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Multiple Choice. Choose the etter of the best answer.

Wrte the chosen etter on a

separate sheet of paper.
1. Whch s a chemca reacton?
a. metng of ce c. bong of water
b. fryng of egg d. dryng of cothes
2. Whch condton w aow condensaton (gas to qud change)?
a. hgh temperature and hgh pressure
b. hgh temperature and ow pressure
c. ow temperature and hgh pressure
d. ow temperature and ow pressure
3. The change from sod to gas, whch does not pass through the qud phase, s known
a. freezng c. submaton
b. metng d. vaporzaton
4. Whch s an evdence of chemca change?
a. formaton of new shape c. ncrease of temperature
b. drastc change of sze d. appearance of new substance
5. It s the drect phase change from sod to gas, wthout passng through the qud
a. submaton c. evaporaton
b. condensaton d. deposton
6. One phase can change nto another phase, that s, sod can become qud, and qud
can become gas. These changes are caed _________.
a. physca change c. phase change
b. chemca change d. metng
7. It s the change from qud to gas.
a. submaton c. evaporaton
b. condensaton d. deposton
8. Ths s the drect change from gas to the sod phase, wthout undergong condensaton
or freezng.
a. submaton c. evaporaton
b. condensaton d. deposton
9. It s the change from the qud phase to the gas phase.
a. submaton c. condensaton
b. evaporaton d. deposton
10. Whch of these represents a synthess chemca reacton?
c. X + Y XY c. XY + Z X + ZY
d. XY X + Y d. XY + ZW XW + ZY
For questions 11-14, refer your answers to the choices below
a. Combnaton Reacton
b. Decomposton Reacton
c. Snge Repacement
d. Doube Dspacement
11. A type of chemca reacton that happens when one reactant forms two or more
products. Ths s aso caed a decay reaction.
12. A type of chemca reacton that happens when two or more reactants form ony one
13. A type of chemca reacton that happens when a reactant made of one eement
reacts wth a compound, and repacng one of the eements of the compound.
14. A type of chemca reacton that happens when the eements n one of the reactants
"exchange partners" wth the other reactant.
15. It s the change of sod to qud.
a. freezng c. submaton
b. metng d. vaporzaton
Test II. Identfy what type of reacton
_______________ 1. The match head s made of tetraphosphorus trsude. Heatng
phosphorus and sufur above 100
C makes ths compound:
P4 + 3S P4S3
_______________ 2. The components of water can be separated usng eectrcty.
2H2O 2H2 + O2
_______________ 3. Carbon tetrachorde (CC4), a compound used as a dry ceanng
agent and a component n re extngushers, s made by ths
reacton: 2 S2C2 + C CC4 + 4S
_______________ 4. Freon-12, CC2F2, a substance used as refrgerant, s made by ths
reacton: CC4 + 2HF CC2F2 + 2HC
_______________ 5. Ammona, NH3, whch s used n fertzers, s formed by ths
reacton: N2 + 3H2 2NH3
III. Enumeraton
1-3 The three phases of matter
4-6 The three ndcators of chemca change
7-10 Exampes of chemca change
IV. Sovng
Fnd the percentage composton:
a. MgO
b. CaCO3
Gven the foowng % composton, what s the formua of the compound:
a. 40.05% S, 59.95% O, M = 80.06
Baance the foowng equatons
a. PC3 + C2 PC5
b. NO N2 + O2

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