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If a person walks in front of a Namaazi. Is such a personal sinful or not?

What is the ruling of the Ulama-e-Shariat in the case where a person walks in front of a Namaazi. Is such a personal sinful or not? Does this interfere
with the persons Namaaz in any way? From how far away from the Namaazi are we not allowe to pass?
!he "nswer# !his oes not interfere with the Namaaz. If the Namaaz is $eing rea in a house or in a small %us&i' then one is not allowe to pass up
to the wall in the irection of the (i$la unless there is an o$&ect in $etween. If he is reaing on a plain )open area* or in a huge %us&i' then he is not
allowe to pass as far as the place of sa&ah. +e may pass further than this. !he place of Sa&ah means' when a person is staning in salaah like the
true sincere worshippers an his sight is falling upon the area that his forehea will touch when he makes sa&ah' then the rule of ones sight refers to
where the sight falls without any hinrance an &ust a little further than this' is known as the point or place of sa&ah. Up to the point where the sight
falls an one is a$le to make sa&ah' is known as the point of sa&ah an to pass within this area is haraam an to pass $eyon this is allowe. It is in
Durr-e-%ukhtar as follows# ,!he legality of a person passing in a forest )open area* or in a huge %us&i $eyon the Sa&ah point is e-ient from proper
narrations or to pass in front of him in this manner' up to the wall of the (i$la in a small %us&i an in the house' as it is regare as one place..
It is in /aul %uhtaar# ,!he statement a$out the area of sa&ah refers to the area from the area where the feet )of the namaazi* are place' up to the
point where sa&ah will $e mae' &ust as it has $een mentione in Durar. "n this secon conition is to show the sinful act of the person that passes
in front. "s for the issue of the Namaaz' then efinitely it is not in-ali. !his statement is correct. !amartaashi an Sahi$-e-0aa1i ha-e regare this
as correct. Fakhrul Islam has gi-en it e-en more preference' an it has $een well clarifie with research in Nihaaya an Fath. It means that as far as
his sight falls on the one who is passing' if he reas with completely sincerity an $eing engrosse. In other wors the sight falls there where one is to
make sa&ah..
It is in %unhatul 2haali3 as follows# ,!he proper area of the falling of the sight is where on will make sa&ah. "$u Nasr has state that the istance is
the same as there is $etween the Imam an the first saff )line*. 4r $etween this' which I ha-e rea from my Sheikh %inha&ul "1ima )rahmatullahi alaih*'
in other wors' to pass there where the sight of the Namaazi falls' when he is reaing Namaaz with complete sincerity an $eing totally engrosse.
!his statement is clearer than the first one..
"llama Shaami states' ,Now see which is what. "ll ha-e one statement an the ifference of opinion is only on the statement an not in its meaning.
It is also in /aul %uhtaar# ,!his issue that was aresse a$out )in the house*' shows that this applies e-en if the house is $ig. It is in (ahsitaani
that a house an mansion $oth fall uner the ruling of a small %us&i.
Now as for the issue of what is the ifference of a $ig an small %us&i? Faail (ahsitaani has mentione that a small %us&i is that which is smaller
than forty cu$ic yars.
It is in /aul %uhtaar as follows# ,a small %us&i is that which is smaller than se-en yars' an it has also $een mentione smaller than forty yars'
an this is what is correct' &ust as it has $een shown in 5awaahir.
I say that here' a yar shoul $e regare as a cu$ic yar as it is that which is more logical concerning those things which are sur-eye' &ust as (aazi
2han has mentione concerning water. !hus' here the same applies e-en more so.
"n a cu$ic yar refers to a yar accoring to us in the terms of 67 fingers spaces or three foot. 4ne yar is e3ual to two girahs an two thirs girahs
as it has $een mentione in some of our fatawa. Now accoring to our measurement of a yar' those forty cu$ic yars will $e actually fifty four yars
se-en girahs an one ninth of a girah. Now accoring to the opinion of the "llama' $y our measurement of the yar' a small %us&i will $e regare as
fifty four yars an se-en girahs cu$ic an fifty four an a half yars cu$ic will $e regare as a $ig %us&i. !his is what he has written' an Imam
Shaami has followe this.
I say there is this ou$t that the a$o-e mentione learne Faail i not actually e8amine the statements in 5awaahir. "ccoring to the statement in
5awaahir' it shows that the issue of the house is $eing iscusse an not that of the %us&i. " $ig %us&i actually is that which is like an open plain
where the &oining together of the saffs )lines* is a conition' like %us&i-e-2hwarzim which has si8teen thousan pillars. "ll the other %us&is' e-en if
they are ten thousan yars cu$ic in size' will $e regare as a small %us&i an to pass in the irection of the (i$la wall without any o$&ect in
$etween is not allowe. 9:;< =>?@> A<B

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