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Aegis School of Business & Telecommunication

Mahesh, Plot No.37, Sector 15, CB Bela!ur

Na"i Mum#ai$ %&&'1% Maharashtra ()n*ia+
Phone no., -.1$//$3/105553
Mo#ile no., -.1(&+ .01.&&0153
1mail, a*mission2aegise*
3e#, 444.aegis.e*
Masters Program in Telecommunication Management (MPTM)

Please read the following instructions carefull !efore com"leting the A""lication
Filled a""lication form includes the following,
o Basic )nformation
o Postgra*uate an* 5 or un*ergra*uate 6ualifications
o 1m!lo7ment 8istor7
o 1ssa7 (9ne+
o Statement of a!!lication integrit7
o :eferences5 :ecommen*ations (T4o+
o A!!lication fee ;/5 (<or <oreign Nationals+ or )N: 1&&& through (<or )n*ian
Re$uired %ocuments
Please !ro"i*e the follo4ing *ocuments *ul7 fille* an* com!lete* in su!!ort of 7our a!!lication.
)nitiall7 sen* the scanne* *ocuments through email. Also sen* the har* co!7 of the *ocuments to
the A*missions 9ffice through !ost.
Co!75ies of egree (=>5P>+ Certificates
Co!7 of >MAT or CAT test scores (if a"aila#le+
T4o !ass!ort si?e !hotogra!hs (Please sta!le to 7our A!!lication <orm 4here in*icate* 9:
enclose a scanne* co!7+
A co!7 of 7our resume
A co!7 of !resent 1m!lo7ment @etter (for P>P5MBA a!!licant+
A co!7 of 7our !ass!ort (for international a!!licants+
A""l for
%ual Program (O"tion)
* Mandator
1mail i*(s+
ate of #irth,
Place of Birth
Nationalit7 Countr7 of :esi*ence
BPass!ort Num#er+
*Mandator for foreign nationals
Current mailing a**ress
Permanent mailing a**ress ChecC here if same as current
Permanent A**ress
Current Tel No.
Mo#ile Phone No.
Personal <aA
Business Tele!hone
Business <aA
Permanent Phone No.
Male <emale
Please )nsert
Please tic- the "referred "rogram
Postgraduate and.or /ndergraduate 0ualifications

Test )cores (If an)
Test )core %ate
AAT (Aegis A!titu*e Test for
1m"loment ,istor (2)
Beginning 4ith 7our most recent !osition, !lease list 7our full$time 4orC histor7 #elo4.
<rom & To
(G or
ate from (mm57777+
Current #ase salar7 (Annual+ in =S ; 5 )N:
Starting #ase salar7 (Annual+ in =S ; 5 )N:
A**itional #onuses earne* in !ast 1/ months
Hour res!onsi#ilities
Ma7 4e contact 7our current em!lo7erI
)f J7esK 4hom ma7 4e contactI (esignation+
Title (Ms5Mr+ & Name
9fficial 1mail )
irect Tel5 Mo#ile
1m"loment ,istor (3)
ate from (mm57777+
Contact #ase salar7
(Annual+ in =S ; or )N:
Hour res!onsi#ilities
Essay I
3hat are 7our long an* short term career goalsI 3hat sCills or eA!erience *o 7ou !ossess alrea*7 an*
ho4 *o 7ou en"isage an MPTM !rogramme hel!ing 7ou to achie"e 7our goalsI (%&& 4or*s limit+
Note, Hou ma7 use the a**itional s!ace as re6uire*.
,ow did ou come to -now a!out Aegis )chool Of (usiness & Telecommunication4 (Please tic-)
3orl* MBA Tour 8oar*ings & Banners
3orl* >ra* Tour Pam!hlets & @eaflets
To! Ne4s Pa!ers
To! =ni" Hou Tu#e
>% a!! <ace BooC
Hahoo >rou!s )nternet
Through :eference <in*
Cool A" 9ther Me*ia

