Principles of Militia Guerrilla Warfare

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Principles of Militia Guerrilla Warfare

Strive to win hearts and minds so do not steal from citizens and never rape.
Always be the good guys.
Remain strategically dispersed. o not bunch up
Always stay mobile and ready to move at all times.
!perate in small" local units. #ou can assemble several units for raids when you
need the numbers and then split up again after the raid. $arge units are too easy
to find.
Shoot" maneuver and communicate.
o not attempt to hold ground. Always fire and maneuver. %lan& the enemy with
two elements at '( degrees to catch them in your cross fire.
Wor& on gathering all the intel you can on the enemy.
)oncentrate only for momentary tactical superiority. *now that they will always
call for bac& up so don+t stic& around.
,ry to stri&e only when the enemy can be ta&en by surprise.
-ever engage in sustained combat or they will call in artillery or close air support
on you.
Always have lines of retreat planned out. Always have rally points set since it is
easy to get split up in combat.
Ma&e war on mat.riel rather than on men if you are given the choice.
/e unpredictable. Ma&e a virtue of the individuality" and irregularity.
Ma&e the enemy your 0uartermaster1re2supply source. After you defeat the
enemy in a battle maintain a 34( perimeter" search bodies for intel" throw their
gear on a rolled out poncho" fold up the corners" and ta&e off before their bac& up

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