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Indian Institute of Forest Management




Directors Message 2
Invitation 3
About IIFM 4
About PGDFM 5
Pedagogy 6
Specializations 7
Core Subjects & Electives 8
Extra Curricular Activities 9
Areas of Expertise 10
Alumni Base 12
Recruiting Partners 13
Intellectual Capital 14
Batch Profile 15
Batch Summary 32
Contact Details 33
Connectivity Details 34
Guidelines and Form
During the course of two decades the Indian Institute of Forest Management has established itself
as a beacon of management education in the country. In this course IIFM has been consistent in
growth, quality and training of students attracting the best from the talent pool of aspirants as well
as recruits from diverse industries.
The Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management (PGDFM) programme inculcates
conceptual knowledge, analytical ability, critical thinking, creativity, hard working abilities and
cerebral diversity in the students making IIFM the nurturing ground for complete managers of
The innovative methodology and the versatile curriculum ensure that the students are exposed to
every possible facet of management. All IIFM products are endowed with qualities of hard work,
team spirit and reliability that makes them an asset to any organization. Through the designed
coursework, students imbibe a deep sensitivity towards socio-economic, cultural and
environmental issues, shaping them into green corporate managers. The young men and women
are not only meritorious but also a unique mix of diligence, skill, determination and
professionalism. The intellectual capital available at IIFM provides a challenging environment
for the students in terms of rigor and conceptualization, required to successfully complete the
programme. Given the opportunity to be with an organization such as yours, they are sure to excel
in their chosen area of endeavour. We look forward to a mutually enriching relationship with you.
IIFM offers you the 22 batch, which shall prove its worth beyond your expectations. I sincerely
hope the best participation will continue from both the sides in the remaining days to come.
Dr. R. B. Lal
From The Directors Desk
I derive immense pleasure in inviting your esteemed organization for the Summer Internship of
the 22 batch of Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management, of the Indian Institute of Forest
IIFM, as a premium institute caters to the demands of corporate as well as environment and
development sectors. It constantly strives to inculcate in its students the knowledge of the best
management practices in accordance with the corporate world along with a strong sense of social
and environmental responsibility. The institute has a highly learned and experienced faculty base
which, coupled with state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities, enhances the learning process of the
students. All these factors together have helped in producing the best resource managers in the
country, who have proven their mettle in their chosen spheres of work.
The PGDFM course has an internship component to bring the students face-to-face with the
intricacies involved in the organization application of their learning. The trainees, or interns,
bring with them the knowledge and skills along with unbridled enthusiasm to make practical
application of it in real life projects. The organizations in the past have found the work of trainees
extremely valuable and their efforts have been highly appreciated for the innovative approach.
The new generation Green Managers with the ideology Management for a green future will
surely stand in good stead to meet the aspirations in their career ahead.
I hereby invite you to send challenging projects for the 22 batch of PGDFM students, thereby
contributing to the nurturing of managers who cater to the corporate world with a sense of pride
through incorporation of environmental outlook in business for a sustainable development.
Dr. Parag Dubey
Chairperson, Internship Committee
From The Chairpersons Desk
Situated in sylvan surroundings of the beautiful city of Bhopal, the Indian Institute of Forest
Management is a key milestone for sectoral management education.
Established in 1982 as an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MoEF), Government of India, it was conceptualized in response to the recommendations of the
National Agriculture Commission (NAC). The impetus generated by these recommendations
culminated in an alliance with the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) through
which the philosophy and raison d'tre of IIFM evolved. The Swedish International Development
Agency (SIDA) also contributed financially and technically in establishing the Institute.
Since its inception, IIFM has been home to some of the most brilliant young minds who are
constantly raising the par of excellence in this dynamic field.
The students have access to excellent infrastructure, competent faculty and a beautiful campus.
We are one of the premier sectoral institutes in the country, making our presence felt nationally as
well as internationally.
About IIFM
A unique PG level programme catering to the
Industries demand
PGDFM is a two year fully residential post graduate level diploma programme.
Major Specialization
A student has to opt for one major specialization from available three specializations by opting for
minimum 8.0 credit courses in total (4.0 credit compulsory and remaining 4.0 credit elective
courses, from major specialization area, offered during term V and VI). However, the total credit
to be taken in each Vth and VIth term is 6.0 credits per term.The choice of major specialization
will be based on the cumulative academic performance from term I to term III and also the
preference of the students.
Minor specialization
A student can also have a minor specialization by opting 4.0 credit courses from
compulsory/elective courses of the relevant module chosen for minor specialization. The choice
of opting for minor specialization rests with the students.
Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management
Classroom Teaching
Case analysis
Group Activities
Role plays
Summer Internship
Forest Based Industries
Forest departments
Industries Environmental Divisions
Social Institutions
Guest Lecture
Industry Representatives
National & International
Academicians & Researchers
NGOs & Entrepreneurs
Fieldwork @ Ground Zero
The PGDFM Programme has a unique component for providing knowledge to the students
through the induction of fieldwork component twice during the course - after second term, and
after the fifth term (according to the specialization).
Its a unique learning tool as it equips the students with experiential knowledge via live mini
projects involving application of their classroom skills. It aids deriving a solution for or assessing
the nature of ailments plaguing the bottom of our social pyramid-the rural masses and utilize the
insight gained into designing more humane corporate strategies or business plans.
Conservation and Livelihood
The keystone to the institute, this module seeks to synergize the strong bases in forestry built over
the first year of the course with the wider field of natural resource-community linkages.
Understanding the communities play a key role not only in conservation but also in livelihood
generation, the module converges the scientific principles of natural resource management along
with the customized needs of individual communities using the increased leverage of catalyst
organizations in bringing out a holistic solution to social problems in the environmental domain.
This specialization provides an insight to the changes in the rural environment enabling better
utilization of skills of students in developing sustainable rural livelihood and ease the pressure on
natural resources. The focus is on skill development in the areas of rural enterprise development,
rural finance, rural marketing, rural retailing and natural resource management. The focus is not
merely to ingrain a sense of 'rural reality' but also to augment the decision-making capacity in the
students with respect to flexing conventional models of finance and spatial analysis towards a
more comprehensive rural solution.
As local solutions to global environmental problems find increasing favour with policy-makers
across the world, there arises a need to develop efficient market interventions to capture the entire
social costs of environmental loopholes. In this light the environmental management finds a place
in the curriculum, and envisions the creation of developmental capacity in students in the areas of
CDM, carbon trade, environmental economics and modeling, risk analysis and finance auditing.
Core Subjects & Electives
Communication & Extension Management
Written Analysis & Communication
Communication & Extension Management
Ecosystem & Environment Management
Environmental Conservation & Ecosystem
Corporate Environmental Management
Environmental Impact Assesment
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Environment & Developmental Economics
Micro Economic Analysis
Macro Economic Policy Analysis
Ecological Economics & Environmental Valuation
Modeling of Ecology & Economy
Financial Management
Management Accounting - I
Financial Management
Management Accounting - II
Project Management
Management Control Systems
Human Resource Management
Behavior in Organization
Designing Work Organization
Human Resource Management
Research Methodology
Micro Finance (MF)
Livelihood and Social Entrepreneurship (LSE)
Emerging Rural Business Models and Retailing
Social Impact Assessment
ICT for Development
Social Development through Innovations in
Rural Finance
International Business
Climate Change and Sustainable Livelihood
Advanced Database Management System
Integrated Watershed Management
Ecotourism and Nature Conservation
Indigenous Knowledge System and Livelihood
Management of Medicinal Aromatic and other
High Value Plant Resources
Integrated Water Resource Development and
Sustainable NTFP Management and
Enterprise Development
Environmental and Conservation Finance
Advanced Data Analysis (ADA)
Corporate Environmental Responsibility &
Green Marketing (CERGM)
Renewable Energy Management
Environmental Risk Assessment and
Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Auditing
Business of Climate Change : CDM & Carbon
Information Technology & Quantitative Techniques
Basic Computing & Data Handling
Quantitative Techniques - I
Quantitative Techniques - II
Management Information System
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Research
Supply Chain Management
Strategic Management
Sociology & Community Development
Society & Polity
NRM for Rural Development
Public Policy Systems
Rural Environment & Development Management
Adaptive Management Techniques for Development
NGO Management
Development Theory, History & Policy
Technical Forestry
Fundamentals of Forest Management
NRM for Rural Development
Forest Mensuration
Forest Operations Management
Land Management & Agroforestry
Forest Policy, Law & Planning
Biodiversity Conservation
Extra Curricular Activities
SAAC Students Affairs and Alumni Council
SAAC is the mother of all extra-curricular bodies of IIFM. It is the council for students and alumni
affairs. Institutionalized in the year 2002, SAAC became the prime body for various activities,
events, competitions, campaigns, trips, fest and many such extra-curricular activities of the
students. Its ultimate objective is to ensure all-round development of the students under an
organised system of properly laid down rules and regulations. It also exercises a budgetary
control on the various activities held under its shelter.