Please )"ecif
A""lication Processing Fee
Please !a7 =S ;/5 (<or international can*i*ates+ 5 )N: 1&&& ()n*ian Can*i*ates+ as A!!lication Processing
<ee to Aegis School of Business, Mum#ai, )n*ia.
Hou ha"e follo4ing !a7ment o!tions,

1+ The )n*ian nationals can !a7 as in the name of JAegis School of BusinessK !a7a#le at Mum#ai or
1lectronic Transfer. The international can*i*ates ma7 *o an electronic transfer.
/) (an- Transfer, Hou can transfer the mone7 to Aegis School of Business
Account Name, Aegis School of Business
Account Num#er, 910010036275499
BanC, AAis BanC @t*, CB, Bela!ur, Na"i Mum#ai %&&'1%, M8, )n*ia.
M)C: Co*e, %&&&/11&'0
)<S Co*e, =T)B&&&&0'1

)tatement of A""lication Integrit
Please )nsert
Reference Form I
Guidance Notes for Referee I
) certif7 that ) ha"e !ro"i*e* accurate information in this A!!lication.
) eA!ressl7 4ai"e an7 re6uire* notice to me.
) un*erstan* that misre!resentation of a*mission of facts in m7 A!!lication
4ill Fustif7 the *enial of consi*eration, of a*mission, the cancellation of
a*mission or eA!ulsion.
) un*erstan* that Aegis School is offering autonomous management
!rogram in )n*ia.
This A!!lication is m7 honest statement to the A*mission Committee.
A!!licantLs Signature (Scanne*+
Aegis School of Business & Telecommunication
Mahesh, Plot No.37, Sector 15, CB Bela!ur
Na"i Mum#ai$ %&&'1% Maharashtra ()n*ia+
Phone no., -.1$//$3/105553
Mo#ile no., -.1(&+ .01.&&0153
1mail, a*mission2aegise*
3e#, 444.aegis.e*
The person named in the Aegis MPTM Reference Form has applied to the Masters Program at Aegis chool of
!"siness # Telecomm"nication$ and has nominated %o" as his& her referee' The one(%ear$ f"ll(time MPTM at
Aegis chool of !"siness # Telecomm"nication is an intellect"all% challenging program$ str"ct"red aro"nd t)o
terms of lect"re$ essa%s$ case st"dies and ma*or pro*ects'
This is an intensi+e co"rse that ma,es high demands on st"dents' -t is therefore important that the applicant is
intelligent$ moti+ated$ ."siness(minded and of high moral character' t"dents participate in team pro*ects' These
allo) st"dents to sharpen their research and anal%tical s,ills$ and to )or, closel% )ith clients in appl%ing their
learning to practice'
/hen complete$ this Reference Form sho"ld .e ret"rned to the applicant0 alternati+el% reference can .e sent .%
email directl% to Aegis chool of !"siness # Telecomm"nication at' Please ens"re to
email it from %o"r official email -1' -n case %o" are sending it .% postal mail$ please ens"re that %o" sign the
.ac, of the en+elope across the seal and co+er %o"r signat"re )ith clear adhesi+e tape' Fail"re to do so )ill
in+alidate the reference'
Than, %o" for assisting in this application process and for completing this Reference Form'
Aegis MPTM Reference Form (I)
P34A4 56MP34T4 -7 !3658 5AP-TA3

7AM4 6F APP3-5A7T9
The a.o+e named has made an application for admission to the Aegis chool of !"siness' This is a rigoro"s
and challenging programme that pro+ides indi+id"als of o"tstanding potential )ith a .roadl% .ased fo"ndation
in management'
:o" ma% "se additional space$ if re;"ired'
<o) long ha+e %o" ,no)n the applicant and in )hat capacit%=

/hat do %o" consider to .e his&her main strengths=
/hat do %o" consider to .e his&her main )ea,nesses=

