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United Nations Office for Project Services

Afghanistan Rural Rehabilitation Programme

Engineering section


R.C.C Slab Culvert
R.C.C Bridge,
R.C.C Foot Bridge,
R.C.C & Steel Composite Bridge
Suspension Bridge

Prepared By: Eng. Sayed Khan Ahmadzai


Design of culvert

Data Collected from Project site:
Cross Section of culvert site.
Clear Span
= 7.50m
Wash slope
= 0.029 1n 100 m
Live Load
= Hs20 = 20 m.ton
Thickness of Slab
Thickness of wearing coat
Clear Width of culvert


Data from R.C.C books:

fc (Compressive Strength of Concrete )
fs (yield or proof strength of steel)
Specific unit weight of R.C.C
Allowable strength of concrete fc
Allowable strength of steel


Design Process:

Hydraulic Calculations:

1-Total wetted cross section area
2-Total wetted perimeter
3-Hydraulic radius

A= 26.265 Sqm

4-Velocity of water in wash stream


S=Slope of wash bed
n=coefficient of roughness=0.03

5- Discharge:
6- Scour depth:



Where :
f=lacey silt factor=0.9
D. scour=0.475(154.4/0.9)1/3=2.63m below the H.F.L
Max.Scour depth=1.50*D.scour=1.50*2.36=3.94m
7- Average Max.F.L = (1.20+0.74+2.14+2.33+2.33+0.87)/6=1.60m
Scour depth under river bed=3.94-1.60=2.35m
Vertical Clearance above from H.F.L=60cm

Slab Design of culvert:

Effective span of slab= 1.05*7.50=7.875m
Bearing of slab on each support=30cm
L=Effective span=7.50+0.30+0.30=8.10m


Dead load:

Self weight of slab
= 0.50*2.40 = 1.20 Ton/m
Weight of wearing coat = 0.07*2.10 = 0.147Ton/m
q = Total dead load = 1.347Ton/m

Dead load bending moment:

B.M. Dead load = q*L2/8= 1.34*8.102/8=11.047 Ton-m


Live load bending moment:

B .M. live. load=P*Leff./4
P=Load on each rear tire of vehicle/E
Load on each rear tire of vehicle =7.25 ton
P=7.25/1.706=4.24 ton/m
B.M. live .load= P*Lefc./4= 4.25*8.10/4=8.606 Ton-m
Impact Factor, If =15/Lefc.+38=0.33
Iefc.>0.30 , Therefore: Impact Moment=8.606*0.33=2.64 ton-m
Total B.M.= B.M. Dead load + B.M. live load +B.M. Imp.=11.05+8.606+2.84=22.50 ton-m
k=n/n +r=10/10+16.70=0.37
fc=210kg/Sqm<275kg//Sqm therefore: n=10

Slab thickness :d min.=(2*T.B.M./fs*k*j*b)1/2=(2*22.50*105/84*0.37*0.876*100)1/2=40.65cm
D real=50-(5-2.50/2)=43.75cm, Where:
Thick. of slab=50cm, Protection. layer=5cm,

d steel bar =25mm to be used

Area of Steel bars in 100cm 0f slab:

As=Total B.M./fs*j*d=22.50*105/1400*0.876*43.75=41.93cm2
#9 dia. 25mm in 100cm of slab

Longitudinal or distribution steel bars in 100cm of slab:

As=0.55/(L effect .)1/2 * As main steel bars When the main steel bars is parallel to the
Line of traffic
As=1.20/(L effect.)1/2 *As main s.b, When the main steel bars is right angle to the
Line of traffic
As=0.55/(8.10)1/2*A main steel bars=0.20*41.93=8.36Sqm ,
Hence provide # 8 dia.12 @ 13cm center to center

Design of Curb or Kerb:


Dead load: -Weight of kerb=0.40+0.50/2 *0.75*2.40=0.81 ton/m

Live load Hs20=20 ton , Load on each rear tire=7.25ton
B.M. dead load =q*Leff.2/8=0.81*8.102/8=6.64 ton-m
B.M. live load = 0.10*7.25*8.10=5.87 ton-m
Total B.M.=6.64+5.87=12.51 ton-m

Area of steel for curb:

As=T.B.M./fs*j*d=12.51*105/1400*0.876*75=13.60 Sqm
#4 dia. 25mm in 50cm , also provide #2 dia 25mm in the top of curb.

Check for shear:

Dead Load shear:

Shear Force:
MB=0, RA*8.10-q*8.12/2

RA=(1.347*8.12/2)/8.10=5.45 ton , RA=RB=5.45 t

Live load shear force:

MB=0, RA*8.10-7.25*3.85

RA=10.70 ton

Total Shear Force (Q)=5.45=10.70=16.15 ton

Allowable shear stress: V=0.03*210=6.30 kg/Sqm
Real shear stress : V=Q/b*j*d=16.15*103/100*0.875*43.75=4.21 kg/Sqm
Real shear stress =4.21kgsqm<6.30 kg/ Sqm , Hence safe against shear force

Check for bond shear stress:

Real bond shear stress : V bond=Q/0*j*d , Where: 0= # of unbent steel bars *Perimeter of bar
Here: From 9 steel bars , 3 bars is unbent in 100 cm
0 = 3*pai*2.25 = 3*3.14*2.25 = 23.55
Real bond stress = 16.15*103/23.55*0.87*43.75 = 18kg/Sqm
Allowable shear stress = 0.1*fc = 0.1*210 = 21kg/Sqm
Real shear stress=18kg/Sqm<Allowable shear stress=21kg/Sqm
Hence safe against bond shear stress

Dimensions of Abutment and Wing walls(for culvert):

Max. Pressure on soil




Value in m for height of meter











Wing Walls:
1-Length of wing wall 1.50-2.0m times the height of abutment:
L=(1.50 or 2.0)H
2- The width of the wing wall at the base should be from 0.35H to 0.40H
where: H is height of wing wall.

