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July 23, 2014 Print Date:


Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OLD COLONY ROAD 2014000006839 07/06/2014 12:24:30 AM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 00:25 Viera, James JMV: Caller reports individuals lighting off fireworks at the residence to the right of
Signs By Tomorrow. He states he went to speak with them and they gave him a hard time.
2014/07/06 00:38 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Winters reports he spoke with both parties. They've been advised, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
2014000006840 07/06/2014 01:26:39 AM DISABLED M/V Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 01:27 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Det Franco off with a DMV, Ma 469GS2 White Outlander.
2014/07/06 01:28 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Det Franco reports they have arranged for a private tow it is enroute.
2014/07/06 01:54 Viera, James JMV: Det Franco reports private tow has the vehicle and is transporting the
occupants. Services rendered, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006841 07/06/2014 02:11:02 AM BURGLAR ALARM
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 02:12 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Alarm Company reports Kitchen motion activation. DNR.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006843 07/06/2014 08:28:57 AM EXTRA PATROLS
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller requesting extra patrols, all shifts, until Wednesday 7/9. 156 & 160 Taunton Ave including Faith Way. See
extra patrol board for details.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
INDIAN ROAD 2014000006844 07/06/2014 08:52:26 AM LARCENY Report
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports her son has been stealing from her Ptlm Cameron enroute.
Report taken.
2014/07/14 11:11 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Det Franco reports several items recovered from the Fall River Pawn Shop in
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006845 07/06/2014 01:20:48 PM ASSIST - OTHER
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cameron enroute as per request from Abington PD, to check for a black nissan MA 683MX7 .
Checked negative. Abington advised of same. Clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006846 07/06/2014 01:46:05 PM VANDALISM
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 13:46 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Caller reports sheds at 107 and 113 had the locks broken sometime last
night. Does not believe anything is missing. He will have his son from 113 call when he gets home to confirm.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TOAD ISLAND ROAD 2014000006847 07/06/2014 03:17:44 PM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Robert R. Whitfield
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 15:18 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports what she believes to be gunshots coming from within the
conservation area on Toad Island Road.
2014/07/06 15:25 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Cameron reports off in the conservation area speaking to a couple of
2014/07/06 15:33 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Cameron reports subjects have been advised, they have proper
papers for the handgun and had been target shooting. 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BRIGGS STREET 2014000006849 07/06/2014 03:57:01 PM 911 ABANDONED
Accidental Alarm
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Sgt. Robert R. Whitfield
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 15:58 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Abandoned 911 call received and upon callback went straight to voicemail.
Officers enroute.
2014/07/06 16:08 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Cameron reports accidental, both units 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RESERVOIR STREET 2014000006850 07/06/2014 03:59:41 PM GENERAL
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 16:03 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Turcotte reports himself and Ptlm. Loud will be escorting a female to
a residence to collect belongings.
2014/07/06 16:07 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Turcotte reports both units 10-6, female has her belongings.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWLAND STREET 2014000006851 07/06/2014 05:26:46 PM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Loud off Newland at Newcomb with a UHAUL white Ford F15 AZ reg AE85859, speeding.
2014/07/06 17:34 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Loud 10-6, operator cited.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BAY ROAD 2014000006852 07/06/2014 05:30:24 PM RADAR
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 17:30 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Turcotte off for radar.
2014/07/06 17:56 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Turcotte clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BAY ROAD 2014000006853 07/06/2014 05:46:38 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Turcotte off 66 Bay Rd with a gray Lexus reg 55FS72, speeding.
2014/07/06 17:48 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Turcotte 10-6, verbal.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006855 07/06/2014 07:09:22 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm King off Taunton Av by Barrows St with a black Toyota reg 164EP8, improper display.
2014/07/06 19:10 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm King 10-6, verbal.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000006856 07/06/2014 07:34:33 PM ASSIST - OTHER
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 19:34 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Mansfield off with Easton on Stearns Av for an arrest, they are requesting
we stand by the line if need be.
2014/07/06 19:45 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron also off, Ptlm King and Turcotte will be sliding towards the
center as Mansfield has sent another car towards Stearns Av.
2014/07/06 19:49 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Mansfield request units to 15 Plantation Dr for a motion alarm. Ptlm
Cameron and Ptlm King enroute.
2014/07/06 19:54 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm King and Ptlm Cameron off.
2014/07/06 19:58 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm King and Ptlm Cameron report house checks secure, spoke to a
neighbor and homeowner by phone.
2014/07/06 19:58 Bieksha, Susan SAB:
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RESERVOIR STREET 2014000006858 07/06/2014 08:34:23 PM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 20:35 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm Loud reports off, 244 Reservoir Street, speaking to a party in regard to
2014/07/06 20:36 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: 10-6, Party advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RESERVOIR STREET 2014000006859 07/06/2014 08:43:50 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Loud reports off, 144 Reservoir Street, with MA 841KB8, Silbver Hyundai, Headlight Violation.
2014/07/06 20:46 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Loud reports the actual plate to this vehicle is 195WX7. 10-6, Verbal
Warning, operator advised to put his new plates on the vehicle.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TIPPING PLACE 2014000006860 07/06/2014 08:55:21 PM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 20:56 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports fireworks coming from a neighbors yard from along the
2014/07/06 21:01 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Loud reports the fireworks appear to be coming from # 3 and # 7
Tipping Place.
2014/07/06 21:09 Prinzo, Brandon BJP:Ptlm.Loud reports 10-6, parties advised.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
INDIAN ROAD 2014000006861 07/06/2014 09:23:23 PM GENERAL
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 21:23 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Caller reports large fireworks going off on Indian Rd.
2014/07/06 21:30 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm King reports spoke to subject, he was advised. 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TIPPING PLACE 2014000006862 07/06/2014 09:31:04 PM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 21:31 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports the fireworks at 7 Tipping Lane have begun again.
2014/07/06 21:39 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King reports both units 10-6, parties have been advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006863 07/06/2014 09:57:59 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 21:58 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Loud reports off speaking to 2 individuals, 1 in a black adidas
jumpsuit , 1 in a gray shirt and camo shorts.
2014/07/06 21:59 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: 10-6, Subjects check.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006864 07/06/2014 10:05:38 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Loud reports off in the area of 54 West Main Street, with MA 5323HW, Black Mazda, defective equipment.
10-6, Verbal Warning.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006865 07/06/2014 10:12:39 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Loud reports off infront of the college with MA BC4297, Black Hyundai SantaFe, defective equipment. 10-6
Verbal Warning.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006866 07/06/2014 10:29:56 PM BURGLAR ALARM
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 22:30 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Alarm company reports commercial burglar alarm front door activation,
advised DNR. Ptlm King advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RICHARDSON AVENUE 2014000006867 07/06/2014 10:47:08 PM M/V-TRAFFIC
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/06 22:47 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Per Mansfield a red vehicle, no tail lights, erratic operation (over the yellow
line), from their Elm to our Richardson.
2014/07/06 22:58 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Cameron reports area search negative.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006869 07/07/2014 12:58:24 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 00:58 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Schepis reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000006870 07/07/2014 01:30:37 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 01:30 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Schepis reports L. G. Nourse checks secure
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
COMMERCE WAY 2014000006871 07/07/2014 01:38:09 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 01:38 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Schepis reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OLD COLONY ROAD 2014000006872 07/07/2014 01:50:25 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 01:50 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Winters reports extra patrols provided.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
Pleasant St 2014000006873 07/07/2014 01:51:33 AM ASSIST - OTHER
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 01:52 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Winters reports off with Attleboro PD at Village Auto, checking on a
broken window.
2014/07/07 01:54 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm WInters reports building checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
DEAN STREET 2014000006874 07/07/2014 02:02:24 AM SUSPICIOUS
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 02:03 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Winters reports off checking on a vehicle in the driveway with
2014/07/07 02:05 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm WInters reports apparent oversight, situation has been remedied.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006875 07/07/2014 02:24:49 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 02:25 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Winters reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006876 07/07/2014 02:36:49 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 02:37 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Winters reports west side schools check.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
FREEMAN STREET 2014000006877 07/07/2014 06:21:13 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Sgt Goodwin off at 67 Freeman St with a gray Toyota Corolla MA 1RCD20 for speeding
2014/07/07 06:22 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin reports verbal warning issued.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006878 07/07/2014 07:37:20 AM BURGLAR ALARM Accidental Alarm
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 07:39 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: commercial panic alarm @ above location. Ptlm Winters and Ptlm
Schepis enroute. contacted premesis and spoke to male subject stated accidental and awaiting arrival of pd.
2014/07/07 07:41 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 10-6 accidental.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEW TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006881 07/07/2014 10:31:20 AM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. R. Marc . Robichaud
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Robichaud reports he was flagged down by the resident at 17 New Taunton ave regarding a black pickup truck
in the area going onto the property going through the trash. Checking the area. Ptlm Robichaud off at 25 New
Taunton Ave vith MA reg 740YCS a black Pickup.
2014/07/07 10:36 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 10-6 vehicle belongs at residence, spoke to resident and she stated they
also have had problems with subject in the past and will be searching area.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
ALDER ROAD 2014000006883 07/07/2014 12:26:56 PM 209-A PAPER
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 12:31 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 209A into station Docket number 1434 RO0291.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
KENDALL PARK 2014000006885 07/07/2014 01:32:01 PM FIELD
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Det Franco off on an investigation
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
ALDER ROAD 2014000006886 07/07/2014 01:49:29 PM 209-A PAPER
Not at Home
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Sgt. Robert R. Whitfield
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 13:50 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 209A paper service. 10-6 unable to serve, his sister stated he is in
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WORCESTER STR 2014000006887 07/07/2014 01:52:00 PM CIVIL COMPLAINT Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Robert R. Whitfield
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Rp reports he is attempting to get property out of a business and subjects are not allowing this. Ptlm Ruskey and
Sgt Whitfield enroute.
