02 August 2006 Comment On The Guardian Website

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02 August 2006 11:44pm

There is no military solution. Thus, it has to be clear that none of what is

happening has anything to do with a future of real peace or genuine attempt
to get to a table, that's all pure spin intended to oil the way to blind, self-
serving unilateralism.
Occupation is at the root of the confict in the region and therefore there will
be no peace until it is resolved, and the infrastructure on the ground
(settlements, Wall, roads, etc show that !srael has no intention of giving up
the occupation. !ndeed, Oslo was about institutionalising the settlements and
chec"points, and occupation, with #reas #, $ and % hidden behind the spin of
&obel 'eace 'ri(es, and our hope and wish to believe (even the lies...
#nd !srael, of which ! am a citi(en, is again ma"ing the mista"e of thin"ing
might is right and that power is in the barrel of a gun, although we "now from
past e)perience (or should by now* that military solutions create future
terror, hatred, resentment and revenge. (+haron didn't believe peace was
ever possible, he said so to -ossi $eilin. .any !sraelis don't happen to agree,
needless to say...
#ll /this0 is part of $ush1s vision of a long war against !slam and for #merican
2mpire, in which !srael is a ma3or player. 4ust so long as we all "now what we
are getting in to and don't fall for the spin (peace in our time, again5.
6on't let them tell you that +haron was a man of peace or that the
%onvergence 'lan of Olmert is about peace. !t is about e)tension of empire,
landgrab, oil grab and 7+ strategic interests (that are about as dumb as
8ietnam was. ! don't suppose $ush would understand this, but of course a
good part of the world thin"s of him as the terrorist... they loo" at the
statistics of dead, and apportion responsibility. cf. the !sraeli9'alestinian
confict stats, in which !srael has "illed : times as many innocent children
since ;<<<, = times as many civilians. &ot to mention harmed and uprooted
some ; million civilian 'alestinian lives since >?@A, far more than !sraeli
civilians harmed by 'alestinians.
+haron "new well enough to steer clear of Bi(bollah because the home front
was as"ing CWhat the hell are we dying for5C $ut Olmert doesn't want a
viable 'alestine, so he needs to be able to impose his unilateralism, by
crushing and cowing and deterring any resistance. #nd that means using
military might to cow them all into submission and acceptance. ! wish ! was
wrong. $ut the 'risoners' 6ocument was avoided with this massive
slaughterhouse. +o was the $eirut 6eclaration (twice - by another massive
military operation (6efensive +hield which too" oD once there was a
convenient alibi. #nd we haven't been at the negotiating table since heavens
"nows when. Oslo wasn't about negotiation. !t was a subtle form of
unilateralism, hidden in spin.
One wonders whether $ush's and the 'entagon's ;< year plan of war against
!slam will do anything e)cept end in disaster.
#nd will anyone tell me why we haven't seen Et to tal" to #bu .a(en ever,
yet5 Or release prisoners as a trust building e)ercise5 #s called for by the
Foad .ap >st 'hase. Or allow 'alestinians to wor"5 (#s called for by the
Geneva %onvention... !nstead, we're creating radicals (vi(. the rise of Bamas
and then we'll have even more reason to avoid tal"ing.
#nd $lair allows it. .aybe the Hrench will have more IIIIs. Or maybe the
4ewish lobby will wa"e up to the fact they've been conned and !srael has lost
contact with 4ewish values5 %hoosing war over peace (buying into the lies
that there's no partner for peace. This is all so painful because life is so
devalued, so it isn't even about religion. !t's about the fact there aren't any
wise leaders, only spin doctors. 2ven common sense is losing ground. 'eace
in our time5 Or CHinish the 3ob*C as warmongers here are goading. (Fight wing
member of Jnesset 2Ke 2ytam on T8 here accused the Bi(bollah of cynically
setting up the Jafr Lana massacre. Ta"es a really bent mind to have that
8ery sad here to tal" to the really old timers. >@<,<<< holocaust survivors
living under the poverty line. +ome of them very clear about a return to
fascism, which they say they recognise well from the past. #ll that was never
healed, so here we have history repeating, with inevitable twists and
parado)es. %ompassion helps. #nd a sense of blac" humour. $ut we really
could do with some tough love. #gain, sad to say there's still so much guilt
out there, and it doesn't seem Muite polite, does it5 #nd it's not as if we all
care TB#T much about even 6arfur, right5
Well, oD to ta"e the dog for a wal". Trying to send radio ham messages from
this ghetto. The world unable to hear, or silent when it does. Or gagged. Too
wea". $uying into lies. &ot ta"ing it seriously enough to stop it now, before it
goes totally out of control, spreading further.
#s the late Fachel %orrie so presciently saidN We have to stop this now.

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