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Question 1

Which two statements are correct regarding the MAG6611 Junos Pulse Gateway in an active/active
cluster configuration? !hoose two"#
A" $irtual %P $%P# is availa&le"
'" %t su((orts u( to two devices"
!" %t su((orts u( to four devices"
)" *+ternal load &alancing is (referred"

Answer, !- )
Question .
What is the function of the smart caching setting within a We& caching (olicy?
A" to send the cache control com(ress header to the client
'" to remove the cache control headers from the origin server
!" to not modify the cache control header from the origin server
)" to send the a((ro(riate cache control header &ased on We& content"

Answer, )

Question /
0ou have configured 1A)%23 authentication on the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice" 2sers
re(ort that their authentication is re4ected" 5he 1A)%23 administrator re(orts that the 1A)%23
server re6uires a s(ecific attri&ute that identifies the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice on the
1A)%23 server" %n the Admin 2%- which configuration (arameter will address this issue?
A" 7ame
'" 7A38%dentifier
!" 1A)%23 3erver
)" 3hared 3ecret

Answer, '
Question 9
What are three &enefits that resource (rofiles (rovide over resource (olicies? !hoose three"#
A" 1esource (rofiles (rovide automatic ma((ing of users to roles"
'" 1esource (rofiles (rovide a sim(lified (rocess for creating &oo:mar:s and resource (olicies"
!" ;ne (rofile can &e assigned to multi(le roles"
)" 1esource o(tions can &e customi<ed for each (rofile"
*" 1esource (rofiles (rovide a sim(lified (rocess for configuring a((lications such as $P7
Answer, '- !- )

Question =
0ou must de(loy $P7 tunneling using 7etwor: !onnect to multi(le Microsoft Windows devices"
)ue to access restrictions- the users do not have (ermission to install W3AM" Which com(onent
resolves this issue?
A" Juni(er %nstaller 3ervice
'" >ost !hec:er
!" third8(arty integrity measurement verifier
)" Windows 3ecure A((lication Manager scri(ta&le launcher
Answer, A
Question 6
0ou want to use *3P for your $P7 5unneling trans(ort mechanism" Which (ort must you have
o(en on your firewall to the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice in a default configuration?
A" 2)P =??
'" 5!P =??
!" 2)P 9=??
)" 5!P 9=??

Answer, !
Question @
2sers re(ort that they cannot download a PowerPoint (resentation when accessing a We& site using
&asic We& access" Which resource (olicy in the Admin 2% will resolve this issue?
A" 3elective 1ewrite Policy
'" We& !aching Policy
!" We& Pro+y Policy
)" 3ingle 3ign8;n Policy

Answer, '
Question A
Which two access trans(ort (rotocols are used with Junos Pulse for an A((le ;3 B com(uter?
!hoose two"#
A" *3P
'" 33>
!" 33C
)" %D*v.
Answer, A- !
Question E
What would &e used to configure the management (ort on the MAG961? Junos Pulse Gateway?
A" 23' (ort
'" custom scri(ts
!" serial console
)" Admin 2%

Answer, )

Question 1?
What are three ways a Junos Pulse connection is initiated to a Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice?
!hoose three"#
A" 5he connection is initiated when the We& &rowser re6uires that a $P7 tunnel &e esta&lished"
'" 5he connection is initiated after the user signs in to the P!"
!" 5he user manually initiates a connection"
)" 5he connection is initiated after the P! starts"
*" 5he connection is initiated only if a((lication acceleration is ena&led"

Answer, '- !- )
Question 11
0ou are as:ed to define role settings for Windows file &oo:mar:s with a certain set of access
(olicies" %n the Admin 2%- which two Windows file restrictions a((ly? !hoose two"#
A" networ: file share &rowsing
'" (ersistent (assword caching
!" read8write access
)" source %P address role restriction

Answer, A- !

Question 1.
Which action must you (erform to use !1Cs to validate user certificates?
A" !onfigure an ;!3P res(onder"
'" $alidate a trusted server !A"
!" %m(ort as a trusted client the root certificate of the !A issuing the !1C"
)" !onfigure a !A chain"

Answer, !

Question 1/
2sers sign in to the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice using C)AP authentication" 2sers must also
access ;utloo: We& Access using the same C)AP credentials" 0ou would li:e to ma:e this
authentication (rocess automatic so that users do not need to su&mit the same credentials twice" %n
the Admin 2%- which two will address this concern? !hoose two"#
A" Der&eros
'" Anonymous access
!" Windows 5erminal 3ervices
)" 1emote form P;35

Answer, A- )

Question 19
What are two o(erational ca(a&ilities of the 3ecure A((lication Manager client? !hoose two"#
A" Automatically launches the client u(on user &rowser initiated login"
'" !ontrols access (olicy to networ: su&nets and servers"
!" Forces Java J1* u(date on 3AM client installation"
)" 1estricts use of machine !;M (orts"

Answer, A- '
Question 1=
When adding a new cluster mem&er- the cluster node state is indicated &y a yellow radio &utton icon
in the Admin 2%" Which cluster node state is correct?
A" 5he node is ena&led- not acce(ting user re6uests"
'" 5he node is transitioning"
!" 5he node is ena&led- unreacha&le"
)" 5he node is disa&led"
Answer, '

Question 16
What are two (ro(erties of an active/(assive cluster configuration? !hoose two"#
A" !luster $%P
'" CA7 cluster
!" high availa&ility
)" WA7 cluster

Answer, A- '

Question 1@
0ou are connected with a $P7 tunnel on a wired interface and notice that your $P7 session dro(s
when you ena&le your wireless interface" What would cause this dro( to occur?
A" s(lit tunneling
'" route monitor
!" s(lit monitor
)" route (recedence

Answer, '
Question 1A
Which Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice com(onent controls the user login 21C ma((ing to the
a((ro(riate &ac:end authentication service?
A" authentication server
'" authentication realm
!" resource (olicy
)" sign8in (olicy

Answer, )

Question 1E
A user is ma((ed to two roles" 5he first role assigned has a ma+imum session length of .9?
minutes" 5he second role assigned has a ma+imum session length of 9A? minutes" Which ma+imum
session length in minutes will the user receive?
A" 6? '" .9? !" 9A? )" @.?