2014/07/07 14:06 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Both units 10-6 two parties have worked out differences.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PATLENA DRIVE 2014000006888 07/07/2014 02:13:05 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Sgt. Robert R. Whitfield
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Det. Todd A. Bramwell
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 14:13 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Rp reports male subject shorter male camoflage shorts, hat, sunglasses,
on a cell phone. All units enroute.
2014/07/07 14:27 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: subjects check 10-6
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000006889 07/07/2014 03:09:07 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cota off with MA Veteran reg 11510 on a blue Chrysler Concord for speeding.
2014/07/07 15:12 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cota reports verbal, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
GARDNER STREET 2014000006891 07/07/2014 04:09:52 PM FRAUD/EMBEZZLE
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 16:11 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Mailloux reports female into station to report fraudulent credit card use.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWLAND STREET 2014000006892 07/07/2014 04:56:59 PM 209-A PAPER
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 16:58 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Mailloux with 209A paperwork received via fax to be served. Docket
#1434 RO 0297.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWLAND STREET 2014000006893 07/07/2014 05:01:21 PM 209-A PAPER
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 17:01 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Mailloux with 209A paperwork received via fax to be served. Docket
#1434 RO 0298.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006894 07/07/2014 05:23:43 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cameron off with MA reg 24YE29 on a gray Subaru for speeding and improper passing.
2014/07/07 17:25 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cameron reports verbal, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006895 07/07/2014 05:29:08 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Loud off with MA reg 517RR2 on a black Nissan Altima for a stop sign violation.
2014/07/07 17:31 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports verbal, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006896 07/07/2014 05:55:11 PM MEDICAL/MENTAL Taken to Hospital
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 17:55 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cameron, Ptlm Turcotte and R-1 responding for a 36 YO male that is
being sectioned. He is in the lot, compliant but escalating. There is a staff member with him.
2014/07/07 17:57 Viera, James JMV: 304 also responding.
2014/07/07 17:58 Viera, James JMV: R-1 and 304 on scene.
2014/07/07 18:00 Viera, James JMV: Command reports R-1 committed.
2014/07/07 18:07 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Turcotte reports units 10-6, the male is with R-1.
2014/07/07 18:08 Eisnor, Scott EMS: R-1 to SMH, sm 57736.
2014/07/07 18:16 Eisnor, Scott EMS: R-1 off SMH, em 57741.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BAY ROAD 2014000006897 07/07/2014 06:14:40 PM RADAR
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 18:15 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud off on a radar detail.
2014/07/07 18:35 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports clear, no violations.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000006899 07/07/2014 07:08:24 PM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Loud off with MA reg 8LB840 on a black GMC Jimmy for inspection sticker violation.
2014/07/07 19:16 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports operator cited, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000006900 07/07/2014 07:21:40 PM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Loud off with MA reg 92WJ58 on a black Lexus RX350 for an inspection sticker violation.
2014/07/07 19:29 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports operator cited, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006901 07/07/2014 07:39:47 PM ASSIST - OTHER
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 19:40 Viera, James JMV: Officers off to pick up an individual for parole.
2014/07/07 19:41 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports Ptlm Loud has 1 in custody.
2014/07/07 19:45 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports all units clear heading to the station with one male in
Ptlm Loud reports into the station @ 1947.
2014/07/07 20:15 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports prisoner was taken into custody by Parole Dept.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006902 07/07/2014 08:46:03 PM ASSIST - OTHER
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Loud reports off returning property.
Ptlm Loud reports residents wallet returned to staff.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006903 07/07/2014 08:58:05 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm King off with a Gray Toyota, Ma 3864TX for red light violation.
2014/07/07 20:58 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cameron also off.
2014/07/07 21:01 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm King reports verbal.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006904 07/07/2014 09:20:34 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Loud reports off with a Red Grand Marquis, Ma 6231KL for stop sign violation.
2014/07/07 21:21 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports verbal.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EVERGREEN ROAD 2014000006905 07/07/2014 09:40:02 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 21:40 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports he found some paperwork and a journal. Statements made on
a note subject reported he was going to harm himself. Ptlm Loud enroute. Ptlm King and Ptlm Turcotte enroute to
address of subject.
2014/07/07 21:44 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm King off
2014/07/07 21:45 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud off at the boat ramp.
2014/07/07 21:54 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm King requests Good Samaritan Shelter in Taunton be contacted, mother
reports she spoke with him and that is where he is staying. Staff contacted they report no one there by that name
tonight. Ptlm King advised. Ptlm King reports enroute to Evergreen Road.
2014/07/07 21:57 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports off speaking with 2 subjects that saw him earlier.
Ptlm Turcotte reports subject last seen at 6pm Long Gray Shorts, bright red sneakers White/gray top with cap.
Possibly riding a Red mountain bike.
2014/07/07 22:05 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte reports himself and Ptlm King off at a residence on Alder Road.
Ptlm King reports subject located @ 2206.
2014/07/07 22:11 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte reports all units clear, subject was located at a campfire behind
15 Alder Road with his friends. Ptlm Turcotte also reports subject checks no suicidal tendencies. The literature was
a life story subject was writing. Ptlm King also reports mother advised reports she is ok with the out come and also
believes he is fine.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JACOBS WAY 2014000006906 07/07/2014 09:48:28 PM GENERAL
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 21:48 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports subjects lighting off fireworks in the area. Caller advised east
side car tied up at this time.
2014/07/07 22:18 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports area search negative, both units 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006907 07/07/2014 10:19:12 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cameron off with a Gray Toyota Camry, Ma 942BS9 for speeding.
2014/07/07 22:21 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Verbal.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006908 07/07/2014 10:37:00 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/07 22:38 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud off with a suspicious vehicle Ma 909TIL, Gray Nissan with two
occupants. Ptlm Loud also reports Ma 277RH2, Silver Honda. Ptlm Loud requests 2nd car, Ptlm Turcotte enroute.
2014/07/07 23:09 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Loud reports subjects check, both units clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000006910 07/08/2014 12:31:32 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm Kevin K. Schleicher
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 00:32 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Schleicher reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006911 07/08/2014 12:46:28 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm Kevin K. Schleicher
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 00:46 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Schleicher reports west side schools check.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OAK STREET 2014000006912 07/08/2014 12:50:56 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm Kevin K. Schleicher
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 00:51 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Schleicher reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWLAND STREET 2014000006913 07/08/2014 01:02:16 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:02 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JACOBS WAY 2014000006914 07/08/2014 01:04:46 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:05 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006915 07/08/2014 01:06:54 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:07 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006916 07/08/2014 01:07:46 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:08 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
KAROL DRIVE 2014000006917 07/08/2014 01:13:57 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:14 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols provided.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000006918 07/08/2014 01:27:16 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:27 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols Burchill Field.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PARKER STREET 2014000006919 07/08/2014 01:27:58 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm Kevin K. Schleicher
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:28 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Schleicher reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000006920 07/08/2014 01:28:10 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:28 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports LG checks secure.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006921 07/08/2014 01:34:22 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:34 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006922 07/08/2014 01:36:07 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 01:36 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEW TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006923 07/08/2014 07:05:47 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Precourt off with MA reg 275SK8 a blue Chevy Sticker violation in the New Testament parking lot.
2014/07/08 07:09 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 10-6 verbal.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006926 07/08/2014 09:19:20 AM DISABLED M/V Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. R. Marc . Robichaud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Robichaud assisting DMV int he center MA 1WM825
MV in the CVS parking lot. Clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006927 07/08/2014 09:36:41 AM ARREST Transported to Court
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Lt Petersen reports Ptlm Ruskey has walk in arrest.
Ptlm Ruskey enroute to courthouse 1 male.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
KENDALL PARK 2014000006928 07/08/2014 10:42:50 AM RECOVERED PROP
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 10:43 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Det Franco reports at East Providence PD and recovered stolen property
from 6 Kendall Park, will be bringing back to station.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MORGAN LANE 2014000006929 07/08/2014 10:48:02 AM ANNOYING PHONE
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports attempted phone scam to her home phone from 202-506-9840. She was told she owes money to the
IRS and would be arrested today if she didn't pay. She was told to call 202-508-8096. Caller reports she confirmed
with the actual IRS that this is just a scam. Log note.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
LAUREL ROAD 2014000006930 07/08/2014 11:18:32 AM WARRANT/SUMMO
Not at Home
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 11:18 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: attempting to serve summons.
2014/07/08 11:21 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 10-6 unable to serve.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006931 07/08/2014 02:14:52 PM WELL BEING
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. R. Marc . Robichaud
Sgt. Robert R. Whitfield
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports they had an employee arrive to work around 1100 highly intoxicated who has since left on foot. Caller
concerned about mental well being. Officers advised and checking the area.
Ptlm Robichaud and Sgt Whtifield off @ residence @ 7 Elm St.
Clear, landlord has not seen him and was advised to call when he shows up.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006932 07/08/2014 02:55:20 PM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Ruskey reports off with a truck trailer combination, C21636 for stop sign violation. Ptlm Ruskey reports truck is
Ma Commercial White Ford F-150 Ma P90676.
2014/07/08 14:56 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Ruskey reports citation issued.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OLD COLONY ROAD 2014000006934 07/08/2014 04:04:47 PM MVA - W/INJURY Vehicle Towed
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Det. Lt. Thomas J. Petersen
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 16:05 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports 2 car MVA unknown injuries baby in one vehicle .
