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Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]

Chinmayananda Saraswati
Swami Chinmayananda
Swami Chinmayananda
Born Balakrishnan Menon
8 May 1916
Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Died 3 August 1993 (aged 77)
San Diego, California, U.S.A
Founder of Chinmaya Mission
Guru Sivananda Saraswati
Tapovan Maharaj
Philosophy Advaita Vedanta
The Holy Gita and many more
(See Bibliography)
Swami Tejomayananda
"The tragedy of human history is
that there is decreasing happiness
in the midst of increasing
"The real guru is the pure intellect
within; and the purified, deeply
aspiring mind is the disciple."
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swami Chinmayananda (8 May 1916 3 August 1993)
was a Hindu spiritual leader and teacher who inspired the
formation of Chinmaya Mission, a worldwide nonprofit
organization, to spread the knowledge of Advaita Vedanta ,
the nondual system of thought found in the Upanishads ,
which epitomize the philosophical teachings of the Vedas .
Swami Chinmayananda is renowned for teaching Bhagavad-
gt, the Upanishads, and other ancient Hindu scriptures in a
logical and scientific manner.
From 1951 onward, he
spearheaded a global Hindu spiritual and cultural
renaissance that popularized the religions esoteric scriptural
texts, teaching them in English all across India and
His wit and erudition made him a dynamic orator,
captivating crowds of up to several thousand in free
discourses twice a day for nearly 40 years.
Swami Chinmayananda inspired the formation of Chinmaya
Mission in 1953. Founded by his disciples and led by him,
Chinmaya Mission is a spiritual, educational, and charitable
nonprofit organization that encompasses more than 300
centers in India and internationally. Swami Chinmayananda
set its mission statement as follows: "To provide to
individuals, from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta
and practical means for spiritual growth and happiness,
enabling them to become positive contributors to society."
Chinmaya Mission is administered by the apex body of
Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, in Mumbai , India, now
under the leadership of Swami Chinmayanandas successor,
Swami Tejomayananda , the present head of Chinmaya
Mission worldwide.
Swami Chinmayananda authored 95 publications in his
lifetime, including commentaries on the major Upanishads
and Bhagavad-gt.
He served several American and
Asian universities as a visiting professor of Indian
philosophy and conducted university lecture tours in many
Through his Vedantic teachings,
publications, centers, ashrams, temples, and social service
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Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
"We may often give without love,
but we can never love without
Founder Member Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Resting Place Sidhbari
projects around the globe, his work continues to provide
cultural and spiritual instruction to members of the Hindu
diaspora. He died on August 3, 1993,
which his followers
mark as the occasion when he attained Mahasamadhi .
Contents [hide]
1 Biography
1.1 Early Life and Education (1916-1942)
1.2 Indian Independence Movement and Imprisonment
1.3 Career in J ournalism (1945-1947)
1.4 Study of Vedanta (1947-1951)
1.4.1 Discipleship under Swami Sivananda
1.4.2 Discipleship under Swami Tapovanam
1.5 Launching of a Spiritual Movement (1951-1953)
1.6 Founder and Leader of Chinmaya Mission (1953-
2 Enduring Works and Legacy
2.1 Bala Vihar
2.2 CHYK
2.3 Study Groups and Devi Groups
2.4 Jna Yaja and Spiritual Camps
2.5 Ashrams and Spiritual Centers
2.6 Temples and Shrines
2.7 Sandeepany Sdhanlaya
2.8 Research Facility - Chinmaya International
2.9 Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development
2.10 Educational Institutes (including CIRS)
2.11 Management Institute
2.12 Medical Facilities
2.13 Residential Vedanta Course
2.14 Dharma Sevak Course
2.15 Publications
2.16 BMI Chart
3 Health Condition (1969, 1980)
4 Suvara Tulbhram (1991)
5 Talk at United Nations and other Honors
6 Death (1993)
7 External links
8 Notes
Biography [edit]
Early Life and Education (1916-1942) [edit]
Balakrishna Menon, who later became Swami Chinmayananda, was born in the city of Ernakulam in Kerala,
India, on May 8, 1916, as the eldest son of a prominent judge, Kutta Menon, who was the nephew of the
Maharaja of Cochin .
