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Open Access initiatives: the necessary integration
INFO 2014, April 14-18
, 2014. Havana, Cuba

The Organizing Committee of the Information International Congress INFO 2014 has included once
more in its professional program a new edition of the Open Access Forum. After having addressed
general topics such as the open access to scientific production and its materialization through open
access repositories and open access journals, as well as aspects linked to standards and
interoperability initiatives during the last two editions, the 3
Open Access Forum discussions will
focus on the need to align open access initiatives.

The open access policies implemented by governments and other research funders all over the world
have contributed to the advancement of the two open access routes and to the development of local
and regional initiatives, which alignment will help to support the true global nature of scientific research
and communication.

Regardless the differences among local and regional infrastructures of digital repositories and open
access journals because they meet specific requirements demanded by every jurisdictional context,
their alignment will allow the following:
Developing a scientific infrastructure supporting researchers needs at world level.
Showing bodies and governments that local and regional service is developing in parallel to
other international initiatives.
Providing uniform information to governments and research funders on the impact of open
access policies.
Preventing the duplication of work in networks and allowing cost synergies in common interest

The 3
Open Access Forum intends to include in its professional program the following modalities:
Panel Alignment of open access repository networks.
Panel Open access policies of governments and other research funders in Latin American
Caribbean region.
Workshop Data in open access. Which data? Role of institutional repositories.
Workshop Article level metrics in OJS journals.

The Scientific Committee of INFO 2014 calls researchers and specialists concerned with open access
to present research, revision and/or case studies and good practice analysis works in relation to local
and regional projects and initiatives on repositories and open access journals and to discuss on the
significance and need of their alignment regarding technical, service and policy aspects.

The following are the topics considered as relevant to the Forum:

Local and regional infrastructures of open access digital repositories.
Local and regional initiatives for the development of open access journals.
Interoperability standards in open access initiatives.
Common approaches for the implementation of added value services in local and regional
infrastructures of open access repositories.
Linked data and enriched digital objects.
Quality and metrics in open access scientific communication.
Semantic interoperability.

Open access policies of governments and other research funders.

Important dates
Delivery of works: Before January 15
, 2014
Notification on the acceptance of works: Before February 28
, 2014
Delivery of the final version of the work for its
publication in Congress memories:
Before March 10
, 2014

Works shall be sent in electronic format to the Forum General Coordinator, with a copy to the rest of
coordinators. Papers will be structured as follows:
Title (in Spanish and English).
Abstract (in Spanish and English), no more than 250 words.
Keywords (in Spanish and English).
Materials and methods.

For further information on format requirements, we recommend you unloading the template available
in congress official site:, where you can also find some information on
congress general program, registration, room booking and other aspects of interest.

General Coordinator

Ricardo Casate Fernndez
Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (IDICT, Spanish acronym), Cuba

Academic Coordinators

Remedios Melero Melero
Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC,
Spanish acronym), Spain
Alicia Lpez Medina
National University for Remote Education (UNED,
Spanish acronym), Spain

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