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Users Guide for Windows

RIS Report Writer

August 1994
Version 5.0

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Tableof Contents

Tableof Contents

1. Before You Begi n .................................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.1 Usi ng On-l i ne Hel p ...................................................................................... 1 - 5
1.1.1 Parts of the Hel p Wi ndow ................................................................ 1 - 5
2. Getti ng Started ..................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1 RI S Report Wri ter Structure and Functi ons .............................................. 2 - 3
2.2 Changes to RI S Report Wri ter .................................................................... 2 - 4
2.3 Creati ng a Database .................................................................................... 2 - 4
2.4 Attachi ng a RI S Schema .............................................................................. 2 - 4
2.5 Templ ates ..................................................................................................... 2 - 5
2.5.1 Templ ate Li brari es ........................................................................... 2 - 6
2.6 Joi n Col umns ................................................................................................ 2 - 6
2.6.1 Mul ti -Schema Joi ns .......................................................................... 2 - 7
2.6.2 Outer Joi ns ....................................................................................... 2 - 7
2.6.3 Edi t Rel ati ons ................................................................................... 2 - 8
3. Reports .................................................................................................................. 3 - 3
3.1 Report Types ................................................................................................ 3 - 3
3.1.1 Defaul t Reports ................................................................................. 3 - 3
3.1.2 Bl ank Reports ................................................................................... 3 - 5 Unrel ated Tabl es Reports .................................................. 3 - 5
3.2 Accessi ng the Report Bui l der ...................................................................... 3 - 6
3.3 Processi ng Reports ....................................................................................... 3 - 6
4. Edi t Scri pt ............................................................................................................. 4 - 3
5. Templ ate Li brari an .............................................................................................. 5 - 3
Accessi ng the Templ ate Li brari an ....................................................................... 5 - 3
6. Database Edi t ....................................................................................................... 6 - 3

6.1 Accessi ng Database Edi t .............................................................................. 6 - 3
6.2 Creati ng and Usi ng Query Cri teri a ............................................................ 6 - 5
6.2.1 Usi ng Query Functi ons .................................................................... 6 - 5
6.3 Edi ti ng Database Val ues ............................................................................. 6 - 7
7. SQL Statements ................................................................................................... 7 - 3
8. RI S Report Wri ter Commands ............................................................................. 8 - 3
Add Query (Database Edi t) .................................................................................. A - 1
Change Al l (Database Edi t) ................................................................................. C - 1
Change Row (Database Edi t) ............................................................................... C - 3
Col umn (Report Bui l der) ...................................................................................... C - 4
Copy Fi el d ............................................................................................................. C - 8
Copy Li ne .............................................................................................................. C - 10
Counter (Report Bui l der) ...................................................................................... C - 12
Current Row (Database Edi t) .............................................................................. C - 14
Date ....................................................................................................................... D - 1
Defi ne Structure ................................................................................................... D - 3
Del ete Al l (Database Edi t) ................................................................................... D - 9
Del ete Fi el d ........................................................................................................... D - 10
Del ete Li ne ............................................................................................................ D - 12
Del ete Row (Database Edi t) ................................................................................. D - 13
Del ete Space .......................................................................................................... D - 14
Deri ved .................................................................................................................. D - 15
Dump Templ ate .................................................................................................... D - 17
Edi t Code (Database Edi t) .................................................................................... E - 1
Edi t Fi el d .............................................................................................................. E - 6
Edi t Li ne ............................................................................................................... E - 7
Edi t Query (Database Edi t) ................................................................................. E - 10
Edi t Report Parameters ....................................................................................... E - 11
Exi t ........................................................................................................................ E - 13
Fi el d Format (Report Bui l der) ............................................................................. F - 1
Fi el ds On/Off (Database Edi t) .............................................................................. F - 3
Fi el d Operati ons (Report Bui l der) ....................................................................... F - 4
I ni ti al i ze Query (Database Edi t) .......................................................................... I - 1
I nsert Row (Database Edi t) .................................................................................. I - 2
I nsert Space (Report Bui l der) .............................................................................. I - 3
Key Col umn (Database Edi t) ............................................................................... K - 1
Li ne Operati ons (Report Bui l der) ........................................................................ L - 1
Li ne Scri pt ............................................................................................................ L - 2
Load From Li brary (Report Bui l der) ................................................................... L - 5
Locate Graphi cs (Database Edi t) ......................................................................... L - 8
Modi fy Sort ........................................................................................................... M - 1
Move Fi el d ............................................................................................................. M - 5
Move Li ne .............................................................................................................. M - 7
New Bl ank (Report Bui l der) ................................................................................. N - 1
New Defaul t (Report Bui l der) .............................................................................. N - 3

Numeri c ................................................................................................................. N - 6
Page ....................................................................................................................... P - 1
Pl ace Fi el d (Report Bui l der) ................................................................................. P - 3
Pl ace Li ne .............................................................................................................. P - 5
Process Query (Database Edi t) ............................................................................ P - 8
Process Report ...................................................................................................... P - 9
Report (Database Edi t) ......................................................................................... R - 1
Revi ew (Database Edi t) ........................................................................................ R - 2
Save Report ........................................................................................................... S - 1
Text (Report Bui l der) ............................................................................................ T - 1
Text Si ze ................................................................................................................ T - 3
Ti me ...................................................................................................................... T - 4
Undel ete Fi el d (Report Bui l der) ........................................................................... U - 1
Undel ete Li ne (Report Bui l der) ............................................................................ U - 2
Update Acti ve (Database Edi t) ............................................................................ U - 3
Update Row (Database Edi t) ............................................................................... U - 4
User Vari abl e (Report Bui l der) ............................................................................ U - 5
Appendi x A: RI S Report Wri ter Envi ronment Vari abl es ........................................ AA - 3
Appendi x B: RI S Report Wri ter Reserved Tabl es ................................................... BB - 3
B.1 Tabl es Needed for Raster Graphi cs ................................................................... BB - 3
B.2 Uni que Row I denti fi cati on ................................................................................. BB - 3
B.2.1 msl i nk Col umn ....................................................................................... BB - 4
B.2.2 Key Col umns (mscatal og Tabl e) ............................................................ BB - 5
B.2.3 Uni que I ndex .......................................................................................... BB - 7
B.3 Coded Col umns and mscodel i st ......................................................................... BB - 7
B.4 mscol umns .......................................................................................................... BB - 9
Appendi x C: Ti mestamp Col umns ........................................................................... CC - 3
Appendi x D: RI S Report Wri ter Error Messages .................................................... DD - 3
Gl ossary ....................................................................................................................... GL - 3
I ndex ............................................................................................................................ I N - 3

Before You Begin 1 - 1

BeforeYou Begin
1 - 2 Before You Begin

Before You Begin 1 - 3

BeforeYou Begin
Document Purpose
Thi s document descri bes the functi ons and commands i n the I ntergraph RI S Report Wri ter
product. Thi s document i s i ntended for database system admi ni strators and users.
Document Prerequisites
Thi s document assumes that you:
Understand SQL database termi nol ogy and structure.
Are fami l i ar wi th the I ntergraph Rel ati onal I nterface System (RI S).
Related Documentation
You can refer to the fol l owi ng documents for addi ti onal i nformati on:
DNA1133 DB Access Administrators Guide
DNA1001 DB Access Programmers
DNA0032 Relational I nterfaceSystem(RI S) for Windows NT SQL Users Guide
DSA0300 CLI PPER Users Guide
1 - 4 Before You Begin

Document Conventions
Fi l enames and di rectory paths appear i n i tal i c typeface. However, the i tal i c typeface i s
al so used for emphasi s of new words or i mportant phrases. For exampl e:
c:\ windows
Command names, menu names, tool s, system prompts and messages, and keys may
appear i n bol dface type. For exampl e:
Press Enter
The word mouserefers to the 2-button or 3-button mouse.
The word select means to sel ect a command by pressi ng the l eft mouse button over a
menu command or by pressi ng the Alt key and the underl i ned character
si mul taneousl y.
The word choosemeans to choose a button or i con by pressi ng the l eft mouse button
over a Tool bar button, or appl i cati on i con.
The word reset means to termi nate a command i ni ti ated wi th the mouse. Reset by
pressi ng the ri ght mouse button.
The word identifymeans to defi ne an area or pl ace graphi c el ements i n a graphi cs fi l e.
For PCs, i denti fy wi th the l eft mouse button.
The phrase key in general l y means to enter data i nto a fi el d on a di al og box. To
advance to the next fi el d, use the Tabkey.

Do not use the Enter key to advance to the next fi el d. Thi s key i s mostl y
used as the defaul t key to accept a di al og box i nstead of pressi ng the OK
System key-i ns, keywords, and programmi ng code segments, appear i n monospaced
type. For exampl e:
main ( )
I n actual usage, keywords can be i n ei ther upper or l owercase.
Before You Begin 1 - 5

Words that appear i n angl e brackets, < >, are i denti fi ers or names that you must
suppl y, or dynami c i nformati on that can change for each error message. For exampl e:
ERROR: Error openi ng the fi l e <fi l ename>
Phrases i n square brackets, [ ], are opti onal phrases.
Curl y braces contai n several opti ons (used i n conjuncti on wi th a l ogi cal OR symbol ( | ))
or phrases that can be repeated (used i n conjuncti on wi th [, ...]). A comma fol l owed by a
seri es of three peri ods i n square brackets ([, ...]) i ndi cates that the l ast phrase contai ned
wi thi n curl y braces ({}), or the l ast i tem, can be repeated numerous ti mes (separated by
For exampl e: {<col umn> <data type> }[, ...] means that numerous col umn names and
associ ated data types can be speci fi ed (separated by commas).
The logical or symbol ( | ) separates phrases or keywords wi thi n curl y braces ({}) that
can be used al one but not together.
For exampl e: { user | database }means that ei ther the user keyword or the
database keyword can be speci fi ed, but not both.

Thi s symbol notes i mportant i nformati on.

Thi s symbol cauti ons about operati ons that can cause l i mi ted damage.

Thi s symbol warns about operati ons that can cause severe damage.
1.1 UsingOn-lineHelp
On-l i ne Hel p i s an on-l i ne reference tool accessi bl e at any ti me the appl i cati on i s i n use. The
on-l i ne Hel p contai ns a descri pti on for each command and tool and step-by-step procedures
for common tasks. For exampl e, i f you need to perform a certai n task, search and di spl ay the
topi c. You can move or resi ze your appl i cati on and Hel p wi ndows so that they are next to
each other. Thi s l ets you fol l ow the procedures wi thout havi ng to search for the pages i n the
documentati on.
1 - 6 Before You Begin

1.1.1 Parts of theHelp Window
To vi ew the on-l i ne Hel p, sel ect Contents from the Help menu. To get more speci fi c
i nformati on, sel ect one of the major topi cs or perform a search on a speci fi c topi c.

Before You Begin 1 - 7

Use To
Contents Di spl ay a l i sti ng of the tabl e of contents for
the on-l i ne Hel p fi l e.
Search Locate i nformati on about a certai n topi c that
you enter i n the Search box.
Back Take you back to the previ ous Hel p topi cs you
have al ready vi ewed.
History Di spl ay a sequenti al l i st of every Hel p topi c
you have vi ewed duri ng your current Wi ndows
sessi on.
Find Di spl ay a di al og box used to retri eve parti al or
ful l text stri ngs i n the hel p fi l e. Use the
Hints button for i nformati on on constructi ng
your search query.
<< Vi ew the previ ous topi c i n a seri es of rel ated
topi cs. The button i s di mmed when you reach
the fi rst topi c i n the seri es.
>> Vi ew the next topi c i n a seri es of rel ated
topi cs. The button i s di mmed when you reach
the l ast topi c i n the seri es.

I f the graphi cs i n the on-l i ne Hel p appear di storted, check your graphi cs dri ver.
I f you are usi ng an I ntergraph TD1 machi ne, the S3 1024x768 256 col or (Large
Font) di storts the graphi cs sl i ghtl y. Changi ng to the (Smal l Font) versi on
corrects the di spl ay. I f you are usi ng other dri vers, check wi th your PC manual
for i nformati on about avai l abl e graphi cs dri vers.
1 - 8 Before You Begin

Getting Started 2 - 1

2 - 2 Getting Started

Getting Started 2 - 3

RI S Report Wri ter i s a report wri ter and database edi tor that l ets you access ANSI /I SO
SQL-standard databases supported by the I ntergraph Rel ati onal I nterface System (RI S).
RI S Report Wri ter al so runs i n conjuncti on wi th al phanumeri c user data and ASCI I data.
You can defi ne the i nput structures for these types of data so that you can desi gn and run
reports. You can customi ze user data reports provi ded wi th I ntergraph appl i cati ons.
For more i nformati on, see these secti ons:
2.1 RI S Report Writer Structureand Functions
2.2 Changes toRI S Report Writer
2.3 Creati ng a Database
2.4 Attachi ng a RI S Schema
2.5 Templ ates
2.6 Joi n Col umns
2.1 RIS Report Writer Structure and Functions
Two fucti onal areas are i ncl uded i n the RI S Report Wri ter product: Reports and Uti l i ti es.
Reports Thi s functi on l ets you desi gn report templ ates, whi ch process i nformati on
from a rel ati onal database to generate report output. You can:
I nteracti vel y pl ace col umn fi el ds to report on one or more tabl es i n one or more
Pl ace fi el ds to di spl ay text, the date, ti me, and page number, and to provi de numeri c
i nformati on (total s, averages, and so forth).
Establ i sh sort cri teri a, pri nt condi ti ons, and reset condi ti ons for l i nes and fi el ds i n
the report.
Use system and user-defi ned vari abl es to bui l d scri pts that provi de more fl exi bi l i ty
i n formatti ng report output.
2 - 4 Getting Started

Utilities Thi s functi on i ncl udes Database Edi t and SQL Statements.
DatabaseEdit gi ves you a graphi c wi ndow i nto the attached database. You can edi t
rows i n the database, create query cri teri a to search for rows wi th common
properti es, or generate reports to revi ew the uni verse of rows that the query cri teri a
SQL Statements l et you create, store, and recal l commonl y used Structured Query
Language statements.
2.2 Changes to RIS Report Writer
For a compl ete l i sti ng of major changes i ncorporated si nce the l ast rel ease, see the
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ README.TXT fi l e.
2.3 Creatinga Database
Before you use RI S Report Wri ter, you must create a database wi th your rel ati onal database
management system (RDBMS).

Each RDBMS has speci fi c requi rements for creati ng a database. See the
RDBMS-speci fi c documents for i nformati on.
2.4 Attachinga RIS Schema
RI S Report Wri ter attaches to a database through the I ntergraph Rel ati onal I nterface
System (RI S). RI S i s a generi c rel ati onal database i nterface that i sol ates the di fferences i n
speci fi c vendors rel ati onal database management systems (RDBMSs).
Each user of a database must have a RI S schema created for that database. A schema
defi nes a uni que database/user combi nati on i n the commerci al RDBMS. See the Relational
I nterfaceSystem(RI S) for Windows NT SQL Users Guidefor i nformati on on creati ng
The fol l owi ng methods, l i sted i n order of precedence, attaches a schema to RI S Report
Wri ter.
I f no schema i s attached when RI S Report Wri ter i s i nvoked, you can speci fy a schema
i n the Schema fi el d on the mai n di al og. You can key i n the schema name or sel ect the
l i st i ndi cator at the end of the fi el d to di spl ay a l i st of avai l abl e schemas. Sel ect a
schema from the l i st.
You can speci fy a RI S schema wi th the -s command l i ne opti on when you i nvoke RI S
Report Wri ter from the DOS prompt. For exampl e:
risrpt -s <schema>
Getting Started 2 - 5

You can set the envi ronment vari abl e DBA_SCHEMA i n your properti ti es under the
command l i ne on c: dri ve or the autoexec.bat fi l e.
See the secti on RI S Report Writer Environment Variables for i nformati on on usi ng RI S
Report Wri ter envi ronment vari abl es.
2.5 Templates
RI S Report Wri ter stores vari ous types of output as templ ates. For exampl e, you can save
reports created wi th the Report Bui l der as report templ ates i n a templ ate l i brary. Templ ates
can be used repeatedl y or they can serve as the starti ng poi nt for new templ ates.
The fol l owi ng types of templ ates can be stored i n a templ ate l i brary:
Appl i cati ons
Bi tmap
Di al ogs
Desi gn opti ons
Query cri teri a
Pal ettes
Rel ati ons
Report structures
Scri pts
SQL statements
Status Bar
Tool bars
You must assi gn a name for a templ ate when savi ng i t to a templ ate l i brary. Templ ate
names must consi st of 20 or fewer al phanumeri c characters wi th no embedded spaces. I t i s
recommended that you use the underbar character (_) between words.
2 - 6 Getting Started

2.5.1 TemplateLibraries
A templ ate l i brary i s a data fi l e i n whi ch you can store templ ates. You can create mul ti pl e
l i brari es and group templ ates accordi ng to appl i cati on, use, pri vi l ege, or type.

A speci al command-l i ne process, the Templ ate Li brari an (templ i b), l ets you
mani pul ate templ ates and templ ate l i brari es. See the secti on Template
Librarian for more i nformati on. The Templ ate Li brari an i s al so l ocated on the
RI S Report Wri ter mai n menu.
Any ti me you see a Library fi el d on a di al og, you can create a new templ ate l i brary by
keyi ng i n a templ ate l i brary name that does not exi st (ful l or rel ati ve fi l ename) and
answeri ng Yes to create i t.
To attach a templ ate l i brary, you can speci fy a l i brary name:
1. Usi ng the -l opti on when you i nvoke RI S Report Wri ter from the command l i ne under
properti es on c: dri ve. For exampl e:
risrpt -l <library>
2. I n the Library fi el d of the Load FromLibrary di al og.
3. I n the DBA_LI B envi ronment vari abl e. (You can al so speci fy a l i st of templ ate l i brari es
i n the DBA_LI B_LI ST envi ronment vari abl e.)
2.6 J oin Columns
RI S Report Wri ter l ets you rel ate the data i n any two RI S-supported database tabl es that
share a common col umn. These join columns are not requi red to have the same name, but
they must have common val ues.
The fol l owi ng fi gure shows the col umns for the manufacturer, parts, and sal e tabl es created
by the auto.sql fi l e. Potenti al joi n col umns are hi ghl i ghted.
Getting Started 2 - 7

2.6.1 Multi-Schema J oins
You can use mul ti -schema joi ns to rel ate i nformati on from more than one schema. Mul ti -
schema joi ns requi re that you speci fy a schema l i st, usi ng the -S command-l i ne opti on or the
DBA_SCHEMA_LI ST envi ronment vari abl e.

The pri mary schema i n a mul ti -schema joi n must have sel ect access to the
secondary schemas tabl es. Use the RI S GRANT command to grant sel ect
2.6.2 Outer J oins
The J oin Columns di al og l ets you speci fy whether or not a joi n shoul d be an outer join (as
opposed to a standard join).

2 - 8 Getting Started

I f you sel ect Yes, the resul ti ng uni verse i ncl udes al l occurrences from the pri mary tabl e
whether or not i t has a correspondi ng row i n the secondary (joi n) tabl e.
I f you sel ect No, the resul ti ng uni verse i ncl udes onl y those occurrences for whi ch the
joi n col umn val ues are equal (for exampl e, parts.part_num = sal e.part_num).
I n general , outer joi ns process faster than standard joi ns across schemas. Standard joi ns
process faster i f the tabl es are i n the same schema. Query cri teri a for the secondary tabl e
are i gnored for outer joi ns, but used for standard joi ns.
2.7 Edit Relations
The Edit Relations di al og (avai l abl e from Schema Edi t) l ets the Database Admi ni strator
graphi cal l y depi ct rel ati ons between tabl es i n the database and store thi s i nformati on i n a
DBA templ ate l i brary. Once a rel ati ons templ ate has been created and attached to a
di al og/report from the Edit Dialogor Edit Report di al ogs, the di al og/report desi gner can
pl ace col umns from joi ned tabl es wi thout bei ng aware of the compl exi ty of the database.
Rel ati ons can be si mpl e, as i n previ ous versi ons wi th the J oin Columns di al og, or compl ex,
consi sti ng of several tabl es and mul ti pl e col umns to each tabl e joi n. DBA can fi nd the
shortest avai l abl e route between tabl es when performi ng runti me joi n operati ons. I f no
rel ati ons templ ate i s attached, or i f no path exi sts between the tabl es to be joi ned, the J oin
Columns di al og i s di spl ayed the fi rst ti me a joi n i s speci fi ed. Exi sti ng di al ogs/reports wi l l
work as before wi thout change. I n fact, the rel ati ons templ ate i s i gnored unl ess the J oin
Columns di al og for the joi ned col umn i s bl ank.
DBA 5.0 Edi t Rel ati ons does not support mul ti -schema joi ns or outer joi ns. However, the
J oin Columns di al og can be used to speci fy si mpl e mul ti -schema joi ns and outer joi ns, as i n
past versi ons.
The fol l owi ng commands are avai l abl e from the Edit Relations di al og:
Template The name of the rel ati ons templ ate.
Description The descri pti on of the rel ati ons templ ate.
Load Relations Di spl ays the Load fromLibrary di al og for l oadi ng an exi sti ng
rel ati ons templ ate.
SaveRelations Di spl ays the SaveTemplatedi al og for savi ng a new or changed
rel ati ons templ ate.
Add J oin Di spl ays the J oin Columns di al og for addi ng new joi ns.
DeleteJ oin Del etes a joi n, by sel ecti ng the connecti ng l i ne between the joi n
col umns.
MoveTable Al i gns the tabl e fi el ds as wanted (added joi ns are pl aced
automati cal l y).
Getting Started 2 - 9

DeleteTableDel etes a tabl e and al l associ ated joi ns.
2 - 10 Getting Started

Reports 3 - 1

3 - 2 Reports

Reports 3 - 3

RI S Report Wri ter l ets you create, l oad, modi fy, and save report templ ates. You can speci fy
the l ayout of di fferent types of lines and fields wi thi n the report templ ate. When the
templ ate i s processed, RI S Report Wri ter reads i nformati on from a rel ati onal database,
ASCI I fi l e, bi nary fi l e, or el ement l i st fi l e and formats i t to your speci fi cati ons.
For more i nformati on, see these secti ons:
3.1 Report Types
3.2 AccessingtheReport Builder
3.3 ProcessingReports
3.1 Report Types
The Report Bui l der provi des several opti ons for creati ng reports. You can defi ne templ ates to
report on database tabl es, ASCI I fi l es, bi nary fi l es, or user data i n desi gn fi l es. Bl ank and
defaul t reports are avai l abl e for al l four report types. The four report types are:
Databasereports Loads a defaul t templ ate, a bl ank templ ate, or an exi sti ng
templ ate from a templ ate l i brary.
ASCII reports Creates an ASCI I structure templ ate or l oads an exi sti ng ASCI I
report templ ate from a templ ate l i brary. See the secti on DefineStructure.
Binary reports Creates a bi nary structure templ ate or l oads an exi sti ng bi nary
report templ ate from a templ ate l i brary. See the secti on DefineStructure.
User data reports Creates a user data structure templ ate or l oads an exi sti ng user
data report templ ate from a templ ate l i brary. See the secti on DefineStructure.
3.1.1 Default Reports
The NewDefault (Report Builder) command reads the structure of the attached database
or structure and generates a defaul t report templ ate for the sel ected tabl e. You can sel ect
col umns to be i ncl uded i n or excl uded from the defaul t templ ate when i t i s l oaded.
The fol l owi ng i s the defaul t report templ ate for the manufacturer tabl e i n the sampl e
3 - 4 Reports

I n a report templ ate, the col umn on the l eft i ndi cates the l i ne type. A
represents al phanumeri c data, I represents i nteger data, F represents fl oati ng-
poi nt data, D represents deri ved fi el d, and C represents a coded col umn fi el d.
The number of As, I s, Fs, Ds, or Cs represents the fi el d l ength for the col umn i n
the database.
A defaul t templ ate has the fol l owi ng characteri sti cs:
Sort cri teri a
One sort key (the fi rst sel ected col umn of the tabl e)
Top l i nes
Ti tl e l i ne (the tabl e name)
Date, Ti me, and Page l i ne
Col umn Header l i nes (underl i ned col umn names)
Body l i nes
Detai l l i ne. Pri nted once for each row i n the i nput uni verse, i t contai ns the sel ected
col umns. You can speci fy 1 to 2000 characters per l i ne for the defaul t report on the
Edit Report Parameters di al og. I f the sel ected col umns overrun the current
characters per l i ne, the l i ne i s extended to fi t al l sel ected col umns.
I n addi ti on, the l i ne contai ns a counter fi el d whi ch counts rows and resets when sort
key 1 breaks or changes.
Reports 3 - 5

Subtotal l i ne. Pri nted when sort key 1 breaks; i t total s, pri nts, and resets the
counter fi el d and total s, pri nts, and resets any numeri c col umns i ncl uded i n the
Fi nal l i ne
The system total s and pri nts the counter fi el d, and total s and pri nts any numeri c
col umns i ncl uded i n the report i n thi s l i ne.
For more i nformati on, see the secti on NewDefault (Report Builder).
3.1.2 Blank Reports
The NewBlank (Report Builder) command l oads a bl ank report templ ate for a sel ected
tabl e. Unrelated Tablesl oads a bl ank templ ate that l ets you report on tabl es that have no
rel ati onshi p.
A bl ank report contai ns no l i nes or fi el ds. You can desi gn a templ ate wi th the features and
functi onal i ty needed. Unrelated Tables Reports
To report on tabl es that do not share joi n col umns, you must create an unrel ated tabl es
report. Possi bl e reports on unrel ated tabl es i ncl ude reports i n whi ch preface i nformati on
comes from one tabl e and body i nformati on from another.
You must pl ace one or more SingleTablel i nes for each tabl e on the report templ ate. Fi el ds
for a tabl e must be pl aced on a l i ne associ ated wi th that tabl e. Common l i nes, such as page
headi ngs, are pl aced on All Tables l i nes. You must set up separate sorts for each tabl e i n the
3 - 6 Reports

For more i nformati on, see these secti ons J oin Columns, NewBlank (Report Builder), and
3.2 AccessingtheReport Builder
To access the Report Bui l der, cl i ck on the thi rd i con on the Toolbar di al og.

The Report Builder di al og di spl ays on top of the RIS Report Writer mai n di al og.