His mother, Paru Kutty, fondly called Manku, died while giving birth to her third
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
Consequently, Balan was raised by his mothers eldest sister, Kochunarayani.
He completed his formal schooling in Sree Rama Varma High School, Kochi (1921-1928) and Vivekodayam
School, Thrissur (1928-1932). He completed his FA (Fellow of Arts) at the Maharaja's College , Ernakulam
(1932-1934), and his BA (Bachelor of Arts) at the St. Thomas College , Trichur (1935-1937). He went on to
Lucknow University (1940-1943) to earn postgraduate degrees in literature and law,
completing courses in journalism.
Although he would go on to become a celebrated spiritual teacher, in his student years, Balan had yet to
formally accept religion. In the summer of 1936, he visited the eminent sage, Shri Ramana Maharshi. By
Swami Chinmayanandas later personal accounts, when Ramana Maharshi looked at him, he experienced a
thrill of spiritual rapture which, at the time, he promptly rationalized away as being mere hypnotism.
Indian Independence Movement and Imprisonment (1942-1944) [edit]
Approaching August 1942, in the midst of a wide-scale attempt by Indian activists to make the British Quit
India, Balan was one of the students to join in writing and distributing leaflets to stir up national pride.
He gave many speeches with the intent to generate awareness of the inability of the British to solve the
problems of India.
Within weeks, 100,000 people were arrested nationwide, mass fines were levied, and thousands were killed or
injured in police and army shootings.
When word of a warrant for his arrest reached Balan, he went
undercover. He spent the next year moving around in the state of Abbottabad , out of range of British
After a year, he left Kashmir and moved toward Delhi.
Almost two years after the British had issued his arrest warrant, believing his case was long forgotten, Balan
arrived in Punjab and associated himself with several freedom groups. He advised students on distributing
leaflets and organizing public strikes. Balan was promptly picked up and imprisoned.
He spent several months in unhygienic conditions in prison and caught typhus. Consequently, he was among
those who were carried out into the night and tossed beside a road on the outskirts of the city.
By his personal account, an Indian Christian lady was passing along that route the next morning and happened
to notice the young man lying on the roadside, who reminded her of her own son serving in the army. The lady
took Balan to her home and immediately called for a doctor, who insisted that the young man be taken to a
hospital without delay.
Career in Journalism (1945-1947) [edit]
After several difficult weeks, Balan slowly recovered his health. Sri K Rama Rao, eminent editor, noted
freedom fighter and member of the first Rajya Sabha, gave Balan his first job as a journalist sub-editor at the
National Herald at Lucknow and later at Delhi.
He wrote a series of articlesshort, critical satireson
the imperative of socialism in a society where the vast majority of people were poor. These were soon
published regularly in Indian national papers.
By the end of 1945, he started to write for The National Herald , a popular Indian newspaper, on subjects
ranging from history and culture to social and political issues. Articles such as In Praise of the Postman, and
The MochiSymbol of Craftsmanship, quickly gained him a reputation as a controversial character. In
1947, he began a new series of articles for The Commonweal .
It was during this time of working as a journalist that he decided to write an article exposing sadhus. He
travelled to Swami Sivanandas ashram in Rishikesh for this purpose. He later confessed, I went not to gain
knowledge, but to find out how the swamis were keeping up the bluff among the masses.
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
Chinmayananda on the day of his
Sannyas initiation, standing on the right
of Guru Sivananda Saraswati and other
disciples, Feb 25, 1949, Maha Shivratri
Day, Rishikesh.
Study of Vedanta (1947-1951) [edit]
In the summer of 1947, Balan arrived in Rishikesh, by the banks of the Ganga River and made the one-mile
hike to the Divine Life Society, the ashram of the illustrious Swami Sivananda.
