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AHKAAM-E-SHARIAT PART 1 >> Is it permissible to eat Jhinga (shrimp / pran!

"#estion$ %n& Rabi #l Aa'hir Sharee( 1)%* Hi+ri$

,hat &o the learne& -lama-e-.een an& the M#(ti/s o( Islam &e0ree in the iss#e o( Jhinga (shrimp / pran!1 Is it permissible to eat it or not2 3r is it
Ma'hrooh or Haraam2 Please (orar& a repl4 ith signat#re an& 3((i0ial seal1
The Anser$ In o#r Ma&hab (Hana(i!5 ith the e60eption o( (ish5 all the other (sea! 0reat#res are regar&e& as Haraam (not permissible (or
0ons#mption!1 Th#s5 those (e ho sa4 that the +hinga (shrimp! is not a (ish5 a00or&ing to them7 it sho#l& be regar&e& as haraam1 This h#mble ser8ant
has hoe8er5 resear0he& this thoro#ghl4 an& has (o#n& that a00or&ing to the 9oo's o( :ang#age (.i0tionar4!7 9oo's o( Tibb an& the 9oo's o(
in(ormation on animals5 the +hinga is regar&e& a (ish1
It is in "aamoos$ ;Irbi4aan (shrimp! hi0h is ith the Ham<a-e-Ma'soora5 is a (ish5 hi0h in appearan0e is li'e a large ant1=
It is in Sihah an& Taa+#l -roos as (ollos$ ;Irbi4aan is a hitish (ish hi0h loo's li'e a large ant an& is #s#all4 (o#n& in 9asra1=
It is in Siraah as (ollos$ ;Irbi4aan is a t4pe o( (ish1=
It is in M#ntahi #l Arab as (ollos$ Irbi4aan is a t4pe o( (ish hi0h is 'non as +hinga in hin&i
It is in Ma'h<an as (ollos$ ;It is 'non as Roobi4aan an& Irbi4aan1 It is 0alle& Roobi4aan >ish an& Ma0hli an& Me' Ma0hli an& in Hin&i it is 0alle&
It is in T#h(at#l Mo/mineen as (ollos5 ;In >arsi5 Roobi4aan is the name o( a >ish1=
It is in Ta<'ira-e-.aoo& as (ollos$ ;Roobi4aan is a t4pe o( (ish hi0h is (o#n& a lot in the seas o( Ira? an& "aam1 It is li'e a re&&ish 0rab ith lots o(
legs5 b#t it has more (lesh on it1=
It is in Ha4aat#l Ha4aan K#bra as (ollos$ Roobi4aan is slightl4 re& an& is a 8er4 small (ish1
@o a(ter e6amining all this5 then a00or&ing to Mera+#& .iraa4a it sho#l& be Halaal sin0e in the ?#otation o( Mera+#& .iraa4a it is 0lear that all spe0ies
o( (ish are Halaal$ ;An& Taa(i is not a (i6e& spe0ies5 b#t it is a &es0ription hi0h e8er4 spe0ies is lin'e& toar&s1=
It is 0learl4 state& as (ollos in the Mera+ (boo' as mentione& abo8e!5 ;S#0h a small (ish in hi0h the stoma0h 0an not be 0#t open an& it is (rie& (or
0oo'e&! itho#t remo8ing the stoma0h5 then ith the e60eption o( Imam Sha(i/i it is Halaal a00or&ing to all the A/ima1 It is in Ra&&#l M#htar that it has
been mentione& in Mera+#& .iraa4a1 I( a (ish is (o#n& in the stoma0h o( a (ish then it 0an be 0ons#me&5 b#t a00or&ing to Imam Sha(i/i (ra&i Allah#
anh#! it ill not be eaten as it is regar&e& in the r#ling o( bir& &roppings an& a00or&ing to him5 the &roppings o( the bir& is regar&e& as napaa'
,e sa4 that it is onl4 regar&e& as &roppings i( it has 0hange& its originalit41 As (or those (ish hi0h are so small that their stoma0hs 0an not be 0#t
open5 then a00or&ing to the Sha(i/i Imams5 it is not Halaal to 0ons#me5 sin0e the4 base this on the (same! r#ling that (appl4 to! the &roppings o( the
bir& as being an imp#rit4 an& a00or&ing to the remain&er o( the -lama5 to 0ons#me s#0h (ish is halaal1
Hoe8er5 this (a?eer (Aala Ha<rat! has seen in Jaaahir that all s#0h small (ish are Ma'rooh-e-Tahreemi an& this seems to be more 0orre0t1 It is in
Jaaahir as (ollos$ ;It has been mentione& that all 8er4 small (ish are Ma'rooh-e-Tahreemi1 This seems to be more 0orre0t1 The +hinga (shrimp! loo's
a lot &i((erent (rom an4 other (ish1 It loo's more li'e a orm an& it m#st be note& that the term Maahi ((ish! is also #se& (or things hi0h are not reall4
(rom the (ish spe0ies5 s#0h as a s'in' or a small limbe& li<ar&5 e8en tho#gh it is the 4o#ng o( an alligator an& is born on the &r4 ban's o( the ri8er @ile
(0ommonl4!1 There is no so#r0e a00or&ing to o#r A/ima (:earne& :ea&ers! that shos the shrimp to be la(#l to 0ons#me an& e8en i( it is a (ish5 then
the shrimps here are generall4 8er4 small an& the la ill be as 0orre0tl4 mentione& in Jaaahir1 Th#s5 it is better hen (a0e& ith s#0h &i((eren0e o(
opinion an& &o#bt to abstain i( there is no ne0essit45 an& to abstain is 3ola (better!1 ABBBBBBBCDE F GBBBBBBBHI BBBBBBBJEK


>irst @ote$ It is the manner o( the learne& s0holars to en& their &e0rees ith the or&s ;An& Allah Knos= hi0h in Arabi0 ill rea& as (ollos$
Se0on& @ote$ The abo8e mentione& Arabi0 te6t is one o( the a4s hi0h Aala Ha<rat (ra&i Allah# anh#! en&e& his &e0rees an& this be0ame one o( his
ell re0ognise& signat#res5 herein he re(erre& to himsel( as the ser8ant o( the religion5 hope(#l o( sal8ation thro#gh his Master M#hamma& (sall
Allaho alaihi asallam!1 This ill not be translate& in the rest o( the boo'5 b#t the a0t#al Arabi0 te6t ill be #se& to en& the &e0rees1 Another F GHI JEK

ACDE This ill be #se& at the en& o( the &e0rees rather than the translation1

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