Techcentral Schedule Rev 1-8-14

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PCMA Tech Central


End Time Happening Title Description Speaker(s)
10:00 AM 10:45 AM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics AppShaker

10:15 AM 10:45 AM TechByte
Trends That Will Hit
Our Industry
There's a lot happening in technology for meetings. 2014 is shaping up to be an innovative year.
While some technologies, such as mobile conference guides are beginning to mature, others like BLE
could be the darling of the next year. Stop by the TechBytes area and hear from technology journalist
Michelle Bruno about what's in store for the next 12 months and what you can do about it.
Michelle Bruno /
Editor-in-Chief / Event
Tech Brief
10:30 AM 10:45 AM TechBar Tips + Tricks for
Smarter Use of
Tablets have so many possibilities to act as your mobile life launch pad. Do more with your tablets
than just check email and flight times! Stop by for new tips, tricks and apps that add to your
productivity and maximize your tablet ownership.
The Meeting Pool
10:45 AM 11:45 AM Concurrent
Improving the
Meeting Experience
with Mobile and
Wireless Technology
Mobile apps, GPS positioning, and 3G/4G networks are rapidly transforming the way people live their
lives...and understanding it all is enough to make anyone's head spin. We'll demystify the trends and
technologies in mobile and wireless, examine how they're being used in other industries, and discuss
how you can put them to work to create richer experiences for your meeting participants.
George Hines
1:15 PM 1:45 PM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics AppShaker

1:15 PM 1:40 PM TechByte
Google Glass:
Coming to Your
Event Soon
The latest trend in technology is something called Wearables. Under that category is Google Glass,
a headset that allows users to view an alternate reality so to speak. In this session, we will show you
what Google Glass can do today and what it and similar technologies will impact the events industry.
Jessica Levin, MBA,
CMP, CAE, President
of Seven Degrees
1:30 PM 1:45 PM TechBar 5 Productivity Apps Start your 2014 with insight into the Top 5 Productivity Apps in 15 minutes. Bring your own device
and we will help you download them, and show you how to use them.
The Meeting Pool
1:45 PM

2:45 PM Concurrent
The Future Forecast
for Meeting and
Event Technology:
15 Global Trends
That Will Increase
Attendance and
The co-authors of the first textbook on meeting and event technology preview their work to help you
gain a new perspective on the wide array of opportunities and challenges offered by emerging
meeting and event technologies. Youll explore factors that are forcing live events to become more
competitive, compelling, and content rich, as well as applications and virtual platforms for improving
and monetizing content delivery.
Joe Goldblatt
Seungwon Shawn
2:45 PM 3:15 PM TechByte
Paperless Event
As a Meeting Professional, your paper trail is more than a mile long. You stress over the thought of
losing a BEO, a Post-it, or heaven forbid, your event binder! Better yet, you tend to hear about all
these great apps and solutions that can make your life easier and more organized, but don't know
where to begin. Let's share apps, solutions, workflow ideas, tips and tricks on how to successfully go
paperless and be more productive - without losing a single detail or your hair!
Dahlia El Gazzar /
Event Tech Spotter /
The Meeting Pool

PCMA Tech Central

End Time Happening Title Description Speaker(s)
2:45 PM 3:15 PM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics AppShaker

3:00 PM 3:15 PM TechBar Get me started on
Bring your device and you'll be a master of tweeting in less than 30 minutes!

The Meeting Pool
3:15 PM 4:30 PM Concurrent
Technology Tools for
the Independent
You don't have an IT department and have little time to research and test, but your clients want the
tech-forward, slick events. How do you find the technology out there that is easy to implement, low
cost to maintain, and easily adopted by your participants without great time and expense? Bring
your tablets for an interactive, hands-on session designed just for independent planners. You will
download, try and discuss several tools that can help you delight clients and grow your business, and
you'll leave with real-world applications that you can use now.
Tess Vismale
Stormi Boyd /
Dahlia El Gazzar /
Event Tech Spotter /
The Meeting Pool
4:30 PM 5:00 PM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics AppShaker

