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The teacher understands and uses a variety of
instructional strategies to encourage learners to
develop deep understanding of content areas and
their connections, and to build skills to apply in
meaningful ways.
Instructional Strategies

I had the opportunity to gain
an understanding of the diferent
instructional strategies teachers can
use in my Theory and Techniques of
Instruction: Elementary School
course at adonna !ni"ersity during
my #inter $%&' semester through
my (eld e)perience at *rand"ie+
Elementary in ,larence"ille- y
cooperating teacher +as a.le to
pro"ided me +ith strategies to help
encourage students to de"elop an
understanding of the diferent
content areas that are co"ered in
her class-
#hen connections .et+een
su./ect materials and student li"es
are made0 that .egins to .uild s1ills
that apply to the students in
meaningful +ays that ultimately
lead to .etter student
understanding- During my (eld
e)perience0 I +as a.le to enhance
student learning in diferent su./ects
.y (nding out their strengths along
+ith their +ea1nesses- I +as a.le to
assist and teach a "ariety of lessons
in reading0 +riting0 spelling and
mathematics- Teaching a "ariety of
lessons allo+ed me to gain s1ills
and strategies that I +ill .e a.le to
use and enhance upon for my future
teacher career- I +as informed a.out
the .ene(ts of +ait time from my
cooperating teacher- This strategy
helped me +hen teaching lessons
.ecause it can help .ene(t students
.ecause it allo+s students to
"olunteer appropriate ans+ers more

y (eld placement +as a
.ene(cial e)perience .ecause it
ga"e me the opportunity to put
myself into real life classroom
situations and (gure out diferent
strategies to use that +ould help
+ith diferent student .eha"iors-
This e)perience allo+ed me to gain
pro.lem2sol"ing s1ills and
cooperati"e learning s1ills that +ill
ultimately help me .e a.le to
colla.orate +ith families0
colleagues0 and other professionals
to promote learner gro+th and
de"elopment in my future
#hen I teach diferent
su./ects in the future0 I +ill ha"e my
students acti"ely participate as +ell
as use diferent instructional
strategies- I +ill use diferent
Me showing students a science
demonstration during a science lesson
The teacher understands and uses a variety of
instructional strategies to encourage learners to
develop deep understanding of content areas and
their connections, and to build skills to apply in
meaningful ways.
strategies of teaching so I can help
students learn in diferent +ays- I
+ant my students e)cited a.out
learning and I +ant to .e a.le to
ma1e connections to their e"eryday
Me showing students a science
demonstration during a science lesson

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