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Installing PostgreSQL on

Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Fedora Core

Last Update: Mon Sep 03, 2007
Written by
Devrim GNDZ !GDG "!M Maintainer# devrim$!ost%reS&L'or% and
Lamar ()en !GDG "!M Maintainer# *o)en$pari'ed+
,** -ontrib+tions are )e*-ome' !*ease .ee* .ree to drop +s e/mai* abo+t yo+r -omments'#
This article will talk about the details of installing PostgreSQL Database Server on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux !edora "ore# RP$s are read%&to&install binar% files for 'an% Linux distributions#
Please note that this article is written for (#) and above* so so'e infor'ation 'a% not fit %our
+eneral infor'ation
PostgreSQL +lobal Develop'ent +roup ,P+D+- builds RP$s for various Linux distributions# .t
the ti'e of this writing* we have RP$s and SRP$s for the following platfor's
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 1* 2 and 3
!edora "ore 4*5*(
6n Pg!oundr%* there is a pro7ect for building RP$s0
!urther'ore* there are &hackers* &general and &announce 'ailing lists# .ll discussions are open
to ever%one#
6btaining the RP$s
The RP$s are available on PostgreSQL !TP site and all of its 'irrors# !or %our convenience* %ou
'a% tr% using web interface of PostgreSQL !TP site# That site will suggest %ou the suitable
'irror,s- for %ou# The 8RL is0
/ !or x(4 and x(4942 architectures#
:hich RP$ for what purpose;
P+D+ ships the following RP$s0
postgres<l&libs The postgres<l&libs package provides the essential shared libraries for an%
PostgreSQL client progra' or interface# =ou will need to install this package
to use an% other PostgreSQL package or an% clients that need to connect to
a PostgreSQL server#
postgres<l >f %ou want to 'anipulate a PostgreSQL database on a local or re'ote
PostgreSQL server* %ou need this package# =ou also need to install this
package if %ou?re installing the postgres<l&server package#
postgres<l&contrib The postgres<l&contrib package contains contributed packages that are
included in the PostgreSQL distribution#
postgres<l&devel The postgres<l&devel package contains the header files and libraries
needed to co'pile " or "@@ applications which will directl% interact with a
PostgreSQL database 'anage'ent server and the ecpg E'bedded "
Postgres preprocessor# =ou need to install this package if %ou want to
develop applications which will interact with a PostgreSQL server#
postgres<l&docs The postgres<l&docs package includes the S+$L source for the
docu'entation as well as the docu'entation in PD! for'at and so'e extra
docu'entation# >nstall this package if %ou want to help with the PostgreSQL
docu'entation pro7ect* or if %ou want to generate printed docu'entation#
postgres<l&server The postgres<l&server package includes the progra's needed to create and
run a PostgreSQL server* which will in turn allow %ou to create and 'aintain
PostgreSQL databases# =ou should install postgres<l&server if %ou want to
create and 'aintain %our own PostgreSQL databases andor %our own
PostgreSQL server# =ou also need to install the postgres<l package and its
postgres<l&tcl The postgres<l&tcl package contains the Pgtcl client librar% and its
postgres<l&7dbc The postgres<l&7dbc package includes the #7ar files needed for Aava
progra's to access a PostgreSQL database#
postgres<l&plperl The postgres<l&plperl package contains the the PLPerl procedural language
for the backend# PLpgSQL is part of the core server package#
postgres<l&pltcl The postgres<l&plperl package contains PLTcl procedural language for the
backend# PLpgSQL is part of the core server package#
postgres<l&plp%thon The postgres<l&plp%thon package contains the PLP%thon procedural
language for the backend# PLpgSQL is part of the core server package#
postgres<l&p%thon The postgres<l&p%thon package includes a 'odule for developers to use
when writing P%thon code for accessing a PostgreSQL database#
postgres<l&test The postgres<l&test package includes the sources and pre&built binaries of
various tests for the PostgreSQL database 'anage'ent s%ste'* including
regression tests and bench'arks#
:hich packages should > use;
>f %ou feel laB% about reading the descriptions above* here is a shortcut for 'ini'al scenarios0
>f %ou want to run a PostgreSQL server* install postgres<l&libs* postgres<l and postgres<l&
>f %ou want to run a client* install postgres<l&libs and postgres<l rp's#
!or so'e cases* %ou 'ight 7ust want to install postgres<l&libs for so'e packages like PHP#
Package na'es also include version and architecture infor'ation# 6fficial PostgreSQL +lobal
Develop'ent +roup RP$?s have a ?P+D+? after the release nu'ber# 6ther RP$set?s as distributed
