Quiz Gramatica V

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Choose the correct alternative

1. I haven't really studied for this exam, ________ I feel a little
a) so b) unless c) but

2. Do not do anything ________ you hear from him first.
a) unless b) since c) therefore

3. ________ I was really tired, I took a nap for 15 minutes.
a) Although b) Since c) Unless

4. ________ she likes to play basketball, her favorite sport is tennis.
a) While b) Because c) Since

5. ________ it was really hot outside, I wore shorts.
a) Although b) Since c) Unless

6. He has always done well on exams. This time, ________, he failed.
a) however b) accordingly c) moreover

7. I won't be able to borrow any more money ________ I pay off some of my previous debts.
a) but b) until c) although

8. The little girl slept ________ her father played the guitar.
a) while b) therefore c) until

II. Complete the text using the connectors in the box. put the letters on the lines. (8 points)

The main reason for mimicking teen-idols is personal insecurity. Pre-teens are in between child and adult
stages. They are no longer children, as a result the ways they behaved in the past are no longer appropriate.
On the other hand, they are not yet adults; therefore/due to the fact they do not know the ways of the adult
world. This conflict can result in/as a result/so/therefore feelings of insecurity in contrast/but/while/whereas
when they were younger, they could whine and cry to get attention from their parents and other
children. however/but/although that kind of behavior would be "uncool" around their teenage peers. Often
as a result , the preteen does not know how to act his or her age because preteens do no know what to do,
they often turn to copy-cat behavior as a way to fit in and be more secure.
III. Write the sentences using the linking words given (2 point each, 14 points)
-adan went on working is spite of feeling unwell
-miguel forgot his passport in spite of having it on his list.

-Miryam studies english books so that she can answer quiz questions.
-Carlos wore boots so that her feet wouldnt get wet.

-the staff are working at weekends so as to complete the project in time.
-the government took these measures so as to reduce crime.

-Maybe you should take plenty of money in case you decide to fly instead
-I have money, in case of trouble call 911.

5. AS
-they were walking home as they were discussing the problem.
-the cars is empty, as it had been upside down.

-I travel by bus owing to you can stop off at interesting places.
-Owing to frequent wars on the border, all male laborers have been enlisted into the army.
-He was transferred to work in Liaoning province owing to the needs of his work

-I dont want to go a restaurant; besides, we cant afford it.
-I dont want to go a gym; besides, we cant play with a 4 soccer player.

a) Due to the fact b)but c) however d)on the other hand e) consecuently f)as a result g)whereas

h) as a consecuence

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