Selection of Bridge site:

Suitable foundation
Straight line
Firm and well defined bank
Stream line flow
Minimum width
Right angle crossing

Bridge and Culvert :

1- Span of bridge form 3 to 7.5 m, made form R.C.C slab.
2- Span of bridge 7.5 to 12 m, made form R.C.C beam and slab.
3- Span of bridge more than 12 to 28 m, made form iron beam and R.C.C pre-cast
4- Span more than 28 to 40 m, made form R.C.C pre-cast beam.
Location of diaphragm:
1- Up to 12 m span, two diaphragm in each end of beam.
2- Span from 12 to 15 m, 3 diaphragms, two in each end and one in the middle of
3- Span more than 15 m , after each (span/3) one diaphragm.
Depth of Tee beam:

Depth of Rectangular beam:

1- For light loading :span/15 to 20.
2- For medium loading : span/12 to 15.
3- For heavy loading :span/12

1- For span up to 10 m
: Span/20
2- For span longer than 10 m: Span/12

Vertical clearance above H.F.L:

Discharge cum/sec

Min .vertical clearance (mm)

Below 0.30 cum/sec

0.30 up to 3.0 cum/sec
3.10 to 30.00 cum/sec
31.00 to 300.00 cum/sec
301.00 to 3000.00 cum/sec
Over 3000.00 cum/sec


Hydraulic Calculation:
Cross section of bridge site:
Hydraulic calculation for bridge the same as for culvert , (see the hydraulic calculation for culvert)

Design of R.C.C Bridge:


Clear span according to the site

Width of the bridge with curbs
Width of curb
Width of beam
Depth of beam = (span/17)
Live load
Thickness of slab (assume)
Thickness of wearing coat

= 14m
= 5m
= 0.60m
= 0.40m
= 0.80m
= Hs20
= 0.20m
= 0.07m

Design of slab:
Weight of slab
= 0.20*2.40*= 0.48 ton
Weight of wearing coat = 0.07*2.20 = 0.154 ton
Total weight (q)
= 0.48+0.154 = 0.634 ton
B.M. for dead load

= q*l2/8 = 0.634*1.072/10 = 0.073 ton-m

B.M. for live load = (0.80*1.64*l+1/16) P20 = (0.80*1.64*1.07+1/16) 7.25 = 0.998 ton-m
Impact factor

= 15/span+38 = 15/14+38 = 0.30

B.M. Impact

= 0.30*0.998 = 0.299 ton-m

Total B.M.

= 0.072+0.998+0.299 = 1.369 ton-m

Area of steel bars:

fc = 100 kg/cm2
Min.depth of slab
Real depth of slab
Therefore real depth

fs= 1400 kg/cm2

j = 0.86
k = 0.42
= (2*B.M/fc* k * j * b)0.50
= (2*1.369*105/100*0.42*0.86*100)0.50 = 8.70 cm
= (20-5+1.60/2) = 14.20 cm use dia of 16 mm bar with
5cm protection layer in 2 faces of slab
= 14.20 cm > Min depth = 8.70 cm

As = B.M/fs * j * d
= 1.396 * 105/1400 * 0.86 * 14.20 = 8.16 cm2
Spacing of steel bars in 1m of slab = 100*2.009/8.16 = 24.6 cm say 20 cm c/c
Use # 5 dia 16 mm bars @ 20 cm center to center (As = 10.048 cm2)
Distribution or longitudinal steel bars:
As = (120/(L)0.5 ) /100 = (120/1.070.5)/100 = 1.16 > 0.67

therefore :

As = 0.67 * 10 .048 = 6.73 cm2

Spacing = 100 * 1.13/6.73 = 17 cm center to center, Use # 7 dia 12mm @ 17 cm
center to center.
Design of Interior beam:
Effective length of beam

= 14+.06 = 14.60 m

Dead load:
Weight of slab on beam
Weight of wearing coat
Self load of beam

= 1.47* 0.20* 2.40 = 0.735 m.ton

= 1.47* 0.07* 2.20 = 0.226 m.ton
= 0.80* 0.40* 2.50 = 0.80 m.ton

Total load (q)

B. Moment of dead load:

= 1.76 M.Ton
B.M = q* span2/8 = 1.76* 14.62/8 = 46.89 Ton-m

B. Moment for live load:

Distribution of Wheel load on longitudinal beam = Span1/1.89 for one line of traffic.
Where: Span1 is center to center distance between two beams, and 1.89 is constant
Therefore : Distrib. wheel load on long. beam
= 1.47/1.89 = 0.742
Exerted load from rear tire of vehicle = 7.25* 0.742 = 5.379 Ton
Exerted load from front tire of vehicle = 3.625/2 = 1.82 * 0.742 = 1.345 Ton
Where: 3.625 ton is load on front wheel of vehicle .

Fig.8 & 9

Total Mr = 0 = -Rl*14.60 .+ 5.38*10.84 + 1.345*2.34 + 5.38*6.59 = 6.638 ton-m

Threfore Rl = 6.638 ton-m.
y2/8.01 = 6.59/14.60
y3/8.01 = 2.34/14.60

y2 = 3.615
y3 = 1.284

y1/6.59 = 3.76/14.60

y1 = 1.697

Max.B.Moment = 3.615*5.38 + 1.697*5.38 +1.284*1.345 = 30.305 ton-m

Impact factor

= 15/14.60+38 = 0.285

Impact Moment = 0.285* Max.B.M. = 0.285*30.305 = 8.637 ton-m

Total B.M. in the middle of span = Mdead load+Max.B.M+ M.impact
= 46.895+30.305+8.637 = 85.837 ton-m
Shear stress:
Shear of dead load:

q = 1.76 ton/m
RA = Qmax = 1.76*14.60/2 = 12.848 ton

Shear of live load:

MA = -RB* 14.60+ 7.25*14.60+ 5.38*10.35+ 1.34*6.10 = 0
RB = 11.626
Qmax = RB = 11.626 ton
RA = 2.349 ton
Shear of Impact :

