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Brief Bio-Data

Ram Dev Bharadwaj

Email <
<> < Googal Scholar ramdev
bharadwaj >
Phone: 0755-2489972 Mobile: 09893114541.
Professor Ram Dev Bharadwaj is Rector in Makanlal Chature!i "ational #niersit$ o%
&ournalis' ( Co''unication) *ho+al. ,e has been Pro%essor ( ,ea! in the -e+art'ent o% Political
.cience) Chair'an *oar! /% .tu!ies) -ean .tu!ent0s 1el%are) -ean 2orei3n .tu!ents 45airs) -irector) -r.
4'be!kar .tu!$ an! Research Centre) -irector o% 6nteract 6n!ia Pro3ra''e) -irector) P!. 7un8ilal -ube$
Centre %or Parlia'entar$ .tu!ies ( Political 9!ucation an! Pro%essor in char3e o% #niersit$ 9'+lo$'ent
6n%or'ation ( :ui!ance *ureau) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur) ;M.P.< 6n!ia
Prof. Bharadwaj obtaine! +ost-3ra!uation ;M.4.< in Political .cience an! secure! =rst +osition
in or!er o% 'erit an! >as con%erre! >ith Gold Medal from Jiwaji Universi!" Gwalior in 1980) M.Phil.
%ro' the .chool o% 6nternational .tu!ies) &a>aharlal "ehru #niersit$) "e> -elhi in 1985 an! Ph.-. %ro'
Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur in 1992.
Prof. Bharadwaj has been a>ar!e! an international scholarshi+ b$ 3oern'ent o% 6n!onesia
an! stu!ie! 6n!onesian ?an3ua3e culture an! histor$ in the 2acult$ o% ?etters at #niersit$ o% :a!8ah
Ma!a) @o3$akarta an! #niersit$ o% 6n!onesia) &akarta !urin3 the aca!e'ic $ear 1984-85. ,e >as also
awarded Gold Medal b! S#$arno %o#ndaion for &d#caion" Ja$ara %or his eAcellent research >ork
on .ukarno an! 6n!onesian "ationalis') in 1984.
Prof. Bharadwaj >as a++ointe! as a 'ndian scholar a %oreign (ang#ages Press" Beijing)
6nstitute o% 4sia an! Paci=c .tu!ies) Chinese 4ca!e'$ o% .ocial) .ciences) *ei8in3)China !urin3 1991-92.
,e has also been a++ointe! fellow of Sal)b#rg seminar*++) b$ .chloss ?eo+ol!skron an! >as inite!
as a isitin3 %acult$ in the -e+art'ent o% Political .cience at #niersit$ o% .alBbur3) #niersit$ o%
6nnsbruck) #niersit$ o% Cienna an! 4ustrian 6nstitute %or 6nternational a5airs) ?aAenbur3) in 1999-2000.
-r. *hara!>a8 has also awarded ,-i..on %ellowshi. /01 b$ the -e+art'ent o% 6nternational 45airs)
the "i++on 2oun!ation) Dok$o) &a+an %or 1999-2000.
Prof. Bharadwaj has been honore! b$ Dr Shan$ar Da!al Sharma Shrajan Samman*/223
%or eAcellent aca!e'ic lea!ershi+ in the =el! o% Political .cience ( Pubic 4!'inistration . Dhe a>ar! >as
3ien %or his book on 6n!ian an! 6nternational Relations) b$ Ma!h$a Pra!esh ,in!i :ranth 4ca!e'$)
*ho+al 2008.,is Research Pa+ers ;i<6n!ian /cean ;ii< China0s .9Es has also been a++reciate! an!
4warded Radha$rishanan Samman b$ Ma!h$a Pra!esh #niersit$ :rants Co''ission) *ho+al !urin3
1990 an! 1992. Pro%. *hara!>a8 is 'e'ber o% boar! o% +ublication series o% .ino-6n!ian Cultural 9Achan3e
series) *ei8in3) China.
Prof. Bharadwaj has published Thirtee books (i) Chinas Economic liberalization (ii) Sukarno and Indonesian
Nationalism (iii) India and World Politics (iv) Crisis of Morality in Leadership (v) ar!il"Crisis and its Solution (vi# Indian and
International $elations (vii) International Politics Contemporary %rends & Issues (vii) International Politics"%heories &
Contemporary Problems (ix) 'uman $i!hts and (iplomacy and also edited three books )ith Prof* Wan! Shuin! on (x)Sino+Indian
Cultural E,chan!es and Comparati-e study (xi) $eli!ion and Indian Society (xii) .uddhism and Chinese Culture*/xiii# 0i-ekananda1
Sukarno and Indonesian Nation .uildin!
Prof. Bharadwaj has contributed o-er !i"et# re$earch %a%er$ in the leadin! refereed research 2ournals of International
repute both Indian and forei!n includin! Indonesian 3uarterly1 .ei2in! $e-ie)1 4andhi Mar!1 Strate!ic 5nalysis1 Political Science
$e-ie)1 Indian 6ournal of Political Science1 International 5bstract of Political Science1 6ournals of %he Institute of 'uman $i!hts
1$e-ie) of Politics1 Madhya .harati1 %hird Concept1 0islesana $esearch 6ournal * Some of his papers ha-e also been translated in
Chinese1 7rench1 6apanese and Spanish Lan!ua!e* &ift# 'ix research article published in leadin! ne)s papers* 'e has participated in
(we"t# (hree International and )"e *+"dred (e" National Conferences and Seminars
,cademic ,ctivitie$ - 'i."ifica"t /o"trib+tio"
National Awards and Appreciation -05 International Fellowships and Awards -05
Reference Boo$s P#blished567" Research Pa.ers P#blished*****+2
4ricles P#blished 8 93. 'nernaional Seminars:;onferences***
-aional Seminars:;onferences***662 Research &<.eriences***/9!rs.
=eaching &<.eriences*** 72 !rs. 4dminisraive &<.eriences* **/2 !rs.
Ph.D. 4warded562 Ph. D. Scholars regisered***23
>rgani)ed -aional Seminars***23 >rgani)ed -aional celebraions529.
4dminisraive 4ssignmens5/2 4cademic 4ssignmens5/?.
/0RR1/0203 4 51(,E
Name : Dr. RAM DE !"ARAD#A$
Date o% !irth : Ma$ 8) 1955.
&%%icial Address
Makhanlal Chature!i "ational #niersit$
o% &ournalis' ( Co''unication
38-* Cikas *ha>an )MP "a3arEone-6)
*ho+al-4F2011. MP.
9-'ail G ra'!ebhara!>a847Hre!i5''I
< Googal Scholar ramdev bharadwaj >
Residence Address : ,J-20) 9-7) 4rera Colon$
*ho+al-48201F. MP.
09803114541; Mob.<
Details o% academic 'areer : 3.,. Political 'cie"ce6
7irst (i-ision1 89: 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior Madhya Pradesh1
@btained 7irst Position in Political Science 1 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1
4)alior1 <=>?*
Master of Philosophy :
2irst -iision) :ra!e K4L .chool o% 6nternational
.tu!ies) &a>aharlal "ehru #niersit$) "e> -elhi)
Doctor of Philosophy :
5)arded Ph*(* (epartment of Post+4raduate Studies &
$esearch in Political Science1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 and
6abalpur A /M*P*# <==B
()*per +ower Ri,alr- in Indian &cean and India./ 6i)a2i
;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 <=>?*
,S#$arno and 'ndonesian -aionalism@ 6+/A*
?91" .chool o% 6nternational .tu!ies) &a>aharlal
"ehru #niersit$) "e> -elhi) 1985.
,(eadershi. and 'ndonesian -aionalism@ 4
S#d! of S#$arno1" -e+art'ent o% Political
.cience) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur) 1992.
Areas o% )peciali0ation :
Awarded 1old Medal : ()mt. id-a,ati )harma )marak 1old Medal. )as a)arded for
obtainin! first Position in M*5* in Political Science by
6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior <=>?*
(!*n2 3arno 1old Medal. )as a)arded for research )ork on
()*karno and Indonesian Nationalism. by Sukarno
7oundation for Education1 6akarta1 Indonesia1 <=>C*
5)ardees of the International Scholarship by 4o-ernment of
Indonesia to Study Indonesian Lan!ua!e1 'istory and
Culture in the ;ni-ersity of 4ad2ah Mada1 Do!yakarta
and ;ni-ersity of Indonesia1 6akarta1 <=>E+>C*
Indonesian )cholarship :
isitin2 )cholar at 'hina : In-ited as a -isitin! Indian scholar to study and )ork on
Chinese literature1 culture history and politics in
7orei!n lan!ua!e press1 .ei2in! and Institute of 5sia+
Pacific Studies1 Chinese 5cademy of Social Sciences1
.ei2in!1 China1 6une <==< A Sept* <==B*
)al0b*r2 Fellow : 4++ointe! as a .alBbur3 %ello>M 99 to +artici+ate in
a se'inar at schloss ?eo+ol!skren) .alBbur3.
4ustria on NChina an! the :lobal Co''unit$L.
-ece'ber 1999-2000.
Studied Indonesian Lan!ua!e in the 7aculty of Letters1
;ni-ersity of 4ad2ah Mada1 Do!yakatra and in the
;ni-ersity of Indonesia1 6akarta1 Indonesia1 <=>E+>C*
Successfully passed an e,amination for Indonesian
Lan!ua!e from the School of Lan!ua!es 6a)ahar Lal
Nehru ;ni-ersity1 Ne) (elhi1 <=>F*
Non De2ree 'o*rse :
isits Abroad : 5ustria1 China1 7rance1 'on! A on!1 Indonesia1 Nepal1
Sin!apore1 S)itzerland and %hailand*
1*est Fac*lt- : ;ni-ersity of Salzbur!1 ;ni-ersity of Innsbruck1 ;ni-ersity of
0ienna1 5ustrian Institute for International 5ffairs1
Chinese 5cademy of Social Science1 .ei2in!*
Forei2n 4an2*a2e : $eadin! Writin! and Con-ersation abilities in En!lish
Lan!ua!e1 .ahasa Indonesia /Indonesian Lan!ua!e# and
Con-ersation ability in Chinese lan!ua!e*
Research E5perience : 78 years of research e,perience !uidin! Ph*(* students out of
)hich fi-e a)arded1 and fi-e re!istered*
%hree years in the (i-ision of south East 5sian studies1 School
of International Studies1 6a)aharlal Nehru ;ni-ersity1 Ne)
(elhi1 from <=>B to <=>8*
@ne year in the 7aculty of Letters1 ;ni-ersity of Indonesia1
6akarta1 and ;ni-ersity of 4ad2h Mada1 Do!akarta <=>E+>C
@ne year & four months in Institute of 5sia and Pacific Studies1
Chinese 5cademy of Social Sciences and 7orei!n Lan!ua!e
press1 .ei2in!1 China <==<+=B
Form*lated +ro6ect : Completed 7ord 7oundation funded pro2ect on G)*r,e- o%
Indian #ritin2s in the %ield o% International
Relations. )ith (r* .ashiruddin 5hmad1 (irector of
Centre for Study of (e-elopin! Society1 Ne) (elhiA
Co'+lete! Pro8ect on B'ndiaCs %oreign
Polic! and Recogniion of 0am.#chiaC
>ith -r. ..R. .har'a) .a+ru ,ouse) "e> -elhi)
Academic 'o*nselin2 : Counselin! for application oriented course in consumer studies
/5CS+?<# and .*(*P* Pro!ramme conducted by Indira
4andhi National ;ni-ersity1 Ne) (elhi*
'ond*cted Research : Conducted research )ork on ()ino-Indian '*lt*ral Relations 7
with )pecial Re%erence to India8s In%l*ence on 'hinese
'*lt*re./ ('on%*ci*s and 'on%*cianism. and 'hina8s
)ocialist Moderni0ation./ under the super-ision of Prof*
Wan! Shuyin! (i-ision of South+5sian 'istory1
$eli!ion and Philosophy1 Institute of 5sia+Pacific
Studies1 Chinese 5cademy of Social Science1 .ei2in!
China1 <==<+=B*
'on%erences 9 )eminars Attended : 79 International Seminars and Conferences ::; National
Seminars and Conferences*
)pecial 'o*rse Attended : Participated in a course on GAmerican +olitics and
'onstit*tion8 Sponsored by the ;nited States
Educational 7oundation of India1 Ne) (elhi and
5merican Studies $esearch Centre1 'yderabad1 May
<?+<91 <=>9*
&rientation:Re%resher 'o*rses : $efresher course on HComputer 5pplication in Political
ScienceI1 under ;*4*C* scheme1 or!anized by
5cademic Staff Colle!e1 $*(* ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur
from Sept* B< to @ct* <?1 <==8*
$efresher course on HIndian Political SystemI1 under ;*4*C*
scheme1 or!anized by 5cademic Staff Colle!e1 $*(*
;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from Sept* B> to @ct* <81 <==>*
Re%resher course on NMeasure'ent ( 9!ucationL)
un!er #.:.C. sche'e) or3aniBe! b$ 4ca!e'ic .ta5
Colle3e) R. -. #niersit$) &abal+ur %ro' &an. 11 to
2eb. 2) 1993.
N/rientation Course on ?inka3e bet>een societ$.
9niron'ent. -eelo+'ent an! 9!ucationL.
/r3aniBe! b$ 4ca!e'ic .ta5 Colle3e) R. -.
#niersit$) &abal+ur %ro' &ul$ 5 to &ul$ 31) 1993.
P+bli$hed <; Re$earch ,rticle$6
in the 2ournals of National and International repute such as
Indonesian ;*arterl- From $akarta/ Indonesia/
!ei6in2 Re,iew From !ei6in2/ 'hina/ )hanti Doot
From &lso/ Norwa-/ 1andhi Mar2 From New Delhi/
+olitical )cience Re,iew From $aip*r/ Re,iew o%
+olitics %rom Ara/ $o*rnal o% The instit*te o% "*man
Ri2hts %rom Na2p*r/ Madh-a !harati %rom
)a2ar/Rachna %rom Academ- !hopal/ International
+olitical )cience Association Abstracts From France/
)trate2ic Anal-sis From New Delhi/ The Indian
$o*rnal o% +olitical )cience From Madras/ D<tente
$o*rnal and Third 'oncept From New Delhi.
Published more than se-enty articles in leadin!
International and National Ne)s Papers on Socio+
political problems of contemporary societies*
Research +*blication :
+*blication o% !ooks : P+bli$hed :9 boo=$6
D6E ;hinaCs &conomic (iberali)aion
D/E S#$arno and 'ndonesian -aionalism
D7E ;risis of Morali! in (eadershi.
(4) 'ndia and Modern ForldD in Hindi)
(5) 'ndian and 'nernaional Relaions(in
(6) 'nernaional Poliics ;onem.orar!
=rends G 'ss#es
;7< International Politics: Theory &
Contemporary Issues.
;8< Diplomacy & uman Ri!hts.;in ,in!i<
;9< Porrais of >rdinar! ;hinese" ;Dranslate!
in ,in!i
;10< Ciekanan!a ).ukarno ( 6n!onesian "ation
"dited with Prof. #an! $huyin!% China
;11< $ino&India Cultural "'chan!es;in Chinese<
;12< Buddhism and Chinese Culture;in Chinese<
;13< Reli!ion and Indian $ociety;in Chinese<
+ro6ects in +ro2ress : /<# Sino+Indian cultural e,chan!e*
/B# 4andhian Influence on Indonesian Society
/F# Suhartos leadership and Indonesian (e-elopment*
/E# Leadership1 Liberalization & (e-elopment in Madhya
E5tra '*rric*la : Participated and a)arded in easy )ritin!1 debates1 and poetry
competitions* Prized as a !ood speaker and also
associated )ith N*S*S* acti-ities*
Administrati,e E5perience : Chairman% *oar! o% .tu!ies in Political .cience)
ead% -e+art'ent o% Political science %Dean%
.tu!ents 1el%are) Dean) 2orei3n .tu!ents 45airs)
Professor in char!e o% #niersit$ 9'+lo$'ent
6n%or'ation ( :ui!ance *ureau ) ) Director -r.
4'ba!ker .tu!$ an! Research Centre)
$uperintendent o% *o$s ,ostel)( 9Aa'inations in
Teachin2 E5perience : %hirty year e,perience of teachin! & research
Co&editor and in (d)isory* editorial +oard :
1. 9A+ert 'e'ber in 4!isor$ *oar! o% N Decision and Action Research Journal-DART,
Published by DART Trainin ! Research "nstitute, #ant $ade %aba A&ra'ati (ni'ersity,
A&ra'ati, )"##*+,-.5-5-,/0
2. Co-e!itor o% N1ishlesana Research Journal, &ournal o% R. -. #niersit$) &abal+ur
F* Indian member of Editorial .oard of publication series on Sino Indian Cultural Exchanges and Comparative
study, bein! published .ei2in! China*
4. Chie% 9!itor 23ducation in Asia, Ouarterl$ &ournal o% 4sian 4ca!e'$ o% 9!ucation an!
Culture) *ho+al.
5. Me'ber o% 9!itorial *oar! o% 2Re'ie4 o5 6olitics, *i-4nnuall$ &ournal o% Political .cience)
Ceer 7un>ar .in3h #niersit$) 4ra) *ihar. 6.."-0972-143F
F. 4!isor )-ecision an! 4ction Research &ournal)4'raati)6.."-0975-590J
,ife Mem+er of ,earned $ocieties :
-. Ma!h$a Pra!esh Political .cience 4ssociation) #88ain) .. 6n!ian .ociet$ o% :an!hian
stu!ies) Caranasi) /. .ukarno 2oun!ation %or 9!ucation) &akarta) 6n!onesia) 0. 6n!ia -
China 2rien!shi+ 4ssociation) *ho+al% 1. Ra8asthan Council %or 9!ucational 4!'inistration
( Mana3e'ent M RC94M- #!ai+ur) Ra8asthan) 2. 4sian 6nstitute o% ,u'an Ri3hts
9!ucation) *ho+al) 3. 2oun!er eAecutie 'e'ber o% Ma!h$a Pra!esh Council %or
Curriculu' an! 6nstruction) &abal+ur 4. Me'ber o%. 1orl! Council %or Curriculu' an!
6nstruction) 6n!ia Cha+ter) 5. Cisitin3 %ello> o% Chinese 4ca!e'$ o% .ocial .ciences)
*ei8in3) China
DI)TIN'TI&N) A#ARD): "&N&=R) : FE44&#)"I+)
!ro" #am $ev %harad&a'
E-mail > ramde,bharadwa6?@Aredi%%mail.comB Mob- 0CDCEFF?5?F
<> < ? 'cholar ramdev bharadwaj >
1"ter"atio"al &ellow$hi%$ a"d ,ward$
67ippon 8ellowships .9: >as a>ar!e! b$ R$oichi .asaka>a @oun3 ?ea!ershi+
2un! an! the .asaka>a 9n!o>'ent 2un!) Dhe "i++on 2oun!ation) -e+art'ent
o% 6nternational 45airs) Dok$o) &a+an %or 1999-2000.
6$al;+ur! 8ellow&55:% a++ointe! as a 2ello> o% .ession 373) K China an! the
:lobal Co''unit$0) b$ .alBbur3 .e'inar) .chloss ?eo+l!skron) .alBbur3)
4ustria) -ece'ber 1999-2000.
6Indian $cholar <5.:% 6nite! as a isitin3 6n!ian .cholar to stu!$ an! >ork on
Chinese literature) Culture) ,istor$ an! +olitics) b$ 2orei3n ?an3ua3es Press)
*ei8in3) China) an! also associate! >ith 6nstitute o% 4sian-Paci=c .tu!ies)
Chinese 4ca!e'$ o% .ocial .ciences) *ei8in3 China) &une 1991 .e+te'ber 1992.
6Bun! 9arno =old Medal &41:% >as a>ar!e! %or) research >ork !one on
K.ukarno an! 6n!onesian "ationalis'0 b$ .ukarno 2oun!ation %or 9!ucation)
&akarta) 6n!onesia) 1985.
6Indonesian $cholarship &40:% 6nternational .cholarshi+ >as a>ar!e! b$
Ministr$ o% 9!ucation an! Culture) :oern'ent o% 6n!onesia) &akarta) to stu!$
6n!onesian ?an3ua3e) ,istor$ an! Culture in the &urusan .attra 6n!onesia)
#niersit$ o% :a!8ah Ma!a) @o3$akarta an! #niersit$ o% 6n!onesia) &akarta)