RI S Report Wri ter l oads the Report Bui l der menu bar.
3.3 ProcessingReports
You can access the Process Report command from the Reports area of the RIS Report
Writer mai n di al og. Thi s command l ets you process report templ ates that have been created
i n the Report Bui l der. For more i nformati on see secti on Process Reports.
Edit Script 4 - 1

Edit Script
4 - 2 Edit Script

Edit Script 4 - 3

Edit Script
The Edit Script button on the RI S Report Wri ter mai n di al og cal l s the Edit Script di al og.
The Edit Script di al og l ets you create or edi t scri pts. Al l major functi ons desi gned for
runti me users can be mani pul ated by scri pts. I n addi ti on, System commands can be i ncl uded
wi thi n scri pts.
Scri pti ng assumes a knowl edge of the C programmi ng l anguage. I n fact, the structure of a
scri pt i s i n the form of a C functi on. For descri pti ons of supported functi ons, see the DB
Access Programmers Guideor the c:\ win32app\ ingr\ dba\ doc\ script.docfi l e.
When you sel ect Edit Script, the Edit Script di al og appears.

Name Speci fi es the name of the scri pt. The name of the scri pt templ ate must be the
same as the functi on name.
4 - 4 Edit Script

Description Contai ns a descri pti on of the scri pt (up to 50 characters).
Load fromASCII file Speci fi es the name of an ASCI I fi l e to l oad. You can edi t the
fi l e and save i t as a scri pt.
Saveto ASCII file Speci fi es the name of an ASCI I fi l e to contai n the current scri pt.
Scri pts saved as ASCI I fi l es can be pri nted.
Debugger A check box that determi nes whether the Scri pt Debugger i s off or on.
When the toggl e i s set to On, a Debugger i con appears on the screen. For more
i nformati on, see the secti on Script Debugger.
StoreCompiled Scripts A check box that determi nes whether the compi l ed versi on
of the scri pt i s stored i n the templ ate l i brary. When the toggl e i s set to On, the
compi l ed scri pt i s stored i n the templ ate l i brary so that i t does not have to be
recompi l ed each ti me the appl i cati on i s i nvoked. When the toggl e i s set to Off, the
scri pt i s not stored i n the templ ate l i brary and i s recompi l ed each ti me the appl i cati on
i s i nvoked.
Load Script Cal l s the Load fromLibrary di al og. You can sel ect a scri pt from the
l i st of avai l abl e scri pt templ ates. For more i nformati on, see the secti on Load From
Library (Report Builder).
Check Script Di spl ays a Script Errors form that di spl ays any detected errors and
the l i ne numbers where the errors were detected. (Usual l y an error i s detected
somewhere just after i t occurs.) I f you sel ect an error l i ne i n the Script Errors form,
the cursor moves to the poi nt i n the scri pt (on the Edit Script di al og) where the error
was detected.
SaveScript Cal l s the SaveTemplatedi al og. You can save the current scri pt as a
templ ate i n the current templ ate l i brary. For more i nformati on, see the secti on Save
Options Cal l s the Script Options di al og, whi ch i s descri bed i n the fol l owi ng
secti on.
Text field Di spl ays the current scri pt. When the Edit Script di al og fi rst appears,
thi s fi el d i s i n edi t mode. You can key i n a scri pt or edi t one that has been l oaded.
Clear Cl ears the text fi el d on the Edit Script di al og. I t al so cl ears the del ete
Delete Puts the text fi el d i n del ete mode; any scri pt statement you sel ect i s del eted
and stored i n a del ete buffer. The del ete buffer stores del eted l i nes unti l you exi t del ete
mode or sel ect Clear. Sel ect Deleteagai n to exi t del ete mode.
Undelete I nserts the current del ete buffer at the marker (hi ghl i ghted) l i ne i n the
text fi el d. I f no marker l i ne exi sts, the del ete buffer i s i nserted at the bottom of the
Edit Script 4 - 5

Sel ect a l i ne to make i t a marker l i ne. The text fi el d cannot be i n deleteor edit mode.
(That i s, the Delete, Undelete, and Edit buttons are not depressed.)
Edit Thi s button pl aces the text fi el d i n edi t mode. You can key i n or edi t scri pts.
UseEditor Thi s button i nvokes the preferred edi tor (defi ned by the EDI TOR
envi ronment vari abl e). I f EDI TOR i s not defi ned, Notepad i s the defaul t edi tor.
The name of the current edi tor appears i n the fi el d to the ri ght of the UseEditor
button. To change edi tors, sel ect and cl ear thi s fi el d, and key i n the name of the
new edi tor.
Options Button
When you sel ect the Script Options button, the Script Options di al og appears.

Run Current Script Thi s button runs the current scri pt i n the edi tor and accepts
any arguments. Some scri pts, such as one that requi res i nput from a di al og, cannot run
wi th thi s command. The Arguments fi el d i s used to pl ace any l i teral arguments that
normal l y appear i nsi de the parentheses of a functi on cal l . Separate the l i teral
arguments wi th commas, but do not key i n the parentheses.
DeleteGlobals Thi s button del etes al l gl obal vari abl es from memory. Thi s i s useful
i f you need to change a gl obal type.
Run Initial Script By defaul t, thi s button runs the scri pt speci fi ed by
DBA_I NI TI AL_SCRI PT. You can speci fy another scri pt i n the Initial Script fi el d.
(I ni ti al scri pts can be used to i ni ti al i ze gl obal vari abl es and requi re no arguments.)
Thi s button al so del etes al l gl obal vari abl es.
VerboseErrors and Warnings The gadgets i n thi s area l et you mani pul ate
verbose error checki ng mode. Use of thi s mode el i mi nates the need to check status
returns i n scri pt functi on cal l s.
4 - 6 Edit Script

Edit Settings. Thi s button cal l s the VerboseError Settings di al og, whi ch l ets
you sel ect whi ch functi on types undergo verbose error checki ng (standard C, DB
Access, I /Forms, I /NFM, RI S, or al l ). These setti ngs can be saved and l oaded as
desi gn opti ons. For more i nformati on see the secti on SaveOptions.
Off/On. Thi s toggl e turns verbose error checki ng mode off or on.
Script Debugger
The Script Debugger i s a troubl eshooti ng tool for scri pts. You can use the Scri pt Debugger
Set breakpoi nts to stop a scri pt at speci fi ed poi nts i n processi ng.
Revi ew the vari abl es associ ated wi th a scri pt.
Set val ues for these vari abl es.
Set verbose error checki ng mode opti ons.
Return to the Edit Script di al og.
Script Debugger DialogOptions
The Script Debugger di al og i s i nvoked from the Edit Script di al og. When you set the
Debugger toggl e to On, a Debugger i con appears on the screen. You can move the i con by
pressi ng and hol di ng the mouse button and movi ng the mouse.

When any di al ogs associ ated wi th the Script Debugger are col l apsed, a
Debugger i con appears on the screen.
Sel ect the i con to uncol l apse the Script Debugger di al og.
Edit Script 4 - 7

Edit Script Thi s button returns you to the Edit Script di al og. The l ast scri pt
functi on di spl ayed i n the Script Debugger text fi el d appears i n the Edit Script text
fi el d.
SingleStep Thi s button steps to the next l i ne of the scri pt code bei ng debugged.
Any functi on cal l ed i s executed.
Step Into When a scri pt cal l s a user-defi ned scri pt functi on, thi s button di spl ays the
cal l ed functi on. Executi on stops on the fi rst l i ne of the cal l ed functi on. Step Into acts
as a si ngl e step on button functi ons and dynami cal l y l oaded functi ons.
Breakpoints Thi s button cal l s the Set/ReviewBreakpoints di al og. For more
i nformati on, see the secti on Set/ ReviewBreakpoints.
Go Thi s button runs the scri pt to compl eti on or to the next breakpoi nt.
Continue Thi s button runs the current functi on to compl eti on. Executi on stops on
the l i ne of scri pt fol l owi ng the poi nt where the functi on i s cal l ed.
Variables Thi s button cal l s the ReviewVariables di al og. For more i nformati on,
see the secti on ReviewVariables.
Abort Thi s button stops executi on of the current scri pt and any other gadget
processi ng whi ch i s pendi ng.
4 - 8 Edit Script

Visual Script Trace Thi s toggl e turns the Visual Script Traceon and off. When
the toggl e i s On, the debugger di spl ays functi ons as they are cal l ed, hi ghl i ghti ng the
l i ne bei ng executed.
Break on Script Gadget Thi s toggl e sets the Break on Script swi tch. When the
toggl e i s On and a gadget (or report l i ne, di al og scri pt, or noti fy scri pt) that has an
associ ated scri pt i s acti vated, the debugger becomes uncol l apsed. Scri pt processi ng i s
suspended just as i f a breakpoi nt had been set.
VerboseErrors and Warnings The gadgets i n thi s area l et you mani pul ate
verbose error checki ng mode. Use of thi s mode el i mi nates the need to check status
returns i n scri pt functi on cal l s.
Edit Settings. Thi s button cal l s the VerboseError Settings di al og, whi ch l ets
you sel ect whi ch functi on types undergo verbose error checki ng (standard C, DB
Access, I /Forms, I /NFM, RI S, or al l ). These setti ngs can be saved and l oaded as
desi gn opti ons (see the secti on SaveOptions).
Off/On. Thi s toggl e turns verbose error checki ng mode off or on.
Breakpoints Thi s toggl e turns al l breakpoi nts on (Enabled) or off (Disabled)
wi thout cal l i ng the Set/ReviewBreakpoints di al og. Thi s does not affect the
automati c break on gadget/l i ne scri pts.
Name Thi s fi el d speci fi es the scri pt functi on bei ng debugged.
Description Thi s fi el d contai ns a descri pti on of the scri pt functi on.
Edit Script 4 - 9

When you sel ect Breakpoints from the Script Debugger di al og, the Set/Review
Breakpoints di al og appears.

Break on Function Thi s fi el d di spl ays the scri pt templ ates avai l abl e from the
current l i brary. You can sel ect functi ons from thi s l i st. Scri pt processi ng stops when a
sel ected functi on i s cal l ed.
Clear All Breakpoints Thi s button cl ears al l functi ons and l i ne breakpoi nts.
Undo Changes Thi s button resets al l breakpoi nts to the way they were when the
Set/ReviewBreakpoints di al og was i nvoked.
Function Thi s fi el d speci fi es whi ch functi ons l i ne breakpoi nts appear i n the Break
on Linefi el d. You can key i n a functi on or sel ect one usi ng the l i st i ndi cator.
Edit LineBreakpoints Thi s button starts Add/RemoveLineBreakpoints mode.
I n thi s mode, you can sel ect l i nes di spl ayed i n the Script Debugger di al og text fi el d to
add them as l i ne breakpoi nts (di spl ayed i n the Break on Linefi el d). You can remove
the l i ne breakpoi nt by desel ecti ng the l i ne (that i s, sel ecti ng the l i ne a second ti me) on
the Script Debugger di al og.
DeleteLineBreakpoints Thi s button removes l i ne breakpoi nts from l i nes i n the
Break on Linefi el d. Sel ect DeleteLineBreakpoints. Then sel ect the l i nes to
remove breakpoi nts.
4 - 10 Edit Script

Break on Line Thi s fi el d speci fi es the l i nes of a functi on on whi ch the Script
Debugger stops processi ng.
When you sel ect Variables from the Script Debugger di al og, the ReviewVariables
di al og appears.

Function Thi s fi el d speci fi es whi ch functi ons vari abl es are currentl y di spl ayed.
You can key i n a functi on or sel ect one usi ng the l i st i ndi cator.
Name Thi s fi el d speci fi es the name of the vari abl e.
Type Thi s fi el d gi ves the type of the vari abl e, i ts l evel of i ndi recti on, i f i ts an array
and the numbers and si zes of di mensi ons.
Value Thi s fi el d speci fi es the val ue of the vari abl e.
Most poi nters are di spl ayed as two i ntegers separated by a col on. Some poi nters, such
as dba_errtxt, appear as a si ngl e i nteger.
To change a vari abl es val ue, posi ti on the cursor on the val ue to be changed and key i n
a new val ue.
Template Librarian 5 - 1

5 - 2 Template Librarian

Template Librarian 5 - 3

The TemplateLibrarian (templ i b) i s a standal one uti l i ty. I t i s an i ntegrated part of the
admi ni strator whi ch provi des many of the features of templib, RI S Report Wri ter templ ate
l i brari es. You can use the Templ ate Li brari an to:
Li st the templ ates i n a speci fi ed templ ate l i brary.
Copy templ ates from one templ ate l i brary to another.
Extract a templ ate i nto a text fi l e (onl y avai l abl e from templ i b).
Del ete a templ ate.
Compress a templ ate l i brary to recover space after templ ates have been repl aced or
del eted.

The Templ ate Li brari an i s an embedded DBA appl i cati on. Most of the code
behi nd i t are scri pts. These di al ogs and scri pts can be customi zed and added to
by the user.

To access the Templ ate Li brari an, cl i ck on the fi fth i con on the Toolbar di al og.

5 - 4 Template Librarian

The TemplateLibrarian screen appears.

Before you can copy, del ete, or move l i brari es, you must sel ect the l i brari es necessary for the
operati on. To sel ect one l i brary, just cl i ck on i t. To sel ect more than one, hol d the Ctrl key
down when usi ng the mouse.
Copy Libraries
To copy a l i brary sel ect Templateand then sel ect Copy from the pul l down menu.

When Copy i s sel ected the Copy di al og appears.
Template Librarian 5 - 5

Copy selected templates to The name of the l i brary to copy to. I f i t does not exi st,
you are prompted to create i t.
Browse The Browsebutton can be used to acti vate the standard Open di al og to
search for the l i brary to copy to.
Replacetemplates The Replacetemplates opti on must be checked for a DBA
exi sti ng templ ate to be overwri tten.
To move a l i brary sel ect Templateand then sel ect Movefrom the pul l down menu.

When Movei s sel ected the Move di al og appears.

Moveselected templates to The name of the l i brary to move to. I f i t does not
exi st, you are prompted to create i t.
Browse The Browsebutton can be used to acti vate the standard Open di al og to
search for the l i brary to move to.
Replacetemplates The Replacetemplates opti on must be checked for a DBA
exi sti ng templ ate to be overwri tten.
5 - 6 Template Librarian

When you sel ect Template, then Delete, a confi rmati on di al og box di spl ays.

To retri eve previ ous versi ons of a templ ate or recover a templ ate that has been del eted, you
fi rst have to see the del eted/modi fi ed templ ates. Then choose the templ ates to undel ete.
(The Undel ete command i s di sabl ed unti l thi s poi nt). Sel ect Undelete, the templ ate i s
moved from the Deleted l i st and becomes vi si bl e agai n when you do another ShowDeleted
(to turn the mode off). I f there i s al ready a nondel eted templ ate i n the l i brary wi th the same
name and type, i t becomes deleted (they are basi cal l y swapped).

Al l del eted templ ates are permanentl y removed (and do not show up i n the
del eted l i st) i f a Compress i s performed on the templ ate l i brary.

Select All

When you sel ect Template, then Select All, the templ ate l i brari an marks everythi ng i n the
Current Li st of Templ ates.
Template Librarian 5 - 7

Unselect All
When you sel ect Template, then Unselect All, the templ ate l i brari an undoes the Select
All command.

To see the templ ate types, sel ect Viewand then sel ect TemplateTypefrom the pul l down

5 - 8 Template Librarian

When you sel ect TemplateTypes, the TemplateTypes Filter di al og appears.

Thi s i s used to control what types of templ ates are shown i n the Templ ate Li st.
Sort By
To sort a l i brary sel ect Viewand then sel ect Sort By from the pul l down menu.

When the Sort By i s sel ected the Sort By di al og appears.

Template Librarian 5 - 9

To l ook at the del eted templ ates, sel ect Viewand then sel ect ShowDeleted from the
pul l down menu.

When you sel ect ShowDeleted, a l i st of del eted templ ates di al og appears.

To compress the l i brary, sel ect Tools and then sel ect Compress from the pul l down menu.

5 - 10 Template Librarian

Thi s command onl y affects the current l i brary.

Thi s permanentl y removes any deleted templ ates.
Bulk Compile
To do a bul k scri pt compi l e, sel ect Tools and then sel ect Bulk Compilefrom the pul l down

When you sel ect Bulk Compile, the Bulk Script Compiler di al og appears.

Thi s compi l es al l scri pt templ ates i n al l the l i brari es i n the DBA_LI B_LI ST i nto stored scri pt
objects. For i nformati on see the secti on StoreCompiled Scripts and Object libraries. I f any
of the scri pts do not compi l e, use the ReviewErrors button to vi ew any errors.
Template Librarian 5 - 11

Cross Reference
To generate a cross reference report, sel ect Tools and then sel ect Cross Referencefrom the
pul l down menu.

When you sel ect Cross Reference, the Cross Referencedi al og appears.

Object TemplateLibrary Thi s fi el d has the l i brary name that i s created i n the
bul k scri pt compi l e command.
Report Output Filename Thi s i s what the report fi l e i s named.
Report Description Thi s fi el d gi ves you a descri pti on of the report to be run.
A cross reference report i s real l y a DBA ASCI I Report. You can choose whi ch cross reference
you want to generate:
FUNCTION_REF Li sts each functi on and i ndi cates whi ch scri pts cal l i t.
FUNC_SYMBOL_DUMP Li sts each functi on, al ong wi th al l automati c vari abl es,
and gl obal vari abl es for each functi on name.
5 - 12 Template Librarian

GLOBAL_REF Li sts each gl obal vari abl e and i ndi cates whi ch scri pts reference
INCLUDE_REF Li sts each i ncl ude fi l e/i ncl ude templ ate and whi ch scri pts i ncl ude

Al l these reports can be customi zed and new ones added. For more i nformati on
see the fi l e c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ support\ tl.tlb.
Database Edit 6 - 1

6 - 2 Database Edit

Database Edit 6 - 3

The DatabaseEdit functi on l ets you revi ew, add, del ete, or modi fy rows i n an attached
rel ati onal database. You can mani pul ate i ndi vi dual rows or a universeof rows. You can
process report templ ates from Database Edi t.
For more i nformati on, see these secti ons:
6.1 AccessingDatabaseEdit
6.2 Creatingand UsingQuery Criteria
6.3 EditingDatabaseValues
6.1 AccessingDatabaseEdit
When you sel ect Utilities from the RIS Report Writer menu bar, the pul l down menu
appears. Sel ect the DatabaseEdit command and the DatabaseEdit di al og appears. I f a
schema and tabl e are acti ve, the col umn l i st for the tabl e i s di spl ayed. I f there i s not a
schema present enter one i n the schema fi el d and press the Return key. The schema i s
attached, and you can sel ect a tabl e i n the tabl e fi el d.

6 - 4 Database Edit

InitializeQuery Thi s button i ni ti al i zes (cl ears) the current query cri teri a. For
more i nformati on, see secti ons Creatingand UsingQuery Criteria and I nitializeQuery
Edit Query Thi s button l ets you edi t or save the current query cri teri a, or l oad a
query cri teri a templ ate from a templ ate l i brary. For more i nformati on, see secti ons
Creatingand UsingQuery Criteria and Edit Query (DatabaseEdit).
Process Query Thi s button fi nds al l rows i n the current tabl e that meet the query
cri teri a. I f no query cri teri a exi sts, Process Query returns al l rows i n the current
tabl e. For more i nformati on see secti ons, Creatingand UsingQuery Criteria and
Process Query (DatabaseEdit).
Current Row Thi s area l ets you determi ne whi ch row i n the uni verse i s current.
For more i nformati on, see the secti on Current Row(DatabaseEdit).
Add Query Thi s area i s used to set up query criteria, val ues used to search the
database for rows wi th common i nformati on. For more i nformati on, see secti ons
Creatingand UsingQuery Criteria and Add Query (DatabaseEdit).
Edit Code Thi s button l ets you di spl ay, edi t, and i nsert new code l i st val ues i n a
code l i st. You can al so add a code l i st val ue to the current row. For more i nformati on,
see secti ons RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables.
ChangeAll Thi s button l ets you change the val ue for one or more col umns for al l
rows i n the current uni verse. For more i nformati on, see secti ons EditingDatabase
Values and ChangeAll (DatabaseEdit).
DeleteAll Thi s button del etes al l rows i n the current uni verse from the database
upon veri fi cati on. For more i nformati on, see the secti on DeleteAll (DatabaseEdit).
Fields On/Off Thi s button toggl es al l col umn fi el ds off or on. Off fields are not
i ncl uded i n uni verse revi ews. You can toggl e i ndi vi dual fi el ds on or off by sel ecti ng the
col umn name for the fi el d on the DatabaseEdit di al og. For more i nformati on, see the
secti on Fields On/ Off (DatabaseEdit).
Review Thi s button generates a formatted col umn-by-col umn l i sti ng of the current
uni verse. For more i nformati on, see the secti on Review(DatabaseEdit).
Report Thi s button cal l s the Process Reports di al og, whi ch l ets you l oad and
process a report templ ate. You can l i st the report output to the screen or pri nt the
output fi l e. For more i nformati on, see the secti on Report (DatabaseEdit).
Key Column Thi s button puts the di al og i n key col umn mode, whi ch overri des the
key-i n mode for database fi el ds. For more i nformati on, see the secti on Key Column
ChangeRow Thi s button puts the di al og i n change row mode, whi ch overri des the
key-i n mode for key col umn, add query, and update acti ve fi el ds. For more i nformati on,
see secti ons EditingDatabaseValues and ChangeRow(DatabaseEdit).
Database Edit 6 - 5

DeleteRow Thi s button del etes the current row from the database upon
veri fi cati on. For more i nformati on, see the secti on DeleteRow(DatabaseEdit).
UpdateActive Thi s button l ets you enter data i n the mul ti pl e col umn fi el d whi ch i s
used i n creati ng a new row. Sel ect Insert Rowto i nsert the di spl ayed data as a row i n
the database. For more i nformati on, see the secti on UpdateActive(DatabaseEdit).
Insert Row Thi s button i nserts a new row i n the database, based on the currentl y
di spl ayed col umn val ues. You can sel ect UpdateActive, enter the col umn val ues you
want for a row, and sel ect Insert Rowto create the new row. For more i nformati on,
see secti ons I nsert Row(DatabaseEdit) and UpdateActive(DatabaseEdit).
UpdateRow Thi s button updates the current row based on the currentl y di spl ayed
col umns val ues. For more i nformati on, see the secti on UpdateRow(DatabaseEdit).

The ei ght gadgets i n the l ower ri ght corner of the screen are reserved for
creati ng and mani pul ati ng graphi cs l i nkages i n the I ntergraph DB Access
Admi ni strator Tool ki t product. These functi ons are not avai l abl e i n RI S Report
Wri ter.
6.2 Creatingand UsingQuery Criteria
DatabaseEdit l ets you bui l d query criteria to search a database tabl e for rows wi th common
col umn val ues. For exampl e, you mi ght want to search the parts tabl e for al l ti res made by a
parti cul ar manufacturer, or al l ti res of a certai n si ze and pri ce range. The set of rows that
match the query cri teri a i s cal l ed a universeof rows.
6.2.1 UsingQuery Functions
The fol l owi ng i s a suggested sequence for cl eari ng, creati ng, and processi ng query cri teri a.
I n thi s exampl e, the parts tabl e i s current. Thi s exampl e creates query cri teri a to search for
15-i nch ti res wi th a pri ce of l ess than 100 dol l ars by:
Usi ng a substri ng search (!!) rel ati onal operator for the mfr_namefi el d to l i mi t the
query to manufacturers of ti res. The two manufacturers i n the database that produce
ti res (GoodTi re and Armstrong Ti res) have the character stri ng Tirei n thei r names.
Usi ng a substri ng search rel ati onal operator for the description1fi el d to l i mi t the si ze of
the ti res to 15.
Usi ng the l ess than ( < ) rel ati onal operator for the pricefi el d to search for ti res that
cost l ess than 100 dol l ars.
Sel ecti ng the AND functi on to fi nd onl y the ti res that meet al l the cri teri a.
6 - 6 Database Edit

1. Sel ect InitializeQuery from the DatabaseEdit di al og to cl ear any exi sti ng query
cri teri a.
Themessage Query initialized appears.
2. Create a query cri teri a.
a. Sel ect Add Query.
TheAdd Query button appears tobedepressed. Thedialogis in Add Query mode.
Any edits tothecolumn values of thecurrent rowareadded as query criteria and
donot changethedatabase.
b. Set the AND/OR toggl e to AND.
c. Sel ect the l i st i ndi cator on the rel ati onal operators fi el d. Sel ect the substri ng
search ( !! ) operator from the di spl ayed l i st.
d. Sel ect the mfr_namecol umn fi el d. Cl ear the col umn fi el d and key i n Tire.
ThemessageQuery added appears.
3. Repeat the process to add a substri ng search for 15 i n the description1fi el d.
4. Add query cri teri a i n the pri ce fi el d for l ess than ( < ) 100. (Thi s requi res you to sel ect a
new rel ati onal operator.)
5. Sel ect Edit Query to revi ew the query cri teri a.
TheEdit Query dialogdisplays thequery criteria. Thequery criteria should resemble

a. I f there are errors i n the query cri teri a, sel ect the appropri ate l i ne and make the
needed edi ts.
b. Sel ect OK to accept the query cri teri a and to exi t the Edit Query di al og.
Database Edit 6 - 7

6. Sel ect Process Query to process the query cri teri a.
Thesystemdisplays themessageFound nn "parts" row(s) and displays thefirst rowin the
7. Use the Current Rowfuncti ons to page through the uni verse, or sel ect Reviewto see
a formatted l i sti ng of the uni verse.
6.3 EditingDatabaseValues
You can use DatabaseEdit to change most col umn val ues i n a database.
By defaul t, the mul ti pl e col umn fi el d on the DatabaseEdit di al og i s i n change row mode.
To update a val ue i n the current row, sel ect the appropri ate col umn fi el d and key i n a new
val ue. The row i s automati cal l y updated i n the database.
Excepti ons to thi s process i ncl ude:
I f a di al og contai ns add query, updateactive, or key column fi el ds, you must sel ect
ChangeRowto change the associ ated val ue. For more i nformati on, see the secti on
You cannot edi t a serial col umn val ue i n an I NFORMI X database by keyi ng i n a new
val ue. You cannot use the ChangeRowcommand to change serial col umn val ues.
I f you convert serial col umns to integer col umns, you shoul d be abl e to modi fy thei r
val ues through RI S Report Wri ter.
You cannot enter dupl i cate val ues i n a col umn used for uni que row i denti fi cati on
(msl i nk, mscatal og.key col umn, or uni que i ndex). For more i nformati on, see the secti on
RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables.
To change one or more col umn val ues for al l rows i n the current uni verse, use the
ChangeAll command. For more i nformati on, see the secti on ChangeAll (Database
6 - 8 Database Edit

SQL Statements 7 - 1

SQL Statements
7 - 2 SQL Statements

SQL Statements 7 - 3

SQL Statements
The SQL Statements button on the RIS Report Writer mai n di al og cal l s the SQL
Statements di al og. You can enter and process SQL statements, and save them as
templ ates. You can l oad SQL templ ates to process or edi t. You can l oad an ASCI I fi l e to edi t
and process.