Impact factor = 0.285

Qmax. imp. = 0.265* load = 0.285*11.626 = 3.31 ton

Total shear force = 12.848 + 11.626 + 3.31 = 27.784 ton

Effective depth of beam = 100- 3.60*3/2 3.6-5 = 86 cm where:

Space between each row of steel bars dia of bar = 36 mm = 3.60cm , total # of rows is = 3,
Protection layer = 5 cm
Area of steel bars in beam:

As = B.M/fs*(deff.-t/2) *j = 85.796 105/1400(86-20/2) 0.86 = 97.762 cm2

Where : (t ) is thickness of slab
AS = 97.762 therefore : # 10 dia 36 (As = 101.80 cm2)

Check the section of beam:

P = As/b*d = 101.80/147 * 86 =0.0052

P*n = 0.0052 * 10 = 0.052
t/d = 20/86 =0.232
1/2p*n = 1/2 * 0.0052*10 = 9.60 j = 6-6t/d+2(t/d)2+(t/d)3* (1/2pn)
j = 0.825

k = n*p +1/2(t/d)2 = 10* 0.0052+ (20/86)2 = 0.28

n*p + t/d
Therefore : As1 = M/fs*j * d = 85.796 *105/1400 * 0.825 *86 = 86.37cm2
As = 101.80< As1 = 86.37 cm2 therefore the section is O.K
Area of steel bars for shear force:

Shear stress = V= Qmax/b*j*d = 27.784*103/40* 86 * 0.825 = 9.79 kg/cm2

fc = 250 kg/cm2

Allowable shear stress = 0.03 * 250 = 7.50

Mark of concrete = 250 kg/cm2
S = 2.2 (coefficient of safety)

T.c= Tensile shear strength of concrete = 20.0

Allowable shear stress (V) = Tc/S = 20/2.2 = 9.09

V= 9.79 > V= 9.09
From other hand : V = 9.79 < Tc= 20,

Therefore, need for shear steel bars

There fore no need to change the section of the

Now determine the distance from where shear steel bars required:
Lx = (V-V/V)*Span/2 = (9.79-9.09/9.09)*14.6/2 = 0.56m = 56 cm
Resultant shear stress:R = 0.50(V+V) B*Lx = 0.50(9.79+9.09) 40* 56 = 21145 kg
R = 21245kg = 21.145 ton
We will use stirrup dia 10 mm in the spacing of 10 cm , in the distance of 56 cm
No of stirrups (Ns) = 56/10 = 5.6 , say 6 stirrups. m = 2 where (m) is number of stirrup
Shear force to support by stirrups Ts = Ns * m * Qp/ S
where :
Qp = plasticity limit of steel bars = 2500 kg/cm2 , and S=2.2 (coeff. of safety)
Ts = (6*2) *2500/2.2 = 13636.36 kg = 13.636 ton
Shear stress to support by stirrups Vs = m*As.s*Qp/ Spacing*b =2*0.785*2500/10*40= 9.813 kg/cm2
Shear stress to support by main bent steel bars: Tm. bar = 0.80 R-Ts = 0.8*21.145- 13.636= 3.28 ton
Therefore from the table of steel bars strength the dia of 36 mm has strength =18897
kg/cm2 hence no need to bent the main steel bars, however one main bar will be bent up.
Note :

If the depth of the beam exceed 60cm skin reinforcement on both faces ob web or beam in
the form of Longitudinal bars (min 12 mm bars spacing not more than 20 cm should be
provided. Such reinforcement on each face should be at lest 0.05% of cross section area.


Fig 12


Design of masonry abutment for bridge:

Normal scour depth:

Dscour = 0.473(Q/f)1/3

where: Q is max .river discharge or quantity of river flow

(f ) is lacys silt factor

Table of Silt factor(f):

Type of bed soil
Very fine soil
Fine silt
Medium silt
Medium sand
Coarse sand
Standard silt
Heavy sand


Size of particles mm

When the width of stream abstracted by abutment or pier than the scour depth :
Dscour = D (W/Labst.)2/3 , where: W is normal width of river and Labst. is length of
abstracted water way.
Dscour .max.= (1.50 to 2.0) D scour
Design Example:

Type of river bed soil

: Medium silt
River discharge (Q)
= V * A = 300.00 cum/sec
Assume V = 2.5 m/sec, and Cross section Area (A) = 120.00 m2
Supper structure : T- Beam and slab one lane bridge of clear span 14m
: HS20
: Gravel with angle of repose = 400 , w = 1.80 ton/m3
Angle of internal friction of soil on masonry = z =200
Angle of abutment slop with ground level = 108.160
Angle of backfill soil with ground level = s = 0

Normal scour depth
= 0.473(Q/f)1/3 = 0.473(300/0.85)1/3 = 3.34 m.
Max. Scour depth
= 1.5 * 3.34 = 5.01 m below the average height of flood level.
(see scour depth calculation in culvert).
Dead load from supper struture:

Load from beam = (0.80 * 0.40 * 14/2 * 2.40)4 = 21.504 ton

Load from slab
= (0.20 * 5.00 * 14/2 * 2.40)1 = 16.80 ton
Load from curb
= (0.55 * 0.25 * 14/2 * 2.40)2 = 4.62 ton
Load from wearing coat = (0.07 * 3.80 * 14/2 * 2.20)1 = 4.09 ton
Total Dead load
= 47.02 ton
Live load from two rear tire of vehicle
Total dead load and live load
Load per m width of abutment


= 15 ton
= 62.02 ton
= 62.02/5 = 12.404 ton/m

Assume Preliminary dimension of abutment :

Width of abutment in foundation = 250 cm , Height of abutment
Top width of abutment
= 120 cm

= 300 cm

Self weight of abutment per m length W= w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 + Pearth V =

