1 Email Message Jubilee 2014

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During this year, the year o the jubilee, we connect rom all continents with the place o our
ounding, the Shrine o the Mother 1hrice Admirable o Schoenstatt. \e bear testimony to the
eicacious presence o Mary and look back on 100 years o guidance in our history through Diine
Proidence. \e are thankul or the great ruitulness out o such small beginnings. And we want to
thank the community o the Pallottine lathers or giing us the Original Shrine as a jubilee git.
Our lounder, lr. Joseph Kentenich, listened to the sot oice o God in the midst o the drama o
the lirst \orld \ar. During this great historic upheaal he saw that God wanted to begin
something new through Mary. In blind trust in this initiatie o God he deoted his lie totally to it,
and the young Pallottine students concurred with this act o aith. 1hat is our ounding hour. 1his
insigniicant and lonely coenant act o October 18, 1914, is what we call our Coenant o Loe`.
Since this ounding hour we hae experienced the guidance o the God o lie and o history. God
has been speaking to us again and again throughout the last century through the deelopments o
the time, eents in the Church and inspirations in the hearts o many people. 1he God o
Proidence demanded many challenges o us, testing the ounder`s aith as well as that o the
Schoenstatt amily, thus guiding it to greater maturity. Grateul, we remember the lie and work o
the witnesses o aith o our ounding time and o the irst 100 years. 1hey are our companions
and examples.
1he coenant o loe is the seed rom which eerything deeloped, it is the secure oundation
encouraging us to take risks, and, inally, it is our essence that guides our thinking and acting. 1his
coenant leads into the depth o our aith, to an expressed coenant with Christ and a coenant
with the loly Spirit. \ith special joy, we are now giing the lather Lye Symbol to the Original
Shrine. 1his git shall express that through our relationship with the Blessed Mother, we are
ultimately seeking the relationship with God, our lather.
1he coenant o loe is our orm o aith in terms o the way we listen to God and the way we
unite with Mary and ollow Christ. Out o this coenant we lie our culture o lie in eeryday lie
as well as our apostolate. In the processes o transition within Church and society, we go the way o
attachments. 1he itality o this coenant can be ound in our central experiences making the lie
stream o our moement ruitul:
\e lie attached to a place we call shrine. 1hrough these places we are inwardly anchored and
united with the sacred. \e cultiate these attachments on arious leels. 1his creates the security o
eeling at home, places become sources o strength.
\e trust the atherly image o lr. Kentenich, a man o God. 1he ounder`s charism lies in us
giing us unity, the spirit o amily and a passion or our mission. It is lr. Kentenich`s charism that
proides security amidst the pluralism o opinions.
\e cultiate a missionary attitude o liing and acting in Church and society. By our testimony in
public we keep the apostolic spirit alie.
1he inner ace o our moement is what we call amily. In the multiplicity, we seek common ground
causing unity to grow. 1his is a git and, simultaneously, a lasting challenge or our being with one
another and our cooperation in the apostolate.
\ith respect to God`s guidance during the hundred years o our history, we acknowledge our own
weaknesses, omissions and sins. \e stand in humility beore God and ollow the attitude o Mary,
she who acknowledged her lowliness and expected eerything rom God. \e coness to God and
each other that we didn`t come up to our charism. \e ask God, ull o mercy, to accept us anew. \e
want to turn back to him and renew our irst loe.
1oday, we reply to the aithul loe o God by sealing the coenant o loe in worldwide unity. It is
our decision to shape lie out o the relationship to Mary, as well as liing in the commitment to
Christ. Mary is the image o the new person`, who conides in Got completely. 1his new person is
aware o his dignity and ready to gie his lie out o inner reedom and strength. It is to the Blessed
Mother we entrust our lie and mission.
\e are committed to a coenant culture which looks or relationship and attachment on all leels
and takes responsibility. By the strength o this coenant culture we gie a concrete yes` to the ie
strategic areas which our commitment is currently ocusing on. 1his commitment is displayed in the
projects o the Jubilee Coenant 1ents: \outh, amilies, pedagogy, Church, and society. 1his
coenant culture is our way o coping with the loss o attachments and relationships o a globalized
world that is characterized by indiidualism. It is our perspectie on the dialogue between the
dierent denominations o aith, cultures and religions.
\ith this coenant we make a missionary decision that will renew and transorm us so that we can
sere the eangelization o today's world in a more eectie manner. Loe or the Church will
oercome the need or acknowledgment and sel-preseration. \e ask Mary to help us put aside our
interests and go to the peripheries o society as our contribution to a more credible orm o
In deep gratitude we renew and actualize the lounding Document on October 18, 2014 with our
personal signature.
1oday, let us reach or the great goals and ideals o the ounding time. 1he young generation
inspires us with their inner ire. As weak coenant partners, we entrust eerything into the hands o
the Blessed Mother. \e adopt the words o the lounding Document: "Do not worry... Proe to me
irst that you really loe me."
Schoenstatt, July 18, 2014
lor the General Presidium
lr leinrich \alter, President

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