Answer, !

Question .?
Which statement accurately descri&es >ost !hec:er?
A" >ost !hec:er is a clientless (rocess that removes residual data- such as tem(orary files or
a((lication caches- left on a userGs machine after a Pulse 3ecure Access session"
'" >ost !hec:er is a client8side agent that removes residual data- such as tem(orary files or
a((lication caches- left on a userGs machine after a Pulse 3ecure Access session"
!" >ost !hec:er is a clientless (rocess that (erforms end(oint health and security chec:s for hosts
that attem(t to connect to the Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice"
)" >ost !hec:er is a client8side agent that (erforms end(oint health and security chec:s for hosts
that attem(t to connect to the Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice"

Answer, )
Question .1
Which statement is true a&out the MAG 3eries devices?
A" 5he MAG.6??- MAG961?- MAG661?- and MAG6611 have fi+ed configurations"
'" 5he MAG.6??- MAG961?- MAG661?- and MAG6611 have modular configurations"
!" 5he MAG.6?? and MAG961? have fi+ed configurations and the MAG661? and MAG6611
have modular configurations"
)" 5he MAG.6?? and MAG961? have modular configurations and the MAG661? and MAG6611
have fi+ed configurations"

Answer, !

Question ..
0ou have configured $P7 5unneling using Junos Pulse with minimal com(onents and de(loyed it
to your em(loyees" 0ou decide to configure a >ost !hec:er (olicy for your em(loyees and a((ly it
to their role" Which &ehavior will the user e+(erience on the client machine the ne+t time they sign
in using Junos Pulse?
A" Junos Pulse will (rom(t the user with a certificate warning"
'" Junos Pulse will (rom(t the user to install >ost !hec:er"
!" Junos Pulse will (rom(t the user to sign in using the We& 2%"
)" Junos Pulse will (rom(t the user to u(grade the Junos Pulse client software"

Answer, )

Question ./
What are three &enefits of choosing Junos Pulse for $P7 tunneling? !hoose three"#
A" *nd(oint security is integrated with Junos Pulse"
'" *3P trans(ort methods are availa&le for Windows- Macintosh- and Cinu+ (latforms"
!" W3AM integration is availa&le for Microsoft Windows (latforms"
)" 3u((ort is availa&le for a variety of mo&ile devices"
*" 33C trans(ort methods are availa&le for Cinu+ (latforms"

Answer, A- !- )

Question .9
0ou want to use >ost !hec:er to verify that users have a s(ecific version of a((lication software"
Which two >ost !hec:er rules in the Admin 2% would achieve this? !hoose two"#
A" Predefined 1ul*" ;3 !hec:s
'" !ustom 1ul*" Patch Assessment
!" !ustom 1ul*" 1egistry 3etting
)" !ustom 1ul*" 7et'%;3

Answer, '- !

Question .=
0ou want to restrict role access to only users who have the re6uired client certificate and (ass a
>ost !hec:er (olicy" Which two methods in the Admin 2% would set this restriction? !hoose two"#
A" *na&le the >ost !hec:er and certificate role restrictions"
'" 1e6uire and enforce the >ost !hec:er and certificate authentication (olicies"
!" 2se a custom e+(ression to ma( users to the role &ased on the client certificate and >ost !hec:er
)" 2se 3ecure $irtual Wor:s(ace to restrict access to the role &ased on the client certificate and
>ost !hec:er (olicy"

Answer, A- !

Question .6
0ou want to create a >ost !hec:er (olicy that (revents a user with an A((le i;3 device from
connecting to the networ: if the device limitations im(osed &y A((le have &een altered or removed"
Which >ost !hec:er rule ty(e in the Admin 2% should you create?
A" Predefined 1ul*" Mo&ile 3ecurity 3uite M33#
'" Predefined 1ul*" 1ooting )etection
!" Predefined 1ul*" Jail 'rea:ing )etection
)" Predefined 1ul*" !hec: ;(erating 3ystem

Answer, !

Question .@
A customer re6uires licensing to su((ort a total of 1-??? concurrent users for a new Junos Pulse
3ecure Access 3ervice cluster de(loyment consisting of two nodes" 5he Junos Pulse 3ecure Access
3ervice will run software release @"." What is the minimum license configuration needed to su((ort
this re6uirement?
A" one =??8user A)) on the first node and one =??8user !C license on the second node
'" one 1???8user A)) on the first node and one =??8user !C license on the second node
!" two =??8user A)) licenses- one on each node
)" two 1-???8user A)) licenses distri&uted e6ually across the two nodes

Answer, !