= (0.60 * 3.0) 2.20 + (0.60 * 4.40) 2.20 + ( 1.30 * 3.0) 2.20 + (0.70 * 0.40) 2.2 + (2.50 *
2.50) *2.20 = 3.96+ 5.808 + 4.29 + 0.616 + 13.75 + 0.962= 29.38 ton/m.
Total vertical forces per meter length of abutment = 12.404 + 29.38 = 41.78 ton/m
Longitudinal forces:

a. Force due to attractive effort = 0.20 * HS20 load = 0.20 * 20 = 4.0 ton
Force per meter length of abutment = 4.0 /5 = 0.80 ton
b. Force due to temperature variation = 0.15 * total load per meter width of
abutment = 0.15 * 12.404 = 1.861 ton.
Total longitudinal forces = 0.80 + 1.861 = 2.66 ton, this force act at the bearing level.
Earth pressure :
w * h2( cos * sin ( ))
= 1.80*4.4 (cos 108.16 * sin(108.16-40)
( sin ( + )) + ( sin (+) * sin (-) (sin(108.16+20))1/2 + sin (40+20)1/2 * sin(40)1/2

P = 3.086 ton/m
Horizontal component of (P) = 3.086 * Cos(108.16-90) = 2.932 ton/m
Vertical component of (P) = 3.086 Sin(108.16-90) = 0.962 ton/m
Height above base of center of pressure = 0.42 * 4.40 = 1.85m



Moment of vertical forces from the abutment toe:

Abutment Structure
Super structure



Arm (m)


Resultant force location from point B(Toe):

Arm = Stab. Moment/vertical forces = 37.57/41.79 = 0.899 m

Moment of Horizontal forces from the abutment toe:


Force Symbol
Pearth H.

Total Force

Arm (m)

Overturning .M.

Resultant force location from AB line:

Arm = 13.404/5.592 = 2.397 m
Check for overturning and Sliding Moment :

S.Foverturning = Stab.Moment/Overturning Moment = 37.57/13.404 = 2.80 >
1.50 O.K

S.Fsliding = V.Forces * f / H.Forces = 41.70 * 0.60 / 5.592 = 4.47
S.F sliding = 4.47 >> 1.4 Hence abutment is safe against sliding .
Check location of Resultant :

(H.F * Arm) + (-V.F * X) = 0

(5.592 * 2.397) + ( - 41.70 * X) =>
X = 13.404/41.70 = 0.321 m
a = Arm X = 0.899 0.321= 0.58 m
e = B/2 a = 2.50/2- 0.58 = 1.25-0.58 = 0.67 m
Total downward forces = 41.79 ton/m
EXTREME STRESS = T.V.Forces/B * (1 + 6*e/B) = 41.79/2.50(1+ 6*0.67/2.50)=
= 43.59 ton/m or - 10.16 ton/m Hence both extreme stress(positive and negative ) are in
safe limit, therefore the assume dimensions of abutment are O.K



Fig 16



Data given:
Clear span of bridge
Height of bridge from river bed
River bed elevation
High flood level
Clear width of bridge
Live load
Bearing capacity of foundation soil
Assume slab thickness

: 18 m
: 4.39m
: 94.38
: 97.33
: 2.50 m
: Camel with load
: 32 ton/sqm
: 15 cm

Design process:

Height (depth) of beam : (span/15 to 20) for light load : 18/15 = 1.20 m
Width of the beam
: 2/5 * depth = 2/5 * 1.20 = 0.48 m, assume 0.40 m
Slab design :

Dead load :
Dead load of slab : 0.15 * 2400 = 360 kg/m
Live load :
Weight of camel with load : 160 ser = 160 * 7 = 1,120 kg
Live load = 1120/1.5 = 746.70 kg/m2 , Live load = 750 kg/m2
Where: (1.5 m) distance between two legs of camel.

Fig 17
Total load (q) = Dead load + Live load = 360 + 750 = 1,110 kg/m2
Leffect. = 1.70 * 1.05 = 1.785m
B.Mmax. = q * Leff.2/8 = 1,110 * 1.7852/8 = 442 kg-m
Area of Steel in one meter of span = As= B.M/fs* J*d = 442 *102/1400 * 0.876 * 15 = 442*102/18396
As = 2.403 cm2
Hence provide # 5 dia 8mm @ 20cm center to center (As = 2.51cm2 > 2.41cm2)
Design of beam:

Dead load from slab : 1,110 * span/2 = 1,110*1.70/2 = 944 kg/m


Dead load of beam : b*h*2400 = 0.40* 1.20*2400 = 960 kg/m

Dead load from hand rail : 30kg/m
Total load (q) = 944.0+ 960.0+ 30.0 = 1,934.0 kg/m
Effective length of beam = 18*1.05 = 18.90 m
B.Mmax. = q*Leff.2/8 = 1,934*18.902/8 = 86,355.52 kg-m
Area of steel bars in beam:
As = B.M/fs*J*d = 86,355.52*102/1400*0876*120 = 8,635,552/147,168 = 58.80 cm2
As = 58.80cm2 , Hence provide # 12 dia 25mm bars in two rows.

