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J 17000.9005

July 3, 01!

PUD C"#$%$&'#(y

Palmetto Bluff is a plannedunit development subdivision consisting of large
estate residential lots detached and attached singlefamily homes, resort
rental accommodations, commercial / retail development and golf courses with
other recreational amenities. The proect site is located in the Town of Bluffton,
!", and is a portion of the Palmetto Bluff Tract. #evelopment within the proect
must conform to the Palmetto Bluff Tract $aster Plan, as adopted by the Town of
Bluffton. Plans and documents included in this application are consistent with
the concept P%#, development agreement and &nitial $aster Plan.

PUD D'$()%*&%"#

Palmetto Bluff is a '(),))) acre tract of undeveloped woodland located in
!outhern Beaufort "ounty, !outh "arolina. The site was anne*ed into the Town
of Bluffton to facilitate the development of a new, largetract Planned %nit
#evelopment +P%#,. The property is bounded by the $ay -iver on the north, the
$ay and "ooper -ivers on the east, and the .ew -iver on the south and west.

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$ay -iver /orest, 00" is continuing development of Palmetto Bluff with the
construction of $oreland Bloc1 0. The proect is appro*imately '23.2 acre
located along the ban1 of the "ooper -iver which will consist of 3) residential
lots and infrastructure proposed. 4 pump station is also proposed with this

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The proect area involves many soil types including5 $urad, 0a1eland, Pic1ney,
"oosaw, 6onges, and "hipley. &ndications show that the proect area contains
maority loamy fine sand. !lopes range from ) to 7( percent.

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The site is presently consists a wooded mi*ture of hard wood and pine. 8fforts
shall be made to limit tree removal.


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There will be a wetland impact for the proposed proect. The impacts are
permitted under #epartment of the 4rmy permit : ())9;7<;=>) and can be
found on sheets ?9 @ ?2 of 77( on the enclosed cd.

,u)-2(' 12&') P)"&'(&%"# Pl2#

The previously established and delineated preserved wetlands for this
proect are primarily located within the central and western areas of the proect.
The previously established and delineated A"-$ "ritical 0ine for this proect is
located around the north, east, and southern perimeter of the site.
/or areas adacent to preserved wetlands within the proect, Aption B
from =.(.9." will e*ist. 4 (2;foot undisturbed buffer will be maintained along with
a double row of silt fence constructed to prevent e*cess sedimentation and
direct runoff from the site. 4deBuate silt fence will be installed beyond the (2;ft
preserved wetland buffer and maintained for the entirety of this proect as
shown on the erosion control plan, sheets5 8"(.7;8"9.=. 4 list of standard notes
and details addressing maintenance can be found on sheets5 8"7.7;7.( @ 8"2.7;

Fl"". 4"#'

The maority of the site is located in Cone 4>, which is an area determined to be
within the 7))year floodplain with base flood elevation of 7=. The site can be
found on /lood &nsurance -ate $ap .umber 92)))(2 )77)#.

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Traffic will be routed off of Ald Palmetto Bluff -oad to Ald $oreland -oad for the
proposed proect.

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Borrow material for the overall proect development is generated by lagoon

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4s well as providing aesthetics and recreational components for the planned
development, the proposed lagoons will primarily serve for managing
stormwater runoff by providing water Buality and water Buantity control.
"onseBuently, the lagoon is designed to attenuate and safely convey the (,

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7) and (2year rainfall events and safely pass the 7))year rainfall event off the
site without impacting upstream or downstream of the proect watershed.

$oreland Bloc1 0 will drain to the e*isting and proposed lagoon and enter into
the e*isting series of lagoons, centrally located throughout the $oreland area.
!tormwater Buality for the site shall be addressed treatment through vegetative
filtration in roadside swales, littoral shelf vegetative filtration, wet ponds and
infiltration shall be promoted through the use of stormwater reuse in irrigation.


4ll buildings are reBuired to meet /ire @ Building "ode reBuirements prior to

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$oreland Bloc1 0 will consist of multiple road sections throughout the
development. 0isted below are the road sections5

Ald $oreland -oad +.orth side of Bridge,
Didth E (( feet
!ection E !loped at appro*. (F
$aterial E 4sphalt
-ightofway E Garies
#rainage E Ane !ided "urbing, &nlets and Pipe

Ald $oreland -oad +!outh of Bridge,
Didth E () feet
!ection E !loped at appro*. =F
$aterial E !hell/aggregate mi*ture
-ightofway E Garies
#rainage E -oadside swales, &nlets and Pipe

Bac1shore !treet, "auley "ree1 -oad, Portage !treet, &n1berry !treet
Didth E () feet
!ection E !loped at appro*. (F
$aterial E 4sphalt
-ightofway E Garies
#rainage E "urbing, &nlets and Pipe

Hannah 0ane, 0andings "emetery 0ane,
$oreland Trail, 4lley I, "orley !treet
Didth E () feet
!ection E !loped at appro*. =F
$aterial E !hell/aggregate mi*ture
-ightofway E Garies
#rainage E -oadside swales, &nlets and Pipe

Page 9 of 9

4lley 2,
Didth E 79 feet
!ection E !loped at appro*. (F
$aterial E !hell/aggregate mi*ture
-ightofway E Garies
#rainage E -oadside swales and natural drainage

4lley 7
Didth E 7( feet
!ection E &nverted "rown !loped at appro*. (F
$aterial E4sphalt
-ightofway E Garies
#rainage E &nlets and Pipe

4lley (, =, 9, and >
Didth E 7( feet
!ection E !loped at appro*. =F
$aterial E !hell/aggregate mi*ture
-ightofway E Garies
#rainage E -oadside swales, &nlets and Pipe

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Trails and sidewal1s within Palmetto Bluff will be constructed as part of the
building construction and not site development. Therefore the sidewal1s may
not be installed prior to reBuest for final "ertificate of "ompliance or
Accupancy. !idewal1s and trail systems will be constructed at the earliest
possible time as it relates to completion of infrastructure that may adversely
affect them.

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