Discipleship under Swami Sivananda [edit]
In the Himalayas , Balan went from skeptic to enthusiast until finally becoming a renunciate monk. He began
reading more about Hindu scriptures and reviewing spiritual books.
Swami Sivananda recognized Balans
latent talents and entrusted him to organize a Gita Committee.
Having returned to the Divine Life Society
ashram, on February 25, 1949, the holy day of Mahshivartri, Balan was initiated into sannysa (Hindu vow
of renunciation) by Swami Sivananda, who gave him the name Swami Chinmayananda, or bliss of pure
With Swami Sivanandas blessing, Chinmayananda soon sought
out one of the greatest Vedantic masters of his time, Swami
Tapovanam of Uttarkashi , and devoted the next few years of his
life to an intensive study of Vedanta under the tutelage of the
renowned ascetic.
Discipleship under Swami Tapovanam [edit]
In the summer of 1949, Swami Chinmayananda set out on foot for
the long trek to Uttarkashi, where Swami Tapovanam resided.
Swami Tapovanam is acknowledged as one of the greatest
Vedantins and spiritual masters of that time.
As his disciple,
Swami Chinmayananda led an extremely austere lifestyle and
underwent a rigorous study of the scriptures. His day began at three oclock in the morning with an icy bath in
the Ganga and sometimes ended late in the night after hours of meditation by the river.
Launching of a Spiritual Movement (1951-1953) [edit]
In 1951, flying in the face of orthodox Hindu traditions, with the blessings of his guru, Swami Chinmayananda
made the decision to bring the teachings of Vedanta to the masses, whereas it was traditionally a knowledge
reserved only for Brahmins . When he began his lifes work, the worlds oldest scriptures were being taught in
tiny, exclusive pockets with strict orthodoxy.
In May of that year, Swami Chinmayananda left the Himalayas with a plan to set out on an all-India tour and to
visit places of worship to see how the Hindu religious heritage was being handed down. He said of that time: I
was miserably disillusioned and disappointed about... the stuff doled out as the best in Hinduism.... My
experiences during those five months of roaming only strengthened my conviction that I must execute...
Upanishad Jna Yaja sessions (lecture series) all over India, in all the great cities.
In a Ganesha temple in the city of Pune, in December 1951, Swami Chinmayananda held his first lecture
Only a handful of listeners sat around the swami during his first few discourses, but the size of
audiences soon swelled into thousands.
Army officers from the Southern Command came on their
bicycles to listen; the audience overflowed into the lanes near the temple.
Brahmin priests were called to
conduct the yajna (Vedic ritual), and to their utter surprise, everyone in the audience, man and woman, across
all social strata, was asked to participate in the rituals.
Founder and Leader of Chinmaya Mission (1953-1993) [edit]
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
At the end of the second jna yaja in Chennai in 1953, a handful of people expressed the desire to create a
forum for the study and discussion of Vedanta. Swami Chinmayananda agreed in principle, but he said, Dont
start any organization in my name. I have not come here to be institutionalized. I have come here to give the
message of our ancient sages, which has benefited me. If it has benefited you, pass it on.
The Chennai group insisted that the best way to pass it on was through the support of a forum. They wrote
back pointing out that the word Chinmaya did not have to indicate Swami Chinmayanandas name, since, in
Sanskrit, the world itself means pure Knowledge, which they were seeking. Swami Chinmayananda
conceded. On August 8, 1953, the Chinmaya Mission was formed.
Before long, hundreds of study groups were set up all over the country for people to get together in small
batches to study religion and philosophy in a systematic manner. Devi groups were organized for women to
take up regular spiritual study and social work.
In 1956, the 23rd jna yaja in Delhi was inaugurated by the President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad . He
spoke highly of the work Swami Chinmayananda was doing to restore Indias cultural glory. In a span of five
years, Swami Chinmayananda had instructed over 50,000 of his countrymen through 25 jna yajas across
the country.