I n general , you shoul d use the SQL Statements di al og to process Data
Mani pul ati on Language (DML) statements (such as delete, insert, select, and
update). Use the RI S Schema Manager i n the Schema Edi t uti l i ty for functi ons
performed by Data Defi ni ti on Language (DDL) statements (such as create, alter,
and drop).
The Structured Query Language (SQL) i s an ANSI standard l anguage for creati ng and
mani pul ati ng databases. For i nformati on on RI S-supported SQL statements, see the
Relational I nterfaceSystem(RI S) for Windows NT SQL Users Guide.
When you sel ect SQL Statements, the SQL Statements di al og appears.

SQL Statement Field Thi s fi el d speci fi es the current SQL statements. You can key
i n one or more statements. You can break a statement over more than one l i ne by
i nserti ng a Return between words. I f there are mul ti pl e SQL statements, termi nate
each statement wi th a semi col on (;).
7 - 4 SQL Statements

A singleSQL statement

MultipleSQL statements
Load ASCII Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy an ASCI I fi l e to be l oaded. The contents of
the fi l e di spl ays i n the SQL Statement fi el d. You can edi t the di spl ay, process i t, or
save i t as an SQL templ ate.
Editor Thi s button i nvokes the preferred edi tor whi ch i s defi ned by the EDI TOR
envi ronment vari abl e. I f EDI TOR i s not defi ned, Notepad i s the defaul t edi tor.
The name of the current edi tor appears i n the fi el d to the ri ght of the Editor button.
To change edi tors, sel ect and cl ear thi s fi el d, and key i n the name of the new edi tor.
Load SQL Thi s button cal l s the Load fromLibrary di al og. You can sel ect a
templ ate from the l i st of avai l abl e SQL templ ates. For more i nformati on, see the
secti on Load FromLibrary (Report Builder).
SaveSQL Thi s button cal l s the SaveTemplatedi al og. You can save the current
SQL statements as a templ ate i n a templ ate l i brary. For more i nformati on, see the
secti on SaveOptions.
Apply Thi s button executes the SQL statements. I f you process an SQL sel ect
statement, the DatabaseEdit di al og appears. Sel ect Reviewto see a l i sti ng of the
resul ti ng uni verse, or sel ect Process Query and use the Current Rowfuncti ons to
step through the uni verse a row at a ti me.
SQL Statements 7 - 5

Clear Thi s button cl ears the SQL Statement fi el d.
Close Thi s button exi ts the SQL Statements.
7 - 6 SQL Statements

RI S Report Writer Commands 8 - 1

RIS Report Writer Commands
8 - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands 8 - 3

RIS Report Writer Commands
Thi s secti on contai ns al phabeti zed descri pti ons of the commands avai l abl e i n RI S Report
Wri ter.
I n addi ti on to general i nformati on about the command, a descri pti on may i ncl ude any of the
fol l owi ng, i f appropri ate. Al l command descri pti ons do not i ncl ude al l secti ons.
Command Path Thi s fi gure represents the sel ecti on path for the command. Sel ect
each pal ette command i n the path (from l eft to ri ght i n the fi gure) to sel ect the
command. A command can have more than one command path.

DialogOptions I f the command i nvokes a menu, thi s secti on descri bes the gadgets
on the menu.
BeforeUsingThis Command Thi s secti on contai ns i nformati on you shoul d know
before sel ecti ng the command.
OperatingSequence Thi s secti on provi des step-by-step i nstructi ons for usi ng the
8 - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands A - 1

Add Query (DatabaseEdit)

The Add Query command l ets you establ i sh query cri teri a.
You can use query cri teri a to l i mi t the i nput uni verse processed by a report. I f, for exampl e,
you want to search the parts tabl e for ti res, you can use the substri ng search (!!) rel ati onal
operator to query the mfr_namefi el d for the character stri ng Tire. The resul ti ng query
cri teri a:
parts.mfr_name like %Tire%
woul d return rows for the two manufacturers i n the database that produce ti res (GoodTi re
and Armstrong Ti res).

Note that val ues for substri ng searches are encl osed i n si ngl e ti cs () and percent
si gns (%).
I f you want to search for al l parts except ti res, you can do one of the fol l owi ng:
Edi t the previ ous query, addi ng the word not, to produce:
parts.mfr_name not like %Tire%
For i nformati on on edi ti ng queri es, see the secti on Edi t Query (Database Edi t).
I n the rel ati onal operator fi el d, key i n not like when addi ng the query. I n the
mfr_namefi el d, key i n %Tire%. Agai n, the resul ti ng query cri teri a woul d be:
parts.mfr_name not like %Tire%

Add Query Thi s button pl aces the di al og i n add query mode. Any val ue you key i n
for a col umn fi el d i s added as query cri teri a. The val ue i n the database i s not changed.
The di al og remai ns i n add query mode unti l you sel ect Add Query agai n, or sel ect
another key-i n mode.
A - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

AND/OR Thi s toggl e l ets you establ i sh a l ogi cal AND or OR operati on.
AND returns rows that contai n the previ ous query cri teri a and the current col umn
query cri teri a.
OR returns rows that contai n the previ ous query cri teri a or the current col umn
query cri teri a.
Mul ti pl e col umn searches process i n order, wi th l ogi cal AND havi ng precedence over
l ogi cal OR.
Relational Operator List Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a rel ati onal operator for the
query. You can key i n a val ue or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a rel ati onal operator.
The fol l owi ng rel ati onal operators are avai l abl e:
= equal to(default)
!= not equal to
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
!! substringsearch

You can key i n any rel ati onal operator supported by RI S.
RI S Report Writer Commands C - 1

ChangeAll (DatabaseEdit)

The ChangeAll command l ets you change the val ue of one or more col umns for al l rows i n
the current uni verse.

You cannot use ChangeAll to edi t a serial col umn (I NFORMI X). You cannot
enter dupl i cate val ues i n a col umn used for uni que row i denti fi cati on (msl i nk,
mscatal og.key col umn, or uni que i ndex). For more i nformati on, see secti ons
EditingDatabaseValues and RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables.
1. Use the query functi ons to generate the uni verse of rows you want to change.
2. Sel ect ChangeAll.
TheChangeAll button appears tobedepressed. Thescreen dialogis in changeall
mode; any edits you makeareadded as changecriteria.
3. Sel ect a col umn fi el d. Key i n the val ue you want to establ i sh for al l rows i n the current
uni verse.
ThemessageChange criteria added appears.
4. Conti nue to sel ect col umn fi el ds and key i n new val ues unti l al l change cri teri a have
been added.
5. Sel ect ChangeAll agai n.
TheSQL Statements di al og appears, di spl ayi ng the SQL update statement that
changes the col umn val ues.

C - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

You can save the update statement as an SQL templ ate wi th the Save
SQL command.
6. Sel ect Process from the SQL Statements di al og to update the val ues i n the uni verse.
Sel ect Cancel to cancel the change.

You can bypass Steps 5 and 6 setti ng the gl obal vari abl e
DBA_NO_CHANGE_ALL_VERI FY. For more i nformati on, see the
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ doc\ globals.txt fi l e.
RI S Report Writer Commands C - 3


The ChangeRowcommand puts the di al og i n change row mode, whi ch overri des the key-i n
mode for key col umn, add query, and update acti ve fi el ds. Key column, add query, and
updateactivefi el ds can be pl aced on custom di al ogs created wi th RI S Report Wri ter.
By defaul t, the mul ti pl e col umn fi el d on the DatabaseEdit di al og i s i n change row mode.
To update a val ue i n the current row, sel ect the appropri ate col umn fi el d and key i n a new
val ue. The row i s automati cal l y updated i n the database.

You cannot use ChangeRowto edi t a serial col umn (I NFORMI X). You cannot
enter dupl i cate val ues i n a col umn used for uni que row i denti fi cati on (msl i nk,
mscatal og.key col umn, or uni que i ndex). For more i nformati on, see secti ons
EditingDatabaseValues and RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables.
1. Sel ect ChangeRow.
TheChangeRowbutton appears tobedepressed. Thescreen dialogis in changerow
mode; any column values you edit areupdated in thedatabase.
2. Sel ect a key col umn, add query, or update acti ve fi el d. Key i n a new val ue.
ThemessageRow changed appears.
3. Conti nue to sel ect col umn fi el ds and key i n new val ues unti l al l changes have been
4. Sel ect ChangeRowagai n to exi t change row mode.
C - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

Column (Report Builder)

The Column (Report Builder) command pl aces a fi el d that retri eves and pri nts col umn
val ues from the current uni verse of rows. Col umn fi el ds are the most i mportant on the
report templ ate, because they retri eve i nformati on fi el ds from the database, user data fi l e, or
ASCI I fi l e. Col umn fi el ds are usual l y pl aced on body l i nes.
J oin columns l et you use a si ngl e tabl e report to report on more than one tabl e. Any two
database tabl es that have col umns wi th common val ues can be joi ned. See the secti on J oin

There i s no need to use the more compl ex unrel ated tabl e report unl ess the
tabl es are not rel ated. For exampl e, to report on the manufacturer and sal e
tabl es, whi ch do not share a joi n col umn, you need an unrel ated tabl es report
templ ate. You must pl ace separate body l i nes for each tabl e i n the report.
When you sel ect Column, the DBA Column Field di al og appears.

RI S Report Writer Commands C - 5

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema contai ni ng the tabl e for whi ch you want to
pl ace a col umn fi el d. You can key i n a new schema name or use the l i st i ndi cator to
sel ect a new schema.
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e for whi ch you want to pl ace a col umn fi el d. You
can key i n a new tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new tabl e.
Column Thi s fi el d speci fi es the col umn from the current tabl e for whi ch you want to
pl ace a col umn fi el d. You can key i n a new col umn name or use the l i st i ndi cator to
sel ect a new col umn.
J oin Columns Thi s button l ets you revi ew and edi t the joi n col umn rel ati onshi p.
The button i s i nacti ve unti l joi n col umns are speci fi ed.
I f you pl ace a col umn fi el d from a tabl e other than the current tabl e on a si ngl e tabl e
report, you must speci fy a joi n col umn between the pri mary (that i s, the current) tabl e
and the secondary tabl e. See the secti on J oin Columns.
CodeText/Number These radi o buttons l ets you speci fy whether the col umn fi el d
di spl ays the code number or code text for a coded col umn. These radi o buttons are
i nacti ve unti l a coded col umn i s speci fi ed i n the Column fi el d.
Length Thi s fi el d speci fi es the character l ength of the col umn fi el d.
Decimal Places Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of deci mal pl aces for numeri c data.
1. Sel ect Column from the Report Builder menu bar.
TheDBA Column Field dialogappears.
2. At the Column fi el d, enter the name of a col umn from the current tabl e usi ng key-i n or
the l i st i ndi cator. Go to Step 5.
At the Schema and/or Tablefi el d, enter a new schema and/or tabl e usi ng key-i n or the
l i st i ndi cator.
C - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands

TheDBA J oin Columns di al og appears.

3. At the Column fi el d for the pri mary tabl e, enter the name of the joi n col umn usi ng
key-i n or the l i st i ndi cator. Repeat for the secondary tabl e.
Speci fy whether the joi n i s an outer joi n. Sel ect OK to return to the DBA Column
Field di al og.
TheDBA J oin Columns dialogdisappears. TheJ oin Columns button on theDBA
Column Field dialogis active.

You can opti onal l y speci fy al l tabl e rel ati ons i n your database through
Edi t Rel ati ons (Uti l i ti es - Schema Edi t.)
4. At the Column fi el d on the DBA Column Field di al og, use key-i n or the l i st i ndi cator
to enter the name of the col umn from the secondary tabl e for whi ch you want to pl ace a
fi el d.
5. Set any other parameters as needed. Sel ect OK.
Thefield is dynamicallyattached tothecursor. Thevalues in themessagearea can help
you position thefield on thedialog. RI S Report Writer uses F-1, F-2, and soon to
represent thefirst, second, and any subsequent fields on a line.
6. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the fi el d.
Thefield is inserted beforethecurrent field (if any), with onespaceseparatingthetwo
fields. Any fields totheright of thenewfield will shift totheright.
You can real i gn the fi el ds usi ng the fol l owi ng commands:
UndeleteField (Report Builder)
Insert Space(Report Builder)
Sel ect Cancel to end the pl acement.
RI S Report Writer Commands C - 7

Once you establ i sh a joi n col umn between two tabl es, you can pl ace addi ti onal
col umn fi el ds from the secondary tabl e. The DBA J oin Columns di al og does
not reappear.
C - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

Copy Field

The Copy Field command copi es a fi el d on a report templ ate one or more ti mes.

1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu, then sel ect Field and Copy from the pul l down
Theprompt Select field appears.
2. Sel ect a fi el d on the current report templ ate.
Thefield is dynamicallyattached tothecursor. As you movethecursor over thereport
template, information in themessagearea changes toreflect thecurrent line, column,
linetype, table, and field.

RI S Report Wri ter uses F-1, F-2, and so on to represent the fi rst, second,
and any subsequent fi el ds on a l i ne.
3. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the fi el d.
RI S Report Writer copies thefield tothenewposition.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to sel ect a di fferent fi el d. Return to Step 2.
RI S Report Writer Commands C - 9

4. Conti nue to copy the fi el d to new posi ti ons.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to sel ect a di fferent fi el d. Return to Step 2.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
C - 10 RI S Report Writer Commands

Copy Line

The Copy Linecommand copi es a l i ne on a report templ ate one or more ti mes.

1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Line and Copy from the pul l down menus.
Theprompt Select line appears.
2. Sel ect a l i ne on the current report templ ate.
Thelineis dynamicallyattached tothecursor. As you movethecursor over thereport
template, information in themessagearea changes toreflect thecurrent line, column,
table, and field.
3. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the l i ne.
RI S Report Writer copies thelinetothenewposition.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to sel ect a di fferent l i ne. Return to Step 2.
4. Conti nue to copy the l i ne to new posi ti ons.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to sel ect a di fferent l i ne. Return to Step 2.
RI S Report Writer Commands C - 11

Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
C - 12 RI S Report Writer Commands

Counter (Report Builder)

The Counter (Report Builder) command l ets you pl ace a fi el d that pri nts the number of
rows that have processed. The fi el ds i n any defaul t report under the text fi el d Quantityare
counter fi el ds.
You can set up counters to count certai n types of rows or to gi ve subtotal s of the number of
rows processed. A counter fi el d on an All Tables l i ne counts the rows for al l tabl es; a counter
fi el d on a l i ne for a parti cul ar tabl e counts rows for that tabl e onl y. Counter fi el ds used for
subtotal s and total s are usual l y pl aced on body l i nes and fi nal l i nes respecti vel y.
When you sel ect Counter, the DBA Counter Field di al og appears.

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
Length Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy the l ength of the counter fi el d.
RI S Report Writer Commands C - 13

UpdateCondition Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a condi ti on whi ch must exi st for the
fi el d to be i ncremented. I f the UpdateCondition fi el d i s bl ank, the counter fi el d i s
i ncremented for every row.
Reset Condition Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a condi ti on whi ch must exi st for the
fi el d to be reset to zero. I f the Reset Condition fi el d i s bl ank, the counter fi el d i s not
Pl ace thi s fi el d usi ng the standard PlaceField operati ng sequence. See the secti on Place
Field for a descri pti on of thi s sequence.
C - 14 RI S Report Writer Commands

Current Row(DatabaseEdit)

The gadgets i n the Current Rowarea l et you determi ne whi ch row i n the uni verse i s
current. Col umn val ues for the current rowappear i n the mul ti pl e col umn fi el d on the
DatabaseEdit di al og.

Current RowSlider Move the sl i der to scrol l through the uni verse of rows.
Previous Row Thi s (l eft-faci ng) arrow makes the previ ous row current. Sel ect the
arrow repeatedl y to move backward through the uni verse a row at a ti me.
Next Row Thi s (ri ght-faci ng) arrow makes the next row current. Sel ect the arrow
repeatedl y to move forward through the uni verse a row at a ti me.
Pick Row Thi s fi el d l ets you key i n the number of a row to make i t current.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 1


The Datecommand pl aces a fi el d that pri nts the system date (month, date, and year) i n a
format that you choose. You usual l y pl ace date fi el ds on a top or preface l i ne.
When you sel ect Date, the DBA DateField di al og appears.

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
DateFormats Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the pri nt format for the date fi el d.
D - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

Pl ace thi s fi el d usi ng the standard PlaceField operati ng sequence. See the secti on Place
Field for a descri pti on of thi s sequence.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 3


The DefineStructure command cal l s the DBA Structure Definition di al og contai ni ng
commands for defi ni ng data structure templ ates.
Several I ntergraph appl i cati ons and some customers use user data on Mi croStati on el ements
and ASCI I or bi nary fi l es to store data. RI S Report Wri ter requi res data structure templ ates
so that reports can be wri tten on thi s data. Once these templ ates are defi ned, reports can be
created i n the same way that they are for databases. The DBA Structure Definition
di al og changes sl i ghtl y as you choose to defi ne an ASCI I , Bi nary, or user data templ ate. For
more i nformati on, see secti ons ASCI I Structure, Userdata Structure.
BeforeUsingthis Command
You must know the structure of the fi l e on whi ch you want to report.
ASCII Structure
Sel ecti ng a structure type of ASCI I from the Structure Definition di al og l ets you defi ne a
structure templ ate so that RI S Report Wri ter can report on data i n an ASCI I fi l e. RI S
Report Wri ter uses the structure templ ate to i nterpret the ASCI I fi l e and format the
speci fi ed data i nto a report.
The templ ate you create descri bes a row structure, or table, for the ASCI I fi l e and the
col umns (type, l ength, and offset) for that tabl e.
D - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

When you sel ect a structure type of ASCI I from the DBA Structure Definition di al og, the
di al og appears as fol l ows:

TableNumber Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e number.
TableName Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e name.
TableCondition Thi s fi el d speci fi es a condi ti on that must exi st for a row i n the
ASCI I i nput fi l e to qual i fy as thi s tabl e type. Thi s i s onl y necessary i f mul ti pl e row
types exi st i n the i nput fi l e. I f the fi el d i s bl ank, al l rows qual i fy. The tabl e condi ti on
normal l y compares col umn val ues to a constant, for exampl e:
c_type == 1
I f the typecol umn equal s 1, thi s row qual i fi es for thi s tabl e.
Tables Thi s sel ect-onl y fi el d l i sts the speci fi ed tabl es.
Sel ect a l i ne to make i t a marker (hi ghl i ghted) l i ne. The di al og cannot be i n del ete or
edi t mode. (That i s, the Deleteand Edit buttons are not depressed). New tabl es can
be added and the del ete buffer i nserted before a marker l i ne.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 5

Columns Thi s sel ect-onl y fi el d l i sts the col umns i n the speci fi ed tabl es.
Sel ect a l i ne to make i t a marker (hi ghl i ghted) l i ne. The di al og cannot be i n del ete or
edi t mode. (That i s, the Deleteand Edit buttons are not depressed.) New col umns can
be added and the del ete buffer i nserted before a marker l i ne.
Column Number Thi s fi el d speci fi es the col umn number.
Column Name Thi s fi el d speci fi es the col umn name.
Column Type Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the col umn data type (FloatingPoint,
Integer, or Character).
Length Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of characters i n the fi el d.
ByteOffset Thi s fi el d speci fi es where the val i d data begi ns rel ati ve to zero.
Load Thi s button l oads an ASCI I structure from a templ ate l i brary.
Save Thi s button saves an ASCI I structure to a templ ate l i brary.
Edit Thi s button pl aces the di al og i n edi t mode. Sel ect Edit and then sel ect a
col umn from the col umn l i st. The attri butes for the col umn appear i n the area at the
bottom of the di al og. You can edi t these attri butes.
Delete Thi s button puts the di al og i n del ete mode; any l i ne, ei ther tabl e or col umn,
you sel ect i s del eted and stored i n a del ete buffer. The del ete buffer stores del eted l i nes
unti l you exi t del ete mode. Sel ect Deleteagai n to exi t del ete mode. The del ete buffer
i s cl eared whenever you enter del ete mode.
Add Table Thi s button adds the tabl e to the tabl e l i st.
Add Column Thi s button adds a col umn to the col umn l i st. Sel ect Add after you
enter i nformati on at the bottom of the di al og. The new col umn i s i nserted before the
marker l i ne i n the col umn l i st. I f no marker l i ne exi sts, the new col umn i s i nserted at
the bottom of the l i st.
Binary Structure
Sel ecti ng a structure type of Bi nary from the DBA Structure Definition di al og l ets you
defi ne a structure templ ate so that RI S Report Wri ter can report on data i n a bi nary fi l e.
RI S Report Wri ter uses the structure templ ate to i nterpret the bi nary fi l e and format the
speci fi ed data i nto a report.
The templ ate you create descri bes a row structure, or table, for the bi nary fi l e and the
col umns (type, l ength, and offset) for that tabl e.
D - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands

The di al og for bi nary structure defi ni ti on contai ns many of the same features as the ASCI I
structure defi ni ti on di al og. See ASCI I Structurefor i nformati on on these features.
When you sel ect a structure type of bi nary from the DBA Structure Definition di al og, the
di al og appears as fol l ows:

TableLength Thi s fi el d l ets you manual l y restri ct the col umns i n the speci fi ed
tabl e. Thi s number i s adjusted as you add and del ete col umns.
Column Type Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the col umn data type. The fol l owi ng
types are avai l abl e:
Bit Field
Bit Offset Thi s fi el d speci fi es where the rel evant data begi ns i n bi ts (for bi t fi el ds
onl y).

RI S Report Wri ter supports vari abl e l ength records i n Unrel ated Tabl es reports.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 7

Userdata Structure
Sel ecti ng a structure type of Userdata from the DBA Structure Definition di al og l ets you
defi ne a structure templ ate so that RI S Report Wri ter can report on user data i n a desi gn
fi l e. RI S Report Wri ter uses the structure templ ate to i nterpret the user data and format i t
i nto a report.
The templ ate you create descri bes a user data structure, or table, for the user data desi gn fi l e
and the col umns (type, l ength, and offset) for that tabl e. These col umns i denti fy the fi el ds
carri ed i n the desi gn fi l e.
Userdata structures can be del i vered wi th an appl i cati on product. I f not, you can defi ne the
structure of the nongraphi c data attached to graphi c el ements usi ng the DefineStructure
The di al og for bi nary structure defi ni ti on contai ns many of the same features as the ASCI I
structure defi ni ti on di al og. See the secti on ASCI I Structurefor i nformati on on these
When you sel ect a structure type of Userdata from the DBA Structure Definition di al og,
the di al og appears as fol l ows:

D - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

Column Type Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the col umn data type. The fol l owi ng
types are avai l abl e:
Bit Field
Bit Offset Thi s fi el d speci fi es where the rel evant data begi ns i n bi ts (for bi t fi el ds
onl y).
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 9

DeleteAll (DatabaseEdit)

The DeleteAll command del etes al l rows i n the current uni verse from the database upon
veri fi cati on.
1. Use the query functi ons to generate the uni verse of rows you want to del ete.
2. Sel ect DeleteAll.
TheSQL Statements dialogappears, displayingan SQL deletestatement that deletes the
current universeof rows.

You can save the del ete statement as an SQL templ ate wi th the Save
SQL command.
3. Sel ect Process from the SQL Statements di al og to del ete the rows.
Sel ect Cancel to cancel the del eti on.
D - 10 RI S Report Writer Commands


The DeleteField command del etes a fi el d from a report templ ate.

You can al so use DeleteField to del ete a field of spaces, any number of spaces
between two fi el ds. Fi el ds to the ri ght of the cursor posi ti on are shi fted over to
the current cursor posi ti on. Use DeleteField wi th UndeleteField, to al i gn or
reposi ti on fi el ds on di fferent l i nes.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Field and Deletefrom the pul l down
Theprompt Select Field appears.
As you movethecursor over thereport template, information in themessagearea
changes toreflect thecurrent line, column, table, and field.

RI S Report Wri ter uses F-1, F-2, and so on to represent the fi rst, second,
and any subsequent fi el ds on a l i ne.
2. Sel ect a fi el d on the current report templ ate.
Theprompt Accept/Reject field appears.
3. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to del ete the fi el d.
RI S Report Writer deletes thefield.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to reject the del eti on.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 11

When you del ete a fi el d i n the report templ ate, fi el ds to the ri ght of the del eted
fi el d stay i n the same posi ti on. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button agai n to del ete the
fi el d of spaces between the cursor and the next fi el d.
D - 12 RI S Report Writer Commands


The DeleteLinecommand del etes a l i ne from a report templ ate.
1. Sel ect Edit on the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Lineand Deletefrom the pul l down menus.
Theprompt Select Line appears.
As you movethecursor over thereport template, information in themessagearea
changes toreflect thecurrent line, column, table, and field.
2. Sel ect a l i ne on the current report templ ate.
Theprompt Accept/Reject line appears.
3. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to del ete the l i ne.
RI S Report Writer deletes theline.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to reject the del eti on.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 13


The DeleteRowcommand del etes the current row from the database. When you sel ect
DeleteRow, a di al og appears aski ng you to veri fy the del eti on.
Sel ect Yes to del ete the current row.
Sel ect Noto cancel the del eti on.
D - 14 RI S Report Writer Commands


The DeleteSpacecommand l ets you del ete spaces between fi el ds i n a report templ ate.

You can use the DeleteField command to del ete several spaces at once. For
more i nformati on, see the secti on DeleteField.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Deletespacefrom the pul l down menu.
2. Pl ace the cursor where you want to del ete spaces. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button once for
each space.
Fields totheright of thecursor aremoved left.
3. Del ete spaces from a new l ocati on.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 15


The Derived command l ets you pl ace a fi el d that pri nts the resul ts of a formul a. Thi s
formul a can be a user vari abl e or an equati on usi ng speci fi ed fi el ds, col umns, constants, or
vari abl es. Deri ved fi el ds are usual l y pl aced on body l i nes and di spl ay i n the report templ ate
as a stri ng of Ds.
When you sel ect Derived, the DBA Derived Field di al og appears.