Fig 18



Design of composite bridge with reinforcement concrete slab and steel plate girders to cover
23 m clear span .
Given Data:

Clear span
: 23 m
Width of bridge
Foot path
: 0.40 m
Concrete M-200
: 2100 kg/cm2
: 2800 kg/cm2
Live load
: Hs20
The abutments of bridge are already existing .


a. Dead Load
Dead load of slab
Dead of asphalt
Total dead load (q)

: 0.20* 2.4 + 0.40* 0.25* 2.40 = 0.72 ton/m2

: 0.07* 2.20 = 0.15 ton/m2
: 0.87 ton/m2

Dead Load Moment :

B.Mdead load = q*L2/8 = 0.87* 1.572/8 = 0.27 ton-m
b. Live Load ;
Live Load Moment = 0.80 (1.64*L + 1) *Load on rear tyre
Live Load Moment = 0.80(1.64*1.57+1) * 7.25 = 1.30 ton-m
c. Impact Moment : 0.30 * 1.30 = 0.40 ton-m
Total Moment = 0.27 + 1.30 + 0.40 = 1.97 ton-m


Area of steel bars in one (m) slab:


: 0.50*2800 = 1400 kg/cm2

: 0.40*2100 = 84 kg/cm2

r = fs*/fc* = 1400/84 = 16.70

n = 10
k = n/n+r = 10/10+16.70 = 0.375

J = 1- k/3 = 1- 0.375/3 = 0.875

dmin. = (2*M/fc* k*J*b)1/2 = (2*1.97*105/84*0.375*0.875*100)1/2 = 11.89 cm

Eff.depth = 20-(5+1.8/2) = 20-5.90 = 14.10 > 11.89 cm
Bar to be used = 14 mm
As = M/fs* J*d = 1.97*105/1400*0.875*14 = 11.49 cm2
Hence provide # 5 dia. 18 mm (As = 12.72 cm2)
Spacing = As1*100/As = 2.545*100/12.72 = 20 cm center to center.
Longitudinal steel bars = 0.67 * 12.32 = 8.25 cm2

Hence provide # 6 dia.14 mm (As = 9.24cm2)

Spacing = 1.539*100/9.24 = 16.6 cm = 16 cm center to center.

Design of Interior steel (I ) beam:

Dead load:
Wt of (I) beam +Wt of diaphragms +Wt of angle Iron Wt of RCC slab =
(0.90*0.02*7.85) +(0.04*0.30*7.85)2 + (12*0.0054)/23 + (0.60*0.01*7.85) +
+(0.15*0.017*7.85)2 + 1.56*0.20*2.4 + 0.07 *2.20 = 1.30 ton/m2
Mdead load = q*L2/8 = 1.30*24.202/8 = 95.17 ton-m

Leff.= 1.05*23.0 = 24.20

Live load Moment :

Coeff.of load distribution = Span/1.68 = 1.57/1.68 = 0.935

Load from the rear tire = 7.25*0.935= 6.78 ton/Sqm
Load from the front tire = 1.81*0.935 = 1.692ton/Sqm
Ra*24.20 = 1.692*15.62 +6.78*11.37 + 1.692*7.12 = 195.044/24.20 = 8.06 ton
Mmax = 8.06*12.83 6.78*4.25 = 74.595 ton-m
Impact factor = 15/24.20 = 0.241


Impact Moment = 0.24*74.595 = 17.98 ton-m

Total Moment = 95.17 + 74.595+ 17.98 = 187.75 ton-m
Selection of Steel Section :

Moment of Inertia for composite section (Steel & concrete)

Note : To work together the RCC & steel , the span of RCC slab between two I beam will
decrease 10 times , therefore
span/10 = 157/10 = 15.70
Total Area of I beam and RCC , A = A1+A2 = (15.70*20) + ((90*2) + (30*4)2) = 314
+ 420 = 734cm2
Statically Moment = A1*y1 + A2*y2 = 314*118 + 420* 49 = 57632 cm2
Center of gravity of composite section :

Y = Mstx-x /A = 57632/734 = 78.52 cm

Fig 21
Moment Of Inertia or Second Moment :
A. Moment of Inertia of steel about the x1 Axis:

Ix1 = b* h3/12(b*h3/12+4*30*472) + (b*h3/12+4*30*472)

Ix1 = 2*903/12+(30*43/12+265080)+(30*43/12+265080)
Ix1 = 121500+265240+265240 = 651,980cm4
B. Moment Inertia of Concrete section about the x2 axis:
Ix2 = b*h3/12 = 15.70*203/12 = 10466.67 cm4
C. Moment Inertia of composite section about the x0 section :
Ixo = Ix2 +A2* 29.482 + Ix1 + A1* 29.52
Ixo = 10466.67+314*869.070 + 651980 + 420*871.430 = 1301335.418 cm4


Coefficient of Strength :

Wbottom= Ixo/center of gravity from the top = 1301335.418/78.52 = 16573.30 cm3

Wtop = Ixo/C.O.G from bottom = 1301335.418/19.48 = 66803.67 cm3

Stress bottom b = Total Mload/Wb = 18,775,000/16573.30 = 1132.85 kg/cm2

Stress top t = T.Moment/Wt = 18,775,000/66803.67 = 281.05 kg/cm2
Allowable stress for steel = fsteel = 2800/2 = 1400 kg/cm2 therefore:
Strtess b = 1132.85 kg/cm2< 1400 kg/cm2
Stress t = 281.05 kg/cm2 < 1400 kg/cm2


Design of fillet welding ( Design of suitable welded connection between the web and the Flange):
Size of Plate Girder : h = 90 cm , Flange size: wide= 30 cm , T= 4cm
Clear Span of bridge : 23 m
Design Process :
Horizontal shear per cm length of plate girder :
Q1 = F/I *(A*Y) , F = F1*Span/2
F1 = (Dead load + Live load) per (m)length
of girder
F1 = 1.30 + 6.78 = 8.08 ton/m, F = 8080*23/2 = 92,920 kg
Ix1 = 651.980 cm4,
Y(center of gravity) = 49 cm,
A*Y = 120*49 = 5,880 cm3

A = 30*4 =120cm

Q1 = 92,920/651,980*(5,880) = 838.015 kg/cm

Vertical loaded Flange (Comp. Flange) :
F1 = 8.08 ton/m = 8080 kg/m = 80.80 kg/cm
Resultant Shear (Q) :
Q = (Q12 + F1)1/2 = (838.0152 + 80.802)1/2 = 841.90 kg/cm
Welded shall be applied on both sides of the Web plate for top Flange as well as for
bottom Flange. Weld could be continuous.