Question .A
0ou would li:e to set u( a meeting using Junos Pulse !olla&oration for the 3ales division tomorrow
morning" %n the user interface- which setting should you select?
A" %nstant Meeting
'" 3u((ort Meeting
!" 3chedule Meeting
)" Join Meeting

Answer, !

Question .E
0ou re6uire all users on the MAG 3eries Junos Pulse Gateways device to connect to the com(any
networ: using client certificates as (art of the authentication" 0ou configure this re6uirement under
2sers H 2ser 1ealms H My1ealm H Auth Policy" For the (resented certificates- you re6uire s(ecific
values in the client certificates" Which three attri&utes would you use at this (oint? !hoose three"#
A" organi<ation
'" country
!" location
)" common name
*" certificate issuer distinguished name

Answer, A- !- )

Question /?
5he Junos Pulse client connects to which two Juni(er 7etwor:s services? !hoose two"#
A" Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice
'" Junos Pulse Access !ontrol 3ervice
!" 2nified 5hreat Management
)" %ntrusion )etection Prevention

Answer, !- )
Question /1
0ou are logged in to the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice on your la(to( using the wired
connection on your doc:ing station" 0ou undoc: your machine and move over to a wireless networ:
and your session does not reconnect" Why did this ha((en?
A" 5he &rowser re6uest follow through was disa&led"
'" 5he roaming session was disa&led"
!" 5he (ersistent session was disa&led"
)" 5he ena&le session e+tension was disa&led"

Answer, '

Question /.
0ou are de(loying a virtual a((liance environment and have installed a Cicense 3erver license on
your MAG 3eries device" %n the Admin 2% of the Cicense 3erver- you attem(t to create a user role
and cannot" What would cause this issue?
A" 5he licensing server must &e ena&led first"
'" 2ser roles are disa&led on the license server"
!" 5he hy&rid licensing server must &e ena&led first"
)" A user role license must &e installed"

Answer, '

Question //
Which two server instances would &e used as secondary authentication servers on the Junos Pulse
3ecure Access 3ervice? !hoose two"#
A" 1A)%23 server
'" anonymous server
!" Active )irectory server
)" certificate server

Answer, A- !

Question /9
Which two statements descri&e the functionality of the client standalone installer? !hoose two"#
A" All Windows clients are availa&le as standalone installers- e+ce(t >ost !hec:er"
'" Juni(er %nstaller 3ervice client de(loyment re6uires administrative (rivileges"
!" Juni(er %nstaller 3ervice client can &e de(loyed using the automated Microsoft 3ystems
Management 3erver 3M3# service"
)" !lients de(loyed using Juni(er %nstaller 3ervice re6uire (ost8installation machine re&oot"

Answer, '- !

Question /=
A com(any needs their users to &e a&le to access Windows terminal servers from a Macintosh ;3 B
or Cinu+ (latform" Which license will satisfy this re6uirement?
A" *nhanced *nd(oint 3ecurity
'" $irtual A((liance
!" Junos Pulse !olla&oration 3uite
)" Premier Java 1)P A((let

Answer, )

Question /6
Which two tas:s would &e (erformed during initial configuration of the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access
3ervice? !hoose two"#
A" !onfigure e+ternal interface"
'" !reate an administrator account"
!" !reate user accounts"
)" !onfigure internal interface"

Answer, '- )

Question /@
A user must communicate with a server8initiated connection through the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access
3ervice" Which access method must &e availa&le to the user for this to &e accom(lished?
A" &rowser8&ased access
'" 7etwor: Cayer access
!" A((lication Cayer access
)" core access

Answer, '

Question /A
Which two (arameters are defined &y a user role that customi<es the a((earance of the start (age?
!hoose two"#
A" file access
'" sign8in (age layout
!" &oo:mar:s
)" &oo:mar: layout

Answer, !- )

Question /E
Which anti8s(yware functionality integrated with >ost !hec:er will detect and remediate Windows
A" !ache !leaner
'" *nhanced *nd(oint 3ecurity
!" !onnection !ontrol
)" 3ecure $irtual Wor:s(ace

Answer, '

Question 9?
Which two elements are (art of a user role? !hoose two"#
A" session (arameters
'" access features
!" %P address assignment
)" authentication server

Answer, A- '
Question 91
0ou are currently the administrator of a networ: which (rovisions secure remote access using the
Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice in an active/(assive cluster" 0ou want to u(grade &oth units in
the cluster to 3oftware 1elease @"." 0ou want to ensure that secure remote access is maintained
during the u(grade" Which feature addresses this concern?
A" !entral Manager
'" !C license
!" %P address ta:eover %PA5#
)" virtual %P $%P#

Answer, A

Question 9.
0ou must create a self8signed certificate during an initial install" What information must you
(rovide? !hoose two"#
A" (u&lic :ey
'" certificate signing re6uest
!" common name
)" organi<ation name

Answer, !- )

Question 9/
0ou want to create a resource (olicy that (ermits access to multi(le We& sites using wildcards"
Which two e+(ressions meet the re6uirements for s(ecifying the resources in this resource (olicy?
!hoose two"#
A" htt(,//site"mycom(any"com
'" htt(,//siteI"mycom(any"com
!" htt(,//siteJ"mycom(any"com
)" htt(,//siteK"mycom(any"com

Answer, '- !

Question 99
Junos Pulse !olla&oration meeting creators want to search for and invite other 3ecure Access
3ervice users to meetings" Which two ty(es of authentication servers would &e used? !hoose two"#
A" local authentication server
'" A)/75 authentication server
!" C)AP authentication server
)" 1A)%23 authentication server

Answer, A- !

