Lab C

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Nava, Martinez, Alaniz 1


Leticia Mariel Nava
Judith Lizette Martinez
Carlos Arturo Alaniz

PHYS 2401!
"illia# $e%tori%
&all 201'
The main purpose of this lab is to know how to use the analytical tools well be using
throughout the semester to get the results of our experiments, and learn how to use the
program Data Studio that will help us to make all the graphs we have to make to
demonstrate the change of data we got.
Precision and accuracy are two important things that characteried the measurements.
!ccuracy can be defined as the closeness of a measured value to a standard or a value
that is already known. Precision is a degree to which an instrument or process will repeat
the same value. The units we commonly used to determine the correct measurements of
the experiments are the ones in the "nternational System of #nits$ some important units
we used are% the distance which is measured in meters&m', time which is measured in
seconds &s', and mass which is in kilograms &k'.
The data can be obtained in different moments or by different formulas. The first moment
is called the mean and is denoted as and the formula is%
Variance is the second moment and its defined with the formula%
Standard deviation &(' shows us how much variation and difference exists from the
average$ its commonly used because it has the same units as the mean & '. The standard
deviation is defined as%
)e will interpret the different uncertainties of ( we can get with the formula of
probability &P'%
Nava, Martinez, Alaniz 3
!nd to *uantify the +really close, part of our result, we might use the formula%
"f the result we get is less than -( our measurement is consistent with the expected value,
otherwise, will be inconsistent.
Materials and Methods+
.. Data Studio
The program Data Studio was the only material we used for this lab and with it, we were
able to make the graphs we need in order to represent the data we got and to see all the
changes in it.
The first thing we did was import the first file with the data from the physics lab web
page. !fter that, we clicked on the Data icon and dragged it to the /raph icon, so in that
way, the program will generate the graph of the data. Then, we were asked to generate a
*uadratic function to the data, so Data Studio generates the *uadratic function in the form
y=A x
+Bx +C
to get the report of the values and the standard deviation of !, 0 and
1. !fter making the first graph, we continue with the second file of data and we imported
it to Data Studio and once we realie the same steps as the first one, we were asked to
select some portions of the graph, those portions were the initial flat section, the upper
flat portion of the plot and the central section of the data. 2nce we selected them we
record the mean and standard deviation of the data using the Statistics icon of Data
2nce we finished with our graphs, the next thing we did was importing the last data from
the physics web page, which was a table in excel. 0asically, what we did was plotting
some formulas that were already given in the description of the lab and 3xcel will do the
rest. )e got the mass in kilograms &kg' with the formula%
)e changed
some cells names and we complete the table multiplying the mass we got times gravity &
. The last column of the 3xcel worksheet compares the product mg and the
weight W, we got the results multiplying the weight times the product and diving it
between the standard deviation &
This table provide us with information concerning our
Nava, Martinez, Alaniz 5
1. 4ow many significant figures are there in the estimates for the coefficients m and
b in the linear fit to curve b5 4ow many significant figures are there in the
estimates for the coefficients a, b and c in the *uadratic fit to curve c5
They both have 3 significant figures.
6. 7ote that the value for ! is reported according to the laboratory standard% there
are two significant figures in (&!' and ! is reported to the same number of
decimal places as (&!'. Does Data Studio report the other values properly5 "f not,
present them properly below.
Data studio report all the values using 3 significant figures, the proper
way to present them is using 2 significant figures.
-. )hich of the two functions, linear or *uadratic, is a better fit to the data5 8ustify
your answer.
9. )hat values do you obtain for the mean and standard deviation of the flat section5
or the minimum value we obtained !.2", ma#imum$ !."%, the mean$
!.&&, standard deviation$ .!'.
:. )hat values do you obtain for the mean and standard deviation5
or the minimum value we obtained (.2), ma#imum$ (.'&, the mean$
(.)', standard deviation$ .!).
;. )hat value do you obtain for the slope5 &Dont forget to report the standard
or the minimum value we obtained !.&(, ma#imum$ (.3*, the mean$
&.3&, standard deviation$ 2.!3, the slope is e+ual to *.!!2,!.*-..
7. The last column of the worksheet shows the comparison between the weight W
and the product mg. )ith the data provided, is the weight consistent with the
product mg5 8ustify your answer$ be *uantitative and succinct.
There is a direct connection between the product and it/s weight,
Their difference is going to decrease when the weight value of the product
increases. The values are always proportional.
Ma%in- Connections
Suppose that the physical model we were investigating when we generated th data in
intro..txt was defined by the following e*uation%
Nava, Martinez, Alaniz 7

)e used the *uadratic function to fit out results. To what do the coefficients 0, 1 and 2
correspond, if our x values in the table are time and the y values are displacement5
The figure below shows the graph of velocity versus time for an ob=ect moving with the
constant acceleration. The slope of the graph gives a measure of acceleration. "s the
experimental result consistent with the accepted value of >.-?: m@ y=A x
+Bx+C 5 8ustify your
The main purpose of this exercise was to learn how to use Data Studio, this software is an
extremely powerful tool for us students to analye data.
Throughout this experiment we could get our hands on the interface of this software and
learn how to make use of some of itAs tools, we realie that this software features a lot of
tools that help us to easily understand science.
2ne of the tools that we made use of was the data import and export interface which
provide a really easy way to read and represent information, after reading a file with data
we implemented the graphing tool, this arrange the data in a really easy to read format,
also it help us to calculate important statistics about the data that we are representing.
!lso we 3xported data through data studio, it is able to export it to an excel spreadsheet,
which is a really popular format.
!t the end we can conclude that Data studio is a great learning tool, and we are exited to
learn how to use it more deeply.

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