WET DYE - The Race (Ashley Sample)

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The following is just a sample of the story and not the official copy.

The current setting is Vancouver, Canada on January 7


On this cold winter day, there is an event called the Magna Grand Prix where each participant
races with a new method of transportation that allows you to lift off of the ground and go
incredibly fast on magnetic surfaces. Essentially hoverboards, hoverbikes, and hoverskates
dubbed Magna-Boards, Magna-Bikes, Magna-Skates.

Every participant belongs to a team of 5. Each team must have a Captain, at least one of each
Magna-Tech, and at least one female.

There are two types of races. The preliminary races and the actual races themselves. In order
to participate in the actual race, every member must win 2 of the 3 preliminary races (Every
participant gets one beginner, intermediate, and expert course).

If even one member fails to win, the entire team cannot compete in the main races.

Ashley = Pr0_Ninja_Zer0, Brandon = Link14, Travis = T-Raz, Chris = The-Puerto-Rican-Penetrator,
Sharnice = Hita.

Thats all the information you need to understand at this point.

The Great Ashley

Several different teams were all coming in at the same time making the registration such a mess. It was
too bad that some of the participants decided to sleep in and get on the train at the last minute because
they could have been asleep at this point, but instead, theyre stuck in line for what appears to be a
century. This isnt the case for some of the more logical participants. Ashley just happened to be
watching a crowd of people trying to fit into one hotel from the 8
floor. It was such a disaster she
chuckled to herself in her warm soft bed. She wanted to read in order to pass the time, but it was so
noisy from where she was sitting, that she wouldnt be able to concentrate. It was only noon and she
didnt know how to keep herself busy. She took out her laptop and began browsing on the internet on
her bed. Before she even got comfortable, she heard a couple knocks on her door followed by a couple
of voices. One was a mans voice deeper than the Pacific Ocean, and another a teenage girls voice. She
assumed it could be some knocking on the wrong door, but judging from the conversations outside, she
could only guess it was her friends. She looked through the peephole and saw a couple of familiar faces.
Then she opened the door and greeted the both of them.
Are you two just getting here? Ashley said.
Nah we got here about a couple hours ago. Brandon said.
And you just now found my hotel room? I didnt think it would be that hard.
What? No. We were with Yami earlier.
Yami? You two saw Yami?
Yeah it was Yami! It was really him! Sharnice said with a smile.
Yeah he looked just like we thought he would. Brandon said.
His friend Aaron hehe he called me sunshine. Sharnice began to blush.
That guy was something but hes not going anywhere near you Shar.
Well, maybe I like him. Maybe not like like himbut you know, he was cool.
What about his other teammates? Ashley asked.
There were 2 really quiet guys. One was nicer looking and he had a bike with him. The other kid was
super serious. He never smiled or talked at all. Brandon said.
Yeah he kinda scared me with the way his eyes looked. He looked so small, but you could tell he was
super smart. Sharnice said.
We think that guy is your opponent Ash.
Why are you guys afraid of him? Yamis too soft to let just anyone join his team. Did he manage to find
a girl on his team? Ashley said.
You make it sound like hes not capable of doing it. Sharnice said.
Lilly hehe. She was kinda cute. Brandon said.
Dont say that about Yamis sister! What if he heard you? Sharnice said.
Yami has a sister? Ashley said.
Yeah. Im surprised he never told us about her. Brandon said.
Yeah I didnt think he had a sister either. But she was really nice and optimistic. It just made you want
to smile! Sharnice said.
Is she younger or older?
Younger I think Brandon said.
She said she was a freshman earlier, and I think Yamis a sophomore. Sharnice said
Oh yeah. So shes younger.
No wonder Yami is so dramatic over every little thing. Ashley thought.
You really should have met him. It was really fun. Brandon said.
We should get together after the race. Sharnice said.
I have a long ride home after this. It would have to wait another time. Ashley said.
Oh thats right. You live the farthest from all of us. Brandon said.
That sucks Sharnice said.
Besides, he doesnt sound any different. Im sure he would just say the stupidest things to me
Dang. I think you need to give him a little more credit than that. Brandon said.
Im sure Ill see him before the races start. Ashley said.
Yeah you might be in the preliminary race with him! Sharnice said.
I wouldnt bet on it.
What time is your race tomorrow? Brandon asked.
My first one is the beginner track at 11:56 AM and my second is the intermediate track at 2:14 PM
Doesnt sound like you have the same one as him. But youre lucky. Thats a good time. You dont have
to wake up early like the rest of us. Brandon said.