Question 9=
%n the Admin 2%- you want to configure We& caching settings within a We& Access resource (olicy"
Which statement is correct?
A" 5he file ty(es e"g"- G%F- JPG- P7G- M;$- MP/# that you want cached are configura&le"
'" 5he threshold in :ilo&ytes of image files that should &e cached &y a client is configura&le"
!" 5he u((er time limit for holding a (age in cache is a configuration o(tion"
)" 5he cachea&le content of a 21C is configura&le"

Answer, '

Question 96
0ou want to sign in to the Admin 2% from the e+ternal interface &ut cannot &ring u( the We& (age"
5he only configuration that has &een accom(lished are the networ: settings" What must &e
configured for you to &ring u( the Admin 2%?
A" 5he %P address of your wor:station must &e added to the allow list"
'" A new 21C must &e created for the We& (age to &e accessed on the e+ternal interface"
!" 5he e+ternal interface must &e ena&led for admin access"
)" 0ou must create a new authentication server for this admin login (age"

Answer, !

Question 9@
What are three valid synta+ configurations when configuring $P7 5unneling Access !ontrol
1esources? !hoose three"#
A" 1?"1"1"?/.9
'" htt(,//1?"1"1"?/.9 !" tc(,//J,A?-99/
)" icm(,//J,A?-99/ *" ud(,//1?"1"1"?/.9

Answer, A- !- *

Question 9A
What are two valid Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice clustering im(lementations? !hoose two"#
A" (assive/(assive
'" active/(assive
!" online/offline
)" active/active

Answer, A- !

Question 9E
Which statement is correct a&out $P7 tunneling clients?
A" 7etwor: !onnect su((orts the use of client certificates on Windows and Cinu+ systems only"
'" 5he Junos Pulse client su((orts the use of client certificates on Windows systems only"
!" 7etwor: !onnect su((orts the use of client certificates on smart (hones and P)As"
)" Junos Pulse su((orts the use of client certificates on i;3 and Android ;3 devices"

Answer, )

Question =?
Which three elements are re6uired to de(loy the 3ervice Provider *dition 3P*# virtual a((liance?
!hoose three"#
A" a MAG 3eries device acting as license server
'" user su&scri(tion licensing
!" a server that hosts the virtual a((liances
)" C)AP authentication
*" )evice Management %nterface )M%#

Answer, A- '- !
Question =1
0ou must (erform daily &ac:u( o(erations of logging information as well as configuration" What
should you choose in the Admin 2% to achieve this?
A" 3yslog
'" Cocal 'ac:u(s
!" 37MP
)" Archiving 3ervers

Answer, )

Question =.
A user is currently not a&le to sign in to the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice" C)AP
authentication is currently configured for all users" 0ou run a 5!P dum( during the authentication
attem(t and notice that the res(onse from the C)AP server lists result!od*" invalid!redentials 9E#"
Which ty(e of issue is the user e+(eriencing?
A" authentication
'" authori<ation
!" resource (olicy
)" role restriction

Answer, A

Question =/
A We& site is availa&le to all users &ut it does not dis(lay correctly when using &asic We& access"
0ou want to (rovide an alternate method for accessing the We& site through the Junos Pulse 3ecure
Access 3ervice while continuing to (rovide all other We& content using &asic We& access" %n the
Admin 2%- which two actions must &e (erformed for users to access the We& site? !hoose two"#
A" !reate a We& Pro+y (olicy"
'" !reate a )o 7ot 1ewrite 3elective 1ewrite (olicy"
!" !onfigure Junos Pulse to (rovision Cayer / access"
)" !onfigure a (ro+y connection on your &rowser"

Answer, '- !

Question =9
0ou must (lan the de(loyment of Junos Pulse to hundreds of end users on various client (latforms
including Windows la(to(s- smart(hones running Google Android- and iPad users" What are three
delivery methods that you would use to com(lete this tas:? !hoose three"#
A" 2sers can connect to the 3ecure Access Gateway We& (ortal and install Junos Pulse from the
start (age"
'" 0ou can distri&ute a default installer to end(oints- install it- and let users create their own
!" 0ou can configure a >ost !hec:er (olicy to detect if Junos Pulse is installed and deliver the
installation to the end(oint during (re8authentication"
)" 3mart(hone users can download the Junos Pulse installer from the mo&ile a((lication section of
the We& (ortal start (age"
*" 0ou can create an "msi installer that contains connection settings and services along with the
Junos Pulse installer and deliver this to end(oints using a software distri&ution (rocess"

Answer, A- '- *

Question ==
0our customer re6uires some users to &e ma((ed to a s(ecific role" 5he Active )irectory A)#
administrator fre6uently changes users from one A) grou( to another" Which role ma((ing rule
ty(e should you use?
A" the userGs grou( mem&ershi( returned &y the realmGs authentication server
'" the result of a host chec: rule for machine certificate
!" the authentication realm accessed
)" the userGs username and 7et'%;3 name

Answer, A

Question =6
As an administrator- what would you do to synchroni<e the state after configuring a license server
on a virtual a((lication?
A" Pull the leasing state from the license server on the virtual a((liance"
'" !o(y the leasing state from the license server on the virtual a((liance"
!" Push the leasing state from the license server to the virtual a((liance"
)" Post the leasing state from the license server to the virtual a((liance"