Continuous weld :

Let (S) be the size of weld :


Strength of weld per cm length = 2*s*k*Pq ,

Pq = Permissible stress = 1100 kg

Where : k = coeff. = 0.7

S = Q/2*k*Pq = 841.90/2*0.70*1100 = 0.54 cm = 5.40 mm

S = 5.4 mm < 8 mm (minimum thick.of weld)
But for more safety we will take 10 mm

S = 1cm

Design the Butt welding (for Girder) :

Strength of the Joint = L * t * Pt

Where : L = Effective length of girder , t = Effict. Throat (0.70*S = 0.70 *1.0 = 0.70 cm)
For single (V) type butt welding = 5/8*S = 5/8*1 = 5/8 cm
Pt = permissible tensile stress = 1500 kg/cm2
Strength of the Joint = L*t*Pt = 45*5/8 *1500 = 42,187.50 kg OK



Data :
Data collected fro bridge site:
Clear span of bridge
Snow load
Live load

:270 Feet
: 25 lbs/ft2
: 30 lbs/ft2

Size of various wooden components of bridge:

1. Transom
2. Bearer
3. Planks
4. Post
5. Back Stay
6. Diagonals

7. Guard Rails

: (3inch*5inch/144)* 6foot * 1
: (2" * 4"/144)* 3'-6"*4
: (1.5"/12) *1'* 4'*3.5
: (2"*3"/144)* 4'*2
: (2"*3"/144)* 4'-6"*2
: (2"*3"/144)* 5'-6"* 4
: (2"*3"/144)*3'-6"*2

= 0.625 cuft
= 0.778 cuft
= 1.75 cuft
= 0.333 cuft
= 0.375 cuft
= 0.91 cuft
= 0.292 cuft
= 5.0694 Cuft

Weight of wood
: 50 lbs/cuft
Total weight of wood : 50*5.07 = 253.50 Lbs
Weight per running Foot of Bridge = 253.50 lbs/3.5 = 72.43 lbs/ft

Fig 24
Calculation the length of suspenders :
Suspenders are provided at (L1 = 3'-6") intervals .
Dip = Span/15 = 270/15 = 18 feet

(Central dip of the main cables)

Inverted Dip = Span/60 = 270/60 = 4'-6"

Length of least suspender (assume) = 2 feet
Height of Tower = Dip + Inv.Dip + Length of least suspen. = 18' + 4'-6" + 2' = 24'-6"
Length of the suspenders can be calculated by the following formula:
Length of suspenders Y= (4d/L2)*x2


Where : d = dip

L = Span of bridge

x = Distance from least suspender

Therefore: Total length of suspender :

Y = 4d1*x2/L2 + 4d2*x2/L2 + 2'
Y = 4/L2(d1 + d2) x2 + 2
d2 : Inverted dip
x = 3.5 ft
Y1 = 4/2702 (18+4.5)* 3.52 + 2 = 2.015 ft
x = 7.00 ftt
Y2 = 4/2702(18+4.5)*7.02 + 2 = 2.0605 ft
x = 10.50 ft
Y3 = 0.1361 + 2
= 2.1361 ft
x = 14.00 ft
Y4 = 0.242 + 2
= 2.242 ft
x = 17'-6"
Y5 = 0.378 + 2
= 2.378 ft
x = 21.00ft
Y6 = 0.5444 + 2
= 2.5444 ft
x = 24.50 ft
Y7 = 0.741 + 2
= 2.741 ft
x = 28.00 ft
Y8 = 0.9679 + 2
= 2.9679 ft
x = 31.50 ft
Y9 = 1.225 + 2
= 3.225 ft
x = 35.00 ft
Y10 = 1.5123 + 2
= 3.5123 ft
x = 38.50 ft
Y11 = 1.8299 + 2
= 3.8299 ft
x = 42.00 ft
Y12 = 2.1778 + 2
= 4.1778 ft
x = 45.50 ft
Y13 = 2.5559 + 2
= 4.5559 ft
x = 49.00 ft
Y14 = 2.9642 + 2
= 4.962 ft
x = 52.50 ft
Y15 = 3.4028 + 2
= 5.4028 ft
x = 56.00 f
Y16 = 3.8716 + 2
= 5.8716 ft
x = 59.50 ft
Y17 = 4.3707 + 2
= 6.3707 ft
x = 63.00 ft
Y18 = 4.90 + 2
= 6.90 ft
x = 66.50 ft
Y19 = 5.4596 + 2
= 7.4596 ft
x = 70.00 ft
Y20 = 6.0494 + 2
= 8.049 ft
x = 73.50 ft
Y21 = 6.6694 + 2
= 8.6694 ft
x = 77.00 ft
Y22 = 7.3198 + 2
= 9.3198 ft
x = 80.50 ft
Y23 = 8.0003 + 2
= 10.00 ft
x = 84.00 ft
Y24 = 8.7111 + 2
= 10.7111 ft
x = 87.50 ft
Y25 = 9.4522 + 2
= 11.4522 ft
x = 91.00 ft
Y26 = 10.2235 + 2
= 12.2235 ft
x = 94.50 ft
Y27 = 11.025 + 2
= 13.025 ft
x = 98.00 ft
Y28 = 11.568 + 2
= 13.8568ft
x = 101.50 ft Y29 = 12.7188 + 2
= 14.7188 ft
x = 105.00 ft Y30 = 13.6111 + 2
= 15.6111 ft
x = 108.50 ft Y31 = 14.5336 + 2
= 16.5336 ft
x = 112.00 ft Y32 = 15.4864 + 2
= 17.4864 ft
x = 115.50 ft Y33 = 16.4694 + 2
= 18.4694 ft
x = 119.00 ft Y34 = 17.4827 + 2
= 19.4827 ft
x = 122.50 ft Y35 = 18.5262 + 2
= 20.5262 ft
x = 126.00 ft Y36 = 19.60 + 2
= 21.60 ft
x = 129.50 ft Y37 = 20.7040 + 2
= 22.7040 ft
x = 133.00 ft Y38 = 21.8383 + 2
= 23.8383 ft
x = 136.50 ft Y39 = 23.002 + 2
= 25.0028 ft
Total length of suspenders one side half = 388.6355 Feet
Total length of suspender cable ( for entire bridge) = 388.6355 * 4 + 4 = 1558.542 Feet
Total number of suspenders = Span/L1 *2 = (270/3.5) * 2 = 154
Average length of each suspender = 1558.542/154 = 10.120 feet
Increase length by 20% = (10.120)* 1.20 = 12.144 feet
Weight of suspender cable = 1.0 lbs/ft


