Electronics Engineering Pre-Board 1

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Electronics Engineering 1

1. The resonant circuit of a tuned collector transistor oscillator has a resonant

frequency of 5MHz. If the value of capacitance is increased by 50! calculate the
ne" resonant frequency.
#a$ %.& MHz #b$ '.'' MHz #c$ (.0) MHz #d$ 11.%5 MHz
%. *ind the frequency in +ilocycles per second in the ar,ature of a 10-pole 1!%00
rp, generator.
#a$ 10 #b$ 0.1 #c$ 100 #d$ 1000
'. The e.act relative per,ittivity of air is
#a$ 1.0000& (b) 1.0006 #c$ 1.00& #d$ 1.0&
(. /t roo, te,perature! a silicon crystal acts appro.i,ately li+e a0an
(a) Insulator #b$ 1e,iconductor #c$ 2onductor #d$ 1uperconductor
5. 3hich co,ponent cannot be fabricated into I24s5
#a$ 6iode #b$ 7esistor (c) Inductor #d$ Transistor
&. 2lass of ,ass ,e,ory devices that use a laser bea, to "rite and read unto a
specified coated dis+.
#a$ Mass 1torage #b$7/M #c) Optical Disk Memory #d$ 167/M
8. 3hich of the follo"ing cannot be used to ,a+e a ,agnet5
#a$ 2obalt #b$ 2arbon #c$ Iron #d$ 9odestone
). 6eter,ine ho" long a battery "ill last "hose rating is 100/h: %( volts and "ill
run a '00 "atts electronic equip,ent and 50 "atts light.
#a$ %&.&5 hours #b$ &.)5 hours #c$ 50.05 hours #d$ 1% hours
;. 3hat is the progra, used to enter a progra, into the co,puter ,e,ory5
#a$ 2o,piler #b$ 1ubroutine #c$ 9oader #d$ 2o,piler
10. /n electronic co,ponent that is non-linear resistor and its resistance is a function
of the voltage across it.
#a$ *il, resistor #b$ varistor #c$ thyristor #d$ varactor
11. / certain <ener diode has a ,a.i,u, po"er rating of (00 ,3 at 50 degrees
2entigrade and a derating factor of '.% , 30degree 2entigrade. 6eter,ine the
,a.i,u, po"er the zener can dissipate at te,perature of ;0 degrees 2entigrade.
#a$ 1%) ,3 #b$ %8% ,3 #c$ (00,3 #d$ 5(( M"
1%. =ne of the follo"ing is the ,ost outstanding advantage of 2M=1.
#a$ *requency co,pensation by internal feedbac+.
#b$ >one of the fabrication ,aterials are to.ic.
#c$ 9o" i,pedance input and output levels.
#d$ 1i,plicity in fabrication process and lo" po"er.
1'. / *ield-Effect Transistor #*ET$
#a$ Had ,ore ter,inals co,pared to ?@T.
#b$ Is a voltage-controlled device
#c$ Has a single charged carrier
#d$ /lso ha an active region
1(. 3hich of the follo"ing characterizes 2o,pli,entary Metal-=.ide
1e,iconductor #2M=1$ logic5
#a$ A-channel *ETs#b$ ?ipolar *ETs
#c$ >-channel *ETs #d$ ?oth A-channel and >-channel *ETs
15. 3hat is the ,ost influential factor in the s"itching speed of saturated ?ipolar
#a$ 2ollector current #b$ h*E #c$ E,itter current #d$ ?ase current
1&. 3hat do you called the pheno,enon "hich occurs in an electrical circuit "hen
the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive reactance.
#a$ 7eactive equilibriu, #b$ 7esonance #c$ High B #d$ 7eactive B At.