Answer, A

Question =@
0ou are im(lementing several >ost !hec:er (olicies on your users- however- you must &loc: access
to a s(ecific We& server when users fail one s(ecific >ost !hec:er (olicy" Which >ost !hec:er
im(lementation allows you to satisfy this re6uirement?
A" %m(lement your >ost !hec:er (olicy as an initial (olicy (re sign8in#"
'" %m(lement your >ost !hec:er (olicy at the authentication realm to evaluate only"
!" %m(lement >ost !hec:er (olicies at the user role where the users with different We& access
re6uirements &elong to different roles with different >ost !hec:er (olicies defined"
)" %m(lement a We& access resource (olicy that contains a detailed rule with conditions on s(ecific
>ost !hec:er (olicies as conditions for access"

Answer, )

Question =A
0ou are (erforming initial configuration ste(s on a MAG 3eries Junos Pulse 3ervice Gateway using
the serial ca&le that came with the a((liance" 0ou have connected one end of the ca&le to the serial
(ort on a P! and you need to connect the other end to the a((liance" 5here are several (orts on the
front of the MAG 3eries chassis" Which (ort must you use?
A" 23' (ort
'" serial terminal (ort
!" A?
)" console (ort

Answer, )

Question =E
Which statement a&out Pu&lic Dey %nfrastructure PD%# is true?
A" PD% negotiates a secure connection &etween a client and a server"
'" PD% s(ecifies the use of a shared :ey"
!" PD% uses digital certificates to &ind (u&lic :eys to an entity"
)" PD% re6uires the use of a certificate authority and a registration authority"

Answer, !

Question 6?
0ou are as:ed to de(loy Windows 1)P# and !itri+ terminal services for a large financial firm" 5he
customer re6uests that you ena&le role terminal service security settings" %n the Admin 2%- which
two restriction settings a((ly? !hoose two"#
A" !ontrol access to (rinters
'" !ontrol wireless machine interface
!" !ontrol client access to e+ternal drives
)" )eny access to ;racle *+(ense re(orting a((lication

Answer, A- !
Question 61
Which statement descri&es how the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice (rocesses coo:ies?
A" 5he device interce(ts all coo:ies sent &y internal servers and re(laces them with session coo:ies"
'" 5he device interce(ts all coo:ies sent &y Junos Pulse clients and re(laces them with session
!" 5he device interce(ts all coo:ies sent &y internal servers and re(laces them with (ersistent
)" 5he device interce(ts all coo:ies sent &y internal servers &ased on the defined We& !aching

Answer, A

Question 6.
0ou have 4ust created a >ost !hec:er (olicy that limits role access to only users who sign in with
com(any8issued com(uters" All users who do not (ass the (olicy will &e remediated to a different
role with fewer features" Which two ste(s in the Admin 2% must you configure to enforce the
(olicy? !hoose two"#
A" For the >ost !hec:er Authentication Policy- choose L1e6uire and *nforceM"
'" For the >ost !hec:er Authentication Policy- choose L*valuate PoliciesM"
!" For the >ost !hec:er 1ole 1estriction- allow all users"
)" For the >ost !hec:er 1ole 1estriction- allow only users who meet the selected >ost !hec:er

Answer, '- )

Question 6/
What are two characteristics of active/active clustering? !hoose two"#
A" clustering of u( to four nodes
'" load &alancing
!" cluster synchroni<ation using the e+ternal (ort
)" failover using a virtual %P $%P# address

Answer, A- '

Question 69
%n the Admin 2%- which two connection ty(es are in a Junos Pulse connection set? !hoose two"#
A" 33C $P7 or 2A! C/#
'" 7etscreen Firewall !" 2A! A?."1B#
)" iPass Mo&ile !onnect

Answer, A- !

Question 6=
0ou are attem(ting to sign in to the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice and receive the error- 0ou
are not allowed to sign in" Which two restrictions would cause this issue? !hoose two"#
A" 0ou are missing a re6uired client certificate"
'" 5he administrator forgot to assign you any roles"
!" 0ou are not allowed to access resources"
)" 0ou ty(ed an invalid username or (assword"

Answer, A- '

Question 66
0ou are as:ed to add another gateway to an e+isting three8unit 3A cluster" Which two actions
should you (erform? !hoose two"#
A" Add a new cluster mem&er- %P addresses- and default gateways under the e+isting cluster
'" 2(grade the new cluster mem&er to match the same software release of the cluster"
!" 3et the e+isting cluster to active/(assive state"
)" !onfigure cluster name- cluster (assword- and e+isting mem&er address on the new cluster

Answer, A- )

Question 6@
A customer wants to im(lement B"=?E certificate authentication on their users" 5hey want to e+tract
the username from each certificate for accounting and single sign8on (ur(oses" 5he correct
username synta+ lies within the common name (ortion of the certificateGs su&4ect field" Which
username tem(late should you use on the certificate authentication serverGs configuration?
A" Ncert)7"!7H
'" Ncert)7"37H
!" NcertAttr"alt7ame"!7H
)" NcertAttr"alt7ame"37H

Answer, A

Question 6A
>ow are We& access (olicies (rocessed &y the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice?
A" We& access (olicies are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for the first match"
'" We& access (olicies are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for the last match"
!" We& access (olicies are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for the &est match"
)" We& access (olicies are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for all (ossi&le matches"

Answer, A

Question 6E
0ou want to ensure that untrusted com(uters that connect the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice
have residual data removed after the user session is com(lete" Which two *nd(oint 3ecurity
features in the Admin 2% achieve this? !hoose two"#
A" !ache !leaner
'" >ost !hec:er
!" 3ecure $irtual Wor:s(ace 3$W#
)" *nhanced *nd(oint 3ecurity **3#

Answer, A- !

