of 1saa& o
Mo#t Moriah3 ad there &a be o do#bt that this sets forth the deeper
spirit#al e6perie&e ito whi&h the f#lly &ose&rated heart )#st &o)e3
whe e2e the sa&tified self is laid #po the altar li/e 1saa& #po the
)o#t3 ad we be&o)e dead he&eforth3 ot oly to si3 b#t to that whi&h is
worse tha si3 e2e self4
There is a foe whose hidde power
The !hristia well )ay fear=
More s#btle far tha ibred si
'd to the heart )ore dear4
1t is the power of selfishess3
The pro#d ad wilf#l 1=
'd ere )y Lord &a li2e i )e3
My 2ery self )#st die4
This is the lesso of 1saa&+s offerig ad Pa#l+s e6perie&e4 01 ha2e bee
&r#&ified with !hrist30 that is the death of si= 0e2ertheless 1 li2e30 that is
the ew life i the power of 9is res#rre&tio= 0yet ot 13 b#t !hrist li2eth i
)e30 that is the offerig of 1saa&3 the deli2era&e fro) self3 ad the
s#bstit#tio of !hrist 9i)self for e2e the ew self= a s#bstit#tio so
&o)plete that e2e the faith by whi&h this life is )aitaied is o loger
o#r self5s#staied &ofide&e b#t the 2ery 0faith of the So of %od who
lo2ed )e ad ga2e 9i)self for )e3 that is3 istead of )e3 ad as )y
.e read i the boo/ of Josh#a of the three sos of 'a/3 who for)ed the
'a/i)3 the ra&e of giats who held the &ity of 9ebro before !aleb+s
&o"#est3 ad were the terror of the 1sraelites4 Literally 'a/ )eas log5
e&/ed3 ad represets pride3 &ofide&e3 willf#less3 ad self5s#ffi&ie&y4
The first of the 'a/i) )ay be &alled3
14 Self5will3 the dispositio to r#le3 ad espe&ially to r#le o#rsel2es= the
spirit that broo/s o other will ad is its ow law ad god4 Therefore the
first step i the &ose&rated life is #&oditioal s#rreder4 This is
idispesable to brea/ the power of self at the &etre3 ad to establish
fore2er the absol#te so2ereigty of the will of %od i the heart ad life of
the !hristia4 .e &aot abide i holiess ad we &aot be wholly #sed
for %od #til self5will is so #tterly &r#&ified that we &o#ld ot e2e thi/
for a istat of a&tig &otrary to 9is will or witho#t 9is orders4 This is
obedie&e3 ad obedie&e is the law of the !hristia life ad )#st be
absol#te3 #"#estioig3 ad witho#t ay possible e6&eptio4 0@e are )y
frieds if ye do whatsoe2er 1 &o))ad yo#40
1t is tr#e that %od re"#ires of #s i the life of faith the e6er&ise of a 2ery
strog will &oti#ally3 ad there is o do#bt that faith itself is largely the
e6er&ise of a sa&tified ad itesified will3 b#t i order to this it is
e&essary that o#r will be wholly reo#&ed ad %od+s will i2ariably
a&&epted istead3 ad the we &a p#t ito it all the stregth ad for&e of
o#r beig3 ad will it e2e as %od wills it3 ad be&a#se 9e wills it4 1 short3
it is a e6&haged will= the despoti& tyray of 'a/ e6&haged for the
wise3 beefi&et yet still )ore absol#te so2ereigty of %od4
24 Self5&ofide&e is the e6t of 'a/+ s ra&e4 1t is the spirit that draws its
stregth fro) self aloe ad disdais the ar) of %od ad the help of 9is
gra&e4 1 a )ilder for) it is the spirit that tr#sts its ow spirit#al gra&es or
2irt#es3 its )orality perhaps3 its &o#rage3 its faith3 its p#rity3 its
steadfastess3 its <oy3 ad its trasitory e)otios of hope3 eth#sias)3 or
>eal4 1t is <#st as e&essary to die to o#r self5s#ffi&ie&y as to o#r self5will4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
1f we do ot we shall ha2e )ay a fall ad fail#re #til we lear3 with the
)ost tri#)phat ad s#&&essf#l laborer that e2er followed the footsteps of
his Lord3 that 0we are ot s#ffi&iet of o#rsel2es to thi/ aythig as of
o#rsel2es3 b#t o#r s#ffi&ie&y is of %od40 The sa&tified heart is ot a self5
&ostit#ted egie of power3 b#t is <#st a set of wheels ad p#lleys that are
absol#tely depedet #po the great &etral egie whose for&e is
e&essary &oti#ally to )o2e the)4 1t is <#st a &apa&ity to hold %od= <#st a
2essel to be filled with 9is goodess3 held ad #sed by 9is had= <#st a
possibility of whi&h 9e3 i 9is abidig life3 is &ostatly the )oti2e power
ad i)pellig for&e4 The word 0&ose&rate 0i 9ebrew )eas 0to fill the
had30 ad bea#tif#lly s#ggests the idea of a e)pty had whi&h %od
9i)self )#st &oti#ally fill4
34 Self5gloryig is the last ad )ost i)pio#s of these !aaaitish tribes4 9e
ta/es the 2ery throe of Jeho2ah ad &lai)s the glory d#e #to 9i) aloe4
So)eti)es it is a desire for h#)a praise4 So)eti)es it is )ore s#btle3 the
pride so pro#d that it will ot stoop to &are for the appro2al of others3 ad
its s#pre)e delight is i its ow self5&os&io#sess ad s#periority3 ability
or goodess4 Metaphysi&ias ha2e so)eti)es )ade this happy disti&tio3
that 2aity is a iferior 2i&e to pride4 Iaity oly see/s the praise of
others3 b#t pride disdais the opiios of others ad rests ba&/ i the
&o)pla&et &os&io#sess of its ow e6&elle&y4 .hate2er its phase )ay
be3 the root ad pri&iple is the sa)e4 1t is i)pio#s self3 sittig o the
throe of %od3 ad &lai)ig the hoor ad glory that belog to 9i) aloe4
These three for)s of self are ill#strated by three 2ery sole) e6a)ples i
the word of %od4 Sa#l the first /ig of 1srael is a fearf#l )o#)et of the
peril of self5will4 9is dowward &areer bega i a sigle a&t of
disobedie&e3 a disobedie&e whi&h see)ed to ha2e respe&t to a )ere
"#estio of detail3 b#t whi&h was really a a&t of self5will3 a s#bstit#tio of
his &hoi&e for %od+s e6press &o))ad4 The prophet Sa)#el &hara&teri>es
his si i these 2ery e6pressi2e words3 0To obey is better tha sa&rifi&e3 ad
to hear/e tha the fat of ra)s4 For rebellio is as the si of wit&h&raft Gor
de2il worshipH3 ad st#bboress is as ii"#ity ad idolatry4 ;e&a#se tho#
hast re<e&ted the word of the Lord3 9e hath also re<e&ted thee fro) beig
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
/ig40 1t is e2idet fro) these words that the 2ery esse&e of Sa#l+s si lay
i this ele)et of willf#less ad st#bboress whi&h had dared to
s#bstit#te his ow ideas ad prefere&es for the word of Jeho2ah4 Fro) this
)o)et his obedie&e was e&essarily "#alified ad of &o#rse worthless3
ad %od set 9is prophet to &hoose aother /ig3 who3 altho#gh f#ll of
h#)a i)perfe&tios3 had this oe thig o whi&h %od &o#ld f#lly deped3
a)ely3 a p#rpose to obey %od whe he f#lly #derstood 9is will4
Therefore %od &alls Da2id 0a )a after )y ow heart who shall perfor)
all )y will40 Da2id )ade )ay )ista/es ad &o))itted )ay dar/ ad
terrible sis3 b#t they were whe #der strog te)ptatio ad whe blided
by passio ad haste3 b#t e2er with the p#rpose of disobeyig %od3 or3 at
the ti)e3 with the &os&io#sess that he was trasgressig4 The sad3 sad
story of Sa#l+s dowward des&et ad fial ad tragi& r#i sho#ld be
eo#gh to )a/e #s tre)ble at the peril whi&h lies before the willf#l so#l3
ad to lead #s to &ry3 0:ot )y will b#t thie be doe40
.e ha2e <#st as )ar/ed a ista&e of the peril of self5&ofide&e i Si)o
Peter4 Strog i his trasitory eth#sias)3 ad igorat of the real wea/ess
of his ow heart3 he hoestly )eat what he said3 whe he e6&lai)ed3
0Tho#gh all )e sho#ld dey thee yet will 1 e2er dey thee40 ;#t alasB the
sha)ef#l deial3 the #pbraidig loo/ of Jes#s3 the bitter tears of peite&e
ad the sad days of the &r#&ifi6io that followed had to tea&h hi) the
lesso of his othigess3 ad the e&essity of wal/ig he&eforth with
dowward head i the stregth of the Lord aloe4
.e are ot left witho#t as 2i2id ad i)pressi2e a ob<e&t lesso of the last
for) of self5will5the pride that glories i its ow a&hie2e)ets or
e6&elle&ies4 01s ot this great ;abylo that 1 ha2e b#ilt?0 &ries
:eb#&hade>>ar3 i the ho#r of his tri#)ph3 as he loo/s #po that spledid
&ity3 whi&h was ideed a parago of h#)a glory3 ad s#r2eys i his
i)agiatio the )ightier e)pire of whi&h it was the )etropolis3 a e)pire
whi&h literally &o)prised the world4 1f )ortal &o#ld e2er ha2e &a#se to
glory i earthly )agifi&e&e3 :eb#&hade>>ar had3 for %od 9i)self had
&o)pared hi) ad his /igdo) to a )a<esti& head of gold ad had
sy)boli>ed his power #der the fig#re of a wiged lio3 &o)biig the
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
)a<esty ad so2ereigty of the eagle ad the lio i oe spledid i)age4
;#t the 2ery istat that 2ai5glorio#s word rea&hed the ears of %od3 the
aswer fell fro) hea2e li/e a /ell of <#dg)et3 0The /igdo) is departed
fro) thee4 'd they shall dri2e thee fro) )e3 ad thy dwellig shall be
with the beasts of the field3 till tho# /ow that the Most 9igh r#leth i the
/igdo) of )e3 ad gi2eth it to who)soe2er 9e will40 This is the
gloryig of the &aral heart3 b#t e2e the follower of %od )ay )igle his
ow self5see/ig ad his ow hoor with his wor/ for %od ad th#s i)pair
his #sef#less ad lose his ow re&o)pese4
There is ot a )ore pitif#l pi&t#re i the log paora)a of the ;ible tha
that )orbid ad gr#)blig prophet3 sittig o#tside the gates of :ie2eh
#der a withered go#rd3 his fa&e blistered ad swolle with the s&or&hig
s# ad his eyes red with #seless weepig= as/ig %od that he )ight die3
be&a#se his )iistry had bee dishoored= ad presetig a spe&ta&le of
ridi&#lo#s )ela&holy ad &hagri while all aro#d hi) )illios were
re<oi&ig ad praisig %od for the )er&y whi&h had <#st deli2ered the)
fro) a awf#l &atastrophe4 Poor JoahB %od had gi2e hi) the )ost
hoorable )iistry e2er yet a&&orded to a h#)a beig4 The first foreig
)issioary3 he had bee set to prea&h to the )ightiest e)pire o the fa&e
of the globe ad the i)perial &ity of the world3 pro#d :ie2ehB 9is
prea&hig had bee s#&&essf#l as o )ortal e2er had s#&&eeded4 The whole
&ity was lyig prostrate o their fa&es at the footstool of )er&y i peite&e
ad prayer thro#gh his words3 ad the atio+s heart3 for a )o)et at least3
was t#red to %od4 'd yet so f#ll of hi)self had all his wor/ bee3 so
#tterly was he absorbed i his ow &redit3 rep#tatio ad hoor3 that whe
%od listeed to the peitet &ries of the :ie2ites ad re2o/ed the sete&e
whi&h Joah hi)self had #ttered3 ad redered his prophe&y #ll ad 2oid3
so that istead of his word &o)ig to pass he hi)self wo#ld probably be
afterwards ridi&#led as a faati& ad idle alar)ist3 poor Joah be&a)e
disg#sted ad e6asperated ad li/e a petted &hild wet o#t ad threw
hi)self #po his fa&e o the gro#d ad as/ed %od to /ill hi)3 <#st be&a#se
9e had by 9is )er&y spoiled his rep#tatio as a tr#e prophet4 9e &o#ld ot
see3 as %od did3 the #spea/able horror ad ag#ish that had bee a2erted4
9e &o#ld ot see the <oy of the di2ie heart i e6er&isig )er&y ad i
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
hearig the peitet &ries of the people4 9e &o#ld ot see the great pri&iple
of gra&e whi&h #derlies the di2ie threateigs4 9e &o#ld ot see that
great5so#led pity3 that felt for the oe h#dred ad twety tho#sad ifat
&hildre of the great &apital3 or the d#)b br#tes3 whi&h wo#ld ha2e )oaed
i their dyig agoy3 if :ie2eh had falle4
'll he &o#ld see was Joah+s rep#tatio as a tr#e prophet or what people
)ight say whe they fo#d that his word had ot &o)e to pass= ad with
that oe little wor) gawig at the root3 his pea&e ad happiess3 li/e his
ow go#rd3 withered away3 ad %od had to set hi) #p as a sort of dried
spe&i)e of selfishess3 to show the )eaess ad )isery of the self5life
that )igles its ow glory with the sa&red wor/ of the glorio#s %od3 ad
whi&h3 e2er si&e the days of Joah3 has redered it i)possible for %od to
#se )ay a gifted )a3 ad has blighted the &h#r&h of !hrist ad redered
2ai the )iistry of tho#sads be&a#se %od &o#ld ot #se the) witho#t
gi2ig to )e the glory whi&h 9e will e2er gi2e to aother4 %od had tried
to /ill Joah before 9e set hi) to :ie2eh3 for 9e /ew the se&ret bae of
his heart3 ad so 9e i))ersed hi) for three days ad ights i the sea ad
b#ried hi) i the bowels of a whale= b#t o#t of that Joah &a)e3 as a great
)ay other people &o)e o#t of the e6perie&e of sa&tifi&atio with a big
self3 s#pre)e e2e i the si5&leased so#l4 Ah let #s lift #p the heart5felt
A to be sa2ed fro) )yself3 dear Lord3
A to be lost i TheeB
A that it )ay be o )oreB
;#t !hrist that li2es i )eB
114 T9- -FF-!TS AF S-LF4
14 1t dishoors %od ad sets #p a ri2al o 9is throe4 The de2il was ot
altogether a liar whe he said to o#r first parets3 0@e shall be as gods40
This is <#st what falle )a tries to be3 a god #to hi)self4 This is the
esse&e of the si of selfishess3 that it p#ts )a i the pla&e of %od by
)a/ig hi) a law ad a ed #to hi)self4 .hee2er3 ay perso a&ts3
either be&a#se it is his ow selfish will3 or for his ow self5iterest3 p#rely
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
as a ed3 he is &lai)ig to be his ow god ad dire&tly disobeyig the first
&o))ad)et3 0Tho# shalt ha2e o other gods besides Me40 Moreo2er3 i
ass#)ig the pla&e of %od3 he is doig it i a spirit the 2ery opposite of
%od+s3 for %od is lo2e3 ad lo2e is the 2ery opposite of selfishess4 9e is
th#s )i)i&/ig %od ad pro2ig3 at the sa)e ti)e3 his #tter #fitess to
o&&#py 9is throe by his #li/eess to 9i)4
24 1t leads to e2ery other si ad brigs ba&/ the whole power of the &aral
at#re4 For while self aloe atte)pts to /eep the heart it fids si ad Sata
too strog4 ' self5 perfe&tio is ot possible for ay )a4 There )#st be
)ore tha 010 before there &a be 2i&tory4 1 the se2eth of Co)as the
apostle tells #s what 013 )yself0 &a do ad that is3 ieffe&t#ally str#ggle4 1
the eighth it is what 0!hrist i )e0 &a do3 ad that is 2i&tory ad
e2erlastig lo2e4 The )a or wo)a who oly goes so far as to re&ei2e
'da)i& p#rity3 if s#&h a thig be i&l#ded i the %ospel at all3 will soo
ha2e the e6t &hapter of 'da)i& history3 ad that is the te)ptatio ad fall4
;#t the )a who re&ei2es !hrist to dwell withi ad /eep the heart by 9is
)ighty power3 shall rise 0to the )eas#re of the stat#re of the f#lless of
34 The self5life leads ba&/ to the do)iio of Sata4 Sata+s ow fall bega
probably i a for) of self5lo2e4 Made to be depedet o %od e2ery
)o)et3 probably he be&a)e idepedet= ad &ote)platig his ow
perfe&tio3 ad thi/ig it was so)ethig that was his ow3 he be&a)e
separated fro) %od3 ad the ie2itably fell ito rebellio agaist 9i) ad
eteral ri2alry3 disobedie&e ad all that &a be the opposite of the di2ie
ad the holy4 'd so still3 ay so#l that be&o)es self5&ostit#ted or
o&&#pied with its ow 2irt#es3 ad tries to be idepedet of Jes#s3 either as
the so#r&e of its stregth or the s#pre)e ed of its beig3 will fall #der the
power of Sata ad share his awf#l des&et4 .here &a we fid a sadder
ill#stratio of the ed of self tha i the story of Sa#l? 9e bega with Sa#l
ad eded with Sata4 The first &hapter is self5will3 the last is the awf#l
ight at -dor ad the bloody day of death ad r#i o Mo#t %ilboa4
44 1t is fatal to the spirit of lo2e ad har)oy4 1t is the opposite of lo2e ad
the so#r&e of strife3 bigotry3 s#spi&io3 se&tariais)3 e2y3 <ealo#sy ad the
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
whole ra&e of so&ial sis ad grie2a&es that affli&t the !hristia life ad
the &h#r&h of %od4 1t is the )other of the strifes ad se&tariais)s of the
&h#r&h fro) the 2ery begiig4 .here it pre2ails there &a be o tr#e
#ity3 o happy &o5operatio4 @o# e2er &a ha2e a har)oio#s &h#r&h or a
happy fa)ily where self is predo)iat i the hearts of the people4 The
2ery se&ret of !hristia &o5operatio ad happy &h#r&h life is 0forbearig
oe aother i lo2e30 edea2orig to /eep the #ity of the Spirit i the bod
of pea&e3 0i hoor preferrig oe aother40
54 1t )ars o#r wor/ for %od4 Self5will will try to for&e the &hariots of %od+s
power ad gra&e #po o#r ow side5tra&/s3 ad that %od will e2er per)it4
Self5&ofide&e will see/ to b#ild #p the /igdo) of !hrist by h#)a
)eas ad #sa&tified istr#)etalities3 ad pres#)e to go where %od
has ot set ad to do what %od has ot "#alified #s by 9is 9oly Spirit to
do4 The res#lt is3 it is b#t &r#de wor/3 defiled by worldliess ad si3
i)per)aet ad #fr#itf#l3 as )#&h of the !hristia wor/ of to5day is3 i
all the &h#r&hes of !hrist4 'd abo2e all others3 the spirit of self5gloryig
will try to #se the p#lpit3 the orga gallery3 the s#bs&riptio boo/s3 the
religio#s paper3 the &haritable s&he)e3 the 2ery )issio for wiig so#ls3
as a &hael for de2elopig so)e brilliat &hara&ter3 or to glorify so)e ri&h
)a or wo)a3 or )iister to the spirit#al self5s#ffi&ie&y of so)e
s#&&essf#l wor/er= ad %od is disg#sted with the spirit of idolatry3 ad 9is
9oly Spirit t#rs away grie2ed for the hoor of Jes#s4 Etil we are so
yielded to o#r Master that 9e ad 9e aloe &a be glorified i o#r wor/3
the Lord &aot tr#st #s with )#&h ser2i&e for 9i) or it will si)ply
be&o)e the pia&le of the te)ple fro) whi&h the de2il will h#rl #s dow4
64 Self )a/es #s #happy4 1t is a root of bitteress i e2ery heart where it
reigs4 The se&ret of <oy is hidde i the boso) of lo2e3 ad the ar)s of
self are too short e2er to rea&h it4 :ot #til we dwell i %od ad %od i #s3
ad lear to fid o#r happiess i beig lost i 9i) ad li2ig for 9is glory
ad for 9is people3 shall we e2er /ow the sweets of di2ie blessedess4
'll the world &aot fill this h#gry heart4 'll o#r spirit#al treas#res oly
&orr#pt if we hoard the) for o#rsel2es4 Aly water that r#s is li2ig water4
'd oly whe it is po#red ito other e)pty 2essels does it be&o)e wie4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
The self5willed )a is always a )iserable )a4 9e gets his ow way ad
does ot e<oy it3 ad wishes after he has had it3 that he had e2er got it3 for
it #s#ally leads hi) o2er a pre&ipi&e4 The self5s#ffi&iet )a &a e2er
/ow the sprigs whi&h lie o#tside his ow little heart3 ad the self5
gloryig )a3 li/e poor 9erod3 is eate of the wor)s of &orr#ptio ad
re)orse with whi&h %od always feeds the i)pio#s so#l that dares to &lai)
the hoors d#e to 9i) aloe4
$4 Self5lo2e always leads to a fall4 The boasted wisdo) )#st be pro2ed to
be foolishess4 The pro#d ar) )#st be laid3 li/e Pharaoh+s3 i the d#st4 The
self5 s#ffi&iet boast3 li/e Peter+s3 )#st be aswered by his ow fail#re4 The
disobediet path whi&h ref#ses %od+s wise ad holy will3 )#st be pro2ed to
be a false way4 -2ery idol )#st be abolished3 e2ery high thig bro#ght low3
ad o flesh glory i 9is prese&e4 Ah3 belo2ed3 if yo# are goig o i yo#r
ow will3 yo#r ow stregth3 for yo#r ow gratifi&atio ad glory3 bewareB
Thors lie i yo#r pathway3 serpets l#r/ beeath yo#r feet3 yawig
abysses3 perilo#s pre&ipi&es3 agry te)pests3 )idight dar/ess3 )ay a
sorrow3 )ay a tear3 )ay a fall3 await yo#4 09e that tr#steth i his ow
heart is a fool40 0There is a way that see)eth right #to a )a3 b#t the eds
thereof are the ways of death40
Ah3 let #s as/ o#r faithf#l %od to sa2e #s fro) this tyrat that dishoors
%od3 that leads #s ito &apti2ity to Sata3 that withers lo2e3 )ars the wor/
of %od3 poisos all o#r happiess= ad pl#ges #s ito fail#re ad r#i= ad
so to show #s that we are othig3 that we shall be glad to ha2e !hrist li2e
i #s3 o#r 0all i all40
1114 T9- C-M-D@ FAC S-LF4
14 %od ofte has to let self ha2e its way #til it &#res #s effe&t#ally by
showig #s the )isery ad fail#re whi&h it brigs4 This is the oly good
there is i o#r ow str#gglig3 that it shows #s the 2aity of the str#ggle
ad prepares #s the )ore "#i&/ly to s#rreder to %od4 'd so so)eti)es
e2e o#r disobedie&e is o2err#led to )a/e #s fear to repeat the e6peri)et
or to 2et#re agai oe step beyod o#r Father+s will4 Let #s beware3
howe2er3 how we atte)pt the e6peri)et o#rsel2es3 for there is always oe
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
step too far e2er to ret#r4
24 %od has pla&ed aro#d #s the blessed restraits of other hearts ad li2es
as &he&/s #po o#r selfishess3 ad li/s3 whi&h al)ost &o)pel #s to rea&h
beyod o#rsel2es ad3 wor/ with ad li2e for others4 9e has )ade o )a
idepedet of his brethre4 0.e are fitly fra)ed together0 ad so grow
ito a holy te)ple i the Lord4 .e are ad<#sted3 oe to 9is boe3 ad3 by
that whi&h e2ery <oit s#pplieth3 the body is )iistered #to ad groweth
ito the f#lless of 9is stat#re4 The &h#r&h of !hrist is o a#to&ra&y where
oe )a &a be a di&tator or a <#dge3 b#t a fellowship where Ae aloe is
Master4 'y wor/ whi&h de2elops ito a oe5)a despotis) be&o)es
withered4 1t is tr#e that %od has ra/s of wor/ers3 b#t they are all
har)oio#s ad li/ed i hea2ely lo2e4 The )a who &aot wor/ with
his brethre i )#t#al &o)fort ad har)oy has so)ethig yet to lear i
his ow !hristia life4 Tr#e3 %od does ot re"#ire #s to wor/ with
#sa&tified )e= b#t there are plety of sa&tified oes3 tha/ %od3 to5day3
where ay earest heart &a fid a &ogeial fellowship of ser2i&e= ad
while 9e will tea&h ay of #s by o#rsel2es3 ad wats #s to be idepedet
of o#r brethre i the sese of leaig o the) istead of+ %od3 yet 9e does
re"#ire that we sho#ld be able to &o5operate with the) for %od3 s#b)ittig
o#rsel2es oe to aother i the fear of %od3 oe sowig ad aother
reapig3 ad both re<oi&ig together3 0bearig oe aother+s b#rdes ad so
f#lfillig the law of !hrist30 0tr#e yo/e5fellows40 'd so by i#)erable
phrases ad fig#res 9e has ta#ght #s the blessed tr#th of !hristia
&ooperatio i the spirit of self5re#&iatio ad )#t#al &ofide&e ad
lo2e4 Let #s re&ei2e these blessed lessos ad helps3 ad let 9i) so slay i
#s the self5assertig 010 that we &a be tr#e yo/e5fellows3 ad li/e Da2id+s
)e3 be able to 0/eep ra/0 i the great host of %od4
34 The lo2e of Jes#s is the di2iely appoited pres&riptio for the death of
self4 Pa#l e6presses it bea#tif#lly3 0.e th#s <#dge that if oe died for all
the were all dead4 'd that 9e died for all that they whi&h li2e sho#ld ot
he&eforth li2e #to the)sel2es3 b#t #to 9i) that died for the) ad rose
agai40 May of #s ha2e see at so)e ti)e a yo#g3 bea#tif#l3 petted3
l#6#rio#s ad selfish girl3 growig #p s#rro#ded with wealth3 affe&tio3
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