2014/07/08 16:07 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Det Lt Petersen on scene reports no injuries both vehicles off roadway. Per
304, cancel rescue.
2014/07/08 16:12 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Det Lt Petersen reports clear.
Command reports E-2 to handle small fluid spill. Sufficient help on scene.
Ptlm King requests 18, for 2, Edd's enroute.
Ptlm Cota reports Ma 427NB6, Gray Saturn and Ma 58NV49, Gray Nissan.
2014/07/08 16:17 Eisnor, Scott EMS: 304 reports both vehicles off the road, all apparatus code green.
2014/07/08 16:30 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports 18 on scene.
2014/07/08 16:33 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm King reports Edds will be taking one vehicle and owner of 2nd vehicle is
disgruntled and calling her own tow company.
2014/07/08 16:40 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cameron reports Edd's has the Saturn. Ptlm Cameron also reports
husband of other vehicle showed up and was being very uncooperative.
2014/07/08 16:42 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cameron reports transporting the operator to Tedeschi's to make
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
East Lake Shore Drive 2014000006937 07/08/2014 04:59:04 PM 209-A PAPER
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 17:00 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud contacting Yavapai Sheriff in Arizona to obtain a fax number to
have order served. Defendant now lives in Arizona. Docket #1434 RO 0291.
2014/07/08 18:17 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cota reports order was faxed.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JOHN SCOTT BLVD 2014000006938 07/08/2014 05:21:52 PM SUSPICIOUS
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 17:23 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports 10 year old boy walking down the roadway seemed dis-oriented,
baggy t shirt and jeans.
Caller reports male was seen just passing over RR tracks coming from Chartley.
2014/07/08 17:26 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King off with that boy by #188.
2014/07/08 17:27 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports boy states he lives @ #172. He will be going to speak with
the parents.
2014/07/08 17:29 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King 10-6, nobody is home. He will check back later to speak with the
2014/07/08 17:41 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King is attempting to contact father by phone.
2014/07/08 17:53 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports unable to contact parent. Male made it to his residence.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
LAUREL ROAD 2014000006939 07/08/2014 05:32:02 PM WARRANT/SUMMO
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 17:33 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports off attempting to serve a summons.
2014/07/08 17:37 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports unable to serve, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWLAND STREET 2014000006940 07/08/2014 05:43:05 PM 209-A PAPER
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 17:44 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports off attempting to serve. Docket #1434 RO 0298.
2014/07/08 17:47 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports unable to serve.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
POWER STREET 2014000006941 07/08/2014 05:52:48 PM WELL BEING
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 17:53 Viera, James JMV: Caller reporting her boyfriend received some troubling texts from a male who
resides in town. They have not spoken to him in about an hour. They are unsure if he is at his residence. Ptlm
Cameron and Ptlm King responding for well-being check.
2014/07/08 18:04 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports they have an open back door, himself and Ptlm Cameron
will be checking the residence.
2014/07/08 18:07 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports that while checking the residence the male and his father
arrived home. There are no issues, both units 10-6.
2014/07/08 18:15 Viera, James JMV: RP was advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
2014000006942 07/08/2014 05:53:44 PM MVA - PROPERTY
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 17:54 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports 2 car MVA no injuries at the Washington intersections.
2014/07/08 18:06 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports vehicles left under their own power. Report taken, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
CLAPP STREET 2014000006943 07/08/2014 06:11:48 PM TRAFFIC CONTROL
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 18:12 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports traffic lined up around the sharp corner on Clapp Street. Ptlm
King reports he just went through roadway is passable.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BRYSON DRIVE 2014000006944 07/08/2014 06:30:50 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 18:35 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller repors suspicious vehicle in front of above. Caller reports vehicle has
been there approx 15 to 20 minutes Silver Suv.
Ptlm King reports vehicle is Ma 8414HW, speaking with owner.
2014/07/08 18:38 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm King reports they were visiting the neighbor across the street both units
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
LAUREL ROAD 2014000006945 07/08/2014 08:39:46 PM WARRANT/SUMMO
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 20:40 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud off attempting to serve a summons.
2014/07/08 20:46 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports unable to serve.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006946 07/08/2014 09:22:59 PM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 21:23 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports rear of property checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
LAUREL ROAD 2014000006947 07/08/2014 09:41:25 PM WARRANT/SUMMO
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 21:44 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud off attempting to serve a summons.
2014/07/08 21:53 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports notification made, served in hand.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000006949 07/08/2014 10:08:32 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 22:09 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports off checking a vehicle behind Tsang's, Ma 951LJ4 Silver
Ford Escape for suspicious activity.
2014/07/08 22:10 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports subject checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006950 07/08/2014 11:30:56 PM BURGLAR ALARM Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/08 23:33 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Alarm company reporting commercial burglar alarm, far door motion
2014/07/08 23:39 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King reports building checks, both units 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OAK STREET 2014000006952 07/09/2014 12:24:27 AM ANIMAL INCIDENT Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 00:24 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Caller reports her daughter was traveling up Oak Street and saw a fox
that was in distress in the road before Larson Farms Drive. She believes it has been hit.
2014/07/09 00:37 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports area search negative.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTON GLEN ROAD 2014000006953 07/09/2014 12:46:30 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 00:46 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
CAROL DRIVE 2014000006954 07/09/2014 12:50:27 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 00:52 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST HODGES STREET 2014000006955 07/09/2014 01:04:01 AM TREE/WIRES
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 01:05 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Caller reports there is a tree down in the road on East Hodges Street,
closer to the Taunton end. Ptlm McCarthy en route.
2014/07/09 01:40 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports the tree has been removed, road is open in both
directions, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000006956 07/09/2014 01:40:29 AM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 01:40 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports off checking on 2 vehicles in the Roche Bros
parking lot, both occupied.
2014/07/09 01:42 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports subjects check, they will be on their way. MA REG
66HN82 & MA REG 995WZ5.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000006957 07/09/2014 01:51:00 AM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 01:52 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Open 911 call from Epoch, after remaining on the line, RP started to state
he was in NH. Dispatcher Prinzo contacted Epoch and I spoke with a nurse that came to check on this patient. All
clear, no problems.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OLD COLONY ROAD 2014000006958 07/09/2014 01:52:56 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 01:53 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports Extra Patrols provided, Dunkin Donuts, 420 Old
Colony Road.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000006959 07/09/2014 02:01:23 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:02 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports Extra Patrols provided, Spruce Tree Lane.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006960 07/09/2014 02:11:07 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:11 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000006961 07/09/2014 02:11:00 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:11 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports Extra Patrols provided, 156 Taunton Avenue.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006962 07/09/2014 02:12:08 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:12 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm McCarthy reports West Side Schools check.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000006963 07/09/2014 02:42:47 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:43 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols Burchill Field.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000006964 07/09/2014 02:42:48 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:43 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports the L.G. Nourse School checks secure.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006965 07/09/2014 02:48:14 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:48 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006966 07/09/2014 02:48:08 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 02:48 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm Precourt reports Extra Patrols provided, 107 North Washington Street.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
COMMERCE WAY 2014000006967 07/09/2014 03:05:09 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 03:05 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports Extra Patrols provided, Horizon Beverage.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RESERVOIR STREET 2014000006968 07/09/2014 06:47:28 AM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Precourt off gray kia sticker violation MA 482KW2
citation issued.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RESERVOIR STREET 2014000006969 07/09/2014 06:59:01 AM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Precourt off gray honda MA 46YX48 speeding on Elm St.
citation issued
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WAMPUM ROAD 2014000006971 07/09/2014 08:43:07 AM NOTIFICATION
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Doctora office requesting notification reminding patient of a follow up appt. I called the residence and advised a
female at that number of same. Log note.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006973 07/09/2014 10:14:44 AM EXTRA PATROLS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 10:14 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Extra patrols 130 East Main St.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PATTEN ROAD 2014000006974 07/09/2014 10:31:42 AM M/V-TRAFFIC
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports dodge intrepid parked on street for 6 or 7 days. Ptlm Ruskey enroute.
Ptlm Ruskey reports MA 5ALK50 parked in front of #6.
Checked. Belongs to #5 Patten Rd.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
DEAN STREET 2014000006975 07/09/2014 10:40:53 AM RADAR
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. John N. Chmielinski
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Chmielinski radar by Rehoboth line.
Clear, no violations.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
Stevens Street 2014000006976 07/09/2014 11:02:54 AM RECOVERED
Responding Officer(s)
Det. Todd A. Bramwell
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Det Bramwell reports enroute to Taunton to recover stolen MV.
Det Bramwell off with Dorrance Truck MA 880084
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006977 07/09/2014 11:11:25 AM DISABLED M/V Vehicle Towed
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Robert R. Whitfield
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports DMV 495SB off ramp to E.Main St. Ptlm Ruskey enroute.
Sgt Whitfield enroute to assist.
Mikes towing (AAA) already enroute.
Towed Clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
Terry Lane 2014000006978 07/09/2014 12:41:13 PM 209-A PAPER
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Timothy P. Gariepy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 12:41 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 209 A order into station Docket number 1434RO0273.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OAK STREET 2014000006979 07/09/2014 12:43:23 PM 209-A PAPER
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Timothy P. Gariepy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 12:43 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 209A order to be served. Docket number 1434RO272
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006980 07/09/2014 03:34:31 PM MEDICAL/MENTAL Taken to Hospital
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 15:37 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Call from Bristol Cty Counceling reporting they have a section 12 on a female.