Question @?
What does Junos Pulse !olla&oration (rovide?
A" grou( instant messaging services
'" We&8&ased meeting services
!" cor(orate file sharing services
)" conference call services

Answer, !
Question @1
0ou are the (resenter of a Junos Pulse !olla&oration meeting and attendees indicate that the
(resentation seems to have a (ro&lem with color 6uality" >ow would you resolve this issue?
A" 3to( sharing the a((lication and try to reshare again"
'" *na&le 5rue !olor Presentations in the meeting"
!" 1e&oot the MAG 3eries device"
)" *na&le 5rue !olor Presentations glo&ally"

Answer, )

Question @.
0ou are configuring the Junos Pulse client to &e installed and launched the first time the user logs in
to the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice start (age" What should you do?
A" 2nder the 2ser 1ole H $P7 5unnelingO select Junos Pulse and Auto8launch"
'" 2nder Junos Pulse H !onnectionsO your connection set- select )ynamic connections"
!" 2nder Junos Pulse H !onnectionsO create a connection set of the 3A or %! ty(e" 5he client will &e
installed and e+ecuted automatically"
)" 2nder Junos Pulse H !om(onentsO your com(onent set- select All com(onents"

Answer, A

Question @/
Which Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice element controls the location awareness rules settings for
the Junos Pulse client?
A" Junos Pulse com(onent set
'" Junos Pulse connection set
!" 2ser role restrictions
)" 2ser role session o(tions

Answer, '

Question @9
5he Junos Pulse client for iPad su((orts which three ty(es of host chec:s? !hoose three"#
A" 4ail&rea: detection
'" virus detection ena&led
!" o(erating system version
)" Mo&ile 3ecurity 3uite M33# registration
*" firewall ena&led

Answer, A- !- )

Question @=
0ou are as:ed to (erform an automatic two8unit cluster u(grade" Which action must you (erform?
A" 1emove the &ac:u( node from the cluster (rior to u(grading the code"
'" 2(grade &oth cluster nodes to the new software release"
!" )elete all active user sessions"
)" 2se !entral Manager to (erform the cluster u(grade"

Answer, )

Question @6
Which se6uence descri&es the (rocessing order when a user authenticates to a Junos Pulse 3ecure
Access 3ervice?
A" sign8in (olicies- roles- authentication realms- resource (olicies
'" sign8in (olicies- authentication realms- resource (olicies- roles
!" sign8in (olicies- resource (olicies- roles- authentication realms
)" sign8in (olicies- authentication realms- roles- resource (olicies

Answer, )

Question @@
A Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice has a device certificate issued for sa"(ulse"local" 2sers
accessing sales"(ulse"local and finance"(ulse"local receive a certificate warning any time they access
the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice" As an administrator- which two actions would resolve the
issue? !hoose two"#
A" %nstall a wildcard certificate for J"(ulse"local"
'" 1emove the sa"(ulse"local device certificate"
!" %nstall certificates for sales"(ulse"local and finance"(ulse"local on the same interface"
)" Coad multi(le server certificates one for each hostname#- and create a virtual (ort to associate
the s(ecific 21C"

Answer, A- )

Question @A
Which two features does the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice offer that enhance security on the
cor(orate networ:? !hoose two"#
A" enforcement of end(oint com(liance
'" secure ;3PF routing
!" firewall filtering
)" su((ort for multi(le client ty(es

Answer, '- !

Question @E
What are two o(erational functions of the $P7 5unneling client? !hoose two"#
A" %t (rovides the a&ility to select a((lications that use a tunneling service"
'" %t su((orts dual trans(ort modes- *3P or 33C
!" %t su((orts Windows domain single sign8on"
)" %t re6uires We& &rowser8&ased user authentication"

Answer, '- !

Question A?
0ou want to use canonical formats to s(ecify the following resource for a resource (olicy,
Which directory (ath matches this resource?
A" 1"1"1"1,A?/em(loyee/(ayroll/data"html
'" www"hostname"com,A?/em(loyee/(ayroll/data"html
!" 1"1"1"1,A?/em(loyee/data"html
)" www"hostname"com,A?/data"html

Answer, !
Question A1
>ow are user role8ma((ing rules (rocessed &y the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice gateway?
A" All rules are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for the &est match" %f no match is found- the user is
not allowed to sign in to the realm"
'" All rules are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for the &est match" %f no match is found- the user is
assigned to the default role"
!" All rules are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for all eligi&le matches" %f no match is found- the
user is not allowed to sign into the realm"
)" All rules are (rocessed in a to(8down fashion for all eligi&le matches" %f no match is found- the
user is assigned to the default role"

Answer, !

