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As amended up to __________

Issued by:

Indian Union Muslim League

Address __________________________

Muslim League Publication Trust

Quaide Millath Manzil,


1. Name , Flag and Headquarters:

(a) The name of the organization shall be “Indian Union Muslim


(b) The flag of the Indian Union Muslim League shall be of green color
and in rectangular shape with the crescent and five pointed star in white
color marked in the upper left-hand corner, as given in Annexure – I of
this Constitution.

C) The Headquarters of the Indian Union Muslim League shall be

situated at such place as may be determined by its National

2. Aims and Objects of the Indian Union Muslim League:

The Indian Union Muslim League shall strive to preserve and promote with
due distinction and honor the religious and cultural identities of the
Muslims and other minorities and backward communities of India,
enriching national life and strengthening its secular and democratic
foundations and shall, in particular, strive:

(a) To uphold, defend and maintain, and assist in upholding, defending

and maintaining the independence, freedom, unity, integrity, and
honor of the State of the Indian Union and to work for, and contribute
to strengthen the prosperity and happiness of the people of India;

(b) To bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law
established and to the principles of socialism, secularism and
democracy and to uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;

(c) To secure, protect and maintain the religious, cultural, official,

educational, linguistic, economic, political, administrative and other
legitimate rights and interests of the Muslims and other minorities,
including scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward
and weaker sections of the society in India; AND

(d) To promote mutual understanding, goodwill, amity, cordiality,

harmony and unity between Muslims and other communities of the
Indian Union.

3. Membership:

(a) Any person who is a Muslim, as also any other person, who is a citizen of
the Indian Union and who is not less than eighteen years of age and who
subscribes to the aims and objects of the Indian Union Muslim League
and agrees to abide by its Constitution, the Rules and Regulations and the
discipline of the Indian Union Muslim League shall be eligible to become a
member of any Primary League of the Indian Union Muslim League.

(b) Any person desiring to become a member of a Primary League shall pay
in advance a subscription of rupees five as membership fee and shall also
declare that he will abide by the aims, objects, Constitution, rules and
regulations, policy and programme of the Indian Union Muslim League as
per the Application Form Prescribed Annexure II herewith. Subscription
amount once paid will not in be refundable under any circumstances.

(c) The Executive / Working Committee of any State League shall have the
power to refuse admission to or, if admitted, to revoke the membership of
any person without assigning any reason whatsoever.

(d) Any member may withdraw from the Muslim League at any time with the
sanction of the Executive / Working committee of the State League in
which he is a member, but shall be eligible for readmission to membership
anytime thereafter his withdrawal subject to the approval of State
Executive/ Working Committee.

(e) The subscription paid by members shall be valid for four years’ duration
and shall expire on the last day of such duration from the date of their
payment and a member shall cease to be a member unless the
membership is renewed by payment of subscription for the succeeding
duration: Provided that the Executive / Working Committee of the State
League may relax the provisions of this clause in such manner as it may
deem fit.

4. The Organisational Structure: National

A) The Indian Union Muslim League shall be a four structured

organization national, state, district and primary.

(B)The national structure of the Indian Union Muslim League shall

consist of its Office bearers the National Executive and the National
General Council.

C) The National Office – bearers, of the Indian Union Muslim League

shall be as follows:
One President
Two Vice – Presidents
One General Secretary
Five National Secretaries and One Treasurer.

The National office bearers shall be elected by the National

General Council from among its members and shall hold office for
a term of four years from the date of their election and shall
continue in office until their successors are elected. The out going
office bearers shall be eligible for re – election.

D. Powers and Duties of the National Office Bearers of the Indian

Union Muslim League:

(a) The National President shall be the principal head of the whole
organization, shall exercise all the powers inherent in his office and
be responsible to see that all the authorities work in consonance
with the Constitution and the Rules of the Indian Union Muslim

(b) The National vice – Presidents shall assist the National President
and perform such duties and functions under his guidance as may be
entrusted to them.

