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Learner Development: The teacher understands how
learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of
learning and development vary individually within and
across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and
physical areas, and designs and implements
developmentally appropriate and challenging learning
! had the opportunity to assist with
di"erent su#$ect matters during my
%xceptional &earner in the
'lassroom course at (adonna
)niversity Some of the su#$ects
that ! assisted with included reading,
writing, spelling, and mathematics
! was a#le to enhance student
learning at *armington +,- in
.arden 'ity, (ichigan ! wor/ed
with students in di"erent su#$ects
#y 0nding out their strengths and
wea/nesses During reading time !
would read aloud and the students
would listen ! would then help them
stay focused and complete chapter
summaries that dealt with settings,
characters involved, and de0ning
unfamiliar words
These experiences ena#led
me to understand how to meet this
standard #ecause my cooperating
teacher understood and shared each
of her student1s patterns of learning
and what activities were
developmentally appropriate for his
or her learning with me ! also
o#served her colla#orate with her
colleagues to help promote growth
and development for her students
This was an amazing
#ecause it gave me the opportunity
to help students gain a #etter
understand what was #eing taught
in their classroom Spending time
with students that were struggling,
giving them extra help and seeing
them come to an understanding of
what they were supposed to do was
great ! loved seeing the students
ma/e connections with their own
lives and #ecome excited in what
they were learning
2hen ! teach di"erent su#$ects
in the future, ! will use di"erent
strategies of teaching so ! can help
students learn in di"erent ways, ! do
not want everyday to #e the same3
! want my students excited a#out
learning 2hen doing this, ! will #e
aware that each student is di"erent
in his or her way of learning and
also develop individually in the
cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional and physical areas !n
order to ensure that each student
receives a meaningful learning
experience that will leave a impact
on him or her, ! will implement
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences for each of my
! have attached an example of
di"erentiated instruction !
constructed in class

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