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THIS AGREEMENT is made this _______ day of ________, 20____

by and between __________________________________________________
(hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer") and ________________________________
(hereinafter referred to as the "Artist"), by and through their designated agent or
representative __________________________________("Manager").
WHEREAS, Artist(s) desire to provide suh !erformane at the "onert#
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as fo$$ows%
&enue% ______________________________________
Address% ________________________________
"ity% ___________________ 'tate% ________________ (ip% _______________
)vent *ame+,heme% __________________________________________
)vent -ate% ______________________ )vent ,ime% ____________________
.oad in ,ime% ______________
!erformane ,ime% _________________________________
'et .ength% ______________minute set(s) with
_____________________minute brea/s.
0. Performance: ,he entertainment to be provided by Artist is genera$$y desribed as%
2. Agreement to Perform: Artist agrees to provide the !erformane in aordane with
the terms of this Agreement and any addendums or riders hereto.
1. Prce of Performance: Buyer agrees to pay Artist or his agent an aggregate of
________________ -2..A3' (4) for the !erformane. Buyer sha$$ pay a 506 deposit
at the signing of this Agreement and the remaining ba$ane immediate$y fo$$owing the
!erformane, whih he/ sha$$ be made payab$e to the Manager. 7pon proper
endorsement of suh he/ by Manager, Buyer agrees to ash the he/ for the Manager.
,he Manager sha$$ distribute suh amount to Artist as agreed upon between them.
8. E!"#ment: Artist or Management wi$$ notify Buyer of any additiona$ e9uipment,
supp$ies, or sound prodution needs to proper$y ondut the !erformane prior to the
signing of this Agreement.
5. Tran$#ortaton an% Lo%gng: Buyer wi$$ provide $odging for Artist and Management
for 0 night at the designated hote$ and ground transportation to and from the venue on the
night of the "onert.
:. Recor%ng, Re#ro%"cton or Tran$m$$on of Performance: Buyer wi$$ use its best
efforts to prevent the reording, reprodution or transmission of the !erformane without
the written permission of Artist or Artist;s representative.
<. E&c"$e of O'(gaton$: Buyer and Artist sha$$ be e=used from their ob$igations
hereunder in the event of proven si/ness, aident, riot, stri/e, epidemi, at of >od or
any other $egitimate ondition or ourrene beyond their respetive ontro$. ?f this
ours deposit sha$$ be returned in fu$$ to Buyer.
@. Ta&e$: Buyer agrees to prepare and fi$e a$$ ta= information re9uired of a person who
hires an independent ontrator and Artist agree that they have so$e responsibi$ity for the
payment of any federa$ or state ta=es arising from the monies paid by Buyer to Artist(s)
for the !erformane.
A. In%emnf) for Co#)rg*t Infrngement: Artist and Management represent and
warrant that they are /now$edgeab$e about the opyright $aws of the 7nited 'tates as
app$iab$e to the !erformane, and that Artist sha$$ not perform any opyrighted materia$s
of others during !erformane without fu$$ omp$iane with suh app$iab$e opyright
$aws. ?n the event that Artist breah this representation, warranty and ovenant, Artist
hereby agree to indemnify and ho$d harm$ess Buyer and its emp$oyees, guests and agents
from and against a$$ $iabi$ity, $oss, damages, $aims, and e=penses (in$uding attorney;s
fees) arising out of suh breah.
00. In%e#en%ent Contractor: Artist a/now$edges that he sha$$ perform their
ob$igations hereunder as an independent ontrator and not as an emp$oyee of Buyer.
Artist further a/now$edge that they are not on Buyer;s payro$$ and soia$ seurity or ta=
withho$ding ro$$s. Artist sha$$ have so$e ontro$ and diretion in the ondut of the
00. Merc*an%$ng: Artist sha$$ not se$$ any goods, produts, merhandise or servies
(other than the servies provided herein) on the grounds of the "onert without onsent
of Buyer.
02. Promoton: Buyer sha$$ be entit$ed to advertise and promote the appearane of Artist
and the !erformane. Artist a/now$edge that Buyer wi$$ re$y on the terms hereof in a$$
suh promotions and advertising setting forth the name, date and time the performane is
to be he$d. Artist hereby a/now$edges and agrees that Buyer may use their names,
photographs, $i/eness, fasimi$e signature, voie drop+radio endorsement and any other
promotiona$ materia$s in a$$ of suh promotions, advertising or other ativities used to
inrease attendane at the "onert.
01. Par+ng: Buyer sha$$ provide par/ing spae for vehi$es in a $oation of $ose
pro=imity to and with diret aess to the venue where !erformane wi$$ ta/e p$ae on
the date of !erformane.
08. Sec"rt): Buyer sha$$ provide seurity for the venue and performane areas before,
during and after the !erformane. Artist may provide additiona$ seurity personne$ for
themse$ves at ArtistBs e=pense. *o $etha$ weapons wi$$ be permitted on the premises and
Artist agrees to indemnify and ho$d harm$ess Buyer of any ations of ArtistBs persona$
05. Pa$$e$: Buyer sha$$ provide up to 00 passes+bands to Artist and ArtistBs guest and
entourage for the &?! and performane areas of the venue.
0:. A"t*ort) to E&ec"te: ,he Manager who is e=euting this Agreement on beha$f of
Artist hereby warrants and represents that he has the fu$$ power and authority to bind
Artist on whose beha$f he is e=euting this Agreement and a/now$edges that he is
ma/ing this representation and warranty with the understanding that Buyer is re$ying
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is e=euted on the date first above written.
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