(c) The National General Secretary he shall exercise all the powers
delegated to him by the National General Council of the Indian Union
Muslim League or which may be entrusted to him by Executive and
he shall.dis charge all duties laid down by, and incidental to, the
enforcing of these clauses and generally appertaining to his office.
The National and he shall have the power to appoint, punish,
dismiss, or grant leave of absence with or without pay to the staff of
the Indian Union Muslim League in accordance with the bye-laws, if
any, framed by the National Executive in this behalf.

(d) In case of emergency, the National President or the National General

Secretary with the approval of the National President may take such
action on behalf of the Council as he deems expedient, provided
such action is not in contravention or violation of any of the aims and
objects or policies or programmes of the Indian Union Muslim
League and that the same is reported to the Council for its

(e) The National Secretaries shall assist the National General Secretary
and perform such duties and functions under his guidance as may be
entrusted to them.

(f) The Treasurer shall maintain the accounts of its income and
expenditure and shall assist the National General Secretary to
prepare and resent the annuual budget of the organization.

5) The National Executive : its Composition, powers and functions.

(A) The National Executive of the Indian Union Muslim League shall
consist of the following:
a) The National office – bearers
b) The state League presidents and the General Secretaries.
c) The sitting and former Members of Parliament of the Indian Union
Muslim League.
d) The Sitting and former Ministers of the Union and State Governments
from of the Indian Union Muslim League and

e) The National organizers of the youth League, STU, the Mahila

League and MSF.

(B) The National Executive shall be the Principal Executive of the Indian
Union Muslim League and shall exercise the following functions and

(a) To consider and take necessary decisions and steps with regard to
matters arising from time to time relating to the aims and objects of
the Indian Union Muslim League not inconsistent or at variance with
the creed or policy of the Indian Union Muslim League by its Council
or at General Sessions;

(b) To take all necessary steps for giving effect to the resolutions
passed at the National General Council and Sessions of the Indian
Union Muslim League;

(c) To appoint sub-committees for carrying out such duties and

functions as may be entrusted to them by the National General

(d) To prepare annual budget and to authorize payments in

accordance with it and to appoint auditor or auditors;

(e) To sanction all payments not included in the budget;

(f) To take disciplinary action against any member of the Indian Union
Muslim League who violates the decisions or directions of the
National Executive or of the Council of the Indian Union Muslim
League or hinders the progress of the Indian Union Muslim League in
any manner whatsoever, subject to the right of appeal to the National
General Council of the Indian Union Muslim League;

(g) To suspend, or dis-affiliate any State League which fails in its

duties, infringes or ignores the decisions or directions of the National
Executive or of the General Council of Indian Union Muslim League
or hinders the progress of the Indian Union Muslim League in any
manner whatsoever, subject to the right of appeal to the National
General Council of the Indian Union Muslim League;

(h) To take disciplinary action against any office bearer of the State
League who fails in his duties, infringes or ignores the decisions or
directions of the National Executive or of the Council of Indian Union
Muslim League or hinders the progress of the Indian Union Muslim
League in any manner whatsoever, subject to the right of appeal to
the National General Council of the Indian Union Muslim
League; and

(i) To issue to State Leagues or their Office bearers such directions

and, in general, to take all such steps, as it may deem necessary, for
effectively carrying out the work of Indian Union Muslim League;

(j) To exercise all such powers and to do all such acts as and not
expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Indian
Union Muslim League in its Council or General Session.

The National Executive may delegate any of its powers to any

committee or to any of its members or to the President or the General
Secretary of the Indian Union Muslim League with such limitations or
conditions as it may deem fit to impose.

6 The National General Council : its composition, powers and


A. The National General Council of the Indian Union Muslim League

shall consist of the following:

a) The members of the National Executive

b) The state Representatives elected to the National General Council

on the basis of one representative out of 10000 members of the state
Leagues; and.
c) The Not more than 25 nominated members by the National President
from the various state Leagues.

B) In Case any state League fails to elect its representatives to the

National General Council within the time prescribed by the National
Executive, the National President shall coopt as many members as
prescribed by the National Executive from that decanting state League.