For fulfilling its objective, SAAC conceptualised the formation of different clubs and committees
to ensure a disciplined approach to organise different extra-curricular activities. There are 6
students clubs namely adventure, nature, sports, cultural, literary and movie. These clubs host a
variety of events through the year round that caters to different aspects of the world around. It thus
offers a unique blend of both excellent academia and extra curricular opportunities.
Students Cells @ IIFM
Communication cell @ IIFM is established with objective to serve as an interface between the
print, television and electronic media and the institute. It sends out press releases and ensures
media presence for significant student activities conducted by different clubs at IIFM.
Communication cell is also involved in organizing guest lectures with alumni, academicians and
industry experts. "Sampark" is a newsletter published by communication cell as a platform for
alumni, present students and faculty to link the alumni, students and the faculty.
Climate Change and Environmental Core Competency Cell @ IIFM was incepted in the
SAAC in the year 2008.The cell was formed with a vision to create opportunity to leverage on the
intellectual capital of our alumni and successfully rise up to the standard they have benchmarked
for the products of Indian Institute of Forest Management.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell @ IIFM is established to create an environment that will
ignite and support innovation and knowledge based entrepreneurship amongst the IIFM
community leading to the creation of wealth and social value through successful ventures. This
cell intends to nurture the thoughts and radical ideas of fresh minds. Main objective of formation
of cell is to foster an environment that promotes creative thinking and innovation among students
and to enable them to have first hand experience from entrepreneurs about their experience and
hardships faced by them.
Areas of Expertise
IIFM, through its comprehensive and updated course structure has been able to produceexcellent
managers in their respective fields. An overview of various core subjects covered in the
curriculum is given below:
Project Management Use of techniques of exploring new projects, preparation of feasibility
reports, liaisoning with financial institutions and successful implementation of Natural Resource
Management projects, preparation of models for extraction of forest produce or formulating plans
for captive plantations and rural development.
Organization Management Specifying the organizations objectives, developing policies and
plans to achieve these objectives, allocating resources to implement the policies and plans to
achieve the organizations objectives.
Comprehensive account of Forestry Operations Management aspects of harvesting, logistics,
grading and other aspects of wood and non-wood forest products to ensure sustainable benefits to
the community at large.
Planning and implementation of Community and Forestry Orientated Programmes involving
community participation such as social or community forestry programme, Joint Forest
Management and rural development schemes with application of social research techniques such
as RRA, PRA, PLA and Process Documentation.
Areas of Expertise
Implementation of Financial Management control system like budgetary control system and
designing of control systems like profit centre concept, cost centre concept and working capital
management including short term finance. Aspects like microcredit, micro-savings and micro-
insurance & its applications in countering the self-dependency challenges of the rural and urban
Marketing management functions of organizations like market study, demand analysis, product
pricing, distribution channel, decision, product promotion and advertising strategies.
MIS and Computer Applications like GIS, digital image analysis, application of computers in
various monitoring and control activities of the organizations and implementation of
management information systems.
HR & Personnel Functions like organizational design & development including preparation of
job profile, job specification, manpower auditing and recruitment process.
Communication &Extension Activities including Extension, communication &mass media for
efficient transfer of technologies.
Alumni Base
With 21 batches of PGDFM well established in the various sectors, IIFM proudly
boasts of a lengthy list of illustrious alumni well ensconced in the whos who list of
corporate as well as major international organizations
Alumni Speak
I joined the PGDFM Program at IIFM because of my interest in issues related to natural resource
and environmental management. I am immensely benefitted from its rigorous academic
environment and the attention given to developing leadership qualities in students. The skills I
learned at IIFM have helped me pursue my professional goals more effectively
-Neeraj Kumar Negi (1998 Batch)
Evaluation Officer, Global Environment Facility,
Washington, DC (USA)
IIFM is an institute which affects the very core of your personality. Being face to face with
nature, forests, wildlife, tribal, rural community and the eco-systems; one understands that
sustainable management of an ecosystem is more challenging and daunting than any corporate
board room war of even the largest multinational companies
-Chandra Kishore (1991 Batch)
Founder: Green Corporate Network, USA
IIFM provides a unique program that helps students learn different aspects of natural resources
management even as they master general business management skills. I use analytical skills
learnt at IIFM in many complex business scenarios at eBay. Teamwork and leadership skills learnt
at IIFM help me succeed in a matrixed, global environment. The business skills learnt in the
program have helped me in a career growth over the years. IIFM is a place where you get to work
with many amazing people from all over the country. I am still in touch with many of my
classmates more than 10 years since graduating. They are my best friends
-Parijat Sinha (1997 batch)
Principal Product Manager
Chief Product Owner- Experience
PayPal Inc-a subsidiary of eBay Inc
Certification in Harvard University
Masters in Information Technology- Camegic Melton University
Recruiting Partners
ABN Amro Bank EVI Marketing Research
ACCESS Development Services Exim Bank MCX
Action Aid FINO MicroSave
Aga Khan Rural Support Forest Development Agencies MP Ecotourism Board
Forest Dvelopment Corporation NCDEX
Aide et Action
Foundation for MSME Clusters NIF
Friends of WWB India OLAM International,Singapore
AIT Bangkok
ASA, Bhopal
GEER Foundation Orient Paper Mills
Asian Development Bank
Gram Mooligai Co. OXFAM(India) Trust
Australian Wheat Board
Grameen Koota Pepsi Co.