Two suspenders cable in design panel , therefore : Wt = 2*1*12.144 = 24.288 lbs/ft

Weight of suspenders cable per running foot of bridge = 24.288/4 = 6.072 lbs/ft
Weight of Main cable:
Self weight of main cable = 2 lbs/ft
LENGTH OF MAIN CABLE : L = Span(1+8/3(d/span)2)
L = 270(1+ 8/3(18/270)2) = 273.20 Feet
Three cables on either side , therefore :
Weight of Main cables per running foot of bridge = sides*No of cables * Self wt of cable =
= 2*3*2 = 12.0 lbs/ft
Snow weight = 25 * width = 25 * 3.5 = 87.50 lbs/ft
Live Load = 30*3.50 = 105 lbs/ft
Total load on bridge :
Total Load = ( Wt of wooden deck + Wt of Main cable + Wt of suspenders + Snow + Slings)1.1 +
+Live load =(72.43 +12 +6.072 +87.50 +8)1.1 +105 = 309.602 lbs/feet = 0.3096 Kips/ft

Fig 25



Uniformly distributed load (w) = 0.3096 kips/ft
Horizontal Thrust :H = w * Span2/8d = (0.3096 * 2702)/8*18 = 156.735 kips

Using :

Vertical Thrust :

V = w * Span/2 = 0.3096 *270/2 = 41.796 kips

Tension in cable :

T = ((H)2 + (V)2)1/2 = ((156.735)2 + (41.796)2)1/2 = 162.212 kips

Dia (1) inch cable (19)wires each (0.2) inch dia.

Extra high strength grade :

Breaking Load = 104,500 lbs

Taking factor of safety = 3.2

Working Load = 104,500/3.2 = 32,656.25 lbs

Number of cables required for entire bridge = 162,212/32656.25 = 4.967 for both side
of bridge.
Therefore : We Take (3) Cables of (1) inch on each side.
See annex No 1(cable table)
Design of Anchor block for Main cable :

Fig 26
Span/4 = 270/4 = 67.50 Feet,
= 14.930 = 140 ,55', 53"

tan = H. of Tower/67.50 = 18/67.5 = 0.2667

= 180- ( + 90) = 75.06860 = 740,4',7"

Fig 27
TA = T * Sin 14.9310 = 162.212 * Sin 14.9310 = 41.795 kips
TB = T * Cos 14.9310 = 162.212 * Cos 14.931 = 156.735 kips

F = Force of Sliding

Assuming that the total tension in cable can cause sliding and is increased by 50%
Therefore :
F = 162.212 * 1.50 = 243.318 kips


= Co-efficient of friction = 0.60

R = weight of Block
243.318 = 0.60 R
R = 243.318/0.6 = 405.530 Kips
Volume of block required = Total Wt/Unit Wt of block = 405.530/0.15 = 2703.533 cft
Size of Block = 17 feet x 17 feet x 10 feet,
Wt = V*0.15 = 433.5 kips

V= 2890 kips

Bearing Pressure = Wt of block/Contact Area = 433.50/17*17 = 1.50 kips/ft 2 < 2.24kips/ft2

Hence O.K
Check for Overturning :
Self weight of block = 17 * 17 *10 *0.15 = 433.50 kips
Overturning Moment: TB*10/2 + TA*17/2 =156.735*5 + 41.795*8.50 =1138.933 k-ft
Resisting Moment = 433.50*17/2 = 3684.75 k-ft
(F.O.S) Factor of Safety against Overturning = Resist. Moment/Overt. Moment
F.O.S = 3684.75/1138.933 = 3.235,
Hence O.K
Design of wind-guy cable for wind :
Calculation of area in direct contact with wind :

Transom :
Bearer :
Planks :
Post :
Diagonal :
Guard Rail :

(3*5/144)* 1 = 0.104 sft

(4 inch/12) * 3'-6" *1 =1.1667 Sft
(1.5 inch/12)*3'-6"* 1 = 0.4375 Sft
(3/12) * 4'* 1 = 1.0 sft
(3/12) * 4'*1 = 1.0 Sft
(3/12) * 5'-6"*1= 2.75 Sft
(3/12) * 3'-6"*1 = 0.875 Sft
Total Area
= 7.333 Sft

Total Area of Wood in contact with wind = 7.333 sft

Total Area of cable in contact with wind :
Main cable dia (1 inch):
1/12 * 3'-6" *3 = 0.875 sft
Suspender Cable dia.(1/2 inch): 0.5/12 * 11.545 = 0.481 sft
Total area
= 1.356 sft
Total Area of bridge in contact with wind = 7.333 + 1.356 = 8.689 sft
Taking wind pressure = 20 lbs/sft
Total pressure = 20 * 8.6893 =173.79 lbs
Total load per running foot = 173.79/3.5 = 49.65 lbs/foot = 0.05 kips/foot
Selecting wind tie cable dip : d = Span/15 = 270/15 = 18 feet
Tag =18/135 = 0.1333

= 7.59460

Say. = 7.60

Horizontal Thrust :

H = W*L2/8d = 0.05*2702/8*18 = 25.3125 kips

Vertical Thrust :

V = W*L/2 = 0.05*270/2 = 6.75 kips

T = ((H2 + V2))1/2 = ((25.3125)2 + (6.75)2)1/2 = 26.20 kips = 26,200 lbs


Using: Locally made inch diameter cable 19 wires strands each of 0.2 inch diameter.
Extra high strength grade with breaking strength = 58,300 lbs
F.O.S = 2

