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Research Proposal

Impact of HRM Approaches on
Employee Performance
A case of KFC

Submitted By
Student Name Muhammad Khalid Saqib
Id Number: 47536

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1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Research Title ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Research Aim and Objectives ............................................................................................ 3
1.5 Rationale of Study ................................................................................................................ 3
2.0 Literature Review ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Research Methodology ........................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Research Philosophy ........................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Research Approach ............................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Research Strategy ............................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Population and Sampling .................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Methods of Data Collection ............................................................................................... 10
3.6 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.7 Ethical Considerations ....................................................................................................... 11
4.0 Time Table............................................................................................................................... 12
5.0 References .............................................................................................................................. 13

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Overview
The role employee performance and workplace team building efforts is one of the
prime forces in handling a customer-focused firm (Anca-Ioana, 2013). In relation to
this role, the Human Resource Management of the firm and its efficient and effective
practices also matter a lot and are a great influence on the workers performances.
Therefore, in order to increase the competencies of any organization, HR plays a
vital role. Controlling and efficiently managing the workforce means better market
compatibility and active competition. This theory is especially agreeable and can be
implemented upon the restaurant industry, where workforce is the backbone of the
entire working. This is one industry which is completely depended upon the
efficiency of its labor and the team building characteristic in their working attitudes
and the environment on the whole. With employees association, the notion of
collaboration comes together, which means that when employees are connected in
achieving organizational goals, then they are likely to work in teams because it helps
them to deliver better results collectively which is the most important part of the
restaurant business. Concepts of good Human Resource practices, like staffing,
motivation, compensation and team-building ensure a better employee outcome
which forms a strong base for the firm to progress. Bowen & Ostroff, (2004) argue
that the perception of employee participation is linked to various other concepts of
HR, which include TQM, management styles, job contentment, and employee
empowerment and retention. However, with the change in HR trends and rising
prospects, the challenges for organizations are growing in order to manage their
employees at workplace.

With the evolution of the concept of HR and its effective practices, researchers have
found its direct influence on the employee attitudes and their workplace productivity
and therefore in order to control the working environment of any firm, the HR
constraints are first analyzed and controlled. Therefore managers and the top
management has to keep in mind these effective HR practices and treat their
employees accordingly, while giving them occasional boosts through appreciations
and monetary encouragements.
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1.2 Problem Statement
Teamwork and workplace collaborations between employees, is one of the most
important steps to ensure better outcomes, therefore it is to be identified and
investigated about those specific practices that the HR managers and the top
management can carry out, that would ensure such employee collaborations and
would transform them in to a team which together works for the goals and values of
the firm as a whole.

1.3 Research Title
How Innovative Human Resource approaches enhance employees team work and
performance - A Case Study of KFC

1.4 Aim of the Research
This research study is aimed to evaluate the role of Human resource management
practices/approaches towards increasing in employee performance. In order to make
research more specific, a case organization is chosen which one of the leading
brands is across the globe in fast food restaurant industry. KFC is famous for their
quality products and services and has expanded their operations in numerous
countries across the globe. The HR practices and their impact on employee
performance will be studied in the case organization.

1.5 Research Objectives
1. To assess and examine the importance of HR practices in increasing
teamwork at fast food restaurant chain in UK
2. Identifying and investigating specific HR practices that contributes towards
increasing employee performance at fast food restaurant chain in UK
3. Evaluate the link between teamwork and employee performance at fast food
restaurant chain in UK

1.5 Rationale of Study
Human resource practices are followed by almost every organization especially the
multinationals such as McDonald and KFC. However, bringing innovation and
creativity in existing techniques is the key to success and attaining competitive
advantage. The results of this research study will be beneficial for the organizations
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in services industry. Since KFC is among the leading chain of fast food restaurants
across the world and predominantly in the UK, and is driven on a large scale by the
efficiency and affectivity of its workforce and labor. Therefore, it is important to
investigate and analyze the factors of HR practices that work out, especially in the
case of KFC and its unique and particular working environment helmed by its top
management and organizational structure.

