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Drop Shadows.

The only filter where you can change the dis-

tance between the object and its shadow. This is because
shadows are imposed on a movable Casting Plane. As you
move it further away the shadow projects larger; as you move
it closer the shadow becomes smaller.
Hinged Cast Shadows or Floating Cast Shadows. Since the
Casting Plane is movable, you can hinge it to the base of
the 2D object for a perfect cast shadow. Or unhinge it and
float the Casting Plane to cast sloping or angled shadows.
Transparent Shadows are for specific images where you would
expect light to pass through the object. The shadow shows features
of the object in the shadow.
Opaque Shadows are created from the silhouette of an Object in
your Input Image. Unlike Transparent Shadows, before entering the
Filter you need to select the background or inversely select the
Perspective Shadows A Camera in the Shadow filter points
to the center of your image. Pan the Camera right, left, up or
down to change the viewpoint of your image only or image
and shadow. (No active selection when using the Camera).
Zoom in or out and see new dimensional perspective
The Filter is the most advanced shadowing plug-in available. Its uniqueness is in using 3D
geometry to cast realistic shadows. A shadow of your Input Image is imposed on a Casting
Plane that can be oriented in 3D space behind or in front of the Input Image.
The Filter has 4 lights that can be individually selected and oriented in the space
surrounding the Input Image for multiple shadows.
The Filter has a virtual Camera. The Camera pans in space in front of the Input image for
unique perspective effects.
The Filters casts realistic 3D shadows. Not fake perspective blurs as seen in other prod-
ucts. The soft shadow edges blur naturally with distance. A QuickReview of the Filters
shadowing capability ...
The Filter is unique in its ability to easily change the natural shadow direction. Instead of
moving Shadow Lights in 3D space to change the shadow, drag the shadow to position.
The Shadow Lights move automatically. And the soft shadow edges naturally and
automatically blur.
Backlight, Footlight, & Multiple Shadows features make your
shadowing work more creative and time saving with realistic
edge blurring. No more difficult airbrushing or smudge tool
manipulation. Drag the shadows in any direction or angle and
watch the shadows edge change and blur.
Andromeda Shadow Filter
QuickReview & QuickGuide Card
I. Selecting Object to Shadow
2. Making Shadows
Transparent Shadows are for specific
images where you would expect light to
pass through the object. The shadow
shows features of the object in the shad-
For Transparent Shadows
- isolate the Object in the center on a white, gray or color
background with no layers or active selection (see first row
Step 2. Prep/Select the object to be shadowed in the host application
For Opaque Shadows, no layers:
- define a background selection in your host application (The
object to be shadowed is inversely selected)
- Flatten the image (no layers)
- Turn off Preserve Transparency (in Photoshop 4.0 Layers
palette) (see second row graphics)
For Opaque Shadows, using layers:
If the object is on a transparent layer and you are in
Photoshop 4.0 or higher:
- in the layers palette select the transparent layer, from the
drop down menu select Duplicate layer to make a layer copy
- select Layer 1 that is in the lower position
- Turn off Preserve Transparency (in Photoshop 4.0 Layers
(see third row graphics)
Step 1. Decide on transparent
or opaque shadows
Opaque Shadows are created
from the silhouette of an
Object (example a) in your
input image. This is the usual
This QuickGuide offers two options:
Guaranteed Shadowing, a recipe driven procedure
Using Presets, a effects driven procedure.
We recommend that you try both!!
The Filter has live Helper Panel: as you pass the cursor over any UI item (buttons, win-
dows, controls etc.), text in the Helper Panel changes to explain the item. If you need even
more info then see the User Manual.
QuickGuide to Making Shadows
Step 6. Set the Output Mode for Image+Shadow and click .
Cast Shadows
(Repeat Step 1 - 3 above).
Step 4. Turn on the Casting Plane Feature in Feature Pad.
Step 5. Click on the Get Hinge Control. A blue Hinge line will appear in the Fast