Axis Bank
Grasim Industries Ltd. Pradan
Ballarpur Industries Ltd.
GUDC Proctor & Gamble
Bandhan Microfinance
Gujarat Ecology Commission Renewable Woods
Harihar Polyfibres RISK Management Solutions India
Harrison Malayalam School of Good Govarnence &
Byrraju Foundation Policy Making
CARE India Sewa Mandir
Hindustan Latex
Centre for Sustainable Siemens Information Systems Ltd.
Hindustan Newsprint Ltd.
Sir Dorabji Tata Trust
Chattisgarh MFP Federation,
Sonata Microfinance
The Energy & Resources Institute
IMRB International
CIFOR Indonesia
Tata Steel Rural Dev. Society
India Bulls
Indian Institute of Science
CmF, Rajasthan
Commodities & SCM
UNDP Small Grants
ITC Bhadrachalam
Crompton Greaves
ITC Global Agri Systems
CSE Delhi
CTRAN Consulting
Veda Climate Change
J.K.Corp. Ltd.
DANIDA Asia Forest Network
Vindhya Valley
Jungle Lodge & Resorts
Development Support Centre
Karnataka Forest Dev.Corporation
Disha Microfinance
World Bank
Kerala Horticulture Dep.
Earthy Goods
Corporation Winrock International
EDA Rural Systems Pvt. Ltd
Ernst & Young
Lupin Human Welfare
Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital
IIFM has a large multi-disciplinary faculty in its nine faculty areas. The faculty is
highly motivated and forms the core of the strength of IIFM providing expertise in a
number of areas related to forest and natural resources management.
Chinmaya Singh Rathore (Ph.D.)
Asha Khanna (P.G.) MANAGEMENT
K.N. Krishna Kumar (Ph.D.)
MARKETING MANAGEMENT Suprava Patnaik (Ph.D.) *
Manamohan Yadav (Ph.D.) Yogesh Dubey (Ph.D.)
Parag Dubey (Ph.D.) M. D. Omprakash (Ph.D.)
Bhaskar Sinha (Ph.D.)
SOCIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY Chandra Prakash Kala (Ph.D.)
D. Debnath (Ph.D.) ECONOMICS
Amitabh Pandey (Ph.D.) Madhu Verma (Ph.D.)
Ashish David (Ph. D.) Vijay Kumar (Ph.D.)
H.S. Gupta (I.F.S.) Rekha Singhal (Ph.D.) *
P.Bhattacharya (Ph.D.) Parul Rishi (Ph.D.)
Anil Khare (I.F.S.) Vandita Singh (P.G.)
* Leave on Duty
Profiles 2009-11
Aakash Mehrotra
Age: 22 years
B.Sc. (Biology)
Institute: University of Allahabad
University: University of Allahabad
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Educational Background:
Achal Gupta
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B. Tech
(Agricultural Engineering)
Institute: College of Agricultural Engineering
and Technology, Hisar
University: Haryana Agricultural University,
State: Haryana
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Abhishek Prasad
Age: 25 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics
and Instrumentation)
Institute: Gurunanak Institute of Technology
University: West Bengal University of
State: West Bengal
Languages Known: Bengali, English, Hindi
Aditya Upgade
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Electrical and
Institute: Oriental Institute of Science and
Technology, Bhopal
University: Rajiv Gandhi Technical University,
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi
Profiles 2009-11
Akanksha Tiwari
Age: 21 years
B.E. Computer
Science (Hons.)
Institute: Sagar Institute of Research and
Technology, Bhopal
University: Rajiv Gandhi Technical University,
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Educational Background:
Angam Niumai
Age: 27 years
Educational Background: B.A. (Social and
Public Administration)
Institute: Department of Social Sciences,
Osmania University.
