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Saturn In The Ninth House

Saturn (to control) in the House of Mind Expansion

You tend to be cautious but practical in matters related to education, philosophy and
long journeys. Because you take a practical approach to learning, you are more
interested in science and other practical ways of learning. You are likely to seek
experience rather than read books. Your formal education may have been restrictive,
which may interfere with higher education, or your freedom to consider new ideas, or
explore matters deeply. Long journeys may be for business reasons, rather than for
pleasure (although you might claim they are for business reasons!) You may have
learned or experienced all the obstacles to education and learning, so might be good at
advising others. Higher education does not come easily to you, and you might need to
work hard in order to succeed. By struggling with higher education, you may end up
doing better than those who found it easy, if you persist and allow enough time and do
not become disheartened.
Saturn in 9th House

Those with Saturn in the 9th House are looking for something beyond the border for real meaning
in their lives. The major obstacle to finding their vision is Saturn's tendency to doubt everything,
and some of these individuals have extremely rigid views and ideas about life. Many have a literal
fear of travelling, or even of further learning opportunities in life. At particular points in their
lives they have have lost faith, hope and belief and have learned to mistrust everything that can't
be explained.

Underlying their disbelief is a fear of believing in a larger whole at work and there is often an
oppressing figure of system working in the background. A lot of this this might be because the
individual has grown up in a household with strict morals, religion or beliefs that have felt
restraining. Perhaps it was the grandparents who had such a strict view, and the individual was
denied a real education on life.

These people are looking for a clearer view with less superficiality, over jubilant faith and a more
realistic understanding of the world. Many of them have a strong consciousnesses about doing the
right thing, fearing punishment. They do need to try to loosen up a bit and allow new thoughts,
visions, and experiences of higher planes in their learning environment. One of the big factors that
stop them from exploring what is out there is the feeling of guilt instilled in them at a young age
and one that has stopped them from growing up with their own constructed thoughts. The heavier
expression of this placement can act itself through a person who doesn't believe in anything and
who simply lacks hope, and if they do see a God they might see him as strict and harsh.

With Saturn in the 9th house they usually need an orthodox religion to make them feel safe and
secure. The individual tends to stick with things that have been proven over throughout time.
They shy away from new visions of the world dreampt up last week, and need something that has
at least accrued some substance. Many people with Saturn placed in this house do often find
themselves in a role of authority and one that has been attained with both effort and plenty of
discipline in the areas of teaching, law, publishing, religion, or further studies.

They gain status and professional advancement, and want to master subjects by spending time on
wider interests and through possessing a heavy and concentrated mind. It may be the marker of
the student who needs every certificate and is the over-achiever of all things ninth house. They
often like studies in psychology, philosophy and religion as if they are trying to find something
that will rebuild that early loss of faith and need to know if there is really something more out
there than what some people have dictated. They also need to stand alone when searching for
what they believe without the help of, organizations, authority figures, advises and teachers.

The individual with Saturn here may find that throughout life many learning teachers, authority
figures and guru type people have significantly let them down. This is because the answers have to
be found alone, and and not looked for in others. The symbol God is perhaps another let down,
especially when good people suffer and the bad go unpunished. Much of their life may feel as if it
is a test of faith and heavy trials often show up in places that involve religion, higher education,
law, and foreign affairs. When it comes to good old fashioned faith, everything must be
experienced directly by the individual to be really believed and counted on. I don't think they
want to be a scrooge about every new faith, fad and religion, but they need to experience
whatever meaning is out there in a concrete way. They don't need someones second opinion, or to
rely on blind faith, and even hope.

The beaten down individual who is depressed and feels sucked dry of any belief may reach a
painful point of desperation and believe in anything as long as it will give them some faith back in
life. The person searches for the meaning of life, and the significance of existence. With Saturn in
the 9th house they tend to think things through carefully, almost examining everything with a
clearly defined pattern of reasoning. Within this human being is an inner fight between what
understandings of life were set out early and what they are learning right now.

Naturally whenever Saturn is involved there will be disillusionment and disappointments along the
way and things will test their values and morals. They also may not be open handed straight away
to anything foreign or unorthodox. These kinds of views have been passed down from the family
who may have had nothing good to say about immigrants, people of a different culture and
background. A reserved or fearful approach was taken to anything new that entered the family's
world vision. However, things change rapidly over-time and the individual will examine these
earlier views. When they meet with other people as a grown-up they will determine what is right
and true to believe. The individual will create a new understanding of the world and a learned
wisdom that contains all the facts.

The planet Saturn or Shani is a giver of variant impacts upon the natives but they always comes
in a blend of good & bad and similar results would be here also when Saturn in 9
house. Here,
Saturn or Shani would provide strong understanding of philosophies and great intellect but with
some stubbornness.
The people of this placement of Saturn in 9
house would attain great heights in the path of
education & learning and would possess strong philosophical hold in their persona for which
they are much mature but more of with practical understanding and are truly spiritual in their
approach. They are stable personalities with some firmly placed believes and norms in their lives
for which they are not at all flexible and this is why they are perceived to be quiet orthodox at
The natives of this placement of Saturn in ninth house wont accept and adapt to the changing
environment around them and wont let the world change them. They possess great powers to
stick to their own stand and making them move a bit would require a lot efforts. They could be
quiet aggressive and harsh in their attitude at certain places. These natives having Shani in ninth
bhava could attain great heights of success upon land if they would learn some flexibility in life
otherwise their immense firmness would be a reason behind their obstacles.
The people of this placement of Saturn in 9
house would be blessed with three houses in life
and would happily lead a long path of life. These people are believed to attain admirable success
in the arenas of tour operating and civil engineering. Besides this, if these people would nurture
and keep his/her three generations near, it would reduce the malefic effects of Saturn to a good
extent while being generous and helpful to others will also bring good benefits. The natives of
this placement would have son quiet late in life.
Though, these natives would have a good life but as Saturn always brings difficult to further
keep it good, the natives should pursue some remedies to reduce the adverse impacts of Saturn.
They should offer rice or almonds in the running water besides which being associated with the
profession comprising things of Jupiter and Moon would bestow success to the person.

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