View window.
Step 7. Select
the Shadow
Light Feature on the Feature Pad. Move the cursor into the
FastView (center) window. With the cursor, click down and drag
or push down as if imposing it on to the ground.
Step 8. Adjust the Shadow Direction, Density and Edges as discussed above in
Guaranteed Drop Shadowing. Then click .
Guaranteed Shadowing
Drop Shadows
Step 1. In the host application prepare a flat image with a black, gray or color Object on a
white background.
Step 2. For Transparent Shadows leave the Object unselected. For Opaque Shadows,
select the white background.
Step 3. Call the Shadow Filter. Click on the Reset Button.
Step 4. This creates a Drop Shadow.
Sept 5. Adjusting.
Adjusting Shadow Direction:
The Reset turned on the Shadow Lights (Top right) feature.
Move the cursor into the FastView (center) Window. It changes
to a cursor. With this icon, click down on the shadow and
drag it to position.
Adjusting Shadow Size:
Using the Trackball controls, click on the inside IN arrow; it moves the Light
closer projecting a larger shadow. Click on the inside OUT arrow; it moves the
Light away creating a smaller shadow.
Step 6. Move the cursor to the FastView Window.
Use Hinge Grabber cursor to move the Hinge to the
base of the object.
The other controls (left to right) for Casting Plane are:
Elevator: moves the Casting Plane up and down,
Rotator: Rotates it around the input image, Tilter:
Angles or Tilts the plane (Click on Get Hinge to
restart the hinging, if you get lost)!
Adjusting Shadow Darkness:
Use the Light/Dark Density Slider
Adjusting Shadow edges:
Use the Sharp/Blur Slider.
For Questions or Technical Support Call 805 379 4109
Andromeda Software Inc.
699 Hampshire Rd., Suite 109
Thousand Oaks, CA. 91361 USA
Questions may also be FAXed to: 805 379 5253
Using Presets The Shadow Filter is loaded with ready shadow effects.
Using a Preset effect is an efficient starting point to generate a similar effect on your image.
We recommend that you use Presets often. Here is how to make a shadow using a Preset.
Step 1. In your host program either select the background of the object you want to use to
create the shadow or isolate the image on a white background or on a layer. See Selecting
an Object in this Quickstart.
Step 2.Your filter opens with the last preset selected, and the final
settings saved as the filter was last exited. Click on the Reset but-
ton to reset the controls to a standard drop shadow. Go directly to
the Presets Browser by clicking on the frame of the large
rectangular frieze (shown above) located in the top left of the UI.
Step 3. Click on the selection category based on selection made in host
application. Then select the subcategory to browse based
on feature (i.e. casting plane) that biases the effect.
Use the arrows to scroll through the presets in each sub-
category. (A description of each preset will appear in the
text window as the curser passes over each preset
Step 4. Choosing a Preset. Since factory set Presets were
built with our images, for best results there are two options:
a. if you want the exact effect on your image, then your
object (to be shadowed) must have
same selection criteria, size and
position as the object in the
Preset example
b. choose a preset that is close to
the same position on the
canvas and with the same type of
shadow you want to apply to your
Select the preset you want to use by clicking on its picture and click the OK icon to exit the
presets browser and return to the filter UI.
Final adjustments-
Your image may not match the preset exactly but adjustments can easily be made by
using the main controls in the filter.
Not this one
Your Image
Choose this
Tips: 1. Decide on Transparent or Opaque Shadows. 2. For Opaque shadows Filter
requires background selection or isolate object to a transparent layer 3. Turn Preserve
Transparency off in Photoshop layers palette 4. In the Filter ... Camera use requires no
active selection 5. In the Filter ... set Inverse Selection button to correct setting 6. In the
Filter ... set Protect Selection to correct setting 7. In the Filter ... for exact Preset effect,
your object must be in the same position as the Preset objects position 8. In Filter ...
choose the correct Output Mode.

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