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Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans
instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge
of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary
skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of
learners and the community context.
During my Winter 2013
semester at Madonna University, I
arti!iated in an Instru!tiona"
Media !"ass# $rior to t%e !"ass I &as
'ami"iar &it% !omuters, (ut !oming
out o' t%e !"ass, I &as even more
'ami"iar &it% t%em t%an (e'ore#
During Instru!tiona" Media, I &as
a("e to en%an!e my s)i""s on
resear!%ing (y !om"eting !riti!a"
eva"uations o' &e("ogs, &e(sites
and &i)is# I &as a"so a("e to
en%an!e my s)i""s in o&eroint (y
!reating an intera!tive o&eroint
on magnets#
*om"eting t%e resear!% and
eva"uations on t%e &e("ogs,
&e(sites and &i)is &as a great
e+erien!e (e!ause it rovided me
&it% a !%an!e to revie& a &e(site
and eva"uate t%e aut%ors%i ,
sonsors%i, urose, design and
sta(i"ity, !ontent, and additiona"
!onsiderations o' di-erent &e(sites#
T%is a!tivity %e"ed me !ome to an
understanding t%at some &e(sites
are more user.'riend"y !omared to
ot%er &e(sites .. ese!ia""y
edu!ationa" &e(sites# I 'ound it %ard
to /nd an edu!ationa" &e(site t%at I
!onsidered a &e(site &ort% %aving
students "oo) at# A site t%at I &ou"d
!onsider &ou"d %ave t%e 'o""o&ing
re0uirements1 avoids so!ia" (ias,
enri!%es and e+ands users
imagination, te+t is easy to read and
not !"uttered, age is &e""
organi2ed, in'ormation is
!urrent and
additiona" "in)s are
rovided, %ig%est
0ua"ity o' !ontent
deve"omenta""y aroriate
materia" is avai"a("e on t%e site, site
is intera!tive and engaging, et!##
on a
!a""ed 4ids
4no& It Net&or)#
T%e most meaning'u"
e+erien!e to me &as !om"eting
t%e eva"uation o' a &e(site# T%is
&as t%e most meaning'u"
e+erien!e to me (e!ause I
revious"y t%oug%t t%at t%ere
&ere many great edu!ationa"
Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans
instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge
of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary
skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of
learners and the community context.
sites out and &%en I too) a good
"oo) at t%em during t%is
assignment, I rea"i2ed t%at a "ot
o' t%e &e(sites t%at I "oo)ed at
&eren5t done at a very %ig%
standard as I t%oug%t or &ou"d
%ave "i)ed t%em to (e# W%en I
use edu!ationa" &e(sites in my
!"assroom in t%e 'uture, I &i"" (e
sure to use t%ese !%e!)"ists to
ma)e sure t%at t%e &e(site is
aroriate 'or my !"ass and t%e
a!tivities &e are doing#

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