Call originated with Bristol County Elders. Caller reports female is off her medication and needs to be transported
due to medical health. Sgt Whitfield and Ptlm Gariepy advised.
2014/07/09 16:02 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cota reports himself and Ptlm Loud enroute.
2014/07/09 17:37 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron request rescue.
2014/07/09 17:45 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Loud reports both units 10-6, rescue has the patient.
2014/07/09 17:47 Bieksha, Susan SAB: R-1 to Sturdy sm 57879.
2014/07/09 17:55 Eisnor, Scott EMS: R-1 off SMH, em 57884.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
HOLMES STREET 2014000006982 07/09/2014 04:03:52 PM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 16:04 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Caller reports a fight in progress, 2 males both shirtless, both wearing
shorts. 2 females with them also arguing.
2014/07/09 16:09 Bieksha, Susan SAB: 911 caller reports he was just in a fight and enroute to the police station.
Ptlm Loud reports off at apartment 3.
2014/07/09 16:39 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cota reports both units 10-6, Ptlm Loud took a report and Ptlm Cota is
filing a 51A.
2014/07/09 16:40 Bieksha, Susan SAB:
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
HOLMES STREET 2014000006983 07/09/2014 05:38:08 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 17:38 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller requests officer reports past attempted B@E, Caller reports damage to
her door frame. Caller also reports no entry was made, someone was staying at her apartment sleeping up stairs
and they heard nothing.
2014/07/09 18:11 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports he is clear, report taken.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
HOLMES STREET 2014000006984 07/09/2014 06:08:09 PM FIELD
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 18:08 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud off on a follow up.
2014/07/09 18:26 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RUMFORD ROAD 2014000006985 07/09/2014 06:13:31 PM LARCENY Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Det. Jeffrey J. Zaccardi
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 18:14 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Det Zaccardi reports female into station to repor childrens Power Wheel was
taken from their backyard.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000006986 07/09/2014 06:50:52 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 18:53 Eisnor, Scott EMS:Caller reports he has a driveway approx 800 ft long at end by roadway he has
posted no trespassing. White male blond hair with a Duly Disposal tag on his shirt was trying to solicit. Caller
advised male no trespassing and not interested. Subject left on foot
2014/07/09 19:04 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cota reports he spoke to that subject, he was advised, does have a
peddlers license.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JACOBS WAY 2014000006987 07/09/2014 07:35:55 PM HARASSMENT/THR
Responding Officer(s)
Det. Jeffrey J. Zaccardi
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 19:36 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Det Zaccardi with walk in reporting she is being harassed by relatives of an
ex. Statement taken, she was advised of her options.
2014/07/09 19:44 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Det Zaccardi reports she did not want to press any charges or report any
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000006988 07/09/2014 08:19:56 PM M/V-TRAFFIC
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 20:20 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Caller reports silver or gray Infinity reg 67MX44, all over the road.
2014/07/09 20:21 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cota behind that vehicle now.
2014/07/09 20:23 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cota off in the area of Edgewater with that vehicle, he did not see any
issues, speaking with driver.
2014/07/09 20:25 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cota 10-6, operator checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BAY ROAD 2014000006989 07/09/2014 08:46:46 PM MVA - W/INJURY Report
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports 2 car MVC unknown on injury Bay Road @ Plain Street.
2014/07/09 20:52 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cota reports tree down in the roadway.
2014/07/09 20:54 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cota reports a dead tree fell and hit the car. Gray Nassan Altima RI
99188. C-3 reports sufficient help on scene, R-1 evaluating 1 for possible no transport.
2014/07/09 20:56 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Highway on call contacted message left no answer.
304 reports E-2 clear, no fluid spills.
2014/07/09 21:00 Bieksha, Susan SAB: C-3 reports Rescue has a refusal, code green all apparatus.
2014/07/09 21:02 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Highway enroute, Ptlm Cota reports loader needed.
2014/07/09 21:23 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cota reports vehicle left under its own power operator brought to her
friends house, locally.
2014/07/09 21:35 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cota reports highway on scene.
2014/07/09 21:53 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cota reports both units clear, tree removed from the roadway.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006990 07/09/2014 10:00:48 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cota off E Main at Carpenter with a white Honda CRV reg 159YZ4, speeding.
2014/07/09 22:02 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cota 10-6, verbal.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JOHN SCOTT BLVD 2014000006991 07/09/2014 10:32:13 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 22:32 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cameron reports checked on a vehicle at the gate of the Water Dept. 4
occupants, Ma 712PRI, vehicle checks.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000006992 07/09/2014 10:43:12 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/09 22:43 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron off at the old mini golf checking on a few subjects in the
2014/07/09 22:51 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Cameron reports this is the new owner working late, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000006994 07/10/2014 01:04:46 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. McCarthy reports off, 190 East Main Street, with MA 3YDC80, Chevy S-10, Defecticve Equipment and
Suspicious Activity. 10-6, the vehicle checks, Verbal Warning.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTON GLEN ROAD 2014000006995 07/10/2014 01:14:01 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:14 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports Extra Patrols provided, Norton Glen.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TOAD ISLAND ROAD 2014000006996 07/10/2014 01:18:58 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:19 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports Extra Patrols provided, Toad Island Road.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OLD COLONY ROAD 2014000006997 07/10/2014 01:21:42 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:22 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BAY ROAD 2014000006998 07/10/2014 01:22:20 AM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:22 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports off, Chateau parking lot, with a camper, AZ
2014/07/10 01:24 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Det. Franco also off at this location.
2014/07/10 01:26 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports the operator has been advised, and will be moving
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PARKER STREET 2014000006999 07/10/2014 01:32:04 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:32 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports Parker Rec checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
COMMERCE WAY 2014000007000 07/10/2014 01:36:30 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:36 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports Extra Patrols provided, Horizon Beverage.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
CRANE STREET 2014000007001 07/10/2014 01:41:28 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:41 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports Extra Patrols provided, Crane Street.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007002 07/10/2014 01:42:27 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:44 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Det. Franco reports the Yelle School checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007003 07/10/2014 01:42:26 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:43 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Det Franco reports High School checks.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007004 07/10/2014 01:43:37 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:44 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports the Solmonese School checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007005 07/10/2014 01:44:06 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:44 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports Middle School checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000007006 07/10/2014 01:51:49 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 01:51 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm McCarthy reports off with a black Toyota Corolla, MA REG 6145HF,
defective equipment.
2014/07/10 01:56 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm McCarthy reports verbal warning.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007007 07/10/2014 02:02:49 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:03 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports off with a red Subaru, MA REG 3MV440, speeding.
2014/07/10 02:04 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Precourt reports verbal warning.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RESERVOIR STREET 2014000007008 07/10/2014 02:04:49 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:05 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm McCarthy reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000007009 07/10/2014 02:18:59 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:19 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm McCarthy reports off with a silver Toyota, MA REG 1340BP,
2014/07/10 02:20 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm McCarthy reports verbal warning.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000007010 07/10/2014 02:21:48 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Precourt reports off, 1 Spruce Tree Lane, with MA 4581PV, Blue Nissan, Speeding. 10-6, Verbal Warning.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007011 07/10/2014 02:25:00 AM ASSIST - OTHER
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:25 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Det Franco reports off with Mansfield PD at Extra Mart in their town with a
large group of individuals.
2014/07/10 02:26 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Det Franco reports clear, Warp Tour concert goers arriving early.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000007012 07/10/2014 02:30:45 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:32 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports Extra Patrols provided, Spruce Tree Lane, all is
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
COUNTRY CLUB WAY 2014000007013 07/10/2014 02:41:12 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:41 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports Extra Patrols provided, Country Club Way.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TOP FLIGHT DRIVE 2014000007014 07/10/2014 02:42:23 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:42 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports Extra Patrols provided, Top Flight Drive.
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Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000007015 07/10/2014 02:56:49 AM FIELD
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 02:57 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precourt reports himself and Ptlm. McCarthy will be off in the Spruce
Tree Lane area on a 10-19.
2014/07/10 03:21 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Precort reports both units will be 10-6, report to follow.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007016 07/10/2014 03:12:20 AM SUSPICIOUS
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 03:13 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Caller reports that she just heard a loud crash and possibly glass
breaking. RP does not believe that the crash was in her house, she believes it was outside. Det Franco off in the
2014/07/10 03:17 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Det Franco reports all quiet in the area. # 64 is under construction, Det
Franco will be on foot investigating.
2014/07/10 03:23 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Det Franco reports all quiet, clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PARK LANE 2014000007017 07/10/2014 05:46:04 AM SUSPICIOUS
Gone on Arrival
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 05:47 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports a Brown Ford Escort, unknown 13, parked outside of 10 Park
Lane for a while, occupied by a male subject.
2014/07/10 05:53 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: RP has called back stating the owner of that residence has picked up the
subject in the vehicle. Ptlm. Precourt advised, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007018 07/10/2014 05:55:59 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 05:56 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports Extra Patrols provided, 130 East Main Street.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000007019 07/10/2014 05:58:52 AM RADAR
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 05:59 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports off on a Radar Assignment, 180 North Washington
2014/07/10 06:22 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. McCarthy reports 10-6, no infractions.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
ISLAND ROAD 2014000007021 07/10/2014 06:46:14 AM SUSPICIOUS
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 06:47 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports a White van, rear windows blacked out, WA 13 with unkown
number, parked along the woods by the first bend.