Working strength = 58,300/2 = 29,250 lbs

Number of cables required = 26,200/29150 = 0.90

Taking (1) cable dia inch on each side.
Design of Anchor block for win-guy cable :
R = Weight of block,
F = Sliding force = 26.20 kips
Sliding increasing by 50% : F *1.5 = 26.2 * 1.5 = 39.30 kips
39.30 = 0.6 R

= 0.6

R= 65.50 kips

Fig 28
Volume of Anchor block required for wind cable = Wt of block/Unit Wt of block =
= 65.5/0.15 = 437 cft
Size of Anchor block for wind cable = 9' x 9' x 6'
Bearing Pressure = Wt of Block/Contact Area = 65.50/9*9 = 0.81 k/ft 2 < 2.24 K/ft2
Hence O.K.
Design of Suspender for win-guy cable :
Load on one Suspender = Load from Wooden Deck + Snow Load + Live load =
= 72.43 * 3.5/2 + 87.5 * 3.5/2 + 105 * 3.5/2 = 463.63 lbs
Using :

Dia (1/2) inch wire rope , 1x7 (0.165)

High Strength grade with breaking strength = 18.800 lbs
F.O.S = 4
Working Strength = 18,800/4 = 4700 lbs
Number of cable required for Suspender = Load/working Str. = 463.30/4700 = 0.1
Taking # 1 dia inch cable for suspender.

Design of wind ties :

Total Thrust on bridge : 0.05 * 3.5 = 0.175 kips = 175 lbs
Using : dia inch cable with 7 strands each dia 0.165 inch .
High strength grade = 18,800 lbs
Breaking strength 18,800 lbs
F.O.S = 4
Working strength = 18,800/4 = 4700 lbs
Number of cables required = 175/4700 = 0.037
Taking # 1 dia inch cable for wind ties
Design of column :


Tangent = 4dip/span = 4*18/270 = 0.2667

= 14.930

H = T * Cos 14.93 = 162.946/2 * Cos 14.93 = 78.75 kips

Where: T = Tension in main cable.
V= T * Sin 14.93 = 162.946/2 * Sin 14.93 = 21.0 kips
Load on column = 2*21 = 42 kips
Increasing by 70%,: Pu = 42*1.70 = 71.4 kips
Concrete Column : Pu = (Stress Concrete * Acc) + (Stress Steel * As)
Pu = 1000*24*30 + As *18000
Min As = 0.01 Agross of Concrete = 0.01*24* 30
Min .Asteel = 7.20 inch2
Using : Dia. inch bars.,

Number of bars Required = Asteel /Abar = 7.2/0.2 = 36 bars

Fig 29
Design of combine footing :
Load on the top of column = 71.40 kips
Load on footing = Load on column + Self load of column
Load on Footing =71.40 + (18*24/12 * 30/12) 0.15=71.40 + 13.50 = 84.90 Say 85.00
Total load on Footing = 85 + 85 = 170 kips
Self weight of Footing = 10% of the total load = 170* 0.10 = 17.00 kips
TOTAL LOAD ON FOOTING : 170.0 + 17.0 187.00 kips
Area of the base of footing slab : 187/1.90 = 104 Sft
Where : 1.90 k/sft is allowable soil pressure.
Area Required :
A = 9' * 12' =108 sft > 104 sft
Net upward pressure of the soil = 170/9 *12 = 1.574 k/sft
The arrangement of the columns with their respective position shall be as shown in

Fig 30
The load per foot run of the footing = 9 * 1.574 = 14.167 k/ft


Shear force and Bending Moment :

Shear force to the left of the column (A) = 14.167 * 3.25 = 46.043 kips
Where: 3.25 = distance from the left side toe of the footing to column center.
Shear force to the right of column (A) = Load on footing 46.043 = 85- 46.043 = 38.957 kips
Shear force just to the left of column B :
S.F = 38.957- 14.167 * 5.5 = 38.962 kips
Shear force just to the right of the column (B) : S.F = 85- 38.962 = 46.038 kips

Fig 31
Bending Moment :
Bending Moment at column A & B = 14.167 * 3.252/2 = 74.189 k-ft
The Max. bending Moment will be in the center of both columns at the distance of
Distance = 3.25 + 2.75 = 6 ft from either ends.
Max. B. Moment = 85 *2.75 14.167 *62/2 = 233.75 255.006 = -21.256 k-ft

Fig 32
Depth of the foundation :
A. From punching shear consideration:
Total punching force around the perimeter of column (A) :
=Load on footing Upward load * b * L = 85.0- 1.574 * 2 ft * 2.5 ft = 77.13 kips
Where : b and L are the dimension of column : b= 24inch = 2ft & L = 30 inch = 2.5 ft
Let (d) be the depth of the footing under the column.
Total resisting force against punching : 4*b*d*S p
Where : b = One dimension of column
d = Effective depth required
Sp = Punching shear stress and its for 1:2:4 mix is 150 psi (10 kg/cm 2)
Total force resisting punching = 4*24*0.15*d kips
77.13 = 4*24*0.15*d
d = 77.13/14.4 = 5.36 inch


Max. Bending Moment = 74.189 k-ft

Depth of Footing = (B.M/QB)1/2

Where : B is width of footing = 9ft = 108 inch

d = (74.189*12000/185*108)1/2 = 6.67 inch

Adopt an overall depth = 12 inch
Effective depth = 9 inch
Area of steel bars in footing :
As = M/fs* J *d =74.189 * 12,000/20,000 * 0.872 * 9 = 890,268/156,960 = 5.67 inch2
Provide 1/2 inch dia bar .
#31 dia inch @ 3.50 inch center to center (#31 dia 12mm @ 9 cm c/c)
Area of Transverse steel bars : # 42 dia 0.39 inch (10 mm) @ 3.50 inch

Fig 33




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