Question A.
0ou want to create a (olicy that grants access only to the server 1"1"1"1 directory called 3ales and
access inside that directory only to "doc files" Which two (olicies will satisfy the re6uirement?
!hoose two"#
A" P1"1"1"1salesJ"doc '" P1"1"1"1salesI"doc
!" P1"1"1"1IsalesIJ"doc )" P1"1"1"1JI"doc

Answer, A- '

Question A/
0ou are as:ed to set u( Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice in a high availa&ility- active/active
cluster configuration" %n the Admin 2%- which two cluster settings are availa&le? !hoose two"#
A" %nternal $%P
'" Mem&er 7ame
!" 3ynchroni<e user8defined &oo:mar:s
)" 3ynchroni<e log messages

Answer, '- )

Question A9
A 7etwor: !onnect 7!# user attem(ts to start a $P7 tunnel and receives the error message shown
L5he secure gateway denied the connection re6uest from this clientM" What are two reasons why this
error would occur? !hoose two"#
A" 5here is no %P address (ool defined for the userGs role in the 7! !onnection Profile"
'" A firewall is &loc:ing access &etween the client and 3ecure Access Gateway"
!" 5he )>!P server configured to assign %P Addresses in the 7! !onnection Profile is not
)" A )73 (rofile has not &een configured in the 7! !onnection Profile"

Answer, A- !

Question A=
0ou are de(loying a $P7 tunneling client and are as:ed to configure a restrictive set of tunneling
(olicies" %n the Admin 2%- which two $P7 5unneling role settings a((ly? !hoose two"#
A" 3(lit 5unneling
'" $P7 5unneling Access !ontrol
!" 1oute Monitor
)" !onnection 3ettings

Answer, A- !

Question A6
Which two ty(es of traffic does the >ost !hec:er connection control (olicy &loc: on the client?
!hoose two"#
A" all incoming 5!P traffic
'" all outgoing 5!P traffic
!" all outgoing )73 traffic
)" all incoming 2)P traffic

Answer, A- )

Question A@
!ertain users within your organi<ation have an C)AP attri&ute named userAttr"*m(loyeeCevel"
0ou want to ma( these users to a s(ecific role if the value of the attri&ute is 6= or higher" %n the
Admin 2%- which role ma((ing rule ty(e will (erform this o(eration?
A" 2sername
'" Grou( Mem&ershi(
!" !ustom *+(ression
)" !ertificate Attri&ute

Answer, !

Question AA
5he MAG 3eries Junos Pulse Gateway (rovides which three functions? !hoose three"#
A" dee( (ac:et ins(ection
'" centrali<ed (olicy management
!" dynamic routing
)" chec: com(liance
*" authenticate users

Answer, '- )- *

Question AE
Which three descri&e clustering on the MAG 3eries Junos Pulse Gateway? !hoose three"#
A" load &alancing
'" configuration synchroni<ation
!" aggregate interfaces
)" high availa&ility
*" WA7 su((ort

Answer, A- '- )

Question E?
Which two statements descri&e the !ontent %ntermediation *ngine !%*#? !hoose two"#
A" 5he !%* is res(onsi&le for the redirect function"
'" 5he !%* is res(onsi&le for (rocessing incoming re6uests and outgoing content"
!" 5he !%* rewrites We& content"
)" 5he !%* rewrites a((lication content using Junos Pulse"

Answer, '- !
Question E1
What does 3ecure $irtual Wor:s(ace 3$W# (rovide?
A" a virtual des:to( on a client des:to(
'" (rotected file storage on a remote server
!" a (rotected wor:s(ace on a client virtual machine
)" a (rotected wor:s(ace on the client des:to(

Answer, '

Question E.
Which three actions are (erformed when configuring W3AM for Junos Pulse? !hoose three"#
A" !onfigure a W3AM resource (rofile"
'" *na&le route monitor in the user role"
!" *na&le Junos Pulse in the 2ser role"
)" !onfigure a Junos Pulse client connection and com(onent set"
*" 2nder the user role- 3AM- select the Auto8launch 3ecure A((lication Manager &o+"

Answer, A- !- )

Question E/
1emote access users must maintain connectivity to (rinters on their local networ: when they launch
their $P7 tunnel and are connected with s(lit tunneling disa&led" %n the Admin 2%- which $P7
5unneling setting would allow this?
A" *na&le 5unnel routes under 1oute Precedence"
'" *na&le 1oute Monitor"
!" *na&le *nd(oint routes under 1oute Precedence"
)" )isa&le 1oute Monitor"

Answer, !

Question E9
Which (latform su((orts the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice?
A" MB 3eries
'" 31B 3eries
!" MAG 3eries
)" *B 3eries

Answer, A

Question E=
0ou have 4ust launched a meeting using Junos Pulse !olla&oration" 0ou e+amine the !olla&oration
tool&ar and notice several &uttons" Which three features are availa&le? !hoose three"#
A" $oice
'" !hat
!" Annotation
)" 2(load File
*" Meeting %nfo

Answer, '- !- *

Question E6
Which two statements a&out certificate8&ased authentication are true? !hoose two"#
A" !ertificate8&ased user authentication re6uires ;!3P with !1C as a &ac:u("
'" !ertificate8&ased user authentication re6uires !1C"
!" !ertificate8&ased authentication might re6uire user in(ut during the login (rocess"
)" !ertificate attri&utes can &e used to assign users to roles"

Answer, !- )

Question E@
0ou are as:ed to configure enter(rise We& services access" %n the Admin 2%- which two We& role
actions a((ly? !hoose two"#
A" Add &oo:mar:s"
'" Allow automount shares"
!" Auto8launch 3ecure A((lication Manager"
)" Mas: host names while &rowsing"

Answer, A- )

Question EA
0ou have configured a We& 1esource Profile to allow access to your com(anyGs %ntranet site and
assigned the We& role to the (rofile" A &oo:mar: to the site was configured and will &e dis(layed on
the userGs start (age" 0ou also ena&led the We& 21C &rowse &ar" 0ou did not modify any of the
default auto8allow (olicies" What will users in the We& role &e a&le to access?
A" 2sers will not &e a&le to access any We& sites"
'" 2sers will have access to any We& site in the domain"
!" 2sers will only have access to the &oo:mar: on the start (age"
)" 2sers will need the administrator to create additional &oo:mar:s to access other sites"