2014/07/10 07:00 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: made contact with operator advised he was impeding traffic, gave
alternate location to park vehicle subject was very agitated. vehicle is WA reg B85991W.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007022 07/10/2014 07:18:41 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
sticker violation.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MARGARET DRIVE 2014000007024 07/10/2014 07:26:28 AM B&E - M/V Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Rp reports past B&E into vehicle with cash taken. Vehicle is not at location, he is at work, will come in later today to
file report, he does state his son has "burglarious tools" at residence that were possibly used. Ptlm Precourt enroute
to retrieve items.
2014/07/10 07:38 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 10-6 heading 10-3.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
KAROL DRIVE 2014000007026 07/10/2014 09:06:55 AM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 09:07 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: extra patrols
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWLAND STREET 2014000007027 07/10/2014 09:12:06 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Turcotte provided extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007028 07/10/2014 09:47:37 AM WARRANT ARREST Arrest
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Det Frano has warrant arrest.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SANLIN STREET 2014000007029 07/10/2014 09:57:37 AM MISSING PERSON
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Attleboro reports male called them to report his friend missing. Ptlm Gariepy advised.
Friend is at Fuller in Attleboro
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
North Main St 2014000007030 07/10/2014 10:13:55 AM PRISONER
Transported to Court
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 10:14 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Ptlm Cota reports transporting 1 female to Attleboro District. SM-14157.
2014/07/10 10:28 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: EM-14173 @ 1028.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTON GLEN ROAD 2014000007031 07/10/2014 10:37:02 AM FIELD
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 12:37 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Ptlm Cota off Norton Glen management office dropping off report from
last evening.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEW TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000007032 07/10/2014 01:13:58 PM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
MA reg 71PN36 a red saturn speeding.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007033 07/10/2014 02:36:31 PM REFER TO OTH
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Calller reports rocks in road by Freeman St. MA Highway advised and Ptlm Cota enroute to check.
2014/07/10 14:44 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cota reports off with a subject cleaning up the gravel. Ptlm Cota reports
he is going to assist.
2014/07/10 14:49 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Cota requests Mass Highway be cancelled, Mass Highway advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007034 07/10/2014 02:51:01 PM 209-A PAPER
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 14:54 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Gariepy reports order into station to be served, Docket Number
2014/07/10 16:54 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Contact made to Autoparts subject does work there unknown what shift.
Works receiving and no one is picking up phone.
Sgt Goodwin advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
FOSTER DRIVE 2014000007036 07/10/2014 03:10:19 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Timothy P. Gariepy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports a male from the moving company that he hired took pictures of his security panel. Caller reports he
contacted moving company, (New Generation), Ptlm Gariepy advised caller.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000007037 07/10/2014 03:23:09 PM M/V-TRAFFIC
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Timothy P. Gariepy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 15:23 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Cell caller reports she wants to report a incident involving her daughters 14
year old friend. Caller reports she is going to stop by the station to see a Officer reguarding the incident due to
being on the road at this time.
2014/07/10 15:54 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Gariepy reports information taken.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SHIRLEY AVENUE 2014000007039 07/10/2014 05:21:36 PM SUSPICIOUS
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 17:22 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports female came to her door asking questions about her neighbor.
Caller reports female stated that she was from a private investigation company. Caller reports she did not feel
comfortable with the female being in the neighborhood.
2014/07/10 17:31 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Winters reports he believes they are off with the female Dentist Office
on corner.
2014/07/10 17:34 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Winters reports not the female, area search negative.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007040 07/10/2014 06:01:21 PM FRAUD/EMBEZZLE
Referred to oth agency
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 18:01 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller requests speaking with a Officer in regards to a dealership forging her
2014/07/10 18:04 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Mailloux reports dealership was in Raynham and female was advised to
contact Raynham P.D.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TIPPING PLACE 2014000007041 07/10/2014 06:10:19 PM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 18:10 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Schepis reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
Park Street 2014000007042 07/10/2014 06:15:21 PM ASSAULT Report
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 18:19 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Nurse from Sturdy E.R. reports female in being treatend for a past assault
that took place in Norton. Female is requesting Officer for a report.
2014/07/10 19:45 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Winters 10-6, report taken.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007043 07/10/2014 06:42:12 PM MEDICAL/MENTAL Taken to Hospital
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 18:45 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Staff requests rescue for a section 12.,
2014/07/10 18:47 Eisnor, Scott EMS: 304 reports Rescue is committed, and we can cancel P.D. Sgt Goodwin
2014/07/10 18:50 Eisnor, Scott EMS: 304 reports rescue to transport with a 3rd man requests Station Coverage,
toned and announced.
2014/07/10 18:51 Eisnor, Scott EMS: R-1 to SMH with third, sm 57951.
2014/07/10 18:59 Eisnor, Scott EMS: R-1 off SMH, em 57956
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007045 07/10/2014 07:01:44 PM B&E - M/V Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 19:01 Viera, James JMV: Caller reports a white male with glasses, dark hair, jean shorts, a gray t-shirt
and carrying a backpack was going through vehicles behind the store. He left towards Roche Brothers and jumped
the fence.
2014/07/10 19:06 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis reports trailer park checks negative. He will be checking the
2014/07/10 19:12 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis reports apartments checked negative also. They spoke with RP
who states male gained entry into a van. They don't believe anything was taken. He may have attempted to gain
entry into a second vehicle. Male fled when approached, he appeared to be in his 20's. Ptlm Schepis will be in the
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
East Lake Shore Drive 2014000007046 07/10/2014 07:23:36 PM 209-A PAPER
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 19:23 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Mailloux reports order was served in hand @ 1430 by Yavapai County
Sheriff. Docket #1434 RO 0291.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007047 07/10/2014 08:39:30 PM SUSPICIOUS
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 20:40 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports he drove by a subject sitting on mailbox stand that is made out
of brick. Subject is teenager wearing a t-shirt and jeans he asked youth if he is all right and he stated sometime this
happens. Ptlm Schepis reports off with that subject across from above. Ptlm Schepis reports subject from group
home 199 or 201. No issues staff came out and took him in.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
GODFREY DRIVE 2014000007048 07/10/2014 08:46:04 PM SUSPICIOUS
Advised Family Member
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 20:46 Viera, James JMV: Caller reports a banging noise in the walls. She reports it has been going on
for a couple of weeks. Sgt Goodwin advised and will respond.
2014/07/10 21:12 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Sgt Goodwin reports checked sprinkler room and area, unfounded. Spoke
with son who was on scene he was advised. Also advised to call if assistance is needed.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007049 07/10/2014 10:15:45 PM EXTRA PATROLS Referred to oth agency
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 22:16 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Schepis reports while providing extra patrols to the L. G. in the back
picnic table was removed from its anchors and placed on end against the school. Does not appear that anyone is
up on the roof now. Attempt to leave message left for custodian on voicemail none set up. Message on board for
AM dispatcher to contact custodian.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
GREAT WOODS CIRCLE 2014000007050 07/10/2014 10:51:06 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 22:51 Viera, James JMV: Off duty FF reports vehicle parked in the area of abandone dhouse on the
street, no description on vehicle.
2014/07/10 22:56 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin off with the vehicle, MA reg 733PP2 on a gray Hyundai.
2014/07/10 22:59 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin reports it was a couple from the concert. They have been
advised and are on their way, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JACOBS WAY 2014000007051 07/10/2014 10:54:02 PM NOTIFICATION Not at Home
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/10 22:54 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis off attempting a notification.
2014/07/10 22:57 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis reports unable to raise anyone, 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007053 07/11/2014 01:15:22 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 01:15 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm McCarthy reports he and Ptlm Precourt are off on foot doing extra
2014/07/11 01:23 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm McCarthy reports both officers are back in their vehicles. Checked
on a male subject on a bike with a black back pack, he checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007054 07/11/2014 01:45:38 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm McCarthy off with MA reg 655JZ7 on a blue Subaru for speeding and a stop sign violation.
2014/07/11 01:47 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm McCarthy reports verbal, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OLD COLONY ROAD 2014000007055 07/11/2014 01:55:36 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 01:56 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm McCarthy reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BAY ROAD 2014000007056 07/11/2014 01:56:08 AM SUSPICIOUS
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 01:56 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Desfosses checking on camper bearing AZ reg AYW4123 across from
Helen's Spa. He believes it is the same vehicle they dealt with last night.
2014/07/11 01:58 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm McCarthy responding.
2014/07/11 02:09 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Desfosses reports operator was advised, 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
STANLEY ROAD 2014000007058 07/11/2014 02:47:34 AM DOMESTIC
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 02:48 Viera, James JMV: Open 911 line, appears to be an argument going on in the residence.
2014/07/11 02:54 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Desfosses reports MA Veterans reg 361 on a white F-150 in the yard.
2014/07/11 02:59 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Desfosses reports 911 line can be disconnected, they've made contact
with residents.
2014/07/11 03:04 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Desfosses reports verbal only. Both parties were spoken to and advised of
their options. All units 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000007059 07/11/2014 03:05:17 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 03:05 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007060 07/11/2014 03:09:52 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 03:10 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Precourt reports school checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007061 07/11/2014 03:10:38 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 03:10 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols at Burchill Field, area checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007062 07/11/2014 03:14:29 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Ptlm. Christopher McCarthy
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm McCarthy reports off with a white Cadillac, MA 3340LS for speeding.