!atio"al ,ward$ a"d ,%%reciatio"

Dr Shan$ar Da!al Sharma Shrajan Samman*23 a>ar!e! b$ Ma!h$a Pra!esh
,in!i :ranth 4ca!e'$) *ho+al %or eAcellent an! creatie >ritin3s in Political
.cience an! Public 4!'inistration. Celebration took +lace at *harat *ha>an)
*ho+al 2eb 1st)2010) a>ar! 3ien b$ ,i3her 9!ucation Minister ,on0ble .hri
?aA'i 7ant .har'a) Chie% .ecretar$ &ai!ee+ :oin!) an! -irector o% 4ca!e'$
-r. :oin! Prasa! .har'a
:$mt. >idya)ati $harma $mara? =old Medal&4@: >as a>ar!e! %or obtainin3
=rst +osition in M.4. in Political .cience) b$ &i>a8i #niersit$) :>alior) 1980.
6ChinaAs "conomic Reform: The Role and $i!niBcance of $"Cs: the research
+a+er >as a++reciate! an! a>ar!e! %or KRa!hakrishnan .a''an0 b$ the Ma!h$a
Pra!esh #niersit$ :rants Co''ission) *ho+al an! subsePuentl$ re+ublishe! in
its research 8ournal Cin$as) 1992. Political .cience) Col. ?666) no. 3) 1992) ++1-42.
@'+%er Power Revelr# i" 1"dia" )cea"A the research paper )as appreciated and a)arded for G$adhakrishnan
Samman by the Madhya Pradesh ;ni-ersity 4rants Commission1 .hopal1 and subseJuently republished in its
research 2ournal 0inyas1 <==?* %he article )as ori!inally published in G(Ktente 0ol* IL1 no*B+F1 <==?1 pp <=+
P0B21/,(1)! )& B))B'
Ram De, !haradwa6
E-mail > ramde,bharadwa6?@Aredi%%mail.comB Mob- 0CDCEFF?5?F
<> < Googal Scholar
ramdev bharadwaj >
1. ;hinaCs &conomic (iberali)aion" Publishe! b$ ?ancers *ooks) "e>
-elhi an! "e> @ork
/Qce at 1ashin3ton) 1995) ++
2. S#$arno and 'ndonesian -aionalism" Publishe! b$ Rahul
Publication) -elhi) 1997) ++.
3F0.6.*".9788173880742 (81-7388-074-3
3. ;risis of Morali! in (eadershi." ;e!.<) Publishe! b$ Rai
Publishers &abal+ur) 1999) ++. 183.
4. 'ndia and Forld Poliics" ;in ,in!i< Publishe! b$ Ma!h$a Pra!esh
,in!i :ranth 4ca!e'$) *ho+al) .iAth 9!ition) 2001) ++. 334.
5. 'ndia and 'nernaional Relaions) ;in ,in!i< Publishe! b$ Ma!h$a
Pra!esh ,in!i :ranth 4ca!e'$) *ho+al) 2irst 9!ition) 2003) ++. 32F.
F. 'nernaional Poliics ;onem.orar! =rends G 'ss#es ;e!.<)
Publishe! b$ #:C 4ca!e'ic .ta5 Colle3e) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$)
&abal+ur) 2004) ++. 480.
7. 'nernaional Poliics@ =heor! G ;onem.orar! Problems) ;in
,in!i < Publishe! b$ MP ,in!i :ranth 4ca!e'$) *ho+al) =rst
e!ition) 2008)++528
8. Di.lomac! G H#man Righs" ;in ,in!i < Publishe! b$ MP ,in!i
:ranth 4ca!e'$) *ho+al) =rst e!ition) 2011++528
9. Porrais of >rdinar! ;hinese" ;Dranslate! in ,in!i< e!ite! b$ ?iu
*in3>en an! Jion3 ?ei) Publishe! b$ 2orei3n ?an3ua3e Press) *ei8in3
China) 1993. ++. 483.
62. Iive$ananda" S#$arno and 'ndonesian -aion B#ilding Din
,in!i<) Publishe! b$ +ublication -iision)4khila *harti$a 6thasa .anklana
@o8ana)"e> -elhi) =rst e!ition)2013)++.44)6.*"-979-83-82424-07-
11. 1an3 .hu$in3 an! Ra' -e *hara!>a8) Co-e!ite!) Sino*'ndian ;#l#ral
&<change and ;om.araive S#dies" ;6n Chinese lan3ua3e< series o%
.ino-6n!ian Cultural 9Achan3es) Col. 6) Publishe! %ro' *ei8in3) China
1994) ++. 289.
12. B#ddhism and ;hinese ;#l#re" ;6n Chinese lan3ua3e< .eries o% .ino-
6n!ian Cultural 9Achan3es. Col. 66) Publishe! %ro' *ei8in3) China 1994.
P+. 277.
13. Religion and 'ndian Socie!" ;6n Chinese lan3ua3e< .eries o% .ino-
6n!ian Cultural 9Achan3es) Col. 666) Publishe! %ro' *ei8in3) China 1994.
++. 275.
M(his !ro'ect &or) is *eing conducted *y Chinese Academy o" Social Sciences, Institute o" Asia+!aci"ic Studies,
%ei'ing, China. It is proposed to pu*lish a series o" Sino+Indian Cultural Exchanges in (&elve volumes. (hese
*oo)s are *eing translated *y a group o" scholars o" $elhi ,niversity and o" -a&aharlal Nehru ,niversity, Ne&
$elhi in English .anguage.
0!DER P0B21/,(1)!
F. Indo-+ak Relations/ National Publishin! 'ouse1 Ne) (elhi
H. Modern Indonesia/ /in 'indi# Madhya Pradesh 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal*
9. &orei." Polic# of 1"dia /in 'indi# Madhya Pradesh 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal*
E* International 4aw/ /in 'indi#1 Madhya Pradesh 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal
21'( )& RE'E,R/* P0B21/,(1)!'
$am (e- .harad)a2
E-mail > ramde,bharadwa6?@Aredi%%mail.comB > ramde,bharadwa6?@Amc*.ac.inB

<> < Googal Scholar ramdev
bharadwaj >
Mob- 09893114541
<=>E HIndias 7orei!n Policy %o)ards South+East 5siaI1 /in 'indi# 3o*til-a $o*rnal o% +olitical )cience
Published from 0ikram ;ni-ersity1 ;22ain 0ol* III* <=>E
<=>C HIndian Culture" Its impact on Indonesian 'istory and CultureI1 )anskriti/ Published from Ministry
of 'uman $esources and (e-elopment1 (epartment of Education1 4o-ernment of India1 Ne) (elhi1
0ol* B91 No* E1 <=>C1 pp* CE+C9*
HIndia+Indonesia Economic $elationsI1 The Indonesian Times/ Published from 6akarta1 0ol* LII1 No*
>8* <=>C*
<=>9 N6n!ia-6n!onesia Relation : Do>ar!s 4 "e> 9raL) =he 'ndonesian
J#arerl!) Publishe! %ro' Center %or .trate3ic an! 6nternational .tu!ies)
&akarta) 6n!onesia) Col. JC) "o.2) 1987. ++. 293-305.
<=>> HPeace Security and (e-elopment in 5sia " %he $ole of India in )AAR' ./ )ocial )cience Abstracts1
0ol* LIII1 <=>>* pp*< F?+F<*
<=>= HSuper po)er $i-alry in Indian @ceanI1 +olitical )cience Re,iew/ 3uarterly 6ournal of ;ni-ersity of
$a2asthan 0ol* B>1 No* <+B1 6anuary+6une <=>=1 pp* =+E?*
HSuper po)er $i-alry in Indian @ceanI1 +olitical )cience Re,iew/ 3uarterly 6ournal of ;ni-ersity
of $a2asthan 0ol* B>1 No* <+B1 6anuary+6une <=>=1 pp* =+E?*
H4andhian Influence on Indonesian Leadership and $e-olution " 5 case study of Ir* SukarnoI1
Indian )ociet- o% 1andhian )t*dies Abstracts1 published by Mahatma 4andhi ;ni-ersity1
ottayam1 <=>=*
Plannin! and International relations" North+South and South+south CooperationI1 )ocial )cience
Abstracts1 0ol* LI01 <=>=*
South+South Cooperation " Study of A)EAN and )AAR'I1 3o*til-a arta/ published from $ani
(ur!a-ati* ;ni-ersity 6abalpur1 0ol* LII1 No*<1 <=>=* pp >F+>8*
HPeace Security and (e-elopment in 5sia" $ole of )AAR'./ D<tente/ 0ol* 0III1 No*<1 May+6une
<=>=1 pp*<+<F*
<==? H4andhi and SukarnoI1 1andhi Mar2/ 6ournal of 4andhi peace foundation Ne) (elhi1 0ol* LI*
6anuary+March <==? pp* E99+E><*
HSuper po)er $i-alry in Indian @ceanI1 in-as1 2ournal of Madhya Pradesh ;ni-ersity 4rants
Commission1 .hopal <==?*pp* =8+<<<* ISSN " ?+CCE+C<=8
HSuper Po)er $i-alry in Indian @ceanI1 D<tente/ .i+Monthly 2ournal on International 5ffairs1
Published from Ne) (elhi* 0ol* IL1 No* B & F1 6uly+@ctober1 <==?1 pp* <=+FC*
<==< H)AAR' " %he male SummitI1 D<tente1 .i+Monthly 6ournal on International affairs 0olume L No* E
<==< Ne) (elhi*
<==B HS55$C" %o)ards Collecti-e Self+$elianceI1 !ei6in2 Re,iew/ Published from1 .ei2in!1 China 0ol*
CC1 No*<1 6anuary1<==B1 pp*<B+<F
HS55$C" I autonomic Collecti-e /in 7rench lan!ua!e# !ei6in2 In%ormation. Published from .ei2in!1
China* F? annee1 No* <1 6anuary1 <==B1 pp* <F+<E*
H%his article on S55$CI has also translated and published in 6apanese and Spanish lan!ua!e from
.ei2in!1 <==B*pp* BE+B8*
H4andhi in the Eyes of Chinese Social ScientistsI 1andhi Mar2/ 6ournal of 4andhi Peace
7oundation1 Ne) (elhi* %his article submitted to LI0
Conference of Indian Society of 4andhian
Studies1 held at Ne) (elhi1 6an* <==B* %his article has also published in se-eral leadin! Ne)s Papers*
HNe) World orderI Third 'oncept/ 5n International 6ournal of Ideas1 Published from Ne) (elhi1
0ol* 81 No* 8C1 6uly1 <==B1 pp* BE+B>* ISSN "?=9?+9BE9
HIndian Culture in ChinaI" )hanti Doot. 0oice of Indian Immi!rants Published from @slo1 Nor)ay*1
0ol* F1 No* E1 6uly+5u!ust1 <==B*
HChina+Indonesia $elations" %o)ards Ne) EraI1 )trate2ic Anal-sis Published from the Institute for
(efense Studies and 5nalysis1 Ne) (elhi*1 5u!ust <==B* pp* E?<+E<C*
HNe) Era @pens for Sino+Indian $elationsI1 'hina Toda-/ Published from .ei2in!1 China 0ol* LII
No* =1 September <==B* pp* B8+B=* ISSN" <??F+?=?C
H$ussia+;S $elations" Chan!in! 4lobal EJuationsI1 Third 'oncept/ 5n International 6ournal of Ideas1
Ne) (elhi1 0ol* 81 No* 8>1 @ctober1 <==B1 pp* <=+BB*
H;*S* Mo-es !oal posts on 2etsI1 'hina Dail-/ Published from .ei2in!1 China 0ol* <B1 September <81
Chinas Economic $eforms" %he $ole and Si!nificance of SENsI The Indian $o*rnal &% +olitical
)cience/ Published by Indian Political Science 5ssociation1 Madras 0ol* LIII1 No* F1 <==B* pp*<+EB*
<==F HChina+6apan Economic $elationsI Third 'oncept Published from Ne) (elhi1 0ol*81 6anuary <==F1
pp* <9+B<* ISSN "?=9?+9BE9
HChinas Economic $eform" %he $ole and si!nificance of Special Economic NonesI )trate2ic
Anal-sis/ Published from (efense Studies and 5nalysis1 Ne) (elhi1 0ol* L01 No* <<1 <==F pp*
HChina " .lueprint of ModernizationI1 Third 'oncept/ Published from Ne) (elhi1 0ol* 91 5pril
<==F1 pp* EC+C<* ISSN "?=9?+9BE9
HChina" @pens (oor Policy and ModernizationI1 )trate2ic Anal-sis/ Published from (efence Studies
and 5nalysis1 Ne) (elhi1 0ol* LI01 No* <1 <==F1 pp* CF+=<*
HChinas Socialist ModernizationI* +olitical )cience Re,iew/ Published from $a2asthan ;ni-ersity1
6aipur1 0ol*B=1 Nos* <+E* <==?1 Published in May <==F1 pp* <CE+<C=* ISSN+?CCE+C<=8
HChinas Economic $eforms" %he $ole and Si!nificance of SENsI The Indian $o*rnal &% +olitical
)cience/ Published by Indian Political Science 5ssociation1 Madras 0ol* LIII1 No* F1 <==B* pp*<+EB*
HChinas Economic $eform" %he $ole and Si!nificance of S5NsI International +olitical )cience
Abstracts/ Published from Paris1 7rance* 0ol* EF1 No* F1 <==F*
HChina mein 'indi 5ur .hartiya Sanskriti en Shila LekhI1 1a2ananchal / Published from Indian
Council for Cultural $elations1 Ne) (elhi* 0ol* <81 5pril+May1 <==F1 pp* C?+8F*
H'uman $i!hts in Contemporary ChinaI1 Third 'oncept/ Published from Ne) (elhi1 0ol* 91 5u!*
<==F* pp* F=+EC* ISSN "?=9?+9BE9
HChinas Socialist ModernizationI* +olitical )cience Re,iew/ Published from $a2asthan ;ni-ersity1
6aipur 0ol*B=1 Nos* <+E* <==?1 Published in May <==F1 pp* <CE+<C=* ISSN+?CCE+C<=8