On March 6, 1965, Swami Chinmayananda set out on his first global teaching tour, covering 39 cities in 18
countries: Thailand, Hong Kong, J apan, Malaysia, United States, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium,
the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and Lebanon.
Over the next 28 years, he continued these international discourses, staying only a week or so in each place,
delivering a minimum of two lectures a day, and handling numerous meetings, interviews, discussions, and
He wrote scores of letters a day, over and above all the other aspects of his busy daily
It soon became necessary to coordinate the growing spiritual movement in the United States. Chinmaya
Mission West was formed in 1975 for this purpose. Today, there are over 30 centers in the United States, each
of which is an independently registered nonprofit entity. Their activities include Vedanta study classes,
religious worship, spiritual seminars, cultural programs, local social services, and religious education for
children known as Bala Vihar.
Swami Chinmayanandas message resonated with heads of other faiths. One of his yaja s in Mumbai was
inaugurated by Cardinal Valerian Gracias , a prominent Catholic archbishop of the time.
The Dalai Lama ,
head of the Tibetan Buddhist order, visited with him at the Chinmaya Mission ashram in Sidhbari in 1981.
Swami Chinmayananda was a supporter of interfaith dialogue and participated in many interfaith events.
In 1992, he undertook a lecture tour of 12 American universities to establish an international library and
research center, the Chinmaya International Foundation, in Kerala, India.
Enduring Works and Legacy [edit]
There are numerous and diverse spiritual, cultural, and social projects that the Chinmaya Mission continues to
administer and conduct in Swami Chinmayanandas memory.
Dedicated swmins and brahmachrins (chryas, or teachers), work alongside devotees and volunteers
worldwide to continue his legacy to spread Vedantic teachings to all spiritual seekers. Examples of their
continued work include original publications and Vedanta discourses, study classes, camps, retreats,
workshops, and seminars for all age groups.
Bala Vihar [edit]
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
In the 1960s, Swami Chinmayananda conceived and coined the term, Bala Vihar, to create a Vedanta forum
for children. Chinmaya Bala Vihar is a weekly gathering of children (ages 515 years) that takes place in
Chinmaya Mission centers or in private homes, under the supervision of trained teachers.
The goal of
Bala Vihar is to impart value-based education through the study of such Hindu scriptures as Rmyaa,
Bhgavatam, Mahbhrata, and Bhagavad-gt. The lessons are often taught through parables and songs, in
line with Swami Chinmayanandas vision that children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit.
Chinmaya Bala Vihars continue to serve over one hundred thousand children around the world.
CHYK [edit]
Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (CHYK) is the global youth wing of Chinmaya Mission. CHYK conducts weekly
classes for youth (for ages 1630 years) to study and discuss Vedantic scriptures and concepts together. CHYK
organizes and conducts cultural, social, and spiritual programs around the world. Swami Chinmayananda
launched CHYK in 1975 and created for it a Vedantic study curriculum that addressed the issues of young
adults. He developed the motto of CHYK as Harnessing youth potential through dynamic spirituality.
Study Groups and Devi Groups [edit]
A Chinmaya Study Group involves 5-15 adults who meet at a mutually agreed time, place, and day for 90
minutes each week. Each group studies and discusses scriptural texts according to a prescribed syllabus that
offers the seeker a systematic exposure to Vedanta.
Swami Chinmayananda conceived the concept,
format, and syllabus of the study group to cater to the request of spiritual seekers who were inspired by his
discourses and wanted to continue some form of regular, methodical self-study of Advaita Vedanta in their
The first Devi Group, or Chinmaya Study Group exclusively for women, was inaugurated in November 1958,
in Chennai, India, with Swami Chinmayananda's blessings. Devi Groups are today an integral feature of almost
every Mission center across the world. Following the same curriculum as Chinmaya Study Groups, Chinmaya
Devi Groups have grown over the years as powerful learning forums, open discussion arenas, and healthy
support systems for women of all ages.
