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Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the
central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s) he or she teachers and creates learning
experiences that make these aspects of the discipline
accessible and meaningful to learners to assure mastery
of the content.
Incorporating Technology
During my Winter 2013
semester at Madonna University, I
as enro!!ed in Instru"tiona! Media#
T$roug$out t$is "ourse, I was able to
construct lessons that used technology. I
was able to construct interactive power
points and smartboard lessons,
Webquests, and I even constructed a
class website I will be able to use in my
teaching career. I was able to
incorporating technology into lessons in
the content areas of language arts and
science during this course. For example, I
made two interactive power points; one
discussing magnets, the other discussing
the water cycle. These power points
consisted of active hyperlinks to videos,
songs, websites that contained extended
information on various information, and
then a review quiz.
Involving technology into the
lessons I created will allow students to be
active participants in their learning. This
will help engage learners is applying
methods of inquiry and standards of
evidence and in the discipline. Applying
methods of inquiry allows teachers to
create learning experiences that make
learners gain mastery of the content
being taught. These tools will ultimately
lead learners to mastery learning of the
content being taught in their classroom.

Being introduced to diferent
technology tools that I can use in the
classroom to enhance student learning
has benefted me as a future educator
because it showed me the impact it has
on student learning. When students
construct their own knowledge by actively
participating using technology, it will lead
to authentic learning experiences. In my
classroom, I will incorporate these tools to
Title screen for interactive power point
I created discussing the water cycle.
Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the
central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s) he or she teachers and creates learning
experiences that make these aspects of the discipline
accessible and meaningful to learners to assure mastery
of the content.
ensure my students are constructing their
own knowledge that will leave a lasting
impact on their education.
Through this course, I am better
equipped to use technology in my
classroom to further enhance student
participation and learning. When Iteach, I
will help create learning experiences that
make all aspects of discipline accessible
and meaningful to all learners.
Title screen for interactive power point
I created discussing the water cycle.

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