ad)iratio3 ad#latio3 #til she was wholly spoiled3 ad be&a)e the &etre
of the &ir&le i whi&h she li2ed3 her whole beig per2erted by her
selfishess4 ;#t we ha2e see that girl years afterwards3 ad we wo#ld ot
ha2e /ow her had we ot tra&ed the iter)ediate steps4 She was ow a
self5deyig3 lo2ig wife ad )other3 her whole beig de2oted to the
happiess of that h#sbad whose fort#es she had followed a)id po2erty3
obs&#rity ad separatio fro) all her for)er frieds= sharig his pe#ry3
toilig for his &o)fort3 ad #rsig as a faithf#l ad lo2ig )other3 the little
&hildre who had &o)e ito her ar)s3 with the lo2e that e2er wearied3 that
felt o tas/ too hard3 ad o wor/ too )eial4 .hat has )ade all the
differe&e? .hat has &ast o#t that idol3 self3 fro) its throe? :othig b#t
lo2e4 That )a has wo her heart4 9e has &o)e i ad ta/e the pla&e that
it had o&&#pied= it is &ast o#t ad he reigs4 That is the si)ple story of the
death of self i the !hristia life4 1t is the lo2e of Jes#s that has e6&l#ded it3
ad e2er3 #til we be&o)e fas&iated with 9is affe&tio3 ad wo i
&o)plete &apti2ity to 9is lo2e3 shall we &ease to li2e #to o#rsel2es4 The3
li/e that girl3 we will follow 9i) aywhere4 .e will toil ad s#ffer with
9i)4 .e will be &otet witho#t )ay thigs that before we tho#ght we
)#st ha2e3 be&a#se 9is s)ile is o#r s#shie3 9is prese&e is o#r <oy3 9is
lo2e3 shed abroad i o#r hearts3 is o#r hea2e3 ad we &aot spea/ or thi/
of sa&rifi&e or s#fferig3 o#r heart is so satisfied with 9i)4
;elo2ed3 if yo# wo#ld die to self yo# )#st fall i lo2e with Jes#s ad let
9i) be&o)e to yo# the persoal reality of Solo)o+s sweet Sog i whi&h
the whole heart s#))ers ito a lad of ;e#lah ad a 09eph>ibah0 of <oy4
44 ;#t it is ot the lo2e of !hrist )erely that we wat= it is the li2ig !hrist
9i)self4 May people ha2e to#&hes of the lo2e of !hrist3 b#t 9e is a !hrist
away #p i hea2e4 The apostle spea/s of so)ethig far )ightier4 1t is
!hrist 9i)self who li2es iside ad who is big eo#gh to &rowd o#t ad
/eep o#t the little 0140 There is o other that &a tr#ly lift ad /eep the heart
abo2e the power of self b#t Jes#s3 the Mighty Lord3 the stroger tha the
strog )a ar)ed3 who ta/eth away his ar)o#r wherei he tr#sted ad
spoileth all his goods ad the ta/es fore2er the heart that has gi2e hi) its
goods4 ;lessed !hristB 9e is able ot oly for si3 sorrow ad si&/ess3 p#t
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
9e is able for yo# ad )e5able so to be o#r 2ery life3 that )o)et by
)o)et we shall be &os&io#s that 9e i #s fills #s with 9i)self ad
&o"#ers the self that r#led before4 The )ore yo# try to fight a self5tho#ght
the )ore it &ligs to yo#4 The )o)et yo# t#r away fro) it ad loo/ to
9i)3 9e fills all the &os&io#sess ad disperses e2erythig with 9is ow
prese&e4 Let #s abide i 9i)3 ad we shall fid there is othig else to do4
54 1t is al)ost the sa)e thig3 b#t aother way of sayig it3 that the baptis)
ad idwellig of the 9oly %host withi #s will deli2er ad /eep #s fro)
the power of self4 .he the &lo#d of glory etered the tabera&le there was
o roo) for Moses to re)ai= ad whe filled with the hea2ely prese&e
of the blessed Spirit we are lost i %od ad self hides away3 ad li/e Job we
&a say3 0:ow )ie eye seeth Thee4 .herefore 1 abhor )yself ad repet
i d#st ad ashes40
;elo2ed3 these te)ples were reared for 9i)4 Let 9i) fill the) so
&o)pletely that li/e the orietal te)ple of glass i the a&iet leged3 the
te)ple shall ot be see3 b#t oly the glorio#s s#light3 whi&h ot oly
shies ito it3 b#t thro#gh it3 ad the trasparet walls are all #see4
1t is ot a ew3 b#t it is a appropriate tho#ght3 that all the thigs that %od
has #sed ha2e first bee sa&rifi&ed4 1t is a sa&rifi&ed Sa2io#r3 Ae who
e)ptied 9i)self3 ad )ade 9i)self of o rep#tatio3 that %od has so
highly e6alted3 ad gi2e 9i) a a)e that is abo2e e2ery a)e3 0that at the
a)e of Jes#s e2ery /ee sho#ld bow3 of thigs i hea2e ad thigs i
earth ad thigs #der the earth40 1t was a sa&rifi&ed 1saa& that %od )ade
the pro)ised seed ad the progeitor of 1srael+s tribes4 'd it was o that
2ery Mo#t Moriah where 1saa& was sa&rifi&ed3 that %od afterwards reared
9is glorio#s te)ple4 'd so it is oly whe o#r 1saa& is o the altar ad o#r
whole beig lost i %od that 9e &a lay the deep fo#datios ad rear the
e2erlastig walls of the li2ig te)ple of whi&h 9e is the S#pre)e ad
eteral glory4
1 loo/ ba&/ to5day with ##tterable gratit#de to the loely ad sorrowf#l
ight3 whe3 )ista/e i )ay thigs3 ad i)perfe&t i all3 )y heart+s first
f#ll &ose&ratio was )ade3 ad ot /owig b#t that it wo#ld be death i
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
the )ost literal sese before the )orig light3 yet with #reser2ed
s#rreder 1 first &o#ld say3
0Jes#s3 1 )y &ross ha2e ta/e3
'll to lea2e ad follow thee=
Destit#te3 despised3 forsa/e3
Tho# fro) he&e )y 'll shalt be40
:e2er3 perhaps3 has )y heart /ow "#ite s#&h a thrill of <oy as whe the
followig Sabbath )orig 1 ga2e o#t those lies ad s#g the) with all
)y heart4 'd if %od has bee pleased to )a/e )y life i ay )eas#re a
little te)ple for 9is idwellig ad for 9is glory3 ad if 9e e2er shall be
pleased to #se )e i ay f#ller )eas#re3 it has bee be&a#se of that ho#r3
ad it will be still i the )eas#re i whi&h that ho#r is )ade the /ey5ote of
a &ose&rated3 &r#&ified ad !hrist5de2oted life4
Ah3 belo2ed3 &o)e ad let 9i) tea&h yo# the s#perlati2e degree of <oy3 the
<oy that has leared to say ot oly3 0My ;elo2ed is )ie30 b#t better e2e3
01 a) )y ;elo2ed+s=0 ad we shall fid as oe of o#r dear )issioaries i
!hia #sed to say3 09e is willig to &o)e ito the heart of e2ery oe of #s
ad lo2e #s to death40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Ismael An' Isaa/- Or. Te %eat O! Sel!
0:ay3 i all these thigs we are )ore tha &o"#erors thro#gh 9i) that
lo2ed #s405Co)4 2iii 7 3$4
1t is a great thig to be a &o"#eror i !hristia life ad &ofli&t4 1t is a
)#&h greater thig to be a &o"#eror 0i all these thigs0 whi&h the apostle
a)es3 a perfe&t host of trials3 tro#bles ad foes4 ;#t what does it )ea to
be 0)ore tha &o"#eror0?
14 1t )eas to ha2e a de&isi2e 2i&tory4 There are so)e 2i&tories that &ost
early as )#&h as defeats3 ad a few )ore s#&h tri#)phs wo#ld aihilate
#s4 There are so)e battles whi&h ha2e to be reewed agai ad agai #til
we are e6ha#sted with the &easeless strife4 May a !hristia is /ept i
&ostat warfare thro#gh la&/ of &o#rage to 2et#re o a bold ad fial
&otest ad ed the strife by a de&isi2e 2i&tory4 1t is blessed so to die that
we are dead ideed= so to yield that the last strad of the heart+s rel#&ta&e
is se2ered= so to say 0o0 to the ee)y that he will e2er repeat the
soli&itatio4 There are de&isi2e battles i the world+s history3 &ofli&ts
whose iss#es settle the f#t#re of a e)pire or of a world3 ad the so#l has
s#&h battles too4 %od is able to gi2e #s the gra&e so to wi i a few e5
&o#ters that there shall be o do#bt abo#t the side o whi&h the 2i&tory
falls ad o dager of the &otest e2er beig reewed agai4 Ather battles
we )ay ha2e ad shall ha2e3 b#t s#rely it is possible for #s to settle the
"#estios that )eet #s3 oe by oe3 ad settle the) fore2er4
;elo2ed3 are ot so)e of yo# wea/eed by this ide&isi2eess i yo#r
2iews of tr#th3 i yo#r steps of faith3 i yo#r ref#sals of te)ptatio3 i yo#r
s#rreder to %od3 i yo#r &ose&ratio to 9is ser2i&e ad yo#r obedie&e to
9is spe&ial &all? @o# ha2e bee <#st #&ertai eo#gh to /eep the "#estio
ope ad te)pt the ad2ersary to reew the &ofli&t e2er)ore4 .e
so)eti)es read i %od+s word after oe of Da2id+s hardest &ofli&ts3 or oe
of Josh#a+s boldest tri#)phs3 0the lad had rest fro) warB0 Th#s we ha2e
rest by be&o)ig 0)ore tha &o"#erors thro#gh 9i) that lo2ed #s40
24 1t is to ha2e s#&h a 2i&tory as will effe&t#ally brea/ the ad2ersary+s power
ad ot oly defed #s fro) his atta&/s b#t effe&t#ally wea/e ad destroy
his stregth4 This is oe of the p#rposes of te)ptatio3 that we )ay be
wor/ers together with %od i destroyig e2il4 .e read of Josh#a+s battles
that 0it was of the Lord that these /igs sho#ld &o)e agaist Josh#a i
battle for this 2ery p#rpose3 that they )ight be #tterly destroyed40 1t was ot
eo#gh for 1srael to beat the) off ad be sa2ed fro) their atta&/s3 b#t %od
wated the) e6ter)iated4 'd so whe %od allows the ee)y to appear
i o#r li2es it is that we )ay do hi) irreparable ad eteral i<#ry3 ad th#s
glorify %od ad be wor/ers with !hrist i destroyig the wor/s of the
de2il4 For this p#rpose %od fre"#etly brigs to light i o#r ow li2es ad
i o#r wor/ for %od3 e2ils that were &o&ealed3 ot that they )ight &r#sh
#s3 b#t that we )ight p#t the) aside4 ;#t for their dis&o2ery ad resista&e
they )ight still ha2e re)aied #re2ealed ad so)e day ha2e bro/e o#t
with fatal effe&ti2eess4 ;#t %od allows the) to be pro2o/ed ito a&ti2ity
i order to &hallege o#r resista&e ad lead to o#r aggressi2e ad
2i&torio#s ad2a&e agaist the)4 Therefore whe we fid aythig i o#r
ow hearts ad li2es3 or i &oe&tio with the wor/ of o#r Master
&o))itted to o#r hads3 whi&h see)s to threate o#r tri#)ph or 9is wor/3
let #s re)e)ber that %od has allowed it to &ofrot #s3 that3 i 9is a)e3 it
)ight be fore2er p#t aside ad redered powerless to i<#re or oppose
;elo2ed3 are we th#s fightig the good fight of faith3 resistig the de2il ad
risig #p for %od agaist the) that do wi&/edly? 're we loo/ig #po o#r
ad2ersaries ad o#r obsta&les as thigs that ha2e &o)e3 ot to &r#sh #s3 b#t
to be p#t aside ad be&o)e trib#tary to o#r s#&&esses ad o#r Master+s
glory? Th#s shall we be 0)ore tha &o"#erors thro#gh 9i) that lo2ed #s30
ad as the prophet bea#tif#lly e6presses it3 0;ehold3 all they that were
i&esed agaist thee shall be asha)ed ad &ofo#ded7 they shall be as
othig= ad they that stri2e with thee shall perish4 Tho# shalt see/ the)
ad shalt ot fid the)3 e2e the) that &oteded with thee7 they that war
agaist thee shall be as othig ad as a thig of a#ght40
34 1t is to ha2e s#&h a 2i&tory as brigs a&t#al beefit o#t of the battle ad
)a/es it trib#tary to o#r ow ad o#r Master+s &a#se4 1t is possible i a
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
&ertai sese to ta/e o#r ee)ies prisoers ad )a/e the) fight i o#r
ra/s3 or at least do the )eial wor/ of o#r &a)p4 1t is possible to get s#&h
good o#t of Sata+s assa#lts that he shall a&t#ally be&o)e o#r ally witho#t
itedig it ad shall fid with eteral &hagri that he has bee doig #s
real ser2i&e4 Do#btless he tho#ght3 whe he stirred #p Pharaoh to )#rder
the little &hildre of the 9ebrews3 that he was e6ter)iatig a ra&e of whi&h
he was afraid4 ;#t that 2ery a&t of his bro#ght Moses ito Pharaoh+s ho#se
ad raised #p a deli2erer for 1srael ad the destroyer of Pharaoh4 S#rely that
was beig 0)ore tha &o"#erorB0 The de2il was ot oly beate b#t )ade
to wor/ i the Lord+s &hai5gag as a galley sla2e4 'gai3 he o2er)at&hed
hi)self whe he istigated 9a)a to b#ild his lofty gallows ad sed forth
the de&ree for 1srael+s e6ter)iatio3 for he had the )isery of seeig 9a)a
hag o those gallows ad 1srael deli2ered4 So agai3 o do#bt3 he p#t the
9ebrew &hildre ito the f#ra&e ad Daiel ito the de of lios hopig to
destroy the last re)at of godliess o the earth3 b#t loB these heroes were
0)ore tha &o"#erors40 :ot oly did they es&ape their destroyer3 b#t their
deli2era&e led to the pro&la)atio of :eb#&hade>>ar3 )agifyig the
tr#th of %od thro#gh the etire ;abyloia e)pire3 ad to the si)ilar
&ofessio of Dari#s3 re&ogi>ig %od thro#gho#t all the &ofies of the
still greater Persia e)pire4 S#rely Sata was )ore tha beate that ti)eB
9is )ost a#da&io#s atte)pt was the &r#&ifi6io of o#r Lord3 ad all hell3 o
do#bt3 held high <#bilee o that dar/ afteroo whe Jes#s sa/ to death=
b#t loB the &ross has be&o)e the weapo by whi&h Sata+s head is already
br#ised ad his /igdo) is yet to be e6ter)iated4 So %od )a/es hi)
forge the weapos of his ow destr#&tio3 ad h#rl the th#derbolts that fall
ba&/ #po his ow head4 So )ay we e2er th#s t#r his fier&est assa#lts to
o#r ad2atage3 ad to the glory of o#r 8ig4
1t is 2ery iterestig to loo/ at the old frotispie&e i .i&/liffe+ s ;ible3
where a gro#p of fig#res are gathered ro#d a fire whi&h is b#rstig
thro#gh the ope pages of a holy ;ible4 Their &o#tea&es all wear a loo/
of &osteratio3 ad with oe &oset they are gathered ro#d the fire3
tryig to blow it o#t4 There are bishops ad ar&hbishops of the &h#r&h of
Co)e3 ad the de2il at the head of the &rowd3 all blowig l#stily with
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
swolle &hee/s ad straied &o#tea&es4 ;#t loB the )ore they blow the
)ore it b#rs3 #til at last the fier&e bla>e leaps #p so high ad o#t so far
ad wide that they are obliged to shri/ ba&/3 ad e2e Sata hi)self3
tho#gh #sed to s#&h a at)osphere3 is glad to es&ape fro) its &os#)ig
fla)e4 So let #s o2er&o)e ad )ore tha o2er&o)e o#r spirit#al foes4
The best thig they do for #s ofte is the dis&iplie they brig #s i o#r
spirit#al life4 1 this way3 ad i this aloe3 do we lear to e6er&ise
2i&torio#s faith ad ed#re hardess as good soldiers of Jes#s !hrist4 The
two thigs that the !hristia eeds )ost are the power to belie2e ad the
power to s#ffer3 ad these the ee)y ofte &o)es to tea&h #s4 :ot #til we
are ready to si/ beeath the press#re do we ofte lear the se&ret of
tri#)ph4 1t was a great thig for the ')eri&a atio that she had the
Me6i&a .ar before she had the .ar of the Cebellio4 1t was there that her
offi&ers were traied ad fitted to lead the ar)ies of the greater str#ggle4 So
the Lord lets the de2il a&t as drill sergeat i 9is ar)y3 ad tea&h 9is
&hildre the #se of 9is spirit#al weapos4 So we )ay 0&o#t it all <oy whe
we fall ito di2ers te)ptatios= /owig that the tryig of o#r faith wor/eth
This3 ideed3 is to be 0)ore tha &o"#eror30 to lear s#&h lessos fro) the
ee)y as will fit #s for his e6t assa#lts ad prepare #s to )eet hi)
witho#t fear of defeat4 There are so)e thigs that &aot easily be leared4
A#r spirit#al seses see) to re"#ire the press#re of diffi&#lty ad s#fferig
to awa/e all their &apa&ities ad to &ostrai #s to pro2e the f#ll reso#r&es
of hea2ely gra&e4 %od+s s&hool of faith always is trial3 ad %od+s s&hool of
lo2e is pro2o&atio ad wrog4 1stead therefore of )#r)#rig agaist o#r
lot ad woderig why we are per)itted to be so tried3 let #s glorify %od
ad p#t o#r ad2ersary to sha)e by wrigig a blessig fro) Sata+s hate
ad hell+s hostility3 ad we shall fid3 after a while3 that the ee)y will be
glad to let #s aloe for his ow sa/e if ot for o#rs4
44 To be 0 )ore tha &o"#eror0 is ot oly to ha2e the 2i&tory3 b#t the
spoils of 2i&tory4 .he Jehoshaphat+s ar)y wo their great deli2era&e
fro) the hordes of Moab ad '))o3 it too/ the) three days to gather all
the spoils of their ee)ies &a)ps4 .he Da2id &apt#red the &a)p of
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
Di/lag+ s destroyers he wo so 2ast a booty that he was able to sed ri&h
presets o2er all 1srael a)og his brethre4 .he the lepers fo#d their
way to the deserted &a)p of the Syrias they fo#d s#&h ab#da&e that i
a sigle ho#r the fa)ie of Sa)aria was t#red ito satiety4 'd so o#r
spirit#al &ofli&ts ad &o"#ests ha2e their ri&h reward i the treas#res
re&o2ered fro) the hads of the ee)y4 9ow )ay thigs there are whi&h
Sata possesses whi&h we )ight ad sho#ld e<oyB Ah3 the ri&h delight
whi&h fills the heart whe we e6pel the giats of ill5te)per3 irritatio3 haste3
hatred3 )ali&e ad e2y who log ha2e ra2aged ad preyed #po all the
sweetess of o#r life4 .hat a l#6#riat lad we ow eter ito3 whe we
o2er&o)e these foes3 ad how delightf#lly the spoils of pea&e ad lo2e ad
sweetess ad hea2ely <oy are eri&hig #s i the 2ery thigs where o&e
they reigedB 9ow ri&h the spoils re&o2ered fro) the &r#el ad2ersary whe
thro#gh the a)e of Jes#s he is dri2e fro) o#r body3 ad the s#fferig
fra)e whi&h had groaed ad tre)bled #der his oppressio sprigs ito
health ad freedo) ad yields all the f#lless of its stregth to the ser2i&e
of %od ad the <oy of a 2i&torio#s life4 Ah3 the ri&h reward that &o)es to
the ho)e that has bee res&#ed fro) the do)ia&y of the de2il3 perhaps i
the for) of dr#/eess i a h#sbad ad father3 or of sha)ef#l l#st3 or
sif#l 2aity3 or e)pty fri2olity3 or heartless worldliess3 or bitter strife3
e2il spea/ig ad ager i so)e other heart3 ad life o&e )ore be&o)es a
happy -de3 with lo2e ad pea&e ethroed by the hearth ad altar of a
!hristia ho)e4 Ah3 the ri&h spoils that are to &o)e fro) a world res&#ed
fro) the had of its &r#el #s#rper4 9ow it will bloo) agai i bea#ty3
fr#itf#less ad blessedess3 ad yield its ri&hes to its beigat ad
rightf#l 8ig ad to those who dare to &o"#er it for 9i) ad shall share
with 9i) its happy Milleial swayB
%od ta/es spe&ial delight i )a/ig that a blessig to #s whi&h has bee
re&o2ered fro) Sata+s power4 The two )ightiest strogholds of a&iet
!aaa were 9ebro ad Dio4 The for)er was the seat of the 'a/i)3 the
giat &hieftais of !aaa= b#t the bra2e3 heroi& !aleb dared to &hallege
the) i their lair3 ad i the stregth of %od was 0)ore tha &o"#eror0
o2er their terrifi& stregth3 ad wo the heights of 9ebro as his spe&ial
iherita&e4 ;#t ot oly did he re&ei2e the dear old &ity of 'braha) as his
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
portio ad spoil3 b#t %od too/ pe&#liar delight i s#bse"#etly blessig
ad hoorig this 2ery pla&e3 it wo#ld see)3 <#st be&a#se it had bee
sat&hed fro) the 2ery <aws of the ee)y= for 9ebro was the &hose seat
where Da2id+s throe was s#bse"#etly established3 ad where %od bega
the /igdo) of 1srael whi&h 9e 9i)self is yet to r#le i the &o)ig age of
1srael+s restoratio4
Still )ore defiat was the stregth of the &itadel of Dio4 1t was the last
stroghold that the !aaaites reli"#ished4 'll thro#gh the days of Josh#a
ad his s#&&essors they s#&&eeded i holdig it= all thro#gh the &et#ries of
the J#dges3 all thro#gh the days of Sa#l3 all thro#gh the early days of e2e
Da2id+s /igdo)4 The fortress was i)pregable so that the ha#ghty
!aaaites told their ee)ies i s&or that they wo#ld oly deig to
garriso it with the blid ad the la)e ad they &halleged the) to &apt#re
it fro) its feeble ad &rippled defeders4 ;#t Da2id )et the &hallege ad
Joab e6e&#ted it by a glorio#s assa#lt ad too/ by stor) the heights of Dio
fro) the last &hieftais of !aaa4 The it was that 1srael fo#d its tr#e
)etropolis ad the res&#ed stroghold was set apart by %od 9i)self to be
the 2ery seat of the sa&red /igdo) ad the )o#)et of the glorio#s
2i&tory whi&h had bee a&hie2ed4 There it was that Da2id reiged= there it
was that Solo)o i all his glory swayed his glorio#s s&eptre= there it was
that the te)ple rose fro) the ad<oiig heights of Moriah f#ll i 2iew of
Dio= there it is that Jes#s is &o)ig soo to reig o&e )ore4 Ah3 how ri&h
ad glorio#s the re&o)pese of a sigle 2i&toryB 9ow differet the world+s
history if the old !aaaites had still bee per)itted to hold the heights of
;elo2ed3 the ri&hest treas#re of yo#r life is held by Sata4 9e is too shrewd
to waste his stregth #po what is worthless4 9e has p#t his had #po the
sweetest3 dearest ad )ost pre&io#s thigs of life3 ad whether i yo#r
heart3 i yo#r ho)e3 or i yo#r &ir&le of a&"#aita&e3 there yo# )ay be
s#re there is a 9ebro or a Dio that %od wats yo# to o2er&o)e3 ad i
o2er&o)ig whi&h yo# shall fid the ri&hest iherita&e of yo#r life ad
yo#r eterity3 ad shall fore2er say with re<oi&ig3 as yo# reali>e the f#ll
)eaig of yo#r 2i&tory3 0)ore tha &o"#eror thro#gh 9i) that lo2ed #s40
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
54 0More tha &o"#erors0 )eas ot oly the spoils of war ad tri#)ph
o2er all the assa#lts of o#r foes3 b#t it )eas ew territory3 aggressi2e
warfare3 ad positi2e ad e2e larger &o"#ests for the glory of o#r Lord
ad the sal2atio of others4 Merely to beat ba&/ yo#r foes is b#t a s)all part
of the great &o))issio of the !hristia soldier4 9e is &alled ot oly to
wield the shield of faith b#t also the sword of the Spirit by whi&h he )o2es
agaist the &o"#ered foe ad &lai)s ew territory with ea&h ad2a&e4 .e
ha2e the ar)or of righteo#sess o the right had ad o the left4 The
ar)or o the left is for defese3 b#t the ar)or o the right is for aggressio4
.e are &alled3 ot oly to 0withstad i the e2il day30 b#t to go forth ad
re&lai) the world for !hrist4 S#&h &ofli&ts )eet #s i o#r !hristia wor/
at e2ery step3 i the so#ls we see/ to wi for Jes#s3 i the progress of tr#th3
the spread of the gospel3 the awa/eig ad re2i2ig of the &h#r&h of %od3
the ele2atio of !hristia life ad holiess3 the s#ppressio of e2il i all its
)yriad ad gigati& for)s aro#d #s3 the e2ageli>atio of the world ad
the hasteig of o#r Master+s 8igdo) ad !o)ig4 S#rely we sho#ld ot
be e2er o&&#pied i holdig o#r ow sal2atio4 1deed3 we shall hold it best
by lea2ig it with %od ad pressig o to &lai) the sal2atio of others4
1 the last great -#ropea war the aggressors were the 2i&tors4 1f %er)ay
had waited to be atta&/ed ad si)ply defeded herself3 probably she )ight
ha2e failed4 ;#t with wise ad pro)pt aggressio she h#rled her hosts
a&ross the Chie ad ito the battlefields of Fra&e ad )ar&hed fro)
2i&tory to 2i&tory3 her re&o)pese beig ot oly the &o"#est of her
ee)y+s &o#try3 b#t the se&#rity of her ow as well ad her &iti>es3 fro)
e2e the to#&h of the ee)y4
This is the best way to /eep the de2il off o#r territory= /eep hi) b#sy o his
ow3 defedig his /igdo) fro) o#r bold atta&/s4 ;elo2ed3 ha2e we
settled the "#estio of o#r ow sal2atio ad !hristia life3 ad are we at
leis#re for the battles of the Lord ad th#s 0)ore tha &o"#erors thro#gh
9i) that lo2ed #s0 ?