Jna Yaja and Spiritual Camps [edit]
See Launching of a Spiritual Movement and Founder and Leader of Chinmaya Mission section.
Ashrams and Spiritual Centers [edit]
Swami Chinmayananda established ashrams around the world as places for spiritual retreat, study, and practice.
All ashrams offer boarding and lodging facilities. Various spiritual camps and cultural activities are frequently
conducted in these ashrams.
Chinmaya Mission currently has 20 ashrams in India and around the world.
The Missions more than 300 centers worldwide offer Advaita Vedanta study classes for children, youth, and
adults, and conduct a myriad of spiritual and cultural activities.
Temples and Shrines [edit]
Chinmaya Mission has built over 58 temples in India and abroad since 1950. Those locations that are closely
associated with Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Tapovanam, and Adi Shankaracharya house sanctified shrines
in their memory for meditation and prayer.
Swami Chinmayananda personally inaugurated and
consecrated most of the shrines in the Mission centers.
Sandeepany Sdhanlaya [edit]
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
In keeping with ancient Vedantic tradition, Swami Chinmayananda established Sandeepany Sdhanlaya as a
modern-day gurukulam where students spend two years in intensive study and contemplation of Vedantic
scriptures known as the Residential Vedanta Course. The institute trains dedicated people to teach at Mission
Research Facility - Chinmaya International Foundation [edit]
The Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) is a research center of studies in Sanskrit and Indology. It is a
cross-cultural forum for the exchange of knowledge between the East and West.
CIF is located in
Ernakulam in Kerala, India at di Sankara Nilayam, which is the maternal ancestral home and birthplace of
Adi Sankaracharya.
Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development (CORD) [edit]
The Chinmaya Organisation for Rural Development (CORD) is the social service wing of Chinmaya Mission to
facilitate integrated sustainable development for the poor. It was founded by Swami Chinmayananda to give
poor villagers access to the minimal necessities of life through self-empowerment.
CORD has served over
one million villagers directly, and over half a million villagers indirectly in 600 villages across four states of
India: Himachal Pradesh , Orissa, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.
CORD also has chapters outside
India: CORD Sri Lanka and CORD USA.
Educational Institutes (including CIRS) [edit]
From its humble beginnings in 1967 at a nursery school inaugurated by Swami Chinmayananda in Kollengode,
Kerala (India), today the enduring legacy left by Swami Chinmayananda encompasses over 76 Chinmaya
Vidyalayas (schools), 7 Chinmaya colleges, and the Chinmaya International Residential School in India, and
the first Chinmaya Vidyalaya outside India's borders, in Trinidad (West Indies).
The Chinmaya International Residential School (CIRS) is a co-educational boarding school for children where
East meets West. Situated at the foot of the Nilgiri Hills, CIRS is based on Indias ancient gurukula system, in
which the teacher and his group of students would reside in the same ashram throughout the students study
and training. CIRS has adapted this traditional concept to suit the modern academic environment.
school has Indian and international students and offers Indian and I.B. curricula. Conceived by Swami
Chinmayananda to cater to the interests of non-resident Indian parents, CIRS has grown since its inceptions
and received high accolades including being ranked 5th overall in India and 1st in Tamil Nadu among co-
educational schools.
Management Institute [edit]
The Chinmaya Institute of Management conducts seminars and workshops for corporate managers and their
staff, so that they may apply the wisdom of Vedanta in the hustle and bustle of todays business world and in
their personal lives.
Medical Facilities [edit]
Swami Chinmayananda inaugurated the Chinmaya Mission Hospital in 1970. The facility has grown into a
modern, fully equipped 200-bed hospital in Bangalore in Karnataka , India. The hospital has a 24-hour
emergency ward, multiple operation theatres, an intensive care unit, and an outpatient ward. The adjacent
Chinmaya Institute of Nursing was upgraded to a college that provides four-year Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Degree in Nursing and trains up to 70 students at a time, in batches.