University: Osmania University
Work Experience: 12 months in a NGO,
Oriental Rural Development Organisation
(ORDO), Imphal , Manipur as a Coordinator
State: Manipur
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Manipuri
Anandita Gupta
Age: 22 years
B.E. (Information
Institute: University Institute of Technology,
University: Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki
Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Educational Background:
Anirban Roy
Age: 24 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. (Hospitality
and Hotel Administration)
Institute: Institute of Hotel management,
University: National Council of Hotel
Management & Catering Technology, New Delhi
Work Experience: 10 Months in Cafe Coffee
Day, Bangalore as an Sr. Executive (Learning
and Development) and 8 months in Mc
Donalds, Bangalore as Trainee Manager
State: Assam
Languages Known: English, Hindi,
Assamese, Bengali,
Profiles 2009-11
Anshika Singh
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.Sc.(Biotechnology)
Institute: Villa Marie Degree College for
Women, Hyderabad
University: Osmania University, Hyderabad
State: Jharkhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Anuj Sharma
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Information
and Technology)
Institute: Institute of Engineering & Technology,
University: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya,
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Anubhav Sogani
Age: 24 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Hons.)
(Electrical and Electronics)
Institute: University Institute of Technology,
University: Rajiv Gandhi Technical University,
Work Experience: 12 Months in EEMG
Consultancy firm, Bhopal as an Technical
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Anupam Prakash
Age: 25 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Computer
Institute: Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of
University: Mumbai University
Work Experience: 12 months in Software
Education and Research Ltd, Patna as a Software
State :Bihar
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Apoorva Singh
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Com
Institute: Garden City College, Bangalore
University: Bangalore University
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Ashish Kumar
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.Tech
Institute: Faculty of Engineering and
University: Gurukula Kangri
Vishwavidhyalaya, Haridwar
State: Uttrakhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Arpan Jain
Age: 24 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Electrical)
Institute: Jaipur Engineering College and
Research Centre
University: Rajasthan University
State: Rajasthan
Languages Known: English, Hindi, French
Ashish Sharma
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics
and Communication)
Institute: Institute of Technology and
Management, Gwalior
University: Rajiv Gandhi Prodyougiki
Vishwavidhalya, Bhopal
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Ashwin R.
Age: 25 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and
Institute: Panimalr Engineering College,
University: Anna University
Work Experience: 17 months at Trimble, Dubai
as Product Engineer, 9 months at SA blog as
Contributing Editor
State: Tamil Nadu
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Tamil
Bendangwapang Ao
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.A. (English)
Institute: Patkai Christian College, Dimapur
University: Nagaland University
State: Nagaland
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Avinaw Kishore Prasad
Age: 28 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Civil)
Institute: Rashtriya Vidhyalya College of
Engineering, Bangalore
University: Vishweshwarya technological
University, Belgaum
Work Experience: 24 months at Shapoorji
Pallonji & Co ltd. as Civil Engineer , 3 months
at Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi as
Civil Engineer
State: Jharkhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Bhomik Shah
Age: 27 years
Educational Background: B.A.(History)
Institute: BA University Department
University: Kurukshetra University
Work Experience: 12 months with NGO Next
Generation Foundation as Assistant project
Coordinator, 18 months with Zee News as
Reporter, 6 months with ETV, Rajasthan as
State: Rajasthan
Languages Known: English, Gujarati, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Chow Kingkham Mansai
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Computer
Institute: BV Bhoomaraddi College of
Engineering and Technology, Hubli
University: Visveshvaraiah Technological
State: Arunachal Pradesh
Languages Known: Assamese, English, Hindi
Gurshabadjeet Singh
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: Bachelors in Social
Sciences (Hons.)
Institute: School of Social Sciences
University: Guru Nanak Dev University,
State: Punjab
Languages Known: Hindi, English, Punjabi
Darak Amit Balaji
Age: 24 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Mechanical)
Institute: PES College of Engineering,
University: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University, Aurangabad
State: Maharashtra
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi
Harsh Nigam
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics
and Communication)
Institute: Sri Ram Institute of Technology,
University: Rajiv Gandhi Technical University
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: Hindi, English
Profiles 2009-11
Imran Ali
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.B.A. (Hospital
Institute: Institute of Management Studies,
Indore, M.P
University: Devi Ahilya Vishvavidyalaya,
Indore, M.P
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: Hindi, English
Jyotsna Singh
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. Agriculture
Institute: College of Agriculture
University: Chandra Shekhar Azad University of
Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: Hindi, English
Dr. Jagamohan Mallick
Age: 26 years
Educational Background: Bachelor of
Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry
Institute: Orissa Veterinary College
University: Orissa University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneshwar
State: Orissa
Languages Known: Hindi, English, Oriya
Kapil Dasharath Bhalerao
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: Integrated M.Sc.