<==E HChina " 7our (ecades of ModernizationI1 ishlesana Research $o*rnal/ 6ournal of
$ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur*1 0ol* <1 No* <1 <==E pp* BF+FF*
HChina " 7our (ecades of ModernizationI1 ishlesana Research $o*rnal/ 6ournal of $ani (ur!a-ati
;ni-ersity1 6abalpur*1 0ol* <1 No* <1 <==E pp* BF+FF
<==C HChinas Strate!y for Economic $eform and ModernizationI in .a2pai1 Choubey and others /Eds*#
Emer2in2 Trends in Indian Econom-1 5tlantic Publishers and (istributors1 Ne) (elhi1 <==C1 pp A
CB9 A CC?*
HConcepts and $ealities of (emocracy1 6ustice and 'uman $i!hts in Contemporary ChinaI1 the paper
in the proceedin!s of International Seminar on 1andhi and F*t*re o% "*manit-/ Ne) (elhi1 <==C*
HEducational $eforms and de-elopment in ChinaI1 Third 'oncept/ published from Ne) (elhi1 0ol*
=1 @ct* <==C1 pp* 88+9E* ISSN "?=9?+9BE9
<==8 HChinas ;nderstandin! of 'uman $i!htsI1 in the proceedin!s of #''I Ei2hts Triennial #orld
'on%erence/ 5mritsar1 6anuary <==81
<==9 HPeaceful $eunification of 'on! on!I1 Third 'oncept/ published from Ne) (elhi1 0ol* <<1 <==91
pp* F9+EE* ISSN "?=9?+9BE9
HIndia+China and Ne) World orderI1 in $am2i Sin!h1 6ey Pra!an-an and *Walli /Eds# 1andhi
3ast*rba and inobha-A 'ontin**mI 5rina Publishin! 'ouse1 Ne) (elhi1 <==91 pp* <C9+
H'uman $i!hts" 0alues and Education in Contemporary ChinaI1 Ed*cation In Asia/ 3uarterly
6ournal published by 5sian 5cademy of Education and Culture1 .hopal1 0ol* <91 No* B1 5pril+6une1
<==91 pp* 99+>B*
<=== HChinas Economic $eform " %echnolo!ical and Economic En-ironment in SENs and Coastal CitiesI1
paper published in the proceedin!s of session F9F1 'hina and 1lobal 'omm*nit-/ Schloss
Leopoldskron1 Salzbur!1 5ustria 1 <===*
B??? H(iplomatic Science of 'uman $i!htsI1 in $ahas-ihari ()i-edi and amal Nayan Shukla /eds*#
)anskri,anma-e i6nan/ Shripal Printers1 6abalpur1 B??? pp* FEC A FCE*
HIndia+Indonesia $elations %o)ards Ne) EraI1 in 0erinder 4ro-er /eds#1 Indonesia7
1o,ernment and +olitics o% Asian 'o*ntries-J/ Published by (eep and (eep Publication1 P-t* Ltd1
Ne) (elhi1B???1 IS.N+><+9<??+=FB+>
H Chinas Socialist ModernizationI1 in 0* 4ro-er /eds#1 'hina and "on2 3on27 1o,ernment and
+olitics/ Published by (eep and (eep Publication P-t* Ltd*1 Ne) (elhi1B???1 pp+BCC+B9?1
0alue and Education in Contemporary ChinaI1 in 'emlata talesa1 Nalini Pancholy & Lal Na!da /eds*#
"*man Ri2hts Ed*cation7 A 1lobal +erspecti,eI1Published by $a2asthan Council of Educational
*administrati-e and Mana!ement1 ;daipur1 B???1 pp*99+>B1 IS.N+ ><+>9E=>+F?+L*

B??< HWorld @rder 7uture and (esire of (e-elopin! CountriesI1 in Mahabir Prasad Modi /eds*# New
#orld &rder and Indian Forei2n +olic-1 Mishra %radin! Corporation1 0aranasi1 B??<1 pp<8?+<89*
B??F HChinas Economic En-ironment lo!ical and Economic En-ironment in special Economic Nones
/SENs# and Coastal CitesI1 islesana Research $o*rnal1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 B??F
0ol* >1 No* <1 pp* <C<+<9E*
B??E HPro,y+)ar " In the Shado) of Indo+Pak $elationsI1 in 6oseph .en2amin /eds*# Indo-+ak Relations
+rospect and Retrospect1 $eference Press1 Ne) (elhi1 B??E1 pp* <CF+<>F* IS.N " ><+>>C>F+F9+C
%errorism " 4enesis1 (e-elopment and %rainin! CampsI in $am (e- .hara)a2 /eds*# International
+olitics 'ontemporar- Trends 9 Iss*es/ Published by ;4C 5cademic Staff Colle!e1 $ani (ur!a-ati
;ni-ersity1 6ablpur1 B??E1 pp <?C+<C>*
Leadership1 Liberalization and (e-elopment in ChinaI in $am (e- .hara)a2 /eds*# International
+olitics 'ontemporar- Trends 9 Iss*es/ Published by ;4C 5cademic Staff Colle!e1 $ani (ur!a-ati
;ni-ersity1 6ablpur1 B??E1 pp FBC+F>?*
Communal 'armony and Secularism Policies1 Pro!rammes and ConseJuencesI in $ekha ()i-edi &
$a2ee- (ubey /eds*# )ar,adharma K )ambha, 7 ek ishelsana, Published by $astriya Sampradayak
Sadbha- Pratisthan1 Ne) (elhi1 B??E pp* <=?+<=9*IS.N " ><+>>99B+?C+E
B??C HChan!in! (imension of 'uman $i!hts ;nder the .anner of 4lobalizationI in 5mbika 0erma /ed*#
"*man Ri2hts in 'hhattis2arh Mahamaya Printors1 6an2!ir1 B??C1 pp* <FE+<CF*
H'uman $i!hts " from Indi-idual $i!hts %o)ards Collecti-e $i!htsI1 A $o*rnal o% Asia %or
Democrac- and De,elopments* 5 Juarterly 6ournal of Social Sciences1 Morena1 -ol*A01 no*+E
@ctober A (ecember1 B??C1 pp* FE9+F8F*
HIndia Soekarno and Modern IndonesiaI Re,iew o% +olitics1 .i+annual 2ournals1 (epartment of
Political Science1 0eer un)ar Sin!h ;ni-ersity1 5ra1 -ol* LIII1 no* <& B1 6an*+6une & 6uly+ (ec*
B??C1 pp <EC+<C>1
H4lobalizationI $o*rnal o% the Instit*te o% "*man Ri2hts Institute of 'uman $i!hts1 Na!pur 0ol*
0III1 No* B1 (ecember1 B??C1 pp <+ F?*
B??8 H 4lobalization1 and Internationalization of Indian EducationI1 Third 'oncept /5n International
6ournal of Ideas1 Ne) (elhi10ol*B?1no*BF?1 5pril1B??81pp*FC+EF*ISSN "?=9?+9BE9
H 0edic Concept of Nation1 Nationality and National Inte!rationI1 Rachna / .i+Monthly 6ournal of
(epartment of 'i!her Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1
.hopal10ol*18?+8<1 May+5u!ust1 B??81pp<C+BE*
HIndian Perspecti-e of 'uman 0alues & 'uman $i!htsI1 $o*rnal o% Instit*te o% "*man Ri2hts/
Na!pur10ol*IL1no*<16une B??81 pp*=E+<FE
B??9 HEducation1 culture and liberalization1I Rachna / .i+Monthly 6ournal of (epartment of 'i!her
Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal1 0ol* 88 A 891
May+5u!ust1 B??91 pp* CE A 8E
H Limitations and (e-elopment of National Po)er " Interdependency of the Nation+StateI1 The
Role o% 4okshakti in the =pli%t o% Nation/ Proceedin! of National Seminar on G%he $ole of
Lokshakti in the Nation .uildin!O1 0ish)a Sam-ad endra Mahakousal1 6abalpur1 pp*8C+9E* Nation
.uildin!O1 0ish)a Sam-ad endra Mahakousal1 6abalpur B??91 pp*8C+9E*
HEducation1 culture and liberalization1I Rachna / .i+Monthly 6ournal of (epartment of 'i!her
Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal1 0ol* 88 A 891
May+5u!ust1 B??91 pp* CE A 8E 1ISSN A BBE=+C?89
HConfucius and ConfucianismI 1 Rachna / .i+Monthly 6ournal of (epartment of 'i!her
Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal1 0ol** 8>+8= 1
September+(ecember+B??9 pp* C= A 8C1ISSN+BBE=+C?89
H4lobalization and Emer!in! 4lobal orderI1 *arda Be ?a"dhi6 $miriti ?ra"tha Prof.
3ahe$hd+tt 3i$hra first published No-ember B??91 6abalpur1 pp FB> A FF>
HChan!in! Paradi!m of 'uman $i!hts under 4lobalization H1Re,iew o% +olitics1
Published from (epartment of Political Science1 0S ;ni-ersity1 5$5* 0ol* L01 No+B 6uly A
(ecember A B??9 1pp <BB+ <EC1ISSN+?=9B+<EF8
B??> HMisuse of political po)er" .ureau critic corruption and MaladministrationI1 Published in Sou-enir
on Mis*se o% +olitical +ower1 (ayanand arya kanya Maha-idyalaya1 $%M ;ni-ersity1 Na!pur1 May+
B??>1 pp* = A <?
HStrate!ic Shift in Chinese 7orei!n Policy & (e-elopment of Coastal 5reasI $o*rnal o% the
Instit*te o% "*man Ri2hts Institute of 'uman $i!hts1 Na!pur 0ol* L1 No+<16une B??>1 pp BF A 89
Misuse of political po)er" .ureau critic corruption and MaladministrationI1 Published in Sou-enir
on Mis*se o% +olitical +ower1 (ayanand arya kanya Maha-idyalaya1 $%M ;ni-ersity1 Na!pur1 May+
B??>1 pp* = A <?
B??= +H 4lobalization1 Liberalization and Po-ertyI ,A 6o*rnal o% Asia %or Democrac- and De,elopment/ 5
3uarterly 6ournal of Social Sciences1 Special Issue of Social 6ustice1 0ol*IL/<#1 B??=1 pp*<<+FE*
H%error and 0iolence in Indian Society and PolityI1 /report of the seminar# Rachna/ 1/ .i+Monthly
6ournal of (epartment of 'i!her Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth
5cademy1 .hopal1 0ol** 991 March+5pril B??=1 pp*C+B<*1ISSN+BBE=+C?8<
Structural+7unctional Spirit of Secularism & Indian ConstitutionI 1 )ec*larism in India/ published
resource lecture in Sou-enir of seminar or!anized by the (epartment of Political Science1 6i2amata
Maha-idyalaya1 .uldana1 B??=* pp*B9+EF*
H Contemporary 4lobal Problems from Mechanization and 4andhian )ay of Solution"I1 Review of
Politic$/ published from 0S ;ni-ersity1 5ra1 0ol*L0II1no*B 6uly+(ec*B??=*pp*<>9+<=F*ISSN+?=9B+
B?<? @/o"tem%orar# 'ocio-Political (re"d$ a"d &+t+re of 1"dia" Democrac#I1 ey not address
published in the Sou-enir of seminar or!anized by (epartment of Political Science1 .aaratiya
Maha-idyalaya 1 Sant 4ad!e .aba 5mra-ati ;ni-ersity1 Morshi1 5mra-ati* 6anuary B?
1 B?<?*
@/o"tem%orar# 'ocio-Political (re"d$ a"d &+t+re of 1"dia" Democrac#I1 ey not address
published in the Sou-enir of seminar or!anized by (epartment of Political Science1 .aaratiya
Maha-idyalaya 1 Sant 4ad!e .aba 5mra-ati ;ni-ersity1 Morshi1 5mra-ati* 6anuary B?
1 B?<?
/o"tem%orar# 'ocio-Political (re"d$ a"d &+t+re of 1"dia" Democrac#I1 Rachna/ 1/ .i+Monthly
6ournal of (epartment of 'i!her Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth
5cademy1 .hopal1 0ol** >B16anuary+7ebuary B?<?1 pp>+B>*1ISSN+BBE=+C?8<
H(iplomatic 0isit of President .arak @bama to IndiaI1 Rachna/ 1/ .i+Monthly 6ournal of
(epartment of 'i!her Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1
.hopal1 0ol** >91 No-ember A(ecember1B?<?1 pp<<+B<1ISSN+BBE=+C?8<
B?<< H 5mbedkar and Social 6ustice" Structural and 7unctional ;nderstandin!I1 in Sou-enir published by
(r* SN Sinha Colle!e1 Patur1 5kola1 S4.1 5mra-ati ;ni-ersity1 /MS#