with Linux distributions 'a% have a different release nu'ber and initials# The version nu'bering
is the sa'e as PostgreSQL#
>t is preferable for the distribution&specific set to be the one used* as the P+D+ set is
intentionall% generic# So* if %our distro has a set of RP$s* use the' in preference# >f %ou want to
sta% up&to&date on the PostgreSQL core itself* use the P+D+ generic set && but understand that it is
a +ECER>" set#
These RP$s no longer support an% sort of upgrading process other than that docu'ented in
the regular docu'entation# That is* %ou 'ust du'p* upgrade* initdb* and restore %our data# =ou
'ust re'ove the old server subpackage* install the new package and restore the data fro'
RP$ !ile Locations
To be in co'pliance with the Linux !HS* the PostgreSQL P+D+ RP$s install files in a 'anner
not consistent with 'ost of the PostgreSQL docu'entation# .ccording to the standard PostgreSQL
docu'entation* PostgreSQL is installed under the director% usrlocalpgs<l* with executables*
source* and data existing in various subdirectories#
Different distributions have different ideas of so'e of these file locations# >n particular* the
docu'entation director% can be usrdoc* usrdocpackages* usrsharedoc*
usrsharedocpackages* or so'e other si'ilar path# The Red Hat !edora "ore locations are
listed below0
Executables /usr/bin
Libraries /usr/lib
Docu'entation /usr/share/doc/postgresql-x.y.z
"ontrib /usr/share/pgsql/contrib
Data /var/lib/pgsql/data
Dackup area /var/lib/pgsql/backup
Te'plates /usr/share/pgsql
Procedural Languages /usr/lib/pgsql
Develop'ent Headers /usr/include/pgsql
6ther shared data /usr/share/pgsql
Regression tests /usr/lib/pgsql/test/regress ,in the &test package-
Executables /usr/bin
Docu'entation S+$L /usr/share/doc/postgresql-docs-x.y.z
The above list references the Red Hat !edora "ore structure# These locations 'a% change for
other distributions# 8se of ?rp' &<l? for each package is reco''ended as the ?6fficial? location
These RP$s are designed to be LSD&co'pliant && if %ou find this not to be the case* please let us
know b% wa% of the pgs<lrp's&hackersEPg!oundr%#org 'ailing list#
>nstalling and 8pgrading PostgreSQL RP$s
>nstalling P+D+ RP$s are as eas% as installing an% RP$s
rpm -ivh package_name.version.arch.rpm
8nless specified* on 'inor release upgrades ,i#e#* upgrading fro' (#)#F to (#)#/ or (#)#2* etc
%ou 'a% use usual RP$ upgrade process0
rpm -Uvh package_name.version.arch.rpm
Please note that on ever% new 'a7or version upgrade* %ou have to follow du'preload
se<uence# However please dont forget to read the Release Notes before upgrading
because on some cases minor versions may need a dump/reload process. At those times
if you use -U switch, then you will probably lose data !lease refer to "#ow do $ perform
a ma%or upgrade&' section.
$an% of the RP$s are signed with the P+P ke% of the package builder# Directories contain a
"8RRECT9$.>CT.>CER file which includes the na'ee'ail of the package builder and link to their
P+P ke%# =ou 'ight want to i'port the signature before %ouGll install the RP$0
rpm import http://link/to/the/pgp/key
8nless this is not done* %ou can installupgrade the RP$s but %ouGll be thrown a warning#
=ou 'a% subscribe to pgs<lrp's&generalEpgfoundr%#org list for 'ore details#
Re'oving RP$S
=ou 'ight want to take a full du'p ,and possibl% a files%ste' level backup- before re'oving
RP$s# Re'oving an PostgreSQL RP$ is as eas% as re'oving an% RP$0
rpm -e package_name
Defore the re'oval of server package* if there are an% running processes* all are stopped# =ou
donGt need to stop it#
Starting PostgreSQL for the first ti'e and init script
Red Hat Linux uses the S%ste' H >nit package# . startup script for PostgreSQL is provided in
the server package* as etcrc#dinit#dpostgres<l# To start the post'aster* with sanit% checking*
as root* run
service postgresql start
To shut the post'aster down*
service postgresql stop
There are other para'eters to this script && execute ?service postgres<l? for a listing#
6n so'e cases %ou 'ight want to edit this init file# !or exa'ple* %ou 'ight want to pass a I
localeJ### para'eter to initdb* etc#
) (#/ is the 'a7or version nu'ber* and F*/*1* etc are 'inor version nu'bers
This script does the following sets defaults for configuration variables and then perfor's the
given action ,stop* start* etc-# During the startup* first the script checks whether the database
cluster has been initialiBed or not# >f not* then %ou 'ust run0
service postgresql initdb
This option is new as of (#) # Defore (#)* service postgresql start was calling initdb
when the cluster was not initaliBed#