2014/07/11 03:16 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm McCarthy reports verbal warning.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007063 07/11/2014 03:18:04 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 03:18 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTON GLEN ROAD 2014000007064 07/11/2014 03:25:11 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 03:25 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000007065 07/11/2014 03:31:13 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 03:31 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000007066 07/11/2014 03:32:17 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Nicholas Precourt
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 03:32 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Precourt reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007069 07/11/2014 09:56:32 AM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptml Cota off silver nissan speeding MA 6126VJ
citation issued
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
POWER STREET 2014000007070 07/11/2014 10:05:38 AM HARASSMENT/THR
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. R. Marc . Robichaud
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Caller reports harassment by neighbors and he is scared to leave his house. Ptlm Cota enroute.
Ptlm Cota spoke with caller and is now enroute to the gararge on Dean St @ S. Worcester St.
2014/07/11 10:19 Ptlm Cota and Ptlm Robichaud off @ gararge.
2014/07/11 10:23 Clear. Parties advised.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
VILLAGE WAY 2014000007073 07/11/2014 12:16:03 PM 209-A PAPER
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Docket 1434RO0313 to be served. Defendant is reported to have firearms.
2014/07/11 12:26 Defendant was advised by phone by Ptlm Loud of 209A and advised not to contact plaintiff and
that Somerset PD is looking to serve him.
2014/07/14 14:17 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Gariepy reports he spoke with plaintiff, she requests be contacted when
subject is arrested.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007074 07/11/2014 12:57:51 PM BURGLAR ALARM Accidental Alarm
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cota and Sgt Desfosses Darling residence master bedroom motion.
2014/07/11 12:59 Cancelled enroute per alarm company.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007075 07/11/2014 01:21:24 PM BURGLAR ALARM Accidental Alarm
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cota advised of burg alarm Darling residence.
2014/07/11 13:27 Cancelled.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007076 07/11/2014 01:23:51 PM MEDICAL/MENTAL Taken to Hospital
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
R-1 enroute for eval of female who walked into station. Psych issue per Ptlm Loud.
2014/07/11 13:36 Female from Attleboro. APD very familiar with female. Sgt Desfosses advised.
2014/07/11 13:49 Ptlm Loud has a Section 12 for female. R-1 to transport.
2014/07/11 13:52 R-1 -> SMH sm 58004
2014/07/11 14:03 R-1 arrival em 58010
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007077 07/11/2014 01:52:48 PM GENERAL
Dispersed Gathering
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Stephen P. Francis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Francis advising large group of tailgaters in the parking lot.
Clear. Group leaving.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007078 07/11/2014 02:22:34 PM DISABLED M/V Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David M. Ruskey
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Ruskey assisting DMV black ford edge MA 72SW14
MV pushed to back of store parking lot. MV now has several bumper scratches as a result of Ptlm Ruskey's
assistance. Wrecker enroute.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007080 07/11/2014 03:40:18 PM BY-LAW/ORD
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 15:41 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King reports he was off with a large group in the parking lot of Roche
Bros. Some members of the group had been consuming alcohol, and has been advised, and will be headed to the
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWCOMB STREET 2014000007083 07/11/2014 04:02:47 PM MVA - PROPERTY
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 16:06 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports a car has struck his mailbox following a tire blow out, car has
stopped. driver uninjured, requesting an officer.
2014/07/11 16:12 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Schepis reports the vehicle is a white Dodge Charger, MA 883FK0,
and has stopped on Bryson Drive. Requesting an updated ETA from AAA. AAA reports 20 minute ETA. Ptlm.
Schepis reports he will be standing by with the vehicle.
2014/07/11 16:24 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Schepis reports property damage is to 87 and 90 Newcomb Street.
2014/07/11 16:38 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Schepis reports the AAA 18 is on-scene.
2014/07/11 16:51 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: 10-6, 18 has the vehicle, private tow - AAA.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007084 07/11/2014 04:06:50 PM MVA - PROPERTY
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 16:07 Viera, James JMV: Callers reporting 3 car MVC, no injuries or fluid leaks.
2014/07/11 16:13 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Winters requests 18 for 1. Edd's responding.
2014/07/11 16:33 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Sgt. Goodwin reports 18 on-scene.
2014/07/11 16:43 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin reports 18 has vehicle, both units, 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007085 07/11/2014 04:19:32 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 16:20 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Det Franco reports off with 2 vehicles parked at the enterance to 250
Mansfield Avenue. 1st vehicle is MA 915VW8 - Red Truck, 2nd vehicle is MA 2XV380 - White Van. Subjects had
apeared to be drinking while waiting to get into the concert. Parties have been advised.
2014/07/11 16:21 Prinzo, Brandon BJP:
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007086 07/11/2014 04:25:37 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm King off by the apartments with MA Motorcycle reg 1L1424 on a black Harley Davidson for improper passing.
2014/07/11 16:29 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm King reports verbal warning, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007087 07/11/2014 04:31:04 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 16:31 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King reports off, Great Woods Mini Golf with a large group of
2014/07/11 16:34 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King reports 10-6, Subjects were consuming Alcohol in public, has
been advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
BURT STREET 2014000007088 07/11/2014 04:44:53 PM EXTRA PATROLS
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 16:45 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller requesting Extra Patrols in her neighborhood due to speeding and
excessive noise from motorcycles early in the AM (near 0500) and late PM (near 2300).
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007089 07/11/2014 04:49:06 PM MVA - PROPERTY
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 16:49 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Winters off with 2 vehicles by Edgewater Drive, possible MVC.
2014/07/11 16:50 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin also off.
2014/07/11 16:53 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin requests 18 for 1. Edd's responding. Vehicles are MA reg
222BT9 on a blue Honda and MA reg 128HRS on a green Subaru.
2014/07/11 17:26 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin reports 18 has the vehicle, 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007090 07/11/2014 05:14:38 PM MVA - PROPERTY
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 17:16 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports an MVC infront of Mansfield Bank, No Injuries. Ptlm. Winters
reports he will be off with this MVC.
2014/07/11 17:18 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Schepis enroute to assist with traffic.
2014/07/11 17:31 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Winters reports 10-6, Report Taken.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007091 07/11/2014 05:30:59 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 17:25 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Walk-In party reports a subject in a gray car with a dent on the drivers side
and possible partial reg of LGH had stopped and was looking over his fence. subject was wearing a G&C
Landscaping hat, approximately 30 YO, short dark hair, medium build, white with a tan. Walk-In is requesting Extra
Patrols. Ptlm Mailloux unable to get any info from the partial reg.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007093 07/11/2014 05:58:23 PM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Det. James C. Franco
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 17:59 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Owner of Norton Mini-Golf reports multiple individuals arriving via bus,
drinking alcohol.
2014/07/11 18:01 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King reports he will be standing by as the parties make their way to
the concert, noting that the owner of the property has noticed several individuals urinating in the woods, throwing
trash. Parties have been advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007094 07/11/2014 06:12:01 PM SUSPICIOUS
Dispersed Gathering
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan C. King
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 18:12 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King and Det. Franco reporting back off at Norton Mini-Golf.
2014/07/11 18:24 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. King reports he and Det. Franco have dispersed annother large group
from this location, property owner remains concerned over the alcohol use and destruction of the property they are
trying to clean up.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007095 07/11/2014 06:52:22 PM SUSPICIOUS
Dispersed Gathering
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 18:53 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Det. Franco reports annother large group has been dispersed and they are
enroute to the concert.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
ARNOLD PALMER BLVD 2014000007096 07/11/2014 07:18:09 PM SUSPICIOUS
Dispersed Gathering
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 19:18 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis off with a group. They are in RI reg EK77 on a white Lesabre.
2014/07/11 19:20 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis reports they were advised and will be heading into the concert.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWCOMB STREET 2014000007097 07/11/2014 08:00:39 PM MISSING PERSON Report
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 20:01 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Mailloux with walk-in reporting her daughter is missing. She was last
seen yesterday morning at approximately 0730. RP attempted to contact her daughter via cellphone but it went
straight to voicemail. Text messages were also kicked back. Female is operating MA reg 498ZC3 red 1999 Mercury
2014/07/11 23:48 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Mailloux reports info was entered into NCIC and a BOLO was put out.
2014/07/12 07:53 Bieksha, Susan SAB: RP called, her daughter is at Pembroke Hospital. She was trasnported from
108 W Main St. to Sturdy and transfered to Pembroke. Her vehicle is at 108 W Main St and will be picked up later
today. Lt Jackson advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007098 07/11/2014 08:10:45 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Winters off with MA reg N22A on a brown Kia Optima for speeding.
2014/07/11 20:12 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Winters reports verbal, 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007099 07/11/2014 05:45:42 PM ASSIST - FIRE
Taken to Hospital
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Stephen P. Francis
Lt. Todd M. Jackson
Ptlm. Rachel Mailloux
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 17:46 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: MSP attempting to transfer a cell caller who has pain in her Left side. MSP
lost caller and attempting to re-transfer. Upon second transfer caller states she is in the parking lot to the Norton
Police Station. PD and R-1 responding. Ptlm. Francis reports the vehicle is MA RS691, Gray Toyota Corolla, will be
parked in the parking lot.
2014/07/11 18:02 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: R-1 to SMH, sm 58017
2014/07/11 18:13 Viera, James JMV: R-1 off @ Sturdy. EM-58024
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JOHN SCOTT BLVD 2014000007101 07/11/2014 11:26:34 PM SUSPICIOUS
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 23:30 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Caller reports suspicious vehicle with no lights driving back and forth in
front of his house. Not sure if its a car or truck, but plate is MA SNE1.