<o) )ell do %o" .elie+e the applicant )ill respond to a +er% rigoro"s and intellect"all% demanding co"rse=
Aegis MA Reference Form (I)
P!ease assess t"e a##!icant$s a%i!ities as regards to t"e fo!!o&ing against a #eer grou# of #eo#!e at a
simi!ar stage in t"eir career (Tic' t"e a##ro#riate %o()
Top 5>? Top 25? Top @>? Top 5? Top @? AnB
A.ilit% to )or, )ith others
6ral 5omm"nication ,ills
Presentational ,ills
/ritten 5omm"nication ,ills
AnB ( An,no)n
T"is s"ou!d %e com#!eted on!) if *ng!is" is not t"e a##!icant$s first !anguage.
(+ , #oor- . , f!uent)
@ 2 3 4 5

A.ilit% to spea, 4nglish
A.ilit% to read 4nglish
A.ilit% to )rite 4nglish
-f %o" ha+e an% f"rther comments that %o" consider )o"ld .e helpf"l$ please "se the space .elo)$ or attach a
separate letter'
Address / Te!
Name of Referee Position 0ontact No
Date 1ignature / 1ea! 2
B)t is man*ator7 to !ut the seal
Reference Form II
Guidance Notes for Referee II
The person named in the Aegis MPTM Reference Form has applied to the Masters Program at Aegis chool of
!"siness # Telecomm"nication$ and has nominated %o" as his& her referee' The one(%ear$ f"ll(time MPTM at
Aegis chool of !"siness # Telecomm"nication is an intellect"all% challenging program$ str"ct"red aro"nd t)o
terms of lect"re$ essa%s$ case st"dies and ma*or pro*ects'
This is an intensi+e co"rse that ma,es high demands on st"dents' -t is therefore important that the applicant is
intelligent$ moti+ated$ ."siness(minded and of high moral character' t"dents participate in team pro*ects' These
allo) st"dents to sharpen their research and anal%tical s,ills$ and to )or, closel% )ith clients in appl%ing their
learning to practice'
/hen complete$ this Reference Form sho"ld .e ret"rned to the applicant0 alternati+el% reference can .e sent .%
email directl% to Aegis chool of !"siness # Telecomm"nication at' Please ens"re to
email it from %o"r official email -1' -n case %o" are sending it .% postal mail$ please ens"re that %o" sign the
.ac, of the en+elope across the seal and co+er %o"r signat"re )ith clear adhesi+e tape' Fail"re to do so )ill
in+alidate the reference'
Than, %o" for assisting in this application process and for completing this Reference Form'
Aegis MPTM Reference Form (II)
P34A4 56MP34T4 -7 !3658 5AP-TA3

7AM4 6F APP3-5A7T9
The a.o+e named has made an application for admission to the Aegis chool of !"siness' This is a rigoro"s and
challenging programme that pro+ides indi+id"als of o"tstanding potential )ith a .roadl% .ased fo"ndation in
:o" ma% "se additional space$ if re;"ired'
<o) long ha+e %o" ,no)n the applicant and in )hat capacit%=

/hat do %o" consider to .e his&her main strengths=
/hat do %o" consider to .e his&her main )ea,nesses=

<o) )ell do %o" .elie+e the applicant )ill respond to a +er% rigoro"s and intellect"all% demanding co"rse=
Aegis PGP/MA Reference Form (II)
P!ease assess t"e a##!icant$s a%i!ities as regards to t"e fo!!o&ing against a #eer grou# of #eo#!e at a
simi!ar stage in t"eir career (Tic' t"e a##ro#riate %o()
Top 5>? Top 25? Top @>? Top 5? Top @? AnB
A.ilit% to )or, )ith others
6ral 5omm"nication ,ills
Presentational ,ills
/ritten 5omm"nication ,ills
AnB ( An,no)n
T"is s"ou!d %e com#!eted on!) if *ng!is" is not t"e a##!icant$s first !anguage.
(+ , #oor- . , f!uent)
@ 2 3 4 5

A.ilit% to spea, 4nglish
A.ilit% to read 4nglish
A.ilit% to )rite 4nglish
-f %o" ha+e an% f"rther comments that %o" consider )o"ld .e helpf"l$ please "se the space .elo)$ or attach a
separate letter'
Name of Referee Position 0ontact No
Date 1ignature / 1ea! 2
B)t is man*ator7 to !ut the seal

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