18. 3hat do you call the oscillator circuit that uses tapped coil tuned circuit5
#a$ 2lapp #b$ 2olpitts #c$ Aierce #d$ Hartley
1). There are four identical resistors #7$! t"o resistors in parallel are in series
connection "ith the other resistor also connected in parallel! if one resistor "as
opened in the first pair and the other one "as shorted on the other pair! the total
resistance is5
#a$ 70% #b$ %7 #c$ '70% #d$ 7
1;. T"o diodes are place in series reverse to each other! if this is connected to a load
resistance i,pressed and a 5 volt supply. 3hich of the follo"ing state,ent is
#a$ Coltage across the diode is 5 volts. #c$ The t"o diodes has infinite resistance
#b$ >either diode "ill conduct #d$ load resistor has infinite current
%0. 3hat is the effect in ter,s of band"idth "hen B of a single-tune stage is
#a$ The sa,e #b$ doubled #c$ halved #d$ four ti,es
%1. /n ideal voltage source and an internal resistance is an e.a,ple of the
#a$ Ideal appro.i,ation
#c$ Higher appro.i,ation
#b$ 1econd appro.i,ation
#d$ E.act ,odel
%%. /n ideal current source has infinite internal resistance and a real current source
#a$ <ero internal resistance
#b$ Infinite internal resistance
#c$ / s,all internal resistance
#d$ / large internal resistance
%'. Thevenin4s theore, replaces a co,plicated circuit facing a load by an
#a$ Ideal voltage source and parallel resistor
#b$ Ideal current source and parallel resistor
#c$ Ideal voltage source and series resistor
#d$ Ideal current source and series resistor
%(. >orton4s theore, replaces a co,plicated circuit facing a load by an
#a$ Ideal voltage source and parallel resistor
#b$ Ideal current source and parallel resistor
#c$ Ideal voltage source and series resistor
#d$ Ideal current source and series resistor
%5. 3hen a large sine "ave drives a 1ch,itt trigger! the output is a
#a$ 7ectangular "ave
#b$ Triangular "ave
#c$ 7ectified sine "ave
#d$ 1eries of ra,ps
%&. *or e,itter bias! the voltage across the e,itter resistor is the sa,e as the voltage
bet"een the e,itter and the ground. *or e,itter bias! the voltage at the e,itter is
0.8 C less than the DDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ ?ase voltage
#b$ E,itter voltage
#c$ 2ollector voltage
#d$ Eround voltage
%8. Coltage divider bias is noted for its stable B point! "ith C6? the base voltage is
#a$ 9ess than the base supply voltage
#b$ Equal to the base supply voltage
#c$ Ereater than the base supply voltage
#d$ Ereater than the collector supply voltage
%). The current gain of a pnp transistor is the ratio of collector current to base current.
3hich is the largest current in a pnp transistor5
#a$ ?ase current
#b$ E,itter current
#c$ 2ollector current
#d$ >one of these
%;. Aush-pull is al,ost al"ays used "ith 2lass ? /,plifier! one advantage of 2lass ?
#a$ Cery s,all quiescent current drain
#b$ Ma.i,u, efficiency of 8).5 percent
#c$ Ereater efficiency than class /
#d$ /ll of the above
#e$ >one of the above
'0. In a class / a,plifier! the collector current flo"s for the entire cycle. 3ith 2lass
/ a,plifier the output signal should be DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ Fnclipped
#b$ 2lipped on positive voltage pea+
#c$ 2lipped on negative voltage pea+
#d$ 2lipped on negative current pea+
#e$ /l"ays clipped on both positive and negative pea+.
'1. The easiest "ay to bias a @*ET in the oh,ic region is "ith voltage-divider bias!
self-biasing the @*ET produces a DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ Aositive feedbac+
#b$ >egative feedbac+
#c$ *or"ard feedbac+
#d$ 7everse feedbac+
'%. Trans-conductance is ,easured in ,hos or 1ie,ens. It indicates ho" effectively
the input voltage controls the DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ Coltage gain
#b$ Input resistance
#c$ 1upply voltage
#d$ =utput current
''. 3hat usually controls the open-loop cutoff frequency of an op a,p5
#a$ 1tray-"iring capacitance
#b$ ?ase-e,itter capacitance
#c$ 2ollector-base capacitance
#d$ 2o,pensating capacitance
'(. If the unity-gain frequency is 5 MHz and the ,id-band open-loop voltage gain is
%00!000! the cutoff frequency is
#a$ %5 Hz
#b$ 1 MHz
#c$ 1.5 MHz
#d$ 15 MHz
'5. /n 9*158/ is a
#a$ 6ifferential a,p
#b$ 1ource follo"er
#c$ ?ipolar op a,p
#d$ ?I*ET op a,p
'&. The non-inverting a,plifier has a large closed- loop input i,pedance. The closed-
loop voltage gain of an inverting a,plifier equals DDDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ The ratio of the input resistance to the feedbac+ resistance
#b$ The open-loop voltage gain
#c$ The feedbac+ resistance divided by the input resistance
#d$ The input resistance
'8. In a co,,on blac+ and "hite 1%G television set po"er supply section! the lo"
voltage supplies the audio! sync! I* a,plifier and 7* a,plifier sections. The high
voltage supplies the fly-bac+. 3hat is the high voltage ,easure,ent in the fly-
bac+ that illu,inates the 27T5
#a$ %& +ilovolts #b$ 15 +ilovolts #c$ %% +ilovolts #d$ 1) +ilovolts
'). / co,,on blac+ and "hite 1%G dead set television indicates that there is a
regulator output that is o+ay! but there is no raster! and there is no picture. In
trouble-shooting this ,eans that the high voltage supply is the culprit. The
regulator output "ith heat sin+ #transistor4s collector$! the supplied voltage ?H
equals to 1% volts. 3hat BH "ill you ,easure if it is a colored television set5
#a$ 1% volts #b$ () volts #c$ ;& volts #d$ 115 volts
';. 3hat is the po"er factor in "hen the i,pedance of the circuit is 11.% oh,s and
the resistance is ten oh,s5
#a$ 8;.' #b$ )0 #c$ );.' #d$ 8;
(0. Ma.i,u, po"er is transferred fro, a generator to a load "hen the load
i,pedance #<9$ is equal to the generator i,pedance #<E$.