2014/07/11 23:39 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin reports area search negative.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000007102 07/11/2014 11:41:30 PM M/V-TRAFFIC
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/11 23:41 Viera, James JMV: Caller reports she left work @ Extended Stay and was heading north on South
Washington Street. She states that a black SUV passed her, turned around and started following her and flashing its
lights. RP turned right onto East Main Street and vehicle passed her and continued east. Vehicle MA reg 1MM573
on a black SUV. Ptlm Schepis advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
DEAN STREET 2014000007104 07/12/2014 12:54:14 AM ASSIST - OTHER
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 00:54 Viera, James JMV: Rehoboth Police requesting an officer to back up their Sergeant on a
domestic. Ptlm Schepis responding per Sgt Goodwin.
2014/07/12 01:01 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis reports he has been cleared by Rehoboth, they were able to free
up another one of their officers. 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007105 07/12/2014 12:57:15 AM SUSPICIOUS
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 00:57 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin off with a female who is walking in front of Tsang's.
2014/07/12 00:59 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin reports transporting that female to the station to make
arrangements, sm 23918
2014/07/12 01:02 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin at station, em 23920.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OAK STREET 2014000007106 07/12/2014 01:14:58 AM MVA - PROPERTY
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Jonathan D. Goodwin
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 01:15 Viera, James JMV: Caller reports a vehicle into the ditch, no injuries.
2014/07/12 01:23 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin reports MA reg 958ZW8. Sgt Goodwin reports property damage
to Norton Country Club.
2014/07/12 01:24 Viera, James JMV: Sgt Goodwin requests 18 for 1. Jason responding for Edd's.
2014/07/12 02:00 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin reports 18 on scene.
2014/07/12 02:05 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin reports headed to the station with 1 male, under.
2014/07/12 02:13 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Sgt Goodwin at the station, wih one male under.
2014/07/12 02:24 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Winters reports 18 has vehicle, 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
Faith Street 2014000007107 07/12/2014 01:32:23 AM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Joshua E. Archer
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 01:32 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Archer is transporting a female to her residence. SM-78742
2014/07/12 01:52 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Archer reports transport complete, em 78750
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007108 07/12/2014 02:12:00 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 02:12 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Schepis reports school checks.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007110 07/12/2014 02:41:12 AM BUILDING CHECK Checked Secure
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 02:41 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Winters reports west side schools check.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OLD COLONY ROAD 2014000007111 07/12/2014 02:43:54 AM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Jesse L. Winters
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 02:44 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Winters reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
ALDER ROAD 2014000007112 07/12/2014 05:12:09 AM GENERAL
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. David J. Schepis
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 05:13 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Caller reports basketball hoop is blocking the road.
2014/07/12 05:17 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Schepis reports basketball hoop had blown over, and he has picked
it back up.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007114 07/12/2014 08:44:17 AM BURGLAR ALARM
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 08:45 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Alarm company with a commercial burglar alarm, rear door followed by rear
interior motion. Advised DNR. OIC advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
INDIAN ROAD 2014000007115 07/12/2014 09:05:01 AM FIELD
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 09:05 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron off on a follow up.
2014/07/12 09:08 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
COBB STREET 2014000007116 07/12/2014 10:32:59 PM WELL BEING
Protective Custody
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. John D. Eisnor
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 22:33 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Caller reports a male party laying in the roadway, N Washington at Cobb.
Caller does not feel safe getting out of his vehicle but will stay there so no one hits him.
2014/07/12 22:43 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: 303 reports himself and R-1 clear and returning, this will be a police matter.
2014/07/12 22:44 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron reports 1 male PC, heading into the station.
2014/07/12 22:48 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron at the station.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SPRUCE TREE LANE 2014000007117 07/12/2014 09:48:48 AM EXTRA PATROLS
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 09:49 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Sgt Desfosses reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007118 07/12/2014 09:49:22 AM BURGLAR ALARM Accidental Alarm
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 09:50 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Bristow Electric reports commercial burglar alarm, 1st floor.
2014/07/12 09:55 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Sgt Desfosses reports a cleaning company on scene Ma Comm M24818.
Speaking to subject now.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007119 07/12/2014 09:57:30 AM ASSIST - OTHER
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
All cars advised that both Taunton and Rayham had bank robberies within the last hour with knife shown in
Taunton. Older male in a red 2010 corolla MA 61FH99
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007120 07/12/2014 10:25:30 AM M/V-TRAFFIC
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 10:26 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron off Plain at Burt with a Comcast truck reg MA Comm
L27920, up in a bucket.
2014/07/12 10:27 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron 10-6, he was advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000007121 07/12/2014 10:35:57 AM SUSPICIOUS
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 10:37 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Neighbor reports residents are away and 2 people just came into the yard
on bicycles. 1st male is older, 50's, peach shirt, tall, 2nd is younger male about 10. Caller reports they are in the
back yard and at the shed. Unsure if they are relatives of not.
2014/07/12 10:49 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron reports male party doing work at the residence, he is
replacing a few shingles.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
COBB STREET 2014000007123 07/12/2014 10:59:50 AM HARASSMENT/THR
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Female into station regarding harassment by ex. Walk in was advised of her options by Ptlm Cota. Report taken.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JACOBS WAY 2014000007124 07/12/2014 11:11:35 AM EXTRA PATROLS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 11:11 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RUBIN DRIVE 2014000007125 07/12/2014 11:54:29 AM HARASSMENT/THR
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Bryan A. Cota
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Female into station reporting harassment by ex who she has an open A&B case against and a 209A Against. . Ptlm
Cota taking report.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000007126 07/12/2014 01:01:14 PM TRAFFIC CONTROL Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Sgt Desfosses and Ptlm Cameron in the area of Taunton Ave and Barrows St and Taunton Ave and Old Taunton
Ave assisting with a motorcycle run passing through.
2014/07/12 13:18 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Sgt Desfosses reports they are coming through now.
2014/07/12 13:21 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron reports both units clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
COMMERCE WAY 2014000007127 07/12/2014 02:28:40 PM EXTRA PATROLS
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 14:29 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Sgt Desfosses reports extra patrols.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007128 07/12/2014 02:29:20 PM MVA - LEAVE
Responding Officer(s)
Det. Jeffrey J. Zaccardi
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 14:30 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Caller request to see an officer, her vehicle as struck while she was gone.
2014/07/12 14:43 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Det Zaccardi reports a black Mazda RI reg 985043.
2014/07/12 14:47 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Det Zaccardi reports not a public way, they were advised.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007129 07/12/2014 03:40:26 PM M/V-TRAFFIC
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 15:40 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Caller request a log note for a silver Volvo reg 481WD5 was tail gating and
passing on the left in a no passing zone when cars were pulling over for a rescue. Caller reports vehicle is now
driving normal. W Main St by Bridgets heading towards Attleboro.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OWEN ROAD 2014000007131 07/12/2014 04:39:35 PM BURGLAR ALARM Accidental Alarm
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. John D. Eisnor
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 16:39 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Alarm company reports residential burglar alarm with side room activation.
2014/07/12 16:41 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Alarm company reports a cancellation, units advised. Resident also calling
on 911 reporting she is all set.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007132 07/12/2014 05:20:08 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Loud reports off, 142 East Main Street, with MA 972VV3, Green Nissan Altima, plate violation. 10-6, Verbal
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
FOREST LANE 2014000007133 07/12/2014 06:06:52 PM 911 HANG-UP Accidental Alarm
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 18:10 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Boston 911 reporting what they beleive to be a 911 "Pocket Dial" comming
from 18 Forest Lane. Attempts at call back go to voicemail.
2014/07/12 18:14 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Loud checking the area.
2014/07/12 18:30 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Loud reports nothing found on Forest Lane, checking area of 18
Crane Street.
2014/07/12 18:36 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller has called back ststes it was accidental dial, no emergencies. Ptlm.
Loud 10-6.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
KAROL DRIVE 2014000007134 07/12/2014 06:44:10 PM EXTRA PATROLS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 18:44 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Loud reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TOP FLIGHT DRIVE 2014000007135 07/12/2014 06:44:06 PM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 18:44 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Cameron reports Extra Patrols provided, Top Flight Drive.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TIPPING PLACE 2014000007136 07/12/2014 06:47:59 PM EXTRA PATROLS
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 18:48 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Loud reports extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007137 07/12/2014 06:52:46 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Cameron off 18 Mansfield Av with a brown Toyota Highlander reg 610ZDW, speeding.
2014/07/12 18:53 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Cameron 10-6, verbal.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NEWLAND STREET 2014000007138 07/12/2014 06:54:30 PM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Loud reports off, 31 Newland Street with MA 9IKVI7, Gold Cadilac Seville, Marked Lanes.
2014/07/12 19:01 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Loud 10-6, operator cited.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
2014000007140 07/12/2014 08:48:53 PM M/V STOP Citation Issued
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. John D. Eisnor
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Loud reports off, Library Square, with MA 513XW3, red Pontiac Grand-Am, inspection sticker violation.
2014/07/12 20:56 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Sgt. Eisnor reports off with Ptlm. Loud.
2014/07/12 21:32 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Loud reports himself and Sgt. Eisnor 10-6, operator cited.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MARGARET DRIVE 2014000007141 07/12/2014 09:17:49 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm. Cameron reports off with MA 716JF4, speeding, 10-6, Verbal Warning.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
UNION ROAD 2014000007142 07/12/2014 09:28:25 PM GENERAL
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 21:29 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports fireworks coming from the area of 11 or 12 Union Road,
along the treeline.
2014/07/12 21:39 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Cameron reports 10-6, nothing showing, spoke to a group at a cook
out in the area who believe the fireworks may be in the distance from Attleboro.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTH WASHINGTON ST 2014000007143 07/12/2014 10:09:30 PM GENERAL
Area Search Negative
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 22:09 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Caller reports fireworks coming from the trail between North Washington
and Cobb.