64 0More tha &o"#erors0 )eas ot oly to wi yo#r battle ad sa2e yo#r
territory3 b#t to do hoor to yo#r !aptai ad yo#r %od3 to be a &redit to
yo#r &a#se ad so to a&"#it yo#rself i the &a)paig that %od shall be
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
glorified4 May of o#r battles are fo#ght i 2iew of hea2e aloe4 That is a
strage pi&t#re that the apostle gi2es of his trials3 0.e are )ade a ga>ig5
sto&/ to agels ad pri&ipalities40 9a2e yo# ot felt3 belo2ed3 i so)e
"#iet ho#r3 i the se&ret of yo#r &loset3 that yo# were goig thro#gh a
de&isi2e battle whi&h o )ortal saw4 .ithi the silet walls of yo#r
&ha)ber a iss#e was beig de&ided whi&h wo#ld affe&t all eterity4 The
"#estio was3 sho#ld yo# be tr#e to %od3 sho#ld yo# tr#st 9i)3 sho#ld yo#
obey %od3 or sho#ld yo# &o)pro)ise? 1t was a great thig for yo# that yo#
gaied the 2i&tory3 b#t it was a greater thig for yo#r Lord4 Ah3 how
itetly 9e wat&hes these spe&ta&lesB 9ow the ra/s of hell ad hea2e
loo/ o as so)e Da2id ad %oliath fight aloe a)idst the ga>e of other
worldsB 9ow yo#r Sa2io#r+s brow fl#shes with sha)e if yo# betray 9i)3 or
e2e shri/B 9ow the ra/s of hell sho#t with satisfa&tio whe yo# betray
the slightest wea/essB 'd how yo#r Master s)iles with glad appro2al
ad sees of the tra2ail of 9is so#l with satisfa&tio3 as li/e so)e a&iet
hero yo# dare to aswer3 0A#r %od is able to deli2er #s3 b#t if ot we will
ot bow dow to the gra2e i)age whi&h tho# hast set #p40
Do yo# /ow3 belo2ed3 that !hrist+s greatest 2i&tories were aloe with %od
ad the de2il? :o h#)a eye saw that 2i&tory i the wilderess3 b#t %od
saw it ad was glorified4 Shall we stad for 9i)3 ad so stad that 9e &a
&o#t #s3 as 9e did 9is a&iet prophet3 9is 2ery towers ad fortresses
behid whi&h 9e &a itre&h 9i)self ad 9is &a#se3 ad say to #s3 01 ha2e
)ade thee this day a defe&ed &ity ad a iro pillar ad bra>e walls
agaist the whole lad4 They shall fight agaist thee3 b#t they shall ot
pre2ail agaist thee4 1 ha2e )ade thy fa&e strog agaist their fa&es ad thy
forehead agaist their foreheads4 's a ada)at3 harder tha flit ha2e 1
)ade thy forehead= fear the) ot3 either be dis)ayed at their loo/s tho#gh
they be a rebellio#s ho#se40 %od wats )e ad wo)e today3 o who)
9e &a deped3 to stad as b#lwar/s ad battle)ets agaist the sho&/s of
hell+s artillery4 Me ad wo)e of who) he &a say3 0#po this ro&/ ha2e 1
b#ilt )y &h#r&h ad the gates of hell shall ot pre2ail agaist it40 Shall we3
belo2ed3 be ot oly &o"#erors3 b#t tr#sted soldiers who) %od &a #se as
9is battle5a6es ad 9is weapos of war3 as 9is )ighty iro5&lads3 to &arry
the battle to the 2ery ships of the ee)y3 ot fearig their hardest blows3
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
ad h#rlig agaist the) the th#der5bolts of 9is 2i&torio#s power?
$4 0More tha &o"#erors0 )eas ot oly 2i&tory b#t fial tri#)ph ad
eteral reward4 9ow 9ea2e will re&o)pese her 2i&tors so)e glorio#s
dayB Two &ities today are str#gglig for the to)b of the )a who was
hoored i this lad as the leader of the 2i&torio#s ar)y that wo the battle
of the Cebellio4 9e is hoored si)ply be&a#se he was a &o"#eror4 9ow
little these earthly 2i&tories will see) so)e day i the light of the tri#)ph
of a Stephe3 a Pa#l3 a Da2id Li2igstoe3 or so)e getle wo)a or lowly
)a3 who stood faithf#l to %od o so)e "#iet battlefield whi&h de&ided the
iss#es of life3 perhaps the f#t#re of atios ad agesB
For fo#r thigs Pa#l e6pe&ted a &row3 b#t the first of the) was be&a#se he
had fo#ght the good fight of faith4 ')og the spe&ial re&o)peses of the
Day of 9is 'ppearig there is a &row3 ot oly for the )artyr3 ot oly for
the faithf#l )iister3 ot oly for those who lo2e 9is appearig3 b#t for 0the
)a that ed#reth te)ptatio40 0;lessed is the )a that ed#reth
te)ptatio3 for whe he is tried he shall re&ei2e the &row of life whi&h the
Lord hath pro)ised to the) that lo2e 9i)40 There is a &ha&e for all of
yo#4 There is a &ha&e for yo# who thi/ that yo# ha2e the hardest ti)e of
ay h#)a beig4
;elo2ed3 it is b#t a opport#ity for &oroatio4 .ill yo# ot oly tri#)ph3
b#t so tri#)ph that yo# shall wear a &row of life i whi&h these tears
whi&h yo# shed today shall flash as &rystal dia)ods3 ad these s&ars of
battle shall be trasfor)ed ito )ar/s of eteral bea#ty ad e2erlastig
;#t )ere eth#sias) or e2e high ad glorio#s p#rpose will ot
a&&o)plish this great res#lt4 1t is 0thro#gh 9i) that lo2ed #s0 that we )#st
o2er&o)e4 Tha/ %od that is possible for #s allB 9e who) Josh#a saw as
!aptai of the Lord+s 9ost ad who) Josh#a too/ as his %reat
!o))ader5i5&hief waits to lead yo#r battle ad &lai) yo#r 2i&tory too4 01
ha2e o2er&o)e for thee30 9e stads e6&lai)ig by thy side4 !o))it thy
&ofli&t to 9is hads3 ta/e 9i) ito thy heart as stregth3 0be strog i the
Lord ad the power of 9is )ight30 ad 0p#t o the whole ar)or of %od that
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
ye )ay stad agaist the wiles of the de2il40 0The battle is ot yo#rs b#t
%od+s40 0The Lord shall fight for yo#3 ad ye shall hold yo#r pea&e30 ad
whe all is a&&o)plished ad the baer wa2es i tri#)ph ad the &row is
bestowed3 we shall drape o#r battle5flags aro#d 9is throe3 ad lay o#r
diade)s at 9is feet3 ad &ry3 ot the old 2ersio3 0Tha/s be #to %od
whi&h always &a#seth #s to tri#)ph30 b#t 0tha/s be #to %od whi&h
leadeth #s i tri#)ph thro#gh Jes#s !hrist o#r Lord40 01 all these thigs
we are )ore tha &o"#erors thro#gh 9i) that lo2ed #s40
A Larger Cristian Li!e 4,ore Tan Con56erors7
0.here si abo#ded gra&e did )#&h )ore abo#d40 Co)4 27 2,4
.e fid i at#re a bea#tif#l appro6i)atio to the tr#th de&lared i this
2erse3 a sort of parable ad sy)bol of the glory of rede)ptio4 1t is this4 %o
ito the woods ad &#t a wo#d i the side of a li2ig tree3 ad the go
ba&/ agai a few years later ad see how the tree has edea2ored to heal its
wo#d ad restore the brea&h by a 2ery bea#tif#l reprod#&ti2e for&e4 The
ot&h i the tr#/ is all grow #p agai4 :ot3 howe2er3 with the old fibres3
b#t with far stroger )aterials= ad yo# will fid the grai of the wood
iterla&ed ad twisted a&ross the old fibres i a sort of tagle3 whi&h all
yo#r efforts wo#ld fre"#etly be fo#d #able to &lea2e as#der4 1 fa&t3
the healed brea&h is )#&h stroger tha ay other part of the tree3 ad
at#re has ot oly )ade good the loss3 b#t far )ore ab#datly bro#ght
good o#t of it4
So3 it is said3 a bro/e boe heals )#&h )ore strogly tha the at#ral
boe3 as tho#gh at#re were deter)ied to fortify herself agaist a se&od
atta&/3 ad to t#r to a&&o#t3 i do#ble stregth3 the assa#lt )ade #po
Iery bea#tif#lly is this ill#strated i the for)atio of the pearl4 ' little grai
of sad or a pier&ig thor i the sesiti2e side of the pearl oyster3 irritatig
its er2es3 pro2o/es hi)3 ot to retaliate ad th#s ifli&t #po hi)self a
greater wo#d3 b#t to throw aro#d the itr#dig ele)et a &rystallie
li"#id ad to b#ry it o#t of sight i a s)ooth ad bea#tif#l ge)= so that o#t
of the thor ad the wo#d &o)e bea#ty ad 2i&tory3 ad the 2al#e of the
little )oll#s/ is eha&ed a tho#sad5fold by the 2ery i&idet that
threateed his destr#&tio4
This is what the apostle )eas i a s#bli)er )eas#re whe he s#)s #p his
spledid atithesis betwee si ad sal2atio3 'da) ad !hrist3 the fall ad
the rede)ptio3 with the )agifi&et de&laratio3 0where si abo#ded
gra&e did )#&h )ore abo#d40 A#t of the terrible atta&/ whi&h the powers
of dar/ess h#rled agaist the world3 the wisdo) ad gra&e of hea2e ha2e
bro#ght the 2i&tory whi&h is to pro2e the tri#)ph of the ages4 A#t of the
&atastrophe whi&h threateed )a+s eteral destr#&tio3 %od has e2ol2ed a
ew &reatio tras&edetly greater ad )ore glorio#s tha the old4 A#t of
the o&ea depths of si3 !hrist has bro#ght the Pearl of %reat Pri&e3 the
&h#r&h3 whi&h shall shie a)id the glories of eterity with a l#stre
refle&tig 9is ow4 Let #s edea2or by the help of %od to reali>e a little
)ore f#lly this ele2atig ad trasportig tr#th4
14 1t is ill#strated i the sal2atio of the )ost abadoed siers ad the
gra&e whi&h is ofte so )agified i their &o2ersio ad s#bse"#et
#sef#less4 %od see)s to lo2e to ta/e the worst )aterials for 9is greatest
tri#)phs4 9e &hose a Ja&ob ad a Da2id i the Ald Testa)et3 both wea/
ad wi&/ed )e i )ay a terrible sese ad )eas#re3 to be&o)e the
respe&ti2e heads of the patriar&hal ad the /igly periods4 9e sa2ed a
Maasseh after half a &et#ry of bloody &ri)es4 9e too/ a Cahab fro) the
sl#)s of Jeri&ho3 to be a )other i the lie of the Messiah+s a&estry4 'd
whe 9e wo#ld &hoose 9is )ost ill#strio#s apostle to fo#d the glorio#s
wor/ of the gospel a)og the ifa)o#s %etile ra&es3 9e too/ 0the &hief of
siers40 There is o do#bt that Pa#l+s &al) esti)ate of his ow
wi&/edess3 gi2e by the ispiratio of the 9oly Spirit3 was ot
e6aggerated4 Moral tho#gh he was3 yet e2e his ow testi)oy lea2es
s#ffi&iet e2ide&e of the atro&ity of his religio#s &ri)es4 :ot satisfied with
is#ltig the a)e of Jes#s ad abettig the )#rderers of Stephe 9is
faithf#l )artyr3 he de2oted hi)self to e6ter)iatig the followers of !hrist=
ad with a fiedish e6&ess of &r#elty he feared ot to destroy their so#ls as
well as their bodies by &o))ittig the )ost fearf#l &ri)es ad &o)pellig
the) to blasphe)e the :a)e of 9i) o who) they belie2ed4 9e )#st ha2e
/ow f#ll well the awf#less of the &ri)es he re"#ired of the)3 ad that
altho#gh they )ight e2e be )ista/e i their faith3 yet to si agaist their
&os&ie&e by profaig the a)e of !hrist was3 to the)3 the height of
i)piety3 ad o his part the 2ery e6tre)e of refied ad Satai& &r#elty4
'd yet he3 0the &hief of siers30 tells #s that he obtaied )er&y for this
2ery p#rpose3 that he )ight be&o)e the patter of the pri&iple o whi&h
%od was to a&t i the e&oo)y of gra&e3 a)ely3 to 0show forth all log5
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
s#fferig #to the) that sho#ld hereafter belie2e o the a)e of Jes#s
!hrist to life e2erlastig40 'd this does ot )erely )ea that %od will
sa2e the )ost g#ilty3 b#t that 9e will ta/e pe&#liar pleas#re i )a/ig )ore
of their redee)ed li2es <#st be&a#se of their for)er wi&/edess4 'd so
Pa#l &a say 0the gra&e of %od was e6&eedig ab#dat towards )e3 with
faith ad lo2e whi&h is i !hrist Jes#s o#r Lord40 0.here si abo#ded
gra&e did )#&h )ore abo#d30 ot oly i forgi2ig the si b#t i )a/ig
the sier a 2essel of the ri&hes of di2ie gra&e ad lo2e3 ad a istr#)et
i the hads of %od for greater #sef#less tha e2er was per)itted perhaps
to a )ortal4
So still3 thro#gh all these s#&&eedig &et#ries has 9e lo2ed to ta/e the
thor ad the thistle ad t#r the) ito the fir tree3 ad the )yrtle ad )a/e
it #to hi)self 0for a e2erlastig sig that shall ot be &#t off40 'd3
therefore3 a wi&/ed ;#ya3 a degraded :ewto3 a &ote)ptible3 thie2ig
Moorho#se3 a poll#ted ad &ri)ial M&'#ley3 yes3 ad )ay a wo)a
whose a)e is writte #po 9is hads3 if ot o the tablets of !hristia
fa)e3 has bee i li/e )aer )ade a espe&ial )o#)et of this &ardial
pri&iple of di2ie rede)ptio3 0where si abo#ded gra&e did )#&h )ore
Ah3 is there a so#l readig these lies that &os&ie&e ad the te)pter ha2e
&ospired to dis&o#rage o a&&o#t of aggra2ated si? 1t )atters ot how
great the si3 how strage the aggra2atios3 ad how log the story of
i)peite&e ad e2e of #belief4 To yo# is this )essage spo/e ad yo#
)ay e&ho ba&/ to the throe of gra&e the deep petitio whi&h ispiratio
log ago breathed fro) the lips of Da2id3 0For thie ow sa/e3 , Lord3
pardo )ie ii"#ity3 for it is great40
;#t we3 the people of %od3 )#st also f#lly reali>e this pri&iple if we
wo#ld stad prepared to f#lfill the p#rpose of o#r Master4 1 this age the
)essegers ha2e passed o#t with the last i2itatios to the gospel feast4 :o
loger are they to be &hiefly addressed to the first i2ited g#ests3 b#t it is
fro) the highways ad fro) the hedges ad fro) the streets ad laes of
the &ity that they are &o)ig i today i great )#ltit#des3 ad ot oly
&o)ig3 b#t be&o)ig the brightest trophies of redee)ig gra&e ad the
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
)ost #sef#l ad hoored istr#)ets i the sal2atio of others4 Shall we3
belo2ed3 f#lly reali>e the sigifi&a&e of this tr#th that the )ore lost3
degraded ad hopeless the so#l )ay be to whi&h we brig this pre&io#s
gospel3 the )ore willig is o#r Master to wel&o)e it ad the )ore glorio#s
)ay be the iss#es of the redee)ed life? 's o#r faith i )a de&reases3
tha/ %od o#r faith i %od rises to s#bli)er heights3 that 0where si
abo#ded gra&e shall )#&h )ore abo#d40
24 This te6t is ill#strated i the sa&tifi&atio of belie2ers ad espe&ially i
their sa&tifi&atio fro) "#alities ad tede&ies at#rally the )ost #holy
ad &otrary to their ew ad sa&tified li2es4 Still it is literally tr#e i the
deeper life of the so#l that 0where si abo#ded gra&e )#&h )ore
abo#ds40 1t is ot that %od will )a/e the good better3 b#t that 9e will
)a/e the bad good3 ad the #tterly ad hopelessly bad di2iely p#re ad
holy4 Sa&tifi&atio is ot the refiig ad ele2atig of the at#rally p#re3
b#t the trasfor)ig of dar/ess ito light3 a selfish so#l ito a li2ig
sa&rifi&e of lo2e3 ad a heart all steeped i &orr#ptio ito the glorio#s
&o#terpart of !hrist+s ow holiess4 1 the wor/ of gra&e %od ta/es
pe&#liar delight i &otradi&tig at#ral probabilities ad tede&ies4 9e
too/ a shri/ig Jere)iah to be a bold ad &o#rageo#s repro2er of 1srael+s
prophets3 priests ad /igs4 9e too/ a &owardly Peter to be the &o#rageo#s
ad defiat apostle of Pete&ost4 9e too/ a So of Th#der to be the getle3
lo2ig dis&iple of lo2e4 9e too/ a ragig perse&#tor to be the log5s#fferig
apostle who &o#ld say3 01 besee&h yo# by the )ee/ess ad getleess of
!hrist40 9e &a )a/e the wea/est thigs i yo# the strogest3 the worst
thigs i yo# the o&&asios for the gra&e whi&h will )agify i yo# the best
ad di2iest "#alities of the !hristia life4
;elo2ed3 shall we therefore &ease to thi/ ad spea/ of the !hristia life as
a )ere )atter of ed#&atio3 ad f#lly reali>e that it is all a ew &reatio ad
a )ira&le of ifiite ad o)ipotet gra&e? 'll that %od re"#ires i ea&h of
#s is a opport#ity to show what 9e &a do3 ad to pro2e o2er ad o2er
agai that 0where si abo#ded gra&e shall )#&h )ore abo#d40
34 The te6t is ill#strated i the fa&t that di2ie gra&e ot oly sa2es ad
sa&tifies b#t &o#tera&ts the &ose"#e&es of his sis ad )ore tha
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
tri#)phs o2er the sad ad h#rtf#l effe&ts of the si4 May a poor fellow
thi/s3 ad )ay a ser)o we fear has helped hi) to thi/3 that tho#gh he
has bee forgi2e ad sa2ed yet he eed e2er e6pe&t to be deli2ered fro)
the fr#its of his life i har2ests of sorrow ad sha)e4 9e )#st ot e6pe&t
the &ose"#e&es to be ob2iated b#t &heerf#lly ed#re the) i patie&e ad
h#)ility3 tha/ig %od that he has bee sa2ed fro) so )#&h3 ad &o#tig
this b#t a reasoable re)ider of the past ad a 2ery s)all retrib#tio
&o)pared with what he deser2ed4 9e "#otes3 or others "#ote to hi)3 a
passage i %alatias 2i7 $4 0.hatsoe2er a )a soweth that shall he also
reap30 ad so they e6pe&t to reap i their bodies the physi&al ifir)ities ad
diseases whi&h are the legiti)ate fr#it of a life of dissipatio ad si4 They
e6pe&t that their so&ial ad se&#lar life )ay be e)barrassed ad i)peded
by the iss#es of their past3 ad that oly after a log ad patiet ed#ra&e
&a they e6pe&t to re&o2er the)sel2es fro) the etagle)et of the sis of
their yo#th whi&h e&o)passed the) abo#t4
:ow we belie2e that gra&e is able to do so)ethig better tha this3 ad that
o#r blessed Lord has bore the bitter fr#it of si as o#r S#bstit#te3 ad that
9is atoe)et has power to &a&el all the effe&ts of si ad e2e t#r the
&#rse ito a blessig4 The great '#g#stie3 oe of the fathers of the
!hristia !h#r&h3 fo#d hi)self at his &o2ersio a physi&al wre&/ i his
early yo#th4 -2ery drop of his blood was poisoed by the 2ir#s of si3 ad
his fra)e was literally droppig ito &orr#ptio thro#gh e2ery abo)iable
e6&ess4 ;#t the gra&e of %od ot oly sa2ed his so#l3 b#t restored his body
ad ga2e hi) early half a &et#ry of al)ost #paralleled #sef#less i
physi&al health ad stregth ad glorio#s ser2i&e for his Master ad the
May a redee)ed dr#/ard today &a tell the sa)e story of physi&al for&es
perfe&tly restored ad e2ery tra&e of a degraded life re)o2ed3 ot oly fro)
the physi&al eergies b#t e2e fro) the 2ery &o#tea&e4 'd so the gra&e
of !hrist &a ta/e the so&ial life ad &o#tera&t the i#)erable &#rrets of
e2il that ha2e goe forth fro) #s to ret#r i o#r ow life i etagle)ets
ad e)barrass)ets ad to wor/ their lastig ifl#e&es i the li2es of
others4 1 proportio to o#r faith3 %od &a #do these ifl#e&es ad gi2e
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
#s ba&/ all that we ha2e lost ad )ore4 01 will restore to yo#30 9e says3 0the
years that the lo&#st hath eate3 the &a/erwor) ad the &aterpillar3 )y
great ar)y whi&h 1 set a)og yo#40 So)eti)es the 2ery life that the
sier has li2ed i the ser2i&e of Sata is )ade a opport#ity for greater
#sef#less3 as he is eabled to rea&h &lasses to whi&h the )oral ad
respe&table &aot e2e ha2e a&&ess4 'd so %od is &ostatly ta/ig )e
o#t of the di2es ad sl#)s3 o#t of the saloos ad da&e5halls3 o#t of the
great lost world3 that 9e )ay sed the) ba&/ agai to their ow for)er
sphere as )essegers of redee)ig lo2e4 Fear ot3 the3 poor tre)blig
dis&iple3 that yo# shall be draw ito the 2orte6 that yo#r ow past life has
&reated4 Ce&/o yo#rself dead ideed #to it i all its iss#es3 ad go forth
&lai)ig the f#ll rede)ptio of yo#r rise Lord ad wal/ig with 9i) as
tho#gh yo# were ot e2e the sa)e perso who o&e li2ed the life of si
ad )isery4
44 The te6t is ill#strated )ost s#bli)ely of all i the wor/ of rede)ptio4 1
a word its deep sigifi&a&e is si)ply this3 that the wor/ of !hrist+s
rede)ptio has )ore tha &o#tera&ted ad will #lti)ately tras&ed all the
effe&ts of the Fall4 .e belie2e that it has bro#ght )ore glory to %od tha if
the h#)a ra&e had /ept their first estate4 1t has led to a ew re2elatio of
the di2ie &hara&ter3 whi&h3 b#t for si3 )ight e2er ha2e bee /ow4
!reatio re2ealed %od i 9is power3 wisdo) ad p#rity3 b#t oly
rede)ptio has re2ealed 9i) i 9is attit#de of gra&e3 that is3 di2ie
goodess dealig with the sif#l ad the lost4 9ad )a e2er falle3 %od
wo#ld &ertaily ha2e bee /ow as a holy ;eig3 thro#gh the terrible
retrib#tio whi&h 9e 2isited #po the agels whi&h /ept ot their first
estate= b#t the wre&/ of the h#)a ra&e has e6hibited 9i) i the )ost
bea#tif#l ad attra&ti2e of all attit#des3 as the %od of )er&y ad lo2e to the
#worthy ad wi&/ed4 9ea2e wo#ld ofte ha2e heard the sog3 0'llel#iaB
for the Lord %od A)ipotet reigeth30 e2e if !hrist e2er had died3 b#t
oly rede)ptio has gi2e the /ey5ote of the ew sog3 0.orthy is the
La)b that was slaiB0
;#t it is ot oly a e6hibitio of 9is lo2e ad gra&e3 b#t of that
tras&edet wisdo) that &o#ld still 2idi&ate 9is righteo#sess ad g#ard
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
the sa&tity of 9is holy will3 ad yet de2ise a way by whi&h )er&y &o#ld
ha2e free e6er&ise ad %od &o#ld be <#st ad yet a Sa2io#r4 The &ross of
Jes#s !hrist be&o)es a )o#)et of %od+s ifiite wisdo)3 righteo#sess
ad lo2e3 ad thro#gh all the ages to &o)e will e6hibit 0the e6&eedig
ri&hes of 9is gra&e i 9is /idess towards #s by Jes#s !hrist40 Ta/e o#t of