#a$ The state,ent is false #b$ the state,ent is true
#c$ Maybe #d$ I don4t +no" the ans"er
(1. Fsing a solar panel syste, as an alternative po"er source! during a cold snap! a
1500 "att electric heater runs continuously for ) hours. 3hat "ill be the cost of
electric service if it is co,,ercially billed 10 centavos per +ilo"att-hour5
#a$ I1.50 #b$ 1.%0 pesos #c$ 17 1.'0 #d$ 1.%5 Ahp
(%. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD is used to create a virtual dis+ drive in 7/M. The virtual
dis+ si,ulates the operation of a dis+ drive using 7/M rather than the ,agnetic
surface of the dis+ to hold the files.
#a$ 7/M67ICE.EJE #b$ 7/M67ICE.1K1
#c$ 7/M67ICE.FTI9 #d$ 7/M67ICE.EJT
('. / non-volatile ,e,ory "here the infor,ation is not lost even if the po"er is
turned off.
#a$ 7ando, /ccess Me,ory #c$ 167/M
#b$ 7ead =nly Me,ory #d$ Ari,ary storage ,e,ory
((. In early co,puters li+e A2-JT! it is nor,ally s,aller in size and used for
te,porary storage of active infor,ation such as the =perating 1yste, of the
co,puter! the progra, that is currently being e.ecuted and the data that are being
processed. 3hich ,e,ory unit is it5
#a$ 1econdary 1torage Me,ory #c$ Ari,ary 1torage Me,ory
#b$ Tertiary 1torage Me,ory #d$ 9oss 1torage Me,ory
(5. / single phase! half "ave rectifier is used to supply po"er to a load of i,pedance
10 oh,s fro, %'0 volts! 50 Hertz ac supply at a firing angle of '0 degree.
2alculate the average value of voltage.
#a$ ;&.'5 volts #b$ 15) volts #c$ )8 volts #d$ )&.'5 volts
(&. In question nu,ber (5 calculate the load current.
#a$ 1).5 / #b$ 1;.& / #c$ ;.& / #d$ 10.5 /
(8. / three phase four pole induction ,otor is operating on an input frequency of 85
Hertz and slip of (. If the rotor resistance referred to stator is 1 oh,! calculate
the torque developed by ,otor. /ssu,e a three phase voltage of (15 Colts.
#a$ &800 synchronous "atts #b$ &)); synchronous "atts
#c$ 8000 synchronous "atts #d$ &;); synchronous "atts
(). 3hat is the rotor frequency in the previous question5
#a$ 8.5 Hertz #b$ 1.5 Hertz #c$ ' Hertz #d$ 50 Hertz
(;. If a diode is connected in anti-parallel to a thyristor as its integral part then the
resulting co,bination is called DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ 7everse ?rea+do"n Thyristor
#b$ 7everse 2onducting Thyristor
#c$ /valanche Coltage of Thyristor
#d$ Aea+ Inverse Coltage of Thyristor
50. / triac is a bidirectional thyristor. It incorporates t"o thyristors in a single chip
device and the co,plete unit is controlled byL
#a$ Ter,inal / #b$ Ter,inal ? #c$ Eate #d$ 6rain
51. 3hen the positive #H$ ter,inal of a battery is connected to the negative #-$
ter,inal of the ne.t battery the total equivalent voltage is called DDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ 1eries-opposing voltage #b$ Aarallel-opposing voltage
#c$ Aarallel-aiding voltage #d$ 1eries-aiding voltage
5%. 3hat is the 104s co,ple,ent of 01%';)5
#a$ ;%'(08 #b$ ;)801' #c$ ;)8&0% #d$ ;%'(5&
5'. Eive the %4s co,pli,ent of 1101100.