C) The National General Council shall hold office for the period of four
years and shall continue in office until the succeeding National General
Council is duty elected.

D. Every member of the Council shall pay in advance a subscription of Rs.

500/- (rupees five hundred only) for the period of four years at time of the
first session of the General Council of that particular term. If the member
fails to pay the subscription, he/she shall cease to be a member of the
Council provided the Council may re-instate the member on payment of
arrears of subscription.

E) The National General Council shall have the functions and powers as

(a) To consider all matters arising from time to time, relating to the
aims, objects, policy and programme of the Indian Union Muslim
League and to take necessary steps with the reference thereto;

(b) To take all necessary steps for giving effect to the resolutions
passed at the General Council and Sessions of the Indian Union
Muslim League;

(c) To control the funds of the Indian Union Muslim League;

(d) To appoint sub-committees for carrying out its duties and exercising
its powers

(e) To organize, affiliate, supervise, control and disaffiliate Muslim

League organizations under these clauses

(f) To frame rules and bye-laws for the Indian Union League;

(g) To take disciplinary action against any member of the Indian Union
Muslim League who violates the decisions of the Indian Union Muslim
League or acts in contravention of its aims and objects

(h) To hear and decide appeals as provided for in these clauses

(i) To hold General Sessions of the Indian Union Muslim League at

such time and place as it determines.

(j) And, In general, to perform all other functions that the Council may
consider for effectively carrying on the work of Indian Union Muslim

F) The Council may delegate any of its powers to the National Executive
or the National President or the National General Secretary of the Indian
Union Muslim League or to any member of the Council, with such
limitations or conditions as it may deem fit to impose.

G) The National General Council shall be the supreme body of the Indian
Union Muslim League and its decisions shall be final and binding on all its

7 The Organisational Structure : State

A) The Indian Union Muslim League shall be formed and constituted in

every state and Union Territory of India in such manner as mentioned

B) The Constitution of the Indian Union Muslim League shall be

binding on the state Leagues and they shall conform to the pattern as
herein laid down; provided that a state League may have such
variations determined through its own rules and regulations as it may
deem fit and as may be confirmed by the National Executive of the
Indian Union Muslim League.

C)The State Leagues are duty bound to abide by the decisions of the
Indian Union Muslim League and shall take all necessary steps for
giving effect to the instructions and directions received
from the Indian Union Muslim League.

D) The State Leagues shall select and send delegates to the General
sessions of the Indian Union Muslim League as mentioned herein.

E) The state structure of the Indian Union Muslim League shall consist
of its office – bearers, the State Executive / the State Working
Committee and the State General Council.

F) (a) The State office – bearers of the Indian Union Muslim League
shall be as follows : One President, One General Secretary and one

(b) For the posts of Vice-presidents and state secretaries the State
Executive/ the State Working committee shall prescribe their
numbers as per their requirements.

c) The state office bearers shall be elected from among the members of
the respective state leagues and they shall hold office for a period of
four years from the date of their election and shall continue in office
until their successrs are duly elected.

d) The Out – going office – bearers shall be eligible for re-election.

8. The State Executive / the State Working Committee: its

composition, powers and functions:

A) The State Executive / the State Working Committee of the Indian

Union Muslim League shall consist of the following:

a) The State office – bearers

b) The District presidents and district general secretaries of the
respective states.
c) The sitting MLAs MLCs of the respective states from the Indian
Union Muslim League.
d) The sitting and former Ministers of the respective states from the
Indian Union Muslim League.
e) The sitting and former Members of Parliament of the respective
states from the Indian Union Muslim League and
f) The state organizers of the youth League, STU, the Mahila League
and MSF.