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
Length Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy the l ength of the deri ved fi el d.
Decimal Places Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of deci mal pl aces.
Formula Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a formul a, the resul t of whi ch pri nts i n the
deri ved fi el d.
D - 16 RI S Report Writer Commands

Pl ace thi s fi el d usi ng the standard PlaceField operati ng sequence. See the secti on Place
Field for a descri pti on of thi s sequence.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 17

Design Options (Report Builder)

The Design Options command cal l s a di al og that l ets you save and l oad parameters
commonl y used i n report desi gn.
When you sel ect Design Options, the Design Options di al og appears:

D - 18 RI S Report Writer Commands

Template Speci fi es the templ ate l i brary.
Description Speci fi es a descri pti on of the templ ate.
Load Options Thi s button l ets you l oad an exi sti ng opti ons templ ate from a
speci fi ed templ ate l i brary.
SaveOptions Thi s button l ets you save common parameters to an opti ons templ ate.
See the secti on SaveOptions.
DialogLocation These fi el ds l et you speci fy the x and y ori gi n and hei ght and
wi dth of a new bl ank di al og i n pi xel s.
Typeface& SizeSample Di spl ays an exampl e of the typeface wi th the current
di spl ay setti ngs.
Typeface Speci fi es the defaul t typeface for new gadgets.
Size Speci fi es the text si ze i n poi nts for new gadgets.
Bold Speci fi es the di spl ay text i s bol dface.
Italic Speci fi es the di spl ay text i s i tal i ci zed.
Load DialogCell Thi s parameter speci fi es the acti ve di al og cel l for the PlaceCell
command. Ei ther key i n a di al og templ ate name or sel ect the Load DialogCell button
and sel ect one from a templ ate l i brary.
VerboseMode Control s verbose noti fi cati on of scri pt errors.
Edit Settings Thi s button cal l s the VerboseError Settings di al og, whi ch l ets
you sel ect whi ch functi on types undergo verbose error checki ng (standard C, DB
Access, I /Forms, I /NFM, RI S, or al l ).
Off/On. Thi s toggl e turns verbose error checki ng mode off or on.
Builder Modes Speci fi es defaul t veri fi cati on mode.
No savedialog Di al ogs are al ways saved by the current name/descri pti on.
No saveon templatechange Di sabl es save check when templ ates are modi fi ed.
Dont verify templatereplace Templ ates are repl aced wi thout the Yes/No
di al og.
Dont verify templatedelete Templ ates are del eted wi thout the Yes/Nodi al og.
Dont erasedialogon save Di al ogs are sti l l di spl ayed after savi ng.
Grid Lock Speci fi es a gri d l ock number used i n pl aci ng gadgets. I f you set the gri d
l ock number to 10, gadgets pl aced by data poi nt are forced to x and y coordi nates that
are mul ti pl es of 10.
RI S Report Writer Commands D - 19

Dump Template


Report Builder:

The Dump Templatecommand provi des an ASCI I dump of a report or di al og templ ate fi l e.
The fi l e contai ns general i nformati on about the report or di al og. I t al so contai ns speci fi c
i nformati on about l i nes and col umns.
The dump i s a debuggi ng tool showi ng such thi ngs as fi el d si ze and type, sorts, pri nt
condi ti ons, and other detai l s associ ated wi th a report templ ate. Any errors that RI S Report
Wri ter detects are reported on the Errors Detected di al og when the templ ate i s dumped.
D - 20 RI S Report Writer Commands

When you sel ect Dump Template, the Dump Templatedi al og appears.

Filename Thi s fi el d speci fi es the fi l ename for the templ ate dump. You can key i n
the ful l or rel ati ve pathname. Any fi l e wi th the same name i s overwri tten.
RI S Report Writer Commands E - 1

Edit Code(DatabaseEdit)

The Edit Codecommand l ets you di spl ay, edi t, and i nsert val ues i n a code l i st. You can al so
sel ect a code l i st val ue for a coded col umn i n the current row.
You can use coded col umns to l i mi t the val ues that are val i d for a col umn. A coded col umn
accepts onl y data that i s contai ned i n a codelist, a uni que set of val ues stored i n a joi n tabl e.
A joi n tabl e can contai n more than one code l i st.
You can create the mscodel i st tabl e and the joi n tabl e needed for coded col umns wi th the RI S
Schema Manager. For i nformati on on the RI S Schema Manager, see the Relational I nterface
System(RI S) for Windows NT Utilities Users Guide. For i nformati on on mscodel i st, see the
secti on RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables.
The process of creati ng coded col umns i s greatl y si mpl i fi ed i n the DB Access Admi ni strator
Tool ki t product. For i nformati on, see the DB Access Administrators Guide.
E - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

Coded col umns are i ndi cated by a (c) to the l eft of the col umn name on the
DatabaseEdit di al og. I n the fol l owi ng exampl e, the coded col umn region has
been added to the manufacturer tabl e. By defaul t, the code l i st val ue generated
for sl ot one i s *UNK*, whi ch stands for unknown.

When you sel ect a coded col umn and Edit Code, the Edit Codedi al og appears.

RI S Report Writer Commands E - 3

<column>CodeList - n Slot(s) Thi s text stri ng di spl ays the name of the coded
col umn. n i s the number of val ues contai ned i n the code l i st.
CodeList Values Thi s fi el d l i sts the code col umn and text col umn val ues for the
code l i st.
Add CodeSlot Thi s button l ets you add sl ots to the code l i st. When you add a code
l i st sl ot, you add a row i n the joi n tabl e that contai ns the code l i st. The code sl ot
number i s contai ned i n the codecol umn and the val ue you enter i s contai ned i n the text
col umn.
Edit/Select Thi s toggl e l ets you pl ace the code l i st fi el d i n edi t mode (dark gray) or
sel ect mode (l i ght gray).
When the fi el d i s i n edi t mode, you can edi t code l i st val ues or add new sl ots.
When the fi el d i s i n sel ect mode, you can sel ect a code l i st val ue to i nsert i n the
coded col umn for the current row.
BeforeUsingthis Command
You must have created a coded col umn i n a database tabl e, or you must be usi ng an
I ntergraph appl i cati on that supports coded col umns.
The tabl e you add code l i st val ues to must have a means of uni que row i denti fi cati on (msl i nk,
mscatal og.key_col umns, or uni que i ndex). For more i nformati on, see the secti on RI S Report
Writer Reserved Tables.
1. Sel ect the col umn fi el d for a coded col umn.
2. Sel ect Edit Code.
TheEdit Codedialogappears, displayingthecodelist for thecoded column. I f you have
selected a newcoded column, thecodelist contains only the*UNK* value.
3. Add a new val ue to the code l i st.
a. Sel ect Add CodeSlot.
A newcodeslot is inserted. Thecursor appears in thetext field for thenewcode
b. Key i n the val ue you want to add to the code l i st.
Thecodelist valueis added. Thejoin tableis updated toincludethenewcode
column and text column values.
E - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

4. Repeat Step 3 to add other code l i st entri es.
Sel ect Cancel to di smi ss the Edit Codedi al og.
DeletingCodeList Slots
To del ete sl ots from a code l i st, you must del ete the associ ated rows from the joi n tabl e that
contai ns the code l i st val ues. I f you i nsert a row for the joi n tabl e i nto the mscatal og tabl e,
you can use DatabaseEdit to del ete joi n tabl e rows.
Usi ng DatabaseEdit to add code l i st sl ots i s not recommended. You shoul d use the Edit
Codedi al og to add code l i st sl ots.

RI S Report Wri ter stores code l i sts i n memory. Any changes made to the code
l i st outsi de of the Edit Codedi al og are not recogni zed unti l you exi t and
rei nvoke RI S Report Wri ter or rebui l d the code l i st by cal l i ng the scri pt functi on
dba_flush_schema or dba_flush_codelist.
EnteringCodeList Values for a Row
Once you have establ i shed a code l i st for a coded col umn, you can use the code l i st val ues to
edi t rows i n the attached database. You can enter code-l i st val ues i n the fol l owi ng ways:
1. Sel ect a coded col umn i n the current row and key i n:
where n i s the code sl ot number. The correspondi ng text val ue i s entered for the
col umn.
2. Sel ect the coded col umn and key i n a val i d text col umn val ue.
RI S Report Writer Commands E - 5

3. Sel ect the coded col umn and sel ect Edit Code. Set the Edit/Select toggl e to Select.
Sel ect a val ue from the Edit Codedi al og. The code l i st val ue i s added to the current
E - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands

Edit Field

The Edit Field command l ets you edi t parameters associ ated wi th a fi el d on a report
templ ate. The type of fi el d you sel ect determi nes whi ch parameters can be edi ted.

To save changes made to the fi el d, you must save the templ ate. See the secti on
When you sel ect Edit Field and a fi el d, the di al og used to pl ace that fi el d appears. For
exampl e, i f you sel ect a text fi el d, the Text Field di al og appears.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Field and Edit from the pul l down menus.
Theprompt Select Field appears.
2. Sel ect the fi el d you want to edi t.
Thedialogused toplacethefield appears.
3. Edi t any avai l abl e parameters you want to change.
4. Sel ect OK.
Thefield is updated in thereport template.
Sel ect Cancel to end the edi t.
RI S Report Writer Commands E - 7

Edit Line

The Edit Linecommand l ets you edi t the parameters for l i nes i n a report templ ate. You can
modi fy l i ne type, pri nt condi ti ons, tabl e i nformati on, and other parameters.

To save changes made to a l i ne, you must save the templ ate. See the secti on
When you sel ect Edit Lineand a l i ne, the Edit Linedi al og appears.

Singletable/All tables These radi o buttons speci fy whether the l i ne i s processed
agai nst a speci fi c (si ngl e) tabl e or agai nst al l tabl es i n the attached database. Sel ect
All tables for common l i nes (such as page headi ngs) i n an unrel ated tabl es report.
Sel ect Singletablefor al l other report l i nes.
E - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

You cannot pl ace col umn or numeri c fi el ds on Al l tabl e l i nes.
Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema whi ch contai ns the tabl e associ ated wi th the
l i ne. You can key i n a new schema name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new
Thi s fi el d i s l abel ed Structurefor userdata and ASCI I reports.
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e associ ated wi th the l i ne. You can key i n a new
tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new tabl e.

The Schema and Tablefi el ds are acti ve onl y i f the Singletablesetti ng
i s sel ected.
LineType Thi s checkl i st speci fi es the current l i ne type.
Preface These l i nes pri nt once at the begi nni ng of a report. After al l preface
l i nes are pri nted, the report conti nues on a new page. You can use preface l i nes to
pri nt a cover sheet, ti tl e page, or l egend.
Top These l i nes pri nt once at the top of every page. Page headi ngs, col umn
headi ngs, date, ti me, and page number are i ncl uded i n the top l i nes of defaul t
reports created wi th the Load Default command.
Body These l i nes pri nt once for every row i n the i nput uni verse. They usual l y
contai n col umn fi el ds.
Bottom These l i nes pri nt once at the bottom of every page. Page numbers or
footnotes can be pri nted wi th bottom l i nes.
Final These l i nes pri nt once at the end of the report. You can use fi nal l i nes to
pri nt report summari es or report total s.
Blank Lines Before Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of bl ank l i nes that pri nt before
the l i ne.
Blank Lines After Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of bl ank l i nes that pri nt after the
l i ne.
Print Condition Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a condi ti on whi ch must exi st for the l i ne
to pri nt. I f Print Condition i s bl ank, the l i ne i s al ways pri nted.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Lineand Edit from the pul l down menus.
Theprompt Select Line appears.
RI S Report Writer Commands E - 9

2. Sel ect the l i ne you want to edi t.
TheEdit Linedialogappears, displayingthevalues for theselected line.
3. Edi t any avai l abl e parameters you want to change.
4. Sel ect OK.
Thelineis updated in thereport template.
Sel ect Cancel to end the edi t.
E - 10 RI S Report Writer Commands

Edit Query (DatabaseEdit)

The Edit Query command l ets you revi ew, edi t, or save the current query cri teri a, or l oad a
query templ ate from a templ ate l i brary.
When you sel ect Edit Query, the Edit Query di al og appears.

Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema contai ni ng the tabl e for whi ch the query i s
created. You can key i n a new schema name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e to be searched for col umn val ues matchi ng the
query cri teri a. You can key i n a new tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new
tabl e.
Query Thi s key-i n fi el d di spl ays the current query (i f any). You can edi t the query
or key i n a new query.
Load Query Thi s button cal l s the Load FromLibrary di al og, whi ch l ets you l oad
a query cri teri a templ ate. For more i nformati on, see the secti on Load FromLibrary
(Report Builder).
SaveQuery Thi s button cal l s the SaveTemplatedi al og, whi ch l ets you save a
query cri teri a templ ate. For a descri pti on of thi s di al og, see the secti on SaveOptions.
RI S Report Writer Commands E - 11

Edit Report Parameters

The Edit Report Parameters command l ets you modi fy certai n parameters for the current
report templ ate.
When you sel ect Edit Report Parameters, the Edit Report Parameters di al og appears.

Singletable/Unrelated tables Thi s toggl e l ets you speci fy whether the report i s a
si ngl e tabl e or an unrel ated tabl es report.
E - 12 RI S Report Writer Commands

Sel ect Singletableto speci fy a tabl e that i s the onl y tabl e reported on or that i s the
pri mary tabl e i n a join columns operati on.
Sel ect Unrelated tables when you want to report on tabl es that do not share a joi n
col umn.

The Schema and Tablefi el ds are acti ve onl y i f the Singletablesetti ng
i s sel ected.
Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema whi ch contai ns the tabl e associ ated wi th the
report. You can key i n a new schema name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new
Thi s fi el d i s l abel ed Structurefor user data and ASCI I reports.
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e associ ated wi th the report. You can key i n a new
tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new tabl e.
Type Thi s checkl i st speci fi es the current templ ate type (Database, Userdata,
ASCII, or Binary).
Name Thi s fi el d speci fi es the current report templ ate name. To rename the
templ ate, key i n a maxi mum of 20 characters wi th no embedded spaces.
Description Thi s fi el d speci fi es a descri pti on of the templ ate. To change the
descri pti on, key i n up to 50 characters.
Output Thi s fi el d di spl ays the defaul t output fi l ename. Key i n up to 50 characters
to name a di fferent output fi l e.

I f the output fi l ename i s stdout, no fi l e i s created. The report output i s
sent to the RI S Report Wri ter standard output devi ce whi ch, by defaul t, i s
the i nvoki ng wi ndow.
Characters Per Line Thi s fi el d di spl ays the page wi dth. Key i n a number from 1
to 2000.

You can edi t templ ates that are wi der than the screen by usi ng the Shift
Left and Shift Right arrows at the bottom of the Report Builder di al og.
Lines Per Page Thi s fi el d speci fi es when page breaks occur. Key i n a number from
0 to 999. (0 creates a fi l e wi thout page breaks.)
Relations Thi s fi el d speci fi es a Rel ati ons Templ ate to be associ ated wi th thi s di al og,
to sati sfy secondary tabl e col umn fi el ds. For more i nformati on, see Edit Relations.

I t i s not possi bl e to swi tch from Report Scriptingto User Action.
Report Scriptingi s the recommended i nterpreter.
RI S Report Writer Commands E - 13


The Exit command i s avai l abl e i n several pl aces i n RI S Report Wri ter.
To Exit theReport Builder

Sel ect Exit from the Report Builder menu bar.

I f you have modi fi ed the current report templ ate, the SaveReport di al og i s
cal l ed, whi ch l ets you wri te the current report templ ate before l oadi ng another
from the templ ate l i brary. See the secti on SaveReport for i nformati on on usi ng
thi s di al og.
You arereturned totheProgramManager Window.
E - 14 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands F - 1

Field Format (Report Builder)

The Field Format command l ets you associ ate a format wi th a fi el d i n a report templ ate.
The format modi fi es the fi el d as i t i s pri nted out to the report.

You must save the report templ ate to save the fi el d formats you have
establ i shed.
When you sel ect Field Format and sel ect the fi el d to format, the DBA Special Field
Formats di al og for that fi el d appears.

F - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

Convert to Feet - Inches Thi s opti on converts a numeri c fi el d to feet and i nches
format. The i ni ti al fi el d i s assumed to be i n i nches. For exampl e, i f a wal l l ength i s
stored i n a database as 136.75 i nches, the formatted fi el d pri nts the report output as
11-4 3/ 4". I f a fi el d i s not stored as i nches i n the i nput data, i t i s usual l y easi er to
convert i t to i nches (by way of a deri ved fi el d) and then use the fi el d format rather than
convert i t to a feet-i nches format.
Convert to Fraction Thi s opti on converts a fl oati ng poi nt fi el d to a fracti on. For
exampl e, a 136.75 i nch wal l l ength i s pri nted as 136 3/ 4. Fracti ons are rounded to the
nearest 1/8th.
VariableStart Thi s opti on pri nts the fi el d i n the col umn represented by an i nteger
user vari abl e. Sel ect thi s format to stagger the start of report fi el ds accordi ng to a
predetermi ned val ue or condi ti on.
User Variable. Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy the user vari abl e that contai ns the
i nteger val ue.
Suppress Thi s opti on suppresses the number of bl anks between two fi el ds. Sel ect
Suppress for the second of two fi el ds to defi ne the number of bl anks between the end of
the data i n the fi rst fi el d and the start of the second fi el d.
Sel ect thi s opti on for fi el ds that shoul d pri nt wi th onl y one or two bl anks between them,
regardl ess of the l ength of thei r text. For exampl e:
Last_name, First_name or City, State Zip_Code
You can al so use Suppress to create a free format fi l e to be used as i nput for another
Blanks. Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy the number of bl anks i nserted before the fi el d.
Zero Fill Thi s opti on repl aces l eadi ng bl anks i n a numeri c fi el d wi th zeros. By
defaul t, RI S Report Wri ter does not pri nt l eadi ng zeros i n a numeri c fi el d.
Auto Wrap Thi s opti on automati cal l y wraps l engthy text i n a fi el d to a second l i ne
i n the report output. You must speci fy a fi el d l ength on the report templ ate that i s
shorter than the l ength of the associ ated col umn. The text i s broken at the l ast bl ank
before the speci fi ed fi el d l ength.
J ustification Format Thi s checkl i st l ets you speci fy how the fi el d i s al i gned. Sel ect
Right J ustify, Center J ustify, or Left J ustify.
RI S Report Writer Commands F - 3

Fields On/Off (DatabaseEdit)

The Fields On/Off command toggl es al l col umn fi el ds off or on. You can turn an i ndi vi dual
fi el d on or off by sel ecti ng the fi el ds correspondi ng col umn name (for exampl e, part_num,
mfr_name, and so on).
By defaul t, al l col umn fi el ds on the DatabaseEdit di al og are on (the fi el d i s dark gray). Off
fi el ds (l i ght gray) are not i ncl uded i n uni verse revi ews.
F - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

Field Operations (Report Builder)

The Field Operations (Report Builder) command cal l s the fol l owi ng panel :

The Field Operations (Report Builder) command contai ns the edi t, copy, move, del ete,
and undel ete functi ons on the pul l down menu to fi el d commands from l i ne commands.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Field from the pul l down menu.
2. Sel ect the command that you want to execute.
RI S Report Writer Commands I - 1

InitializeQuery (DatabaseEdit)

The InitializeQuery command cl ears the current query cri teri a. I f you sel ect Initialize
Query and then Process Query, a uni verse of al l rows i n the current tabl e i s generated.
I - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

Insert Row(DatabaseEdit)

The Insert Rowcommand i nserts a new row i n the attached database. The new row
contai ns the col umn val ues currentl y di spl ayed.
I f there are no restri cti ons on dupl i cate col umn val ues i n the database, you can use Insert
Rowto create a row that contai ns the same val ues as the current row. Onl y the msl i nk
val ue (i f the col umn exi sts) i s changed. RI S Report Wri ter automati cal l y i ncrements the
msl i nk val ue for each new row i n the database.
Insert Rowcannot create a new row i f:
1. A col umn i s a serial col umn (I NFORMI X), a key col umn (defi ned i n mscatal og), or
defi nes a uni que i ndex
2. The col umn val ue for the new row i s not uni que.
The UpdateActivecommand l ets you change currentl y di spl ayed val ues for the row to be
i nserted wi thout changi ng the correspondi ng val ue for the current row. For more
i nformati on, see the secti on UpdateActive(DatabaseEdit).
RI S Report Writer Commands I - 3

Insert Space(Report Builder)

The Insert Space(Report Builder) command l ets you i nsert spaces between fi el ds i n a
report templ ate. Al l fi el ds to the ri ght of the cursor are moved to the ri ght.

You can use the DeleteField and UndeleteField commands to al i gn fi el ds on
several l i nes. For more i nformati on, see these secti ons DeleteField and
UndeleteField (Report Builder).
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu and then sel ect Insert spacefrom the pul l down
2. Pl ace the cursor where you want to i nsert spaces. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button once for
each space.
Fields totheright of thecursor aremoved right.
3. I nsert spaces i n a new l ocati on.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
I - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands K - 1

Key Column (DatabaseEdit)

The Key Column command l ets you perform a qui ck search on the database. I f you key i n a
val ue for a col umn fi el d, RI S Report Wri ter searches the database and retri eves the fi rst row
that has the same val ue for the col umn. Thi s command provi des the same functi onal i ty as
an InitializeQuery, Add Query, and Process Query sequence.
K - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands L - 1

LineOperations (Report Builder)

The LineOperations (Report Builder) command cal l s the fol l owi ng panel s:

The LineOperations (Report Builder) command contai ns edi t, copy, move, del ete, and
undel ete functi ons on the pul l down menu to l i ne commands from fi el d commands.
1. Sel ect LineOperations (Report Builder) from the DialogBuilder menu bar.
2. Sel ect the command that you want to execute.
L - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands


The LineScript command l ets you wri te more compl ex statements for a report templ ate to
process. Li ne scri pts can perform l oopi ng, i f-el se-i f structures, pagi ng, mul ti pl e cal cul ati ons,
and other report control functi ons.
You can defi ne scri pts to process beforeor after a l i ne i n a report templ ate i s pri nted. I f the
l i ne i s not pri nted, the after l i ne scri pt does not process. Scri pts can al so be processed before
or after a sort of the i nput data.
LineScript does not requi re a functi on name or openi ng and cl osi ng braces.
A l i ne scri pt cannot i ncl ude a preprocessor di recti ve, such as #includeor #define, because
Report Scriptingtreats each l i ne scri pt as one l ong l i ne of C code.
RI S Report Writer Commands L - 3

When you sel ect LineScript, the LineScript di al og appears.

BeforeLineProcessing Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy l i ne scri pts to process before the
l i ne i s pri nted. I f you sel ect a l i ne wi th an exi sti ng before l i ne scri pt, the scri pt appears
i n thi s fi el d. Sel ect the Clear button to cl ear the fi el d.
After LineProcessing Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy l i ne scri pts to process after the
l i ne i s pri nted. I f you sel ect a l i ne wi th an exi sti ng after l i ne scri pt, the scri pt appears
i n thi s fi el d. Sel ect the Clear button to cl ear the fi el d.
I f the l i ne i s not pri nted, the after l i ne scri pt does not process.

When the LineScript di al og appears, these fi el ds are i n edi t mode.
Sel ect a fi el d to key i n a scri pt or edi t an exi sti ng one.
Editor Thi s button l ets you use a speci fi ed edi tor to edi t the text i n the l ast acti ve
fi el d. You can speci fy an edi tor wi th the EDI TOR envi ronment vari abl e. I f EDI TOR i s
not defi ned, notepad i s the defaul t edi tor.
The name of the current edi tor appears i n the fi el d to the ri ght of the Editor button.
To change edi tors, key i n the name of the new edi tor.
L - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

BeforeUsingthis Command
The LineScript command appears on the Report Builder panel di al og i f the Interpreter
toggl e on the Edit Report Parameters di al og i s set to Report Scripting.
You must defi ne user vari abl es before usi ng them i n l i ne scri pts.
RI S Report Writer Commands L - 5

Load FromLibrary (Report Builder)

The Load FromLibrary command cal l s the DBA Load FromLibrary di al og, whi ch l i sts
the templ ates found i n the current templ ate l i brary.
For i nformati on about the types of templ ates that can be l oaded from a templ ate l i brary, see
the secti on Templates.
When you sel ect Load FromLibrary, the Load FromLibrary di al og appears.

Library Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current templ ate l i brary. To change the
name, sel ect the fi el d, cl ear the fi el d, and key i n a new name.
Template Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current templ ate. To change the
name, sel ect the fi el d, cl ear the fi el d, and key i n a new name.
Type Thi s fi el d di spl ays the type of templ ate. To change the type, sel ect the fi el d,
and ei ther key i n a new type or sel ect one from the l i st.
L - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands

Load Thi s button pl aces the di al og i n Load Templatemode. Sel ect thi s button i f
you want to l oad a templ ate from the current l i brary. To l eave Load Templatemode,
sel ect Load agai n or sel ect one of the other buttons on the di al og.
Delete Thi s button pl aces the di al og i n DeleteTemplatemode. Sel ect thi s button
i f you want to del ete a templ ate from the current l i brary. To l eave DeleteTemplate
mode, sel ect Deleteagai n or sel ect one of the other buttons on the di al og.
Compress Thi s button compresses the contents of the current templ ate l i brary to
recover space from del eted or repl aced templ ates.
Name, Description, Type Thi s fi el d l i sts the name, descri pti on, and type of the
templ ates i n the templ ate l i brary. You can sel ect a templ ate to be l oaded or del eted
from thi s l i st.
Most Recent Thi s fi el d l i sts the most recentl y used templ ates i n the templ ate
l i brary. When a templ ate i s used i t becomes the fi rst i n the l i st. The l i st i s cl eared
after each l og-i n. You can sel ect templ ates from thi s fi el d.
1. Sel ect Load FromLibrary from the Report Builder menu bar.

I f you have modi fi ed the current di al og, the SaveReport di al og i s cal l ed,
whi ch l ets you to wri te the current report templ ate before l oadi ng another
from the templ ate l i brary. See the secti on SaveReport for i nformati on on
usi ng thi s di al og.
TheLoad FromLibrary dialogappears, displayinga list of thereport templates in the
current library. Threetypes of report templates arelisted: Database, ASCI I , and

I f you have not previ ousl y attached a templ ate l i brary, the Library fi el d
i s bl ank and no templ ates are l i sted. Attach a templ ate l i brary by
sel ecti ng the Library fi el d and keyi ng i n the path to a val i d templ ate
l i brary fi l e.
2. The Load functi on button shoul d appear to be depressed, i ndi cati ng that the di al og i s
i n Load Templatemode.
Sel ect a templ ate from the di spl ayed l i st.
Thespecified templateappears.
Sel ect Deleteto enter DeleteTemplatemode.
a. Sel ect a templ ate from the di spl ayed l i st.
RI S Report Writer Commands L - 7

A dialogrequestingconfirmation of thedeletion appears.
b. You have two opti ons:
Sel ect Yes to del ete the templ ate.
Thetemplateis deleted fromthelibrary.
Sel ect Noto abort the del eti on.
Sel ect Compress to compress the contents of the current templ ate l i brary.
3. To exi t the Load Templateor DeleteTemplatemode, sel ect the functi on button
agai n or sel ect a di fferent button.
L - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands M - 1

Modify Sort

The Modify Sort command l ets you modi fy the sort keys for a report templ ate. Sort keys
defi ne the order i n whi ch i nput rows from the database are processed and output through a
report templ ate. A sort key can be a text stri ng, a col umn i n a tabl e, or a fi el d deri ved from a
cal cul ati on.

