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AVRAMEA, Land and Sea Communications

AVRAMEA, Anna, Land and Sea Communications, FourthFifteenth Centuries, in:

The Economic History of Byantium: LA!"#, An$e%i&i E' Ed' From the Se(enth throu$h
the Fifteenth Century, )ashin$ton *' C' +,,+, -./0,'
BA5ESC#, 5ico%ae, #n4e&annte Stattha%ter der Themen 6aristrion und Bu%$arien:
Romanos *io$enes und 5i&e1horos Botaneiates, B7 8, 9:0+0/:08,; <80/<<<'
)AS!LE)S=!, Le th>me de Sirmium/Ser4ie
)AS!LE)S=!, T?deus, Le th>me de Sirmium/Ser4ie au @!e et @!!e si>c%es, A: 7RV! B
9:0C<;, <C-<B+'
D!REEE=, *ie HeerstraFe (on Be%$rad nach =onstantino1e%
D!REEE=, Constantine, *ie HeerstraFe (on Be%$rad nach =onstantino1e% und die
Ba%&an1Gsse, 6ra$ue :B..'
D"R*A5"V, The =ate1anate
D"R*A5"V, !(an, The =ate1anate of 6aradouna(on accordin$ to the S1hra$istic *ata,
Studies in Byantine Si$i%%o$ra1hy B 9+,,8; C8/.<'
=RSMA5"V!H, The 4yantine 1ro(ince in chan$e
=RSMA5"V!H, BoIana, The 4yantine 1ro(ince in chan$e 9"n the Thresho%d Bet3een the
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Century;, Be%$rade Athens +,,B'
=JL7ER, The Byantine road system
=JL7ER, Andreas, The Byantine road system in Eastern Thrace: some remar&s, in:
Byantinische Forschun$en 8, 9+,::;, :.0/+,:'
LA#RE5T, Bu%$arie et 1rinces 4u%$ares
LA#RE5T, Vincent, Bu%$arie et 1rinces 4u%$ares dans %a si$i%%o$ra1hie 4yantine, Kchos
dL"rient 88 9:08<;, <:8/<+0'
LA#RE5T, Le th>me 4yantine
LA#RE5T, Vincent, Le th>me 4yantine de Ser4ie au @!
si>c%e, A: Re(ue des Ktudes
Byantines :- 9:0-.;, :B-/:0-'
LEMERLE, !n(asions et mi$rations dans %es Ba%&ans
LEMERLE, 6au%, !n(asions et mi$rations dans %es Ba%&ans, in: Re(ue historiMue +::
9:0-<;, +C-8,B'
MA*NEAR#, Byantine Mi%itary "r$aniation
MA*NEAR#, A%eOandru, Byantine Mi%itary "r$aniation on the *anu4e, :,th:+th
Centuries, Bri%% Leiden, Boston +,:8'
MA*NEAR#, A%eOandru, The Mi%itary "r$anisation of 6araduna(on, A: Byantinos%a(ica
C,2+ 9:000; <+:/<<C'
PQRSTPUVTW, UXY?Z[\?][^? _[\?Z`[^abc _d?a`[
PQRSTPUVTW, eAfgh[X, UXY?Z[\?][^? _[\?Z`[^abc _d?a`[ A Zg_gga_g^cZ[h
gfd?a`[h? igadc :,:B Ygj[Zc k LLor$anisation du 1ou(oir 4yantin a1res :,:B dans %es
contrles reconMuises, A: mnVT 8C 9:00.; 8:/<8'
PQRSTPUVTW, oX[^Ahp V[\?Z`[^c igqc`bgh @! _cb?
PQRSTPUVTW, eAfgh[X, oX[^Ahp V[\?Z`[^c igqc`bgh @! _cb?, A: TSr, !, :.,/
6"6"V!H, *ie Reise%iteratur des :<' 4is :C' Dahrhunderts
6"6"V!H, Mihai%o, *ie Reise%iteratur des :<' 4is :C' Dahrhunderts a%s sue%%e ur
Via Traiana und u den an ihr %e4enden Vt%&ern, *i1%omar4eit der #ni(ersitGt )ien,
Vienna +,,,'
STE6HE5S"5, Byantiumus Ba%&an Frontier
STE6HE5S"5, 6au%, Byantiumus Ba%&an Frontier' A 6o%itica% Study of the 5orthern
Ba%&ans 0,,/:+,<, Cam4rid$e +,,,'
STE6HE5S"5, The Le$end of Basi%
STE6HE5S"5, 6au%, The Le$end of Basi% the Bu%$ar/S%ayer, Cam4rid$e +,,8'
Ta4u%a !m1erii Romani: 5aissus/*yrrachion/Scu1i/Serdica/Thessa%oni&e' = 8<'
LIu4%Iana, :0.C'
FRE!/ST"LBA, Sied%un$ und Ver&ehr im Rtmischen Reich
FRE!/ST"LBA, R', Ed' Sied%un$ und Ver&ehr im Rtmischen Reich' RtmerstraFen
3ischen Herrschaftssicherun$ und Landschafts1rG$un$, Berne 5e3 vor& +,,<'

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