4:30 PM 5:00 PM TechByte
Event Technology:
Don't Re-Invent The
People tend to define technology as "anything that was invented after you were born." As a result
the events industry tends to narrowly focus on shiny new objects and software, overlooking powerful
low cost technologies that can fundamentally improve our events. In this session, we'll widen our
perspective on what technology is, and, in the process uncover a range of old-yet fresh- forms of
useful event technologies.
Adrian Segar, Founder,
Conferences That
4:45 PM 5:00 PM TechBar Social Media
How to set up your Hootsuite in 15 minutes to start monitoring your social media activity and
The Meeting Pool

PCMA Tech Central


Start Time End Time Happening Title Description Speaker(s)
8:00 AM 9:15 AM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics - AppShaker

8:00 AM 9:15 AM TechBar Techbar Open Hardware, registration systems, audience response, mobile Do these tech questions and more
keep you up at night? Stop by the TechBar to ask the experts your burning tech questions.
The Meeting Pool Team
8:20 AM 8:45 AM TechByte
Essential Apps for All
Event Professionals
As an event professional, you need tools to make you more efficient. Let us show you some apps
that can transform your event planning world, and definitely help you start 2014 the right way.
Dahlia El Gazzar / Event
Tech Spotter / The
Meeting Pool
8:45 AM 9:10 AM TechByte
The Future is Here. How
Do You Use It? Tips for
Incorporating "Minority
Report"-style Technology
into Events.
Gesture-controlled screens, augmented reality, 3-D mapping. These are a few of the mind-blowing
technologies you can use to engage audiences, design spaces, enhance learning and deliver better
ROI for sponsors. In this show-and-tell session, you'll learn what they are, how they work, how
(and why) to incorporate them into your next event.
Kristi Casey Sanders, VP
Storyteller, Plan Your
10:45 AM 11:00 AM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics - AppShaker

10:45 AM 11:00 AM TechBar Top 5 Travel Apps We have the top 5 travel apps that will help you keep on track while out of the office. The Meeting Pool Team
10:45 AM 11:00 AM TechBar Techbar Open Hardware, registration systems, audience response, mobile Do these tech questions and more
keep you up at night? Stop by the TechBar to ask the experts your burning tech questions.
The Meeting Pool Team
11:00 AM 12:15 PM Concurrent
Getting Started with
Hybrid Meetings: The Top
Ten List You Dont Want
to Miss
Does the thought of planning your first hybrid meeting strike fear in your heart? You're not alone.
Join your peers in a friendly, risk-free environment as a veteran of hybrid meetings walks you
through a 10-step process for launching a successful event. Together you'll create your first hybrid
meeting, discovering key tips for implementation and demonstrating ROI along the way. Time-
saving templates will also be shared.
Steph Pfeilsticker
12:15 PM 1:45 PM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics - AppShaker

12:15 PM 1:45 PM TechBar Techbar Open Hardware, registration systems, audience response, mobile Do these tech questions and more
keep you up at night? Stop by the TechBar to ask the experts your burning tech questions.
The Meeting Pool Team

PCMA Tech Central

Start Time End Time Happening Title Description Speaker(s)
12:20 PM 12:45 PM TechByte
Second Screen
Technology: New Trend in
Attendee Engagement?
Come find out why everyone is talking about Second Screen Technology and why companies such
as Cisco and Oracle are starting to spend money deploying these capabilities at their meetings and
events. Is Second Screen Technology simply something that is cool and a passing fad, or will this
technology set become main stream and a "must have" in the future? There is a relationship
between Second Screen Technology and Sentiment Analysis, and this insight can be important for
your next event.
Ben Silverman/Nice
1:15 PM 1:40 PM TechByte
3 Technology Tips to
Manage Event Data with
Strategy & Finesse
We live in a metrics-driven time, and collecting, managing, analyzing and reporting on data for
your event is more necessary than ever. How do you find the right tools to get an organized
handle on all of your data points from contract quotes and budgets to speaker feedback and hotel
ratings? This session will discuss multiple tech tools that you can implement for low or no cost
that will help you get automated, organized and give you the ability to collect and report on your
data like never before.
Rob Wilson/
Meeting Evolution
1:45 PM 2:45 PM Concurrent
Building Smart Events:
How to Collect and use
Your Event Intelligence
Your meetings may be flawlessly executed, but are they smart? Explore the critical role that data
collection and analysis play in enhancing the meeting experience and demonstrating the value of
your event. Discover how real-life organizations have used technology to capture important
information about attendees, as well as how they have analyzed this data to engage their
audience, drive sales, and prove Return on Investment (ROI).
Anthony Miller