You must save the report templ ate to save the sort keys you defi ne.
I f you sel ect the LineScript command whi l e the Modify Sort di al og i s di spl ayed, you can
speci fy scri pts or user acti on statements, respecti vel y, to process before or after i nput data i s
sorted. The Sort Script di al og functi ons the same as the LineScript di al og. See the
secti on LineScript.
M - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

When you sel ect Modify Sort, the DBA Modify Sort di al og appears.

Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema contai ni ng the tabl e i n an unrel ated tabl es
report for whi ch you want to defi ne a sort key. You can key i n a new schema name or
use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new schema.
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e i n an unrel ated tabl es report for whi ch you want
to defi ne a sort key. You can key i n a new tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect
a new tabl e.

The Schema and Tablefi el ds are acti ve onl y when you l oad an unrel ated
tabl es report templ ate.
Sort, Order, Sort Value, NewPage Thi s sel ect-onl y fi el d l i sts the sort keys for the
current report.
Sel ect a l i ne to make i t a marker (hi ghl i ghted) l i ne. The fi el d cannot be i n del ete or edi t
mode. (That i s, the Deleteand Edit buttons are not depressed.) New sort keys can be
added and the del ete buffer i nserted before a marker l i ne.
Add Thi s button adds a sort key to the sort key l i st. Sel ect Add after you enter
i nformati on i n the area at the bottom of the di al og. The new sort key i s i nserted before
the marker l i ne i n the sort key l i st. I f no marker l i ne exi sts, the new sort key i s
i nserted at the bottom of the l i st.
RI S Report Writer Commands M - 3

Edit Thi s button pl aces the di al og i n edi t mode. Sel ect Edit and then sel ect a sort
key from the sort key l i st. The val ues for the sort key appear i n the area at the bottom
of the di al og. You can edi t these val ues.
Delete Thi s button puts the di al og i n del ete mode; any l i ne you sel ect i s del eted and
stored i n a del ete buffer. The del ete buffer stores del eted l i nes unti l you exi t del ete
mode. Sel ect Deleteagai n to exi t del ete mode. The del ete buffer i s cl eared whenever
you enter del ete mode.
Undelete Thi s button i nserts the current del ete buffer before the marker l i ne i n the
sort key l i st. I f no marker l i ne exi sts, the del ete buffer i s i nserted at the bottom of the
l i st.
Clear Select Thi s button cl ears the currentl y sel ected sort key, so that newl y added
sort keys go to the bottom of the l i st. Otherwi se, new sort keys are pl aced before the
current sort key.
Sort Type Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the type of sort.
Text Thi s opti on sorts the i nput rows by a text stri ng you key i n. You can use
text sort keys wi th unrel ated tabl es reports to speci fy whi ch tabl es data shoul d be
sorted fi rst. For the tabl e contai ni ng the rows to sort fi rst, speci fy a stri ng whi ch
al phabeti cal l y precedes the stri ng for the tabl e contai ni ng the rows to sort second.
For exampl e, for the unrel ated tabl es Tabl e A and Tabl e B, make sort key 1 a text
sort for both tabl es. To sort the Tabl e A rows fi rst, key i n the text stri ng 1 for Tabl e
A and 2 for Tabl e B.
Text Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy the text stri ng for a text sort.
Column Thi s opti on sorts rows accordi ng to the val ues for a speci fi ed col umn i n
the database.
Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema contai ni ng the col umn by whi ch you
want to sort. You can key i n a new schema name or use the l i st i ndi cator to
sel ect a new schema.
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e contai ni ng the col umn by whi ch you want
to sort. You can key i n a new tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new
tabl e.
Column Thi s fi el d speci fi es the col umn contai ni ng the val ues by whi ch you
want to sort. You can key i n a new col umn name or use the l i st i ndi cator to
sel ect a new col umn.
J oin Columns Thi s button l ets you revi ew and edi t the joi n col umn
rel ati onshi p. The button i s i nacti ve unti l joi n col umns are speci fi ed.
I f you defi ne sort keys for col umns from more than one tabl e on a si ngl e tabl e
report, you must speci fy a joi n col umn between the pri mary tabl e and the
secondary tabl e. See the secti on J oin Columns.
M - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

CodeText/Number Thi s toggl e l ets you speci fy whether a coded col umn sort
i s by the code_number or code_text. Thi s toggl e i s i nacti ve unti l a coded col umn
i s speci fi ed i n the Column fi el d.
Derived Thi s opti on sorts i nput data accordi ng to the resul t of a formul a. You
can sort i nput rows based on a cal cul ated val ue that i s not represented by a col umn
i n the database.
Formula Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a formul a, whi ch can i ncl ude col umns,
constants, and user vari abl es. Because i t i s not ti ed to a l i ne i n the report
templ ate, a deri ved sort key cannot reference fi el ds (f_1, f_2, and so on).
Length Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of characters used i n the sort key. I f the
l ength were set to 2, the val ues ABCD and ABZZZZ woul d be equi val ent duri ng the
Sort Order Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the order i n whi ch rows are sorted.
Ascending Thi s opti on orders rows i n al phabeti cal or numeri cal order:
A,A,B,C,C,D or 1,1,2,2,3.
Descending Thi s opti on orders rows i n reverse al phabeti cal or numeri cal order:
D,C,C,B,A,A or 3,2,2,1,1.
None Thi s opti on does not sort the rows. However, sort breaks (system vari abl es
that i ndi cate when a sort val ue changes) can sti l l be used.
NewPage Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect whether a page break i s i nserted i nto the
report when the val ue of the sort key changes.
RI S Report Writer Commands M - 5


The MoveField command moves a fi el d on a report templ ate.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Field and then Movefrom the pul l down
Theprompt Select field appears.
2. Sel ect a fi el d on the report templ ate.
Thefield is dynamicallyattached tothecursor.
Theprompt Select placement point appears.
3. Move the fi el d to a new l ocati on on the report templ ate.
As you movethecursor over thereport template, information in themessagearea
changes toreflect thecurrent line, column, table, and field.

RI S Report Wri ter uses F-1, F-2, and so on to represent the fi rst, second,
and any subsequent fi el ds on a l i ne.
4. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the fi el d.
RI S Report Writer moves thefield tothenewposition.
5. Move the fi el d to another posi ti on.
M - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands

Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to sel ect a di fferent fi el d. Return to Step 2.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
RI S Report Writer Commands M - 7


The MoveLinecommand moves a l i ne on a report templ ate.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Lineand then Movefrom the pul l down
Theprompt Select line appears.
2. Sel ect a l i ne on the report templ ate.
Thelineis dynamicallyattached tothecursor.
Theprompt Select placement point appears.
3. Move the l i ne to a new l ocati on on the report templ ate.
As you movethecursor over thereport template, information in themessagearea
changes toreflect thecurrent line, column, table, and field.
4. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the l i ne.
RI S Report Writer moves thelinetothenewposition.
5. Return to Step 3 to move the l i ne to another posi ti on.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to sel ect a di fferent l i ne. Return to Step 2.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
M - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands N - 1

NewBlank (Report Builder)

The NewBlank (Report Builder) command l oads a bl ank report templ ate for a tabl e you
sel ect. Or you can sel ect Unrelated Tablesto l oad a bl ank templ ate that l ets you report on
tabl es that have no rel ati onshi p.
A bl ank templ ate l ets you start from scratch, usi ng the commands on the menu bar to desi gn
a templ ate wi th the features and functi onal i ty you need.
When you sel ect NewBlank (Report Builder), the DBA Load Report di al og appears.

Schema Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current schema. Key i n a schema name
or sel ect a schema usi ng the di spl ay l i st box.
Table Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current tabl e. Key i n a tabl e name or
sel ect a tabl e from the fol l owi ng tabl e l i st.
N - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

TableList Bel ow the Tablefi el d i s a fi el d l i sti ng the avai l abl e tabl es. You can
sel ect a tabl e from thi s l i st.
Unrelated Tables Thi s button l ets you create a templ ate that reports on tabl es that
have no rel ati onshi p.
1. Sel ect Load Blank from the Report Builder menu bar.

I f you have modi fi ed the current report templ ate, the SaveReport di al og
i s cal l ed, whi ch l ets you wri te the current templ ate before l oadi ng a bl ank
templ ate.
TheSelect Tabledialogappears.
2. Sel ect the tabl e for whi ch you want to generate a bl ank report templ ate. Sel ect OK.
Sel ect Unrelated Tablesto l oad a bl ank report templ ate for unrel ated tabl es.
A blank report templateis loaded.
3. Use the commands on the menu bar to bui l d the templ ate. Sel ect SaveReport to save
the report templ ate.
RI S Report Writer Commands N - 3

NewDefault (Report Builder)

The NewDefault (Report Builder) command reads the structure of the attached database
and generates a defaul t report templ ate for the tabl e you sel ect.
A defaul t report templ ate contai ns page headers, l i nes di spl ayi ng col umns for the i nput data,
subtotal s and total s for numeri c fi el ds, and a sort key.
Defaul t reports can provi de a qui ck l i sti ng of the database tabl e contents or can provi de a
starti ng poi nt for creati ng customi zed reports.

Defaul t templ ates do not support unrel ated tabl e reports. See the secti on Blank
Reports for i nformati on on unrel ated tabl e reports.
When you sel ect NewDefault (Report Builder), the DBA Load Report di al og appears.

Schema Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current schema. Key i n a schema name
or sel ect a schema usi ng the di spl ay l i st box.
N - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

Table Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current tabl e. Key i n a tabl e name or
sel ect a tabl e from the fol l owi ng tabl e l i st.
TableList Bel ow the Tablefi el d i s a fi el d l i sti ng the avai l abl e tabl es. You can
sel ect a tabl e from thi s l i st.
Select Columns Thi s button cal l s the DBA Select Columns di al og, whi ch i s
descri bed i n the fol l owi ng secti on.

Select Columns Menu Options
Table Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current tabl e. To change the tabl e, key i n
a tabl e name or sel ect a tabl e usi ng the di spl ay l i st box.
Column List Bel ow the Tablefi el d i s a fi el d l i sti ng the col umns i n the current
tabl e. You can sel ect col umns from thi s l i st to be i ncl uded or excl uded from the report
templ ate, dependi ng on the Select All Columns/Select No Columns toggl e.
Select All Columns/Select No Columns Thi s toggl e l ets you excl ude or i ncl ude
sel ected col umns from the report templ ate. Set the toggl e to Select All Columns to
sel ect col umns to be excl uded. Set the toggl e to Select No Columns to sel ect col umns
to be i ncl uded. Col umns are ordered across the page i n the order you sel ect them.
1. Sel ect Load Default from the Report Builder menu bar.

I f you have modi fi ed the current report templ ate, the SaveReport di al og
i s cal l ed, whi ch l ets you wri te the current report templ ate before l oadi ng a
defaul t report templ ate. See the secti on SaveReport for i nformati on on
usi ng thi s di al og.
TheSelect Tabledialogappears.
2. Sel ect or key i n the tabl e for whi ch you want to generate a defaul t report templ ate.
Sel ect OK.
Thespecified templateappears.
Sel ect Select Columns to choose whi ch col umns are di spl ayed on the templ ate.
RI S Report Writer Commands N - 5

TheSelect Columns dialogappears.
Set the Select All Columns/Select No Columns toggl e and sel ect the col umns to be
excl uded/i ncl uded. Sel ect OK.
Thespecified templateappears.
3. Process the templ ate as i t appears.
Use the commands on the menu bar to change the report templ ate.
There are three ways to di spl ay col umns that do not fi t on the defaul t templ ate:
a. Del ete unwanted fi el ds, whi ch moves fi el ds over from the ri ght margi n. See the
secti on DeleteField.
b. I ncrease the Col umns Per Page of the templ ate. See the secti on Edit Report
c. Use the PlaceLineand PlaceField functi ons to add l i nes wi th addi ti onal fi el ds.
See the secti ons PlaceLineand PlaceField.
4. Sel ect SaveReport to save the templ ate to the templ ate l i brary.
N - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands


The Numeric command l ets you pl ace a fi el d that performs a speci fi ed cal cul ati on for the
numeri c val ues i n a col umn. A numeri c fi el d can cal cul ate i nteger or fl oati ng poi nt col umn
val ues.
You can speci fy update and reset condi ti ons, as wel l as cal cul ate subtotal s. Numeri c fi el ds
used for subtotal s and total s are usual l y pl aced on body l i nes and fi nal l i nes respecti vel y.
Numeri c fi el ds are not al l owed on All Tablel i nes.
J oin columns l et you use a si ngl e tabl e report to report on more than one tabl e. Any two
database tabl es that have col umns wi th common val ues can be joi ned. See the secti on J oin
RI S Report Writer Commands N - 7

When you sel ect Numeric, the Numeric Field di al og appears.

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
Calculation Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the type of cal cul ati on that wi l l be
Total Sums the col umns val ues.
Average Averages the col umns val ues.
Minimum Pri nts the mi ni mum val ue for the col umn.
Maximum Pri nts the maxi mum val ue for the col umn.
Percentage Pri nts the percentage of the total of the col umn.
Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema contai ni ng the tabl e for whi ch you want to
pl ace a numeri c fi el d. You can key i n a new schema name or use the l i st i ndi cator to
sel ect a new schema.
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e for whi ch you want to pl ace a numeri c fi el d. You
can key i n a new tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new tabl e.
Column Thi s fi el d speci fi es the col umn from the current tabl e for whi ch you want to
pl ace a numeri c fi el d. You can key i n a new col umn name or use the l i st i ndi cator to
sel ect a new col umn.
N - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

J oin Columns Thi s button l ets you revi ew and edi t the joi n col umn rel ati onshi p.
The button i s i nacti ve unti l joi n col umns are speci fi ed.
I f you pl ace a numeri c fi el d from a tabl e other than the current tabl e on a si ngl e tabl e
report, you must speci fy a joi n col umn between the pri mary (that i s, the current) tabl e
and the secondary tabl e. See the secti on J oin Columns.
Length Thi s fi el d speci fi es the l ength of the numeri c fi el d.
Decimal Places Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of deci mal pl aces for fl oati ng poi nt
UpdateCondition Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a condi ti on whi ch must exi st for the
fi el d to be i ncremented. I f the UpdateCondition fi el d i s bl ank, the numeri c fi el d i s
i ncremented for every row.
Reset Condition Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a condi ti on whi ch must exi st for the
fi el d to be reset to zero. I f the Reset Condition fi el d i s bl ank, the numeri c fi el d i s not
1. Sel ect Numeric from the Report Builder menu bar.
TheNumeric Field dialogappears.
2. At the Column fi el d, enter the name of a col umn from the current tabl e usi ng key-i n or
the l i st i ndi cator. Go to Step 5.
At the Schema or Tablefi el d, enter a new schema or tabl e usi ng key-i n or the l i st
i ndi cator.
TheJ oin Columns dialogappears.

3. At the Column fi el d for the pri mary tabl e, enter the name of the joi n col umn usi ng
key-i n or the l i st i ndi cator. Repeat for the secondary tabl e.
Speci fy whether the joi n i s an outer joi n. Sel ect OK to return to the Numeric Field
di al og.
RI S Report Writer Commands N - 9

TheJ oin Columns dialogdisappears. TheJ oin Columns button on theNumeric
Field di al og i s acti ve.
4. At the Column fi el d on the Numeric Field di al og, use key-i n or the l i st i ndi cator to
enter the name of the col umn from the secondary tabl e for whi ch you want to pl ace a
fi el d.
5. Set any other parameters as needed. Sel ect OK.
Thefield is dynamicallyattached tothecursor. Thevalues in themessagearea can help
you position thefield on thedialog. RI S Report Writer uses F-1, F-2, and soon to
represent thefirst, second, and any subsequent fields on a line.
6. Cl i ck the mi ddl e mouse button to pl ace the fi el d.
Thefield is inserted beforethecurrent field (if any), with onespaceseparatingthetwo
fields. Any fields totheright of thenewfield may shift totheright.
You can real i gn the fi el ds usi ng the fol l owi ng commands:
Copy Field
UndeleteField (Report Builder)
Insert Space(Report Builder)
Sel ect Cancel to end the pl acement.

Once you establ i sh a joi n col umn between two tabl es, you can pl ace addi ti onal
numeri c fi el ds from the secondary tabl e. The J oin Columns di al og does not
N - 10 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands P - 1


The Pagecommand pl aces a fi el d that pri nts the report page number. You usual l y pl ace
page fi el ds on a top or bottom l i ne.
When you sel ect Page, the DBA PageField di al og appears.

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
Length Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy the l ength of the page fi el d.
Current page/Total pages These radi o buttons l et you speci fy the page number to
pri nt out i n the page fi el d. I f you choose Current Page, the current page of your
report pri nts i n the page fi el d of each page. I f you choose Total Pages, the total
number of pages i n the report pri nts i n the page fi el d of each page.
P - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

Pl ace thi s fi el d usi ng the standard PlaceField operati ng sequence. See the secti on Place
Field for a descri pti on of thi s sequence.
RI S Report Writer Commands P - 3

PlaceField (Report Builder)

The PlaceField command cal l s a submenu of commands that pl ace fi el ds on a report
templ ate.

A fi el d must be pl aced on a l i ne. I f you l oad a bl ank templ ate, you must pl ace a
l i ne before pl aci ng any fi el ds.

Text Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that pri nts a l i teral text stri ng you assi gn. Text
fi el ds are used to pri nt text that remai ns the same i n a report: ti tl es, col umn headers,
and so forth. See the secti on Text (Report Builder).
Column Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that pri nts col umn val ues from rows i n the
current uni verse. You can pl ace col umn fi el ds from more than one tabl e on a templ ate.
See the secti on Column.
Date Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that pri nts the current date. See the secti on Date.
Time Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that pri nts the current ti me. See the secti on Time.
Page Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that pri nts the current page number for the report.
See the secti on Page.
Counter Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that keeps track of how many rows from the
i nput uni verse have processed. See the secti on Counter.
Numeric Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that cal cul ates a runni ng total for a numeri c
col umn val ue. See the secti on Numeric.
Derived Thi s button pl aces a fi el d that pri nts the resul ts of cal cul ati ons or the
contents of a vari abl e that has been assi gned i n a scri pt or user acti on statement. See
the secti on Derived.
P - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

Print Condition Option
Al l Pl ace Fi el d di al ogs have a Print Condition fi el d, whi ch l ets you speci fy a condi ti on
whi ch must exi st for the fi el d to pri nt. I f the Print Condition fi el d i s bl ank, the associ ated
report templ ate fi el d al ways pri nts.
Standard OperatingSequence
The fol l owi ng sequence i s common to most of the PlaceField commands. Any excepti ons
are di scussed i n the i ndi vi dual command descri pti ons.
1. Sel ect PlaceField from the Report Builder menu bar.
ThePlaceField dialogappears.
2. Sel ect the button for the type of fi el d you want to pl ace.
Thedialogfor thespecified field appears.
3. Edi t the avai l abl e parameters or accept the defaul t parameters. Sel ect OK.
Thefield is dynamicallyattached tothecursor. Thevalues in themessagearea can help
you position thefield on thedialog. RI S Report Writer uses F-1, F-2, and soon to
represent thefirst, second, and any subsequent fields on a line.
4. Cl i ck the mi ddl e mouse button to pl ace the fi el d.
Thefield is inserted beforethecurrent field (if any), with onespaceseparatingthetwo
fields. Any fields totheright of thenewfield may shift totheright.
You can real i gn the fi el ds usi ng the fol l owi ng commands:
Copy Field
UndeleteField (Report Builder)
Insert Space(Report Builder)
Sel ect Cancel to end the pl acement.
RI S Report Writer Commands P - 5


The PlaceLinecommand cal l s the Edit Linemenu, whi ch l ets you pl ace bl ank report l i nes.
You must pl ace l i nes on a report templ ate before pl aci ng fi el ds.
When you sel ect PlaceLine, the DBA Edit Linedi al og appears.

Singletable/All tables These radi o buttons speci fy whether the l i ne i s processed
agai nst a speci fi c (si ngl e) tabl e or agai nst al l tabl es i n the attached database. Sel ect
All tables for common l i nes (such as page headi ngs) i n an unrel ated tabl es report.
Sel ect Singletablefor al l other report l i nes.

You cannot pl ace col umn or numeri c fi el ds on Al l tabl e l i nes.
P - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands

Schema Thi s fi el d speci fi es the schema whi ch contai ns the tabl e associ ated wi th the
l i ne. You can key i n a new schema name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new
Thi s fi el d i s l abel ed Structurefor userdata and ASCI I reports.
Table Thi s fi el d speci fi es the tabl e associ ated wi th the l i ne. You can key i n a new
tabl e name or use the l i st i ndi cator to sel ect a new tabl e.

The Schema and Tablefi el ds are acti ve onl y i f the Singletablesetti ng
i s sel ected.
LineType Thi s checkl i st speci fi es the current l i ne type.
Preface These l i nes pri nt once at the begi nni ng of a report. After al l preface
l i nes are pri nted, the report conti nues on a new page. You can use preface l i nes to
pri nt a cover sheet, ti tl e page, or l egend.
Top These l i nes pri nt once at the top of every page. Page headi ngs, col umn
headi ngs, date, ti me, and page number are i ncl uded i n the top l i nes of defaul t
reports created wi th the Load Default command.
Body These l i nes pri nt once for every row i n the i nput uni verse. They usual l y
contai n col umn fi el ds.
Bottom These l i nes pri nt once at the bottom of every page. Page numbers or
footnotes can be pri nted wi th bottom l i nes.
Final These l i nes pri nt once at the end of the report. You can use fi nal l i nes to
pri nt report summari es or report total s.
Blank Lines Before Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of bl ank l i nes that pri nt before
the l i ne.
Blank Lines After Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of bl ank l i nes that pri nt after the
l i ne.
Print Condition Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy a condi ti on whi ch must exi st for the l i ne
to pri nt. I f Print Condition i s bl ank, the l i ne i s al ways pri nted.
1. Sel ect Placement from the Toolbar menu and then sel ect Linefrom the pul l down
TheEdit Linedialogappears.
2. Edi t the avai l abl e parameters or accept the defaul t parameters. Sel ect OK.
RI S Report Writer Commands P - 7

Thelineis dynamicallyattached tothecursor. Thevalues in themessagearea can help
you position theblank lineon thetemplate.
3. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the l i ne.
Thelineis inserted beforethecurrent line(if any).
Sel ect Cancel to end the pl acement.
P - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

Process Query (DatabaseEdit)

The Process Query command returns al l rows i n the current tabl e that meet the query
cri teri a. The set of rows that meets the query cri teri a i s cal l ed a universeof rows. I f no
query cri teri a exi st, the uni verse contai ns al l rows for the current tabl e.
RI S Report Writer Commands P - 9

Process Report

The Process Report command processes templ ates created i n the Report Builder. You
can send report output to a fi l e or revi ew i t on the screen.
To generate the i nput uni verse of rows for the report, you can use an SQL select statement or
a saved query cri teri a. You can access the Process Report command from the menu bar,
from Database Edi t, or from the Report Bui l der menu bar.
The Process button cal l s the Process Reports di al og.
Output File Thi s fi el d speci fi es the output fi l ename for the report generated when
you process the report templ ate. I f you do not speci fy a ful l pathname for the fi l e, i t i s
wri tten to your worki ng di rectory (from whi ch you i nvoked RI S Report Wri ter).
I f the output fi l ename i s stdout, no fi l e i s created. The report output i s sent to the RI S
Report Wri ter standard output devi ce whi ch, by defaul t, i s the i nvoki ng wi ndow.
Element List/Input File Thi s fi el d speci fi es an el ement l i st or i nput fi l e to use as
i nput to a report templ ate.
Load Report Thi s button cal l s the Load FromLibrary di al og, whi ch l ets you l oad
a report templ ate from a speci fi ed templ ate l i brary. For more i nformati on, see the
secti on Load FromLibrary (Report Builder).
Edit Query Thi s button cal l s the Edit Query di al og, whi ch l ets you l oad a query
cri teri a templ ate. The query cri teri a i s used to generate an i nput uni verse of rows for
the report. For unrel ated tabl e reports, you can l oad a query cri teri a templ ate for each
tabl e. You can al so edi t the current query cri teri a. For more i nformati on, see the
secti on Edit Query (DatabaseEdit).
Process Thi s button processes the i nput uni verse of rows agai nst the current report
templ ate to generate the report to the speci fi ed output fi l e.
List Output Thi s button cal l s a report output di al og, whi ch i s descri bed i n the
fol l owi ng secti on, Report Output DialogOptions.
Report Tables The fi el ds just bel ow the Element List/Input Filefi el d l i st the
tabl es that the current report templ ate reports on. I f the report i s an unrel ated tabl es
report, more than one tabl e i s l i sted. You can control the i nput uni verse for each tabl e
i ndependentl y. A si ngl e tabl e report templ ate l i sts onl y one (pri mary) tabl e.
ProcessingOptions Thi s fi el d l ets you sel ect the method for generati ng the i nput
uni verse for the report.
P - 10 RI S Report Writer Commands

All Thi s opti on i ncl udes all rows for the speci fi ed tabl e as i nput for the report
templ ate.
Query Thi s opti on i ncl udes rows that meet the speci fi ed query cri teri a to
generate the i nput uni verse for the report templ ate.

I f you l oad a query cri teri a templ ate but do not sel ect Query, the query
cri teri a i s not used.
Element List/Input File Thi s opti on uses an el ement l i st/ASCI I fi l e as i nput to
a user data/ASCI I structure templ ate. You must i denti fy the fi l e i n the Element
List/Input Filefi el d.
Exclude Thi s opti on excl udes the tabl e as i nput to the report templ ate. Sel ect
thi s opti on onl y wi th unrel ated tabl e reports when you want to report on some, but
not al l , of the tabl es.
Report Output DialogOptions
When you sel ect List Output, a report output di al og appears.

Report Listing Thi s fi el d di spl ays the report.
Read More Thi s button di spl ays the next page of a mul ti page report.
Read To EOF Thi s button scrol l s to the end of the report.
RI S Report Writer Commands P - 11

Text Size Thi s button cal l s the Text Sizedi al og, whi ch l ets you change the si ze of
the text di spl ay on the report output di al og. Use the sl i der to change the text si ze.
Print Thi s button di spl ays the standard pri nt di al og, so that report output can be
pri nted.
RI S Report Writer Environment Variables
When you sel ect Report, the Process Reports di al og appears. The di al og i s descri bed i n
the previ ous secti on, FromtheMain Dialog.
FromReport Builder
When you sel ect Process Report from the menu bar, the report output di al og for the
current report templ ate appears. See the secti on Report Output DialogOptions for a
descri pti on of the di al og.
P - 12 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands R - 1

Report (DatabaseEdit)

The Report command cal l s the Process Reports di al og, whi ch l ets you l oad and process a
report templ ate. For more i nformati on, see the secti on Process Report.
R - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands


The Reviewcommand generates a formatted col umn-by-col umn l i sti ng of the current
uni verse (defi ned by the current query cri teri a). The revi ew l i sts each col umn that i s toggl ed
on (see the secti on Fields On/ Off (DatabaseEdit)). The revi ew al so total s numeri c col umns.
When you sel ect Review, a UniverseReviewdi al og appears.