the &o)ig eterity the sog of rede)ptio3 the )illeial /igdo)3 the
glory of Jes#s ad the prospe&ts of 9is redee)ed people3 ad hea2e will
see) aihilated ad the #i2erse a dreary waste3 while e2e %od 9i)self
shall be&o)e e2eloped i &lo#ds of thi&/est3 dar/est ad re)otest
dista&e3 ad the ;ible will be obliterated fro) e6iste&e4
The beefits that &o)e to )e are still )ore )aifest ad deeply
iterestig4 The rede)ptio of o#r falle ra&e brigs #s to a far higher pla&e
tha the first &reatio e2er ga2e #s4 Efalle )a was oly a &reat#re )ade
i the i)age of %od3 b#t a little lower tha the agels4 Cedee)ed )a has
bee raised abo2e the ra/ of agels to parta/e of the 2ery at#re of %od3
to be a <oit5heir with the So of %od ad to share eterally the throe of
his !reator ad the attrib#tes of the eteral So3 o#r glorio#s 9ead4
Cede)ptio is therefore ot the restoratio of 'da)i& holiess3 happiess
or hoor3 b#t it is the #itig of )a with the So of %od ad the e6altig
of the redee)ed sier to /idred fellowship with a higher ;eig3 so that3
eterally li/e his Lord= the redee)ed )a shall be3 ot oly a )a3 b#t a
)a #ited with %od ad possessig i the depths of his beig the 2ery
spirit ad at#re of the eteral Jeho2ah4
This is so s#bli)e that we wo#ld fear to boldly state it3 had we ot the
#)ista/able lag#age of the 9oly S&ript#res4 0;ehold what )aer of
lo2e the Father hath bestowed #po #s that we sho#ld be &alled the sos of
%od4 ;elo2ed3 ow are we the sos of %od3 ad it doth ot yet appear what
we shall be3 b#t we /ow that whe 9e shall appear we shall be li/e 9i)3
for we shall see 9i) as 9e is30 0.hereby are gi2e #to #s e6&eedig great
ad pre&io#s pro)ises that by these ye )ight be parta/ers of the di2ie
at#re40 0@o#r life is hid with !hrist i %od3 b#t whe !hrist3 who is yo#r
life3 shall appear3 the shall we also appear with 9i) i glory40 @es3 the day
is &o)ig whe Sata shall ga>e #po the &os#))ated wor/ of the %reat
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
Cestorer ad see e2erythig his had has to#&hed trasfor)ed ito a
)o#)et of the gra&e ad power of the Cedee)er3 ad e2e he shall bow
the /ee ad bitterly &ofess li/e oe of his a&iet dis&iples3 0Ah3
:a>areeB Tho# hast &o"#ered40
.e )ay ot be able to #derstad all sides of this great proble)4 Af &o#rse
it wo#ld ot be right to say that %od iteded or desired the si ad fall of
9is &reat#res ad the sad trai of still greater si ad )isery that has
followed4 ;#t we &a s#rely belie2e that while 9e dis&o#tea&ed the
disobedie&e of 'da)3 as 9e does all disobedie&e3 while 9e desires 9is
&hildre to wal/ i 9is will i holy obedie&e3 ad while 9e still is deeply
grie2ed with e2ery trasgressio ad so)ethig is lost by it ie2itably3 yet
the reso#r&es of 9is gra&e ad power are s#&h that3 beig &o))itted3 9e
has a)ple e6pediets to &o#tera&t its effe&ts= ad while all the
&ose"#e&es are ot a2erted3 yet eo#gh good is bro#ght o#t of it to res#lt3
i the ed3 i a higher aggregate of blessig3 to t#r the e2il to the best
possible a&&o#t3 ad to show that %od+s all5s#ffi&ie&y is )ore tha a
)at&h for e2ery e)erge&y that &a e2er arise4
For o#rsel2es3 s#rely3 the pra&ti&al lessos are ot hard to fid4 1f there be a
dis&o#raged life withi rea&h of this )essage3 if there is a heart that has
bee held ba&/ by the iro fetters of the past ad to who) Sata has bee
whisperig3 0There is o hope3 b#t we will go o i the i)agiatio of o#r
hearts30 oh3 belo2ed3 s#rely we ha2e see eo#gh i this passage to aswer
the #worthy tho#ght ad igoble fear3 ad to e&o#rage #s <#st be&a#se of
the e6tre)ity of o#r sit#atio3 to &lai) )ore boldly the iterpositio of o#r
'l)ighty Fried ad the o2er5r#lig power of 9is gra&e ad lo2e4 The 2ery
hardest &ase is the oe whi&h 9e )ost lo2es to ta/e4 The )ost hopeless
sit#atio is the oe thro#gh whose relief 9e is )ost glorified4 1f e2erythig
i yo#r life see)s agaist yo#3 ad if3 worst of all3 yo# feel that yo# aloe
are to bla)e for e2erythig that is agaist yo#= if it has bee3 ot oly
sorrow b#t si3 ad e2ery aggra2atio of si5belo2ed3 the gra&e of Jes#s
!hrist was prepared for yo# ad s#&h as yo#4 Aly pro2e its all5s#ffi&ie&y
ad yo# shall be a)og all that we ha2e already spe&ified3 the &rowig
ill#stratio of this )ost blessed tr#th3 that 0where si abo#ded gra&e did
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
)#&h )ore abo#d40
%od+s great #lti)ate p#rpose for 9is redee)ed people is the /ey to all the
0e6&eedig great ad pre&io#s pro)ises40 This3 ad this aloe3 e6plais the
strog lag#age i whi&h 9e spea/s to #s of the pro2isios of 9is gra&e for
o#r eeds4 These pro)ises are o#t of all proportio to o#r i)porta&e or
worth3 ad it is ot strage that at#rally we sho#ld hesitate to a&&ept s#&h
bo#dless ad st#pedo#s ass#ra&es of lo2e ad &are3 ad that o#r faith
sho#ld be as arrow ad paltry as it ofte is4 1t is ot strage that the beggar
&hild sho#ld be &otet with rags ad &r#)bs3 ad al)ost thi/ it is
)o&/ed whe yo# tal/ to it abo#t pala&es ad offer it the &ostly robes ad
the pri&ely treas#res of royalty4 The tr#th is3 we are the &hildre at#rally
of low ad sha)ef#l birth ad spirit#al destit#tio3 b#t we ha2e bee
adopted ito a higher ra/3 ay3 we ha2e bee bor ito a hea2ely life ad
a di2ie soship3 ad we are destied3 as the 2ery &hildre of %od3 to share
the e6&eedig ri&hes of 9is glory thro#gh all the ages to &o)e= ad3
therefore3 we are re&ogi>ed by 9i) ow ad treated i the )aer
befittig o#r f#t#re glory4 .e are li/e the &hildre of wealthy parets who
are at s&hool i a foreig lad3 ot ha2ig yet &o)e ito their iherita&e3
b#t beig s#pplied by their father3 e2e i their )iority3 with bo#dless
wealth for e2ery eed4 'd so3 altho#gh we ha2e ot etered #po o#r
eteral iherita&e3 yet %od has gi2e #s a &he"#e boo/ o the ba/ of
hea2e3 ad o the ba&/ of e2ery &he"#e 9e has 9i)self edorsed the 2ast
ad illi)itable g#aratee3 0My %od shall s#pply all yo#r eed a&&ordig to
9is ri&hes i glory by Jes#s !hrist40
'd so this word 0abo#d0 has &o)e to be a sort of a /eyote to the :ew
Testa)et pro)ises4 -2e of 9is pro)ises 9e says3 0%od willig MAC-
';E:D':TL@ to shew #to the heirs of pro)ise the i))#tability of 9is
&o#sel &ofir)ed it by a oath0 G9eb4 2i7 1$H4 9is word is ab#dat3 9is
pro)ises bo#dless3 9is lo2ig3 faithf#l heart str#ggles to e6press i e2er
a)pler lag#age ad larger #ttera&e3 the i))eas#rable ad #spea/able
f#lless of 9is lo2e3 so that 9is great pro)ises are li/e )o#tais piled
#po )o#tais #til 9is faithf#less tr#ly rea&heth #to the &lo#ds4
So3 agai3 9is )er&y ad gra&e to the sif#l are as ab#dat4 0The gra&e of
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
o#r Lord30 says the 'postle3 0was -J!--D1:% ';E:D':T with faith
ad lo2e whi&h is i !hrist Jes#s40 'd agai i Co)4 27 1$3 he spea/s of
those who 0re&ei2e ';E:D':!- AF %C'!- ad the gift of
righteo#sess3 who shall reig i life by oe3 Jes#s !hrist40 The life that
Jes#s brigs to #s is ot oly life3 b#t 0life MAC- ';E:D':TL@0 GJo4
67 1,H4 Cede)ptio ad forgi2eess are de&lared i -ph4 17 $3 (3 to be
0a&&ordig to the ri&hes of 9is gra&e wherei 9- 9'T9 ';AE:D-D
toward #s i all wisdo) ad pr#de&e30 that is3 i all the 2ariety of the lo2e
ad &are that adapts ad ad<#sts 9is )er&y ad 9is gra&e to e2ery shade of
g#ilt ad eed3 ad whi&h ati&ipates e2ery f#t#re e)erge&y= for this is the
)eaig of 0pr#de&e30 literally3 foresight ad pro2ide&e4
9is p#rpose i o#r sal2atio is that 0i the ages to &o)e 9e )ight show the
-J!--D1:% C1!9-S AF 91S %C'!- i 9is /idess toward #s by
!hrist Jes#s0 G-ph4 ii7 $H4 'll the dispesatios of 9is pro2ide&e are
destied to gi2e o&&asio for still larger )aifestatios of 9is gra&e3 0For
all thigs are for yo#r sa/es that the ';E:D':T %C'!- )ight thro#gh
the tha/sgi2ig of )ay redo#d to the glory of %od0 G2 !or4 i27 15H4
-2e i o#r deepest sorrows 9e has )ade pro2isio for s#&h o2erflowig
ab#da&e of &o)fort ad <oy that the sorrow shall be lost i the <oy3 for3
0's the s#fferigs of !hrist abo#d i #s3 so o#r !A:SAL'T1A: 'LSA
';AE:D-T9 by !hrist0 G2 !or4 i7 5H4 The pro2isios of gra&e for o#r
!hristia life ad wor/ are e"#ally bo#dless3 for 0%od is able to )a/e
'LL %C'!- ';AE:D toward yo# that ye always ha2ig all5s#ffi&ie&y
i all thigs3 M'@ ';AE:D to e2ery good wor/0 G2 !or4 i67 (H4 'd li/e a
)o#tai5top3 high abo2e all the rest ad lost i the &lo#ds3 it is all s#))ed
#p i the s#bli)e hyperbole3 0:ow #to 9i) that is ';L- TA DA
-J!--D1:% ';E:D':TL@ abo2e all that we as/ or thi/3 a&&ordig to
the power that wor/eth i #s3 #to 9i) be glory i the &h#r&h by !hrist
Jes#s3 thro#gho#t all ages3 world witho#t ed4 ')e0 G-ph4 iii7 2,3 214H
This is the di2ie )eas#re of redee)ig gra&e3 ad3 so o o#r side we are
&alled #po to )eet %od+s high )eas#re with &orrespodig f#lless4 .e
are to abo#d i faith4 0Cooted ad b#ilt #p i 9i)3 ad stablished i the
faith3 as ye ha2e bee ta#ght3 ';AE:D1:% therei with tha/sgi2ig0
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
G!ol4 ii7 $H4 .e are to abo#d i lo2e4 0'd this 1 pray3 that yo#r LAI-
M'@ ';AE:D yet )ore ad )ore i /owledge ad i all <#dg)et0
GPhil4 i7 *H4 0'd the Lord )a/e yo# to i&rease ad ';AE:D 1: LAI-
oe toward aother3 ad toward all )e3 e2e as we do toward yo#0 G1
Thess4 iii7 12H4 .e are to abo#d i holiess4 0F#rther)ore the we besee&h
yo#3 brethre3 ad e6hort yo# by the Lord Jes#s3 that as ye ha2e re&ei2ed of
#s how ye o#ght to wal/ ad to please %od3 so ye .AELD ';AE:D
MAC- ':D MAC- 0 G1 Thess4 i27 1H4 .e are to abo#d i <oy4 0That yo#r
re<oi&ig )ay be )ore ';E:D':T i !hrist Jes#s0 GPhil4 i7 2*H= ad i
hope3 0:ow the %od of hope fill yo# with all <oy ad pea&e i belie2ig3
that ye )ay ';AE:D 1: 9AP-3 thro#gh the power of the 9oly %host0
GCo)4 627 13H4 .e are to abo#d i liberality3 e2e i the depths of po2erty4
0The ab#da&e of their <oy ad their deep po2erty ';AE:D-D #to the
ri&hes of their liberality40 0Therefore as ye abo#d i e2erythig3 i faith
ad #ttera&e3 i /owledge3 ad i all dilige&e3 ad i yo#r lo2e to #s3 see
that ye ';AE:D 1: T91S %C'!- 'LSA0 G2 !or4 2iii7 23 $H4
'd o#r spirit#al e6perie&e is to be ot a straied b#t a a)ple oe3 e2er
growig i breadth3 depth3 height ad sy))etry3 thro#gh the ab#dat
gra&e of the di2ie at#re i o#r heart4 0'd besides this3 gi2ig all
dilige&e3 add to yo#r faith 2irt#e= ad to 2irt#e3 /owledge= ad to
/owledge3 te)pera&e= ad to te)pera&e3 patie&e= ad to patie&e3
godliess= ad to godliess3 brotherly /idess= ad to brotherly /idess3
&harity4 For if these thigs be i yo#3 ':D ';AE:D3 they )a/e yo# that
ye shall either be barre or #fr#itf#l i the /owledge of o#r Lord Jes#s
!hrist0 G2 Pet4 i7 55(H4 'd fially if we th#s eter ito 9is ab#dat gra&e
we shall ha2e 9is glorio#s re&o)pese i li/e proportio3 ad 0So a
etra&e shall be )iistered #to yo# ';E:D':TL@ ito the e2erlastig
/igdo) of o#r Lord ad Sa2io#r Jes#s !hrist40
;elo2ed3 shall we so re&ei2e 09is f#lless3 e2e gra&e for gra&e30 ad so
eter i at last3 ot li/e a battered ship3 with )asts ad sails all goe ad
baer tor to shreds3 ad slowly draw by so)e old t#g boat a&ross the
bar ito the harbor or the dry5do&/= b#t shall we rather3 with flags all flyig3
ad sails swellig i the gales of hea2e3 ad )yriads o the shore waitig
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
to wel&o)e #s3 shall we ha2e a etra&e )iistered #to #s ab#datly
ito the e2erlastig /igdo) of o#r Lord ad Sa2io#r Jes#s !hrist3 while
woderig agels3 loo/ig ba&/ to the past ad ga>ig i a)a>e)et o o#r
preset glory3 shall t#r to ea&h other ad say3 0where si abo#ded3 gra&e
did )#&h )ore abo#d40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Gra/e Abo6n'ing
0Fro) stregth to stregth405Psal) l666i2 $4
This is a &hapter of the 0Pilgri)+s Progress0 thro#gh the 2alley of ;a&a3 of
whi&h this bea#tif#l psal) is a pi&t#re4 1t is the story of the life of tr#st3 ad
its two /eyotes are the fifth ad twelfth 2erses of the psal)3 0, Lord of
hosts3 blessed is the )a that tr#steth i thee40 0;lessed is the )a whose
stregth is i thee40 To hi) the 2alley of ;a&a3 the 2alley of weepig3 at
o&e be&o)es a well of li2ig waters3 ad e2ery low ad dry pla&e a pool
for the hea2ely rai to fill with floods of deeper blessig= ad dri/ig
fro) the li2ig waters the pilgri)s go 0fro) stregth to stregth30 ad all at
last go ho)e3 for 0e2ery oe of the) i Dio appeareth before %od40
0Fro) stregth to stregthB0 ;#t there is a pre2io#s &hapter3 fro) wea/ess
to stregth4 For )a is at#rally the wea/est &reat#re i the #i2erse4 9e
&o)es ito life with the wail of a helpless ifat3 wea/er tha the tiger+s
&#b or the birdlig i its est4 ;#t his physi&al frailty is b#t a fig#re of his
spirit#al helplessess4 .he we were yet witho#t stregth i d#e ti)e
!hrist died for the #godly40 ;#t the gra&e of %od i the &o2ersio of the
so#l brigs its first spirit#al stregth3 eablig it to &hoose ad tr#st the
Lord3 to t#r fro) si ad wal/ i holy obedie&e4 The it sigs the ew
sog3 0, Lord3 1 will praise thee= tho#gh tho# wast agry with )e thie
ager is t#red away ad tho# &o)fortest )e4 ;ehold3 %od is )y sal2atio=
1 will tr#st ad be ot afraid3 for the Lord Jeho2ah is )y stregth ad )y
sog= 9e also is be&o)e )y sal2atio40
Iery strog is the ew5bor tr#st ad lo2e of the &o2erted so#l= 2ery
strog its p#rpose3 its <oy ad its holy eth#sias)4 1t tr#ly see)s as if it
e2er &o#ld be te)pted to do#bt or disobey3 ad3 li/e Peter3 it is ready to
&ry3 0Tho#gh all )e sho#ld dey thee3 yet will 1 e2er dey thee40 'd
%od )eets #s o this plae ad helps o#r stregth3 altho#gh 9e has
so)ethig far better for #s f#rther o4 Spea/ig to s#&h a heart i the forty5
first of 1saiah ad the ith 2erse3 9e says3 0Tho# art )y ser2at= 1 ha2e
&hose thee3 ad ot &ast thee away40 1t is the e6perie&e of the so#l that
has <#st &o)e to %od4 'd the 9e adds3 0Fear tho# ot3 for 1 a) with thee=
be ot dis)ayed3 for 1 a) thy %od= 1 will stregthe thee= yea3 1 will help
thee= yea3 1 will #phold thee with the right had of )y righteo#sess40
These last three &la#ses des&ribe three 2ery disti&t e6perie&es of o#r early
!hristia life4 The first &o)es whe we begi to feel o#r stregth
is#ffi&iet ad &ry to %od for i&reased stregth3 ad 9e stregthes #s4 1t
is the old /id of stregth3 b#t 9e gi2es #s )ore of it4 ;#t soo e2e this is
ot s#ffi&iet3 ad3 as we still si/3 9e &o)es ad adds 9is help to o#r
stregth4 01 will help thee30 9e says4 1t is ow the stregtheed heart with
the strog Lord helpig4 ;#t still yo# will oti&e that we are i frot ad
ot the Lord4 1t is o#r battle3 ad 9e is si)ply reifor&ig #s with 9is
a#6iliaries4 ;#t ow a greater &risis &o)es4 -2e this is ot s#ffi&iet3 ad
we si/ i the &ofli&t ad are ready to fall i #tter e6ha#stio ad
dis&o#rage)et3 whe loB o#r Mighty 9elper &o)es #po the field
9i)self3 ta/es the battle i 9is ow al)ighty hads3 lifts #p o#r si/ig
for) as a )other wo#ld a babe3 bids #s o loger to stad e2e i 9is help3
b#t ta/es #s bodily i 9is ar)s ad &arries #s with 9is ow al)ighty
stregth as 9e &ries3 0@ea3 1 will #phold thee with the right had of )y
righteo#sess40 Ah3 that is fro) stregth to stregthB Fro) o#r ow
stregth to 9is i&reased stregth3 ad ow fro) e2e this to the absol#te
all5s#ffi&ie&y of %od 9i)self4
:ow we oti&e i the 2i2id i)agery of the prophet a s#dde ad &o)plete
&hage #po the battlefield3 ad loo/ig ro#d3 we fid that all o#r foes
ha2e already fled before 9is fa&e4 A#r al)ighty !aptai has ta/e the field3
ad 0loB all they that were i&esed agaist thee shall be asha)ed ad
&ofo#ded3 ad they that stri2e with thee shall perish4 Tho# shalt see/
the) ad ot fid the)3 e2e the) that &oteded with thee= they that war
agaist thee shall be as othig3 ad as a thig of o#ght40
1 the third &hapter of Ce2elatio we see the little &h#r&h of Philadelphia
goig thro#gh so)ethig li/e this e6perie&e4 0Tho# hast a little stregth30
the Master says3 0ad hast /ept )y word ad ot deied )y a)e40 ;#t i
the teth 2erse we fid a )ightier stregth &o)ig to the faithf#l i
Philadelphia4 0;e&a#se tho# hast /ept the word of )y patie&e 1 also will
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
/eep thee40 1t is %od+s /eepig ow3 ot o#r ow= ad i the twelfth 2erse it
rea&hed its &li)a64 The oe who had 0a little stregth0 has ow be&o)e 0a
pillar30 with stregth eo#gh ot oly to #phold its ow weight3 b#t to
s#pport the edifi&e #der whi&h it stads4 ;#t whe Philadelphia be&o)es a
pillar its ow idi2id#ality passes away3 ad it be&o)es idetified with %od
9i)self3 for 9e says3 01 will write #po hi) the a)e of )y %od3 ad the
a)e of the &ity of )y %od3 whi&h is :ew Jer#sale)3 whi&h &o)eth dow
o#t of 9ea2e fro) )y %od= ad 1 will write #po hi) )y ew a)e40
This is ot ow )ere h#)a stregth3 b#t the stregth of Jeho2ah4
.e ha2e ow got to the great the)e whi&h we desire to i)press as the Lord
eables #s4
14 1t is di2ie3 ot h#)a stregth3 ad it is stregth whi&h is wholly di2ie
ad i o sese or )eas#re h#)a4 1t is a e6&hage of stregth i whi&h
we ha2e s#rredered all o#r fa&ied power ad re&ei2ed istead the di2ie
power ad eablig4 This glorio#s e6&hage of stregth is 2i2idly set forth
i the ai)ated lag#age of the s#bli)e 1saiah3 &hapter 6l7 09e gi2eth
power to the fait3 ad to the) that ha2e o )ight 9e i&reaseth stregth4
-2e the yo#ths shall fait ad be weary3 ad the yo#g )e shall #tterly
fall3 b#t they that wait #po the Lord shall e6&hage their stregth40 That is
to say3 the strogest h#)a stregth3 the )ahood of yo#g )e3 the 2igor
ad 2itality of yo#th3 shall be wholly iade"#ate for the e6ige&ies of
!hristia life ad &ofli&t3 ad it is ot #til these ha2e failed that %od has
roo) to display the reso#r&es of 9is o)ipote&e4 .he we be&o)e
0fait30 the 9e gi2eth 9is power3 ad whe we ha2e 0o )ight30 the 9e
0i&reaseth stregth30 that is= gi2es yet )ore be&a#se of o#r #tter
helplessess4 .aitig o the Lord3 we let o#r stregth go ad ta/e 9is
istead3 ad so reew or e6&hage o#r stregth4
' si)ple fig#re )ay help to ill#strate the tho#ght4 Loo/ at that )a tryig
to ford a ri2er3 ad with all his )ight str#gglig with the deep flood3 ad3
by dit of tre)edo#s physi&al e6ertios3 ste))ig its )ighty waters3 ad
patig ad e6ha#sted rea&hig the other shore4 That is stregth )at&hed
with the stregth of the ele)ets4 ;#t loo/ at aother4 .adig o#t a little
dista&e ito the deep flood by the e6er&ise of his ow stregth3 he ow lets
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
go3 ad falls ad si/s #po the boso) of the ri2er4 LoB it bears hi)
witho#t a str#ggle ad &arries hi) dow i its swift &#rret4 9e has let go
his stregth3 ad he is ow &arried by the stregth of the strea)4
So there are )ay of #s who are tryig to ford the strea) by o#r ow
strog will ad efforts4 There is a sweeter way3 by &easig fro) o#r
stregth ad fallig ito the )ighty &#rret of %od+s ifiite life ad lo2e
ad beig bore by a power s#perior to o#rs witho#t a str#ggle4 May
people e2er rea&h their tr#e de2elop)et #til their diffi&#lties be&o)e so
great that they brea/ dow i the str#ggle ad fall ito the ar)s of %od4
This is what the apostle )eat whe he e6&lai)ed3 01 ta/e pleas#re i
ifir)ities= whe 1 a) wea/ the a) 1 strog40 'd this was b#t a e&ho of
the Master+s ow ass#ra&e3 0My gra&e is s#ffi&iet for thee3 for )y
stregth is )ade perfe&t i wea/ess40
;elo2ed3 ha2e yo# e6&haged yo#r stregth for the Lord+s? 9a2e yo# goe
0fro) stregth30 that is yo#rs3 0to stregth30 that is the stregth di2ie?