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
In the late 1970s, Swami Chinmayananda established rural health care services in Sidhbari , Himachal Pradesh,
This primary health care and training center, now under the banner of CORD, treats nearly 30,000
patients annually.
Residential Vedanta Course [edit]
The Residential Vedanta Course is the flagship course of the Chinmaya Mission, offered in traditional Gurukul
style. The Residential Vedanta Course is conducted in Sandeepany Sdhanlaya. The syllabus focuses on the
study of the prasthnatray (major Upanishads, Bhagavad-gt, and Brahma-stra), based on the
commentaries of Adi Shankaracharya. Students are also taught meditation, Vedic chanting, and Sanskrit
The graduates go to various Mission centers around the world to spread the knowledge of
Vedanta, typically as charyas, or teachers. Of them, some choose to be ordained as brahmachrins; later, they
are given the choice to be initiated into sannysa as swmins.
The first two-year residential Vedanta course was taught in English in Sandeepany Sdhanlaya, Mumbai,
India, starting in 1970; the 15th course was completed there in September 2013. The course has been
conducted in various Indian regional languages at ashrams across India, as well as in the U.S. and in Trinidad.
Chinmaya Mission currently has more than 200 initiates in its monastic order of swmins and brahmachrins
(both, male and female), and more than 100 additional charyas teaching worldwide.
Dharma Sevak Course [edit]
Swami Chinmayananda introduced the first Dharma Sevak Course at the Sandeepany Sdhanlaya, Mumbai in
1991. The course was offered for many years as a two-month retreat. It was inspired by, and based on,
Chinmaya Mission's Dharma Veer Course, which had been conceived, and was being conducted in Andhra
Pradesh at the time, by Swamini Saradapriyananda.
Currently, the Dharma Sevak Course is a two-week or six-week residential Vedanta course primarily for those
interested in intensive scriptural studies. The course happens in USA and Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Publications [edit]
Swami Chinmayananda authored 95 publications in his lifetime, including 40 commentaries on classical
scriptural texts, 8 compilations, 13 co-authored works and 34 original works. Over the years, luxury hotels in
India started keeping a copy of his commentary on the Bhagavad-gt in all their guest rooms. His books,
written in English, have been translated into numerous regional Indian languages, including Hindi, Tamil,
Malayalam, Marathi , Telugu, Kannada , Oriya, Bengali , Sindhi , and Urdu
and at this stage in one
international language, French .
Many of Swami Chinmayanandas talks were videotaped and made available to students for study. He also
inspired the correspondence home-study lessons courses in Vedanta and Sanskrit that are now offered by CIF
at basic and advanced levels.
Chinmaya Missions publications are produced and distributed primarily by Central Chinmaya Mission Trust in
Mumbai, India, as well as Chinmaya Publications in Langhorne, USA.
BMI Chart [edit]
The BMI (Body Mind Intellect) Chart is a teaching tool innovated
by Swami Chinmayananda that became one of his hallmarks. It
categorizes the totality of human experience, according to the
science of Vedanta, by drawing on 11 characters of the English
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
Body Mind Intellect Chart
and Devanagari alphabets. It provides even the novice with an
accessible introduction to the esoteric knowledge of Vedanta.
Health Condition (1969, 1980) [edit]
Swami Chinmayananda traveled continuously for over 40 years,
never stopping his service to humanity despite his recurrent heart
He had his first heart attack in 1969 in his early fifties. From
Mysore, he was shifted to the newly opened Chinmaya Mission
Hospital in Bangalore, as its first patient.
In the summer of 1980, when he was in the United States for a
series of jna yajas, the heart condition that had persisted with
him for years required attention. Devotees contacted the eminent heart surgeon, Dr. Denton Cooley, at the
Texas Medical Center in Houston, who performed the multiple heart bypass surgery on August 26,
After recuperating for a mere two months in the United States, Swami Chinmayananda took a
flight back to India with a full itinerary for 1981.