UniverseListing Thi s worksheet di spl ays mul ti pl e col umns and rows from the
current uni verse. Worksheet headers l i st the names of on col umns.
Filename Thi s fi el d speci fi es the name of a fi l e to whi ch the uni verse revi ew can be
wri tten.
LineLength Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of characters i n a l i ne i n the output
fi l e.
PageLength Thi s fi el d speci fi es the number of l i nes i n a page i n the output fi l e.
WriteFile Thi s button wri tes the uni verse revi ew to the fi l e speci fi ed.
RI S Report Writer Commands R - 3

Print File Thi s button pri nts the uni verse revi ew. Thi s button i nvokes the Print
di al og, whi ch sends the revi ew to a pri nt devi ce.
Read More Thi s button di spl ays the next page of a mul ti page revi ew.
Read To EOF Thi s button scrol l s to the end of the uni verse revi ew.
R - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

RI S Report Writer Commands S - 1


The SaveReport command saves the current report to a templ ate l i brary. I f a templ ate
wi th the same name exi sts i n the l i brary, you must confi rm that you want to repl ace the
previ ous versi on.

I n most cases, errors recei ved whi l e savi ng a report templ ate are onl y warni ngs.
Usual l y, the report templ ate i s wri tten successful l y.
When you sel ect a Savefuncti on, the DBA SaveTemplatedi al og appears.

Library Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current templ ate l i brary. You can sel ect
the fi el d and key i n the name of a di fferent templ ate l i brary. You can create a new
templ ate l i brary by keyi ng i n a templ ate l i brary name that does not exi st (ful l or
rel ati ve fi l ename). You are asked to confi rm that you want to create a new l i brary.
Name Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current templ ate (i f one exi sts). Sel ect the
fi el d and key i n a new name.
Description Thi s fi el d l ets you enter a descri pti on of the templ ate.
S - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

1. Sel ect the Savefuncti on.
2. Accept the defaul t val ues or edi t the fi el ds as necessary. Sel ect OK to save the
templ ate.
Thetemplateis written tothespecified library. I f a templatewith thesamename
alreadyexists in thelibrary, you areasked toconfirmthat you want toreplacetheold
templatewith thenewone.
a. Sel ect Yes to repl ace the exi sti ng templ ate wi th the new one.
b. Sel ect Noto cancel the wri te.
Sel ect Cancel to di smi ss the di al og wi thout savi ng the templ ate.
RI S Report Writer Commands S - 3

SaveOptions (Report Builder)

Use the Savebutton on the Design Options di al og to save commonl y used parameters to
an opti onal templ ate.
When you sel ect a Savefuncti on, the DBA SaveTemplatedi al og appears.

Library Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current templ ate l i brary. You can sel ect
the fi el d and key i n the name of a di fferent templ ate l i brary. You can create a new
templ ate l i brary by keyi ng i n a templ ate l i brary name that does not exi st (ful l or
rel ati ve fi l ename). You are asked to confi rm that you want to create a new l i brary.
Name Thi s fi el d di spl ays the name of the current templ ate (i f one exi sts). Sel ect the
fi el d and key i n a new name.
Description Thi s fi el d l ets you enter a descri pti on of the templ ate.
1. Sel ect the Savefuncti on.
2. Accept the defaul t val ues or edi t the fi el ds as necessary. Sel ect OK to save the
templ ate.
Thetemplateis written tothespecified library. I f a templatewith thesamename
alreadyexists in thelibrary, you areasked toconfirmthat you want toreplacetheold
templatewith thenewone.
a. Sel ect Yes to repl ace the exi sti ng templ ate wi th the new one.
S - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands

b. Sel ect Noto cancel the wri te.
Sel ect Cancel to di smi ss the di al og wi thout savi ng the templ ate.
RI S Report Writer Commands T - 1

Text (Report Builder)

The Text (Report Builder) command pl aces a fi el d that pri nts a l i teral text stri ng you
assi gn. Text fi el ds are used to pri nt text that remai ns the same i n a report: ti tl es, col umn
headers, and so on. Text fi el ds are commonl y pl aced on preface, top, bottom, and fi nal l i nes.
Menu Options
When you sel ect Text (Report Builder), the DBA Text Field di al og appears.

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
Text Thi s fi el d l ets you speci fy the text stri ng to pri nt.
T - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

Pl ace thi s fi el d usi ng the standard PlaceField operati ng sequence. See the secti on Place
Field for a descri pti on of thi s sequence.
RI S Report Writer Commands T - 3

Text Size

The Text Sizecommand l ets you change the si ze of the text di spl ay on a report templ ate or a
report output di al og. Make the text smal l er to see more fi el ds at the same ti me. Make the
text l arger to make the di spl ay easi er to read.
The text si ze setti ng can be saved as part of a desi gn opti ons templ ate, usi ng the Save
Options command.
When you sel ect Text Size, the Text Sizedi al og appears.

Use the sl i der to set the text si ze. Text si zes range from 1 to 5. You may set the
envi ronment vari abl e DBA_TEXT_SI ZE to gl obal l y defi ne the text si ze. Exampl e: set
T - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands


The Timecommand pl aces a fi el d that pri nts the system ti me i n a format that you choose.
You usual l y pl ace ti me fi el ds on a top or preface l i ne.
When you sel ect Time, the TimeField di al og appears.

The fol l owi ng l i st descri bes the opti ons on the menu except for the Print Condition fi el d,
whi ch i s descri bed i n the secti on PlaceField.
Ti me Formats Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect the pri nt format for the ti me fi el d.
Pl ace thi s fi el d usi ng the standard PlaceField operati ng sequence. See the secti on Place
Field for a descri pti on of thi s sequence.
RI S Report Writer Commands U - 1

UndeleteField (Report Builder)

The UndeleteField (Report Builder) command restores the l ast fi el d del eted wi th the
DeleteField command.
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Field and then Undeletefrom the
pul l down menus.
Theprompt Select placement point appears.
Thefield is dynamicallyattached tothecursor. As you movethecursor over thereport
template, information in themessagearea changes toreflect thecurrent line, column,
table, and field.

RI S Report Wri ter uses F-1, F-2, and so on to represent the fi rst, second,
and any subsequent fi el ds on a l i ne.
2. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the fi el d.
RI S Report Writer restores thefield tothespecified position.
3. Conti nue to copy the fi el d to new posi ti ons.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
U - 2 RI S Report Writer Commands

UndeleteLine(Report Builder)

The UndeleteLine(Report Builder) command restores the l ast l i ne del eted wi th the
1. Sel ect Edit from the Toolbar menu. Sel ect Lineand then Undeletefrom the
pul l down menus.
Theprompt Select placement point appears.
Thelineis dynamicallyattached tothecursor. As you movethecursor over thereport
template, information in themessagearea changes toreflect thecurrent line, column,
table, and field.
2. Cl i ck the l eft mouse button to pl ace the l i ne.
RI S Report Writer restores thelinetothespecified position.
3. Conti nue to copy the l i ne to new posi ti ons.
Cl i ck the ri ght mouse button to exi t the command.
RI S Report Writer Commands U - 3


The UpdateActivecommand pl aces the di al og i n update acti ve mode. You can change
currentl y di spl ayed col umn val ues wi thout changi ng the correspondi ng val ues for the current
row. Sel ect Insert Rowto i nsert the di spl ayed data as a row i n the database. For more
i nformati on, see the secti on I nsert Row(DatabaseEdit).
The fol l owi ng sequence demonstrates how UpdateActivecan be used wi th Insert Rowto
create a new row.
1. Sel ect UpdateActive.
TheUpdateActivebutton appears tobedepressed. Thedialogis in updateactive
mode; you can enter data on thedisplayed rowwithout changingthedatabase.
2. Sel ect a col umn fi el d. Key i n a val ue to be contai ned i n the new row.
3. Conti nue to sel ect col umn fi el ds and key i n new val ues unti l al l changes have been
4. Sel ect Insert Rowto i nsert the di spl ayed data as a new row i n the database.
U - 4 RI S Report Writer Commands


The UpdateRowcommand pl aces the di al og i n update row mode. You can change
currentl y di spl ayed col umn val ues wi thout changi ng the correspondi ng val ues for the current
row. You can then sel ect Insert Rowto i nsert the di spl ayed data as a row i n the database.
For more i nformati on, see the secti on I nsert Row(DatabaseEdit).
The fol l owi ng sequence demonstrates how UpdateRowcan be used wi th Insert Rowto
create a new row.
1. Sel ect UpdateRow.
TheUpdateRowbutton appears tobedepressed. Thedialogis in updaterowmode;
you can enter data on thedisplayed rowwithout changingthedatabase.
2. Sel ect a col umn fi el d. Key i n a val ue to be contai ned i n the new row.
3. Conti nue to sel ect col umn fi el ds and key i n new val ues unti l al l changes have been
4. Sel ect Insert Rowto i nsert the di spl ayed data as a new row i n the database.
RI S Report Writer Commands U - 5

User Variable(Report Builder)

The User Variable(Report Builder) command l ets you create vari abl es for use i n scri pts,
user acti on statements, and deri ved fi el ds. You can create vari abl es to store three types of
data: character, i nteger, and fl oati ng poi nt.
You can create si ngl e- and mul ti -di mensi on arrays. Si ngl e-di mensi on arrays are
automati cal l y resi zed i f an el ement outsi de the arrays current si ze i s referenced. Mul ti -
di mensi on arrays are not automati cal l y resi zed.
For exampl e, an i nteger vari abl e numwi th an x array val ue of 10 i s referenced by num[0]
through num[9]. I f numi s referenced by an x subscri pt greater than the i ni ti al si ze, the
vari abl e i s extended and processi ng conti nues.
Character Variables
Character user vari abl es are desi gned to store text stri ngs. For a si ngl e text stri ng, the x
si ze determi nes the length of the stri ng, and the y si ze i s set to 1. For an array of text
stri ngs, the x si ze determi nes the number of text stri ngs al l ocated, and the y si ze determi nes
the length of each.
U - 6 RI S Report Writer Commands

When you sel ect User Variable, the DBA User Variabledi al og appears.

Name, Type, X, Y Thi s sel ect-onl y fi el d l i sts the name, vari abl e type, x si ze, and y
si ze of the user vari abl es defi ned for the current report templ ate.
Sel ect a l i ne to make i t a marker (hi ghl i ghted) l i ne. The di al og cannot be i n del ete or
edi t mode. (That i s, the Deleteand Edit buttons are not depressed.) New vari abl es
can be added and the del ete buffer i nserted before a marker l i ne.
Add Thi s button adds a vari abl e to the user vari abl e l i st. Sel ect Add after you enter
i nformati on i n the Name, X Size, and Y Sizefi el ds and sel ect a vari abl e type at the
bottom of the di al og. The new vari abl e i s i nserted before the marker l i ne i n the user
vari abl e l i st. I f no marker l i ne exi sts, the new vari abl e i s i nserted at the bottom of the
l i st.
Edit Thi s button pl aces the di al og i n edi t mode. Sel ect Edit and then sel ect a
vari abl e from the user vari abl e l i st. The val ues for the vari abl e appear i n the area at
the bottom of the di al og. You can edi t these val ues.
Delete Thi s button puts the di al og i n del ete mode; any l i ne you sel ect i s del eted and
stored i n a del ete buffer. The del ete buffer stores del eted l i nes unti l you exi t del ete
mode. Sel ect Deleteagai n to exi t del ete mode. The del ete buffer i s cl eared whenever
you enter del ete mode.
Undelete Thi s button i nserts the current del ete buffer before the marker l i ne i n the
user vari abl e l i st. I f no marker l i ne exi sts, the del ete buffer i s i nserted at the bottom of
the l i st.
Name Thi s key-i n fi el d l ets you speci fy the name of a new vari abl e or edi t the name
of an exi sti ng one.
RI S Report Writer Commands U - 7

VariableType Thi s checkl i st l ets you sel ect a data type for the vari abl e.
X Size Thi s key-i n fi el d l ets you speci fy the x si ze of the vari abl e.
Y Size Thi s key-i n fi el d l ets you speci fy the y si ze of the vari abl e.
U - 8 RI S Report Writer Commands

Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables AA - 1

Appendix A
RIS Report Writer Environment Variables
AA - 2 Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables

Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables AA - 3

Appendix A
RIS Report Writer Environment Variables
Thi s secti on l i sts the envi ronment vari abl es that can be used by RI S Report Wri ter.
DBA_AUTOCOMMI T Determi nes whether RI S Report Wri ter can turn
autocommi t off. See the fi l e
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ doc\ autocomm.txt.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_BG_COLOR Speci fi es the background col or for the raster di spl ay
when raster graphi cs mode i s acti ve.
Defaul t = 15
DBA_BLANK_PAD Control s whether report output l i nes are padded wi th
bl anks to the l ength speci fi ed by col umns per page.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_DEBUG Causes the scri pt debugger to be automati cal l y
acti vated upon startup. The command l i ne swi tch -D
can al so be used.
DBA_BUTTON_SCRI PT Used to speci fy a scri pt cal l when a button i s pressed.
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ doc\ butkey.txt
for more detai l s.
DBA_CODE_SORT I f YES, code l i sts are sorted by ascendi ng code text.
I f NO, code l i sts are sorted by ascendi ng code number.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_CONVERT_I NPUT Speci fi es a scri pt cal l that converts col umn val ues
i nput by the user before passi ng them to the database,
so that the user can work wi th uni ts other than those
stored i n the database. See
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ doc\ convert.txt.
DBA_CONVERT_OUTPUT Speci fi es a scri pt cal l that converts col umn val ues
from the database for output on menus and reports, so
that the user can work wi th uni ts other than those
stored i n the database. See
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ doc\ convert.txt.
AA - 4 Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables

DBA_DAP_FI LE Defi nes the text fi l e that i s used to associ ate the
report i ndex number stored i n a Di spl ayabl e Attri bute
wi th the name of a report to run. There shoul d be one
report name on each l i ne of thi s fi l e.
DBA_DB_NUMBERS Control s whether tabl e and col umn speci fi cati ons i n
di al og and report templ ates are wri tten out as names
(the defaul t) or numbers (used i n conjuncti on wi th
mscol umns for schemas where tabl e and col umn
names wi l l be transl ated).
DBA_DEBUG Causes the scri pt debugger to be automati cal l y
acti vated upon startup. The command l i ne swi tch -D
can al so be used.
DBA_ERROR_LOG Redi rects messages from the Errors Detected form to
the speci fi ed fi l e.
DBA_FG_COLOR Speci fi es the foreground col or for the raster di spl ay
when raster graphi cs mode i s acti ve.
Defaul t = 0
DBA_FORMS_COLORS Control s whether Nati ve or Shamrock fi el ds are used
(see doc/ native.txt for detai l s). 0 fi el ds are
Wi ndows nati ve control s unl ess the Field PLUS check
box i s sel ected from the DialogBuilder. 1 fi el ds
are al ways Wi ndows nati ve control s. 2 fi el ds are
al ways Shamrock custom control s.
DBA_FORMS_MODE Causes DM/DBA to take on the CLI X look-and-feel.
Setti ng thi s vari abl e sets DBA_FORMS_COLORS
and DBA_NATI VE_MODE to 2.
DBA_HL_COLOR Speci fi es the hi ghl i ght col or for the raster di spl ay
when raster graphi cs mode i s acti ve.
Defaul t = 4
DBA_I NI TI AL_SCRI PT Speci fi es a scri pt functi on to execute when DB Access
starts. Thi s can be used to i ni ti al i ze gl obal vari abl es.
DBA_JOI N_TO_MANY Causes DB Access to process secondary sel ects on
outer and mul ti -schema joi ns when process query or
uni verse revi ew commands are i ssued to add dupl i cate
rows caused by mul ti pl e hi ts i n the secondary tabl e.
I t i ncreases processi ng ti mes for these joi ns, and
shoul d be used onl y when one-to-many or many-to-
many rel ati onshi ps exi sts. Thi s fl ag i s not necessary
for standard, si ngl e schema joi ns or for any report
joi ns.
Defaul t = NO
Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables AA - 5

DBA_KEY_SCRI PT Speci fi es a scri pt cal l when a key i s pressed.
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ doc\ butkey.txt
for more detai l s.
DBA_LI B Set to the templ ate l i brary DBA wi l l use i ni ti al l y.
Defaul t = none
DBA_LI B_LI ST Li st the templ ate l i brari es to search when l oadi ng
templ ates
Defaul t = none
DBA_LI NK_MODE Determi nes type of l i nkage to be wri tten to graphi c
el ements by the Attach Li nkage command, or read
from graphi c el ements by the Revi ew El ement and
Locate Graphi cs commands.
Set to RI S for ei ght-word RI S (user data) l i nkages, or
DMRS for standard four-word DMRS l i nkages.
Defaul t = "RI S"
DBA_LOG_MESSAGE Causes DB Access to redi rect al l messages (normal l y
di spl ayed i n the message fi el d or message gadget) to
the fi l e speci fi ed by the DBA_LOG_ERROR shel l
vari abl e.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_MCE_RESTRI CT Thi s envi ronment vari abl e exi sts, you cannot i nvoke
pl acement, mani pul ati on, or subprocess commands,
effecti vel y maki ng the desi gn fi l e read-onl y.
Defaul t i s unrestri cted.
DBA_MENU Sets di al og templ ate name that RI S Report Wri ter or
RI S Report Wri ter Runti me i nvokes i ni ti al l y.
Defaul t = none
DBA_MESSAGE_STRI P I f NO, standard message stri p i s not di spl ayed whi l e
di al ogs are processed.
Defaul t = YES
DBA_MSLI NK Speci fi es hi s own MSLI NK col umn, to be used i n
l i nki ng database rows to Mi croStati on el ements, or as
a key col umn, or for DBA-dri ven i ncrementi ng of the
key col umn upon i nserts of new rows. The col umn
must be an i nteger, and shoul d be uni quel y i ndexed.
Defaul t = msl i nk
AA - 6 Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables

DBA_NATI VE_MODE Control s whether Nati ve or Shamrock fi el ds are used
(see doc/ native.txt for detai l s). 0 fi el ds are
Wi ndows nati ve control s unl ess the Field PLUS check
box i s sel ected from the DialogBuilder. 1 fi el ds
are al ways Wi ndows nati ve control s. 2 fi el ds are
al ways Shamrock custom control s.
DBA_NO_MSCATALOG Forces DB Access to bui l d i ts tabl e l i st from
RI STABLES i nstead of MSCATALOG even i f i t exi sts.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_NORMAL_TEXT Forces di al og text di spl ay styl e to be normal. Normal
text di spl ays consi derabl y faster under X Wi ndows,
especi al l y on PCs.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_NO_READ_LOCK NFS-mounted templ ate l i brari es are not be l ocked
when readi ng (l oadi ng templ ates), i f true. Useful for
read-onl y sessi ons when NFS fi l e l ocki ng i s not
desi red. WARNING setti ng true may cause bad
reads i f other users are wri ti ng to the l i brary.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_NO_SCALI NG Overri des automati c resi zi ng of forms and di al ogs
based on screen si ze and based on resi zi ng and
movi ng the mai n di al og.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_NO_STOP Di sabl es the STOP si gn on the RI S Report Wri ter
message stri p.
Defaul t = NO (STOP si gn enabl ed.)
DBA_OBJECT_LI B Speci fi es the templ ate l i brary that compi l ed scri pt
objects are wri tten to. I f not defi ned, they are wri tten
to DBA_LI B.
DBA_OPTI MI ZE Opti mi zes response for l arge databases.
See c:588ngr\ risrpt\ doc\ optimize.txt for
detai l s and operati onal di fferences.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_OPTI ONS The name of an opti ons templ ate, used for setti ng
acti ve desi gn opti ons such as font name and body si ze,
gri d l ock, col or, l i ne styl e, l i ne wei ght, l i ne depth,
defaul t CR mode, text justi fi cati on, text styl e, verbose
mode, text si ze, or l i nes and col umns per report page.
Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables AA - 7

DBA_PARTI TI ON_BI TS Determi nes the number of bi ts to be i gnored i n the
occurrence number i n DMRS l i nkages to parti ti oned
enti ti es on graphi c el ements (can be determi ned by
usi ng DMRS on the VAX DMRS database, LI ST e.!,
where ei s the enti ty number, use the Partition
Number val ue). Can al so be used to mask out the
reuse counter, i f set to zero (0).
Defaul t = 8
DBA_PAUSE Speci fi es an i nterval (i n seconds) between i nputs
when usi ng the DBA_PLAYBACK_FI LE opti on.
Defaul t i s 1
DBA_PLAYBACK_FI LE Speci fi es a fi l e (created by DBA_RECORD_FI LE) for
pl ayi ng back al l i nput from a previ ous RI S Report
Wri ter sessi on.
DBA_PLOT_QUEUE Provi des a queue name for the pl ot command
whenever a Plot Windowbutton i s sel ected.
Defaul t = i l p811
DBA_PRI NT Provi des a format stri ng for the pri nt command i ssued
whenever a PRI NT button i s sel ected (the %s i n the
stri ng i s repl aced wi th the fi l ename).
Defaul t = wi ndows pri nt di al og
DBA_RASTER Speci fi es the name of the raster graphi cs control fi l e.
Previ ousl y thi s was done wi th the -d swi tch; thi s
envi ronment vari abl e i s now the preferred method.
DBA_RASTER_PATH Speci fi es a defaul t pathname to search for raster fi l es,
thi s appl i es to the cosmeti c and dynami c raster
DBA_RECORD_FI LE Speci fi es a fi l e for recordi ng al l i nput i n a RI S Report
Wri ter sessi on. Thi s fi l e can then be used i n a
subsequent pl ayback sessi on (see
DBA_REPORT_MEMORY Used to preset report memory to be al l ocated so that
l arge reports do not fragment memory by repeatedl y
addi ng smal l chunks. Set i t to the number of bytes
requi red to store al l rows i n memory (#of report rows
ti mes bytes per row, as speci fi ed by the Error
allocatingreport memory ... error message).
Defaul t i s 100000
DBA_REPORT_NULLS Causes DBA to pri nt an error message whenever a
scri pt or a numeri c fi el d references a NULL col umn
val ue.
Defaul t = NO
AA - 8 Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables

DBA_SCHEMA Set to the schema name DBA connect to i ni ti al l y.
Defaul t = none
DBA_SCHEMA_LI ST Set to a stri ng of schemas for mul ti -database joi ns.
Defaul t = none
DBA_SCRAP Causes characters del eted from DBA fi el ds to be put
on the Envi ronV scrap (so they may be accessed by
other I /Forms appl i cati ons). Setti ng thi s vari abl e
sl ows down fi el d edi ti ng noti ceabl y.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_SHELL Provi des a command stri ng for the SHELL button on
the DBA Message Stri p.
Defaul t = "xterm -shel l "
DBA_STORE_SCRI PT Causes DB Access to wri te a compi l ed scri pt object to
DBA_OBJECT_LI B or DBA_LI B whenever a scri pt i s
compi l ed. DB Access then reads thi s object i n future
sessi ons i nstead of recompi l i ng the scri pt agai n.
Compi l ed objects are onl y read from
Defaul t = NO
DBA_SUPPORT Sets to the DB Access support di rectori es. (Onl y
necessary when usi ng mul ti pl e support paths.
Separate paths wi th col ons).
Defaul t = /usr/i p32/ri srpt/support
DBA_SYNC_MENUS Causes DB Access to update al l of the same tabl e
when a menus current row i s changed.
Defaul t = NO
DBA_TABLE_ORDER Lets you sel ect order i n whi ch tabl e l i sts are sorted.
Defaul t = mscatal og.enti tynum (i f mscatal og exi sts),
or ristables.table_name(i f mscatal og does not exi st).
DBA_TEXT_SI ZE Presets Report Bui l der and Output text si ze (1-5, from
the Text Si ze form). I f thi s shel l vari abl e i s not
defi ned the defaul t i s 3.
DBA_TI MESTAMP_FORMAT Overri des the defaul t i nput/output format for
ti mestamp col umns.
c:\ win32app\ ingr\ risrpt\ doc\ timestamp.txt
for format detai l s.
Defaul t = "yyyy-mm-dd:hh:nn:ss"
Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables AA - 9

DBA_TMP_OUTPUT When set, thi s fl ag causes al l report output to be
pl aced i n TMPDI R (usual l y / usr/ tmp) wi th a uni que
name. Thi s makes i t easy to cl ean up report output as
wel l as el i mi nati ng mul ti pl e user fi l e confl i cts.
DBA_TOPMOST Control s the wi ndow pri ori ty of DBA di al ogs. I f not
set, DBA di al ogs are normal pri ori ty. I f set, DBA
di al ogs are al ways on top of nontopmost wi ndows.
Thi s i s useful when runni ng DBA from Mi croStati on.
DBA_USE_SERVER Forces al l DBA RI S commands to be channel ed
through a DBASRV connecti on. Thi s opti on requi res
the -n <node> command l i ne swi tch. I t i s useful to
prevent DBA_NFM appl i cati ons from creati ng an
extra connecti on to the NFM database.
DBA_WRI TE_ACCESS Set to YES for database wri te access, or NO for read-
onl y.
Defaul t = YES
Certai n gl obal vari abl es need onl y to be set to eval uate to true:
For exampl e:
The equal si gn (=) i s requi red. You can al so speci fy a val ue, such as:
I f these envi ronment vari abl es are not exported, they defaul t to NO.
The envi ronment vari abl e DBA_WRI TE_ACCESS defaul ts to YES. You must set thi s
vari abl e to NO and export i t to speci fy a condi ti on other than the defaul t. For exampl e:
AA - 10 Appendix A: RI S Report Writer Environment Variables

Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables BB - 1

Appendix B
RIS Report Writer Reserved Tables
BB - 2 Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables

Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables BB - 3

Appendix B
RIS Report Writer Reserved Tables
RI S Report Wri ter l ets you create speci al reserved tabl es for vari ous purposes. These tabl es
are opti onal unl ess otherwi se noted.
The envi ronment vari abl e DBA_DB_NUMBERS can be set to YES to force RI S Report Wri ter
to wri te out di al ogs and report templ ates referenci ng tabl es and col umns by number i nstead
of name.
I f you create a reserved tabl e wi th the Create/Alter Tablefuncti on of the Schema Edit
uti l i ty, DB Access automati cal l y creates the col umns for the tabl e.
B.1 Tables Needed for Raster Graphics
B.2 UniqueRowI dentification
B.3 Coded Columns and mscodelist
B.4 mscolumns
B.1 Tables Needed for Raster Graphics
Several tabl es are requi red for RI S Report Wri ter raster graphi cs.
B.2 UniqueRowIdentification
RI S Report Wri ter requi res uni que row i denti fi cati on for the fol l owi ng Database Edi t
functi ons:
Previous Row
Uni que row i denti fi cati on i s al so requi red for RI S Report Wri ter to di spl ay the number of
rows generated by the Process Query command.
You can use any of three methods for uni que row i denti fi cati on. Li sted i n order of
precedence, they are:
BB - 4 Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables

1. Add an mslink col umn to each tabl e.
2. Defi ne one or more key col umns i n the mscatal og tabl e.
3. Create a uni que i ndex for each tabl e.
B.2.1 mslink Column
The defaul t method for i denti fyi ng uni que rows i s to add an msl i nk col umn to each tabl e.
Thi s can be done through the RI S Schema Manager
(/ usr#/ ip32/ ris/ dba_pointbin/ risschema_mgr). Al ternati vel y, an mslink col umn can be
added usi ng the SQL alter tablestatement.
RI S Schema Manager
The RI S Schema Manager i s a forms-based uti l i ty for creati ng and managi ng RI S schemas
and tabl es. Use the Data Defi ni ti on opti on to al ter an exi sti ng tabl e.
1. From the / usr/ ip32/ ris/ bin di rectory, i nvoke the RI S Schema Manager by keyi ng i n:
TheRI S Schema Manager formappears, displayinga list of availableschemas.
2. Use the l eft mouse button to sel ect the Data Definition button.
TheData Definition formdisplays.
3. At the Schema Namefi el d, key i n the name of the schema associ ated wi th the tabl e
you want to al ter. Key i n a password i f needed.
RI S Schema Manager displays Readingdictionary tables... and then lists thetables
associated with theschema.
4. Use the l eft mouse button to sel ect the tabl e you want to al ter. Sel ect the Alter Table
TheAlter Tableformappears, displayinga list of availablecolumns.
5. At the Column Namefi el d, key i n mslink. At the Column Typefi el d, sel ect integer.
6. To add the col umn, sel ect the Run button (the arrow poi nti ng to the ri ght at the top of
the form). When processi ng i s fi ni shed, the col umn l i st i s updated to di spl ay mslink.
You must now assi gn uni que msl i nk val ues to each row i n the tabl e. Thi s can be done i n the
RI S Report Wri ter SQL Statements opti on usi ng the updatestatement. The syntax of the
updatestatement i s:
Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables BB - 5

update [<schema>.]<table> set { <column> = <value> } [, ...]
[where <conditions>]
Sampl e val ues:
schema = ri sdvw
tabl e = col l ege
mslink val ue = 3
update set mslink = 3
I n thi s exampl e, the where cl ause restri cts the msl i nk val ue of 3 to the row where the col umn
namehas the val ue UNI VERSI TY OF TENNESSEE. I f no where cl ause i s speci fi ed, al l rows
i n the tabl e are updated.