#a$ 1110011 #b$ 0010100 #c$ 0010011 #d$ 1110001
5(. In "hat year does Eeorge ?oole introduced a syste,atic treat,ent of logic and
developed for this purpose on algebraic syste, no" called ?oolean algebra.
#a$ 1)'( #b$ 1)(( #c$ 1)5( #d$ 1)&(
55. 2onvert (1.&)85 to binary and 10110001101011.111100000110 to octal.
#a$ 101001.1011 and %&15'.8(&0 #b$ 110010.0111 and %&'51.8&(0
#c$ 100101.0101 and %1&5'.8(&0 #d$ 100011.0101 and %1&5'.80(&
5&. /12II is an acrony, ,eaningL
#a$ /,erican 1tandard 2ode for Interchange Infor,ation
#b$ /,erican 1tandard 2ode for Infor,ation Interchange
#c$ /,erican 1tandard 2ode for Infor,ation International
#d$ /,erican 1tandard 2ode for Infor,ative Interchange
58. 3hen an op a,p is not saturated! the voltages at the non-inverting and inverting
inputs are
#a$ /l,ost equal
#b$ Much different
#c$ Equal to the output voltage
#d$ Equal to H15 C
5). The trans-resistance of an a,plifier is the ratio of its
#a$ =utput current to input voltage
#b$ Input voltage to output current
#c$ =utput voltage to input voltage
#d$ =utput voltage to input current
5;. 3hen the t"o bases are grounded in a differential a,plifier! the voltage across
each e,itter diode is
#a$ <ero
#b$ 0.8 C
#c$ The sa,e
#d$ High
&0. The typical input stage of an operational a,plifier has a
#a$ 1ingle-ended input and single-ended output
#b$ 1ingle-ended input and differential output
#c$ 6ifferential input and single-ended output
#d$ 6ifferential input and differential output
&1. The input voltage to an e,itter follo"er is usually
#a$ 9ess than the generator voltage
#b$ Equal to the generator voltage
#c$ Ereater than the generator voltage
#d$ Equal to the supply voltage
&%. / square "ave output of an e,itter follo"er i,plies
#a$ >o clipping
#b$ 2lipping at saturation
#c$ 2lipping at cutoff
#d$ 2lipping on both pea+s
&'. *or a class ? push-pull e,itter follo"er to "or+ properly! the e,itter diodes ,ust
#a$ ?e able to control the quiescent current
#b$ Have a po"er rating greater than the output po"er
#c$ Have a voltage gain of 1
#d$ Match the co,pensating diodes
&(. In a buc+-boost regulator! the output voltage is filtered "ith a cho+e-input filter.
The buc+-boost regulator is also +no"n as
#a$ / step-do"n regulator
#b$ / step-up regulator
#c$ /n inverting regulator
#d$ /ll of the above
&5. Are,ise cables in 9ocal /rea >et"or+ #9/>$ bac+bones often contain DDDDDDDD.