B?<<*1 pp<+<<
Problem of %errorism In IndiaI1 in Wasnik 1 /eds#1 ario*s Dimensions o% Terrorism/ 4ayatri
Publications1 $i-a1 B?<<1 pp* <+B>*
H Multicultural Society1 Multiculturalism and Nation .uildin! I5bstract Published in pre proceedin!
of International Conference on GDi,ersit- and +l*ralit- in Media7 Re%lections o% )ociet-81 @r!anized
by Makhamlal Chatur-edi National ;ni-ersity of 6ournalism & Communication1 .hopal1 (ecember1
B9+B91 B?<<
B?<B H Education and Culture )ith specific reference to 4lobalizationI 1 Rachna/ 1/ .i+Monthly 6ournal
of (epartment of 'i!her Education 14o-ernment of Madhya Pradesh & MP 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1
.hopal1 0ol** =81 May+6une1B?<B1pp* C<+891 ISSN BBE=+C?8<
Nation Nationhood & NationalityI1 Pre proceedin! of National Seminar on G Indian Nationalit- 7
From +ast to +resent81 Published by 5kil .hartiya Ithihas Sankalan Do2ana1 Ne) (elhi1 held at
MP%C Colle!e1 4)alior1 @ctoberB8+B>1 B?<B* Pp*B8+F<
H4lobalization & Emer!in! 4lobal @rderI1 51B?C)R .i+annual Multi+(isciplinary $esearch
6ournal1 published by $esearch 6ournal Publication
B?<F HEducation and Culture in emer!in! scenario of 4lobalizationI1in 4lobalization and Education1/eds#
$am 4opal Sin!h1 published by 0ai!anik and %akniki Sha-da-ali 5ayo!1 'uman $esource and
(e-elopment Ministry/ 'i!her Education# and Madhya Pradesh 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal1
B?<F1 pp*9?+>8*
5mbedkar and Social 6ustice " Structural and 7unctional ;nderstandin!I1 $e-ie) of politics1
0ol*LLI1 no+<1 6anuary A6une B?<F1 pp*?9+F?1 Published by (epartment of political Science1 0eer
un)ar Sin!h ;ni-ersity1 5ra1 .ihar1 ISSN ?=9B+<EF8
H0i-ekanand1Sukarno and Indonesian Nation .uildin!I1 in 4o-ind Prasad Sharma /eds# 1 Moti-ator
S)ami 0i-ekananda 1 published by 0ai!anik and %akniki Sha-da-ali 5ayo!1 'uman $esource and
(e-elopment Ministry/ 'i!her Education# and Madhya Pradesh 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1 .hopal1
B?<F1 pp*<FC+<8<*IS.N "=9>+><+=B?B><+=+E*
HPersonality (e-elopment " $ele-ance of S)ami 0i-ekanandas %hou!htI1Panchand $esearch
6ournal10ol*LL1 No*<1B?<F1 pp*<>+BE1published by Panchand $esearch Institute16alandhar1ISSN "

,rticle P+bli$hed i" 2eadi". !ew$ Pa%er$
/$am (e- .harad)a2#
E-mail > ramde,bharadwa6?@Aredi%%mail.comB > ramde,bharadwa6?@Amc*.ac.inB

<> < Googal Scholar ramdev
bharadwaj >
Mob- 09893114541
<=9= H%hree Contemporary %hinkers )ith Complicated %hou!htsI1 Dainik !haskar1 4)alior1 5u!ust <B1
H$eli!ion and Non+-iolence in the -ie) of Mahatma 4andhiI1 3ashe, +ra-ash1 4)alior1 September
F<1 <=9=*
1H%he 0oters " 7uture MakerI1 Dainik !haskar1 4)alior1 (ecember F?1 <=9=*
<=>? HMaharshi 5r-indos Concept of Super ManI1 Dainik )wadesh1 4)alior1 5u!ust <C1 <=>?*
<=>< HProblem of not of a Common People but of 'ari2anI1 Dainik )wadesh./ 4)alior1 March B>1 <=><*
1H6alia)alan1 .a!h " %he fire of 5ssassinationI1 Dainik )wadesh1 4)alior1 5pril <E1 <=><*
<=>B H$ole Model of Inspiration and Moti-ation " 4andhi and (eendayalI $a-i-ariya1 L*2a Dharma1
6abalpur1 7ebruary 91 <=>B*
HSocialistic %hinkin! of Mrs* Indira 4andhiI1 Na,-!harat1 .hopal1 7ebruary <F & <E1 <=>B*
H6alia)alan1 .a!h " %he fire of 5ssassinationI Na,-!harat1 6abalpur1 5pril <F1 <=>B*
H%)o 4reat %hinker of Indian Politics " 4andhi and (eendayalI1 +anch-a6an-a1 Ne) (elhi1
No-ember B81 <=>B*
<=>8* HIndian Culture in IndonesiaI1 Danik )wadesh/ 4)alior1 7ebruary F1 <=>8*
H6alia)alan .a!h "IWhere the Nationalists .rutishly 5ssassinatedI1 Dainik )wadesh/ 4)alior1 5pril
<=>9* H%)enty Points Pro!ramme and 0IC " 5 $eport of a National SeminarI1 3ashe, +ra-as/ 4)alior1
5pril <C1 <=>9*
1H%he 7uture Predictor Maharsi 5r-indoI1 Dainik )wadesh1 4)alior1 5u!ust <C1 <=>9*
1HSocialistic %hou!ht of Mrs* 4andhiI1 Na,-!harat/ 6abalpur1 No-ember <=1 <=>9*
HIndian Culture " Its role in nation buildin! of IndonesiaI1 (eepa)ali Special Issues1 Dainik !haskar1
6abalpur1 @ctober1 <=>>1 pp* F9+F=*
<=>> H6alia Waln .a!h Dainik !haskar1 6abalpur1 5pril <F1 <=>>*
1HStrate!ic Problems of Indian Sub+ContinentI1 Na,-!harat/ 6abalpur1 @ctober <=>>*
1HIndia+China $elations %o)ards Ne) EraI1 Dainik !haskar1 (ecember B<1 <=>>*
1HIndian and S55$CI Dainik !haskar/ 6abalpur1 (ecember B91 <=>>*
<=>=* H$a2i- 4andhi in IslambadI1 Dainik !haskar1 6abalpur1 6anuary C1 <=>=*
1H4ermany %o)ards $e+unificationI1 Ra,i,ari-a !haskar1 6abalpur March F1 <=>=*
H$a2i- 4andhi in .el!rade Conference of N5MI1 Dainik !haskar 6abalpur1 September <91 <=>=*
HSocialistic %hinkin! of Mrs* Indira 4andhiI1 Ra,i,aria !haskar1 6abalpur1 No-ember <=1 <=>=*
H$eser-ation Policy and DouthI1 Dainik !haskar/ 6abalpur1 (ecember B<1 <=>=*
<==?H Nelson Mendela " .efore and 5fter his releaseI1 Dainik !haskar/ 6abalpur1 March E1 <==?*
HIndian Culture in South East 5siaI1 (eepa)ali Special Dainik )wadesh/ 4)alior and 4una1
@ctober1 <==? pp* FF1FE & E>*
<==< HPo)er of Saddam 'usen and back!round of 4ermans helpI1 Dainik !haskar/ s6abalpur1 6anuary
F<1 <==<*
HSocio+Economic back!round of 4ulf Countries and 4ulf WarI1 Na,-!harat/ 6abalpur1 6anuary1 F<
H%he $ole of India in 4ulf WarI1 Dainik !haskar/ 6abalpur1 7ebruary E1 <==<*
Saddam and .ush %o)ards total distractionI1 Dainik bhaskar1 6abalpur1 7ebruary >1 <==<*
H;nited States (iplomacy and 4ulf WarI1 Dainik !haskar1 6abalpur1 7ebruary <C1<==<*
HPeace Efforts in 4ulf WarI1 Dainik !haskar/ 6abalpur1 7ebruary B<1 <==<*
1HChanakya of China " ConfuciusI1 )aptahik "ind*stan/ Ne) (elhi1 (ecember <C1 <==< pp* FE+F8*
<==B H4andhi in the Eyes of Chinese Social ScientistsI1 Dainik !haskar1 6abalpur1 6anuary F?1 <==B*
<==E1 HChinas %raditional 0alues and PopulationI Dainik !haskar1 6abalpur 6une C1 <==E*
1HIndia " Its Impact on Chinese LiteratureI1 Dainik !haskar/ 6abalpur 6une1 <B1 <==E*
1HIndian Niti atain and its impact on ChinaI Dainik )wadesh1 4)alior1 6une B81 <==E*
1HIndian Influence of Chinas Culture and LiteratureI1 Dainik )wadesh1 4)alior1 6une B>1 <==E*
HModernization and the (e-elopment of Minorities in ChinaI1 Dainik !haskar/ 6abalpur1 6uly <91
HIndian 7ilms Liked by ChineseI1 $asran!1 Dainik !haskar/ .hopal1 5u!ust <E1 <==E*
H'indi and Sanskrit in Contemporary ChinaI1 $asaran!1 Dainik !haskar/ .hopal1 5u!ust1 <E1 <==E*
HNepali Communist $a2shahi to)ards (emocracyI1 Dainik !haskar1 September1 <==E*
<==8 H0ictory of 7undamentalist in %urkeyI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 6anuary B>1 <==8*
HWhy not this Country hand o-er to Military $uleI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 7ebruary B>1
HChina1 %ai)an and 5mericaI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 5pril <E1 <==8*
H%he $eturn of 4od in Socialist ChinaI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 6une F?1 <==8*
H$eputation of .urlinI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 September >1 <==8*
<==9 .uddhist Ca-es of ChinaI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 7ebruary <81 <==9
HWhat all did 4et in MalaI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 6une <1 <==9
1H'on! on! )ill be of China 5fter 6uly firstI1 $asran!1 Danik !haskar/ .hopal1 6une B=1 <==9*
HPolitics in Education and Education for PoliticianI1 Independence (ay Special1 Dainik !haskarb1
6abalpur1 5u!ust <C1 <==9*
HIndian Impact on ChinaI1 3o*ntet-a L*dd-aswa1 Monthly1 6abalpur1 @ctober <==9*
<==> H(an!er of 'uman $i!hts War on the EarthI1 3o*ntet-a L*dd-aswa1 Monthly1 6abalpur1 7ebruary
<=== 1 HCreation of a Ne) 'istory in bet)een emotions and $ealitiesI1 Danik !haskar/ 6abalpur1 March <1
1HIndias Nuclear Policy and Contemporary WorldI1 3o*ntet-a L*dd-aswa1 6abalpur1 No-ember <F1
+articipated in International 'on%erences:)eminars
$am (e- .harad)a2
E-mail > ramde,bharadwa6?@Aredi%%mail.comB > ramde,bharadwa6?@Amc*.ac.inB