I f you are usi ng an I NFORMI X database, a faster way to assi gn uni que msl i nk
val ues i s to set msl i nk equal to rowi d i n an I SQL update statement:
update <tabl e> set msl i nk = rowi d
SQL alter tableStatement
You can al so add an msl i nk col umn to a tabl e from the RI S Report Wri ter SQL Statements
opti on usi ng the alter tablestatement. The syntax of the alter tablestatement i s:
alter table <table> add <column> <datatype> [not null]

The not null keywords shoul d be used onl y i f the tabl e does not contai n any
B.2.2 Key Columns (mscatalogTable)
The second method of i denti fyi ng uni que rows i s to defi ne one or more key col umns i n the
mscatalogtabl e. I f the mscatalogtabl e does not exi st, you can create i t usi ng the RI S
Schema Manager (/ usr#/ ip32/ ris/ bin/ risschema_mgr). Al ternati vel y, you can create
mscatal og usi ng the SQL createtablestatement.
BB - 6 Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables

The fol l owi ng are col umns i n an mscatal og tabl e:
tabl ename char(32) (requi red)
al i as_name char(32) (opti onal )
enti tynum i nteger (requi red)
screenform char(64) (requi red for USTN)
reporttabl e char(64) (requi red for USTN)
sql revi ew char(240) (requi red for USTN)
fencefi l ter char(240) (requi red for USTN)
dastabl e char(32) (requi red for USTN)
key_col umns char(50)(opti onal )
nextocc i nteger (opti onal )
msl i nk i nteger (opti onal )
The tablenamecol umn must be i denti cal to any RI S-supported database tabl e name to be
accessed by RI S Report Wri ter. The alias_namecol umn speci fi es a di fferent name for the
tabl e that i s not bound by SQL standard restri cti ons. The entitynumcol umn determi nes
tabl e number, and may be matched wi th DMRS enti ti es i n exi sti ng VAX templ ates.
The nextocccol umn provi des a more effi ci ent method of i nserti ng rows wi th mslink col umns.
I t el i mi nates the need for RI S Report Wri ter to i ssue the statement
select max (mslink) from <table>
i n assi gni ng an msl i nk val ue to the row i nserted. You can set nextoccto the next mslink
val ue avai l abl e for i nsert, or l et RI S Report Wri ter mai ntai n the val ue.
Any RI S-supported database tabl e (ri stabl es, mscatal og, and so forth) can be added to or
removed from mscatal og.
DefiningKey Columns
Once the mscatal og tabl e exi sts, you can defi ne key col umns for any tabl e wi th an occurrence
i n the mscatal og tabl e.
1. From the RI S Report Wri ter mai n di al og, sel ect mscatal og as the current tabl e. Sel ect
2. From the DatabaseEdit di al og, create a uni verse of al l tabl es wi th occurrences i n
mscatal og.
Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables BB - 7

3. Make the tabl e for whi ch you want to defi ne the key col umns the current row.
4. At the key_columns col umn, key i n one or more col umn names, separated by spaces.
ThemessageRow changed appears.
5. Usi ng the same process, defi ne key col umns for any other tabl es i n mscatal og. When
you are fi ni shed, exi t RI S Report Wri ter.
B.2.3 UniqueIndex
The thi rd, and si mpl est, method for uni quel y i denti fyi ng rows i n a non-graphi c database i s to
create a uni que i ndex for a gi ven tabl e. From the SQL Statements di al og i n RI S Report
Wri ter, use the SQL createindexstatement:
create [unique] index <index> on <table> (<column> [, <column> ...])
To create a uni que i ndex cal l ed friendexon the nameand nicknamecol umns of the friends
tabl e:
create unique index friendex on friends (name, nickname)
B.3 Coded Columns and mscodelist
The mscodel i st tabl e has the fol l owi ng col umns. Al l col umns are requi red except mslink,
whi ch makes i t easi er to edi t the tabl e wi th DatabaseEdit. See the secti on UniqueRow
I dentification.
tabl e_name char(32)
col umn_name char(32)
joi n_tabl e char(32)
code_col umn char(32)
text_col umn char(32)
i ndex_col umn char(32)
i ndex_val ue i nteger
msl i nk i nteger
For a col umn to be consi dered coded, i t must have a row entry i n mscodel i st where:
table_namei s the col umn tabl e name.
column_namei s the col umn name.
join_tablei s the tabl e name of the code l i st.
code_column i s the name of an integer col umn i n joi n_tabl e.
text_column i s the name of a character col umn i n joi n_tabl e.
BB - 8 Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables

I f mul ti pl e code l i sts are to be stored i n one tabl e, index_column i s the name of an integer
col umn i n joi n_tabl e that stores the index_valueof each code l i st.
For exampl e, the fol l owi ng mscodel i st entri es
tabl e col umn joi n code text i ndex i ndex
tabl e
col umn
col umn
col umn
val ue
pi pe materi al materi al code_number code_text
pi pe shape codel i sts code_number code_text i ndex_num 2
woul d refer to two coded col umns (material and shape) i n the pipetabl e. The material
col umn has i ts own code l i st (the joi n tabl e named material) wi th the fol l owi ng col umns:
The shapecol umn uses a shared code l i st (the joi n tabl e named codelists) wi th the fol l owi ng
col umns:
i ndex_num
3 PVC 1
The shapecol umn accepts val ues from rows i n codelists where index_numi s equal to 2.
Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables BB - 9

B.4 mscolumns
The fol l owi ng are col umns i n the mscol umns tabl e. Requi red col umns are i ndi cated.
enti tynum i nteger (requi red)
attrnum i nteger (requi red)
col umn_name char(32) (requi red)
al i as_name char(32)
col umn_format char(10)
defaul t_val ue char(10)
msl i nk i nteger
The entitynumcol umn determi nes tabl e number. The attrnumcol umn determi nes col umn
number. The column_namecol umn speci fi es the name of the col umn (determi ned i n the
create tabl e statement).

I f you set DBA_DB_NUMBERS to YES, report templ ates store col umn numbers
i nstead of names. They can then be processed agai nst transl ated databases
wi thout change. For more i nformati on, see the secti on RI S Report Writer
Environment Variables.
The alias_namecol umn speci fi es a di fferent name for the col umn that i s not bound by SQL
standard restri cti ons. The column_format col umn speci fi es a standard C format stri ng (for
exampl e, "%l G") used when col umn val ues are output to custom di al ogs bui l t wi th the DB
Access Admi ni strator Tool ki t. The default_valuecol umn speci fi es a stri ng to be di spl ayed
when there i s no current row (for subsequent i nserts).
BB - 10 Appendix B: RI S Report Writer Reserved Tables

Appendix C: Timestamp Columns CC - 1

Appendix C
Timestamp Columns
CC - 2 Appendix C: Timestamp Columns

Appendix C: Timestamp Columns CC - 3

Appendix C
Timestamp Columns
Ti mestamp col umns can be used to speci fy a date and ti me i n a database row. They are
useful for i ndi cati ng when data was entered or updated i n a database.
By defaul t, ti mestamp col umns di spl ay i n the fol l owi ng format:
You can speci fy a ti mestamp format wi th the DBA_TI MESTAMP_FORMAT envi ronment
vari abl e. The gl obal vari abl e char *dba_ti mestamp_format can then be modi fi ed at any ti me
from scri pt. You can al so then i nput ti mestamp col umns usi ng the format speci fi ed by
DBA_TI MESTAMP_FORMAT. For more i nformati on, see the secti on RI S Report Writer
Environment Variables.
Format Characters
yyyy Four di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
yy Last two di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
y One to four di gi ts; no paddi ng.
mm Two di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
m One or two di gi ts; no paddi ng.
month Name of month. Up to ni ne characters; no paddi ng.
mon Name of month. Three-character abbrevi ati on; no paddi ng.
ddd Day of the year. One to three di gi ts; no paddi ng.
dd Day of the month. Two di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
d Day of the month. One or two di gi ts; no paddi ng.
day Name of day of the week. Up to ni ne characters; no paddi ng.
dy Name of day of the week. Three-character abbrevi ati on; no
paddi ng.
CC - 4 Appendix C: Timestamp Columns

hh24 24-hour mode. Two di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
h24 24-hour mode. One or two di gi ts; no paddi ng.
hh12 or
12-hour mode. Two di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
h12 or h 12-hour mode. One or two di gi ts; no paddi ng.
nn Two di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
n One or two di gi ts; no paddi ng.
ss Two di gi ts padded wi th l eadi ng zeros.
s One or two di gi ts; no paddi ng.
am or
Meri di an i ndi cator. Two characters; no paddi ng.
a.m. or
Meri di an i ndi cator wi th peri ods. 4 characters; no paddi ng.
text Si ngl e quotati on stri ng i s reproduced i n desti nati on stri ng.
Si ngl e quotati on i s reproduced i n desti nati on stri ng.
defaul t Any other character i s reproduced i n desti nati on stri ng.

To capi tal i ze a word or abbrevi ati on, capi tal i ze the correspondi ng ti mestamp
format el ement.
These exampl es i ndi cate possi bl e formats and the resul ti ng output gi ven the fol l owi ng date
date.year = 1990
date.month = 12 = 5
date.hour = 10
date.mi nute = 33
date.second = 32
format = <m/d/y>
buffer = <12/5/1990>
format = "mm/dd/yy"
buffer = "12/05/90"
format = "mm/dd/yyyy"
buffer = "12/05/1990"
format = "dy, mon d yyyy"
buffer = "wed, dec 5 1990"
Appendix C: Timestamp Columns CC - 5

format = "day, month d yyyy"
buffer = "wednesday, december 5 1990"
format = "day = day, month d yyyy"
buffer = "day = wednesday, december 5 1990"
format = "day = day, month d yyyy"
buffer = "day = wednesday, december 5 1990"
format = "Dy, Mon d yyyy"
buffer = "Wed, Dec 5 1990"
format = "Day, Month d yyyy"
buffer = "Wednesday, December 5 1990"
format = "DY, MON d yyyy"
buffer = "WED, DEC 5 1990"
format = "DAY, MONTH d yyyy"
buffer = "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 1990"
format = "DAY, MONTH d yyyy hh12:nn:ss AM"
buffer = "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 1990 10:33:32 AM"
format = "DAY, MONTH d yyyy hh:nn:ss P.M."
buffer = "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 1990 10:33:32 A.M."
format = "day, month d yyyy hh12:nn:ss am"
buffer = "wednesday, december 5 1990 10:33:32 am"
format = "day, month d yyyy hh:nn:ss p.m."
buffer = "wednesday, december 5 1990 10:33:32 a.m."
format = "day, month d yyyy hh24:nn:ss"
buffer = "wednesday, december 5 1990 10:33:32"
format = "Day the dth day of Month, yyyy"
buffer = "Wednesday the 5th day of December, 1990"
format = "The sth second of the nth mi nute of the h24th hour"
buffer = "The 32nd second of the 33rd mi nute of the 10th hour"
CC - 6 Appendix C: Timestamp Columns

Appendix D: RI S Report Writer Error Messages DD - 1

Appendix D
RIS Report Writer Error Messages
DD - 2 Appendix D: RI S Report Writer Error Messages

Appendix D: RI S Report Writer Error Messages DD - 3

Appendix D
RIS Report Writer Error Messages
The fol l owi ng i s a l i st of RI S Report Wri ter error messages and thei r meani ngs.
Error Message Meaning
Cannot changekey column. RI S Report Wri ter uses thi s col umn for
uni que row i denti fi cati on. You cannot
change a val ue i n thi s col umn.
Codelist entry not found. You have tri ed to enter a val ue i n a coded
col umn that does not exi st i n the
associ ated code l i st. You can enter onl y
val ues from the code l i st.
Columns per pageout of
You have speci fi ed too many or too few
col umns per page for report output. Enter
a val ue from 1 to 2000.
Error creatingtemplate
library "<library_name>".
RI S Report Wri ter coul d not create the
named templ ate l i brary. Ei ther you do not
have wri te access to the di rectory that you
tri ed to create the l i brary i n, or, i f the
l i brary exi sts, you do not have wri te access
to i t.
File"<filename>"not found. RI S Report Wri ter coul d not l ocate the fi l e.
Check the spel l i ng of the fi l ename. Check
that the path for the fi l e i s accurate.
Invalid column name. You have speci fi ed a col umn name that i s
not permi tted. Key i n up to 18
al phanumeri c or underscore characters.
The fi rst character must be an al phabeti c
Invalid tablename. You have speci fi ed a tabl e name that i s not
permi tted. Key i n up to 18 al phanumeri c
or underscore characters. The fi rst
character must be an al phabeti c character.
DD - 4 Appendix D: RI S Report Writer Error Messages

Invalid templatename
You have speci fi ed a templ ate name that i s
not permi tted. Key i n up to 20
al phanumeri c or underscore characters.
Invalid user variablename. You have speci fi ed a user vari abl e name
that i s not permi tted. Key i n up to 20
al phanumeri c or underscore characters.
The fi rst character must be an al phabeti c
Invalid user variablename
You have defi ned a user vari abl e wi th a
wtr_ prefi x. Al l wtr_ vari abl es are
reserved. Rename the vari abl e.
Lines per pageout of range
You have speci fi ed too many or too few
l i nes per page for report output. Enter a
val ue from 1 to 999.
Maximumcharacter length
(2000) exceeded in user
You have exceeded the l ength al l owed for a
character user vari abl e. Speci fy a
character vari abl e l ength of 2000 or l ess.
(14characters) exceeded.
You have speci fi ed a fi l ename of more than
14 characters. Enter a fi l ename of 14 or
fewer characters.
Missinginput library
You di d not speci fy an i nput l i brary for a
functi on of the Templ ate Li brari an uti l i ty
(/usr#/i p32/ri srpt/bi n/templ i b).
Missingoutput library
You di d not speci fy an output l i brary for a
functi on of the Templ ate Li brari an uti l i ty
(/usr#/i p32/ri srpt/bi n/templ i b).
fields allowed on "ALL"
You cannot pl ace a col umn or numeri c fi el d
on an all tables l i ne. These fi el ds must be
pl aced on a singletablel i ne.
No current field. A fi el d must be current for thi s command.
Sel ect a fi el d before sel ecti ng the command.
No current line. A l i ne must be current for thi s command.
Sel ect a l i ne before sel ecti ng the command.
No current row. A row must be current for thi s command.
Use the query and current row functi ons to
establ i sh a current row. Then sel ect the
Appendix D: RI S Report Writer Error Messages DD - 5

No current schema. A schema must be current for thi s
command. Key i n or sel ect a schema name
before sel ecti ng the command.
No current table. A tabl e must be current for thi s command.
Key i n or sel ect a tabl e name before
sel ecti ng the command.
No current universe. Thi s command requi res a current uni verse
of rows. Use the query functi ons to
generate a current uni verse.
No key column(s) defined
for "<table>".
Thi s command requi res that a means of
uni quel y i denti fyi ng rows be provi ded for
the tabl e. See the secti on RI S Report
Wri ter Reserved Tabl es for i nformati on on
establ i shi ng key col umns.
current schema.
You have attempted to add a coded col umn
to a tabl e i n a schema that does not have
an mscodel i st tabl e. You must create
mscodel i st before addi ng coded col umns.
No rows found. No rows meet the current query cri teri a.
No table<table>found. RI S Report Wri ter coul d not l ocate the
tabl e. Check the spel l i ng of the tabl e
name. Check that the correct l i brary i s
No table<table>found in
You have speci fi ed a tabl e that does not
have a correspondi ng row i n the mscatal og
tabl e. You can i nsert a row for the tabl e
i nto mscatal og.
No <type>templates found
in library "<library>".
You have tri ed to l oad a templ ate from a
l i brary that does not contai n templ ates of
that type (di al og, report, scri pt, and so
forth). Or you have cal l ed a popup l i st of
templ ates (such as the Load from Li brary
di al og) when the attached l i brary does not
contai n templ ates of the correct type.
Attach a l i brary that contai ns templ ates of
the correct type.
RIS Error. An RI S error has occurred. RI S Report
Wri ter di spl ays the error. For i nformati on
on RI S errors, see the Relational I nterface
System(RI S) for Windows NT SQL Users
DD - 6 Appendix D: RI S Report Writer Error Messages

Schema "<schema>"not
found in schema list.
You have speci fi ed a schema that i s not i n
the current schema l i st. Check that you
have correctl y spel l ed the schema name. I f
you own or have been granted pri vi l eges on
the schema, you can add i t to the schema
l i st.
A schema l i st i s necessary onl y for mul ti -
schema joi ns. I f no schema l i st i s speci fi ed
(usi ng DBA_SCHEMA_LI ST or the -S
command-l i ne opti on), any avai l abl e RI S
schema can be attached.
Script template
\ <template>\
doesnt match function
\ <function>\ .
You have speci fi ed a scri pt templ ate name
that di ffers from the name of the functi on
bei ng saved i n the templ ate. The scri pt
templ ate must match the name of the
functi on.
Table"<table>"not found. RI S Report Wri ter coul d not l ocate the
tabl e. Check the spel l i ng of the tabl e
name. Check that the correct l i brary i s
Undefined symbol:
The scri pti ng i nterpreter has encountered
an operand that i s unknown. Check that
syntax i s correct and any user vari abl es
have been defi ned.
Glossary GL - 1

GL - 2 Glossary

Glossary GL - 3


absolutepathname Sequence of di rectori es, begi nni ng wi th the root di rectory (/)
that l ocates a fi l e. See al so pathnameand relativepathname.
accept Recei ve i nput, such as characters, i ntegers, or data buttons.
Al so, confi rmi ng an el ement sel ecti on.
access Perform acti ons necessary to use software.
activate Change the state of an object or enti ty so that i t accepts or
di spl ays data.
add query Key-i n mode that l ets a user add query cri teri a.
address Label , name, or number that i denti fi es an exact storage
l ocati on i n memory.
alphanumeric string Set of characters treated as a uni t and made up of numbers,
al phabeti c characters, bl anks, and speci al characters.
ANSI Acronym for Ameri can Nati onal Standards I nsti tute, a
pri vate organi zati on that devel ops, mai ntai ns, and publ i shes
i ndustry standards i n the Uni ted States.
application System of programs or uti l i ti es desi gned to accompl i sh
speci fi c tasks as requested by the user.
array Data structure used to organi ze data i nto conti guous l i sts.
ASCII Ameri can Standard Code for I nformati on I nterchange
character set.
assembly I /NFM set created wi th PDM versi on 2.4 or l ater.
association A rel ati onshi p between two or more objects.
associative Havi ng a rel ati onshi p to another.
associativegeometry Subsystem that l ets you pl ace graphi c el ements based on a
rel ati onshi p (for exampl e, paral l el to) wi th exi sti ng graphi c
el ements. El ements pl aced associ ati vel y mai ntai n the
rel ati onshi p when the exi sti ng graphi c el ement i s
mani pul ated.
GL - 4 Glossary

attribute Characteri sti c of an el ement. See al so parameter.
attributes The features of an object, such as col or, l i ne wi dth, font, and
font si ze.
bit Bi nary di gi t represented by a 1 or 0. Smal l est uni t of storage
i n a di gi tal computer.
bitmap An ordered array of pi xel s turned off and on to create a
graphi cal i mage on a computer screen.
body line A l i ne on a report templ ate that pri nts once for each i nput
bottomline A l i ne on a report templ ate that pri nts at the end of each
breakpoint I nterrupti on of OM processi ng made possi bl e through ODEN.
Breakpoi nts are set so as to pass control back to the debugger
from executi on mode.
buffer Data area.
button State gadget that has a three-di mensi onal appearance and
can be set on or off.
byte Group of bi ts formi ng a uni t of storage i n a di gi tal computer.
A byte usual l y consi sts of 8 bi ts but can contai n more or fewer
dependi ng on the model of computer. Bytes can al so contai n
error recogni ti on i nformati on.
C General -purpose, structured programmi ng l anguage
devel oped at Bel l Labs i n the earl y 1970s.
cabinet A physi cal l ocati on for documents i n DM/Manager. Tabl es i n
the DM/Manager database. An I /NFM catal og.
CAD Acronym for Computer-Ai ded Desi gn.
CCIT Group 4 An i ndustry standard compressi on techni que for bl ack-and-
whi te (bi nary) data. When you l oad a nonti l ed Group 4 fi l e,
the data i s decompressed i nto a bi tmap and di spl ayed on the
changerow Key-i n mode that l est a user change the val ue of one or more
col umns i n the current row.
char Data type whi ch stores one character.
character Al phabeti c l etter, di gi t, punctuati on, or symbol .
Glossary GL - 5

check box A smal l box that l ets you sel ect or unsel ect an opti on. When
the check box i s sel ected, an X appears i n the box.
checklist State gadget consi sti ng of one or more boxes, fol l owed by text
or symbol s, usual l y arranged i n a col umn.
choose To acti vate buttons, fi el ds, and so forth on forms.
client Porti on of a cl i ent/server-based appl i cati on that requests
servi ces.
CLIX Versi on of the UNI X operati ng system ported to run on
I ntergraph systems.
codelist A set of uni que col umn val ues stored i n a joi n tabl e. A coded
col umn accepts val ues onl y from i ts code l i st.
coded column A col umn that accepts val ues onl y from i ts code l i st. A coded
col umn i s represented by a row i n the mdcodel i st tabl e.
collection A l ogi cal groupi ng of fi l es for ftr searchi ng and i ndexi ng.
column Verti cal arrangement of fi gures or words.
column field On a menu, a gadget that di spl ays val ues for the current row.
On a report templ ate, a fi el d that di spl ays data from a
speci fi ed col umn for each row processed.
command Software that i nteracts wi th the user, obtai ni ng user i nput
and then acti ng i n a speci fi ed way based on that i nput. Each
i con on the menu accesses a command, al though there coul d
al so be addi ti onal commands accessed onl y by key-i n.
command line Al phanumeri c key-i ns used to i nvoke an executabl e di rectl y
from the operati ng system envi ronment.
command name Al phanumeri c stri ng that corresponds to a gi ven command.
command string Al phanumeri c stri ng that corresponds to a gi ven command. A
command name.
compile Transl ate a program wri tten i n some programmi ng l anguage
i nto machi ne l anguage or assembl y l anguage.
compress Process that el i mi nates gaps, empty fi el ds, redundanci es, or
unnecessary data i n a fi l e so that the si ze of the fi l e i s
constant Val ue that remai ns unchanged duri ng a programs executi on.
GL - 6 Glossary

counter field A fi el d on a report templ ate that keeps track of how many
i nput rows have been processed.
CPU Acronym for Central Processi ng Uni t.
CRT Acronym for Cathode Ray Tube.
cursor Poi nter that the user moves on the screen to i ndi cate an i tem
or area.
Data Definition
(DDL) Subset of the ANSI SQL Standard statements whi ch
defi nes the schemas and rel ati ons of a database.
Data Manipulation
(DML) Subset of the ANSI SQL Standard statements whi ch
mani pul ate the data contai ned i n a tabl e.
data point Poi nt entered wi th the mouse or wi th a preci si on key-i n,
whi ch speci fi es a posi ti on i n a drawi ng fi l e.
data structure Structure whose components are data objects. Data
structures are used to group l ogi cal l y rel ated data.
data type Cl assi fi cati on of a data i tem as an i nteger, l etter, or real
database Col l ecti on of comprehensi ve i nformati onal fi l es havi ng
predetermi ned structure and organi zati on that can then be
communi cated, i nterpreted, or processed by a speci fi c
databasemenu A menu that i s associ ated wi th a speci fi c database tabl e.
datefield A fi el d on a report templ ate that pri nts the system date.
DB2 Rel ati onal database management system.
DBA Acronym for Database Admi ni strator or DB Access.
DDL Acronym for Data Defi ni ti on Language.
DEC Acronym for Di gi tal Equi pment Corporati on.
default Predetermi ned val ue of a parameter or opti on that i s
automati cal l y suppl i ed by the system or program whenever a
val ue i s not speci fi ed by the user.
delete To remove, destroy, el i mi nate, or erase.
derived field A fi el d on a report templ ate that pri nts the resul ts of a
formul a.
Glossary GL - 7

