Industrial Training Final Report - 090308

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The purpose of the Industrial Training is to provide exposure for the students on practical
engineering fields. Through this exposure, students will have better understanding of engineering
practice in general and sense of frequent and possible problems. This training is part of the
learning process. So, the exposure that uplifts the knowledge and experience of a student needs
to be properly documented in the form of a report. Through this report, the experience gain can
be delivered to their peers. A properly prepared report can facilitate the presentation of the
practical experience in an orderly, precise and interesting manner.
Purpose of the report
a !ut down in writing the record of the training experience"
b Implanting engineering expertise onto the students, that is, preparation of technical
reports, communications, technical evaluation and design#
c $eans of summarising the experience of a student"
d Train students in effective writing as a preparation for their %inal &ear !ro'ect
Guideline for Preparation of Industrial Training Report
Final Report should hae!
(ost company)s verification statement
Table of contents
Training descriptions
*iscussion and +ecommendation
+eferences and Appendices
E"a#ple of Final Report For#at
-. %ront page cover
.. (ost company)s verification statement
/. Acknowledgements
0. Table of contents
1. ,ontents #
2 3rief description of the host company 4structure 5 background 5 profile 5
organi6ation chart, etc.
2 7b'ectives of the industrial internship
2 Scope of work, tasks and pro'ects and main activities
3ody 4!ro'ect or $ain activities
2 If not involved with pro'ect then report based on your logbook 4daily
main activities
eg # $anufacturing, $aintenance, !rocess 8ngineering, Test
8ngineering, Safety, etc
2 If involved with a pro'ect 4eg # +9*, :!I then you may follows
i !ro'ect title
ii Abstract
iii Introduction of the pro'ect
2 Answer ;h question
2 +eview # ,ompany library, internet
;hich area you are doing<
iv $ethodology
2 supervisor 5 engineer 4refer to your log book
v +esults 9 *iscussion # ;hat <
2 refer to logbook or specific data forms
vi ,onclusion
2 ,ompleted # &5: <
2 If &5: , please explain
vii +ecommendation
2 !ositive result = future improvement
2 :egative result = how to overcome<
>. *iscussion 9 +ecommendation
= experiences gained, team work or individual activities 5 ?eadership and
management skills 4T@$, @,T77?S, etc 5 safety training 47S(A, :I7S(,
etc 5 !roblem and challenges faced.
2 +ecommendations to be made to the (ost ,ompany and Ani$A!
B. ,onclusion
C. +eferences
D. Appendices
2 ?ogbook
2 Some other related materials
-E. 7thers
All figures, tables and similar contents must be captioned and labeled.
8very figure or table must be mentioned in the main text.
?ist of :otations and Symbols
If the report contains notations and symbols, the full definition must be given
when each notations or symbols with the full definitions can be placed after
$Ta%le of &ontents'.
8very appendix must have a title and be mentioned in the main text where
appropriate. All page numbers must for appendixes must be continual from the
main text.
DO NOT include irreleant #aterials( e)g) %rochures fro# the organi*ations(
order for#s( organi*ation ne+sletters and si#ilar #aterials)
Infor#ation , Guidelines!
i. ,I, will provide a cover page format and each school will have different colour for the
report. 4+efer Appendix -
2 $icroelectronic 8ngineering # Maroon

2 ,omputer 8ngineering # Bright Red
2 $aterial 8ngineering : Blue
2 $echatronic 8ngineering # Black
2 8lectrical System 8ngineering # Orange
2 $anufacturing 8ngineering # Brown
ii. Students must use si6e -. and Times New Roman font for writing a final report.
iii. There must be a -.1 spacing lines and a double spacing between paragraphs in a final
iv. %inal report should be written in not more than sixty 4>E pages 4exclusive of the
v. 8ach student has to produce - copy of hard cover and - softcopy 4,*
vi. The complete final report should reach ,I, before -1th $ay .EEC.
%or those who are doing industrial training more than 0 months, your report also should
cover until end of April .EEC only.
vii. 8ach student will be supervised by an academic staff from respective school.
viii. Any problem arise during the industrial training, please contact school)s
coordinator 5 ,I,)s *irector5A+.
ix. +ecord down your daily activities so that it will be easier to generate a final
Prepared by:
CIC & INTEAM 2007/2008
!a"t pdate 28 #eb 2008
Appendix -#

,ompany name #
,ompany Address #
:A$8 #
$AT+IG :7 #
!+7H+A$ #
EIT 300

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