24 1t is stregth for a higher spirit#al plae4 0They shall )o#t #p with
wigs as eagles40 1t is a stregth whi&h eables #s to )o#t to a higher
ele)et of life ad &o))#io with %od4 1t brigs #s ito the di2ie life
ad raises #s #p to dwell i hea2ely pla&es with !hrist4 1t resists ad
o2er&o)es the at#ral dire&tio of earth3 to draw #s dowward3 ad3 li/e
the b#oyat wig of the fowls of the fir)a)et3 it bears #s ad holds #s o
high3 i a &al) ad hea2ely at)osphere where the world lies beeath o#r
feet3 ad we are lifted abo2e the thigs whi&h o&e e&o)passed ad
etagled #s4 .e are ot ow fightig the wild wa2es3 b#t flyig far abo2e
the) i aother ele)et4 The )ightiest h#)a stregth &aot lift #s #p to
this4 Aly the strog piios of the 9ea2ely Do2e &a bear #s aloft to3 ad
hold #s s#pre)ely i3 this hea2ely regio4 This is %od+s tr#e deli2era&e
fro) )ost of o#r tro#bles= ot to &hage the)3 b#t to rise abo2e the)4 Ah3
how we eed these seasos of spirit#al ele2atio ad hea2ely ispiratio
to stregthe #s for the pra&ti&al sphere of &o))o life3 ad eable #s to
0r# ad ot be weary30 ad to 0wal/ ad ot fait40
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
@es3 we eed these ti)es of waitig3
.he their stregth o#r so#ls reew7
Dri/ig at the hea2ely fo#tai3
;athig i the hea2ely dew=
@es3 we eed these heights of rapt#re3
.he we )o#t o eagles+ wigs3
The ret#rig to earth+s d#ties3
'll o#r heart e6#ltat sprigs4
Ah3 how e2ery labor lightesB
's with swift di2ie &ostrait3
.e &a 0r# ad ot be weary30
.e &a wal/ ad e2er fait4
34 Stregth for the pra&ti&al d#ties of life4 For they that th#s 0reew their
stregth0 0shall r# ad ot be weary= ad they shall wal/ ad ot fait40 1t
is ot all for heights of rapt#re or ho#rs of 2isio3 b#t these e6perie&es
rea&h their tr#e fr#itio i the &ose&ratio of o#r &o))o life ad the
tri#)ph of faith ad patie&e i the ro#tie of daily d#ty4 This is the
pathway where we ha2e ofte to r# the strog ra&e of pe&#liar diffi&#lty3
stre#o#s e6ertio ad s#dde ad se2ere e)erge&y3 b#t %od+s stregth
does ot grow weary #der the )ost e6tre)e tests4 The there are the log
protra&ted strais3 the al)ost iter)iable delays3 the edless )i#tiae of
trial3 irritatio ad &are3 that eed the s#staied stregth whi&h holds o its
way ad &arries #s thro#gh all the details of life+s e6perie&es as
2i&torio#sly as thro#gh its greater battlefields4 These are the thigs that
e6ha#st )ere h#)a stregth3 b#t the stregth of %od &a 0wal/ ad ot
fait40 ;elo2ed3 ha2e we th#s e6&haged o#r stregth ad are we
2i&torio#sly p#rs#ig o#r oward way with &al) 2i&torio#s spirit3
#wearied ad #faitig?
44 1t is stregth to 0withstad i the e2il day ad ha2ig doe all to stad40
Dr4 Ma&/ay of 9#ll o&e said that 1saiah had left o#t oe of the thigs
whi&h %od+s stregth eables #s to do3 for it is harder to r# tha to fly3 ad
harder to wal/ tha to r#3 b#t there is so)ethig harder tha wal/ig3 ad
that is to stad4 :ow Pa#l has s#pplied this o)issio3 if it be oe3 i his
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
s#perb pi&t#re of the !hristia &o"#eror i the si6th &hapter of -phesias4
This &hapter3 by the way3 is the 2ery &hapter of the life that has )o#ted #p
with wigs as eagles ad is dwellig o high4 1ts /eyote is3 0Dwellig i
hea2ely pla&es i !hrist Jes#s30 ad3 li/e the pi&t#re i 1saiah3 the apostle
eds with a 2ery pra&ti&al &o&l#sio4 The o#t&o)e of all this stregth is to
0p#t o the whole ar)or of %od that ye )ay be able to stad agaist the
wiles of the de2il4 For we wrestle ot agaist flesh ad blood3 b#t agaist
pri&ipalities3 agaist powers3 agaist the r#lers of the dar/ess of this
world3 agaist spirit#al wi&/edess i high pla&es4 .herefore ta/e #to yo#
the whole ar)or of %od that ye )ay be able to stad i the e2il day ad
ha2ig doe all to stad40 This is the oly stregth whi&h will eable yo# to
stad4 The sooer we dis&o2er the better3 that the strogest of #s is o
)at&h for Sata3 ad that o#r highest ad holiest resol#tios will be s#rely
bro/e ad o#r so#ls trodde dow i defeat ad despair beeath o#r
&o"#eror+s s&orf#l feet3 #less we )eet o#r spirit#al foes i the 2ery
prese&e ad power of Jes#s4
For this is <#st what all this pi&t#re )eas4 The shield of faith is the faith of
%od= the sword of the Spirit is the .ord of %od3 wielded by the 9oly %host
withi #s= the 2ery prayer i whi&h we are to o2er&o)e is to be prayed i
the Spirit= the ar)or is the ar)or of %od= the stregth is to 0be strog i the
Lord ad the power of 9is )ight40 1 a word3 it is to &ofrot the de2il with
the li2ig %od withi #s ad so possessig #s that the battle is ot o#rs b#t
%od+s3 ad the ee)y3 fro) the begiig3 #derstads that he has
&halleged3 ot a poor #e"#al )a3 b#t his ow 'l)ighty !o"#eror3 the
So of %od4 This is to be 0)ore tha &o"#eror thro#gh 9i) that lo2ed
#s=0 this is to say3 0Tha/s be #to %od who always leadeth #s i tri#)ph
thro#gh o#r Lord Jes#s !hrist40
54 1t is stregth to ed#re4 Let #s read atteti2ely !ol4 i7 114 0Stregtheed
with all )ight3 a&&ordig to 9is glorio#s power3 #to all patie&e ad
logs#fferig with <oyf#less40 9ere is oe of the ad2a&ed statios of the
pilgri)+s progress 0fro) stregth to stregth40 .e )ay well pa#se ad as/
if we ha2e rea&hed this pla&e of stregth4 1s this the the goal of Pete&ost?
1s this the great ob<e&ti2e poit &ote)plated by the )ighty baptis) of the
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
9oly %host? 1s this the )eaig of the power fro) o high? 0Stregtheed
with all )ight a&&ordig to 9is glorio#s powerB0 Ae wo#ld s#rely loo/ for
a s#bli)er battlefield to follow s#&h a spledid parade of the ar)ies of
%od4 ;#t loB we behold a etirely differet spe&ta&le4 ' solitary soldier o
a obs&#re ad weary pathway3 battlig with a tho#sad petty hardships3
diffi&#lties ad trials3 or stadig thro#gh all the day of battle witho#t a
sigle opport#ity of ad2a&ig3 ad see)igly &alled to othig else b#t to
stad #der the fire of the ee)y ad to 0ed#re hardess as a good soldier
of Jes#s !hrist40 9is whole b#siess see)s to be 0patie&e ad
logs#fferig=0 the first3 with refere&e to the trials whi&h %od is pleased to
sed #po hi)= the se&od3 the aoya&es ad i<#ries of )e4 'hB these
are the 2ery thigs h#)a stregth &aot ed#re4 May a bra2e )a &a
stad #der a &ao+s fire )ore &al)ly tha he &a ed#re the ta#ts of a
fellow &reat#re4 The highest 2i&tory of the So of %od was3 that3 0whe 9e
was re2iled 9e re2iled ot agai= whe 9e s#ffered 9e threateed ot70 ad
the )ightiest tri#)phs of the stregth of %od i #s are reali>ed whe we
&a re&ei2e the hidig of o#r Father+s fa&e ad e2e the weight of 9is
)ighty had witho#t a do#bt or )#r)#r3 ad a&&ept the )is&o&eptios3
opprobri#)s3 reproa&hes ad wrogs of o#r fellow )e3 ot oly with
logs#fferig3 b#t with <oyf#less= ot oly #r#ffled ad #retaliatig3 b#t
sweetly reali>ig ad f#lly belie2ig that they are to #s the pledges of so)e
ri&her blessig fro) o#r hea2ely Father3 ad the g#aratees of so)ethig
so glorio#s that we &aot b#t tha/ %od for gi2ig #s the opport#ity of
th#s wiig aother blessig4
;elo2ed3 ha2e we ay roo) for progress here 0fro) stregth to stregth0?
64 1t is stregth that &arries #s i 2i&tory thro#gh the whole rage of o#r
!hristia e6perie&e with all its e6tre)es3 ad eables #s to say3 01 &a do
all thigs thro#gh !hrist whi&h stregtheeth )e40 The apostle had tested it
i the heights ad depths of h#)a &ir&#)sta&es ad fo#d it e"#al to all
2i&issit#des3 2ariatios ad e6ige&ies4 The for&e of his glorio#s &ofessio
lies i the 0all thigs40 9#)a stregth &a a&&o)plish so)e thigs3 b#t the
stregth of %od is e"#ally ade"#ate for all4 1t is e"#al i its #ifor)ity3
i))#tability3 #2ariableess4 A2er e2ery opeig )orig it is&ribes the
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
pro)ise3 0's thy day so shall thy stregth be40 1t has s#&h a ifiite
reser2e of all5s#ffi&ie&y that we eed ot "#estio whether o#r stregth is
ade"#ate to the d#ty4 'll we eed to /ow is3 does %od re"#ire it? for if 9e
does 9e will ab#datly eable #s4 The great ships of o&ea3 ad espe&ially
the ships of today3 are s&ar&ely affe&ted by the stor)s or the ele)ets4 They
are so strog that they )o2e o with e"#al fa&ility thro#gh the glassy sea or
the rollig wa2es4 The stregth of %od i a h#)a life will &arry it th#s
steadily thro#gh all life+s &hages4
0!al) as the ray of s# or star3
.hi&h stor)s assail i 2ai3
Mo2ig #r#ffled thro#gh life+s war3
The eteral &al) to gai40
$4 1t is stregth whi&h eables #s to re&ei2e !hrist+s idwellig i all its
f#lless3 ad to eter ito all the )eaig of 9is )ysti&al life4 0For this
&a#se 1 bow )y /ees #to the Father of o#r Lord Jes#s !hrist3 of who)
the whole fa)ily i hea2e ad earth is a)ed3 that 9e wo#ld grat yo#3
a&&ordig to the ri&hes of 9is glory3 to be stregtheed with )ight by 9is
Spirit i the ier )a3 that !hrist )ay dwell i yo#r hearts by faith3 that
ye3 beig rooted ad gro#ded i lo2e3 )ay be able to &o)prehed with all
saits what is the breadth3 ad legth3 ad depth ad height= ad to /ow
the lo2e of !hrist whi&h passeth /owledge3 that ye )ight be filled with all
the f#lless of %od4 :ow #to 9i) that is able to do e6&eedig ab#datly
abo2e all that we &a as/ or thi/3 a&&ordig to the power that wor/eth i
#s3 #to 9i) be glory i the &h#r&h by !hrist Jes#s thro#gho#t all ages3
world witho#t ed4 ')e40
The apostle is spea/ig here of the idwellig of %od i the heart= 0That ye
)ight be filled with all the f#lless of %od30 is the &rowig state)et of
this great tr#th ad e6perie&e4 This is possible i a )eas#re 0e6&eedig
ab#datly abo2e0 all that we are eabled to as/ or thi/4 1t is to be reali>ed
thro#gh !hrist dwellig i o#r hearts3 ad !hrist+s idwellig will brig #s
ito a e6perie&e of lo2e i whi&h we shall /ow ad &o)prehed the
height ad depth ad legth ad breadth of 9is lo2e whi&h passeth
/owledge4 ;#t this idwellig of !hrist is to &o)e thro#gh si)ple faith4
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
:ow all this loo/s e6tre)ely easy o paper ad i theory3 b#t the apostle
tells #s that i order to eter ito it we )#st be 0stregtheed with )ight by
9is Spirit i the ier )a40 This di2ie fillig re"#ires a 2essel that &a
hold it3 ad a 2essel s#perat#rally stregtheed4 @o# &aot p#t a &harge
of dya)ite or a h#dred5po#d shot ito a po&/et pistol or a 2essel of &lay4
@o# wat the )ightiest orda&e3 the strogest barrel ad bree&h3 to bear
the eor)o#s strai of so )#&h &o&etrated power4 'd %od has to
prepare #s as the 2essels of 9is power3 ad3 i order to do so3 9e )#st ta/e
#s o#t of o#r ow stregth ito the stregth of !hrist4 A#r )ere at#ral
&apa&ities &aot re&ei2e Jes#s4 The loftiest itelle&t3 the strogest brai3 is
#e"#al to this e6perie&e= b#t the h#)blest &apa&ity3 whe stregtheed
by the 9oly %host3 )ay /ow %od as o agel e2er /ew 9i)3 ad e6#lt
i 9is i))eas#rable lo2e3 as oly 9is lo2ed oes &a4
'd e2e after we ha2e re&ei2ed !hrist+s idwellig thro#gh the 9oly
%host eablig #s3 there are depths ad heights i 0all the f#lless of %od0
i whi&h we )ore perfe&tly eter3 i proportio as we allow the 9oly %host
to fit #s for the deeper ad higher e6perie&e4 This is ofte what o#r
se2erest trials are )eat for3 to gi2e to o#r spirit a 2igor ad &apa&ity whi&h
will eable #s to rise to a higher pla&e i the fellowship4
(4 1t is stregth whi&h is established ad perfe&ted by spirit#al dis&iplie4
0;#t the %od of all gra&e3 who hath &alled #s #to 9is eteral glory by
!hrist Jes#s3 after that ye ha2e s#ffered a while3 )a/e yo# perfe&t3 stablish3
stregthe3 settle yo#0 G1 Pet4 27 2,H4 -2ery ew e6perie&e of !hrist+s
gra&e )#st be &ofir)ed by so)e ew dis&iplie i the s&hool of trial3 ad
e2e after we ha2e &o)e to /ow %od as 0the %od of all gra&e3 who hath
&alled #s #to 9is eteral glory30 we )#st s#ffer a while3 that e2e this
/owledge ad e6perie&e of 9is gra&e )ay be established3 stregtheed3
'd so we are e2er passig o 0fro) stregth to stregth30 ad fidig3 li/e
the giat oa/3 that the wildest te)pests3 istead of tearig #s fro) o#r
fo#datio3 oly plat #s deeper ad root #s the )ore se&#rely to the Co&/
of 'ges4
A Larger Cristian Li!e From Strengt To Strengt
0;#t they )eas#rig the)sel2es by the)sel2es3 ad &o)parig the)sel2es
a)og the)sel2es are ot wise4 ;#t we will ot boast of thigs witho#t o#r
)eas#re3 b#t a&&ordig to the )eas#re of the r#le whi&h %od hath
distrib#ted to #s3 a )eas#re to rea&h e2e #to yo#40 2 !or4 67123 134
0.ith what )eas#re ye )ete it shall be )eas#red to yo#= ad #to yo# that
hear shall )ore be gi2e40 Mar/ i2 244
.e ha2e here two sorts of )eas#res &otrasted3 the h#)a ad the di2ie4
There is a great deal i a )eas#re4 9alf a i&h off the draper+s yard sti&/
)a/es a good )ay yards differe&e whe the goods are deli2ered4 The
di2isio of a hair lie i a &arpeter+s r#le )ight destroy all the &al&#latios
of the ar&hite&t i the &ostr#&tio of a b#ildig4 ' little boy told his )other
that he was si6 feet high3 ad whe she do#bted the state)et he ass#red
her that he had <#st )eas#red hi)self by his ow little r#le4 9is &al&#latios
wo#ld ha2e bee all right if his r#le had bee right3 b#t whe e6a)ied3 it
was fo#d to be a little less tha si6 i&hes log4 This is the sort of r#le that
a great )ay !hristias )eas#re by4
There are two sorts of h#)a )eas#res= the oe is whe we are 0)eas#rig
o#rsel2es by o#rsel2es=0 the other3 whe we are 0&o)parig o#rsel2es
a)og o#rsel2es=0 that is3 )eas#rig by others4 ;oth are e"#ally 0#wise30
for both &o)e e"#ally short of the di2ie r#le4 May persos are always
tryig to )eas#re #p to their ideal ad their aspiratios ad to the o#t5
rea&hig of their poor so#ls3 ad the lofty ideals of h#)aity3 as they are
pleased to &all the)4 They will tell #s that they ha2e li2ed #p to their light
ad to their &os&ie&e ad are satisfied with their opiios ad &otet
with their li2es3 ad that it is obody+s b#siess b#t their ow4 They are
)eas#rig the)sel2es by the)sel2es4 So)e who ha2e &o)e #po a higher
plae are )eas#rig the)sel2es by a past e6perie&e3 by so)e )e)ory of
blessig3 so)e little Mi>ar or so)e lofty )o#t to whi&h they ha2e rise i
the distat past3 ad this3 to the)3 is the type ad ideal of all their life4 'd
so3 we fid tho#sads tryig to hold o to their e6perie&e or to get it ba&/
agai3 istead of re)e)berig that %od is 0able to do e6&eedig ab#datly
abo2e all we as/ or thi/40
Athers agai are e2er &o)parig the)sel2es with others3 &ograt#latig
the)sel2es that they are as good as so)e of their stadard3 or ai)ig to
rese)ble so)e h#)a ideal4 The res#lt of this is to be see i the h#)a
traditios ad the stereotyped patters of !hristia li2ig3 a&&ordig to
whi&h so )ay are )o#ldig their dwarfed ad wret&hed li2es4 'll this is
b#t h#)a )eas#rig= all this is )ost #wise4 Fro) all this Pa#l t#red to
rea&h #p to %od+s )eas#re3 ad3 0forgettig the thigs that were behid he
pressed forward to the )ar/ for the pri>e of the high &allig of %od i
!hrist Jes#s=0 stri2ig that he )ight 0apprehed that for whi&h he was
appreheded of !hrist Jes#s40 1t is a great thig to ha2e a worthy ideal or
patter4 1t is better to ai) high ad )iss it tha it is to ai) low ad rea&h it4
The fa)o#s artist was wise whe he wept with bitter tears be&a#se he had
rea&hed his ideal4 9e &o#ld drea) of othig higher tha he had a&hie2ed
with his br#sh ad to hi) the &har) ad ispiratio of life had goe4
.e fid a #)ber of %od+s stadards ad )eas#res referred to i the 9oly
S&ript#res3 risig li/e the ro#ds of Ja&ob+s ladder fro) earth to hea2e4
There is a si)ple phrase oft repeated i the :ew Testa)et ad ofte
o2erloo/ed3 whi&h e6presses these )eas#res ad steppigs4 1t is the phrase
0'!!ACD1:% TA30 two words whi&h rise li/e the #prights of Ja&ob+s
ladder to the hea2es3 ad a&ross whi&h )ay of the pre&io#s pro)ises )ay
be see i the 2isio of faith fir)ly fasteed as hea2ely steps leadig
higher ad higher #p to all the good ad perfe&t will of %od4 Let #s gla&e
at so)e of these hea2ely )eas#res4
14 T9- .1LL AF %AD4
This is at o&e the li)itatio ad the ispiratio of o#r faith ad prayer4 01f
we as/ aythig '!!ACD1:% TA 9is will 9e heareth #s40 0The Spirit
)a/eth iter&essio for the saits '!!ACD1:% TA the will of %od40
;eyod this o#r desires ad o#r aspiratios &aot go3 b#t beyod it they
eed ot desire to go3 for withi it lie all the probabilities of blessig whi&h
a h#)a ad i))ortal life &a re&ei2e= ad %od+s &hief desire is to get #s to
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
see how )#&h it )eas of blessig for #s4 's we ha2e ofte said3 there is
o 2aster prayer withi the rea&h of faith tha the si)ple sete&e3 0Thy
will be doe40 This will )#st )ea for ea&h of #s o#r highest possible
good4 .e /ow it i&l#des o#r sal2atio3 if we will a&&ept sal2atio3 for
0%od will ha2e all )e to be sa2ed40 .e /ow it i&l#des o#r
sa&tifi&atio3 for 0this is the will of %od3 e2e yo#r sa&tifi&atio40 .e
/ow it i&l#des o#r deli2era&e fro) physi&al e2il if we will re&ei2e it i
9is :a)e i faith ad obedie&e3 for 9e has said3 01 will4 ;e tho# &lea40