#a$ =nly MM fiber #b$ only 1M fiber #c$ both MM and 1M fiber
#d$ =nly Alastic optical fiber
&&. 3hich of the follo"ing ite,s is0are part of a fiber optic trans,itter5
#a$ an optical source
#b$ a source drive circuit
#c$ an optical source and a source drive only
#d$ a and b and an interface circuit
&8. 9ight E,itting 6iodes #9E6s$ produce light by "hat process5
#a$ 7eco,bination #b$ sti,ulated e,ission
#c$ spontaneous e,ission #d$ Ahotosynthesis
&). In fiber optics syste,s! "hat are the principal types of detectors used5
#a$ Integrating spheres #b$ Ahotons
#c$ Ahotovoltaic diodes #d$ AI> photodiodes and /A6s
&;. 3hat are the t"o ,ost co,,on se,iconductor ,aterials used in electronic and
electro-optic devices5
#a$ Eer,aniu, and alu,inu, #c$ silicon and galliu, arsenide
#b$ Indiu, and zirconiu, #d$ zinc and platinu,
80. 3hat is the na,e of the current produced by a photodiode "hen no light is
incident on the device5
#a$ Threshold current #b$ reverse current #c$ direct current #d$ dar+ current
81. The first television picture tube "as developed in 1;%0s by Cladi,ir 1"ory+in!
an /,erican researcher. 3hat "as the na,e given on the first picture tube5
#a$ 2athode ray tube #b$ +inescope #c$ oscilloscope #d$ telescope
8%. In 1;0( a ?ritish scientist! constructed a vacuu, tube that allo"ed electrical
current in only one direction. The tube "as used to detect electro,agnetic "aves
and it "as the forerunner of the ,ore recent vacuu, diode tubes.
#a$ Triode #b$ audion #c$ *le,ing valve #d$ pentode
8'. *ind the resistance of a 100 ft. length of copper "ire "ith a cross sectional area of
)10.1 2M. The resistivity of copper is 10.( 2M-oh,0ft.
#a$ '.8& oh,s #b$ (.&5 oh,s #c$ 1.%)( oh,s #d$ %.5(' oh,s
8(. 3hat is the 1I unit of flu. density #?$5
#a$ Eauss #b$ 3eber #c$ Eilbert #d$ Tesla
85. If the opposition to current flo" refers to resistance "hat do you call the
opposition to creation of ,agnetis, and "hat is the 1I unit of such.
#a$ Aer,eance! 3b0/t, #b$ conductance! 3b0/t,
#c$ 7eluctance! /-t 03b #d$ susceptance! /-t03b
8&. / diode has a static resistance and a dyna,ic resistance. 3hat is the /2
resistance of a diode if the current is 1 ,/5
#a$ %5 oh,s #b$ %.5 oh,s #c$ %.& oh,s #d$ %& oh,s
88. *araday4s 9a" is stated as follo"sL
#a$ 3hen current through a coil changes! an induced voltage is created and
the direction is such that it al"ays opposes the change in current.
#b$ The voltage induced across a coil equals the nu,ber of turns in the coil
ti,es the rate of change of the ,agnetic flu..
#c$ =ne a,pere is the a,ount of current in a coil "hen a nu,ber of electrons
having one coulo,b of charge ,ove past a given point in one second.
#d$ =ne oh, of resistance e.ists "hen there is one a,pere of current in a coil
"ith one volt applied across it..
8). 3hen a conductor ,oves "ithin a ,agnetic field a voltage is induced across the
conductor. The faster the relative ,otion bet"een a conductor and ,agnetic field!
the DDDDDDDDDD is the induced voltage.
#a$ 9esser #b$ greater #c$ no voltage #d$ "ea+ voltage
8;. In a circuit "ith capacitance and resistance! the voltage and current during
charging and discharging ,a+e a &' change during each ti,e-constant interval.
*ive ti,e constants are required for a capacitor to fully charge or discharge. This
#a$ Ti,e constant #b$ transfer ti,e #c$ transient ti,e #d$ active ti,e
)0. 2apacitance is directly proportional to the plate area and dielectric constant and
inversely proportional to the distance bet"een the plates. 3hat is one factor that
deter,ines the brea+do"n voltage of a capacitor5
#a$ 6ielectric constant #b$ dielectric capacitance #c$ dielectric strength
#d$ 6ielectric capacity
)1. =ne of these is not a "ays of liberating free-electron #,ove,ent of free
#a$ 1econdary e,ission #b$ tertiary e,ission #c$ ther,ionic e,ission
#d$ *ield e,ission
)%. 6oping is "hat "e called adding of i,purities to a pure se,iconductor or crystal
in the purest for,. 3hat are the e.trinsic ,aterials5
#a$ 1i and Ee ,aterials #b$ p and n type ,aterials
#c$ ? and In ,aterials #d$ ?i and /s ,aterials
)'. Calence electron is an electron on the outer orbit. In a conduction band the
electron starts to flo". In the forbidden band! electron ,ust satisfy the energy
gap. 3hat is the energy gap for a se,iconductor ,aterial li+e ger,aniu, and
#a$ 0.' and 0.8 electron Colts #b$ 0.&8 and 1.1 electron Colts #c$
5.% and 8.& electron Colts #d$ 0 and 0.&8 electron Colts
)(. Aea+ inverse voltage for a ger,aniu, diode is (00C and for silicon is 1000C.
