14 IT 301 0801 Announcement

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Basic Electrical Technology for Law Enforcement

Presente at!
Charleston Police "e#artment Charleston$ %est &irginia
Co'rse S'mmary!
This course is for investigators and law enforcement personnel who conduct
installations of covert electronic components, GPS devices, and audio/video
surveillance systems and require certification in electronic theory, understanding of
AC and DC electrical wiring connections, electrical safety, and designing sustainale
power connections to complete covert mission o!ectives" Too often, law
enforcement personnel conduct covert installations of electronic equipment without
such training # sustantially increasing the liaility and e$posure of ris% to their
&asic 'lectrical Technology for (aw 'nforcement is an intense, hands)on, five)day
course that comines equal parts of lecture and la e$ercises to provide students
with the aility to perform the following functions*
+ 'lectrical and electronic safety,
+ &asic electronics,
+ &atteries and power pac%s,
+ Cale selection and usage,
+ Audio, video, and power connectors,
+ Site surveys,
+ Soldering, field repairs, and trouleshooting,
+ AC/DC electrical theory,
+ Construct long)term AC)powered surveillance systems"
Students will engage in several hands)on la e$ercises to gain %nowledge in
appropriately wiring DC electrical equipment such as GPS devices and covert low)
voltage surveillance systems" These s%ills are critical when dealing with hyrid
electric vehicles which utili-e advanced electrical monitoring systems and high)
current DC atteries, which could cause ha-ards to investigators attempting to
connect direct)wired components to those vehicles"
Through la e$ercises, students will learn the aility to covertly utili-e home and
office AC power systems to sustain long)term surveillance and monitoring
applications" Students will learn to identify hot and neutral ./0 and /10 volt electrical
connections and securely tap into those systems to power long)term surveillance
Co'rse Re('irements!
Students are required to wear casual, comfortale clothing and ring protective
eyewear" Students will e provided with the necessary tool %its to complete
laoratory e$ercises and all post)course wor% with their agencies" Tool %its will
include asic electrical hand tools, field trouleshooting tools, multimeter, and wiring
test devices"
Please contact ('2TTA if requirements clarification is required"
"ate ) Time!
A'g'st *+
$ *-./
0!-- a1m1 2 /!-- #1m1

Charleston Police "e#artment
..0 "ic3inson Street
Charleston$ %est &irginia *+4-.
Cost! 56+-
Register online at!
Select 7Co'rse Catalog$8 then
co'rse 7IT24-.8
Jack J. Hall:
3ac% 3" 4all served the
5ederal Aviation
Administration 65AA7 for
8. years and retired from
his final assignment as
the Airway 5acilities 9anager of the Cleveland
Air :oute Traffic Control Center in 2erlin, 2hio"
2n Septemer .., /00., while our country was
under terrorist attac%, 9r" 4all was responsile
for securing America;s largest airspace and
overseeing the safe landing of over 100 aircraft"
Prior to his final assignment, 9r" 4all;s 5AA
positions included communications technician,
display channel technician, system program
specialist, and certified instructor of multiple
electronics courses" 4e also served on the
5AA;s <ational Computer <etwor% Transition
Program # ensuring the smooth transition of
America;s air traffic control computer networ%s
from .=== to /000" 9r" 4all has an e$tensive
ac%ground in electrical systems including wiring,
repair, design, and safety procedures" This
e$perience was first otained while he served
our nation in the >nited States Air 5orce as a
communications specialist # maintaining critical
communications lin%s in 'urope that connected
the >nited States government to military
operations in ?ietnam and Southeast Asia" 9r"
4all attended (orain County Community College
and the >niversity of 9aryland for electrical
engineering" 4e received his instructor
certification from the 5AA Academy in 2%lahoma
City, 2%lahoma"

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