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2.0 Literature Review
We take a look into the literature pertaining to Human Resources approaches and
their impact on enhancing the employees performances through an extensive body
of articles and reports by different writers at different times, giving us different
perspectives. As per Mitchell, Obeidat, & Bray, (2013) the most common belief is
that HR approaches directly affect employees work performances and affects their
output and motivation levels. We take a look at what different researchers have to
say about it.

HRM Practices and Employees Performance
Shaw, Park & Kim, (2013) confirms the positive relation between the two HRM
practices and employee performance. Shaw et al, (2013) further argues that HR
practices like training, staffing, selection and others, directly affect the firms
performances and will give a strong impact to the employees working there. Allen,
Ericksen & Collins, (2013) refered to the study of (Huselid, 1995) on 590 firms and
organization to conclude the results and noted a positive relationship between
effective HRM practices and employee performance. Allen, Ericksen & Collins,
(2013) suggests that the relation between good HR work practices and employee
performance goes a long way. There is short term, as well as long term advantages
such as financial improvements and other well-known immediate results like turnover
and performance results. This goes without saying; however, the determinants of
better performances lie in controlling HR practices and adjusting them and their
intensity according to the business models and firms employee structure and
workloads (Allen et al, 2013). This is one of the essentials in this field.

Employee Perception
Anca-Ioana, (2013) pointed another determinant i.e. employee perception. There are
certain perceptions and certain expectations of each employee as he sets foot to
work in any particular firm. This explains a lot about the kind of performance that he
would be giving and what the form itself can expect from that employee (Allen et al,
2013). Good HR practices and proper rules set up in this regard are also a
quintessential step in developing employees understanding, loyalty and readiness
towards the firm that hes currently working for or intends to work in the near future.
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This concept was explained in detail by in his study, where he has in particular talked
about workplace trust, job contentment, job devotion, effort and apparent
organizational performance (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004). According to Bowen & Ostroff,
(2004), these are the factor that are also directly affected when adjust HR practices,
and these factors also help in determining the employees perception and
subsequently in explaining how he would yield a better performance.

When talking about employee perception and their respective attitudes, one cannot
help miss out the firm itself, and its HRM model and its weaknesses and strengths.
This concept was studied in the research of (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004) who explained
that it is also the strength of the HRM model and its techniques effectiveness that
builds better employee yield and outcomes. It strongly depends upon how weak or
strong out the HR rules and practices and consequently how effective they are in
molding a firms outcome levels to its desired goals. This affects directly on individual
employee perceptions and thoughts and his shared beliefs with other employees
about the rewards and outcomes and hence, compels him to work better.

HR Practices and Employee Attitudes
Having talked about both, the HR practices and the employee attitudes, we now
throw some light on the topic of how the actual practices can vary. HR policies and
employee performance is inter-related and that has been proven and studied, over
the time and again. However, what are the alternative methods and implications that
can be used, instead of the same old reward and motivation practices. Mitchell et al,
(2013) suggested to use of labor processes, which in simple words, is the allocation
and distribution and effective use of the already present labor force in order to
reschedule and improve the HR policies and consequently, the employee
performance and firm outcomes. This not only improves yields, but also gives the
firm an improved alternate and a better solution to maintain a better relation with the
employees as well over the time.
KFC HR Policies and Practices
Now we shift our attentions towards the actual case of KFC. In a comprehensive
study about the restaurants quality management and related policies, (Apte &
Reynolds, 1995) explains how KFC maintains quality by implementing strict controls
and issuing comprehensive labor management and training them to produce the
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outcomes that are expected of them. This way not only labor productivity improves,
but so does the overall firms reputed dedication to quality and synchronized service
throughout all their restaurants in the world.