Then the service is started as usual#
=ou 'a% also reload the server for so'e changes to take effectK but please look at the
PostgreSQL docu'entation for the conditions that the database server needs a restart or a reload#
Starting PostgreSQL auto'aticall% at s%ste' startup
To get this script to run at s%ste' startup run0
chkconfig postgresql on
and the proper s%'links will be created# See the chkconfig 'an page for 'ore infor'ation#
Cote that this is 'anual && while the startup script can include tags to allow chkconfig to
auto'aticall% perfor' the s%'linking* this is not done at this ti'e#
How do > perfor' a 'a7or upgrade;
"urrentl%* PostgreSQL RP$s does not provide a data upgrade feature a'ong 'a7or releases ,or
clearl%* upgrades that re<uire an initdb#- This work in under progress# >n order to upgrade to a
'a7or version* %ou should follow the following steps0
Take a full du'p using pg9du'pall
=ou 'ight want to take a files%ste'&level backup also# This is intentional#
"heck the backupsL ,Do it againL-
Cow* stop the database server0
/sbin/service postgresql stop
Re'ove all postgres<l rp's# Please note that %ou?ll probabl% need a &&nodeps switch at the
/bin/rpm -e `/bin/rpm -qa|grep postgresql^`
/bin/rpm -e `/bin/rpm -qa|grep postgresql^` --nodeps
During the re'oval of packages* so'e scripts will be run to re'ove postgres user and to
uninstall postgres<l service* etc#
Please note that re'oving of postgres<l&server RP$ will not also re'ove varlibpgs<l
database cluster0
/bin/rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql
>nstall new RP$ sets
Start database server
/sbin/service postgresql start
Edit conf files* if %ou need#
Reload the data to the new server ,=ou 'a% need to edit %our data-#
### and %ou?re doneL
1 Detter0 binr' &rf Mpostgres or best take a files%ste'&level backup of this director% b% using bin'v for exa'ple
Rebuilding fro' Source RP$
>f %our distribution is not supported b% the binar% RP$?s fro' PostgreSQL#org* %ou will need to
rebuild fro' the source RP$# Download the #src#rp' for this release# =ou will need to be root to
rebuild* unless %ou have alread% set up a non&root build environ'ent#
>nstall the source RP$ with rp' &i* then "D to the rp' building area ,on Red Hat or !edora "ore
this is usrsrcredhat b% default-# =ou will have to have a full develop'ent environ'ent to rebuild
the full RP$ set#
This release of the RP$set includes the abilit% to conditionall% build sets of packages# The
para'eters* their defaults* and the 'eanings are0
beta F Nbuild with cassert and do not strip the binaries
pltcl / Nbuild the postgres<l&pltcl package#
7dbc / Nbuild the postgres<l&7dbc package#
plperl / Nbuild the postgres<l&plperl package#
test / Nbuild the postgres<l&test package#
plp%thon / Nbuild the postgres<l&plp%thon package#
pltcl / Nbuild the pltcl portion of the postgres<l&pl package#
plperl / Nbuild the plperl portion of the postgres<l&pl package#
ssl / Nuse 6penSSL support#
kerberos / Nuse Oerberos 3 support#
nls / Nbuild with national language support#
pa' / Nbuild with P.$ support#
runselftest / Ndo P'ake checkP during the build#
x'l / Nbuild contribx'l)
pgfts F NDuild with Ienable&thread&safet%
To use these defines* invoke a rebuild like this0
rpm --rebuild --define 'plperl 0' --define 'pltcl 0' \
--define 'test 0' --define 'runselftest 1' \
--define 'kerberos 0' postgresql-8.2.4-1PGDG.src.rpm
This line would disable the plperl* pltcl* and test subpackages* enable the regression test run
during build* and disable kerberos support# =ou 'ight need to disable runselftest if there is an
installed version of PostgreSQL that is a different 'a7or version fro' what %ou are tr%ing to build#
The self test tends to pick up the installed libp<#so shared librar% in place of the one being built 0&
,* so if that isn?t co'patible the test will fail# .lso* %ou can?t use runselftest when doing the build
as root#
$ore of these conditionals 'a% be addedre'oved in the future#
"ontrib !iles
The contents of the contrib tree are packaged into the &contrib subpackage and are processed
with 'ake and 'ake install# There is docu'entation in usrsharedocpostgres<l&contrib&
HERS>6C for these 'odules# $ost of the 'odules are in usrlibpgs<l for loadable 'odules* and
binaries are in usrbin# >n the future these files 'a% be split out* depending upon function and
$ore >nfor'ation
=ou can get 'ore infor'ation at http0www#postgres<l#org
Please help 'ake this packaging better && let us know if %ou find proble's* or better wa%s of
doing things# =ou can reach us b% e&'ail at pgs<lrp's&hackersEPg!oundr%#org#

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