.e /ow it i&l#des e2ery eeded blessig that the obediet &a re"#ire3
for 9e has said 09e will withhold o good thig fro) the) that wal/
#prightly40 The apostle+s prayer for his belo2ed frieds was that they )ight
ha2e f#lfilled i the) 0all the good pleas#re of 9is goodess=0 ad that they
)ight 0pro2e that good ad a&&eptable ad perfe&t will of %od40
;elo2ed3 are yo# )eas#rig #p to this di2ie r#le? 're yo# )eetig all
yo#r Father+s will? 're yo# wal/ig 0worthy of 9i) to all pleasig30 ad
ha2ig f#lfilled the beedi&tio ad prayer that 09e )ay )a/e yo# perfe&t
i all thigs to do 9is will3 wor/ig i yo#3 that whi&h is pleasig i 9is
sight thro#gh Jes#s !hrist to who) be glory fore2er ad e2er? ')e40
114 91S .ACD4
0;ehold the had)aid of the LordB0 is the s#bli)e respose of Mary to the
agel+s astoishig )essage3 0be it #to )e '!!ACD1:% TA thy word40
:e2er was faith p#t to a harder test4 :e2er was wo)a as/ed to stad i so
deli&ate a pla&e of peril ad possibility3 of h#)blig sha)e ad glorio#s
e2erlastig hoor4 Ceali>ig3 perhaps3 with e2ery isti&t of her )aide
heart all that this )ight &ost her3 she )ee/ly3 #hesitatigly3 witho#t oe
"#estio3 oe falterig breath3 a&&epted the st#pedo#s pro)ise ad
resposibility ad rose to )eet the di2ie )eas#re3 0'!!ACD1:% TA Thy
word30 ad li/e a e&ho &a)e ba&/ the hea2ely beedi&tio3 0;lessed is
she that belie2ed3 for there shall be a perfor)a&e of those thigs that were
told her fro) the Lord40
;elo2ed3 are yo# li2ig #p to this great )eas#re? 1s faith restig ad
&lai)ig3 ot a&&ordig to sigs ad see)igs3 fra)es ad feeligs3 b#t
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
a&&ordig to 9is word? 1s obedie&e wal/ig3 ot a&&ordig to the &o#rse
of this world3 or the )oods of o#r &apri&io#s hearts3 or the stadards of
)e3 or the e6a)ple of others3 or the traditios e2e of the &h#r&h3 b#t
a&&ordig to 9is word? 're we ;ible !hristias ad deter)ied to belie2e
ad obey e2ery word withi these ispired ad hea2ely pages? The we
shall be fo#d i 0the way e2erlastig30 for 0the grass withereth ad the
flower fadeth3 b#t the word of o#r %od shall stad fore2er30 ad 0he that
doeth the will of %od abideth fore2er4
1114 T9- C1!9-S AF 91S %C'!-4
01 who) we ha2e rede)ptio thro#gh 9is blood3 e2e the forgi2eess of
sis '!5
!ACD1:% TA the ri&hes of 9is gra&e3 wherei 9e hath abo#ded towards
#s i all wisdo) ad pr#de&e40 Peter has #sed a parallel e6pressio4
0'!!ACD1:% TA 9is ab#dat )er&y 9e hath begotte #s agai #to a
li2ely hope40 This is %od+s stadard ad )eas#re of sal2atio4 9e wor/s
ad sa2es a&&ordig to the ri&hes of 9is gra&e4 9e abo#ds towards #s i
all wisdo) ad pr#de&e3 that is3 9e adapts 9is )er&y to e2ery 2ariety of
g#ilt3 ad 9e ati&ipates3 i 9is pr#de&e ad foresight3 e2ery f#t#re
e)erge&y4 9e sees Peter fro) the begiig to the ed of his &areer ad
a&&epts hi) 0for better or for worse=0 ad whe the ho#r of his sha)ef#l
fall is ear3 9e &a say3 01 ha2e prayed for thee40 So 9e ta/es e2ery oe of
#s ad ad<#sts 9is ifiite gra&e to all the )i#tiae of o#r si ad its worst
aggra2atios3 o#r &orr#pt ad r#ied at#re ad all its wre&/3 o#r wea/ ad
helpless will ad all its iability to stad3 o#r &ir&#)sta&es3 o#r
te)ptatios ad all that besets #s4 8owig ad ati&ipatig all3 9e <#st
e&o)passes #s i 9is e2erlastig ar)s ad sa2es ad /eeps #s3
0'!!ACD1:% to the ri&hes of 9is gra&e40
;elo2ed3 ha2e yo# etered ito the f#lless of this )eas#re3 ad ha2e yo#
#derstood it i all its all s#ffi&ie&y for a lost world ad the )ost wret&hed
ad r#ied li2es o2er who) yo# pray ad lo2e? Ah3 let o#r faith loo/ #p
fro) lost h#)aity3 to the )ighty lo2e of %od ad 0the e6&eedig ri&hes of
9is gra&e40 'd if there be a dis&o#raged ad g#ilty so#l withi rea&h of
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
this )essage3 )ay %od help yo#3 belo2ed oe3 to p#t yo#r sis with all
their aggra2atios side by side with %od+s i))eas#rable gra&e3 #til yo#
shall reali>e so)ethig of the Psal)ist+s s#bli)e fig#re whe he sag3 0's
far as the east is fro) the west3 so far has %od re)o2ed o#r trasgressios
fro) #s4 's high as the hea2e is abo2e the earth so great is 9is )er&y
toward the) that fear 9i)40 A#r sis )ay ha2e rea&hed to the &lo#ds #til
they ha2e be&o)e li/e thi&/ &lo#d0 b#t3 tha/ %od3 09is )er&y is i the
hea2es30 ad far abo2e the &lo#ds4
1I4 T9- C1!9-S AF 91S %LAC@4
!a we for) ay &o&eptio of the ri&hes of 9is glory? Moses as/ed to see
that glory b#t was told it was too bright for h#)a ga>e3 ad oly i the
dista&e ad fro) behid &o#ld he dare to loo/ #po it4 ' little gli)pse of it
the dis&iples beheld o the Mo#t of Trasfig#ratio3 b#t they were afraid
of its brightess ad their eyes were o2er&o)e with sl#)ber #der its spell4
0The hea2es de&lare 9is glory3 ad the fir)a)et showeth 9is
hadiwor/30 ad so)e &o&eptio of the ri&hes of 9is power ad )a<esty
)ay be gathered fro) these glorio#s &ostellatios ad worlds of light
whi&h s&ie&e is )ore f#lly e6plorig i these wodro#s days4 So)eti)es
we ha2e sat dow ad allowed o#r )ids to dwell o the )#ltit#de of these
dis&o2eries ad &al&#latios4 .e ha2e tried to ta/e i the )agit#de of
yoder plaet )ay h#dred ti)es larger tha o#r world3 ad yoder s#
o#tweighig the world )ay tho#sadfold3 ad stars beyod stars3
0where syste) ito syste)s r#s
'd other plaets &ir&le other s#s30
#til o#r brai whirls ad threates to &ollapse #der the press#re of the
s#bli)ity= ad 0loB these are part of 9is ways3 b#t the f#ll th#der of 9is
power who &a &o)prehed?0 9is had holds all these orbs= 9is will
&o))ads all these for&es= 9is wisdo) poises all these spheres ad dire&ts
the) i their &o#rse witho#t a <ar or &atastrophe= 9is s&eptre sways this
)ighty e)pire= 9is &reatig word &alled e2ery portio of it ito beig= 9is
pro2ide&e #pholds it e2ery )o)et= 9is taste ad goodess ha2e adored
it with bea#ty ad lo2eliess ad eri&hed it with happiess ad blessig4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
There is ot a &reat#re a)og its ihabitats fro) the highest ar&hagel to
the lowest ise&t b#t owes its beig to 9is power ad goodess4 'd all this
is b#t 0the hidig of 9is power30 for 9is o)ipote&e &o#ld &all )illios of
s#&h #i2erses ito beig i a )o)et4 :ay3 all this is b#t a s&affoldig for
the glory whi&h 9e is preparig for the abode of 9is redee)ed4 The ri&hes
of 9is glory will ot be &o)plete #til the ew hea2es ad earth shall
ha2e e)erged fro) the fla)es of a dissol2ig world ad the :ew
Jer#sale) des&eded fro) hea2e i the glory of %od with streets of gold
ad gates of pearl ad fo#datios of pre&io#s ge)s3 ad all the throes are
reared3 ad &rows are set3 ad the )asios are &o)pleted3 ad the
glorified are shiig 0as the s# i the 8igdo) of their Father30 ad we
o#rsel2es are &rowed with all 0the ri&hes of 9is glory40
Ah belo2edB we shall the #derstad so)ethig of the )eaig of s#&h
2erses as these3 01 pray that %od wo#ld grat yo# '!!ACD1:% TA the
ri&hes of 9is glory3 to be stregtheed by 9is spirit i the ier )a3 that
!hrist )ay dwell i yo#r hearts by faith40 Ar agai3 0Stregtheed with all
)ight '!!ACD1:% TA 9is glorio#s power #to all patie&e ad log5
s#fferig with <oyf#less40 Ar agai3 0My %od shall s#pply all yo#r eed
'!!ACD1:% TA the ri&hes of 9is glory by !hrist Jes#s40 1t is a&&ordig
to the ri&hes of 9is glory that 9e is wor/ig o#t the ew &reatio i o#r
hearts ad preparig the )ore glorio#s te)ple of the so#l for 9is ow
eteral abode4 1t is a&&ordig to the ri&hes of 9is glory that 9e is willig to
stregthe the heart for all patie&e ad log5s#fferig4 'd it is a&&ordig
to the ri&hes of 9is glory that 9e is able ad ready to s#pply all o#r eed4
There is othig too hard for s#&h a %od3 too ri&h ad glorio#s for 9is
wisdo)3 gra&e ad lo2e4 9e loo/s at the littleess of o#r faith ad &ries3
09ast tho# ot /ow3 hast tho# ot heard3 that the e2erlastig %od3 the
Lord3 the !reator of the eds of the earth3 faiteth ot either is weary?
There is o sear&hig of 9is #derstadig4 9e gi2eth power to the fait
ad to the) that ha2e o )ight he i&reaseth stregth40
;elo2ed3 let #s lift #p o#r eyes ad behold the glory of o#r %od ad begi
to wal/ as sos ad heirs3 ad &lai)3 e2e i o#r )iority3 so)ethig of the
ri&hes of 9is glory4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
I4 T9- C-SECC-!T1A: ':D 'S!-:S1A: AF J-SES !9C1ST4
0That ye )ay /ow what is the hope of 9is &allig ad what the ri&hes of
the glory of 9is iherita&e i the saits3 ad what is the e6&eedig
greatess of 9is power to #s5ward that belie2e3 '!!ACD1:% TA the
wor/ig of 9is )ighty power3 whi&h 9e wro#ght i !hrist3 whe 9e raised
9i) fro) the dead3 ad set 9i) at 9is ow right had i the hea2ely
pla&es3 far abo2e all pri&ipality ad power ad )ight ad do)iio3 ad
e2ery a)e that is a)ed3 ot oly i this world3 b#t also i that whi&h is to
&o)e= ad hath p#t all thigs #der 9is feet3 ad ga2e 9i) to be the 9ead
o2er all thigs to the &h#r&h3 whi&h is 9is body3 the f#lless of 9i) that
filleth all i all40
The res#rre&tio ad as&esio of Jes#s !hrist ha2e be&o)e for #s the
pledge ad patter of all o#r faith ad hope &a &lai)4 The power that %od
hath wro#ght i !hrist i raisig 9i) fro) the dead ad settig 9i) #po
9is ow right had is the 2ery sa)e power whi&h we )ay e6pe&t 9i) to
e6er&ise to #s5ward who belie2e4 0The ri&hes of the glory of this iherita&e
i the saits0 is the stadard of what we )ay share i o#r spirit#al
e6perie&e ow4 %od has perfor)ed for #s the )ost st#pedo#s )ira&le of
gra&e ad power3 ad othig &a e2er be too hard or too high for #s to
e6pe&t fro) 0the %od ad Father of o#r Lord Jes#s !hrist40 The pi&t#re is a
2ery defiite as well as a 2ery glorio#s oe4 Step by step we &a as&ed its
tras&edet ad &elestial heights with o#r as&edig Lord3 as we see 9i)
rise3 first abo2e the )ighty power of earth3 ad the abo2e ad far abo2e all
pri&ipality ad power ad )ight ad do)iio ad e2ery a)e that is
a)ed3 ot oly i this world b#t i that whi&h is to &o)e3 #til all thigs
are beeath 9is feet4 'd the as we ga>e #po 9is lofty pree)ie&e we
are per)itted to sit dow by 9is side ad &lai) all the f#lless of 9is glory
as o#r ow4 For all 9is as&esio power ad )a<esty are ot for 9is ow
persoal e6altatio3 b#t that 9e )ight be&o)e the 9ead o2er all thigs for
9is body the &h#r&h3 ad 9e ta/es 9is high pree)ie&e as o#r
Cepresetati2e ad re&ogi>es #s as already seated with 9i) i the
hea2ely pla&e4 9is res#rre&tio3 therefore3 i2ol2es o#rs3 9is tri#)phs
o#rs3 9is as&esio o#rs3 9is rights are shared with #s4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
Do we re"#ire i o#r behalf the e6er&ise of a a#thority that tras&eds all
other a#thority? .e ha2e b#t to re)e)ber that 9e3 o#r e6alted 9ead3 is
sittig far abo2e all pri&ipalities4 Do we re"#ire a for&e to be e6er&ised for
#s o2er5)at&hig the )ightiest for&es of at#re or of e2il? 9e is sittig far
abo2e all power ad )ight4 Do we as/ so)ethig whi&h e2e at#ral law
wo#ld see) to hider? %od already has doe so)ethig i 9is res#rre&tio
whi&h is s#perior to all law3 for that is what 0do)iio0 )eas4 're we
&ofroted with i)posig a)es ad despised by h#)a pride? .e are
sittig side by side with oe who is e6alted abo2e e2ery a)e that is a)ed
both i this world ad that whi&h is to &o)e4 1deed3 the whole e&oo)y of
h#)a life3 the whole syste) of pro2ide&e is a fra)ewor/ for the
a&&o)plish)et of %od+s p#rposes for 9is redee)ed people4 :atios rise
ad fall3 h#)a so&iety e6ists3 great &ities swar) with their ihabitats ad
)o2e with the )ighty &#rrets of &o))er&e ad so&ial life4 'll the e2ets
of the great world as they pass are b#t )o2e)ets of !hrist+s )ighty had3
pri)arily desiged for those who i))ediately ta/e part i the)3 b#t
#lti)ately for the good of 9is &h#r&h ad the b#ildig #p of 9is /igdo)=
ad )e ad atios are b#t p#ppets i the hads of o#r aoited 8ig3
who) 9e #ses for 9is wise p#rposes e2e whe they are f#lfillig their
ow pleas#re3 ad the drops the) whe 9e pleases4 'fter the res#rre&tio
of !hrist3 ad i 2iew of 9is ethroe)et there is othig we eed fear to
&lai) a&&ordig to this )ighty )eas#re3 as part of the ri&hes of o#r
I14 !9C1ST 91MS-LF4
.e read i Co)as 627 0'!!ACD1:% TA !hrist Jes#s40 This is the
highest of all stadards3 higher e2e tha 9is res#rre&tio3 as&esio ad
glory4 's 9e is3 so shall we be whe 9e appears b#t3 0's 9e is so are we30
e2e here4 0@e are ot of the world e2e as 1 a) ot of the world40 0Lo2e
oe aother as 1 ha2e lo2ed yo#40 0's 1 li2e by the Father so he that eateth
)e e2e he shall li2e by )e40 0's Tho# hast set )e ito the world e2e so
sed 1 the) ito the world40 0.he 9e shall appear we shall be li/e 9i)3
for we shall see 9i) as 9e is40 S#&h are so)e of the to#&hes of hea2ely
light whi&h re2eal o#r idetity with Jes#s ad #fold the )ystery of 9is life
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
i #s4 :ot oly is 9e o#r e6a)ple3 b#t 9e is o#r life4 Miiat#res of !hrist3
%od e6pe&ts #s to be3 re&ei2ig ad refle&tig 9i) i all 9is f#lless3 o#r
life 9is life3 o#r lo2e 9is lo2e3 9is ri&hes o#rs4 .e represet 9i)3 we dwell
a)og )e ot as &iti>es of earth3 b#t dead to o#r old &iti>eship ad
wal/ig li/e 9i) as if we had bee set spe&ially fro) hea2e o a
)issio fro) aother world4
;elo2ed3 is !hrist o#r Patter3 o#r Type3 o#r li2ig 9ead3 o#r Di2ie
Stadard ad Meas#re? 're we deter)ied to ha2e othig less ad to be
othig less tha e2e as 9e? Shall we &ease to &opy )e3 ad follow oly
'd e2e tho#gh we oft are &os&io#s of 2ery i)perfe&t rese)bla&e to the
%reat Arigial3 are we still holdig o#r stadard as high as !hrist? 1 ha2e
ofte oti&ed the artists i the great gallery &opyig the paitigs of the
)asters4 1 ha2e so)eti)es &o)e ba&/ wee/s afterwards ad fo#d the)
still wor/ig o the &opy of so)e great paitig4 Their wor/ was ot
&o)plete3 b#t their &opy was3 ad while it h#g #po the wall with its
perfe&t for) ad tits their &opy was &ostatly rea&hig &loser
appro6i)atio to the great ob<e&t lesso4 ;#t if they had beg# to &opy the
wor/s of the artists aro#d the) or to &o)plete the pi&t#re fro) their ow
re&olle&tio or &o&eptio of it3 it wo#ld ha2e soo be&o)e a &heap ad
worthless da#b4
So let #s always /eep o#r eye #po the hea2ely stadard ad be satisfied
with othig less tha 0'!!ACD1:% TA !hrist Jes#s40 So)eti)es i
8idergarte s&hools a pi&t#re is held before the &hildre for a little ad
the it is re)o2ed ad they are re"#ired to tell fro) )e)ory so)e of its
feat#res4 The it is held agai ad they are agai re"#ired to tell or draw
so)e of the feat#res that they ha2e oti&ed ad )ar/ed #til3 at legth3 the
whole ob<e&t lesso is i)prited li/e a &opy #po their )ids4 So %od
holds Jes#s before #s ad bids #s3 ot oly follow o#r &o&eptio of 9i)3
or the &opies we see i others3 b#t agai ad agai &ote)plate the Arigial
ad hold 9i) &ostatly i 2iew that e2e o#r &o&eptio of !hrist shall be
e2er &orre&ted3 elarged3 2i2ified3 #til it shall be trasfor)ed to o#r i)ost
beig3 ot oly as the Patter b#t as the 2ery life of o#r life4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
0!hrist )e30 as oe has said3 0are the )e %od wats today40 1t wo#ld ot
h#rt if this word be&a)e &oied ito !hristia phraseology3 ad its )eaig
sta)ped #po all o#r life4 ' poor heathe 8roo boy &a)e o board a ship3
h#dreds of )iles fro) the !ogo3 ad fidig a party of )issioaries
goig #p the ri2er3 eagerly so#ght a iter2iew with the) ad set a
)essage by the) to oe of the )issioaries i the far iterior4 0Tell hi)30
he said i his r#de spee&h3 0that whe 1 left hi) two years ago 1 pro)ised
to be !hrist+s )a4 Tell hi) that 1 a) !hrist+s )a still40 C#de ad si)ple
as the heathe &o&eptio was it was the tr#est ad the highest that )ortal
tho#ght &a rea&h4 1t is %od+s ow di2ie )eas#re of !hristia life3 to be a
0!hrist )a30 li2ig3 lo2ig3 tr#stig3 ser2ig3 s#fferig3 o2er&o)ig3
0'!!ACD1:% TA !hrist Jes#s40
I114 '!!ACD1:% TA T9- PA.-C T9'T .AC8-T9 1: ES4
0:ow #to 9i) that is able to do e6&eedig ab#datly abo2e all that we
as/ or thi/3 '!!ACD1:% TA the power that wor/eth i #s0 G-ph4 iii7 2,H4
0.hereito 1 also labor3 stri2ig '!!ACD1:% TA the power that wor/eth
i )e )ightily0 G!ol4 i7 2*H4
0'!!ACD1:% TA the wor/ig whereby 9e is able to s#bd#e all thigs
#to 9i)self0 GPhil iii7 21H4
1 these passages we ha2e %od+s preset wor/ig referred to i two
dire&tios= a)ely3 i the belie2er+s heart ad i the sphere of pro2ide&e
ad go2er)et4 The oe )#st e2er /eep pa&e with the other4 %od does
wor/ )ightily i the for&es aro#d #s3 b#t we )#st allow 9i) to wor/
withi #s or all the )ight of 9is pro2ide&e shall be ieffe&t#al for #s4 09e
is able to do e6&eedig ab#datly30 b#t it )#st be wro#ght i #s4 1t is
0'!!ACD1:% TA the power that wor/eth i #s40 'll the for&es of that
)ighty egie i the fa&tory yoder are li)ited ad )eas#red by the
atta&h)et of the little p#lley of ea&h parti&#lar )a&hie4 1t &a dri2e a
h#dred pritig presses if they are i &ota&t3 b#t its power is
'!!ACD1:% TA the )eas#re i whi&h ea&h oe will re&ei2e it ad &o5
operate4 %od is waitig to wor/ i ea&h of #s3 ideed 9e is already wor/ig