According to Mathis and Jackson, (2010) the effects of HR policies and practices on
employee performances is on the whole, greatly affected by the business itself. In
other words, business model or the manufacturing cycle also has its affects upon the
firm outcomes. This unique, but rather effective and useful point was discussed by
Anca-Ioana, (2013) throwing complete attention on the issue. The study was of the
view that adjusting firms HR practices against employee needs and specifications
isnt the only good job that a firm is supposed to do, rather the manufacturing model
and process also has to be kept in mind and adjusted and synched with these
policies, in order to ensure a smooth working graph. Firms performance and
employees attitude are inter-dependent but the point of how manufacturing and the
business is managed should also be kept in mind (Gould-Williams, 2003); (White &
Bryson, 2013).

Employee diversity, racial differences and demographical issues are also the factors
that affect employee performance (Mathis and Jackson, 2010). Anca-Ioana, (2013)
argues that factors like diversity and demographics might not influence largely on HR
policies or the employee performances in any direct way however, cannot be
neglected by any means. Although traces of their influence have been studied in
research, but that does not imply here (White & Bryson, 2013).

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3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Philosophy
As per Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, (2009) positivism and interpretivism are two
research philosophies that are used by the researchers to conduct research study.
The positivist view argues that social phenomenons should be measured using
scientific methods whereas, the interpretivism argues against the use of scientific
methods to measure social structures. As per Eriksson and Kovalainen, (2008)
interpretivism research philosophy believes that scientific methods are good to
measure patterns, natural changes and other measureable phenomenon, but human
beings are different species. Human behaviors vary and are not constant or
homogenous hence, qualitative measures should be used to measure social patterns
or phenomenon. Interpretivism believers argue that there could be more than one
reality and there could be multiple ways to capture those realities hence, one
structured manner cannot be used to measure social structures (Eriksson and
Kovalainen, 2008).

This research study uses a structured approach since, only one phenomenon or
reality is to be captures. The study will be following positivism philosophy where
impact of HRM practices on employee performance will be measured using scientific
methods discussed later in this report.

3.2 Research Approach
Inductive and deductive are two type of reasoning that can be used by the
researchers to conduct a research study. Using inductive reasoning the researcher
initiates with a specific concept of observation and undertake different methods to
induct the knowledge related to research area and then develop hypothesis. These
hypotheses are then tested and a theory is built (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2008).
On the other hand, deductive reasoning works a bottom-to-up approach where a
general phenomenon which is well-known is used to develop hypothesis and then
research is undertaken to narrow down up to a specified work (Saunders et al,

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This research study uses deductive reasoning since, employee performance and its
relation with HRM practices is well-known. The objectives are built using preliminary
review of already available literature on the research area, which will be proved
using quantitative and qualitative methods. The research study confirms already
known facts and phenomenon hence, is using deductive approach.

3.3 Research Strategy
This research study uses both forms of strategies i.e. qualitative and quantitative.
One part of the research findings will be gained using quantitative methods such as
survey questionnaires form the employees o the case organizations. On the other
hand qualitative methods such as interviews will also be used which are then de-
coded to extract results for further evaluation. Quantitative data will be collected and
analyzed using a statistical software whereas and qualitative data through secondary
sources as well are primary sources will be interpreted and presented to derive
results and conclude the research.

3.4 Population Sample and Sampling
Research population carries all the stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in
research area. The research population calculation is not an easy task however; to
be precise all the employees working in services industry of UK are the population of
this research study. Sampling is a technique that is used to select specific entities
from the population who are the true representation of the entire population
(Saunders et al, 2009). Since, this research study is focused on a case organization
hence; primary data collection will also be focused from the employees of the case

Non-probability convenience based sampling technique will be used to select sample
for this research study. The purpose of selecting this sampling technique is the
limitation of resource and time available with the researcher. The researcher will be
visiting some restaurants of the case organization to collect primary data form the
sample employees. A sample of 50 employees will be taken for quantitative data
analysis using a questionnaire.