3hat is the other na,e for AIC of a diode5
#a$ 7everse 1aturation Coltage #b$ 7everse 2onduction Coltage
#c$ 7everse 6epletion Coltage #d$ 7everse ?rea+do"n Coltage
)5. / cut-off transistor has a condition of DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ nor,al operating condition
#b$ at open circuit you "ill have a ,a.i,u, voltage! conductivity is zero
#c$ at short circuit you "ill have a ,a.i,u, current! conductivity is high
#d$ /ll of the above.
)&. In a band pass filter #current response$ voltage output is DDDDDDDDDDDDDD at
resonance and in the band stop filter #voltage response$ voltage output is
DDDDDDDDDDD at resonance.
#a$ Mini,u,! ,a.i,u, #b$ ,ini,u,! ,ini,u,
#c$ Ma.i,u,! ,ini,u, #d$ ,a.i,u,! ,a.i,u,
)8. / series 72 circuit in "hich output voltage is ta+en across the capacitor is +no"n
#a$ 72 6ifferentiator #b$ 92 6ifferentiator
#b$ 92 Integrator #d$ 72 Integrator
)). / ,ultivibrator is a sequential logic circuit. 3hich one has no stable state but
s"itches continuously bet"een the t"o states that produce a train of square "aves
pulsed at fi.ed frequency.
#a$ Monostable #b$ bistable #c$ astable #d$ tristable
);. *ind the voltage drop develop across a 64/rsonval ,eter ,ove,ent having an
internal resistance of 1 +ilo oh,s and full deflection current of 150 ,icroa,pere5
#a$ 150 + Colt #b$ 150 , Colt #c$ 150 Colt #d$ 150 ,icrovolt
;0. The resonant circuit tuned collector transistor oscillator has a resonant frequency
of %5 MHz! if the value of 9 is decreased by 85! the ne" frequency "ould be5
#a$ ''.'' MHz #b$ 11.%5 MHz #c$ %&.85 MHz #d$ %).)) MHz
;1. 3hen voltage of 100C at 50 Hz is applied to a coil /! the current ta+en is )/ and
the po"er is 1%03. 3hen applied to coil ?! the current is 10/ and po"er is
5003. 3hat po"er "ould be ta+en "hen 100C is applied to the t"o coils
connected in series5
#a$ (8%8 3 #b$ 1(0 3 #c$ 80 3 #d$ 1(5( 3
;%. 3hat is the pri,ary to secondary i,pedance ratio if a transfor,er quadruples the
ac voltage5
#a$ 1L( #b$ (L1 #c$ 1L1& #d$ 1&L1
;'. 3hat is the voltage regulation that has 62 voltage of &8C "ithout load and (%C
"ith load5
#a$ 5;.5 #b$ 15.; #c$ &%.& #d$ '%.5
;(. The DDDDDDDDDDDDD are t"o of the ,ost co,,on ,echanical configuration of
industrial robots.
#a$ 1pherical and Aneu,atic #b$ /rticulated ar, and cylindrical
#c$ 1pherical and Hydraulic #d$ @ointed-ar, and electric
;5. / syste, in "hich the precise ,ove,ent of a large load controlled by a relatively
"ea+ signal.
#a$ Hydraulic #b$ Electro,agnetic #c$ 1ynchro #d$ 1ervo
;&. / user-progra, that has the ability to ,ove a robot a.is to any position "ithin its
#a$ Aoint to point #b$ 2ontinuous path #c$ Aositive stop #d$ Aic+ and place
;8. 3hat is the reason "hy robot actuators have lesser capabilities than electric or
hydraulic robot actuator5
#a$ It has quic+ response #b$ it has al"ays oil lea+s
#c$ It al"ays has all or nothing ,otion #d$ it has high initial cost
;). Magnetic ,aterials "ith per,eability slightly less than that of free space are
referred to as DDDDDDDDDDD.
#a$ *erro,agnetic #b$ non-,agnetic #c$ dia,agnetic #d$ para,agnetic
;;. Ho" does an oh,,eter behave if its positive lead is connected to cathode of a
diode "hile its negative lead is connected to anode5
#a$ Has increasing resistance #b$ has unstable resistance
#c$ Has infinite resistance #d$ has a very lo" resistance
100. 7efers to the radiation that results fro, reco,bination of charges carriers
inMected in A> or AI> Munction "hich is biased in the for"ard direction.
#a$ Malter effect #b$ 9ossev effect #c$ 1eebec+ effect #d$ 9e.e,burg effect

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