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Muhammad Farooq Ahmmad.

Id. 070734-010

Zekria Mahwish.


Recourse person:

Mr. Shahid Habib.




Table of Contents.

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………… 03

Summery Of Report …………………………………………………. 04

What is KFC ............................................................................. 05

KFC Outlet ………………………………………………… 06

What about CUPOLA. ........................................................................... 07

Facts of KFC in Pakistan ……………………………………………... 08

Social responsibilities of KFC ……………………………………… 09



All Praises are for Almighty Allah who guide us in darkness and help us in difficulties

and all respect is for Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) who enables to recognize the light of truth

and the right path.

First of all I thanks to my God, who make me able to understand this project. And help

me in any problems, which I face during accomplish the project. And all rewards going to

my honorable Resource person Mr. Shahid Habib. Which is the great personality of my

life as well, where I learn a big one lesson from him. That’s why today I observe that my

ambition of life now bright, which I had forgotten in my past life till to that day. Again

thanks to my most respected sir, who gave me a chance to show up my performance in

front of this great personality.


Summery Of Report.

Basically this report contains the information of KFC, which gave an idea about its

regular company. This is known as CUPOLA. KFC is the other one big chain of this

company. CUPOLA is a multinational company which contains a four more brands. In

Pakistan KFC run a more than 43 outlets in 9 big cities. And more than 1200 employees

are working on all KFC chains. For betterment of this business they provided a lot of

facilities to their customers. Basic specialty in meal is chicken which they served a lot of

countries. As well as to running the business KFC take some social activities like as

envoi mental projects, traffic rules and regulations with keeps the advertisements.

Educational activities, special for children’s, visiting jail and providing food as well.

What is KFC?

Basically KFC is the abbreviation of Kentucky Fried Chicken. KFC was introduced in

first time in 1939. The name of its owner was Colonel Harland Sanders. The name of

KFC abbreviated in 1991. This is a fast food restaurant which provided a food to people

as well in different timing. This is a multinational chain.



The first Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet was open in 1952. Now it’s an out of 10000

outlets all over the world. But one thing I remember that we collect an information; one

outlet of KFC is providing a services in 24 hrs. This outlet is on MM AlAM road. The

head office of KFC is in Garden Town, which we visited.

What about CUPOLA?

CUPOLA is a multinational company. This has many more brands like as retail markets,

making toys, oil gas exploration; foods franchising etc. the offices of CUPOLA Company

are in Pakistan, United Arab Emirate, United Kingdom and Switzerland. The head office

in Dubai.

Basically KFC is the other one chain of CUPOLA so all the rules and regulation are

applied accordingly. The decision making authority and all other communication process

has been done through CUPOLA. The annual report submitted the company according.

Facts of KFC in Pakistan.

KFC open its first outlet in Pakistan since 1996, in Gulshan-e-Iqball Karachi. Now the

branches of KFC are 9 major cities in Pakistan. With the earning of its own the big

benefit Pakistan is to using its employees. And other big one facts is to earning of

Pakistani government in shape of tax. This is calculated 35 million per month. On other

hand for opening a new outlet that contain a cost of 40 million RS.

Social responsibilities of KFC.

With the business the KFC take some responsibilities as well for his own interests like

that environment. This project by KFC is that tree plantation, creating traffic rules and


Next one thing we take that KFC visited the jail and give them to free food and gifts for

children’s. Who had born in prisons. And they also a visited the child houses and provide

them food and other necessary things too.

They also arrange teacher conventions, teachers training workshops. And in Lahore they

open a special outlet for hearing impaired employees. Two or more outlets now open in

Islamabad and Lahore. Provide quality education to those students who are deprived of

being educated simply because they are unable to pay for the expenses.
KFC 10

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