B) The State Executive / the state working committee shall

have its powers and functions as follows:

12. State General Council shall consist of the following:

 All State Executive Working Committee Members
 All the Presidents and Secretaries of the Primary League
 All elected IUML members of Wards, Panchayat and
 Each District league of that state shall be entitled to send to the
State General Council one representative out of every 1,000 of its
members and such members shall at first be elected at a meeting
held for the purpose by the respective District Leagues. The
District Leagues will also have to submit a copy of the list of their
members along with the share of the membership fee collected by
their Primary Leagues as prescribed herein
 Not more than 25 nominated members by the State President
from various District Leagues in his state.
 In case any District League fails to elect its members to the State
General Council within the time prescribed by the State
Executive, the State President shall have the power to co-opt
members from the defaulting district of as many numbers as
prescribed by the State Executive.
 The State General Council shall hold office for the period
of four years and shall continue in office until the succeeding
State General Council is duly elected. Every member of the
Council shall pay in advance a subscription of Rs. 200/- (rupees
two hundred only) for the period of four years at time of the first
session of the State General Council of that particular term. If the
member fails to pay the subscription, he/she shall cease to be a
member of the Council Provided the Council may re-instate the
member on payment of arrears of subscription.

13. District League

The District League shall have the following /structure:
(a) District Office Bearers of IUML
(b) District Working Committee
(c) District General Council

District Office Bearers shall consist of the following posts:

One President
One General Secretary
One Treasurer
For the posts of District Vice President/s and District Secretaries, the
Working Committees of the respective districts shall prescribe their
numbers as per their requirement.

All office Bearers of the District League shall be elected by the District
General Council as prescribed herein from among its members and shall
hold office for term of four years from the date of their election and shall
continue in office until their successors are elected. The out-going Office
Bearers shall be eligible for re-election. Regarding the district matters, the
decisions of the with a General Council will be final and binding to all
members of that particular district.
Regarding any dispose in District matters,

14. District Working Committee shall consist of the following:

 All District Office Bearers,
 Ex-officio members will be all sitting and formers Member of
Parliament of IUML, sitting & former MLAs and MLCs of IUML,
Corporators and all elected IUML members of Wards, Panchayat
and Municipalities of their respective District
 Representatives of District Coordinators Conveners organisations
of various wings of District League i.e. Women’s wing, Labour wing,
Youth League and MSF
 Not more than 5 nominated members by the District President from
various Primary Leagues

15. District General Council shall consist of the following:

 All district Working Committee Members
 All the presidents and Secretaries of the Primary Leagues
 Each Primary League of that district shall be entitled to send to
the District General Council one representative out of every 100
of its members and such members including the presidents
sections of the any league shall at first be elected at a meeting
held for the purpose by the respective Primary Leagues. The
Primary Leagues will also have to submit a copy of the list of
their members along with the share of the membership fee
collected by them as prescribed herein
 Not more than 5 nominated members by the District President
from various Primary Leagues in his district.
 In case any Primary League fails to elect its members to the
District General Council within the time prescribed by the District
Working shower Committee, the District President shall have the
power to co-opt members from the defaulting district of as many
numbers as prescribed by the District Working Committee.
 The District General Council shall hold office for the period of four
years and shall continue in office until the succeeding District
General Council is duly elected. Every member of the Council
shall pay in advance a subscription of Rs. 100/- (rupees one
hundred only) for the period of four years at time of the first
session of the District General Council of that particular term. If
the member fails to pay the subscription, he/she shall cease to be
a member of the Council Provided the Council may re-instate the
member on payment of arrears of subscription.

16) (iv) Primary League

The Primary league shall be the basic Unit of Indian Union Muslim League
and shall be formed in each village, town, ward, Panchayat or Division having
a minimum of 100 or more members with approval of the District Working
Committee in their respective district.

The Primary League shall have the following /structure:

(a) Primary League Office Bearers of IUML
(b) Primary League Working Committee
(c) Primary League General Council

Primary League Office Bearers shall consist of the following posts:

One President
One Vice President
One General Secretary
Two Secretaries
One Treasurer

All office Bearers of the primary League shall be elected by the Primary
League General Council as prescribed herein from among its members
and shall hold office for term of four years from the date of their election
and shall continue in office until their successors are elected. The out-
going Office Bearers shall be eligible for re-election. Primary League
matters, the decisions of the District General Council will be final and
binding to all members of that particular Primary league. Regarding and
dispose in the primary League matter.

