Function (Content) (Processcontent (Content) ) )

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->Multiprocessing :is many user processes which is processed by a single processor.

->multitasking: single user many processes processed by a single processor.

->Unix or novell network is any command you write goes to the server processor gets processed..
it is multitasking..
but in the case of threads they are light weight processes which have multiple parts of execution.
Like in the case of word procsssor what happens is that as you write the speel checker autosave all
these things are alo running for us it seems parallel but when you see than you will notice that there ias
only one process running i.e. the rest things which are implemented as threads no other process is
running for them.but if the word document closed the threads also closed.
ame goes for internet explorer if the main window closed all things all subwindows closed.
!n multitasking each and every process has its own process !".
!n multithreading all the threads share the same resource !.e. that is allocated to the main application.
!n the case of railway reservation it may happen that # counters and when $ comes to manipulate and
asks for # on $% and other counter asks for & on $ when the next one comes it shall show ' on $%
but it might show ( and ). because multiple threads share the same information.
*hen one of the threads finishes execution than only than only the next one comes to manipulate that.
!n the case of +avascript which uses only single thread in order to implement the application the
problem that arises is that whenever the re,uest is sent to a database in order to fetch a record it may
happen that the browser does not have anything to do till the re,uest comes back so what we do is we
make a callback to stop the broser to free-e as a lock placed on the thread executed.
.he re,uest itself is performed on a separate thread /yes0 a browser does keep a thread pool for
asynchronous actions0 but it is not directly accessible for the developer1. o0 what does that look like2
function(content) {
!n addition to the regular arguments0 an asynchronous function is also passed a callback function0 that
takes the result of the computation as an argument. .he function is called whenever the fetching of the
U3L has finished0 and in the mean time continues executing other code.
.he new language of the mobile web
Reducing the Pain: Synchronous Asynchronous Programming
by ;ef under 5eatures
7lthough non-mobile-web-developers may not reali-e0 there is one <feature= of 9avascript that causes a
lot of pain to 9avascript every day > although they may deny it0 a case of tockholm yndrome0 me
thinks. .hat pain point is called asynchronous programming.
4ere?s the problem.
9avascript in the browser does not support threads. 7ll the rendering of the page and the 9avascript
logic that has to be executed shares a single thread. .hat is @A as long as you do simple things. imple
"@M manipulations0 input field validation and so on.
6ut what if you need to do things that could take a while0 say0 talk to a database0 send an 4..B re,uest
to the server > what happens then2 !n typical synchronous style programming such a 4..B re,uest
could look as follows:
!ar content " fetchURL('');
4owever0 fetching the U3L could take seconds. "ue to the unthreaded nature of this environment0 the
browser could not do anything during those few seconds because the thread is blocked0 resulting in a
browser free-e. 6ad idea. *hat can we do about this2
797C: 7synchronous 9avascript and CML
.he idea is to0 rather than a blocking0 we make a call that returns immediately. *hen the re,uest
finishes0 a callback function is called. .he re,uest itself is performed on a separate thread /yes0 a
browser does keep a thread pool for asynchronous actions0 but it is not directly accessible for the
developer1. o0 what does that look like2
function(content) {
!n addition to the regular arguments0 an asynchronous function is also passed a callback function0 that
takes the result of the computation as an argument. .he function is called whenever the fetching of the
U3L has finished0 and in the mean time continues executing other code.
Bretty nice solution0 right2
!t does lead to code that is harder to read0 however. !n synchronous style programming0 we?re used to
having code execute from top to bottom. 5or instance:
!ar content " fetchURL('');
5irst we fetch the U3L0 then we process it0 then we say hello. Dow consider this asynchronous code:
function(content) {
Daively this could be read as /top to bottom1: first we fetch the U3L0 then we process the content and
then we say hello. 4owever0 this is almost certainly not the order in which these statements will be
executed. .he likely execution order will be: first the url fetch re,uest is sent off0 then we say hello and
then we process the content.
!t gets worse when you try to do loops with asynchronous calls. Let?s say you would like to fetch U3Ls
contained in some array se,uentially /one after the other1 and then say hello. !n the synchronous style
you would write the following:
for(!ar i " %; i & ar.$en'th; i(() {
!ar content " fetchURL(ar)i*);

Dow0 how do we do this in an asynchronous style2 *e may try to do this:
for(!ar i " %; i & ar.$en'th; i(() {
fetchURL(ar)i*, function(content) {