2014/07/12 22:24 Bieksha, Susan SAB: Ptlm Loud 10-6, area search negative.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007144 07/12/2014 10:28:57 PM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 22:29 Prinzo, Brandon BJP: Ptlm. Loud reports Extra Patrols provided, 495 Marketplace.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007146 07/12/2014 11:06:57 PM GENERAL
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Sgt. John D. Eisnor
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/12 23:09 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous reports 5 or 6 subjects in front of
residence causing disturbance.
2014/07/12 23:16 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Sgt Eisnor reports no disturbance, there is a few people sitting in their
side yard, all quiet.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007150 07/13/2014 12:05:08 AM SUSPICIOUS
Taken to Hospital
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Joshua E. Archer
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 00:06 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports male party either sleeping or passed out on the curb.
2014/07/13 00:25 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte requests Rescue for a evaluation of male complaining of leg
pain. Also male has been off his meds.
2014/07/13 00:34 Eisnor, Scott EMS: R-1 to SMH, sm 58218.
Ptlm Turcotte reports both units clear, subject went voluntarily with the rescue.
2014/07/13 00:46 Eisnor, Scott EMS: R-1 off SMH, em 58226.
2014/07/13 01:07 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: R-1 clear and returning.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SOUTH WORCESTER STR 2014000007151 07/13/2014 12:42:10 AM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Loud off with a Gray Nissan, Ma 9MM180 for marked lanes and defective equipment.
2014/07/13 00:42 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Loud reports clear, verbal warning.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007152 07/13/2014 12:44:31 AM MEDICAL
Taken to Hospital
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Joshua E. Archer
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 00:45 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte requests rescue to the station to evaluate a prisoner.
2014/07/13 01:05 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: R-2 to SMH with PD on board, sm 90726.
2014/07/13 01:06 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Turcotte reports male party is now under arrest, also taser
2014/07/13 01:14 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: R-2 off at SMH, em 90732.
2014/07/13 01:41 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: R-2 clear and returning.
2014/07/13 02:38 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Archer reports he is enroute to Sturdy to pick up Ptlm Loud and Male
2014/07/13 02:48 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Archer off at SMH.
2014/07/13 03:00 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Archer reports heading back to the station on a 3.
2014/07/13 03:03 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Loud request a rescue at Pine & Park Street for a medical response
for an unresponsive male.
2014/07/13 03:07 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Attleboro Rescue and Attleboro PD en route.
2014/07/13 03:15 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Turcotte reports that male is being transported back to SMH by
Attleboro Rescue, he is in the custody of Ptlm Loud. Ptlm Turcotte & Ptlm Archer heading back to town and are
back in service.
2014/07/13 05:20 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte reports back enroute to Sturdy Hospital to pick up male prisoner
and Ptlm Loud.
2014/07/13 05:30 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Turcotte off at SMH.
2014/07/13 05:36 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte reports heading to the station with one male over.
2014/07/13 05:45 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Turcotte reports 10-3.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PARK LANE 2014000007153 07/13/2014 01:03:40 AM GENERAL
Peace Restored
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Joshua E. Archer
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 01:07 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports yelling and screaming believed to be coming from above.
2014/07/13 01:30 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte reports verbal argument between father and daughter. Female
has made arraignments and left with her sister. All parties advised of their rights and declined. Ptlm Turcotte also
reports peace restored.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
2014000007154 07/13/2014 01:36:41 AM M/V-TRAFFIC
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 01:37 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Turcotte reports the crosswalk sign that was placed at above address
has been run over and destroyed. Ptlm Turcotte also reports he will be bringing the damaged sign to the station.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
ESSEX STREET 2014000007156 07/13/2014 04:55:25 AM SUSPICIOUS
Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. R. Marc . Robichaud
Ptlm. Charles Turcotte
Ptlm. Joshua E. Archer
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 05:04 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Caller reports he thought he saw someone on the side of the roadway. Caller
reports when he went back nobody was there.
Ptlm Robichaud reports he is off appears someone was on the side of the roadway left cell phone. Ptlm Robichaud
reports Ma 765JV7. Ptlm Robichaud reports he will be checking the neighborhood.
2014/07/13 05:20 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Robichaud request Mansfield PD for notification, unable to reach
residence by phone.
2014/07/13 05:24 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Robichaud off at Nathan Road in Mansfield.
2014/07/13 05:28 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Archer reports found that subject at 8 Essex Street, starting R-1.
2014/07/13 05:35 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Robichaud reports back off at above location.
2014/07/13 05:37 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: R-1 on scene.
2014/07/13 05:57 Eisnor, Scott EMS: Ptlm Robichaud reports subjects father is on scene.
2014/07/13 05:58 Eisnor, Scott EMS:R-1 reports clear and returning , patient released to parent, good intent.
2014/07/13 06:02 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Ptlm Robichaud reports father took custody of that male, all units clear.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007160 07/13/2014 11:08:47 AM PRISONER
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
No dispatcher remarks listed.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TAUNTON AVENUE 2014000007162 07/13/2014 04:33:49 PM MVA - LEAVE
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 16:34 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cameron with walk-in reporting that while she was at a party, someone
hit her vehicle and knocked the drivers side mirror off. Vehicle is KS reg 082GML on a Hyundai Elantra. LOG NOTE
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
CHARLES LANE 2014000007163 07/13/2014 04:50:19 PM GENERAL
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 16:50 Viera, James JMV: Caller reports a verbal dispute between himself, his daughter and one of his
daughters friends.
2014/07/13 16:55 Viera, James JMV: RP called back and reports his daughter has left with a male and female, they
are walking towards South Worcester Street. Ptlm Cameron is off @ the residence.
2014/07/13 16:56 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud off with the youths.
2014/07/13 17:10 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cameron reports verbal argument between father and daughter. Det
Franco will be transporting 2 females to Easton. Ptlm Loud will be transporting 1 male over under arrest to the
station. 10-6.
2014/07/13 17:10 Viera, James JMV: Det Franco transporting 2 females to Burger King @ 5 Corners in Easton.
2014/07/13 17:16 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud 10-3.
2014/07/13 17:23 Viera, James JMV: Det Franco reports transport complete. EM-14326
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
SEMINARY WAY 2014000007164 07/13/2014 06:37:21 PM RECOVERED PROP Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 18:38 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cameron reports he received a call at the front desk from a male who
states he found a stolen bicycle in the woods across from his house. Ptlm Cameron will respond to retrieve the
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007166 07/13/2014 07:05:17 PM M/V STOP
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
Ptlm Franco off with a Harley Davidson MA reg 1P7392 West Main @ Camp Finberg for texting and driving.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
TOP FLIGHT DRIVE 2014000007167 07/13/2014 08:08:34 PM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 20:08 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Ptlm Cameron extra patrols Topflight drive.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
KAROL DRIVE 2014000007168 07/13/2014 08:33:04 PM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 20:33 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
RESERVOIR STREET 2014000007169 07/13/2014 08:44:25 PM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 20:44 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
JUNIPER ROAD 2014000007170 07/13/2014 08:50:55 PM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 20:51 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Loud reports extra patrols provided at Juniper Beach.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
NORTON GLEN ROAD 2014000007171 07/13/2014 09:03:18 PM EXTRA PATROLS Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 21:03 Viera, James JMV: Det Franco reports extra patrols provided.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLAIN STREET 2014000007172 07/13/2014 09:11:40 PM EXTRA PATROLS Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 21:12 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
WEST MAIN STREET 2014000007173 07/13/2014 09:24:09 PM M/V STOP Warning - Verbal
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
West Main @ Car Wash MA reg 653YH5 a red Tacoma speeding. 10-6 verbal.
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July 23, 2014 Print Date:
Incident Daily Press Log
From Date:07/06/2014 to:07/13/2014
Jurisdiction: Norton (continued)
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
ANNA WAY 2014000007174 07/13/2014 09:34:19 PM 911 ABANDONED
Accidental Alarm
Responding Officer(s)
Det. James C. Franco
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 21:34 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: 911 abandoned call @ above location.
2014/07/13 21:41 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Ptlm Franco reports not at location, all is well at residenc, discrepancy
report will be generated.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
OAK STREET 2014000007175 07/13/2014 10:11:25 PM SUSPICIOUS
Checked Secure
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. James M. Cameron
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 22:11 Viera, James JMV: Ptlm Cameron reports he was off in the lot with MA reg 7219 on a black SUV.
He reports it is the assistant golf pro, he will be in the lot overnight with the vehicle. 10-6.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
PLEASANT STREET 2014000007176 07/13/2014 10:36:26 PM VANDALISM
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 22:36 Mowry, Rebecca RLM8: Rp reports smashed mailbox at above location. log note made. Ptlm
Cameron advised extra patrols.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
EAST MAIN STREET 2014000007177 07/13/2014 11:04:12 PM DISABLED M/V Services Rendered
Responding Officer(s)
Ptlm. Steven M. Loud
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 23:04 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Loud reports off just east of the 495 South exit at the overpass, with
a possible DMV, MA 4RGX90 a Lexus gs-50.
2014/07/13 23:06 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Ptlm Loud reports they are all set, just needed directions.
RMS Incident #. Received Date/Time Address Incident Type Action Taken
MANSFIELD AVENUE 2014000007178 07/13/2014 11:55:13 PM 911 ABANDONED
Incident Dispatcher Remarks:
2014/07/13 23:57 Goodwin, Amanda AJG: Caller on 911 pushing buttons and then hung up.
2014/07/13 23:58 Johnston, Jennifer JLJ: Upon call back, spoke with RP's nurses aid. RP was trying to dial out. No
problems, no assistance needed.
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