design file Fi l e contai ni ng graphi c and text data. Al so cal l ed a drawi ng
fi l e.
device Nonaddressabl e component of a network, that i s, a component
onto whi ch a user cannot l og, for exampl e, tape dri ve, di sk
dri ve, and fl oppy di sk.
dialogbox A box that requests i nformati on about a parti cul ar task you
are performi ng.
dimmed A button or command that i s di spl ayed i n l i ght gray i nstead of
bl ack. When a button or command i s di mmed, i t i s di sabl ed
and nonsel ectabl e.
An al phabeti cal l i st of fi l es on a computer.
disk Round fl at pl ate coated wi th a magneti c substance on whi ch
data i s stored.
DM/Capture A front-end software appl i cati on for capturi ng and scanni ng
documents and drawi ngs, i ncl udi ng opti cal character
recogni ti on (OCR) capabi l i ty.
DML Acronym of Data Mani pul ati on Language.
document A fi l e or many fi l es that are handl ed as one enti ty to the
redl i ni ng software.
double Data type whi ch stores a range of fl oati ng poi nt numbers.
The storage requi rement and range of val ues are dependent
on the computer and compi l er.
drawing A fi l e that contai ns graphi cs or i mages such as a Mi croStati on
or a CAD fi l e.
drawingfile Fi l e i n whi ch you pl ace el ements. Al so cal l ed a desi gn fi l e.
el ement so you can see i t move.
drop To di sconti nue current status or associ ati on; to return to a
previ ous or more pri mi ti ve status or associ ati on; to descend
l evel s.
edit To add, del ete, or change text, graphi cs, and objects.
EMACS ASCI I text edi tor.
enter To enter data from a mouse or from a keyboard.
entity Graphi c or descri pti ve component i n a graphi cs fi l e. Can al so
mean a database tabl e.
GL - 8 Glossary

environment variable Vari abl e defi ned on or across i nvocati ons of a command shel l .
Processes are gi ven access to the i nformati on i n these
vari abl es by the operati ng system.
error message Descri pti on of an error found i n a program.
Ethernet Popul ar i mpl ementati on of a l ocal area network.
executable Program that has been wri tten i n or transl ated i nto, a
machi ne l anguage that i s ready for executi on by the
exit To termi nate a job or process.
exit and save To termi nate a job or process and save any changes or data
entered. Al so, to di smi ss a form and save any changes made.
field Any of the data grouped together i n a record (al so known as
an attri bute or col umn). Al so, a gadget al l owi ng text entry on
a form.
file Col l ecti on of l ogi cal records stored as a uni t.
filelocking Process that deni es access to a fi l e.
filename User-defi ned name gi ven to an i nteracti vel y created fi l e. The
name shoul d be rel evant to the contents of the fi l e.
final line A l i ne on a report templ ate that pri nts on a new page at the
end of the report. Used for report summari es or total s.
flag A vari abl e that can be set to i ndi cate the presence or absence
of a certai n condi ti on.
floppy disk Fl exi bl e magneti c sheet used to store i nformati on.
font Compl ete set and styl e of the characters and symbol s of a
typeface used for di spl ayi ng text.
form Rectangul ar di spl ay through whi ch a user and an appl i cati on
can communi cate usi ng gadgets.
ftr Acronym for Ful l Text Retri eval .
full pathname Name of the enti re path or di rectory hi erarchy to a fi l e,
i ncl udi ng the fi l ename. See al so relativepathname.
function Smal l segment of code wri tten to compl ete a porti on of a
l arger task.
Glossary GL - 9

gadget Graphi c devi ce on a form that hel ps a user enter or recei ve
speci fi c i nformati on.
geometry El ements defi ned graphi cal l y; the mathemati cal branch
deal i ng wi th the measurement, properti es, and rel ati onshi ps
of poi nts, l i nes, curves, angl es, surfaces, and sol i ds.
global variable Programmi ng vari abl e that i s recogni zed everywhere i n a
graphic Any symbol or method of vi sual communi cati on that i s not
grid Network of uni forml y spaced hori zontal and perpendi cul ar
l i nes that hel p to i denti fy 2-D or 3-D rel ati onshi ps.
group A col l ecti on of i cons that represent documents and
appl i cati ons wi thi n the Program Manager.
Help See on-lineHelp.
Help window Form i n whi ch the Hel p topi cs are di spl ayed by the Hel p
hierarchy Cl assi fi ed structure wi th superi ors (roots) and subordi nates
(dependents) for groupi ng fi l es or commands.
horizontal Paral l el to, i n the pl ane of, or operati ng i n a pl ane paral l el to
the hori zon or to a base l i ne.
icon Symbol that graphi cal l y i denti fi es a command, appl i cati on, or
ID Name composed of numbers or characters gi ven for
i denti fi cati on purposes to a record. A record number.
identify To i ndi cate your sel ecti on on a form or graphi cs by pl aci ng a
data poi nt on the i tem.
includefile Fi l e that contai ns i nformati on such as symbol i c constants,
structure defi ni ti ons, vari abl e decl arati ons, and some
standard functi ons and macros.
index Storage mechani sm used to provi de faster access to the rows
i n a tabl e.
indexing Extracti on and sorti ng of al l the i ndexabl e words i n any new
or modi fi ed documents and updati ng the i ndex fi l es wi th the
new i nformati on.
GL - 10 Glossary

I/NFM I ntergraph Network Fi l e Manager software package.
INFORMIX Rel ati onal database management system.
INGRES Rel ati onal database management system.
initialize To set storage l ocati on, counter, vari abl e, i nternal structures,
or the l i ke to a begi nni ng val ue.
integer Val ue i n the set of al l posi ti ve and negati ve whol e numbers
and zero. Al so, a data type whi ch stores a range of i nteger
val ues. Storage requi rement and range of val ues are
dependent on the computer and compi l er. Of or rel ati ng to
the process of enteri ng data and recei vi ng a response from the
interactive Of or rel ati ng to the process of enteri ng data and recei vi ng a
response from the computer.
interface Shared boundary through whi ch the user and software
communi cate.
I/ORL I ntergraph On-l i ne Reference Li brary. Provi des easy access
to I ntergraph documentati on on compact di sk.
item Uni t of storage wi thi n a l arger uni t, such as a fi l e i n a
cabi net.
job The smal l est organi zati onal uni t i n the structural outl i ne of
DM/Capture. A job correl ates to one i tem (that i s, a storage
uni t) i n the database. A job can contai n one fi l e or mul ti pl e
fi l es.
joining Process of rel ati ng the data i n two or more tabl es, possi bl y
restri cted by some condi ti on.
justification Poi nt of ori entati on for text pl acement.
key column Key-i n mode that l ets a user retri eve the fi rst row i n the
current tabl e havi ng the speci fi ed col umn val ue.
key-in I nformati on or command keyed i n, rather than sel ected usi ng
a mouse.
key-in mode Mode that determi nes the effect of a user key-i n i n a menu
col umn fi el d. The four key-i n modes are change row, add
query, update acti ve, and key col umn.
keyword Word defi ned to have speci al meani ng i n a programmi ng,
command, query l anguage, or i ndexi ng.
Glossary GL - 11

LAN Acronym for l ocal area network.
library Col l ecti on of subrouti nes.
linear Havi ng a si ngl e di mensi on; a l i ne.
list box A box that di spl ays a l i st of avai l abl e opti ons.
local The physi cal l ocati on of the data on the machi ne or the
l ocati on of the data by the way of remote mounti ng
capabi l i ti es.
local area network Computer networki ng scheme i n whi ch nodes whi ch are
geographi cal l y l ocal are connected to a network through
mul ti pl exers, and networks of geographi cal l y remote nodes
are connected through routers.
login Enter the necessary i nformati on, such as a username and
password, to begi n a sessi on on a termi nal .
log-in Username/password combi nati on used to gai n access to a
mask Val ue wi th bi ts set on and off to set up certai n attri butes.
memory Devi ce that can store data.
menu Means for stori ng and sel ecti ng commands: i con-based,
functi on key, or paper.
menu bar A l i st of menus for the wi ndow.
messagefield Forms system gadget that appears al ong the bottom of a form
and i s used to di spl ay prompt and error messages to the user.
messagestrip Area of the screen that contai ns the workstati on i con, the
message area and the process I D fi el d.
Microsoft Windows A wi ndows-based graphi cal i nterface that i s used wi th MS-
MicroStation Computer-ai ded desi gn software.
MicroStation 32 Computer-ai ded desi gn system for I ntergraph workstati ons.
mode Parti cul ar functi oni ng arrangement or condi ti on. Al so, the
behavi or of a gadget.
model Graphi c representati on or schema.
GL - 12 Glossary

mouse Hand-control l ed i nput and command sel ecti on devi ce. There
are several model s; most common are the 2-button mouse, the
3-button mouse, and the 12-button mouse.
mscatalog Database tabl e requi red by Mi croStati on 32 for databases
used wi th graphi cs. Key col umns defi ned i n mscatal og
provi de a means of uni que row i denti fi cati on.
mscodelist Database tabl e requi red for a schema usi ng coded col umns.
mslink Col umn i n a database tabl e used to uni quel y i denti fy a row.
Mi croStati on uses msl i nk to speci fy a row that a graphi cs
el ement i s l i nked to.
multiplecolumn field A menu gadget that di spl ays data from one or more col umns
i n the current row.
network I nterconnecti on of host computers and workstati ons that l ets
them share data and control . The term network can mean the
devi ces that connect the system, or i t can mean the connected
NFS Acronym for Network Fi l e System. The NFS product l ets you
access fi l es that are physi cal l y l ocated on another node on
your l ocal area network (LAN). Network fi l e systems wi l l
appear l ocal to the NFS cl i ent.
no databasemenu A menu that can be processed agai nst any tabl e, or that has
no database functi onal i ty (such as a mai n menu).
node Any nonaddressabl e component of a network; that i s, any
component of the network onto whi ch a user can l ocal l y or
remotel y l og.
nodename Symbol i c name gi ven to each devi ce on an ethernet network
whi ch can be transl ated i nto a network address.
NULL I ndi cates no val ue.
numeric field A fi el d on a report templ ate that provi des defaul t cal cul ati ons
on a numeri c col umn val ue.
occurrence A set of associ ati ve geometry el ements pl aced usi ng the Pl ace
Macro command.
on-lineHelp Set of on-l i ne, context sensi ti ve fi l es, that provi de i nformati on
to the user about the capabi l i ti es of an appl i cati on.
operatingsystem System programs that control the overal l operati on of a
computer system.
Glossary GL - 13

operator Symbol that i ndi cates that an ari thmeti c, l ogi cal , or rel ati onal
operati on i s to be performed.
ORACLE Rel ati onal database management system.
ORL See I / ORL.
overview Reduced resol uti on di spl ay of an i mage i n a raster data fi l e.
An overvi ew i s normal l y l ocated i n the raster data fi l e i tsel f.
pagefield A fi el d on a report templ ate that pri nts the current page
palette Set or assortment of col ors, or a col l ecti on of l ogi cal l y rel ated
menu buttons, or a l evel of menu buttons.
panel menu Panel of buttons to the ri ght of the wi ndow area. The buttons
are arranged hi erarchi cal l y and are used to sel ect commands.
parameter Property that associ ates a vari abl e name wi th a val ue.
password Word that i s entered duri ng l og i n that prevents unauthori zed
peopl e from usi ng the fi l e, software, or computer.
path Sequence of di rectori es l eadi ng to a fi l e or a sequence of
menus l eadi ng to a command.
pathname Sequence of di rectori es l eadi ng to a fi l e. See al so absolute
pathnameand relativepathname.
place To create and posi ti on an el ement or object.
pointing Movi ng the mouse to pl ace the poi nter over a menu command,
button, or an i tem on your screen.
prefaceline A l i ne on a report templ ate that pri nts once at the begi nni ng
of the report. After preface l i nes are pri nted, the report
conti nues on a new page. Used to pri nt a cover sheet, ti tl e
page, or l egend.
preprocessor Program that performs some type of cal cul ati on or
mani pul ati ons on the data i n a fi l e, usual l y i n preparati on for
another process.
PRINT Wri tes data to the request, graphi cs, and output fi l es when
the defi ned event has the speci fi ed rel ati onshi p to VALUE.
privilege Descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard. A pri vi l ege i s a ri ght
to access. For exampl e: a rel ati on pri vi l ege i s a ri ght to
access a rel ati on (tabl e or vi ew) wi thi n a database.
GL - 14 Glossary

process Enti ty composed of a program or seri es of programs.
ProgramManager The mai n wi ndow i n Mi crosoft Wi ndows, used to start
appl i cati ons and open documents. I t al so organi zes the
appl i cati ons and documents i nto groups. Wi thi n these groups
resi de i cons that represent each appl i cati on and document.
prompt Text di spl ayed by a command that tel l s you the i nputs
expected by that command.
prompt field Menu gadget that di spl ays prompt messages to the user.
query A search i n a database.
query criteria Val ues used to l i mi t a database search.
raster Pattern of hori zontal scanni ng l i nes on the screen of a CRT:
i nput data causes the beam of the tube to i l l umi nate the
correct pi xel s on these l i nes to produce the requi red
characters, curves, and so forth.
raster data Generi c term that refers to a group of pi xel s. Each of these
pi xel s has an associ ated col or and together they form a
vi ewabl e i mage.
raster data file Fi l e contai ni ng raster data (pi xel s). Raster data fi l es can be
generated by opti cal scanner, vi deo frame grabber, di gi tal
camera, i nteracti ve pai nt package, and so forth. I ntergraph
raster data fi l es are characteri zed by speci fi c data formats
whi ch are i denti fi ed i n the fi l e headers.
raster file See raster data file.
raster graphics Term that may refer to raster data, canvases, or fi l es.
RDBMS Acronym for Rel ati onal Database Management System, the
software that l ets you organi ze, store, and mani pul ate data i n
a database.
real Data type whi ch stores a range of fl oati ng poi nt numbers.
The storage requi rement and range of val ues are dependent
on the computer and compi l er.
record Groupi ng of l ogi cal l y rel ated data whi ch can be mani pul ated
as a si ngl e enti ty. One or more records make up a fi l e or a
tabl e. Al so known as a row or tupl e.
relation Tabl e or vi ew.
relation privilege Pri vi l ege granted to a schema regardi ng i ts access to rel ati ons
i n other schemas.
Glossary GL - 15

relational database Organi zes data i n two-di mensi onal tabl es to defi ne
rel ati onshi ps.
relational database
management system
Database management system that adheres to concepts
defi ned by the rel ati onal database model .
Relational Interface
I ntergraph software system that provi des a generi c i nterface
for appl i cati ons to access many popul ar rel ati onal database
management systems.
relational operators Operators used to test speci fi ed condi ti ons. Used to search for
ranges of database col umn val ues.
relativepathname Sequence of di rectori es l eadi ng from the current di rectory to a
parti cul ar fi l e. See al so pathnameand absolutepathname.
report Standard and user-defi nabl e tabl e format for i nformati on
queri ed from the database.
report template A templ ate that can be processed agai nst i nput data to
produced formatted output.
resize To change the si ze and posi ti on of a form or wi ndow.
resolution Number of pi xel s of whi ch a screen i s composed. The greater
the number of pi xel s, the hi gher the resol uti on.
RIS Acronym for Rel ati onal I nterface System, the software that
l ets di fferent rel ati onal database management systems
communi cate wi th each other.
root El ement upon whi ch an associ ati ve el ement or macro
row Groupi ng of l ogi cal l y rel ated data whi ch may be mani pul ated
as a si ngl e enti ty. One or more rows make up a fi l e or tabl e.
Al so known as a record or tupl e.
run To execute a program or process.
runtime Ti me at or duri ng whi ch a program or process i s executed.
schema Concept descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard as a col l ecti on
of tabl es and vi ews. Wi thi n RI S, thi s col l ecti on corresponds to
the col l ecti on of tabl es and vi ews wi thi n a database.
scripts C-l i ke statements that l et you further customi ze reports.
scroll To move verti cal l y or hori zontal l y through di spl ayed text,
symbol s, or wi ndows.
GL - 16 Glossary

select To acti vate a command. Thi s can be done by the user or
set Groupi ng of i tems that can be mani pul ated as a si ngl e i tem.
Shamrock I ntergraph graphi cal user-i nterface tool ki t for Wi ndows NT.
shell Body of commands provi di ng i nterface to l ow l evel software.
For exampl e, a UNI X shel l provi des an i nterface between
users and the UNI X kernel .
short Data type whi ch stores a range of i nteger val ues. Storage
requi rement and range of val ues are dependent on the
computer and compi l er.
slider Numeri c gadget that accepts and di spl ays numeri cal val ues.
Al so, the three-di mensi onal porti on of a sl i der gadget that
moves al ong a l i near track.
smallint Data type whi ch stores a range of i nteger val ues. Storage
requi rement and range of val ues are dependent on the
computer and compi l er.
SQL Acronym for Structured Query Language.
statement Word or group of words that has a speci fi c meani ng i n a
programmi ng l anguage.
stop Termi nate a job or process.
string Sequence of characters.
Structured Query
Structured l anguage desi gned for accessi ng rel ati onal
database management systems.
syntax Rul es governi ng the structure and use of statements i n a
l anguage.
system Col l ecti on of i nformati on and processes desi gned to i nteract to
compl ete a task.
table Col l ecti on of data for qui ck reference, stored i n sequenti al
l ocati ons i n memory or pri nted as an array of rows and
col umns of data i tems of the same type.
table, database Col l ecti on of data rows (al so known as tupl es or records) and
col umns (al so known as attri butes or fi el ds). A uni t of storage
descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard.
templatelibrary A CLI X fi l e that stores templ ates.
Glossary GL - 17

text Graphi c gadget used to l abel other gadgets.
text editor Uti l i ty that l ets you create an ASCI I fi l e.
text field A fi el d on a report templ ate that pri nts a text stri ng.
Tiled CCIT Group 4 An I ntergraph modi fi cati on of pure Group 4 compressi on.
Data i s compressed i nto ti l es, wi th i nformati on descri bi ng the
ti l es wri tten i nto the fi l e header. When you want to vi ew data
from the fi l e, onl y the perti nent ti l es need to be decompressed.
I n most cases, the enti re fi l e does not have to be
timefield A fi el d on a report templ ate that pri nts the ti me the report
was processed.
toggle To swi tch; to change between two al ternati ves. Al so, a state
gadget that can be used to change between two al ternati ves.
top line A l i ne on a report templ ate that pri nts at the top to each page.
tuple Record or a row.
type Type of data that a programmi ng vari abl e can contai n.
universe A group of rows that match the current query cri teri a. A
uni verse i s generated by Process Query.
universereview A formatted l i sti ng of the current uni verse. I t contai ns al l
col umns that are toggl ed on.
UNIX General purpose operati ng system devel oped at Bel l
Laboratori es i n the l ate 60s and earl y 70s.
updateactive Key-i n mode that l ets a user establ i sh a new row i n the
current tabl e. Used wi th Insert Row.
user Person who uses a computer.
value Numeri c or character data.
variable Quanti ty that can assume any one of a set of val ues.
vector Quanti ty possessi ng both magni tude and di recti on, general l y
represented as a l i ne. Vectors can be mani pul ated
geometri cal l y and are represented as a coordi nate tri pl e
vector graphics Graphi cs composed of tradi ti onal geometri c el ements such as
l i nes, ci rcl es, curves, surfaces, and sol i ds. Vector geometry
can be represented by mathemati cal expressi ons defi ni ng al l
poi nts on the geometry.
GL - 18 Glossary

version The number associ ated wi th the speci fi c rel ease of a product.
vi ASCI I text edi tor avai l abl e on many systems.
view Concept descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard, used to
combi ne tabl es or restri ct access to col umns i n a tabl e. A vi ew
l ooks and acts l i ke a tabl e, but does not actual l y store data.
window I ndependent rectangul ar area whi ch di spl ays appl i cati ons or
documents and that can be moved, resi zed, reshaped,
mi ni mi zed, or maxi mi zed.
Windows NT General purpose 32-bi t operati ng system devel oped at
Mi crosoft Corporati on.
worksheet A mul ti pl e col umn fi el d that di spl ays data from one or more
workstation Termi nal that contai ns an i nternal CPU and can operate i n a
standal one mode or as part of a network.
I ndex I N - 1

I N - 2 I ndex

I ndex I N - 3


accessi ng
Database Edi t 6-3
Report Bui l der 3-6
Add Query A-1
arrays U-5
automati c resi zi ng U-5
ASCI I Structure D-3
attachi ng
schema 2-4
Before You Begi n 1-3
Bi nary Structure D-5
breakpoi nts
edi ti ng 4-9
revi ewi ng 4-9
setti ng 4-9
Change Al l C-1
Change Row C-3
character user vari abl es U-5
choose 1-4
code l i sts E-1
code sl ots
addi ng E-3
del eti ng E-4
code val ues
enteri ng E-4
coded col umns E-1
Col umn (Report Bui l der) C-4
col umn val ues
changi ng 6-7
col umns
coded E-1, BB-7
key BB-5
defi ni ng BB-6
msl i nk BB-4
seri al 6-7
ti mestamp CC-3
Copy Fi el d C-8
Copy Li ne C-10
Counter (Report Bui l der) C-12
Current Row C-14
Database Edi t
accessi ng 6-3
Date D-1
debuggi ng scri pts 4-6
Defi ne Structure D-3
Del ete Al l D-9
Del ete Fi el d D-10
Del ete Li ne D-12
Del ete Row D-13
Del ete Space D-14
del eti ng
rows D-9
del eti ng rows D-13
Deri ved D-15
document conventi ons 1-4
Dump Templ ate D-17
Edi t Code E-1
Edi t Fi el d E-6
Edi t Li ne E-7
Edi t Query E-10
Edi t Rel ati ons 2-8
Edi t Report Parameters E-11
Edi t Scri pt 4-3
edi ti ng database val ues 6-7
envi ronment vari abl es AA-3
error messages DD-3
Exi t E-13
Fi el d Format (Report Bui l der) F-1
Fi el d Operati ons (Report Bui l der) F-4
fi el ds
col umn C-4
counter C-12
date D-1
deri ved D-15
formats F-1
numeri c N-6
I N - 4 I ndex

fi el ds (continued)
page P-1
pl aci ng P-3
pri nti ng P-4
text T-1
ti me T-4
Fi el ds On/Off F-3
functi on vari abl e
di spl ayi ng 4-10
hel p
usi ng on-l i ne 1-5
i denti fy 1-4
seri al col umns 6-7
I ni ti al i ze Query I -1
I nsert Row I -2, U-3 U-4
I nsert Space (Report Bui l der) I -3
joi n col umns 2-6
mul ti -schema 2-7
outer joi n 2-7
Key Col umn K-1
key col umns BB-5
defi ni ng BB-6
key i n 1-4
l i brari es 2-6
l i ne breakpoi nts 4-9
Li ne Operati ons (Report Bui l der) L-1
Li ne Scri pt L-2
Load From Li brary L-5
l oadi ng templ ates
query E-10
Locate Graphi cs L-8
l ogi cal operators A-2
real l ocati on U-5
Modi fy Sort M-1
mouse 1-4
Move Fi el d M-5
Move Li ne M-7
mscodel i st BB-7
msl i nk BB-4
mul ti -schema joi ns 2-7
New Bl ank
report N-1
New Defaul t
report N-3
Numeri c N-6
off fi el ds F-3
on fi el ds F-3
on-l i ne Hel p 1-5
outer joi n 2-7
Page P-1
parts of the Hel p wi ndow 1-5
Pl ace Fi el d (Report Bui l der) P-3
Pl ace Li ne P-5
pl aci ng fi el ds P-3
col umn C-4
counter C-12
date D-1
deri ved D-15
numeri c N-6
page P-1
text T-1
ti me T-4
pri nt condi ti on P-4
Process Query P-8
Process Report P-9
queri es
edi ti ng E-10
l oadi ng E-10
processi ng P-8
savi ng E-10
query cri teri a
addi ng A-1
cl eari ng I -1
creati ng 6-5
l ogi cal operators A-2
processi ng 6-5
rel ati onal operators A-2
substri ng searches A-1
usi ng 6-5
I ndex I N - 5

rel ati onal operators A-2
Report R-1
Report Bui l der
accessi ng 3-6
bl ank N-1, 3-5
defaul t N-3, 3-3
savi ng S-1
unrel ated tabl es 3-5
reserved tabl es BB-3
reset 1-4
Revi ew R-2
Revi ew Vari abl es 4-10
RI S Report Wri ter
templ ates 2-5
RI S Schema Manager BB-4
changi ng val ues C-1
del eti ng D-9, D-13
i nserti ng I -2, U-3 U-4
revi ewi ng R-2
uni que
i denti fyi ng BB-3
Save Report S-1
savi ng templ ates
query E-10
attachi ng 2-4
managi ng BB-4
Scri pt Debugger 4-6
Scri pt Debugger Di al og Opti ons 4-6
scri pts
creati ng 4-3
edi ti ng 4-3
sel ect 1-4
seri al col umns 6-7
Set/Revi ew Breakpoi nts 4-9
sort keys M-1
del eti ng D-14
i nserti ng I -3
SQL Statements 7-3
structure templ ates
bi nary D-5
user data D-7
Structured Query Language (SQL) 7-3
SQL statements
al ter tabl e BB-5
create i ndex BB-7
substri ng searches A-1
tabl es
addi ng msl i nk BB-4
al teri ng BB-4 BB-5
mscatal og BB-5
mscodel i st BB-7
reserved BB-3
updati ng BB-4
Templ ate Li brari an 5-3
templ ate l i brari es 2-6
mai ntai ni ng 5-3
templ ates 2-5
ASCI I structure D-3
bi nary structure D-5
ASCI I dump D-17
bl ank N-1, 3-5
defaul t N-3, 3-3
processi ng P-9
savi ng S-1
unrel ated tabl es N-1, 3-5
user data structure D-7
templ i b 5-3
Text (Report Bui l der) T-1
Text Si ze T-3
Ti me T-4
ti mestamp col umns CC-3
Undel ete Fi el d U-1
Undel ete Li ne U-2
uni que row i denti fi cati on 6-7
uni verse of rows P-8, 6-5
uni verse revi ew R-2
unrel ated tabl es N-1
reports 3-5
Update Acti ve U-3
Update Row U-4
updati ng database val ues 6-7
User Vari abl e U-5
user vari abl es
arrays U-5
character U-5
Userdata Structure D-7
I N - 6 I ndex

usi ng on-l i ne hel p 1-5
uti l i ti es
schema management BB-4
vari abl es
envi ronment AA-3
vi ewi ng on-l i ne Hel p 1-5

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