Superficial Face, 16 Sept 2006

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Courtney Takahashi

Anatomy 4 – Deep facial structures

16 September 2006

Identify (facial landmarks)

 Bragma (plate 7)
 Glabella (plate 2, Grants 151)
 Nasion (Grants 151)
 Epicanthal folds (Moore’s 957)
 Palpebral fissure (separates upper and lower eyelids)
 Ala of nose and naris (plate 1)
 Nasal septum and philtrum (plate 1)
 Superciliary arch (plate 1)
 Nasolabial sulcus (plate 1)
 Cheeks
 Oral fissure (Moores 957)
 Lip and vermillion border (Moores 957)
 Mentolabial sulcus (Moore 957)
 Mentalis
 Vertex (Grants 150)
 Supraorbital margin (Grants 150)
 Nasal bones (plate 1)
 Alveolar process of maxilla (grants 150 ?)
 Mental protuberance of the mandible (plate 1)
 Zygomatic arch (grants 150)
 Zygomatic bone (grants 150, plate 1)
 Angle of the mandible (plate 1)

Identify (bony landmarks)

 Supraorbital notch (foramen) (plate 2)
 Nasal bone (plate 2)
 Zygomatic bone (plate 2)
 Maxilla
o Frontal process (plate 2)
o Infraorbital process (plate 2)
o Anterior nasal spine (plate 2)
o Alveolar process (plate 2)
 Nasal septum
 Mandible
o Alveolar process (grants 151)
o Mental foramen (plate 2)
o Mental protuberance (plate 2)
 Nasion (junction between the frontal bones and nasal bones) (grants 151)
 Orbital margin (formed by three bones; frontal, maxillary, and zygomatic) (grants 151)
 Anterior nasal aperture (bounded by the nasal bones and maxillae) (grants 151)

Lateral View of skull

 Parietal bone

o Superior temporal line (plate 4, grants 151)
o Inferior temporal line (plate 4, grants 151)
 Frontal bone (plate 4, grants 151)
 Sphenoid bone (plate 4)
 Zygomatic bone (plate 4)
o Frontal process (grants 151)
o Temporal process (grants 151, plate 4)
 Temporal bone
o External acoustic meatus (plate 4, grants 151)
o Mastoid process (plate 4, grants 151)
o Zygomatic process (plate 4, grants 151)
 Occipital bone
o External occipital protuberance (plate 4, grants 151)
 Sutures
o Lambdoid (plate 7)
o Squamosal (?)
o Coronal (plate 7)
 Pterion (plate 4)
 Basioccipit (not sure, listed in lecture but not in Grants)
 Mandible
o Ramus (plate 4)
o Coronoid process (plate 4)
o Mandibular notch (plate 4)
o Condylar process – Head (condyle), neck (plate 4)
o Angle
o Body, mental foramen (plate 4)
o Inferior border (plate 4)

Superior View
 Frontal (metopic) suture (?)
 Coronal suture (plate 7)
 Sagittal suture (plate 7)
 Bregma (plate 7)
 Lamboid suture (plate 7)
 Lamda (plate 7)
 Temporal suture (listed in Lozanoff lecture but not in Grants?) (?)

Muscles of Facial Expression

 Epicranial aponeurosis (plate 22)
 Occipitofrontalis (plate 22)
 Procerus (plate 22)
 Orbicularis Oculi (plate 22)
o Orbital part (plate 22)
o Palpebral part (plate 22)
o Lacrimal part (lies deep to palpebral part, not seen in this dissection)
 Nasalis (plate 22)
 Levator labii superioris (plate 22)
 Zygomaticus minor (plate 22)

 Zygomaticus major (plate 22)
 Orbicularis oris (plate 22)
 Risorius (plate 22)
 Depressor anguli oris (plate 22)
 Depressor labii inferioris (plate 22)
 Platysma (plate 22)
 Temporal (temporalis? No temporal muscle)
 Corrugator supercilii (plate 22)
 Levator labii superioris (plate 22)
 Buccinator (plate 22)
 Masseter (plate 57)
 Mentalis (plate 22)

Other items to find on face:

 Parotid duct (plate 57)
 Transverse facial artery (plate 57)
 Parotid gland (plate 57)
 Buccal fat pad (plate 57)
 Mental foramen (plate 57)

CN VII – Facial nerve
 Temporal branch (moores 946)
 Zygomatic branch (moores 946)
 Buccal branch (moores 946)
 Mandibular branch (moores 946)
 Cervical branch (Moores 946)
 (Ten Zebras Bit My Cookie)
 Parotid plexus (?)

CN V – Trigeminal nerve
 Buccal nerve, V3 (moores 942)
 Mental nerve, branch of V3 that passes through the mental foramen (moores 942)

 Facial artery (moores 948)
 Inferior labial artery (moores 948)
 Superior labial artery (moores 948)
 Angular artery (moores 948)
 Superficial temporal artery (moores 948)
 Mental artery (moores 948)
 Supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries (moores 948)
 Facial vein (moores 949)

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