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Purpose: To review Citizens concerns regarding Seattle School District No.

1 submitted during the audit

period and to consider in planning our audit.
Procedures: We will review information and follow-up with the District to address citizen concerns.

Conclusion: We will follow-up on each Hotline in our folder at

Hotline Issue ID Status First Last Submitted Date Sent To Team
H-13-174 Open Chris Jackins 4/1/2013 4/1/2013
H-13-415 Open Chris Jackins 9/16/2013 9/16/2013
H-13-487 Open Anonymous 10/29/2013 10/29/2013
H-13-507 Open Rita Green 11/13/2013 11/13/2013
H-13-485 Closed Melissa Westbrook 10/28/2013 10/28/2013

(1) H13-174 Citizen did not waive confidentiality.
Re: Appeal of DNS Determination of Non-Significance for Horace Mann School Modernization Project
Citizen has concerns regarding environmental impact for the BEX IV Capital Plan which includes the
Horace Mann School modernization project. Citizen contacted SPS on 3/9/13 requesting additional
information and a request to extend the deadline for the appeal process. The citizen asserts the DNS
was invalid (not signed by the SPS environmental official, Robert Boesche) and that authority for an
alternate signature was not established. Secondly, the environmental impact of the project was not
adequately addressed.
Request to SAO and City Office of Ethics and Elections is to review of the Districts SEPA (State
Environmental Policy Act) review process based on the following concerns:
1. District protocol for providing adequate response to the citizen queries during the SEPA review
2. District protocol for providing public records of motions upon request.
3. The appearance of objectivity given the Districts administering role in the appeal process while
defending the Districts interests.
4. The appearance of objectivity by the Hearing Examiner hired by the District to review and issue
rulings on the District. A Hearing Examiner who wishes continued employment by the District
may feel pressure to issue rulings that are favorable to the District.

(2) H13-415 Citizen did not waive confidentiality.
Re: Seattle Teacher Residency (STR) Program
Background info: The District seeks to hire approximately 25 teachers per year who successful complete
the STR program. Teacher residents will work alongside a mentor teacher for one year. At the end of
one year a contingency contract will be offered to students who complete program requirements. The
citizens concerns include the following:
1. Is there sufficient monitoring of resources to ensure all STR program expenditures benefit the
2. Did the School Board vote specifically to approve the expenditure and acceptance of resources
related to the STR program? (Current policy is for the Board to approve all expenditures that
exceed $250,000, but believes that STR related expenditures are not covered by this policy.
3. MOA and MOU are used interchangeably in the agreement. Citizen requests confirmation that
there is no distinction between these references.
4. Citizen questions the use of the STR contingency contract and the impact to terms outlined per
the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Do current District under CBA contact have first right to
job openings?
5. Does the District have legal authority to administer contingency contracts? Does the STR
program give STR graduates an unfair advantage over other applicants?

(3) H13-487 Citizen did not waive confidentiality
SPS has failed to evict community members from the Horace Mann School facility which is costing
$1,000 per day in construction delays. Citizen references the following blog location for more
information regarding this matter:
Background: The Horace Mann building at 24
and Cherry was the home of the NOVA project (an
alternative high school) from 1979-2009. The Nova project was moved to the Meany building in 2009. In
October 2010 the District leased the building to Peoples Family Life Center (PFLC). The PFLC then sublet
the building to Seattle Armistad School and other groups. The District allegedly publicly disclosed its
knowledge of these activities and took no action to evict the groups illegally occupying the premises. In
June of 2013 the District issued a Short Term Revocable Occupancy Agreement that stated the original
agreement with PFLC was terminated and Seattle Armistad School could remain on the premises until
8/16/2013. The Armistad School consented per agreement to pay a $100 utility fee and vacated the
building on 8/15/13. It is not clear if any rent was paid to the District by the Armistad School. The
remaining groups that occupy the building formed a coalition claiming civil disobedience and refused to
vacate the building.
This citizen asserts that illegal use of the building was ongoing for approximately 3 years. The matter
escalated only when the District obtained funding and decided to renovate the building. The District has
not been proactive in evicting tenants and has gifted public funds by allowing tenants to remain on the
premises without a rental agreement. Citizen asserts that construction delays will result in penalties
that will increase the cost of the project, push back the date the High School is scheduled to reopen,
and impact other projects scheduled for renovation.
Furthermore the District may be held accountable and liable for potential litigation for activities that
took place on District property involving children and/or vulnerable students receiving services or
engaged in activities without parental consent or knowledge.
(4) H13-507 Citizen waived confidentiality.
Rita Green, parent and PTSA president requests information regarding grant guidelines for state funded
position. I have a concern that an Family Support Worker (FSW) position is not being funded 2013-2014
school. Citizen wants to know why a CTC position is being funded by the grant since this position does
not address the needs of Rainier Beach HS. Can the District amend the contract to fund the position that
directly addresses the needs of the school.

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