<> < Googal Scholar ramdev
bharadwaj >
Mob- 09893114541
<* +++++++++++++++++, 'hina8s Economic Re%orm7 Technolo2ical and Economic En,ironment in )EMs and 'oastal
'ities submitted research paper in the session F9F HChina and the 4lobal CommunityI or!anized by salzbur!
seminar <===1 Schloss Leopoldskron1 Salzbur!1 5ustria from A (ecember A E A<<1 <===*
B* +++++++++++++++++1India8s )ec*rit- +olic- Re2ardin2 its N*clear +olic- and its Relationship towards 'hina lecture
deli-ered in institute for politik)issenschaft1 /(epartment of Political Science# !emeinsam mit 5kademisches
forum fur 5u.enpolitik1 ;ni-ersitat Salzbur!1 (ecember =1 <===*
F* +++++++++++++++++1Emer2in2 New Trends in India +olitics d*rin2 Atal !ihari a6pa-ee Ra2ime. and (India a%ter
Election FCCC lectures deli-ered in institute fur Politik)issenschaft1 ;ni-ersitat Innsbruck1 ;ni-ersity of
Innsbruck1 (ecember <B & <F1 <===*
E* +++++++++++++++++1Relations between E*ropean *nion and )o*th Asian Association %or Re2ional 'ooperation
discussion )ith Prof* 5elmut ramer1 in Institute fur Politik)issenschaft1 /Institute of Political Science# ;ni-ersitat
Wien1 ;ni-ersity of 0ienna1 (ecember <C+B?1 B???*
C* +++++++++++++++++1The E*ropean 'omm*nit- and )o*th-Asian Association %or Re2ional 'o-operation 7 with
special re%erence to science/ technolo2-/ ed*cation and Trade discussion )ith Professor @tmar 'oil1
@!terreienisenes Institute fur International Politik /5ustrian Institute for International 5ffairs1 La,enbur!#1
(ecember BB+BF1 <===*
8* +++++++++++++++++1India 'hina Relation towards the HF
cent*r- lecture deli-ered in the (e-elopment of East
5sian StudiesP Sinolo!y1 ;ni-ersity Wien1 ;ni-ersity of 0ienna* 6anuary E+C1 B???*
9* +++++++++++++++++1H)AAR' and E=7 =nderstandin2 %or HF
cent*r-I (iscussion )ith (r* Elisabeth hofer in
(iplomatische 5kadmic )ien1 /0ienna (iplomatic 5cademy# 6anuary 8+B???*
>* +++++++++++++++++1 Participated in the Inau!uration Ceremony of the Institute of south+5sian Culture Studies of Pekin!
;ni-ersity1 .ei2iin!1 China and (eli-ered lecture on GIndian Culture and Philosophy1 6uly F1 <==<*
9. -----------------) -eliere! 4 lecturer on : ;1< K:enesis an! -eelo+'ent o% Re3ional
Coo+eration in .outh-4sia0: K6n!ia an! S44R;0 ;3< 4n oerie> on S44R; .u''it
Meetin30) ;4< BS44R;C : Do>ar!s Collectie .el%-Reliance0) at -iision o% .outh-4sia ,istor$
Reli3ion an! Philoso+h$) 6nstitute o% 4sia-Paci=c .tu!ies) Chinese 4ca!e'$ o% .ocial
.ciences) *ei8in3 China) -urin3 -ece'ber) 1991 to &anuar$) 1992.
10. -----------------) Partici+ate! in .$'+osiu' on Cultural 9Achan3e *et>een China an! 2orei3n
Countries an! Presente! a research +a+er on K6n!ia an! China : Culture Relations0 at Mt.
1uthai) .hanAi P.R. China) &ul$ 25) 1992.
11. -----------------) Partici+ate! in the 6nau3uration Cere'on$ o% KJuan Ean3 .tu!$ Centre0 o%
6nstitute o% 4sia-Paci=c .tu!ies) Chinese 4ca!e'$ o% .ocial .ciences) *ei8in3 China) &ul$ 30)
12. -----------------) Con!ucte! research >ork on ;1< .ino-6n!ian Cultural Relations : >ith .+ecial
Re%erence to 6n!ia0s 6nSuence on Chinese Culture) ;2< KCon%ucius an! Con%ucianis'0 ;3<
China0s .ocialist Mo!erniBation ;4< :an!hi as un!erstoo! b$ Chinese .ocial .cientists)
un!er the su+erision o% Pro%. 1an3 .hu$in3) -iision o% .outh-4sian ,istor$) Reli3ion an!
Philoso+h$ ) 6nstitute o% 4sia-+aci=c .tu!ies. Chinese 4ca!e'$ o% .ocial .cience) *ei8in3
China) 1992.
13. -----------------) 4 book on KPortraits o% /r!inar$ Chinese0) e!ite! b$ ?iu *in3>en an! Jion3
?ei >ith 6n-house e!itor Don3 Jiu$in3) +ublishe! %ro' 2orei3n ?an3ua3e Press *ei8in3 1990)
e!ite! an! translate! b$ Ra' -e *hara!>a8 in ,in!i ?an3ua3e an! *ein3 Publishe! %ro'
2orei3n ?an3ua3es Press) *ei8in3) 1992.
<E* +++++++++++++++++1 Conducted inter-ie)s of )ell+kno)n Chinese scholar of Sanskrit and 'indi lan!ua!e on N)anskrit
and "indi 4an2*a2e in 'ontemporar- 'hinese )ociet-8 at 7orei!n Lan!ua!es Press .ei2in!1 China* $eports of
the inter-ie)s ha-e been published1 <==<+<==B*
15. -----------------) N'ndian ;#l#re and Philoso.h!L) !eliere! lecturer in the 6nau3uration
Cere'on$ o% the 6nstitute o% .outh-4sian Culture .tu!ies o% Pekin3 #niersit$) *ei8in3) China
an! !eliere! lecture on) &ul$ 3) 1991.
1F. -----------------) NGenesis and of Regional ;oo.eraion in So#h*4sia"
'ndia and S44R; @ =oward ;ollecive Self Reliance1 !eliere! lectures in -iision o%
.outh-4sian ,istor$) Reli3ion an! Philoso+h$) 6nstitute o% 4sia-Paci=c .tu!ies) Chinese
4ca!e'$ o% .ocial .ciences) *ei8in3 China) -ece'ber 1991 to &anuar$ 1992.
17. -----------------) N'ndia and ;hina ;#l#ral RelaionsL +a+er +resente! in s$'+osiu' on
Cultural 9Achan3e *et>een China an! 2orei3n Counties an! at Mt. 1uthai) .hanAi) P.R.
China) &ul$ 25) 1992.
<>* +++++++++++++++++1H+eace and De,elopment in Asia-+aci%ic Re2ion with )pecial Re%erence to Indo-3orean 'o-
operationI in International Seminar at Policy $esearch Centre* 4)alior* 6anuary <C1 <==C*
19. -----------------) Partici+ate! in the inau3uration cere'on$ o% KJuan Ean3 .tu!$ Centre0 o% the
6nstitute o% 4sia-Paci=c .tu!ies) Chinese 4ca!e'$ o% .ocial .ciences) *ei8in3) P.R. China) &ul$
30) 1992.
20. -----------------)N;once. and Realiies of Democrac!" J#sice and H#man Righs in
;onem.orar! ;hinaL) at Mahat'a :an!hi0s 125
*irth 4nniersar$ 6nternational
.e'inar on K:an!hi an! the %uture o% ,u'anit$0) con!ucte! b$ :an!hian 6nstitute o%
.tu!ies) Caranasi an! Ra8ar!ra Prasa! 4ca!e'$) "e> -elhi) hel!) at "e> -elhi -urin3 23-
25 .e+te'ber 1995.
21. -----------------) N;hinaCs Undersanding of H#man RighsL in 9i3hth Driennial 1orl!
Con%erence o% 1orl! Council Curriculu' ( 6nstructions) on 4 -$na'ic Curriculu' %or 9Puit$
%or 9Puit$ ( 9Acellence in 9!ucation hel! at :uru "anak -e #niersit$ an! **7 -4C
Colle3e %or 1o'en) 4'ritsar) -ece'ber 29) 1995 M &anuar$ 4) 199F
22. -----------------)NB#lan Bahase >cober 6+K? SeminarsL) Con!ucte! b$ 2acult$ o% ?etters)
#niersit$ o% :a!ah Ma!a) @o3$akarta) 6n!onesia /ctober 20) 1984.
23. ------------------)L'ndia*'ndonesia Relaions@ =owards a -ew &ra1" Partici+ate! in 2ourth
6n!onesia-6n!ia Con%erence Con!ucte! b$ the Centre %or strate3ic 6nternational .tu!ies)
&akarta an! 6nstitution %or -e%ense .tu!ies an! 4nal$sis )"e> -elhi ) hel! at &akarta
)6n!onesia) 4u3ust 19-20)1985.
4--&L. 3
Pro50 Ra& De' %harad4a7
Parici.aed in -aional ;onferences:Seminars
E-mail > ramde,bharadwa6?@Aredi%%mail.comB > ramde,bharadwa6?@Amc*.ac.inB

