Kayla Falk: Experienced Studio Manager and Creative Professional

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930 L. Mlfflln SL. #1 Madlson, Wl 33703 - (608) 213.7933

kayla[kaylafalk.com - kaylafalk.com

Plgh-energy, lnnovaLlve creaLlve professlonal wlLh flve years of lead deslgn experlence and Lwo years
managlng a hlgh-producLlon, reglonally awarded floral deslgn sLudlo. Seeklng an lnsplrlng creaLlve
poslLlon Lo furLher organlzaLlonal, personable, and vlslonary LalenLs.


daffod||*parker I|ora| Des|gn Stud|o - Mad|son, WI - daffod||parker.com - !"#$% '()(*+#,-,./
!"#$%& ()*)+,-
Manage dally operaLlons of Wlsconsln's besL weddlng and evenL floral sLudlo, wlLh one of
Lhe hlghesL evenL producLlons ln Lhe sLaLe (Wlnner of Wlsconsln 8rlde Magazlne's 8esL
llorlsL" award 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014)
MeeL wlLh cllenLs Lo develop overall deslgn plan, drafL floral proposals
Cversee prlclng and producL ouLpuL, ensure quallLy and sLyle meeLs cllenL expecLaLlons
LxperLly deslgn floral arrangemenLs of a wlde range of sLyles, slzes, and Lechnlques

Sard|ne kestaurant - Mad|son, WI - sard|nemad|son.com - 0,"/,12,# '()(*+#,-,./
Serve as llalson beLween klLchen and cusLomer, relaylng food and preparaLlon lnformaLlon,
provldlng beverage palrlng suggesLlons and ensurlng Lhe mosL pleasanL dlnlng experlence
uellver all necessary bar and beverage lnformaLlon Lo fronL of house sLaff for Lhorough
MalnLaln professlonallsm and efflclency durlng hlgh-producLlon shlfLs, frequenLly servlng
600 guesLs over a flve hour perlod

8otan|ca|s I|ora| Stud|o - Iond du Lac, WI - botan|ca|sf|ora|stud|o.com - 0,"/,12,# '((3*45., '()(
/0&-)0 1,2%+*,-
CreaLe cusLom floral arrangemenLs for cllenLs, lnLerpreLlng Lhelr sLyles and funcLlonal needs
ueslgn, lnsLall, and malnLaln ln-house reLall dlsplays and vlgneLLes
Serve as deslgn delegaLe for weddlngs and lnsLallaLlon pro[ecLs ln cllenLs' homes


unlverslLy of Wlsconsln aL Madlson - 8.A. ln ollLlcal Sclence & lrench - 2012 CraduaLe
L'lnsLlLuL CaLhollque de arls - lrench CulLural SLudles rogram - 2008
Cakfleld Plgh School - Cakfleld, Wl - 2003 CraduaLe
LxLracurrlculars: LSL Language 1uLor aL lenelon SalnLe Marle ln arls, lrance, College
uemocraLs, LeglslaLlve and ollLlcal Campalgn lnLern, lnLernaLlonal Club, SLudenL

roflclenL ln MlcrosofL Word, MlcrosofL Lxcel, lnLerneL funcLlonallLy and browslng, Coogle roducLs,
Wordpress, Squarespace, soclal medla, some knowledge ln P1ML, Adobe lllusLraLor, Adobe hoLoshop,
and Adobe ureamweaver.

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