6ut that?s not going to work. 5irst of all0 U3Ls would now be fetched in parallel /which is kind of cool
actually0 but not what we wanted1 and second0 the hello?ing happens too early0 not after we?re done
with the fetching. *hat we would need to do is something like this:!erse();
function +one() {

function fetch,ne() {
!ar ur$ " ar.pop();
fetchURL(ar)i*, function(content) {
if(ar.$en'th """ %) {
e$se {


if(ar.$en'th """ %) {
e$se {

@uchE .he idea here is to use the array as a stack. *e define a function that processes one U3L. .he
function pops an element off the array0 fetches the U3L and when done processes it0 it checks if the
stack is empty0 if so0 it says hello /+one function10 if not0 it recursively calls itself to process the next
element /the new top1 in the array.
Luckily0 this type of code can be wrapped in a nicer looking 7B!0 which allows you to rewrite this code
async-or.ach(ar, function(ur$, ca$$/ac0) {
fetchURL(ar)i*, function(content) {
, function() {
6ut still0 wouldn?t you prefer the synchronous version2
Enter mobl
Fven though mobl compiles down to 9avascript0 you do not have to do this style of asynchronous
programming. *hy2 6ecause the compiler is able to automatically transform synchronous style
programs into asynchronous style programs. Ges. 7utomatically0 the compiler does exactly what ! +ust
did by hand.
Mobl libraries wrap asynchronous 9avascript 7B!s as synchronous 7B!s. 7 simple example. 4ow do
you sleep in a 9avascript program for $ second. .here?s no s$eep function0 and even if there would
be0 it would block the thread and render the browser unusable. !f you want something to happen in
about $ second0 what you do is you use 9avscript?s set1imeout0 right2
set1imeout(function() {
a$ert('2 secon+ passe+3');
, 2%%%);
7s you can tell0 this is another example of an asynchronous call. 4ere?s what that code looks like in
a$ert(42 secon+ passe+34);
Let?s have a look at the signature of s$eep in the mobl standard library:
e5terna$ function s$eep(ms : 6um) : !oi+
.his signature tells us two things:
$. .here is a function named s$eep that takes a single /numeric1 argument and returns nothing
#. .his function is asynchronous.
Fvery external function is assumed to be asynchronous unless stated otherwise /using the sync
keyword0 e.g. e5terna$ sync function1. 6eing asynchronous means that in addition to the
arguments specified in the signature0 a callback function is provided that is to be called when the
function completes.
.his signature by itself does not do anything0 it +ust tells the mobl compiler that <there exists a function
with this name in this module=. .he compiler then assumes there?s a definition for it elsewhere0 in this
case in native 9avascript:
99ns.s$eep " function(ms, ca$$/ac0) {
set1imeout(ca$$/ac0, ms);
Mobl enables you to include fragments of <native= 9avascript in-between &7a!ascript8 tags. 99ns
is a reference to the module?s namespace ob+ect. !f a function0 control or screen is defined in a module
it is not put in a global scope0 but in a module ob+ect named after the module. 5or instance for the
mo/$ module this ob+ect is named mo/$0 for mo/$::ui::'eneric it?s mo/$.ui.'eneric0 a
reference to the ob+ect can be obtained using the 99ns shortcut.
.he implementation of s$eep takes0 as predicted0 two arguments: the number of milliseconds to wait0
and what to do next /a callback function1. !t basically delegates this call directly to set1imeout0 +ust
switching the argument order.
7lright0 so what happens when we call s$eep from mobl2 *hat is the 9avascript code generated by
the following mobl code2
a$ert(42 secon+ passe+34);
Hleaned-up a little bit0 the resulting 9avascript looks as follows:
mo/$.s$eep(2%%%, function() {
mo/$.a$ert(42 secon+ passe+34);
.he transformation performed by the compiler here is called the continuation-passing style
transformation0 a pretty well-known transformation in academia0 although not often applied outside
languages like cheme.
.hanks to the HB transform0 mobl code can be written in a synchronous style0 while still maintaining
the advantages of asynchronous code0 i.e. being non-blocking. @ne drawback is that writing code that
re,uires concurrent execution > for instance0 fetching all the U3Ls at the same time > is more
difficult to express. Mobl does have the async block for this purpose0 which conceptually executes its
body <on a different thread of execution=0 i.e. the code after it can run in parallel with the code inside it:
async {
a$ert(4:'m $ast4);


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