<> < Googal Scholar ramdev
bharadwaj >
Mob- 09893114541
<* +++++++++++++++++1H)o*th-East Asia in Indian Forei2n +olic-./ paper presented in the Second Madhya Pradesh
Political Science 5ssociation Conference1 held at ;ni-ersity of .hopal1 7ebruary B8+B9* <=>F*
F* +++++++++++++++++1HIndian8s Forei2n +olic- Towards )o*th-East Asia1 paper presented in the (i-ision of
South+East 5sian Studies1 School of International Studies1 6)aharlal Nehru ;ni-ersity1 Ne) (elhi1 5pril E1
C* +++++++++++++++++1HIndia and Indonesia Relations %rom )*karno to )h*hartoI paper presented in %hird
Political Science 5ssociation Conference of Madhya Pradesh Political Science 5ssociation1 held at 6i)a2i
;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 March <+F1 <=>F*
9* +++++++++++++++++1HImpression on IndonesiaI1 paper presented in the (i-ision of SouthAEast 5sian Studies1
School International Studies1 6a)ahar Lal Nerhu ;ni-ersity Ne) (elhi1 (ecember E1 <=>C*
=* +++++++++++++++++1H)*karno and Indonesian Re,ol*tion paper presented in 7ifth Madya Pradesh Political
Science 5ssociation Conference1 held at ;ni-ersity of $e)a1 March <+F1 <=>8*
<<* +++++++++++++++++1HInte2rated R*ral De,elopment and 3hadi and illa2e Ind*stries =nder the !anner o% the
Twent- +oints +ro2rammeI1 paper presented in a national seminar or!anized by 0IC .hopal and
4o-ernment Colle!e1 Sheopur alan1 Morena1 7ebruary B9+B>1 <=>9*
<B* +++++++++++++++++1H)ama2ra 1ramin ikas A*r 3hadi 1ram =d-o*2eI1 paper presented in Conference
conducted by hadi and 0illa!e Industries Commission1 held at 4andhi .ha-an1 .hopal1 7ebruary <=+B?1
<F* +++++++++++++++++1H1ain%*l =tili0ation o% men +ower in 'otta2e Ind*stries./ paper presented in Conference
conducted by 0IC1 .hopal and 5mbah Colle!e1 held at 5mbah1 Morena1 7ebruary <8+<91 <=>F
<C* +++++++++++++++++1HIndia8s Impact on Indonesian 4eadership and Re,ol*tion paper presented in %)elfth
Indian Social Science Con!ress1 held at ;ni-ersity of Mysore1 6uly <E+<91 <=>9*
<8* +++++++++++++++++1H$awahar 4al Nehr* and his 'ontrib*tion 7 with special re%erence to Indian Forei2n
+olic-.1 paper presented in a national seminar sponsored by ;ni-ersity 4rants Commission1 Ne) (elhi and
held at 0ikram ;ni-ersity1 ;22ain1 September C+=1 <=>9*
<9* +++++++++++++++++1HIndo-)hri 4ankan Accord iss*es and prospectsI1 paper presented in a Seminar or!anized by
School of International Studies1 6a)ahar Lal Nerhu ;ni-ersity1 Ne) (elhi1 6anuary <1 <=>>*
<>* +++++++++++++++++1 HN*clear Militari0ation o% the Indian &cean and the strate2- o% 4ittoral and "interland
'o*ntries 0 A Mone o% peace.1 paper presented in a seminar or!anized by the (epartment of International
$elations at 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity 4)alior May1 B+>* <==>*
<=* +++++++++++++++++1 H+eace/ )ec*rit- and De,elopment in Asia 7 India and )AAR'11 paper presented in 0III
Indian Social Science Con!ress1 @r!anized by Indian 5cademy of Social Science1 held at 6a)aharalal Nehru
;ni-ersity1 Ne) (elhi1 No-ember <E+<>1 <=>>*
B?* +++++++++++++++++1 HDisarmament and #orld +eaceI1 lecture deli-ered in the (epartment of Sociolo!y1 $ani
(ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 6anuary <8+<>1 <=>=*
B<* +++++++++++++++++1HIndo-3orean RelationsI1 paper presented in seminar or!anized by School of International
Studies1 6a)arlal Nerhu ;ni-ersity1 Ne) (elhi1 held at India International Centre1 Ne) (elhi1 May 81 <=>=*
BB* +++++++++++++++++1 H1andhian In%l*ence on Indonesian 4eadership and Re,ol*tion.1 paper presented in the
0III session of the Indian Society of 4andhian Studies held at ottayam under the 5uspices of the
(epartment of 4andhian Studies and Peace Science1 Mahatma 4andhi ;ni-ersity1 ottayam1 erla* @ctober
<9+<=1 <=>=*
BF* +++++++++++++++++1 HTo e5press )olidarit- with the people )tr*22le %or Democrac- in NepalI1 participated in
Seminar held at Indian Council of World 5ffairs1 Sapru 'ouse1 Ne) (elhi1 (ecember B>1 <=>=*
BE* +++++++++++++++++1HIndia8s )ec*rit- and Forei2n +olic- Iss*esI1 paper presented in National Security
Pro!ramme1 School of International Studies1 6N; Ne) (elhi1 March <F+B?1 <=>=*
BC* +++++++++++++++++1H"*man Ri2hts in 'ontemporar- 'hina1 paper presented in National $esearch Seminar on
GEmer!in! Paradi!m of 'uman $i!hts " Precept and Practice1 held at ML. 5utonomous Colle!e1 4)alior1
March <B+<F1 <==F*
B8* +++++++++++++++++1 H'omm*nal "armon- and )ec*larism 7 +olicies/ +ro2rammes and )trate2ies.1 paper
presented in National Seminar on GNational Inte!ration and Communal 'armony held at ML. 5utonomous
Colle!e1 4)alior1 (ecember B>+B=1 <==F*
B9* +++++++++++++++++1@National Inte2ration and the Emer2in2 +olitical Dimensions in India7 +erspecti,e and
+rospects.1 paper presented in National $esearch Seminar held at 4o-ernment P*4* Colle!e1 Shi-puri1
(ecember F?+F<1 <==F*
B>* +++++++++++++++++1 H#orld &rder F*t*re and Desire o% De,elopment 'o*ntriesI1 paper presented in National
Seminar on GNe) World @rder held at 4o-ernment P*4* Colle!e1 Morena1 March <<+<B1 <==C*
B=* +++++++++++++++++1 HOFP Forei2n +olic- o% Indonesia OHP New #orld &rder OEP The Role o% NAM in 'han2in2
International order O?P F*t*re o% NAM./ (eli-ered a series of e,tension lectures on1 sponsored by the
;ni-ersity 4rants Commission Ne) (elhi and @r!anized by (epartment of International $elations1 M*L*.*
5rts and Commerce 5utonomous Colle!e1 4)alior1 (ecember B<+BE1 <==E*
F?* +++++++++++++++++1 (OFP Forei2n +olic- o% 'hina/ OHP 'hina8s )econd Re,ol*tion and Economics Re%orm
*nder Den2 Giaopin2/ OEP New #orld &rder 7 The Role and Desire o% De,elopin2 'o*ntriesI1 (eli-ered a
series of e,tension lectures on* Sponsored by the ;ni-ersity 4rants Commission and @r!anized by
(epartment of International $elations1 M*L*.* 5rts and Commerce 5utonomous Colle!e1 4)alior1 March B+
C1 <==E*
F<* +++++++++++++++++1 (OFP International 4aw OHP International +olitics OEP New International &rder./ (eli-ered
series e,tension lectures on Sponsored by uni-ersity 4rant Commission1 Ne) (elhi or!anized by
(epartment of Political Science1 M*L*.* 5utonomous Colle!e1 4)alior1 6anuary <8+B?1 <==C*
FB* +++++++++++++++++1H'ontemporar- 'hina 7 )trate2- %or De,elopment./ lecture deli-ered on in four )eek
refresher course in Political Science at School of Studies in Political Science1 0ikram ;ni-ersity1 ;22ain1 B=
5u!ust1 <==C*
FF* +++++++++++++++++1HEd*cation )-stem in 'hina./ .ecture delivered on in refresher course or!anized by
5cademic Staff Colle!e1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 September 8+91 <==C*
FE* +++++++++++++++++1HIndian-'hina and New #orld &rder.1 paper presented in L0IIIth 5nnual Conference of
Indian Society of 4andhian Studies1 held at ;ni-ersity of 6ammu /%a)i# @ctober 8+>1 <==C*
FC* +++++++++++++++++1HMa6ors +roblems o% the #orld and 1andhian +hilosoph-I1 paper presented at Mahatma
4andhi <BC
5nni-ersary Celebration Seminar on H'uman Element and Economic CapabilityI @r!anized
by (epartment of Economics1 held at $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 6anuary BF+BC1 <==8*
F8* +++++++++++++++++1 H"*man Ri2hts 7 al*es 9 Ed*cation in 'ontemporar- 'hinaI1 paper presented at
National conference on 'uman $i!hts & -alues" 5chie-in! the !oals of ;*N* (ecade for 'uman $i!hts
Education1 held at Pra2apita .ramha umari Ish)ariya 0ish)a 0idyalaya1 Mt* 5bu1 BB+BC 6une1 <==9*
F9* +++++++++++++++++1H'oncepts and Realities o% "*man Ri2hts in the Asia and E*ropeI paper presented in
national conference or!anized by $a2asthan Council for Educational 5dministration and mana!ement at
6aisalmer1 @ctober <> & <= <==9*
F>* +++++++++++++++++1 (OFP Fi%t- Lears o% =.N. and #orld peace OHP India8s ,iews on n*clear Non-+roli%eration
Treat--NN+T OEP India and 'omprehensi,e Test !an Treat--'T!T./ (eli-ered a series of e,tension
lectures sponsored by the ;ni-ersity 4rants Commission and or!anized by the (epartment of Political
Science1 4o-ernment *$*4* Colle!e1 4)alior1 7ebruary B> to March F1 <==>*
F=* +++++++++++++++++1 @4eadership/ "i2her Ed*cation and De,elopmentA (eli-ered a lecture in a seminar held at
Na- Du! Colle!e 6abalpur on March <==>*
E?* +++++++++++++++++1 HRele,ance o% the +olitical ides o% )*bhash 'handra !oseI paper presented in a National
Seminar on Indian National Mo-ement and Subhash Chandra .ose held at *$*4* Post 4raduate Colle!e1
4)alior March <8+<91 <==>*
E<* +++++++++++++++++1HRole o% )tate 'onstit*tional +ro,isions Re2ardin2 )ocial/ Economic/ and +olitical
=pli%tment o% Downtrodden 1ro*p in IndiaI paper presented in a National Seminar on ;pliftment of
(o)ntrodden " (r* 5mbedkars 0ision and Ne) Economic Policy held at .abasaheb 5mbedkar National
Institute of Social Science1 Mho)1 M*P* 5pril1 <E+<91 <==>*
EB* +++++++++++++++++1H"*man Ri2hts Ed*cation in Madh-a +radeshI1 paper presented in a National Conference
on H'uman $i!hts EducationI1 or!anized by 5sian Institute of 'uman $i!hts Education at .hopal1 6une BC+
B91 <==>*
EF* +++++++++++++++++1HIndia and 'han2in2 New #orld &rderI1 paper presented in orientation course or!anized by
5cademic Staff Colle!e $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 6anuary E1 <===*
EE* +++++++++++++++++1H4eadership st-le o% )*bhash 'hand !ose and 'ontemporar- 4eadershipI Lecture
deli-ered in .an!ali Club1 6abalpur1 6anuary BF1 <===*
EC* +++++++++++++++++1HRole o% #omen 4eadership in #omen De,elopment and Indian +oliciesI1 paper presented
in a national seminar on Indian Policies and Women1 @r!anized by the (epartment of Political Science1
*$*4* Colle!e1 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 March <B+<F1 <===*
E8* +++++++++++++++++1HIndian )cience/ '*lt*re/ Tradition and )anskrit 7 Its Impact on 'hinese )ociet- and
4i%eI1 paper presented in a national seminar on Science & Sanskrit1 held at 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1
7ebruary C+91 <===*
E9* +++++++++++++++++1H"*man Ri2hts Diplomac- o% =nited )tate and De,elopin2 )ocietiesI1 paper presented in a
national seminar on protection of 'uman $i!hts in India1 or!anized by the (epartment of Political Science
& Public 5dministration1 umaum ;ni-ersity1 Nanital1 8+9 March1 <===*
E>* +++++++++++++++++1HThe Role and Responsibilit- o% India in Emer2in2 New 1lobal &rderI1 e,tension lecture
deli-ered in the (epartment of Political Science1 ;ni-ersity of Lockno)1 March 8+91 <===*
E=* +++++++++++++++++1HIndian Forei2n +olic- and +okhran III1 special lecture deli-ered in a symposium on1
5chie-ement1 @r!anized by the $e!ional @ffice of Ministry of Information & .roadcast ;nit1 6abalpur1
March <=1 <===*
C?* +++++++++++++++++1HEmer2in2 R*ral 4eadership and R*ral De,elopment in +ancha-ati Ra6I1 special !uest
lecture deli-ered in a national seminar on G$ele-ance of Panchayati $a2 in (emocratic system1 or!anized by
the (epartment of Political Science1 4o-ernment Colle!e 5lampur1 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 May BF+BE1
C<* +++++++++++++++++1HIndian in%l*ence on Indonesian National Mo,ementI1 keynote address deli-ered in a
national seminar on HIndian National Mo-ementI or!anized by 0* S* 4o-ernment Post+!raduate Colle!e1
(abra1 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 7ebruary <E+<C1 B???*
CB* +++++++++++++++++1H+olitical '*lt*re and De,elopment o% 1waliorI1 keynote address deli-ered in a national
seminar on G'istory and Culture of 4)alior+Chambal Sambha!1 @r!anised by 4o-ernment amla $a2a
Post+4raduate Colle!e1 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 September B=+F?1 B???*
CF* +++++++++++++++++1HNat*re/ scope and emer2in2 tendencies in Indian Democrac-I1 keynote address deli-ered
in a national seminar on GIndian Constitution in Present Conte,t @r!anized by 4o-ernment1 4irls Colle!e
Morena1 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 September BE+BC1 B???*
CE* +++++++++++++++++1Hadic Rastra 3i )ankalpanaI1 paper presented in a national seminar on GNai Sahastrabdi our
0adic Chinttan1 @r!anized by Maharshi (ayanand Saras)ati ;ni-ersity1 52mer1 September1 BC+B91 B???
CC* +++++++++++++++++1H"*man Ri2ht Diplomac- in 'ontemporar- #orldI1 keynote address deli-ered in a national
seminar on 'uman $i!hts A Concept and Challen!es G@r!anized by 4o-ernment amla $a2a+4raduate
5utonomous Colle!e1 6i)a2i1 ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 No-ember B=+F?1 B???*
C8* +++++++++++++++++1HIndian 'onstit*tion and "*man Ri2htsI1 -aledictory address deli-ered in a national
seminar on HSocio A Political a)areness and 'uman $i!htsI or!anized by 4o-ernment Colle!e1 Pohri1
6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 (ecember <=+B?1 B???*
C9* +++++++++++++++++1HEd*cation/ '*lt*re and 4iberali0ationI1 keynote 5ddress deli-ered in second session of
National Seminar on GEducational $eform @r!anized by 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 6anuary F? A F<1 B??<*
C>* +++++++++++++++++1HElectoral Re%orm in IndiaI1 keynote address deli-ered in National Seminar on GProcess of
Electoral $eform1 Sponsored by Ministry of Culture and %ourism1 4o-ernment of India1 Ne) (elhi1 held at
Indore 7ebruary BC A B81 B??<*
59. -----------------------) , of he ;once. of H#man Righ in
&#ro.e and 'ndia1 ?ecture !eliere! on ,u'an Ri3hts !a$) /r3aniBe! b$ .t.
4lo$sius Colle3e) &abal+ur) -ece'ber F)2001.
F0. -----------------------) ,Major 4reas of ;onsi#ional Reforms in 'ndia1" 7e$
note a!!ress !eliere! a in a national se'inar on KCsonstitutional Re%or':
.ubstitute) 9A+eri'ent) Proble's an! .olution0) /r3anise! b$ :oern'ent
-e3ree Colle3e) 4kaltara) &an83eer) :uru :hasi -as #niersit$) *ilas+ur)
8<* +++++++++++++++++++1 ('entre )tate Relations A%ter liberali0ation in the li2ht o% )tate A*tonom-./ -aledictory
address deli-ered in a national seminar on GCentre+State $elations in India in the Contest of Increasin!
(emand for State 5utonomy1 @r!anized by 4o-ernment Colle!e1 Waraseoni1 .ala!hat1 (ecember BC1B??<*
8B* +++++++++++++++++++1 (4eadership/ liberali0ation and de,elopment in 'hina.1 in refresher course on GEmer!in!
%rends in International Politics or!anized by (epartment of Political Science and 5cademic Staff Colle!e1
$ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 September <91 B??B*
8F* +++++++++++++++++++1 (Application o% proper and appropriate word in writin2 o% political science booksI1
seminar or!anized by 0ai!yanik %atha %akniki Shabda bali 5yo!1 Ne) (elhi and 'indi 4ranth 5cademy1
.hopal seminar held at Central Institute of 5!ricultural En!ineerin!1 .hopal1 @ctober <>+<=1 B??B*
8E* +++++++++++++++++++1 H'ross- border Terrorism and Indo-+ak RelationsI ey note address deli-ered in a
National Seminar on Indo+Pak $elations1 @r!anized by the (epartment of Political Science1 St* 7rancis de
Sales Colle!e1 Na!pur1 ;ni-ersity1 Na!pur1 6anuary 9 A >1 B??F*
F5. ----------------------------) ,Global order Scenario @ Role of Develo.ed and ;o#nries1) lectures !eliere! in a re%resher course on KConte'+orar$
6nternational Politics0 or3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% Political .cience an! 4ca!e'ic .ta5
Colle3e) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur) 2ebruar$ 21) 2003.
FF. -------------------------) N&merging =rends in 'ndian Poliics0 lecture !eliere! in a
re%resher course on N6n!ian Political .$ste'L or3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% Political
.cience an! 4ca!e'ic .ta5 Colle3e) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur) .e+te'ber
1FR 2003.
F7. -------------------------) N%##re Pros.ecs of S44R;:% 7e$ not 4!!ress !eliere! in K43
"ational Con%erence o% Political .cience an! Public 4!'inistration Deachers o% "a3+ur
an! 4'ra>ati #niersities0) /r3aniBe! b$ 7a'la "ehru Colle3e) "a3+ur) 2eb. 3.) 2004.
F8. -------------------------) N;haracerisics of =ribal (eadershi. and Managemen for 7e$ not 4!!ress !eliere! in a "ational .e'inar on KCon!ition o%
Dribal ?ea!ershi+ an! -eelo+'ent in Ma!h$a Pra!esh0) /r3aniBe! b$ :oern'ent
7a'la "ehru :irls Colle3e) *ala3hat) /ctober 27-28) 2004.
F9. -------------------------) N-oion of Iiolence and =enes of =error @ Powers
and of =errorism in ;onem.orar! Socieies1 !eliere! lecturer in
"ational .$'+osiu' on KReleance o% :an!hian Measures in Dacklin3 Derroris'0)
/r3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) .t. 4lo$sius Colle3e) &abal+ur)
"oe'ber 5-F) 2004.
70. -------------------------) N-oion of =erroris =endencies in J G 0 Po$ and
4fghanisan @ 's ' on Sraegic &nvironmen of So#h 4sia1" ke$
lecturer !eliere! in a "ational .e'inar on K.trate3ic 9niron'ent o% .outh 4sian
.tates in the "e> Millenniu'0) /r3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) Dhe M...
#niersit$ o% Ca!o!ara) March 18-19) 2005.
71. -----------------)NH#man Righs and Globali)aion1 ke$ note a!!ress !eliere! in a
"ational .e'inar on K,u'an Ri3hts in Chhattis3arh0) .e'inar /r3aniBe! b$ b$
-e+art'ent o% Political .cience) :ot. Colle3e &an83ir) :uru :hansi -as #niersit$)
*ilas+ur) "oe'ber 18-19 2005.
72. -----------------) ,Globali)aion" &conomic Reform and is ' on H#man
Righs1" 7e$ note a!!ress !eliere! in a "ational se'inar on K:lobaliBation an!
-eelo+'ent in 6n!ia0) /r3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% Political science) :oern'ent .*.
Colle3e) -eo+al+ur) -ei 4hil$a #niersit$) 6n!ore) &anuar$) 23-24)2007.
73. -----------------) ,Globali)aion and &m.lo!men >..or#niies in Poliical
Science1% 6nau3ural 4!!ress !eliere! in a "ational .e'inar on KChan3in3 .cenario
an! 9'+lo$'ent /++ortunit$ in .ocial .ciences0).e'inar or3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent
o% Political .cience)7a'la "ehru Mahai!$ala$a)"a3+ur #niersit$)"a3+ur)2eruar$
F8 ---------------) 6Reser)ation Policy% $ocial armony and Dplift of DowntroddenL
7e$ note a!!ress !eliere! in "ational .e'inar on Reservaion and Social
U.lif " /r3aniBe! b$ CR- 4r$a Mahila P.:. Colle3e)-een -a$al #+a!h$a$ #niersit$)
:orakh+ur) s+onsore! *$ #niersit$ :rants Co''ission) "e> -elhi) /ctober 1F-17)
F9.---------------) 6 Indo&D$ 7uclear Deal:% 6nite! ?ecture !eliere! in lecture series
or3aniBe! b$ M?* 4utono'ous Colle3e >ith Potential %or 9Acellence) &i>a8i #niersit$)
:>alior )-ece'ber 21) 2007.
70---------------) NChan!in! $ocio& Political "thos of Contemporary $ocieties with
$cientiBc Temper:% -eliere! lecture as chair+erson in a "ational .e'inar on 2*eed
5or 'alues in the #cienti8c and Technoloical #cenario) or3aniBe! b$ .t. 4lo$sius Colle3e
;4utono'ous< &abal+ur) s+onsore! *$ 6n!ian 6nstitute o% .cience an! Reli3ion) Pune )
March 3-4 ) 2008
71.---------------) 6 Misuse of political power: Bureaucratic Corruption and
maladministration:% Resource ?ecture !eliere! in Dechnical session on Miss#s of
.oliical .ower in =he Meld of adminisraion" ed#caion and economics)
.e'inar /r3aniBe! b$ -a$anan! 4r$a 7an$a Mahai!h$ala$a )RDM) "a3+ur #niersit$
"a3+ur) Ma$13) 200
3.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. Participated in Twenty&8ourth (ppreciation Course in
Parliamentary Process and Procedures for Professors% /r3aniBe! b$ *ureau o%
Parlia'entar$ .tu!ies an! Drainin3) ?ok .abha .ecretariat) "e> -elhi) %ro' 15
.e+te'ber to 19
.e+te'ber 2008
3/&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-eliere! ke$ note a!!ress on N &merging Social >rder wih Socio*
Poliical and &conomic J#sice1 in a national se'inar on Kreie> o% 9n!eaors an!
4chiee'ents o% the Polic$ o% 6n!ian :oern'ent %or .ocial) 9cono'ic an! Political
&ustice0 /r3aniBe! b$ Dhe -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) .'t. 7esharibai ?ahoti
Mahai!$ala$a) .:* 4'raati #niersit$) 4'raati) /ctober 5
( F
) 2008.
A?**************,&merging =rends in 'ndian Socie! and Poli!1) lecture !eliere! in
re%resher course in Political .cience) or3aniBe! b$ the -e+art'ent o% Political .cience)
#niersit$ o% Ra8asthan) &ai+ur) .e+te'ber 28 ( 29) 2008
A9**************, D!namics of Fomen in Poli! and Democrac!@ ;onrib#ion and
;hallenges1 7e$ note a!!ress %or "ational .e'inar on K1o'en0s Contribution in 6n!ian
Politics0 /r3aniBe! b$ the -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) -r. :o+alrao 7he!kar
Mahai!$ala$a):a!e3aon ;Dehhara <).ant :a!3e *aba 4'raati #niersit$) &a'uar$)1F
A3***************,Undersanding he D!namics of 'ndian Democrac!1 ) lecture !eliere!
in 70
/rientation Pro3ra''e) or3aniBe! b$ 4ca!e'ic .ta5 Colle3e) Rani -ur3aati
#niersit$) &abal+ur) .e+te'ber 30) 2008.
AA**************,Sa#s of Social Sciences @ recen rends and wriings1 ) ?ecture
!eliere! in re%resher course on NConte'+orar$ ,istor$ 1ritin3: "ature an! Metho!sL
/r3anise! b$ -e+art'ent o% ,istor$) 4ca!e'ic .ta5 Colle3e) Rani -ur3aati
#niersit$) &abal+ur)2eb.27) 2009.
AK******************,Sr#c#ral*%#ncional S.iri of Sec#larism G 'ndian ;onsi#ion1 )
resource lecture in .ouenir o% se'inar or3aniBe! b$ the -e+art'ent o% Political
.cience) &i8a'ata Mahai!$ala$a) *ul!an) .e+te'ber 25-2F 2009
79-------------- 6 Realities of #omen leadership & "mpowerment in Indian $ociety and
Polity:) 7e$ not 4!!ress !eliere! in "ational .e'inar on K1o'en in Politics: 4 Career
in Politics0) /r3aniBe! b$ the -e+art'ent o% Political .cience)-P Ci+ra Colle3e ) :uru
:hasi -as #niersit$) *ilas+ur)/ctober 05
( F
) 2009.
80----------------- 6 $election of Consultants & Client&Consultant (!reement: atten!e!
trainin3 +ro3ra''e as uniersit$ no'inee) /r3aniBe! b$ Ma!h$a Pra!esh Consultanc$
/r3aniBation ?t-.; MPC/" ?D-<) *ho+al) ) ,otel 7rishna) &abal+ur) /ctober 3
) 2009.
81----------------- 2 Corruption in Indian $ociety & Politics, ?ecture !eliere! in a
a>areness +ro3ra''e /r3aniBe! b$ C*6 *ranch o% ) "oe'ber F)2009.
82----------------- 6 Challen!es +efore Parliamentary Democracy:% s+ecial lecture !eliere!
in a >orksho+ on Parlia'entar$ .$ste' an! Process) or3aniBe! b$ :oern'ent 4utono'ous