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3.5 Methods of Data Collection

3.5.1 Primary Data
Primary data collection will be done using two instruments i.e. survey questionnaire
and interviews. The questionnaire will be prepared on the basis of research aim and
objectives that seeks the impact of HR practices of the case organization on the
performance of the employees (respondents). A structured questionnaire will be
used carrying statements against which a LInkert Scale will be used. Using a LInkert
scale will allow the researcher to measure the impact of various variables remaining
in a defined scale.

On the other hand interviews will be conducted from the managers and supervisors
of the case organization. A short unstructured questionnaire will be used for
interview where the respondents will be asked about the importance of HR practices
in perspective of the employee performance. The interviews will be 20-30 minutes
long and a comprehensive view of the managers will be taken in order to attain the
desired aim and objectives.

3.5.2 Secondary Data
For collecting secondary data online databases will be used which are authentic and
famous. EBESCOHost and Emerald online data bases carries thousands of research
studies, articles, newspapers, Journals and conference papers. These online data
bases also carry rich information about the organization selected as the case study.
Company official website is also consulted in order to get basic information.

3.6 Data Analysis
Quantitative data analysis techniques will be used through statistical software such
as SPSS. Frequency distribution and cross-tabulation data analysis techniques will
be used to convert data into meaningful form. Qualitative data collected using
interviews from the manager and supervisors of the case organization will be
analyzed using quote-research technique. Quotes from interviews will be used to
confirm the impact of HR practices on employee performance.

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3.7 Ethical Considerations
Undertaking ethical considerations increases the value of the research study. Ethical
considerations are the norms that are not enforced or influenced by any academic
body or law, but are the self-controlled and applied principles. This research study
involves humans are the respondents for primary data collection who are the
employees of the case organization. The management of the case organization will
be asked for permission for data collection in the premises of the case organization.
Prior permission will be taken so that day to day working of the employees and the
company restaurant is not hurt. For data collection, no enforcement of any kind will
be used and respondents will not be asked to submit their personal information.
Research results will be submitted to the management of the case organization
before publication.

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4.0 Time Table

2014 Task
Submission and Review of Proposal

Literature Review


Formation and approval of Questionnaire

Meeting with the management at J&J

Collection of Primary Data: Survey

Organization and Classification of Data

Data Analysis

First Draft

Final Report

Final Submission

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5.0 References

Allen, M, Ericksen, J, & Collins, C. (2013), 'Human Resource Management,
Employee Exchange Relationships, and Performance in Small Businesses',
Human Resource Management, 52, 2, pp. 153-173

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT', Annals Of The University Of Oradea,
Economic Science Series, 22, 1, pp. 1520-1525

Bowen, D. E. & Ostroff, C. (2004), Understanding HRMfirm performance
linkages: The role of the strength of the HRM system, Academy of
management review, 29(2), pp. 203-221.

Eriksson, P. and Kovalainen, A. (2008), Qualitative Methods in Business
Research, 1st ed., SAGE Publications Ltd. London

Gould-Williams, J. (2003), The importance of HR practices and workplace trust in
achieving superior performance: a study of public-sector organizations,
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(1), pp. 28-54.

Mathis, R. L. and Jackson, J. H. (2010), Human Resource Management, South-
Western Cengage Learning; 13th edition (August 19, 2010)

Mitchell, R, Obeidat, S, & Bray, M. (2013), 'The Effect of Strategic Human
Resource Management on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of
High-Performance Human Resource Practices', Human Resource Management,
52, 6, pp. 899-921

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Shaw, Park & Kim, (2013), 'A resource-based perspective on human capital
losses, HRM investments, and organizational performance', Strategic
Management Journal, 34, 5, pp. 572-589,

Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2009), Research Methods for Business
Students, 5th edition, Harlow: Prentice Hall Financial Times.

White, M, & Bryson, A. (2013), 'Positive employee attitudes: How much human
resource management do you need?', Human Relations, 66, 3, pp. 385-406

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