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Project information

Construction of a biomass power plant

in Mannheim
3 2 Kraftanlagen Mnchen GmbH | Construction of a biomass power plant in Mannheim
General contractor for engineering, erection and commissioning of
the entire civil construction, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation
and control systems.
Project description.
MVV BMKW Mannheim GmbH

Brief description
The plant supplied by Kraftanlagen Mnchen comprises the
steam generation system with a feeding system and travelling
grate, flue gas cleaning as stipulated in the 17th federal German
ordinance on emissions control (17. BlmSchV), the steam turbine,
the air-cooled condenser, the water/steam cycle, and the elec-
trical, instrumentation and control systems for operation and
monitoring of the over-all plant.

Scope of services
Overall plant layout
Construction services
Detail engineering of the entire process
technology and power engineering optimization
Supply of the entire power plant systems
Electrical, instrumentation and control
technology and safety engineering
Utility services and auxiliary systems
Installation and site management
Commissioning and trial operation
Documentation and training
Technial data
Thermal furnace output biomass boiler: 66.9 MW
Main steam capacity: 78.8 t/h
Main steam temperature: 450 C
Efficiency (> 29 % in acc. with biomass ordinance): 30.26 %
Electrical output steam turbine: 20 MW
Fuel requirement: 124,000 t/a
Calorific value of fuel: 10 - 17 MJ/kg
Operating hours at full load: 8,000 h/a
Picture below: Turbine rotor.
Picture above: Air-cooled condenser.
Project milestones

Placement of order December 2001
Approval engineering January June 2002
Construction period July 2002 July 2003
Commissioning / Trial operation August December 2003
Partial view of the
biomass power plant.
5 4 Kraftanlagen Mnchen GmbH | Construction of a biomass power plant in Mannheim
Plant description.
Water/steam cycle
The steam from the steam generator is
converted into electricity in a turbine. 25
bar steam for the supply of process loads
can also be extracted by means of redu-
cing stations. The service steam required
for feedwater degasifaction is extracted
from the turbine via a 3 bar tap. Another
tap is used for preheating the conden-
sate before it enters the feedwater tank.
From there, the feedwater is pumped into
the steam generator where it evaporates
Fuel supply
Around 124,000 t of Class A I - A IV bio-
mass is converted into electricity in the
biomass power plant in Mannheim each
year. The raw materials are stored in an
open space warehouse. Following the
processing and seperation of unwanted
materials and usable materials, the cut-
up fuel is stored in a silo.
Power generation
A condensation turbine feeds 20 MW in-
to the power grid. The exhaust steam is
condensed in an air-cooled condenser
and fed back into the water/steam cycle.
Around 160 GWh of electricity is genera-
ted this way each year.
Functionality of the biomass power plant
in Mannheim.
Demin water
Feedwater tank
Feedwater pumps Central control building
Biomass boiler Bottom ash container
Fuel silo
Process steam
25 bar
Condensate preheater
65 bar
450 C
Steam pressure
reducing station
Steam bypass
Main steam
Cyclones Emergency ash
Electrical energy
20 MW
20 kV
10 kV
Steam turbine
Condensate tank Air cooled
Induced draught ventilator Fabric filter Reactor Fly ash silo and
reaction product silo
The core of the plant is the 4-pass boiler
with its combined spreader-suspension
firing system. 78.8 t/h of high-pressure
steam at 450 C and 65 bar is generated
through the incineration of 15.5 t/h of
biomass. The fuel is incinerated on a trav-
elling grate in a natural circulation-type
water tube boiler. The furnace passes (pass
1 to 3) are configured as evaporator.

The superheater bundles are installed in
the third pass and the economizer bun-
dles in the fourth pass, both in a horizon-
tal position. The wood burns partly on
the grate and partly in the air before hit-
ting the grate. The grate ash is removed
by means of a wet slag removal system.
Coarse ash particles separated in the
boiler passes are crushed and recircula-
ted into the firing system.
Flue gas cleaning
The flue gas cleaning system fulfils the
limits stipulated by the 17th federal Ger-
man ordinance on emissions control (17.
BlmSchV) and is designed in four stages:
1. The flue gases are denitrogenated in
accordance with the principle of selec-
tive, non-catalytic reduction with the
addition of carbamine.
2. The flue gas flows through two cy-
clones connected in parallel where ini-
tial dust separation takes place.
3. Calcium hydrate and hearth furnace
coke are introduced into the flue gas
in an entrained flow reactor. The acids
in the flue gas bind with the reactive
calcium hydrate. The hearth furnace
coke functions as a pick-up agent for
volatile heavy metals and toxic organic
4. Fly ash, reaction salts and hearth fur-
nace coke are separated in the fabric
7 6 Kraftanlagen Mnchen GmbH | Construction of a biomass power plant in Mannheim
Electrical, instrumentation and control technology.
Operating and safety concept.
The power plant is automated to a great
extent. All the essential instrumentation
and control functions are implemented
in a redundant configuration. This per-
mits operation with minimum personnel
requirements and an annual availability
of over 8,000 hours. The plant is equipped
for 24-hour unsupervised operation. The
plant can also be monitored and remote-
ly controlled via an operating station in-
stalled in the neighbouring heating power
plant. A comprehensive fire alarm system
provides reliable fire protection. A battery-
backed UPS system ensures controlled
shutdown of the plant in the event of a
power failure.
Environmental protection.
Amendment of the CO
Flue gas cleaning
Ultramodern firing methods reduce the generation and release
of pollutant emissions. The unavoidable emissions resulting from
incineration are minimized by flue gas cleaning. The addition of
calcium hydrate and hearth furnace coke binds the pollutants
in the flue gas and separates both, them and the dust, in two
cyclones and a downcircuit fabric filter. The plant operates be-
low the limits permitted by the 17th federal German ordinance
on emissions control (17. BlmSchV).
The incineration of old wood and waste wood constitutes a par-
ticularly environmentally conscious type of power generation.
The incineration of biomass in power plants does not generate
any additional greenhouse gases which contribute to climate
changes. CO
is released, but only in the same quantities as were
drawn from the atmosphere when the
plants were growing. The high degree of
efficiency of the plant also ensures effi-
cient fuel utilization.
Engineering station Operator station 1 Operator station 2 Control room heating power plant
Wood processing
Terminal bus
Process bus
Back up
Flue gas
Biomass boiler
HVAC Turbine
Picture above:
Low-voltage distribution.
Picture on the left:
Instrumentation and
control configuration.
Picture above:
Fabric filter with
Picture on the left:
Wood processing
and storage.
Divisions of the Kraftanlagen Mnchen Group
Power plant technology

Energy technology

Renewable energies

Underground piping construction

Utility services
Chemical and petrochemical plants

Engineering services
Kraftanlagen Mnchen GmbH
Ridlerstrasse 31 c | 80339 Munich
T: +49 89 6237-0 | F: +49 89 6237-223
1011.07.1 20.5.940

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