Donny Neufuss

Matthew Stein
2:45 PM 3:00 PM TechBar Instagram for Beginners Come see what the Instagram hype is all about, and get started on Instagram today! The Meeting Pool Team
2:45 PM 3:30 PM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics AppShaker

2:45 PM 3:30 PM TechBar Techbar Open Hardware, registration systems, audience response, mobile Do these tech questions and more
keep you up at night? Stop by the TechBar to ask the experts your burning tech questions.
The Meeting Pool Team
2:45 PM 3:30 PM TechByte
Curating Content.
Cultivating Your Digital
Your attendees help shape your brand. Give them the tools they need to help you market your
association and events so you can save time and money while extending your reach. In this
session, you'll learn how to identify potential influencers, activate your raving fans and curate the
content they create.
Kristi Casey Sanders, VP
Chief Storyteller, Plan
Your Meetings
2:45 PM 3:30 PM Meet-up Event Intelligence Join us for an informal conversation about big data and how you are able to manipulate your OWN
event data for smarter marketing and targeted attendee profiling that leads to more profitable
events and meetings. Bring your big questions, and leave with solid answers.
Rob Wilson / Meeting
Tara Thomas/ The
Meeting Pool
3:30 PM 4:30 PM Concurrent
Medical Meeting
Planners: Taking Your
Virtual and Hybrid Events
to the Next Level
So you've already created a virtual or hybrid event? Here's your opportunity to take it to the next
level. In this interactive session full of real-life case studies, we'll dive deeper into the strategy
behind successful virtual and hybrid events. With examples specifically for medical meetings,
explore how to develop an effective business plan and make online events a lasting part of your
meetings portfolio. Topics will include needs assessments, links to your strategic plan, how to get
buy-in from key stakeholders, monetization, and metrics.
Tony Lorenz
James Goodman
Kerry Crockett
Janet Cooper

PCMA Tech Central


Start Time End Time Happening Title Description Speaker (s)
7:30 AM 9:30 AM TechBar Techbar Open Hardware, registration systems, audience response, mobile Do these tech questions and more
keep you up at night? Stop by the TechBar to ask the experts your burning tech questions.
The Meeting Pool Team
9:30 AM 10:00 AM TechByte
The Event App of the
Future: Why BLE is a
Is the event tech you currently deployed at your conference about to be made obsolete? Join us to
find how Bluetooth low energy (BLE), a new proximity-detection technology that is about to
replace a lot of the technologies currently deployed at events: including NFC, Badge Scanners and
QR Codes. See how it will tie into making digital contact exchange easier, indoor location tracking
more accurate, and more.
Ben West, Co-founder,
10:15 AM 10:45 AM Tech Demos Matter Labs Getplanning NiceMeeting OLE Technology Conferences IO Social Tables
Double Robotics - AppShaker

10:15 AM 10:45 AM TechBar Techbar Open Hardware, registration systems, audience response, mobile Do these tech questions and more
keep you up at night? Stop by the TechBar to ask the experts your burning tech questions.
The Meeting Pool Team
10:15 AM 10:40 AM Techbyte
Evernote for Event
If you haven't started using Evernote for your event planning, you must. Evernote is one of the
greatest apps out there to help you capture all your event details in one spot. Its considered one
of the ultimate note-taking solutions for you and your event team. After just 30 minutes, you will
leave knowing how you can use Evernote for event brainstorming, site visits, document storage
and more!
Dahlia El Gazzar / Event
Tech Spotter / The
Meeting Pool
10:45 AM 11:45 AM Concurrent
Do you Know What You
Need to Know About High
Speed Internet Access?
Hard to believe...the first iPhone was released just five years ago. Since then, attendee demand for
High Speed Internet Access (HSIA) has skyrocketed. Given the pace of technological change, do
facility suppliers or planners have the knowledge necessary to ask the right questions and achieve
desired outcomes? (Hint: "Free" might not be the best option.) Get the background you need to
determine how much HSIA you use, how it's being used, and what level of service is required.
MaryAnne Bobrow

Michael Owen

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