Answer, '

Question EE
0ou want to create a $P7 tunneling role that allows access to the cor(orate networ: &ut still allows
users to access the %nternet outside of the $P7 tunnel" %n the Admin 2%- which $P7 tunneling
(olicy must you configure?
A" Access !ontrol
'" !onnection Profile
!" 'andwidth Management
)" 3(lit85unneling 7etwor:s

Answer, )

Question 1??
Which two statements are true a&out ;nline !ertificate 3tatus Protocol ;!3P#? !hoose two"#
A" ;!3P (rovides real8time certificate verification"
'" 5he 1evocation !hec:ing o(tion must &e disa&led in ;!3P"
!" ;!3P must have the Allow !loc: )iscre(ancy field set to <ero"
)" 5he Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice is an ;!3P client"

Answer, A- )
Question 1?1
2sers access the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice from home using a s(ecific connection" When
the same users access secured resources in the office- they must connect to the Junos Pulse Access
!ontrol 3ervice using a different connection" 0ou want to ma:e the user connection automatic when
they launch Junos Pulse" Which Junos Pulse feature should you configure?
A" !onnection Awareness
'" Cocation Awareness
!" Cocation 3ervices
)" !onnection 3ervices

Answer, '

Question 1?.
0ou are as:ed to configure a userGs &oo:mar: (age to (resent the a((ro(riate customer8facing
cor(orate &randing" Which two user interface role configurations a((ly? !hoose two"#
A" cor(orate logo image
'" cor(orate font ty(e
!" te+t color
)" Flash video message

Answer, A- !

Question 1?/
A customer wants to verify that users satisfy a minimum Windows o(erating system and service
(ac: 3P# level" Which ty(e of end(oint security (olicy would &e the sim(lest way to verify this?
A" 2se a >ost !hec:er (olicy with a rule ty(e of LPredefine)" ;3 !hec:s"M
'" 2se a >ost !hec:er (olicy with a rule ty(e of L!ustom, Patch Assessment"M
!" 2se a realm authentication (olicy to verify user8agent strings sent &y the userGs &rowser"
)" 2se a role restriction (olicy to verify user8agent strings sent &y the userGs &rowser"

Answer, A

Question 1?9
%n a 3AMC (rofile- which two 33; methods are used to communicate with the 3AMC server?
!hoose two"#
A" Push
'" Artifact
!" Pull
)" Post

Answer, '- )

Question 1?=
0ou are configuring a We& resource (olicy and you want to ensure that a user can only access the
21C htt(,//intranet"e+am(le"com/em(loyees and e+actly one level &elow /em(loyees" Which (olicy
will satisfy this re6uirement?
A" htt(,//intranet"e+am(le"com/em(loyees/J/?
'" htt(,//intranet"e+am(le"com/em(loyees/J
!" htt(,//intranet"e+am(le"com/em(loyees/?
)" htt(,//intranet"e+am(le"com/em(loyees/I

Answer, )

Question 1?6
0ou have 4ust u(graded the Junos Pulse 3ecure Access 3ervice- &ut now >ost !hec:er is not
o(erational" >ost !hec:er functioned normally &efore the u(grade" Which >ost !hec:er setting
should you verify is ena&led in the Admin 2%?
A" Perform dynamic (olicy reevaluation
'" *nd(oint 3ecurity Assessment Plug8%n *3AP# versions
!" Auto8u(date virus signatures list
)" Auto8u(grade >ost !hec:er

Answer, )

Question 1?@
What are three reasons for using certificates? !hoose three"#
A" for role ma((ing
'" to ac6uire an %P address
!" for server authentication
)" for user authentication
*" for *3P negotiation

Answer, A- !- )

Question 1?A
Which three statements descri&e virtual des:to(s?
A" $irtual des:to(s ena&le users to run (ersonal com(uter instances on a remote central server"
'" $irtual des:to(s remove wor:s(ace data when a session ends"
!" $irtual des:to(s (rovide a real8time malware scan and remove the malware if detected"
)" $irtual des:to(s lower administrative- su((ort- and hardware costs associated with individual
*" $irtual des:to( su((ort includes !itri+ Ben)es:to("

Answer, A- )- *

Question 1?E
Q *+hi&it Q
live Q R1.@"?"?"1S 1oot,,3ystem#RS Q Cicense 3erver Protocol *rror, !odeT?U./# *rrorTM7o 3uch
Q *+hi&it Q
1eferring to the e+hi&it- which two statements are correct? !hoose two"# 5he lease client %) is not
yet registered to the licensing server"
A" 5he lease client %) does not match to the one configured on the licensing server"
'" 5he lease client %) is not configured on the licensing server"
!" 5he time difference on the lease client and licensing server is more than /6?? seconds"

Answer, '- !

Question 11?
*+hi&it Q

After (erforming the initial configuration- you &rowse to the Admin sign8in (age for the first time
and a certificate error is dis(layed as shown in the e+hi&it" What is causing this error?
5he device is using a self8signed certificate"
A" 5he device is using an 33C certificate that has e+(ired"
'" 5he device certificate is using an invalid ci(her"
!" 5he device certificate authority has &een revo:ed"

Answer, A

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