Institute: Institute of Bioinformatics and
University: University of Pune
State: Maharashtra
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi
Profiles 2009-11
Karan Girdhar
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. Agriculture
Institute: College of Agriculture
University: Punjab Agricultural University,
State: Punjab
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Punjabi
Lalit Kumar Vimal
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. (Life Sciences)
Institute: Hansraj College
University: University Of Delhi
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Kuldip Singh
Age: 27 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Computer
Institute: Swami Keshwanand Institute of
Technology, Jaipur
University: University of Rajasthan
Work Experience: 30 months in RM Infotech
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi as Marketing Executive
State: Rajasthan
Languages Known: English, Hindi
ManMohan Meena
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.Com
Institute: Raja Balbant Singh College, Agra
University: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra
Work Experience: 6 months in Insignia, New
Delhi as Marketing Executive
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Manish Dohare
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B. Tech (Bio-
Institute: Institute of Management Studies
Engineering College, Ghaziabad, U.P.
University: U.P. Technical University, Lucknow
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Nakul Dogra
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics
and Communication)
Institute: Amritsar College of Engineering and
University: Punjab Technical University
Work Experience: 13 months in Accenture
Services Pvt Ltd, Bangalore as an Associate
Software Engineer, 7 Months in TALA
hydroelectric Project Authority, Bhutan as an
Assistant Engineer
State: New Delhi
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Punjabi
Mohammad Shoaib Khan
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.A. (Political
Institute: Christ Church P.G. College, Kanpur
University: Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj
University, Kanpur
Work Experience: 20 months in Career
Launcher, Kanpur as a Shift Coordinator
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Navneet Thind
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.E.
Institute: Institute of Engineering and
Technology Khandari
University: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University,Agra
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Nikhil Raj
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.A. Economics
Institute: Satyawati College
University: Delhi University
State: Bihar
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Padmavati Tayaru Madipalli
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Agricultural
Institute: College of Technology, Pantnagar
University: G.B. Pant University of Agriculture
and Technology, Pantnagar
State: Uttarakhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Telugu
Nirbhay Bhatnagar
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.E.
Institute: Madhav Institute of Technology and
Science, Gwalior
University: Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki
Vishwavidhyalaya, Bhopal
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Paresh Jain
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.Sc.
Institute: Stani Memorial College, Jaipur
University: Rajasthan University
State: Rajasthan
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Prajakta Purushottam Bhasme
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. (Computer
Institute: Hislop College, Nagpur
University: Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur
University, Nagpur
State: Maharashtra
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi
Rajesh Kumar
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.B.A. (Marketing)
Institute: Lalit Narayan Mishra College of
Business Management
University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University
State: Bihar
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Maithili
Prem Shankar
Age: 24 years
Educational Background: B.E. ( Electrical &
Institute: New Horizon Col. of Engg., Bangalore
University: Visveswaraiah Technological
University, Karnataka
Work Experience: Export Exec., Cosmos
International Ltd, New Delhi (3 months). Field
Operations & Panel Engg., Reliance Industries
Ltd (Petrochem Div.), Vadodara (10 months)
State: Jharkhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Dr. Ramamohan Koosanapudi
Age: 28 years
Educational Background: Bachelor of
Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry
Institute: College Of Veterinary Science,
University: Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary
University, Tirupati
Work Experience: 18 months in Narsapuram,
Govt. Of Andhra Pradesh as a Veterinary
Assistant Surgeon and Mandal Animal
Husbandry Officer
State: Andhra Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Telugu
Profiles 2009-11
Ria Bakshi
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. Computer
Science (Hons.)