.cience Colle3e) &abal+ur) "oe'ber 13) 2009.
83------------------N 4s.ecs of 'ndian %oreign Polic! D#ring %irs Decade of he =wen!
%irs ;en#r!1 s+ecial lecture !eliere! in .chool o% .tu!ies in Political .cience ( Public
4!'inistration) &i>a8i uniersit$) :>alior) -ece'ber 4
40&&&&&&&&&&&&&&6 =o)ernance and (sian Politics:% 3uest lectures !eliere! un!er the #:C
,u'an Ri3hts Pro3ra''e )or3anie! b$ the -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) ,"* :arh>al
#niersit$) .rina3ar) #ttarakhan!)-ece'ber 7
( 8
) 2009.
85--------------N Dnited 7ations in the .-
Century and Process of =lo+ali;ation:% Chie%
:uest lectures !eliere! in a "ational .e'inar on N#nite! "ations in the 21
Centur$ :oals (
Challen3esL) /r3aniBe! b$ RDM "a3+ur #niersit$) 4nnasheb :un!e>ar Collehe) "a3+ur)
-ece'ber 18$h ) 2009.
8F---------------N Contemporary $ocio&Political Trends and 8uture of Indian DemocracyL)
7e$ not a!!ress !eliere! in a #:C .+onsore! "ational .e'inar on K Parlia'entar$ -e'ocrac$
in 6n!ia: Relate! 6ssues0 /r3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) *aarati$a
Mahai!$ala$a ) .ant :a!3e *aba 4'raati #niersit$) Morshi) 4'raati. &anuar$ 20
) 2010.
87-----------------N Globali)aion" (iberali)aion and Global Pover! @ Sr#c#ral G
%#ncional Undersanding1" 7e$ not a!!ress !eliere! in a #:C .+onsore! "ational
.e'inar on K :lobaliBation an! Rural 6n!ian .ociet$0) -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) *hi>a+u
Mahai!$ala$a)*hi>a+ur)"a3+ur) &anuar$ 30
) 2010.
88TTTTTT..L&merging ;hallenges in 'ndian Socio* &conomic G Poliico*;#l#ral
Realiies1 :uest lecture !eliere! in a Jth national con%erence o% Dhe Council %or Peace
)-eelo+'ent an! Cultural #nit$)hel! at "a @u3e Colle3e) ,abal+ur) March F) 2010
89TTTTTTTL=he &ra of Globali)aion and ;hanging .erce.ion of H#man Righs1"
lecture !eliere! in /rientation Course or3aniBe! b$ #:C 4ca!e'ic .ta5 Colle3e) Rani
-ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur) March 9) 2010
+2NNNNNNN.,Social ;hallenges before Fomen &m.owermen1 " lecture !eliere! in
a se'inar or3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% &ournalis' ( 'ass co''unication ) March 9) 2010
91TTTTTTT ,Parliamenar! S!sem and Parliamenar! Democrac! in 'ndia1)
s+ecial lecture !eliere! in a >orksho+ on Parlia'entar$ .$ste' an! Process) or3aniBe! b$
:oern'ent M7* Colle3e %or 1o'en)) &abal+ur) March 10) 2010.
92TTTTTTTL=he Role of Fomen in 4wa$ening of %reedom Sr#ggle1" lecture
!eliere! in a #:C .+onsore! "ational .e'inar on KDhe Role o% 1o'en in 2ree!o' .tru33le)
.+ecial Re%erence to 19570/r3anise! b$ *abu 7un>ar .in3h .hiksha "i!hi .ansthan) Patna)
March 19-20) 2010.
93TTTTTTTLPolice 8P#blic Relaions @ Ps!cholog! of Police 'nerrogaion G Socio*
.oliical inerference1" lecture !eliere! in a >orksho+ or3aniBe! b$ Police -e+art'ent) at
Police Control Roo') &abal+ur) Ma$ 13) 2010.
+?...........................1 =he role of M(4 in Parliamenar! S!sem and Parliamenar!
Process1 lecture !eliere! in the t>o-!a$ trainin3 +ro3ra''e on KParlia'entar$ 45airs an!
Proce!ure0) or3aniBe! b$ Pan!it 7un8ilal -ube$ Rastri$a .ansa!i$a Ci!$a+eet) *ho+al an! helat
at Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur) Ma$ 18) 2010
95.-----------------NGlobali)aion and H#man Righs1, ke$ note a!!ress !eliere! in national
se'inar on K Chan3in3 -i'ension on ,u'an Ri3hts0) or3aniBe! b$ -e+art'ent o% Political
.cience) Mata :u8ari Mahai!$ala$a) &abal+ur) /ctober 29) 1010.
9F.------------------N&d#caion and &m.owermen of Fomen ke$ note a!!ress !eliere! in a
national se'inar on0 9!ucation an! 1o'en 9'+o>er'ent: +resent an! %uture +ros+ects0 )
or3aniBe! b$ the -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) :oern'ent Colle3e) Malkharo!e) :uru
:hasi!as #niersit$) *ilas+ur) "oe'ber 15) 2010
97------------------) NGlobal Farming and S#sainable @ &merging
;hallenges and %##re1" resource lecture !eliere! in a #:C s+onsore! national se'inar on
KPolitical Dren!s in :lobal 1ar'in3 an! Carbon Cre!it0 ) /r3aniBe! b$ the -e+art'ent o%
Political .cience) :oern'ent :"4 Post M:ra!uate Colle3e) *hata+ara) Pt Rai .hankar .hukla
#niersit$) Rai+ur) &anuar$) 12 ( 13) 2011.
98------------------) N Socio*.oliical environmen and women em.owermen: 7e$ note
a!!ress !eliere! in a #:C s+onsore! national se'inar on K1o'en ?ea!ershi+ an!
9'+o>er'ent0) /r3aniBe! b$ the -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) .eth RC. 4rts ( Co''erce
Colle3e) -ur3) Pt. Raishankar .hukla #niersi$) Rai+ur) &anuar$)14 ( 15) 1011
99------------------) 6 Iario#s Dimension of Parioism and he role of -G>s: ) resource
lecture !eliere! in a national se'inar on) N -esh *hakti: Cii!h 4$a'L) or3aniBe! b$ -har'+al
.ho!h+eeth) .>ara8 .ansthan .anchanala$a) .anskriti Cibha3) *ho+al) hel! at 6n!ore) 2ebruar$
( 15
) 2011.
100--------------------) N (m+ed?ar and $ocial Eustice: $tructural and 8unctional
Dnderstandin!L) 7e$ not a!!ress !eliere! in a national se'inar on N Releance o% the
Dhou3hts o% -r. *abasaheb 4'be!karL) /r3aniBe! b$ -r. ." .inha Colle3e) Patur) 4kola) .:*)
4'raati #niersit$) ;M.< 2ebruar$ 19
th )
101-------------------) N Dheoretical Pers+ectie o% "ation *uil!in3 an! 9'er3in3 Challen3esL)
resource lecture !eliere! in an 6nternational .e'inar on N "ation *uil!in3 in Multicultural
.ociet$L) or3aniBe! b$ Ra8i :an!hi Chair in Conte'+orar$ .tu!ies) 4llahaba! Central
#niersit$) 4llahaba!) March 04
( 05
) 2011.
102--------------------) N 'ndian .erce.ive of H#nan RighsL ) resource lecture !eliere! in a
national se'inar on K,u'an Ri3hts Ciolations in the ConteAt o% 1eaker .ections: Re'e!ial
Measures an! 2uture .trate3ies0) or3aniBe! b$ .chool o% .tu!ies in Political .cience) Cikra'
#niesit$) #88ain) 14 an! 15) March) 2011
103TTTTTT.) N M#lic#l#ral Socie!" M#lic#l#ralism and -aion B#ilding
L4bstract Publishe! in +re +rocee!in3 o% 6nternational Con%erence on K-iersit$ an! Pluralit$ in
Me!ia: ReSections o% .ociet$0) /r3aniBe! b$ Makha'lal Chature!i "ational #niersit$ o%
&ournalis' ( Co''unication) *ho+al) -ece'ber) 27-27) 2011
104. NSigniMcance of Janjai Samaj in 'ndian &hos and -aional 'negraionL) >elco'e
a!!ress !eliere! in a national se'inar on H6an2ati Society & Mass Communication" Ima!e and
$ealityI 1or!anized by 5dim 6ati $esearch & (e-elopment Instirite1 0anya1 0an Sahitya 5cademi and Makha'lal
Chature!i "ational #niersit$ o% &ournalis' ( Co''unication) *ho+al) <>+B? 6une1 B?<B
105TTTTTT..)L -aion -aionhood G -aionali!1" Pre +rocee!in3 o% "ational .e'inar
on K 6n!ian "ationalit$ : 2ro' Past to Present0) /r3aniBe! b$ 4kil *harti$a 6thihas .ankalan
@o8ana) "e> -elhi) hel! at MPDC Colle3e) :>alior) /ctober2F-28) 2012.
<?8*++++++++++++++++H De,elopment o% Research '*lt*re and Role o% =ni,ersit-I1 )elcome address deli-ered in special
lecture deli-ered by 'onble 5P6 5bdul alam on GCommitment of ;ni-ersity" Protection of $esearch Culture1
or!anized by Makha'lal Chature!i "ational #niersit$ o% &ournalis' ( Co''unication) *ho+al)
(ecember <B1B?<B
<?9*+++++++++++++++++ H1lobalised en,ironment and Role o% Indian Lo*th./ special lecture deli-ered by Prof* 0ed
Prakash Nanda1 (en-eer ;ni-ersity1 ;S51 or!anized 1 Makha'lal Chature!i "ational #niersit$ o%
&ournalis' ( Co''unication) *ho+al) (ecember <=1B?<B
<?>*++++++++++++++++++ H 4eadership/ Terror and Diplomac- 7 D*rin2 and A%ter 'old #arA 0aledictory 5ddress deli-ered
in a national seminar on G (iplomacy of %error amon! Nations and Its Impact on 4lobal @rder1 Na-Du! 5rts and
Commerce Colle!e1 $( ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 (ecember B?+B<1 B?<B*
<?=* ++++++++++++++++++H 'han2in2 Dimensions o% Indo-$apan '*lt*ral Relation 9 Role o% Media, participated1
national seminar or!anized by Makha'lal Chature!i "ational #niersit$ o% &ournalis' (
Co''unication) *ho+al) held at Mal-iya .ha-an Ne) (elhi1 6anuary <81B?<F
<<?* ++++++++++++++++++H i,ekananda7 From Non-%ormal Ed*cation to ocational Ed*cation./ Presidential address
deli-ered in -aledictory session National Seminar on G0i-ekananda %hou!ht on Education" With Special $eference to
Inte!rated Social (e-elopment1 or!anized by .hartiya Shikha Shodh Sansthan1Luckno) and Pant2ali Samskrat
Sansthan ;22ain1 held at Saro2ni Naidu 4o-ernment 4irls Colle!e/5utonomous#1 .hopal1 7ebruary1B+F1 B?<F*
,/,DE31/ ,/(151(1E' 1! /*1!,
Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8
+++++++++++++++++1 Participated in the Inau!uration Ceremony of the Institute of south+5sian Culture Studies of Pekin!
;ni-ersity1 .ei2in!1 China and (eli-ered lecture on GIndian Culture and Philosophy1 6uly F1 <==<*
+++++++++++++++++1 (eli-ered E lecturer on " /<# G4enesis and (e-elopment of $e!ional Cooperation in South+5sia" GIndia
and )AAR' /F# 5n o-er-ie) on )AAR' Summit Meetin!1 /E# N)AAR'8 " %o)ards Collecti-e Self+$eliance1 at
(i-ision of South+5sia 'istory $eli!ion and Philosophy1 Institute of 5sia+Pacific Studies1 Chinese 5cademy of Social
Sciences1 .ei2in! China1 (urin! (ecember1 <==< to 6anuary1 <==B*
+++++++++++++++++1 Participated in Symposium on Cultural E,chan!e .et)een China and 7orei!n Countries and Presented a
research paper on GIndia and China " Culture $elations at Mt* Wuthai1 Shan,i P*$* China1 6uly BC1 <==B*
+++++++++++++++++1 Participated in the Inau!uration Ceremony of GLuan Nan! Study Centre of Institute of 5sia+Pacific
Studies1 Chinese 5cademy of Social Sciences1 .ei2in! China1 6uly F?1 <==B*
+++++++++++++++++1 Conducted research )ork on /<# Sino+Indian Cultural $elations " )ith Special $eference to Indias
Influence on Chinese Culture1 /B# GConfucius and Confucianism /F# Chinas Socialist Modernization /E# 4andhi as
understood by Chinese Social Scientists1 under the super-ision of Prof* Wan! Shuyin!1 (i-ision of South+5sian
'istory1 $eli!ion and Philosophy 1 Institute of 5sia+pacific Studies* Chinese 5cademy of Social Science1 .ei2in!
+++++++++++++++++1 5 book on GPortraits of @rdinary Chinese1 edited by Liu .in!)en and Lion! Lei )ith In+house editor
%on! Liuyin!1 published from 7orei!n Lan!ua!e Press .ei2in! <==?1 edited and translated by $am (e- .hard)a2 in
'indi Lan!ua!e and .ein! Published from 7orei!n Lan!ua!es Press1 .ei2in!*
+++++++++++++++++1 Conducted inter-ie)s of )ell+kno)n Chinese scholar of Sanskrit and 'indi lan!ua!e on GSanskrit and
'indi Lan!ua!e in Contemporary Chinese Society at 7orei!n Lan!ua!es Press .ei2in!1 China* $eports of the
inter-ie)s ha-e been published*
4--&L. K
,/,DE31/ ,/(151(E' 1! ,0'(R1,
Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8
+++++++++++++++++, 'hina8s Economic Re%orm7 Technolo2ical and Economic En,ironment in )EMs and 'oastal 'ities
submitted research paper in the session F9F HChina and the 4lobal CommunityI or!anized by salzbur! seminar <===1
Schloss Leopoldskron1 Salzbur!1 5ustria from A (ecember A E A<<1 <===*
+++++++++++++++++1India8s )ec*rit- +olic- Re2ardin2 its N*clear +olic- and its Relationship towards 'hina lecture
deli-ered in institute for politik)issenschaft1 /(epartment of Political Science# !emeinsam mit 5kademisches forum fur
5u.enpolitik1 ;ni-ersitat Salzbur!1 (ecember =1 <===*
+++++++++++++++++1Emer2in2 New Trends in India +olitics d*rin2 Atal !ihari a6pa-ee Ra2ime. and (India a%ter Election
FCCC lectures deli-ered in institute fur Politik)issenschaft1 ;ni-ersitat Innsbruck1 ;ni-ersity of Innsbruck1 (ecember <B & <F1
+++++++++++++++++1Relations between E*ropean *nion and )o*th Asian Association %or Re2ional 'ooperation
discussion )ith Prof* 5elmut ramer1 in Institute fur Politik)issenschaft1 /Institute of Political Science# ;ni-ersitat
Wien1 ;ni-ersity of 0ienna1 (ecember <C+B?1 B???*
+++++++++++++++++1The E*ropean 'omm*nit- and )o*th-Asian Association %or Re2ional 'o-operation 7 with special
re%erence to science/ technolo2-/ ed*cation and Trade discussion )ith Professor @tmar 'oil1 @!terreienisenes
Institute fur International Politik /5ustrian Institute for International 5ffairs1 La,enbur!#1 (ecember BB+BF1 <===*
+++++++++++++++++1India 'hina Relation towards the HF
cent*r- lecture deli-ered in the (e-elopment of East 5sian
StudiesP Sinolo!y1 ;ni-ersity Wien1 ;ni-ersity of 0ienna* 6anuary E+C1 B???*
+++++++++++++++++1H)AAR' and E=7 =nderstandin2 %or HF
cent*r-I (iscussion )ith (r* Elisabeth hofer in
(iplomatische 5kadmic )ien1 /0ienna (iplomatic 5cademy# 6anuary 8+B???*
(C(D"MIC ($$I=7M"7T$
Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8
:. 'ead (epartment of Political Science 1$ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from 5pril B??E to No-ember B?<?
7. (irector1 ;4C Centre for (r* 5mbadker Study and $esearch 7rom 6uly1 B??= to 6anuary B?<B
9. (irector1 Interact India Pro!ramme1 from 6une B??9 to 6anuary B?<B
4. (irector1 Pd* un2ilal (ubey Centre for Parliament Study & Political Education1 from 6uly B??9 to 6an*B?<B
1. Chair'an) *oar! o% .tu!ies in Political .cience) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur %ro'
&ul$ 2005 till &ul$ 2008
2. 9A+ert Me'ber) Research -e3ree Co''ittee ;R-C<) Pt. Rai .hanker #niersit$)
Rai+ur %ro' aca!e'ic $ear 2002 to till !ate.
3. 9A+ert Me'ber o% *oar! o% .tu!ies in Political .cience) :ot. Mahakushal 4rts an!
Co''erce Colle3e) &abal+ur %ro' -ec. 2005 to till !ate.
8. E,pert Member1 .oard of Studies1 Pt* $a-i Shanker ;ni-ersity1 $aipur from academic year B??B to till date*
<. E,pert Member1 .oard of Studies1 6i)a2i ;ni-ersity1 4)alior1 from academic year B??B to till date*
-@.Me'ber o% ins+ection co''ittee %or aQliation o% arious colle3es relate! to Rani
-ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur an! other uniersities o% Ma!h$a Pra!esh
--.Me'ber o% selection co''ittee a++ointe! b$ Cice Chancellor o% #niersit$ an! :ot. o%
Ma!h$a Pra!esh) ti'e to ti'e
-..Centre- su+erinten!ent) obserer o% uniersit$) 6ns+ector o% uniersit$ an! 'e'ber o%
S$in3 sPuat to con!uct uniersit$ eAa'ination ti'e to ti'e
-/.4ssistant co-coor!inator) central ealuation cell o% the uniersit$ ti'e to ti'e
-0.Me'ber o% :oernin3 bo!$ o% :oern'ent M.7.*. Colle3e) &abal+ur) 2001-2
-1.Cice-chancellor0s no'inee o% R.-. #niersit$ %or aca!e'ic council 2000-1
-2.Me'ber o% stan!in3 Co''ittee Druis' an! Draels Mana3e'ent Courses) .ocial .cience
2acult$) R.-. #niersit$) &abal+ur 2003-4
-3.Me'ber o% :oernin3 *o!$ o% Maharshi Ce!a Ci3$an Mahila Mahai!$ala$a) &abal+ur %or
P.:. -i+lo'a in *eaut$ Culture Course M2002-3.
:8. E,pert Member1 .oard of Studies1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur in academic year B???1 B??< and B??F
(DMI7I$TR(TI>" ($$I=7M"7T$
Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8
: (ean1 Students Welfare1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from 6uly1 B??E to September B?<<*
7 (ean1 7orei!n Students 5ffairs1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from 6uly1 B??E to September B?<<
9 Professor in char!e1 Employment .ureau1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from 6uly1 B??E to 6ulyB?<<*
E* (irector1 ;4C Centre for (r* 5mbadker Study and $esearch 7rom 6uly1 B??= A6anuary to 6anuary B?<B*
C Superintendent1 (e-endra .oys 'ostel1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from (ec*<==E to 6anuary B??F*
8 'ead1 (epartment of Political Science1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from 6uly B??E to till March B??=*
9 Chairman1 .oard of Studies in Political Science1 $* (*; ni-ersity1 6abalpur from 6uly B??C March B??=
> *Professor in char!e1 ;ni-ersity 4uest 'ouse1 $ani $*(* ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from (ec*B??F to 6uly B??>
= Member1 Core Committee of 4olden 6ubilee year+ B??C+ B??8 celebration of $*(* ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur*
<? Member1 $e-ie) Committee of ;pliftment of educational Jualification of ;ni-ersity Employee1 $*(*
;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 B??E*
<< Member1 %ender openin! committee of $*(* ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from 6uly B??C to B?<?*
<B Member1 $ules and $e!ulation 7ormation Committee for 'onorin! ;ni-ersity Employee for their e,cellent
)ork1 $*(* ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur from B??C to till B?<?
<F Member1 5dmission Committee of (e-endra .oys 'ostel and asturba 4irls 'ostel1 $*(* ;ni-ersity1
6abalpur from B??E to B?<<
<E Member1 @-erall Committee of conduction of Con-ocation+B??E1 $*(* ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur1 B??C
15 Me'ber) 4!'inistratie *o!$ o% #niersit$ :uest ,ouse) &abal+ur 2002-2003
<8 Professor in char!e1 Students ;nion1 $ani (ur!a-ati ;ni-ersity1 6abalpur in academic year <==>1<=== & B???*
4--&L. 66
>rgani)ed -aional Seminars
Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8
N Janjai Socie! G Mass ;omm#nicaion@ 'mage and Reali!1 ) collectiel$ or3aniBe! b$ Makha'lal
Chature!i "ational #niersit$) *ho+al) Dribal -e+art'ent) :oern'ent o% Ma!h$a Pra!esh) an! Can
.ahi$a 4ca!e'$)&abal+ur !urin3 &une 18-20) 2012..e'inar >as re+resente! b$ 21 states an! 149
re+resentaties out o% >hich 107 belon3e! to &an8ati societ$. .e'inar >as inau3urate! b$ Mr. Mano8
.hriastaa) 64.) .hri :a8!e Ra'8ee #rao) +attern o% Can .ahit$a 4ca!e'$)!eliere! a ke$ note a!!ress
an! Mr. .uresh 64. )-irector o% Dribal -e+art'ent >as +resent as a 3uest o% honor the session >as chaire!
b$ Cice Chancellor Pro%. *7 7uthiala an! con!ucte! b$ coor!inator o% se'inar Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8.
9'inent !i3nitar$ such as .hri ?aA'ikant .har'a)Minister o% hi3her 9!ucation).hri #'a .hankar),o'e
Minister o% :oern'ent o% MP)8ustice Cishnu 7ok8ee)-r. 7rishna :o+al 8ii) Ma!hu *hai 7ilkarni) -ili+ .in3h
*huria) Ra'lal Rotel) 2a33an .in3h 7uleaste) eA+ress their ie>s an! +roi!e! line o% action.
,Iiolence and =error in 'ndian Socie! and Poli!1" -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) Rani -ur3aati
#niersit$) &abal+ur) 2ebruar$ 19
an! 20
) 2009,Dhe se'inar >as inau3urate! b$ ,on)ble .hri
6sh>ar!as Rohai) .+eaker o% Ma!h$a Pra!esh ?e3islatie 4sse'bl$ )7e$ not a!!ress !eliere! b$ Pro%.
.ubo!h Malakar) .chool o% 6nternational .tu!ies) &a>aharlal "ehru #niersit$) "e> -elhi) session >as
+resi!e! b$ -R. .M Paul 7hurna) Cice Chancellor o% Rani -ur3aati #niersit$)&abal+ur. -r. M7 Rai)
Re3istrar )Rani -ur3aati niersit$ >as +resent in the +ro3ra'. Pro% Ciek Misra) bein3 ,ea! o% the
-e+art'ent ) cor!iall$ >elco'e 4ll the 3uests an! !i3nitaries .Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8 >as conener o%
the se'inar.)hrou3h a lo3ht on the ob8ects an! si3ni=cance o% the se'inar.
6;hanging Dimension of &d#caion" Poliics and in 'ndian1 un!er the banner o%
:ol!en &ubilee 2005-200F celebration) -e+art'ent o% Political .cience) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$)
&abal+ur) 2ebruar$ 18
( 18
) 200F.Dhe .e'inar >as inau3urate! b$ Chie% :uest ,on0ble &ustice *i+in
Chan!ra Cer'a) 2or'er Chie% &ustice o% Pun8ab an! ,ar$ana ,i3h Court. &ustice .hachin!ra
->ie!$)Chair'an o% 2ee-restructurin3 Co''ittee o% Pro%ession an! Dechnolo3ical 6nstitute o% M.P. >as
:uest o% ,onour) ke$note a!!ress !eliere! b$ .hri 4tul 7othari) Cice-Chair'en o% .hiksha *achao
4n!olan) "e> -elhi)Cice-Chancellor o% Rani -ur3aati #niersit$ -r. ..M. Paul 7hurana +resi!e! oer the
%unction. *r. *hara!>a8 intro!uce! all the 3uests an! thorou3h li3ht on the ai's) ob8ects an! si3ni=cance
o% the se'inar
,(eadershi. and Morali!1 s+onsore! b$ #:C ( 6C..R "e> -elhi or3aniBe! b$ Rani -ur3aati
#niersit$) &abal+ur ) March 3
( 4
) 1997. .e'inar >as inau3urate! b$ Mr. *alen!u .hukla)Minister %or
.cience ( Dechnolo3$) :o$t o% Ma!h$a Pra!esh) *ho+al) 7e$ note a!!ress !elie!re! b$ Pro%. /M "a3+al)
%or'ar Chair'an o% MP #niersit$ :rants Co''ission) .+ecial :uest >ere &ustice :ulab :u+ta %or'er
Chie% &ustice o% ,i'achal Pra!esh ,i3h Court an! Mr. 48it &o3i) Me'ber o% Ra8$a .abha) se'inar >as
+resi!e! b$ Pro%. &P .hukla) Cice-Chancellor o% #niersit$. Pro%. *hara!>a8 intro!uce! all the 3uests an!
thorou3h li3ht on the ai's) ob8ects an! si3ni=cance o% the se'inar
6H#man Righs for 4 Beer Forld1 )s+onsore! b$ Ra8asthan Council %or 9!ucational 4!'inistration
an! Mana3e'ent) hel! at -istrict 6nstitute o% 9!ucation an! Drainin3) &aisal'er) Ra8asthan )/ctober 18
,=wen! Poins Programme and 0hadi and Iillage 'nd#sries ;ommission1 s+onsore! b$ the
4ssociation o% 7C6C) *ho+al hel! at :oern'ent Colle3e ).heo+ur) Morena 2ebruar$ 27th (
)1987..e'inar >as inau3urate! b$ .hri .at$abhanu Chauhan)M?4)..hri Chan!oria)4-& >as :uest o%
honour) *r. *hara!>a8 intro!uce! all the 3uests an! thorou3h li3ht on the ai's) ob8ects an! si3ni=cance
o% the se'inar
-. /r3aniBe! @outh -a$ an! lectures on the aus+icious occasion o% .>a'i Ciekanan! &a$anti on
&anuar$ 12) 2010. .e'inar >as chaire! b$ -r. 4shutosh .hriastaa) Cice Chancellor o% Rani
-ur3aati #niersit$ )&abal+ur an! s+ecial lecture >as !eliere! b$ Prashant Poul)
.. 2. /r3anie! celebration o% -r. *R 4'be!kar &a$anti on 4+ril 14)2010. .hri Ci8a$a .har'a)
Re3istrar) Rani -ur3aati #niersit$) &abal+ur) Pro%. 4"- Ca8+ai) .hri Rain!ra 7ako!i) .hri 48a$
&haria an! others >ere +resente!.
/. /r3anie! t>o !a$ trainin3 +ro3ra''e on N Parlia'entar$ 45airs an! Proce!ure Ncollaboration
>ith Pan!it 7un8ilal -ube$ Rastri$a .ansa!i$a Ci!$a+eet) *ho+al an! helat at Rani -ur3aati
#niersit$) &abal+ur) Ma$ 18-19. 2010.Pro3ra''e >as inau3urate! b$ Cice chancellor Pro%. Ra'
Ra8esh Mishra)-irector o% .ans!i$a Ci!h$a+eeth)*ho+al -r. Man8ula .har'a +resi!e! oer the
+ro3ra''e..+ecial lecture >ere !eliere! b$ Pro%. Ra' -e *hara!>a8 ) -r. Ma'ta Rao) Pro%. ".
Pan!se) .hri ?C Mot>ani.
0. /r3anie! se'inar to Mark the 1orl! 4nti--ru3s -a$) on &une 2F) 2010. Pro%. :a$tri .inha)
+resi!e! oer the se'inar. .+ecial lectures >ere !eliere! b$ -r. ,. Markan -entise an! -r.
Raat)Cancer s+ecialist %ro' "eta 8i .hubhash Chan! *ose Me!ical Colle3e)&abal+ur.