The preliminaries officially began today. After a hot shower and slowly preparing for the big day,
Ashleys nerves were beginning to show. This was only the qualifying round, but in the event that she
didnt qualify to move on, she would risk her whole team being unable to participate in the real deal.
She didnt expect to do the best among the racers because she knew that others have trained their
whole lives to partake in events like these. This wasnt her being pessimistic as it was being realistic.
Winning isnt everything so long as her team is able to move on.
After making her way down to the arena, she found her queue full of people she would be racing with.
Some of the racers definitely stood out among the rest in hairstyles, clothing, or just with their natural
genes. Paying them no mind, she put on her team jacket and her helmet, made some adjustments to
her board, and made her way to the starting line. Waiting very patiently, she got a look of the seemingly
snowy terrain and tried to find an optimal route. It was really hard to tell what was ahead of her
because it got really foggy really fast. Before she knew it, the lights dimmed and the Magna-Tech shone
brightly around them. Her board was glowing white and pink in particular.
I have to win in less than 3 minutes if Im going to win this race. And with 3 laps, thats one minute a lap.
Since this is the beginner race, I shouldnt have too much trouble with it.
I wish this stupid thing would hurry already.
As soon as she heard the final sound, she took off. Despite being mentally prepared for it, a lot of the
racers got the jump start before her. She couldnt see anything because of all the fog, but she prepared
for any sudden movements she would have to make. It turns out, her instincts were right. There was a
sharp right turn right in front of her. As she began to lean to the right side, she couldnt judge the
distance between her and the wall very well. In that instant, she thought she might not make the turn.
Slightly panicking, she kept trying to turn, but lost a little speed in the process. Her board was just
barely hugging the wall until she had finally succeeded and pushed off against it. She gave herself a little
boost as she was catching up to the other racers. She heard the sounds of metal hitting against the wall
she had trouble getting past. She couldnt look behind her, but she could almost tell that a couple of the
racers had crashed and were really set back from it. Despite knowing this, she couldnt celebrate yet.
There was still a long way to go before she would be able to settle down.
One boy she saw in particular was wearing a red vest with a blue board. He was definitely a professional
at racing with the way he swayed side to side picking up speed as he went along. A lot of the others
made it a habit to follow him, but Ashley knew exactly what he was doing. By purposely making the
racers follow him, he can make them avoid the shortcuts until the 3
lap. Then, when he uses these
shortcuts, the followers wont have any idea that they were there because they would be focused on
him the entire time. Ashley knew better than to fall for a silly trap like that, so she tried to look around
herself and look for an easier way to catch up to him. She barely saw a path in the distance that split the
road into two. This path she saw was a tunnel. Inside this tunnel, she was either moving her away from
the finish line or towards it. She took her chances. At the end of the tunnel, she saw the boy in the red
vest. And quickly caught up to him putting her in what appeared to be 8
place out of the 30 or so
Its been 55 seconds since the race started. Ashley could see a clock displayed overhead, but she did her
best not to look at them until she finished the first lap and got herself familiar with the course. She
could tell she was close because the fog was noticeable in the distance. Any tiny distraction could lead
to a fatal mistake. Her board began to push her at a whopping 40 mph. She wasnt very comfortable at
this speed especially with so many artificial pine trees and hills in her way.
She managed to cross at 1:01:00 which wasnt bad considering how bad she was at the first turn.
Unfortunately, a few people found the shortcut that the boy was trying to lead them away from and she
knew a lot of the racers would start to use that shortcut to get past her.
Before 2 minutes even passed, she was able to finish her second lap. Her mind was at ease and she
knew that the rest should get a little easier. Since this was the beginner course, it was only natural that
this would be easier than the other courses. But something was different about this lap. The lights
changed to a crimson reddish color and the stage became a lot hotter. It wasnt just her imagination as
it turned out that the ground was flowing with lava. The quick change of scenery was staggering, but it
was just a scene. That is until her board started slowing down as a result. She had to make her way to
higher ground if she was going to be able to finish strong. The tunnel that she had used before was
completely doused with the hot stuff and she realized she had to take the normal route. The route that
was completely unfamiliar to her.
There were blowtorches that spewed fire from the sides and she couldnt see a path that would allow
her to avoid the obstacle. She realized she would have to correlate her speed with the flame of the
torches and thought that this was a joke. Things werent looking good as she made her way to the
flames. She only had one shot at this otherwise she would lose her board to a race track. She decided
to kick up her speed to 55 mph. The fastest that she was able to handle. As much as she wanted to
close her eyes to avoid the pain of the fire, she had to look where she was going. She cursed a storm as
she passed the depths of hell. Before she knew it, she made it through unscathed and unharmed. Now
she had to slow down in order to make another right turn. With unbelievable reactions, she managed to
get the right amount of speed she needed to make the turn and finish the race with 20 seconds to spare.

Hey Ashley! Congratulations! Travis said. Trying to give Ashley a hug.
I guess. I didnt really have to try. The courses were simple. I expected a little more than that. Ashley
But you always make those look so easy during practice! Youre a pro and you know it! Travis said.
Please you give me way too much credit.
You know damn well that youre a genius Ashley! Quit trying to hide it. Chris said.
A genius? Heh. I suppose thats one way to look at it.
The important thing is we all won the preliminary races. So were moving on to the real thing.
Brandon said.
Oh my god. I hope I make it past the first round. Sharnice said.
What are you talking about Shar? Youll do fine. Chris said.
Yeah Chris is right. Youll be fine. Youre not just an amateur.
Now that we all managed to win the preliminary races, we have to make sure we beat Yami and win
the race ourselves. With how well weve done so far, Id say we have a much better chance than they
do. Wouldnt you guys agree?
Everyone agrees.

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