Primary League Working Committe shall consist of the following:

 All Primary League Office Bearers,
 Ex-officio members will be all sitting and former Member of
Parliaments of IUML, sitting & former MLAs and MLCs of IUML,
Corporators and all elected IUML members of Wards, Panchayat
and Municipalities of their respective area
 Representatives of Primary League Coordinators of
Conveners organizes of various wings of the Primary League i.e.
Women’s wing, Labour wing, Youth League and MSF
 Not more than (3) three nominated members by the Primary
President from his area

Primary League General Council shall consist of the following:

 All enrolled members of the Primary League

18. Meetings & Sessions of various committees and units of


The above mentioned all League Committees shall meet and carry out
their business as mentioned herein:

General Councils:
Meetings of the Council of the Indian Union Muslim League shall be
convened from time to time by the respective General Secretaries in
consultation with, or under the direction or with the approval of their
President. Special meetings of the Council shall be convened, if one third
members of the respective Council send in a written request to the
President or the General Secretary, stating therein the purpose for which
the meeting is required to be convened.

19. Executive Bodies & Working Committees

The National and/or State Executive shall meet as often as their
respective President may desire but at least once in every calendar year
and may frame its own Rules to regulate its meetings and proceedings as
it may think fit.

20. Office Bearers

. The National and/or State office bearers shall meet as often as their
respective President may desire but at least once in every two months

The office bearers of all the Leagues shall here as and as their
respective President way desire but of best once the in evenly ro months.
Apart from the above mentioned committees the National Executive with
approval of the General Council may appoint/nominate and/or create
following sub-committees, the National President and the General
Secretary shall be the ex-officio members of these committees:

(21) National Parliamentary Board and Political Advisory Committee:

(a) There shall be a Central National Parliamentary Board to be

appointed by the National Executive of the Indian Union Muslim
League and it shall perform the functions prescribed and entrusted to it
by the National executive:

(b) There shall be a Political Advisory Committee nominated by the

National Executive to advise the President on matters concerning the
policy, programmes, organizations and disciplinary actions
of the Indian Union Muslim League. The Committee shall also perform
such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the National
Executive, and shall confirm to such directions and regulations as may
be determined by the National Executive. The Political Advisory
Committee shall be directly responsible to and shall from time to time
report to the National Executive.

(c) The Political Advisory Committee shall consist of not more than
seven members nominated by the National Executive besides the
President and the General Secretary of the Indian Union Muslim
League, who shall always be members of the Committee. Not more
than two members may also be nominated by the President.

(d) Any other Committee/organization as may be necessary

(22) Quorum & Notices for the meetings

One third members of the total strength of the particular Committee shall
form the quorum for the meetings, and all matters dealt with at such
meetings shall be decided by a majority of votes.

A notice of not less than 10 days for the ordinary meetings and of not less
than six days for the special meetings shall be given to each member
stating the time and place of the meeting: Provided that meetings can be
convened at shorter notice in case of emergency.

23. Funds & Properties/assets of the Indian Union Muslim


(i) All subscriptions received from the members of the National General
Council of the Indian Union Muslim League, all fees received from the
delegates at the General Sessions of the Indian Union Muslim League,
amounts received as membership share from the states and all donations,
and other contributions that may be received or collected shall constitute
the funds of the Indian Union Muslim league.

(ii) The National League, State Leagues, District Leagues and the Primary
Leagues may, in addition to the membership subscriptions, collect
voluntary donations and may spend the same as per their respective
Quotas mentioned herein for the purpose of carrying on the work of IUML
and for purchasing immovable properties to house their respective offices
and to carry on the work of their respective organization from the income

(iii) The funds of the Indian Union Muslim League may be deposited in the
name of the Indian Union Muslim League with any bank or banks at the
discretion of the National Executive and the bank account or accounts
shall be operated by such persons as the National Executive may decide.