4--&L. 6/
"FP"RI"7C" G8 R"$"(RC =DID"7C"
,warded Ph. D.
<* (An Anal-tical )t*d- o% )AAR' 'on%erences 7 Dhaka to Dhaka..
/in 'indi by %aruna $athore# <==>
B* (An Anal-tical )t*d- o% India and Nepal Relations 7 with )pecial Re%erence to Emer2ence o%
+arliamentar- Democrac- in Nepal..
/in 'indi by Padma Mahes)ari# B???
9. (+olicies %or the Ed*cational De,elopment o% "andicapped 'hildren 7 A 'omparati,e '*m Anal-tical
)t*d- o% India and =)A..
/in En!lish by 5** %ya!i# B??B1 %hesis has been published*
4. (Implementation o% Ra6i, 1andhi Mission8s +ro2ramme Thro*2h +eoples +articipations and R*ral
/in 'indi by %rapti .har!a-a# B??E*
E Tribal 4eadership and Tribal De,elopment in Madh-a +radesh an Anal-tical )t*d- 7 with special Re%erence
to Distt. !ala2hat..
/in 'indi by P*L* 6haria# B??8
J (An Anal-tical )t*d- o% India8s Role in #orld Trade &r2ani0ation8s 'on%erences.
/in 'indi by Pra-esh umar Pandey# B??>
7. (An Anal-tical c*m 'omparati,e )t*d- o% India and 'hina8s iews on 'ontemporar- 1lobal Iss*es./
/ in En!lish by 6ala2 umar 4oantiya# B??=*
>. India and =nited )tates o% America Relations %rom FC?@ to FC@.7 An Anal-tical )t*d-
/ in 'indi by San2ee Sin!h # B??=*
=* Implementation o% Madh-a +radesh 1o,ernment8s +olicies %or =pli%t o% handicapped 7 An Anal-tical )t*d-
O in 'indi by 'arish Chand Dada-# B?<B*

<?* H+olitical 'o-partnership in !e2a Tribes 7 An Anal-tical )t*dies/. / in 'indi by Smt* Leedia umre1 #B?<F*
4cademic 4civiies G Major ;onrib#ionO*
National 5)ards and 5ppreciation +?C
International 7ello)ships and 5)ards +?C
$eference .ooks PublishedQ<B1
$esearch Papers Published+++++=?
5rticles Published A C8*
International SeminarsPConferences+++BF
National SeminarsPConferences+++<<?
$esearch E,periences+++BCyrs*
%eachin! E,periences+++ F? yrs*
5dministrati-e E,periences+ ++B? yrs*
Ph*(* 5)ardedQ<?
Ph* (* Scholars re!istered+++?8
@r!anized National Seminars+++?8
@r!anized National celebrationsQ?C*
5dministrati-e 5ssi!nmentsQB?
5cademic 5ssi!nmentsQBE*

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