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May 13-18, 2014 (57.5hours)

I entered at Abacus Global Technovisions Inc. (Alpa Hotel) without an assurance
that they will grant me the opportunity to work overtime for I desperately need it. Luckily,
I was allowed to work overtime for few days and to work this weeks Saturday and
Sunday. With a 1 week span, I have learned to embrace the workplace with open arms.
They are very accommodating and they give me a lot of work for me not to get that
bored during the working hours. They are helping me finish my 150 hours of OJT with
new learning.

I have learned to socialize with my workmates because they are very friendly. I
am really a silent person around the people that I dont know that much, but you cant
really be silent around those people. Also, Ive learned to push myself to work harder
under the time pressure. I didnt even know that I can last 12 hours in the workplace,
because I am used to just relax at home.

I was given work of checking the receipts to the daily reports and to transfer the
reports in their corresponding books. With that, I have learned to put 100% focus in a
work to avoid a lot of errors in writing in the books. Like our professor keep reminding us
to avoid erasures, it is really a must for it is really being questions by the auditor. I have
also encountered recording in cash receipts, disbursements, sales and purchases. With
recording those transactions in their corresponding books, I have also learned using
Sundries. It is used when the items are greater the number of columns in the book.

Furthermore, I was given a chance to work at the front office that entertains the
guests and even record directly the transactions daily. I have learned that they are also
the one giving daily sales report that will be given to the accounting department to be
checked. Because I was given the chance to check those reports, I have noticed that
their reports in the worksheet have 1 extra copy.

Because I was assigned at the Front Office, I have observed different things that
Alpa Hotel can improve of. They dont need much of advertising for it is operating since
1960s and they will not last long if they are not stable. However, they have few
problems with their amenities for there are many complaints about their water supply,
broken air conditioner, etc. They dont have an elevator yet even though it is a 4-storey
building, but they are planning it.

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