(iv) All membership fees collected by the Primary leagues all over the country
shall be distributed under the following manner:
National League Share 20%
State League Share 20%
District League Share 20%
Primary league Share 40%

(v) All properties tassels of the IUML , the state Leagues, the Dt. League and
the Primary Leagues shall remain and the ownership of the respective
regularly. The ownership of all properties & assets shall remain under the
ownership of their respective State Leagues and will be under the direct
control of the Executives represented by its their respective Presidents,
General Secretary’s and Treasurers. The State, District and Primary
League may open and operate bank account/s as may be required and
approved by their Executive/Working Committees.

(vi) All the four divisions of Indian Union Muslim League namely National
League, State League, District League and Primary League shall have to
maintain proper accounts of all income and expenditure through such
person/s as approved by their respective Executive/Working Committees
and shall be responsible for its audit & maintenance and/or any payable
taxes, fees or rents etc. to any government or non government
departments or agencies. They shall present their audited accounts at the
annual session of their respective General Councils.

24. General Provisions

(a) All matters dealt with at the sessions of the Indian Union Muslim League
and meetings of the Council and the National Executive or any sub-
committee appointed under these clauses shall be decided by a majority
of votes. In case of equality of votes, the President the meeting, entitled to
a second or casting vote.

(b) All casual or interim vacancies arising in the ranks of the members of the
Council as well as of the Office Bearers shall be filled up by the Council by
the election.

(c) The General Council of the Indian Union Muslim League shall have the
power to ally itself or co-operate with any other organization in the Country
whose aims and objects and programme of work are identical with or
approximately identical with those of the Indian Union Muslim League.

(d) Any General State Muslim League may ally itself or co-operate with any
other organization in the country whose aims and objects and programme
of work are identical with or approximately identical with those of the
Muslim league provided that the prior approval for such a course has been
obtained from the National Executive of the Indian Union Muslim League.

(e) The Council of the Indian Union Muslim League shall have power to add,
amend, alter or repeal the Constitution and Rules of the Indian Union
Muslim League at its meeting by a majority of not less than two thirds of
the members present.

(f) The decisions of the Council of the Indian Union Muslim league in all
matters concerning the Indian Union Muslim League including rights and
obligations of the members shall be final and binding and shall not be
questioned in any court of law.

25. Transitory Provisions

(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing clauses, those who

were enrolled as members of the Primary Muslim League in the Indian Union
during and after the last membership campaign shall continue to be members
thereof until such date or dates as may be fixed by the National Executive of the
Indian Union Muslim League and the Indian Union Muslim League General
Council with the of consent of the State Leagues. And State,District and Primary
Muslim Leagues shall be deemed to have continued to exist, and function as
such until fresh elections are held in accordance with the programme or
programmes that may be drawn up and prescribed by the National Executive of
the Indian Union Muslim League under the foregoing clauses:

(b) Provided that any person who desires to become a member of a Primary
Muslim League may be so enrolled in accordance with the foregoing clauses:

(c) And provided further that, fresh Primary Muslim Leagues may be formed
in accordance with the foregoing clauses.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of any of the foregoing clauses, the

national Executive, may, during the interim period till the Council of the Indian
Union Muslim League is duly elected, exercise all such powers and do all such
acts as have entrusted to the Council and perform all such functions as may be
required or as may be conducive to carry on the work of the Indian Union Muslim
League effectively.


Original adapted at the meeting of the Council of the Indian

Union Muslim league held on September 1, 1951 under the
President ship of Qaid-e-Millath Janab M. Muhammad Ismail

First amendments adopted on October 4, 1987 under the

Presidentship of Janab Ibrahim Sait, M.P., President, Indian
Union Muslim League

Third amendments adopted on August 6, 1989 under the

Presidenship of Janab Ebrahim Sulaiman Sait, M.P.,
President, Indian Union Muslim League.

Fourth amendments adopted on September 14, 2008 under

the Presidentship of Janab E. Ahamed, Minister of state for
External Affairs, President, Indian Union Muslim League.

Fifth amendments adopted on ______________________

under the Presidentship of Janab E. Ahamed Minister of state
for Indian Railways, President, Indian Union Muslim League.

I. Flag Format

ii) Application Form

III) Certificate of Application , Certificate of Approval

iV) List of State League

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