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Professional Learning and Ethical Practice: The
teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and
uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice,
particularly the efects of his/her choices and actions on
others (learners, families, other professionals, and the
community, and adapts practices to meet the needs of
each learner!
Laws Related to Education
I was able to gain an
understanding of laws related to learners
rights and teacher responsibilities during
my course in Foundations of Education at
Madonna University. The experiences
that I was exposed to and participated in
allowed me to gain new insights on
educational equality, appropriate
education for learners with disabilities,
confdentiality, privacy, appropriate
treatment of learners, and reporting in
situations related to possible child abuse.
I participated in a specifc
discussion with my peers regarding a
case studying on suspected child abuse. I
suggested and described three strategies
that a teacher could use to help him or
her better evaluate the situation. I also
identify three people that a teacher might
turn to for help and explain what they
might be able to do to assist: the
principal, school social worker or
psychologist, and a close colleague. In
conclusion to my post, I contributed my
knowledge on what a teachers
obligations are when there is suspicion of
child abuse. Educators are mandated
reporters. By not reporting, a teacher
could face fnes and or prison terms.
Many, if not most school districts have
strict procedures for reporting suspected
abuse. If a teacher suspects abuse and
sees signs, he or she is obligated to
report it.
Through these experiences, I see
myself as a continuous learner that is
continuously seeking opportunities to
draw upon from current education
policies and research as sources of
analysis and refection to improve my
teaching practices. I will continue to
engage in ongoing professional
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice: The
teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and
uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice,
particularly the efects of his/her choices and actions on
others (learners, families, other professionals, and the
community, and adapts practices to meet the needs of
each learner!
learning to enhance my ability to teach. I
will use evidence to continually evaluate
my teaching practices, as well as the
efects of how my choices and actions on
Case study discussion board post that was
shared with my peers.

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