#p to the f#ll )eas#re of o#r yieldedess3 ad we )ay ha2e all whi&h we
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
are willig to ha2e iwro#ght i o#r ow beig4 The 9oly Spirit is always
i ad2a&e of #s3 pressig #s o to )ore tha we ha2e yet wholly re&ei2ed
ad we )ay be 2ery s#re that '!!ACD1:% TA the )eas#re of 9is iward
press#re will always be the e6teral wor/igs of %od+s 'l)ighty had4
.hee2er we fid the wheels withi i )otio we )ay be 2ery s#re that
the wheels of pro2ide&e are )o2ig i a&&ord3 e2e to the #t)ost bo#ds
of the #i2erse ad to the #t)ost li)its of %od+s 'l)ighty power ad
s#pre)e a#thority4
Let #s the yield to the power that wor/eth i #s to its f#ll )eas#re4 Let o#r
beig be resposi2e to its slightest to#&h3 so resposi2e that3 li/e the -olia
harp3 it will aswer to the faitest breath of the 9oly Spirit as 9e )o2es
#po the &hords of o#r i)ost beig4
I1114 '!!ACD1:% TA AEC F'1T94
0'!!ACD1:% TA T9@ F'1T9 be it #to thee0 was !hrist+s great law of
healig ad blessig i 9is earthly )iistry4 This was what 9e )eat whe
9e said 0with what )eas#re ye )ete it shall be )eas#red to yo# agai40 'll
these )ighty )eas#res that we ha2e bee holdig #p are li)ited by the
)eas#res that we brig4 %od deals o#t 9is hea2ely treas#res to #s i these
glorio#s 2essels3 b#t ea&h of #s )#st brig o#r dri/ig &#p ad a&&ordig
to its )eas#re we shall be filled4 ;#t e2e the )eas#re of o#r faith )ay be
a di2ie oe4 Tha/ %od3 the little &#p has be&o)e elarged thro#gh the
gra&e of Jes#s3 #til fro) its botto) there flows a pipe ito the great o&ea3
ad if that &oe&tio is /ept ope we shall fid that o#r &#p is as large as
the o&ea ad e2er &a be draied to the botto)4 For 9e has said to #s
09a2e the faith of %od30 ad s#rely this is a illi)itable )eas#re4
' few wee/s ago a oble bad of )issioaries laded #po the &oast of
Sierra Leoe3 filled with faith ad holy eth#sias)4 ;efore )ay days
howe2er three of their #)ber had falle 2i&ti)s to the dreadf#l 'fri&a
fe2er4 Shortly afterwards oe of these dear brothers was to #s a 2ery
to#&hig ad woderf#l )essage4 9e said that o his way a&ross the
'tlati& he had bee led to see the tr#th of di2ie healig ad had ta/e the
Lord Jes#s as his healer4 Soo after3 the death of these frieds &a)e #po
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
hi) li/e a bewilderig sho&/ ad for a few ho#rs his faith see)ed to be
wholly paraly>ed4 The he threw hi)self at the feet of Jes#s ad to his
s#rprise there &a)e #po hi) s#&h a baptis) of rest ad &ofide&e3 with
whi&h he see)ed to ha2e othig to do3 that he rose ot oly &o)forted3
b#t so established i 9is &ofide&e3 so ass#red that the Lord was his healer
ad /eeper that he had o fear e2e of the fail#re of his faith3 b#t was able
to say with h#)ble ad holy &ofide&e that &o)e what )ight he wo#ld
tr#st the Lord aloe3 ad was &ofidet that his life ad faith wo#ld be
#pheld #til his wor/ was doe4 9is old faith had died3 ad o#t of its gra2e
had &o)e the faith of %od4 9is little dri/ig &#p had bro/e3 ad all the
water had lea/ed o#t3 b#t loB a had di2ie had opeed thro#gh that bro/e
&#p a &oe&tio with that hea2ely fo#tai3 ad he&eforth his &#p was
ot oly f#ll b#t f#ll fore2er)ore with all the f#lless of %od4 9e had
passed o#t of hi)self ito !hrist3 ad was ow able to )eet the
i))eas#rable pro)ises with a tr#st as )eas#reless ad di2ie4
So let #s3 belo2ed3 rise #to the f#lless of Jes#s ad sweetly
0Fid 9is f#lless ro#d o#r i&o)pleteess3
Co#d o#r restlessess 9is rest40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Go';s ,eas6reless ,eas6res
0;#t grow i gra&e ad i the /owledge of o#r Lord ad Sa2io#r Jes#s
!hrist4052 Peter iii 1(4
1 ha2e heard of a little boy beig fo#d by his )other i oe of the garde
beds with his feet b#ried i the soil3 ad stadig beside a tall s#flower3 to
whi&h he was eagerly loo/ig #p4 .he his )other as/ed hi) what it all
)eat3 he said that he was tryig to grow to be a )a3 ad wated to be as
tall as the s#flower4 9ow tr#ly has o#r Master said of all o#r str#ggles to
grow taller3 0.hi&h of yo# by ta/ig tho#ght &a add oe &#bit to his
stat#re?0 'll the little fellow+s stret&hig did ot i&rease his height4 :o
do#bt his )other told hi) to go iside ad eat a good hearty s#pper3 ad
day by day dri/ plety of fresh )il/ ad eat his )eals with heartiess3 ad
r# abo#t ad play for wholeso)e e6er&ise ad be a happy3 tho#ghtless
&hild3 ad th#s he wo#ld grow to be a )a witho#t tryig4 9is desire to
grow wo#ld ot really help hi) to grow #less he too/ the proper )eas4
1t is <#st so i o#r spirit#al life4 Frettig ad straiig will ot elarge o#r
spirit#al )ahood4 %od has 9i)self re2ealed the se&ret of growth3 ad it is
ot 2ery differet fro) the )other+s &o#sel to her little boy4
Let #s loo/ at so)e pri&iples of spirit#al progress4
14 T9- C-L'T1A: AF SP1C1TE'L %CA.T9 TA S':!T1F1!'T1A:4
The apostle who has gi2e #s o#r te6t had already laid dow the pri&iples
of spirit#al growth i the opeig &hapter of his epistle with great f#lless
ad )ar2elo#s &learess ad power4 There is o sigle paragraph i the
S&ript#res whi&h )ore profo#dly #folds the depths ad heights of
!hristia life tha the first ele2e 2erses of the first &hapter of 2d Peter4
'd the 2ery poit we are ow referrig to is )ade perfe&tly plai i these
2erses4 The fifth 2erse is a i<#&tio to grow i gra&e3 b#t the pre&edig
2erses gi2e #s the stadpoit fro) whi&h this growth is to start4 1t is
othig less tha the e6perie&e of sa&tifi&atio4 The persos to who) this
is addressed are re&ogi>ed as ha2ig already 0es&aped the &orr#ptio that
is i the world thro#gh l#st30 ad ha2ig already 0be&o)e parta/ers of the
di2ie at#re40
These two fa&ts &ostit#te the whole of sa&tifi&atio4 1t is that e6perie&e
by whi&h we be&o)e #ited to !hrist i so di2ie ad persoal a sese that
we be&o)e parta/ers of 9is at#re3 ad the 2ery perso of !hrist3 thro#gh
the 9oly %host3 &o)es to dwell i o#r hearts3 ad by 9is idwellig
be&o)es to #s the s#bsta&e ad s#pport of o#r spirit#al life4 The &o2erted
so#l is a h#)a spirit bor fro) abo2e by the power of the 9oly 4Spirit4
The sa&tified so#l is that h#)a spirit wholly yielded to ad wholly
possessed ad o&&#pied by %od+s idwellig prese&e3 so as to be able to
say3 0:ot 13 b#t !hrist li2eth i )e40 The effe&t of this is to deli2er fro)
0the &orr#ptio that is i the world thro#gh l#st40 %od+s idwellig e6&l#des
the power of si ad e2il desire3 whi&h is <#st what the word l#st )eas4
The %ree/ teses here lea2e o roo) to do#bt the "#estio of ti)e ad the
order of e2ets4 This deli2era&e fro) &orr#ptio pre&edes the &o))ad to
grow3 ad is the 2ery gro#d of that &o))ad4 For the word traslated
0besides this30 as 'lford so happily shows3 )eas so)ethig etirely
differet a)ely3 0for this 2ery reaso30 that is3 be&a#se %od hath pro2ided
for o#r sa&tifi&atio3 ad i)parted to #s 9is at#re ad deli2ered #s fro)
the power of si3 for this 2ery reaso we are to grow4
1t is 2ery e2idet3 therefore3 that we do ot grow ito sa&tifi&atio3 b#t
grow fro) sa&tifi&atio ito )at#rity4 This &orrespods e6a&tly with the
des&riptio of the growth of !hrist 9i)self i the opeig of the gospel of
L#/e4 0The &hild grew ad wa6ed strog i spirit filled with wisdo)3 ad
the gra&e of %od was #po 9i)40 S#rely o oe will dare to say that 9e
grew ito sa&tifi&atio4 9e was sa&tified fro) the 2ery first4 ;#t 9e was
a sa&tified &hild ad grew ito )ahood4 'd so still later3 i L#/e ii7 53 it
is added that3 at the age of twel2e years3 0Jes#s grew i wisdo)3 ad
stat#re3 ad i fa2or with %od ad )a40
'd so the sa)e !hrist is for)ed i ea&h of #s= is for)ed as a babe ad
grows3 as 9e did o earth3 ito )at#rity i o#r spirit#al life3 ad we grow
ito a &loser #io with 9i)3 ad a )ore habit#al ad iti)ate depede&e
#po 9i) for all o#r life ad a&tios4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
;elo2ed3 ha2e we &o)e to the startig poit of spirit#al growth by
re&ei2ig !hrist as o#r idwellig sa&tifier ad life?
114 T9- C-L'T1A: AF %CA.T9 TA T9- PCAI1S1A:S ':D
C-SAEC!-S AF D1I1:- %C'!-4
The sa)e bea#tif#l passage brigs this o#t also i great f#lless ad
defiiteess4 0'&&ordig as 9is di2ie power hath gi2e #to #s all thigs
that pertai to life ad godliess3 thro#gh the /owledge of 9i) that hath
&alled #s to 9is glory ad 2irt#e4 .hereby are gi2e #to #s e6&eedig
great ad pre&io#s pro)ises40 9ere we are ta#ght that %od hath pro2ided
all the reso#r&es e&essary for a holy ad )at#re !hristia life4 These
reso#r&es are pro2ided for #s thro#gh the gra&es ad 2irt#es of o#r Lord
Jes#s !hrist3 whi&h we are &alled to re&ei2e ad share4 09e hath &alled #s30
ot to o#r glory ad 2irt#e3 b#t 0to 9is glory ad 2irt#e40 1t is the sa)e
tho#ght whi&h the sa)e apostle e6presses i his first epistle3 ii7 *3 0That ye
sho#ld show forth the e6&elle&ies of 9i) who hath &alled yo# o#t of
dar/ess ito 9is )ar2elo#s light40 :ot3 0the praises of 9i)30 whi&h is
ob2io#sly a bad traslatio3 b#t 0the e6&elle&ies40 .e are to display the
e6&elle&ies of Jes#s to the world3 or3 as it is here3 0The glory ad 2irt#e of
Jes#s40 9e &Bothes #s with 9is &hara&ter ad i 9is gar)ets3 ad we are to
e6hibit the) to )e ad to agels4 'd these pro2isios of gra&e are
bro#ght withi o#r rea&h thro#gh all 0the e6&eedig great ad pre&io#s
pro)ises30 whi&h we )ay &lai) ad t#r ito hea2ely &#rre&y for e2ery
eeded blessig4
This is the &o&eptio of !hristia life gi2e i the first &hapter of the
gospel of Joh3 i that woderf#l little e6pressio 0gra&e for gra&e40 That is
to say3 e2ery gra&e that we eed to e6er&ise already e6ists i !hrist3 ad
)ay be trasferred ito o#r life fro) 9i)3 as we 0re&ei2e of 9is f#lless3
e2e gra&e for gra&e40 Ep i yoder )o#t Moses was &alled to see ad
st#dy a )odel of the Tabera&le3 &orrespodig i a higher degree to the
)odels whi&h yo# )ay see i the Patet Affi&e i .ashigto of all the
differet )a&hies that ha2e bee pateted ad b#ilt4 ' few wee/s later the
sa)e Tabera&le )ight be see goig #p pie&e)eal i the 2alley below3
ad3 whe &o)pleted3 was a e6a&t fa&si)ile of the other show to Moses
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
i the )o#t= for %od+s e6pli&it &o))ad was3 0See that tho# )a/e all
thigs a&&ordig to the patter whi&h was shewed thee i the )o#t40
!orrespodig to this is the tabera&le whi&h %od is b#ildig i ea&h of o#r
li2es4 1t is <#st as hea2ely a str#&t#re as the other ad far )ore i)portat3
ad is )eat to be3 as it is3 the dwellig pla&e of %od4 1t3 too3 has its )odel
i the )o#t3 ad we )ay see3 by the eye of faith3 the )odel of o#r life3 the
patter3 the pla of all the gra&es whi&h we e6e)plify ad the life whi&h is
to be b#ilt #p3 wor/ed o#t3 ad established4 'll the )aterials for o#r
spirit#al b#ildig are there ow3 already pro2ided3 ad the whole desig
f#lly wro#ght o#t i the p#rpose of %od ad the pro2isios of 9is gra&e4
;#t we ha2e to ta/e these reso#r&es ad )aterials )o)et by )o)et3 step
by step3 ad trasfer the) ito o#r li2es4 .e ha2e ot to )a/e the gra&es
o#rsel2es3 b#t ta/e the)3 wear the)3 li2e the)3 ad e6hibit the)4 0Af 9is
f#lless we re&ei2e gra&e for gra&e30 9is gra&es for o#r gra&es3 9is lo2e for
o#r lo2e3 9is tr#st for o#r tr#st3 9is power for o#r stregth4
A2er i a -glish fa&tory yo# &a fid #)ero#s )odels of iro &ottages3
&o)posed of h#dreds of se&tios s&rewed together3 ad stadig <#st as
they wo#ld appear whe ere&ted o their per)aet site4 The p#r&haser
fro) a distat &oloy3 where wood is s&ar&e ad )etal has to be #sed
istead3 &o)es alog ad p#r&hases oe of these &ottages3 ad orders it to
be shipped to '#stralia3 with the #derstadig that it shall &orrespod i
e2ery parti&#lar to the )odel i the Lodo yard4 The order is f#lfilled3 ad
a few )oths later yo# )ay see the ideti&al fa&si)ile i a pleasat law i
Melbo#re or Sydey3 or a few wee/s sooer yo# )ay see the se&tios
arri2e pie&e by pie&e3 ad the differet pie&es s&rewed together #til the
b#ildig is &o)plete3 ad &orrespods i e2ery parti&#lar to the Lodo
)odel4 'll the )aterials ha2e bee set fro) the distat &ity3 ad the
str#&t#re reared a&&ordig to the )odel3 pie&e for pie&e4 This will ill#strate
what Joh )eat by 0gra&e for gra&e40 !hrist has3 i 9i)self3 the patter of
yo#r life ad )ie3 ad all the )aterials4 A#r part is si)ply to re&ei2e3 li2e
o#t ad e6e)plify the) before the world4
1114 C-L'T1A: AF SP1C1TE'L %CA.T9 TA AEC A.:
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
.hile it is tr#e3 o the oe had3 that all the reso#r&es are di2iely
pro2ided3 this does ot <#stify3 o o#r part3 a spirit of passi2e eglige&e3
b#t s#))os #s all the )ore to dilige&e ad earestess i pressig
forward i o#r spirit#al &areer4 'd so the apostle adds3 after this strogly
e)phasi>ed e#)eratio of the reso#r&es of %od+s gra&e3 0%i2ig all
dilige&e3 add to yo#r faith30 et&4 There is to be o lag#id leaig #po
%od+s gra&e3 o drea)y fatalis)3 based #po 9is al)ighty p#rpose ad
power3 b#t a stre#o#s ad #&easig eergy o o#r part i )eetig 9i)
with the &o5operatio of o#r faith3 2igila&e ad obedie&e4 1 fa&t3 the 2ery
pro2isios of %od+s gra&e are )ade3 by the apostle3 the gro#d of his
e6hortatio to gi2e earest attetio to this )atter4 For this 2ery reaso3 that
is3 be&a#se %od has so ab#datly pro2ided for #s3 ad is so )ightily
wor/ig i o#r li2es ad hearts3 ad de2elopig #s fro) the power of si3
for this 2ery reaso3 0'dd to yo#r faith30 et&4
1t is the sa)e tho#ght whi&h Pa#l has e6pressed i Philippias3 0.or/ o#t
yo#r ow sal2atio with fear ad tre)blig4 For it is %od that wor/eth i
yo# to will ad to do of 9is good pleas#re40 This does ot )ea that we are
to wor/ for o#r sal2atio3 for we are represeted as already sa2ed3
otherwise it &o#ld ot be 0o#r ow sal2atio40 ;#t it is yet i e)bryo ad
ifa&y3 a iward pri&iple of life whi&h )#st be wor/ed o#t ito its f#ll
de2elop)et ad )at#rity i e2ery part of o#r life3 ad to this we are 0to
gi2e all dilige&e30 a dilige&e3 ideed3 whi&h ofte rea&hes the e6tet of
fear ad tre)blig30 a holy ad sole) sese of resposibility to )a/e the
)ost of o#r spirit#al reso#r&es ad opport#ities3 be&a#se 0it is %od that
wor/eth i #s40 1t is as if3 with the figer of sole) warig raised3 9e
were stadig ad loo/ig ito o#r eyes ad sayig3 0%od has &o)e4 The
'l)ighty has ta/e this )atter i had4 The -teral Jeho2ah has
#derta/e the wor/3 therefore3 )id what yo# doB Let there be o la6ess3
o eglige&e3 ad o fail#re o yo#r part to )eet 9i) ad afford 9i) the
#t)ost opport#ity to f#lfill i yo# all the good pleas#re of 9is will3 ad
the a&&o)plish)et of 9is high ad )ighty p#rpose for yo#r so#l40
1 o#r S#day s&hool lesso3 withi the last few wee/s3 we ha2e had a 2ery
sole) tho#ght3 whose )ost i)pressi2e poit has perhaps es&aped the
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
tho#ght of so)e of #s4 1t is i &oe&tio with the parable of the po#ds3
ad the tho#ght we refer to is the ob2io#s tr#th there #folded3 that to e2ery
ser2at is gi2e3 at the begiig of his spirit#al life3 a e"#al )eas#re of
spirit#al reso#r&e3 ad that the differe&e i the iss#es of h#)a li2es is ot
to be fo#d i the #e"#al )eas#re of gra&e ad power afforded fro) o
high3 b#t i the #e"#al )eas#re i whi&h they ha2e i)pro2ed the power
gi2e4 Ae po#d is gi2e to ea&h ser2at3 b#t i the ed3 oe ser2at has
so traded with his po#d that it has grow to te3 while his eighbor has the
sa)e little po#d wrapped #p i a ap/i3 #&haged3 #i)pro2ed4 The
differe&e lies wholly i the dilige&e of the two )e4 The oe 0gi2ig all
dilige&e0 added to his faith 2irt#e3 /owledge3 te)pera&e4 The other
si)ply tried to /eep what he got ad probably too/ e6&ellet &are of it3
wrappig it i a &ostly had/er&hief )aybe3 or p#ttig it ito a se&ret
drawer or worthy pla&e3 b#t doig othig to i&rease it4 0The
)aifestatio of the Spirit is gi2e to e2ery )a30 the apostle says3 0to
profit withal40 This e6pressio3 0to profit30 &arries the sa)e idea with it as
the tradig i the parable of the po#ds ad the 0all dilige&e0 of Peter+s
;elo2ed3 are we 0gi2ig all dilige&e0 to )a/e the )ost of %od+s di2ie
reso#r&es3 of 0the e6&eedig great ad pre&io#s pro)ises30 of ++ the di2ie
at#re0 withi #s?
1I4 T9- C-L'T1A: AF T9- I'C1AES D-T'1LS ':D T9-
C-SP-!T1I- %C'!-S AF AEC !9C1ST1': L1F-4
The 2erse e)ployed to des&ribe o#r spirit#al progress is a 2ery ##s#al oe
ad f#ll of e6"#isite s#ggesti2eess4 1t is a )#si&al fig#re3 ad we all /ow
that there is othig that so perfe&tly e6presses the idea of har)oy ad
ad<#st)et as )#si&4 Paraphrased ito the -glish )eaig of the fig#re
the passage )ight th#s be read3 0'dd to yo#r faith3 2irt#e3 /owledge3
te)pera&e3 et&43 <#st as i a perfe&t )#si&al har)oy oe ote is added to
aother #til the )a<esti& 9allel#<ah !hor#s swells to hea2e witho#t a
dis&ordat part or )eas#re watig4
1 the %ree/ atioal festi2als it was &#sto)ary for so)e pro)iet ad
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
gifted idi2id#al to get #p a &hor#s or spe&ial )#si&al etertai)et3 ad
the oe to who) this high tr#st was &o))itted was &alled the "Choregos."