Suvara Tulbhram (1991) [edit]
Forty years after his first jna yaja, on December 24, 1991, Swami Chinmayanandas devotees gathered in
Mumbai to offer him an amount of gold equal to his body weight, presented to him on a tula (ceremonial
balance scale) in an age-old ritual called suvara tulbhram. The funds generated were used to support the
myriad service projects and programs of Chinmaya Mission. The tula used at the ceremony is now placed in
Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan, a monumental art and multimedia exhibit showcasing the life and work of Swami
Chinmayananda. The exhibit is housed at Chinmaya Vibhooti in Kolwan, India.
Talk at United Nations and other Honors [edit]
Over the course of Swami Chinmayanandas life, he was in the presence of many great saints and personalities.
In 1970, Anandamayi Maa visited Sandeepany Sdhanlaya. In that same year, Swami Chinmayananda visited
Sathya Sai Baba in Bangalore.
Renowned artists like Pandit Ravi Shankar , Pandit Bhimsen J oshi , M.S. Subbulakshmi , Pandit Hariprasad
Chaurasia, K.J Yesudas , Balamuralikrishna and Purushottam J alota performed before Swami
On December 2, 1992, Swami Chinmayananda gave an address in the United Nations titled, Planet in
The U.S. magazine, Hinduism Today , conferred him with its Hindu Renaissance Award and the title of Hindu
of the Year in 1992.
In 1993, he was selected as President of Hindu Religion for the Centennial Conference of the Parliament of
World Religions in Chicago, where Swami Vivekananda had given his address one hundred years prior on
Chinmayananda Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[04/25/2014 2:23:45 AM]
September 11, 1893.
He was also to be honored for his selfless service to humanity in Washington, DC at World Vision 2000, a
conference of religious leaders organized by Vishwa Hindu Parishad on August 68, 1993.
He did not attend either of the latter two functions, as he died on August 3, 1993.
Death (1993) [edit]
On J uly 26, 1993, Swami Chinmayananda arrived in San Diego, California for a jna yaja, but after a short
rest in the afternoon, he had trouble breathing. He was taken to Scripps Memorial Hospital in La J olla. He was
shifted to Sharp Memorial Hospital on J uly 29 for emergency heart bypass surgery. Although a quintuple
bypass surgery was completed that same evening, his condition continued to be critical and he was put on a
life-support system.
He died on August 3, 1993 at 5:45 pm. His followers mark the date as the occasion when he attained
On August 7, 1993, the aircraft carrying his body touched down at New Delhis Indira Gandhi International
Airport. His casket arrived bedecked with flowers. Thousands of peopledevotees, Indian political leaders,
members of the general publiclined up throughout the day amid police security to pay homage to him.
His body was transported to Sidhbari, Himachal Pradesh , where it was finally laid to rest in accordance with
Vedic rites and traditions. A mahsamdhi shrine has been built there overlooking the Himalayan range and
External links [edit]
Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Chinmaya Mission West (North America)
Chinmaya International Foundation
Chinmaya International Residential School
Chinmaya Bala Vihar
Chinmaya Yuva Kendra
Chinmaya Publications
Chinmaya Nursing
Notes [edit]
1. ^

Singh, Kuldip (August 11, 1993). "Obituary: Swamy Chinmayananda" . The Independent.
Retrieved 2014-01-23.
2. ^

"Swami Chinmayananda" . The Divine Life Society. Retrieved 2014-01-23.
3. ^

"About Us" . Chinmaya Mission West. 2012. Retrieved 2014-01-23.
4. ^
































Singh, Nanki (2011). He Did It.
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Emir, Rudite (1998). Swami Chinmayananda: A Life of Inspiration and Service. Central
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Education. Chinmaya Mission West. ISBN 978-1-60827-010-1.
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Sadhana, Brahmacharini. "H.H. Swami Chinmayanandaji" . Chinmaya Mission Delhi.
Retrieved February 3, 2014.
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