Institute: Bhaskaracharya College of Applied
University: Delhi University
State: Delhi
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Robin Singh
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics
and Communication)
Institute: Dr. MGR Educational Research
Institute, Chennai
University: Dr. MGR University, Chennai
State: Bihar
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Richa Singh
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. Agriculture
Institute: College of Agriculture
University: Punjab Agricultural University,
State: Bihar
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Maithili,
Rohan Raj Mishra
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Tech
Institute: Amity Institute of Biotechnology
University: Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: Assamese, English,
German, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Ruchita De
Age: 21years
Educational Background: B.Com
Institute: Bhopal School of Social Sciences
University: Barkatullah University
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: Bengali, English, Hindi
Sahil Wali
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Computer
Institute: Govt. College of Engineering and
University: Jammu University
State: Jammu and Kashmir
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Kashmiri
S. Krithika
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics
and Communication)
Institute: National Institute of Technology,
University: Maulana Azad National Institute of
Technology, Bhopal
State: Tamil Nadu
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Tamil
Sakib Mehraj
Age: 22 years
Educational Background: B.A. (Economics)
Institute: Amar Singh College, Srinagar
University: University Of Kashmir
State: Jammu and Kashmir
Languages Known: English, French, Hindi,
Kashmiri, Urdu
Profiles 2009-11
Samrat Gupta
Age: 27 years
Educational Background: B. E. (Electronics and
Institute: Sri Ramdeobaba Kamala Nehru
College of Engineering, Nagpur
University: Nagpur University
Work Experience: 9 months in Converse
Solutions, Nagpur as Junior Faculty
State: Maharashtra
Languages Known: Hindi, English, Bengali
Shayandeep Chakraborty
Age: 24 years
Educational Background: B.Com (Hons.)
Institute: St. Xaviers College
University: Ranchi University
Work Experience: 11 Months in Convergys
India Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon as a Customer Care
State: Jharkhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Bengali
Sanjay Kumar
Age: 26 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Dairy
Institute: National Dairy Research Institute,
University: National Dairy Research Institute,
Experience:11 months in ITC Ltd (Foods Div.)
as a Manufacturing Analyst
State: Jharkhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Shivoham Sharma
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.B.A.
Institute: St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur
University: Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
Work Experience: 22 Months in Vicon Group
of Companies as a Business Development
State: Chattisgarh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Shradha Charan
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Computer
Institute: Mungani Ram Bangad Mahavidyalaya,
University: Jay Narayan Vyas University
Work Experience: 11 months in Rajasthan
Communication, Jaipur as Design Software
State: Rajasthan
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Rajasthani
Siddhartha Banerjee
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Mechanical)
Institute: Hitkarini College of Engineering and
University: Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki
Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
Work Experience: 20 months in TCS Ltd.,
Chennai as a Software Developer
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: Bengali, English, Hindi
Shyam Chand C.
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Applied
Electronics and Instrumentation)
Institute: College of Engineering, Trivandrum
University: Kerala University
State: Kerala
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Malayalam,
Sinha Roy Neelakshay
Age: 24 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Electrical)
Institute: Sardar Vallavbhai Patel Institute of
University: Gujarat University
Work Experience: 7 months in PLC
Automation Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Baroda as
Automation Engineer
State: Gujarat
Languages Known: Bengali, English, Gujarati,
Profiles 2009-11
Smita Roy
Age: 20 years
Educational Background: B.B.A.
Institute: Symbiosis Center for Management
University: Symbiosis International
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: Bengali, English, Hindi
Dr. Sonali Swain
Age: 27 years
Educational Background: Bachelor of
Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry
Institute: Orissa Veterinary College
University: Orissa University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneswar
Work Experience: 4 months in Intensive Poultry
Development Project, Rourkela (Under State
Govt.) as a Training Resource Personnel
State: Orissa
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Oriya
Sonal Khare
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. (Biochemistry,
Chemistry, Zoology)
Institute: Govt. Autonomous Holkar Science
College, Indore
University: Devi Ahilya Bai Vishvidalaya,
State: Madhya Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Sudhanshu Shekhar
Age: 27 years
Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer
Science & Engineering)
Institute: Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad
University: Indian School of Mines University,
Work Experience: 24 Months in Cognizant
Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd, Kolkata as
Programmer Analyst
State: Bihar
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Maithili
Profiles 2009-11
T. Umesh
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. (Psychology)
Institute: University Maharaja's College
University: University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
State: Rajasthan
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Sc.
Institute: Faculty of Science
University: Banaras Hindu University
State: Uttar Pradesh
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Tikhe Ashish Ravikiran
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.E. (Mechanical)
Institute: PVG's College of Engineering &
University: Pune University
Work Experience: 23 Months in Infosys
Technologies, Pune as a Software Engineer
State: Maharashtra
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi
Vikash Anand
Age: 23 years
Educational Background: B.Sc. (Physics)
Institute: Ranchi College, Ranchi
University: Ranchi University
State: Jharkhand
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Profiles 2009-11
Vinisha Panwar
Age: 21 years
Educational Background: B.Sc.
(Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry)
Institute: Dayanand College, Hisar
University: Kurukshetra University
State: Haryana
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Academic Background Professional Background
Batch Summary 2009
PFM Batch of 2009-11
Contact Details
Contact Details
Summer Internship Chairperson
Prof. Parag Dubey
Ph.: +91 755 2775716, 2773799 Extn 364
+91 9753681473
Fax: +91 755 2772878
Summer Internship Committee
Prof. Madhu Verma
Prof. P. K. Biswas
Prof. Manmohan Yadav
Prof. Parag Dubey
Student Representatives
Amit Darak
Ph: +91 9926779128
Nakul Dogra
Ph: +91 9977568271
New Delhi Air India IC-134 Bhopal Shatabdi (2002)
Air India IC-942 BhopalExpress (2155)
Jet Konnect 9W-2227 TN Express (2622)
Mumbai Air India IC-133 Pushpak Express (2534)
Jet Konnect 9W-2501 Punjab Mail (2137)
Kingfisher Red IT-3147 Udyog Nagri Express (2173)
Chennai Rajdhani Express (2433)
* TN Express (2621)
Andaman Express (2031)
Bangalore Rajdhani Express (2429)
* Karnataka Express (2627)
Sampark Kranti (2649)
Hyderabad Jet Konnect 9W-2510 Rajdhani Express (2721)
Spice Jet SG-226 AP Express (2723)
Air India IC-616
* Connecting flights from Chennai & Bangalore are available via Mumbai or Hyderabad
Connectivity Details
Map of Bhopal
Contact details:
Dr. Parag Dubey
Chairperson, Internship Committee.
Phone: +91 755 2775716, 2773799 Extn 364
+91 9753681473
Fax: +91 755 2772878
Amit Darak
Summer Internship - Student Representative
Ph: +91 9926779128
Indian Institute of Forest Management
P.O. Box-357, Nehru Nagar,
Bhopal - 462003, India
Phone: +91 755 2775716, 2773799
Fax. +91 755 2772878
1. The organization is expected to prepare a brief description of what the student is required to do
within a period of 10 weeks and also mention the deliverables (like analyzed data, market
research analysis) that it would expect the students to submit in the form of a report at the end
of project.
2. Kindly note that not more than two students are generally permitted to do a single project. Also
please indicate whether the qualification and language requirements are essential or desirable
and whether the requirements apply to one or both the students taking up the project.
3. Please do not change the projects or make substantial alterations in the scope of the submitted
project proposal as project detail is one of the most important criteria for choosing a project by
the student.
4. It is expected that the organization would provide stipend, transport, accommodation and
other expenses during the project as per the norms of the organization.
5. Once with the organization, the students rely on the reporting officer (R.O.) for guidance,
hence please ensure that the officer nominated as R.O. has sufficient time for guiding students.
6. On completion of the project, the students present their findings to the organization and submit
the draft report.
7. After the feedback from the organization and the faculty, the student shall incorporate the
suggestions and submit the report to both the organization and submit a draft report.
8. All summer internship reports submitted to IIFM can be publically accessed in the institutes
library. The institute shall keep the reports strictly out of public access on confidentiality
grounds if requested by the organization in writing.
9. Organizations are encouraged to select the students for projects based on the personal or
telephonic interview or directly short listing the candidates.
10. The organization should send evaluation report of Internship Project to SI Cell, IIFM within a
week after completion of Internship.
11. Kindly fill up the attached form and mail/fax/email it at the address given. Please ensure that
the project proposal reaches IIFM by 20 February 2010.
Last date for receipt of Internship Participation Form: 26 February 2010
Interview dates for interested organization: 01
Confirmation of students joining status to Organization: 22 March 2010
Reporting at Organization: April 2010
Relieving date from Organization: 11 June 2010
st th
to 05 March 2010
Guidelines to offer Summer Internship Projects
Name of the Organisation :_______________________________________
Title of the project :_______________________________________
Place of work :_______________________________________
Number of students required :_______________________________________
Name :__________________________________________
Designation :__________________________________________
Address :__________________________________________
e-mail :__________________________________________
Cell no. :__________________________________________
Brief description of the organizations expectations from students
(Use a separate sheet, if required)
Requirement of any special background: ______________________________
(Language, qualification etc)
Monthly stipend being offered :__________________________________
Travel Reimbursement :__________________________________
Reimbursements of incidental expenses :______________________________
(Local conveyance and survey, report writing expenses)
Agree to provide : Accommodation
Accommodation Expense
Name: Date
Designation: Signature:
Official Seal

Summer Internship 2010 Participation Form

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