Fro) this o#r word &hoir has bee deri2ed4 9e was really the &hoir)aster
ad his b#siess was to &o)bie together the 2oi&es3 the istr#)ets ad
the )#si&al &o)positios i s#&h a )aer as to prod#&e the )ost perfe&t
effe&t ad the )ost &o)plete har)oy4 So the %ree/ 2erb based o this
word3 "Epichorego," <#st )eas to &o)bie together as a )#si&al har)oy3
or as a &hoir5)aster wo#ld &o)bie the otes3 the istr#)ets3 the 2oi&es
ad all the parts i a spledid perfor)a&e4 This is the bea#tif#l 2erb
i)perfe&tly traslated4 ' dry fig#re of arith)eti& is #happily s#bstit#ted
for a s#ggesti2e )#si&al )etaphor4
Perhaps we ha2e already ati&ipated the fie tho#ght lyig ba&/ of this
fig#re3 2i>47 that %od wishes o#r !hristia growth to be li/e the growth of a
s#bli)e oratorio3 a growth i whi&h all the parts are so bleded ad the
etire effe&t so har)oio#s that o#r life will be li/e a hea2ely sog or a
9allel#<ah !hor#s4 Faith is the )elody3 b#t to this is added all the other
parts3 &o#rage whi&h rea&hes the high teor3 te)pera&e perhaps the
)edi#) alto3 patie&e the deep bass3 ad /owledge3 godliess ad lo2e3
the sog itself3 to whi&h all the )#si& is b#t the a&&o)pai)et4 1t is easy
to grow i oe dire&tio ad to be strog i oe pe&#liarity3 b#t oly the
gra&e of %od ad the power of the Di2ie at#re withi &a eable #s to
grow #p to 9i) i all thigs3 0#to the )eas#re of the stat#re of the
f#lless of !hrist40 1t is oe thig to ha2e faith ad &o#rage3 b#t it is
aother thig to ha2e that bleded with te)pera&e ad lo2e4 1t is oe thig
to ha2e self5restrait3 b#t it is aother thig to ha2e it &o)bied with
/owledge4 1t is oe thig to ha2e brotherly /idess3 b#t it is "#ite aother
to ha2e &harity to all )e4 1t is oe thig to ha2e godliess3 b#t it is aother
to ha2e it i perfe&t ad<#st)et with lo2e4 1t is the har)oy with all the
parts whi&h &ostit#tes the perfe&tio of the sog ad the &o)pleteess of
the !hristia life4
;elo2ed3 perhaps %od has ed#&ated yo# i ea&h of the gra&es3 b#t 9e is
ow ed#&atig yo# i the bledig of these gra&es i perfe&t proportio3 so
that yo#r lo2e will be redered )ellow ad li/e a perfe&tly proportioed
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
fa&e3 ot so )ar/ed i ay of its sigle feat#res as i the whole e6pressio
of the &o#tea&e4 1deed3 the )ost bea#tif#l fa&es are so)eti)es so
proportioed that we &a s&ar&ely re)e)ber a sigle feat#re3 ad perhaps
the best )#si&al &o)positios are those whi&h lea2e the si)plest effe&ts
ad are less stri/ig for ay parti&#lar )eas#re tha for the e6"#isite
sweetess ad si)pli&ity of the whole4 This is the hea2ely )eaig
bro#ght o#t i the prepositio "in" all thro#gh this progressio4 1t is ot add
to yo#r faith &o#rage3 b#t "in yo#r faith &o#rage3 /owledge3 te)pera&e3
et&40 1t is i the iter)iglig ad the te)perig of oe gra&e with aother
that the power of the whole &osists4 1t is the additio of &o#rage alog
with the faith whi&h reders the faith effe&t#al4 1t is the additio of self5
restrait alog with patie&e whi&h /eeps it fro) be&o)ig faati&is)3 ad
>eal witho#t /owledge4 1t is i the "#ality of te)pera&e ad self5&otrol
&o)bied with /owledge that the ele)ets of dis&retio ad wisdo) are
de2eloped4 ;#t self5&otrol ad self5deial eed patie&e to sa2e the) fro)
beig trasitory o#tb#rsts ad to gi2e the) per)ae&e ad stability4 'll
these "#alities witho#t godliess wo#ld lea2e #s o a low plae3 b#t this
lifts the) all to hea2e ad )a/es the) all a li2ig sa&rifi&e #po the altar
of 9is glory4 ;#t e2e godliess aloe wo#ld lea2e #s arrow ad &old3 ad
so %od re"#ires of #s the ier li/ig with o#r brethre ad the &#lt#re of
these so&ial "#alities3 whi&h brigs #s ito lo2ig fellowship with oe
aother ad lifts #s o#t of o#rsel2es ito brotherly /idess3 that is the lo2e
of the brethre3 the lo2e of !hrist+s people4 'd yet e2e this wo#ld ot be
&o)plete if the &ir&le were ot wideed far beyod the rage of !hrist+s
people ad o#r brethre i the Lord3 to &o)prehed the whole world i the
sweep of a &harity whi&h &a lo2e e2e as %od lo2es3 the #worthy3 the
#attra&ti2e ad e2e those that hate #s ad repel #s4
1t is 2ery bea#tif#l to oti&e the fie shades of holy &hara&ter whi&h the
:ew Testa)et e6presses4 For e6a)ple3 what a )#ltit#de of words the
9oly Spirit has gi2e #s for the 2ario#s for)s of lo2e ad patie&e4 9ere
are so)e of the)7 lo2e3 &harity3 brotherly /idess3 tederess3 )ee/ess3
log5s#fferig3 patie&e3 forbeara&e3 #ity3 pea&e3 &o#rtesy3 getleess3
&osiderig oe aother3 i hoor preferrig oe aother3 /idly affe&tioed
oe to aother3 et&4 They are li/e so )ay fie shades of &olor3 all of the
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
sa)e &lass3 yet o two e6a&tly the sa)e4 Th#s %od is te)perig o#r li2es
ad this is a 2ery large part of !hristia growth4
1t is said that a great s&#lptor was 2isited by a fried twi&e3 at a iter2al of
se2eral )oths4 The fried was astoished to fid that his wor/ see)ed o
f#rther o4 0.hat ha2e yo# bee doig?0 0.hy30 he said3 01 ha2e bee
to#&hig this feat#re3 ro#dig that3 raisig that40 0.hy3 b#t these are all
trifles3 )ere to#&hesB0 0@es30 said the artist3 0b#t these )a/e perfe&tio ad
perfe&tio is o trifle40 1t is a old story b#t a spirit#al lesso whi&h is 2ery
far fro) woro#t4 %od /eeps #s so)eti)es years learig a few to#&hes of
hea2eliess3 whi&h &ostit#tes the differe&e betwee the i)age of !hrist
ad the bl#dered ad bro/e i)age of a i)perfe&t )a4
I4 T9- C-L'T1A: AF %CA.T9 TA AEC S-!EC1T@ ':D
ST-'DF'ST:-SS 1: !9C1ST1': L1F-4
1t is ot a )atter of persoal prefere&e whether we shall grow or ot4 1t is
a )atter of 2ital e&essity3 for oly th#s &a we be /ept fro) retrogradig4
This the apostle hits i o#r te6t3 0;eware lest ye also3 beig led away with
the error of the wi&/ed3 fall fro) yo#r ow steadfastess4 ;#t grow i gra&e
ad i the /owledge of o#r Lord ad Sa2io#r Jes#s !hrist40 %rowth is the
re)edy for de&lesio ad we )#st e2er grow or go ba&/ward4 So i 1
Peter ii7 the sa)e tr#th is e6po#ded4 01f ye do these thigs ye shall e2er
fall4 9e that la&/eth these thigs is blid ad &aot see afar off3 ad hath
forgotte that he was p#rged fro) his old sis40 That is the 2ery e6perie&e
of &o2ersio5it fades away ad be&o)es b#t a di) re&olle&tio #less we
press o to deeper ad higher thigs4
'lasB ha2e we ot all so)eti)es see )e tr#ly ad woderf#lly &o2erted
ad )#&h #sed of %od for the &o2ersio e2e of others3 ad yet )e who
ref#sed to go o to higher e6perie&es3 ad so)eti)es e2e ha2e s&o#ted
the do&trie ad e6perie&e of sa&tifi&atio as a affe&tatio or faati&is)4
'lasB the day &a)e whe e2e their e6perie&e of &o2ersio faded3 at least
for a ti)e3 ad they were pl#ged i so)e deep ad bitter fall to &o)pel
the) to see the eed of so)ethig higher4 1t is ot possible for #s to re)ai
with safety i ay stereotyped e6perie&e4 1deed3 it is e&essary for #s to
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
grow with a a&&elerated )otio ad to )a/e )ore rapid progress the
loger we &oti#e i the !hristia life4
'd so we ha2e a 2ery strog fig#re e2e i this passage e6pressig this
tho#ght4 The word traslated 0abo#d0 i o#r 2ersio3 i the %ree/ is
0)#ltiply40 01f these thigs be i yo# ad )#ltiply3 they shall )a/e yo# that
ye shall either be barre or #fr#itf#l i the /owledge of o#r Lord
Jes#s40 Let #s ot fail to oti&e the stri/ig atithesis of the 0add0 i 2erse
33 ad the 0)#ltiply0 of 2erse (4 .e all /ow i arith)eti& the differe&e
betwee additio ad )#ltipli&atio4 The additio of ie to ie )a/es
eightee3 b#t the )#ltipli&atio of ie ito ie re2erses the fig#res ad
)a/es eighty5oe3 or early fi2e ti)es as )#&h4 -2erythig depeds #po
the si>e of the )#ltiplier4 1 the spirit#al arith)eti& the )#ltiplier is %od
ad ifiitely higher tha the highest digits of h#)a &al&#latio4 %od
si)ply ta/es the s#rredered heart ad #ites 9i)self with it3 ad the res#lt
is as )ay ti)es greater tha itself as %od is greater tha )a4
;elo2ed3 shall we )eet %od+s e6pe&tatio ad pro2isio ad press o fro)
gra&e to gra&e ad fro) gra&e to glory?
I14 T9- C-L'T1A: AF %CA.T9 TA C-.'CD4
The apostle &arries o the tho#ght to the s#bli)e &os#))atio whe the
str#ggles ad trials of ti)e shall all ha2e passed ad we shall be eterig
the eteral port ad &o)ig ito the eteral iss#es of o#r preset li2es4 The
o str#ggle will be regarded as too se2ere3 o self5deial will be regretted3
o toilso)e patiet 2i&tory will be re)e)bered as too tryig3 b#t these 2ery
thigs will &ostit#te the e6"#isite <oy ad re&o)pese of o#r eteral
ho)e&o)ig4 0For so30 he says3 0a etra&e shall be )iistered #to yo#
ab#datly ito the e2erlastig /igdo) of o#r Lord ad Sa2io#r Jes#s
!hrist40 9ow it lights #p this whole passage with a wodro#s glory to
re)e)ber that the %ree/ word #sed here to des&ribe o#r etra&e ito the
/igdo) is the 2ery sa)e %ree/ word #sed with respe&t to the 0addig0 to
o#r faith 2irt#e3 /owledge3 te)pera&e3 godliess3 ad all the trai of
hea2ely gra&es4 1t is the bea#tif#l )etaphor of the "choregos." 1t is ot that
a ab#dat etra&e )erely shall be )iistered #to #s3 b#t the idea is that
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
a whole &hor#s of hea2ely 2oi&es ad har)oies will sig #s ho)e3 ad
that we shall eter li/e warriors ret#rig i tri#)phal pro&essio fro) a
hard wo ad glorio#s 2i&tory4 1t is ot )erely that a &hor#s will )eet #s3
b#t it is the 2ery sa)e &hoir that we o#rsel2es gathered aro#d #s i o#r
earthly &ofli&t4 The gra&es3 the 2irt#es3 the 2i&tories3 the tri#)phs of
patie&e ad lo2e that we wo ad perhaps had "#ite forgotte will all be
waitig yoder li/e troops of agels3 ad all shall gather ro#d #s ad fit
ito the &hor#s of <oy that shall &elebrate o#r ho)e&o)ig4
So)eti)es %od has gi2e #s a little taste o earth of this e&stati& <oy3 whe
so)e )iistry of lo2e that we had log ago forgotte &o)es ba&/ to o#r
re&olle&tio thro#gh the fried who) we had bee the )eas of sa2ig3 or
so)e word or deed is re&alled by the testi)oy of oe to who) we were
)ade a blessig thro#gh a a&t of self5deial or faithf#less= ad we fid3 a
"#arter of a &et#ry afterwards3 that the little ser2i&e has bee tra2ellig
ro#d the world ad blessig h#dreds o the way4 .e are )elted ito
gratef#l woder ad adorig praise4
;#t these are b#t appro6i)atios of what it will be the3 whe all that we
ha2e bee per)itted to s#ffer ad do for Jes#s will be fo#d awaitig #s o
the threshold of glory3 ad shall #sher #s i tri#)phal pro&essio ito the
eteral /igdo) of o#r Lord ad Sa2io#r Jes#s !hrist4 Ah3 how we shall
re<oi&e that we were per)itted o&e to s#ffer ad sa&rifi&e for Jes#sB Ah3
how so)e will wish that they )ight ha2e o&e )ore the opport#ity of
wiig s#&h a wel&o)e ad gaiig s#&h a great reward4 ;elo2ed3 othig
that we gai for %od &a e2er be lost4 Ah3 )ay the Master help #s3 0gi2ig
all dilige&e30 to )a/e the )ost of life ad all its opport#ities ad
reso#r&es of gra&e ad lay #p for o#rsel2es treas#res o high whi&h shall
e2er fade away4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Spirit6al Gro=t
0-large the pla&e of thy tet40 1sa4 li27 2a
'bo#t oe h#dred years ago a h#)ble ;aptist prea&her stood i a
-glish p#lpit ad ao#&ed this te6t at the opeig of what was perhaps
the first Missioary !o2etio of )oder ti)es4 9e the proposed the two
followig di2isios as the the)es of his dis&o#rse4 14 'tte)pt great thigs
for %od4 24 -6pe&t great thigs fro) %od4 'd the fro) these two
propositios3 the)sel2es ispirig eo#gh to i)pel the whole )issioary
)o2e)et3 he pro&eeded to prea&h a ser)o whi&h be&a)e the wat&hword
of the greatest !hristia )o2e)et3 si&e 'postoli& days4 That was the
birthday of )oder )issios4 Soo he hi)self was a )issioary i
!al&#tta3 ad today a ar)y of )issioaries is girdlig the world ad abo#t
to )#ltiply )ore ad )ore e2ery year #til the Master &o)es4 The prea&her
had bee oe of those who) the Lord delights to #se5oe of the wea/
thigs3 ad the thigs that are despised4 ' h#)ble &obbler3 he had s#pported
hi)self by toilig all day log at his last3 b#t while his hads were b#sy3 his
heart was o#t #po the world3 ad his eyes were ofte #po the )aps that
lied the walls of his wor/shop3 ad the &al&#latios ad plas for the
world+s e2ageli>atio4 Deep dow i his heart had grow #p a )ighty faith
for the lost )illios of )a/id3 ad his great ser)o was b#t the
o#tbrea/ig of the pet5#p fires that had log bee b#rig i his breast4 1t
was the 2oi&e of %od to his geeratio4 1t is the 2oi&e of %od to aother
geeratio3 the geeratio of today4 1t is the 2oi&e of %od to #s3 belo2ed4
Fresh fro) the hallowed ifl#e&es that ha2e so deeply )o2ed o#r hearts
ad blessed so )ay here3 %od is poitig to a world where a tho#sad
)illios still are lost3 ad sayig to #s50-large the pla&e of thy tet3 fear
ot3 legthe thy &ords ad stregthe thy sta/es3 let the) stret&h forth the
&#rtais of thie habitatios o the right had ad o the left4 For thy
Ma/er is thy h#sbad3 the Lord of 9osts is 9is a)e3 ad thy Cedee)er the
9oly Ae of 1srael3 the %od of the whole earth shall 9e be &alled40
Three tho#ghts are here s#ggested4
14 -:L'C%-M-:T4
%od+s pla for all 9is wor/ is to begi i feebleess ad e6pad ad
de2elop to )at#rity4 9e first )a/es a perfe&t sa)ple ad the )#ltiplies it4
So the wor/ 9e has doe for #s is b#t a sa)ple of what 9e &a do3 ad
wats to do for all the world4 The blessig that has filled ad thrilled o#r
hearts these past days )ay be )#ltiplied as )ay ti)es as there are &ities i
the world3 ad reprod#&ed where2er there are h#gry hearts to fill ad
)essegers to tell of the gra&e ad the f#lless of Jes#s4 That gospel of the
Sa2io#r+s f#lless that has filled yo#r heart &a fill a tho#sad )illio
hearts4 That faith whi&h has bro#ght yo# deli2era&e &a deli2er all the
&apti2es of the great oppressor ad set the whole world free4 That h#)ble
wor/ whi&h has grow #p o#t of 0a hadf#l of &or o the top of the
)o#tais0 &a be&o)e a )ighty forest o all the )o#tais ad 0sha/e
li/e Lebao3 ad they of the &ity flo#rish li/e the grass of the field40
%od has si)ply bee )a/ig sa)ples3 b#t 9e &a )#ltiply the) by
)illios4 .ill we let 9i) #se #s for their reprod#&tio3 for they are
)#ltiplied by reprod#&tio4 They are ot )ade as the )a&hies i yoder
fa&tory3 b#t they grow as seeds )#ltiply3 as yoder gerai#)s by
&#lt#rigs3 as that oa/ by the seeds it drops ito the gro#d3 or that sigle
grai of wheat that so)eti)es seds #p twety stal/s fro) a sigle seed3
ad ea&h stal/ bears half a h#dred seeds4 %od has gi2e #s i this blessed
wor/ a gospel so f#ll that it eeds a world for its field4 9e is showig #s the
pla of a !hristia &h#r&h3 that is )#&h )ore tha a asso&iatio of
&ogeial frieds to liste o&e a wee/ to a itelle&t#al ad )#si&al
etertai)et ad &arry o by pro6y a )e&hais) of !hristia wor/= b#t
rather a &h#r&h that &a be at o&e the )other ad the ho)e of e2ery for)
of help ad blessig whi&h Jes#s &a)e to gi2e to lost ad s#fferig )e3 the
birthpla&e ad the ho)e of so#ls3 the fo#tai of healig ad &leasig3 the
shelterig ho)e for the orpha ad distressed3 the s&hool for the &#lt#re
ad traiig of %od+s &hildre3 the ar)ory where they are e"#ipped for the
battle of the Lord ad the ar)y whi&h fights those battles i 9is a)e4
S#&h a &etre of life ad power !hrist wats i e2ery &etre of pop#latio
i this sad ad sif#l world4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Enlarge' )or?
The fig#re of elarge)et is that of a tet= its &#rtais are to be stret&hed
forth ad its &ords are to be legtheed4 These &#rtais are s#rely the
pro)ises ad pro2isios of the %ospel3 ad they will stret&h as wide as the
eeds of h#)a li2es ad the )#ltit#des that see/ their shelter4 The &ords
are &ords of prayer3 &ords of faith3 &ords of lo2e3 &ords of holy effort ad
ser2i&e4 9e bids #s legthe the &ords of prayer4 Let #s as/ )ore3 b#t let the
strads of faith be as log ad strog4 Let #s belie2e )ore f#lly3 )ore
fir)ly3 ad for a wider &ir&le tha we ha2e dared before4 Let the &ords of
lo2e be legtheed #til we shall draw )e to !hrist with the 2ery &ords of
o#r hearts4 Let o#r efforts for 9is /igdo) rea&h a wider &ir&le4 Let ea&h of
#s )a/e the world o#r parish3 ad as the ;ride of the La)b reali>e that all
that &o&ers o#r Lord+s /igdo) &o&ers o#r hearts3 0For o#r Ma/er is
o#r h#sbad3 the Lord of 9osts is 9is a)e3 the %od of the whole earth
shall 9e be &alled40
%od has &o))itted to o#r tr#st the gospel i its f#lless4 Let #s e2er rest
#til i all its f#lless it is /ow i e2ery ha)let of this great lad ad i
e2ery lad ad tog#e4
'd we )#st legthe the &ords of o#r liberality4 The Lord is as/ig for
)illios today to spread 9is gospel i its f#lless o2er the world3 ad we to
who) this f#ll gospel has bee s#&h a blessig are espe&ially &alled to ta/e
it as o#r tr#st for 9i) ad sed it e2erywhere4 The world is ope today ad
the wor/ers are beig prepared as e2er before3 )e ad wo)e f#ll of
faith ad the 9oly %host4 :e2er was there a ti)e whe a little )oey
wo#ld go so far i spreadig !hrist+s .ord4 Less tha te )illios today
wo#ld e2ageli>e all the world before the &lose of the &et#ry4
.he 1 thi/ of the opport#ity of #sig )oey for %od today3 1 &o#ld
al)ost e2y the )e who ha2e the opport#ities of s#&&essf#l b#siess4
%od is goig to sed 2ery large a)o#ts ito the treas#ries of &ose&rated
wor/3 ad if we are b#t tr#e to this tr#st we shall yet see tes of )illios
spet i sedig the fo#rfold gospel to e2ery &orer of the globe4
114 !A:SAL1D'T1A:4
;#t the wider o#r wor/ the stroger it )#st be at the &etre4 'd therefore
A Larger Cristian Li!e Enlarge' )or?
as the &ords are legtheed the sta/es )#st also be stregtheed4 .hat are
these sta/es?
14 S#rely %od+s .ord is the first4 The )ore widespread the wor/ %od gi2es
#s to do the )ore i)portat is it that we be tr#e to the great stadard of
tr#th3 the ;ible ad the gospel of Jes#s !hrist4 This is the day of ew
theologies ad loose 2iews of e2ageli&al tr#th4 More sa&redly tha e2er
does the Master re"#ire #s to stad faithf#l to the &ross of Jes#s !hrist3 the
do&trie of )a+s si ad r#i3 the great atoe)et3 the ispiratio of the
9oly S&ript#res3 the perso ad wor/ of the 9oly %host ad the &ertaities
of f#t#re retrib#tio ad reward4 Tha/ %od we do ot ha2e to resort to the
o2elties of ratioalis) to attra&t the )#ltit#des4 %i2e the) the Li2ig
;read3 the atoig blood3 the old ad e2er ew story of Jes#s ad 9is lo2e4
24 Persoal holiess4 This is the e6t safeg#ard of the Lord+s wor/4 %od
&aot tr#st a #sa&tified people or a #&ose&rated )a with )#&h
ser2i&e for 9i)4 Poor Joah is s#re to )ar his )ost s#&&essf#l wor/ with a
to#&h of hi)self4 The )ore %od etr#sts to o#r hads the )ore h#)bly let
#s lie at 9is feet ad the )ore faithf#lly #se o#r tr#st for 9is glory4 This is
oe of the wise thigs the Sal2atio 'r)y has doe4 1t has re"#ired all its
offi&ers to be sa&tified )e ad wo)e4 S#&h a wor/ &a afford to be
s#&&essf#l4 %od grat #s wisdo) to see to it that all who bear the 2essels of
the Lord are &lea4 So shall 9e gi2e #s the world itself for o#r iherita&e4
34 The spirit of self5sa&rifi&e4 :o wor/ &a e2er be glorio#s witho#t the
)artyr spirit4 L#6#ry is /illig the &h#r&hes today3 ad the oly re)edy for
it is the red blood of sa&rifi&e4 %reat faith ad great sa&rifi&e will always be
fo#d together4 This )#st be the spirit of this wor/ if it is to &o2er the
world4 .e )#st be willig to ed#re hardess as good soldiers of Jes#s
!hrist4 .e )#st be idifferet to pop#larity3 ad h#)a praise or bla)e3 we
)#st be willig to li2e with great si)pli&ity ad rigid e&oo)y3 we )#st be
willig to be )is#derstood ad perse&#ted3 we )#st be glad to be the
&o)paios of the lowly ad despised3 we )#st gladly fa&e toil3 hardship
ad e2e death3 ad &o#t all thigs b#t loss for !hrist ad 9is /igdo)4
S#&h a people oly &a possess the world for !hrist3 ad s#&h soldiers shall
)ar&h to world5wide 2i&tory while the spledid brigades of ra/ ad l#6#ry
A Larger Cristian Li!e Enlarge' )or?
shall fail i the day of battle ad pro2e b#t a spledid pageat ad a dress
%od gi2e #s the spirit of S&ript#ral faith3 persoal &ose&ratio ad tr#e
self5sa&rifi&e3 ad the 9e &a gi2e #s the world for !hrist4
The fig#re of the tet s#ggests the idea of &ostat 2i&issit#des ad
h#)ility4 This is o pro#d ar&hite&t#ral pile b#t a si)ple tet3 e2er &hagig
ad oft ta/e dow ad )o2ed forward4 1t is the fig#re of the &hagig
wilderess3 the pilgri) life ad &ostat )o2e)et4 This is ot o#r rest4
This is o pla&e for great &athedrals ad spledid establish)ets ad
e&&lesiasti&al states b#t &oti#al ad2a&e ad &easeless aggressio4 1t is to
be feared that spledid &h#r&hes ha2e bee the greatest &#rse of the &h#r&h4
's log as the early !hristias )et i h#)ble #pper roo)s3 they had the
power of %od ad godliess3 b#t whe they bega to i)itate the spledor of
the world ad 2ie with the ar&hite&t#re of i)perial pala&es ad heathe
te)ples3 the 9oly Spirit too/ 9is flight3 ad the world ad the de2il be&a)e
para)o#t4 The days of the Jewish tabera&le were better days tha those
of Solo)o+s te)ple4 The begiig of this wor/ was i a h#)ble tet= let
#s e2er forget the tet spirit or lose the pilgri) spirit4 0-large the pla&e of
thy tet40 9e does ot say get a te)ple3 b#t a bigger tet4 Lord3 help #s to
elarge b#t e2er lea2e o#r tets4
1114 D1I1:- C-SAEC!-S4
0For thy Ma/er is thy 9#sbad= the Lord of 9osts is 9is a)e3 the %od of
the whole earth shall 9e be &alled40 This is the se&ret of it all4 .e ha2e ba&/
of #s oe who has ifiite reso#r&es3 ad 9e is ot oly o#r 8ig ad o#r
Fried3 9e is o#r 9#sbad4 9e has gi2e #s all 9is heart ad all 9is glory3
ad 9e will s#rely gi2e #s all the world for o#r dowry ad o#r iherita&e4
This is the se&ret of s#&&essf#l wor/3 to /ow !hrist i this blissf#l ad
iti)ate relatio3 ad to re&ei2e o#r wor/3 by 2irt#e of o#r #io with 9i)3
as the 2ery fr#it of o#r )arriage with the 8ig of 8igs4 So )ay 9e re2eal
9i)self to #s all3 ad the3 as 9is 2ery bride3 stadig at the threshold of
9is ho)e ad i2itig i 9is lost ad waderig &hildre3 it shall be tr#e of
#s3 0The Spirit ad the bride say3 !o)e30 ad the world will &o)e to 9i)4
A Larger Cristian Li!e Enlarge' )or?
09ow /owest tho# whether tho# be &o)e to the /igdo) for s#&h a ti)e
as this?0 Li/e -sther o 'has#er#s+ throe3 we ha2e bee &alled to the
/igdo) that we )ight #se o#r pla&e of right ad power to sa2e a world4
%od help #s so to wi the) ba&/ to o#r belo2ed 9#sbad3 so to bear the)
for 9i) as 9is 2ery &hildre ad o#rs3 that 0the %od of the whole earth
shall 9e be &alled40
1t has bee the e6perie&e of so)e of %od+s &hildre3 ad it was )ie3 to be
&alled by 9is Spirit3 i years of loeliess ad sorrow3 to lear 2ery deeply
the Sog of Solo)o i its tr#e spirit#al sigifi&a&e3 ad the3 i this deep3
sweet lo2e5life with !hrist3 to be led ito pre&io#s ser2i&e for 9i)3 ad to
fid the life filled with )ost gra&io#s fr#itf#less ad blessig4 , belo2ed3
9e is &allig yo# to 9is boso) ad the to 9is wor/3 09ear/e3 , da#ghter3
ad &osider3 forget also thy /idred ad thy father+s ho#se= so shall the
8ig greatly desire thy bea#ty7 for 9e is thy Lord= ad worship tho# 9i)40
'd the3 01stead of thy fathers shall be thy &hildre3 who) tho# )ayest
)a/e pri&es i all the earth40
A Larger Cristian Li!e Enlarge' )or?
Albert Benjamin Simpson

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