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1. Tehzibul Akhlaq, the Urdu periodical which
recently started its online edition, was launched
in 1870 by
A! "aulana Abul #ala$ Azad
%! "oha$$ed &qbal
'! (ir (yed Ah$ed #han
)! "oha$$ad Ali *innah
+. ,hich o- these co$panies was con-erred
.a/ratna (tatus in *une +0101
A! .")' 2td
%! .ational %uildin3s 'onstruction 'orporation
'! .ational (eeds 'orporation 2i$ited
)! 4arden 5each (hipbuilders 6 7n3ineers
8. ,hich o- these places beca$e the 1000
to be added to the ,orld 9erita3e (ites list1
A! 4reat 9i$alayan .ational :ark, &ndia
%! The 4rand 'anal, 'hina
'! "t 9a$i3uitan 5an3e ,ildli-e (anctuary,
)! ;ka/an3o )elta, %otswana
0. ,ho o- the -ollowin3 has been chosen -or the
+018 *nanpith Award1
A! 'handi :rasad %hatt
%! 4ulzar
'! #edarnath (in3h
)! A$arkant
<. ,hich o- the -ollowin3 countries won the
"en=s 9ockey ,orld 'up +010 held in the
.etherlands in *une +0101
A! The .etherlands %! "alaysia
'! Ar3entina )! Australia
>. 9ow $any districts does the newly -or$ed
state Telan3ana ha/e1
A! 1+ %! 11
'! 10 )! ?
7. (atellite @eloAB1, launched by :(2@B'+8 on 80
*une +010, belon3s to which country1

A! 'anada %! 4er$any
'! (in3apore )! Crance
8. 4aruda @ was a bilateral air eAercise
conducted at *odhpur in 5aDasthan by &ndia and
A! 5ussia %! (in3apore
'! Crance )! United #in3do$
?. ,hat is the "(: rate -or :addy -or the #hari-
season +010B1<1
A! 5s. 18>0FB %! 5s. 1870FB
'! 5s. 1800FB )! 5s. 18+0FB
10. 5aniBkiB/a/, an ele/enth century step well
which was included in the ,orld 9erita3e (ites
list is located in EEEEEEEE district o- 4uDarat.
A! :atan %! "ehsana
'! %anaskantha )! (abarkantha
11. ,ho o- the -ollowin3 has been chosen -or
the +010 :en :inter :rize1
A! Arundhati 5oy %! @( .aipaul
'! (al$an 5ushdie )! 'hetan %ha3at
1+. ,hich o- the -ollowin3 &ndian co$panies
has beco$e the third lar3est e$ployer o-
people in the technolo3y sector in the world1
A! &n-osys
%! "ahindra (atya$
'! 9eAaware Technolo3ies
)! T'(
18. ,ho did 5a-ael .adal de-eat in the Crench
;pen -inals to clinch the title -or +0101
A! .o/ak )Doko/ic %! 5o3er Cederer
'! Andy "urray )! 7rnests 4ulbis
10. ,hich tea$ has won the &:2 +010 'ricket
A! #olkata #ni3ht 5iders
%! #in3s G& :unDab
'! 5aDasthan 5oyals
)! 'hennai (uper #in3s

1<. ,hich &ndian scientist has been chosen -or
the +010 ,orld Cood :rize -or his contribution
in increasin3 3lobal wheat production1
A! %asanta #u$ar %ehera
%! )r. (anDaya 5aDara$
'! 4okulananda "ohapatra
)! )orairaDan %alasubra$anian
1>. The reactor at which ato$ic power plant in
&ndia set an Asian record with an uninterrupted
run, 3eneratin3 power at its -ull capacity -or >78
A! Tarapur, "aharashtra
%! #ai3a, #arnataka
'! 5awatbhata, 5aDasthan
)! .arora, Uttar :radesh
17. #anyashree :rakalpa, a sche$e -or 3irls
which has been 3i/en international reco3nition
by the United #in3do$=s )epart$ent -or
&nternational )e/elop$ent )C&)! and U.&'7C
has been launched by
A! 5aDasthan %! #arnataka
'! %ihar )! ,est %en3al
18. 4ariphe$a, which has been declared &ndia=s
-irst tobacco -ree /illa3e is located in
A! .a3aland
%! "izora$
'! "anipur
)! Assa$
1?. ,hich o- the -ollowin3 was the the$e -or
,orld 7n/iron$ent )ay obser/ed on *une <1
A! 5aise Hour @oice, .ot (ea 2e/el
%! ($all &slands and 'li$ate 'han3e
'! Think, 7at, (a/e
)! 4reen 7cono$y, )oes it &nclude Hou
+0. ,ho o- the -ollowin3 has been chosen -or
the +018 "oortide/i Award1
A! #edarnath (in3h
%! 9araprasad )as
'! ' 5adhakrishnan
)! 5a/uri %haradwaDa


1. '! +. %! 8. )! 0. '! <. )! >. '! 7. '! 8. '! ?. A! 10. A!
11. '! 1+. )! 18. A! 10. A! 1<. %! 1>. '! 17. )! 18. A! 1?. %! +0. '!

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